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Travels Journeys C-SPAN’S Campaign 2008 Bus makes a stop at Chautauqua, Page 2 The Chautauquan Daily VOLUME CXXXII, ISSUE 41 The Official Newspaper of the Chautauqua Institution | Thursday, August 7, 2008 CHAUTAUQUA , NEW YORK 50¢ Patel brings message of service, dialogue International by Natalie Sowa Staff writer Eboo Patel’s life is about travels journeys. His latest journey will bring him to Chautauqua CSO travels to Persia to discuss his experiences as an American Muslim and the with music inspired creation of the Interfaith Youth Core. He will speak at 10:45 a.m. today at the Amphitheater. by Shahnameh Through his lecture en- titled “Acts of Faith,” Patel Patel will explain that “building an interfaith youth move- ment is one of the most vi- cording to the IFYC’s Web site. Patel explained that the tal causes of our time.” He success of the Core is built said that “young people on the idea that “an interfaith need to be at the center and youth movement has to fo- vanguard” of an interfaith cus on the areas on which we movement, just as they are agree on on Earth — shared needed in the human rights values of mercy, of compas- movement, the environmen- sion, of hospitality, of service tal movement and other im- — and ask how we can apply portant social causes. those values together.” Patel is the executive di- The Interfaith Youth Core rector of the Interfaith Youth trains youth around the Core (IFYC), a Chicago-based world to start interfaith proj- organization that “promotes ects, with an emphasis on ser- mutual respect and plural- vice projects based on beliefs ism among people from dif- common to various religious ferent religious traditions by traditions. empowering them to work together to serve others,” ac- See PatEL, Page 4 Husband, wife speak on JoAnn Falletta and Behzad Ranjbaran Story by Matthew E. Campbell | Staff writer Western Muslim identity Photo by Caitlin M. Prarat by Judy Lawrence tween Muslims and the West Staff writer and has been in constant de- Guest conductor JoAnn and entered become an ardent champion of mand as a speaker especially Falletta will present a Persian- the Tehran Ranjbaran’s music. She com- Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s since 9/11. flavored program with the Conserva- missioned and gave the world wife, Daisy Khan, will join Khan is currently directing Chautauqua Symphony Or- tory of Music premiere of Seven Passages him at 2 p.m. today in the Hall two cutting-edge programs: chestra at 8:15 p.m. tonight in at age 9. At in 2000 with the Long Beach of Philosophy. Rauf is founder Muslim Leaders of Tomor- the Amphitheater. The pro- age 16, his Symphony Orchestra, and then and CEO and Khan is execu- row, which seeks to empower gram opens with Iranian-born studies were recorded it and the entire “Per- tive director of the American emerging Muslim leaders in Behzad Ranjbaran’s Seven interrupted sian Trilogy” (of which Seven Society for Muslim Advance- North America and Europe; Passages, a work from 2000 in- by several Wolfram Passages is one part) with the ment. The topic of their lecture and Muslim Women Lead- spired by Shahnameh: The Per- months in a London Symphony Orchestra. is the de- ers’ Forum, sian Book of Kings, an epic poem political pris- Seven Passages was also per- velopment an annual made up of tens of thousands on, prompting him to decide to formed this past March by the of the West- international Gof couplets that is to Iran what leave Iran, which he did a few Philadelphia Orchestra. ern Muslim forum for the The Iliad is to the West. The years later in 1977. He moved Ranjbaran’s music has identity. development program also includes Rim- to the United States, studying many champions: Joshua Bell R a u f by Muslim sky-Korsakov’s beloved Sche- at Indiana University before gave the world premiere of his is Imam women of herazade, based on One Thou- earning a doctorate in com- violin concerto in 2003, and of Masjid strategies for sand and One Nights, another position at Juilliard, where he pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet Al-Farah Rauf Khan the advance- keystone of Persian literature. was classmate to Falletta and and the Atlanta Symphony Mosque in Pianist William Wolfram will played the violin in an orches- Orchestra under Robert Spano ment of their rights. join the orchestra in a sidestep tra under Falletta when she premiered his piano concerto New York City, the mosque Together, Khan and her hus- to Hungary with Liszt’s Piano was a fledgling conducting this past June. closest to the site of the former band mentor young Muslims Concerto No. 1 in E-flat major. student. World Trade Center, where he on the challenges of cultural Ranjbaran was born in 1955 Over the years, Falletta has See IntErnatIONAL, Page 4 preaches a message of peace assimilation and reconciling Muslim and Western Identity. and understanding between people. He has dedicated his life to building bridges be- See RAUF, Page 4 CLSC author explores violations, struggles with Ten Commandments in America by Rebecca Black in the commandments that is spondent for Atheists. When not writing But readers should not Staff writer vitally important to making newspapers books, he is a senior fellow think the issues raised are human communities func- like The New with The Nation Institute limited to the examples in The Ten Commandments tion,” he said, “which is why York Times and a columnist for “Truth- the book. are evident in some form in I thought they were and are for 20 years dig,” a political blog. “I think all of us, if we’re almost every major religion the perfect lens with which and as an Losing Moses on the Free- honest, have at one point in — including the Egyptian one can look at themselves a graduate way takes each command- our life, for a certain period Book of the Dead — and and the society around them, of Harvard ment in turn and gives at of time, been completely keep communities together Hedges which is what I set out to do D i v i n i t y least one extreme example, consumed and dominated in a way that legal systems in my book.” sometimes from Hedges’ and controlled and ob- School, Hedges also has cannot, said author and Hedges is the author of life, of how violating the sessed by one of the viola- written several books about journalist Chris Hedges. Losing Moses on the Free- commandment can con- tions raised by one of the He will speak on the way: The 10 Commandments the spiritual meaning of sume a person’s life. commandments, and often meaning of the Ten Com- in America, which is this war. War Is a Force That Gives He uses a decorated Viet- times it’s a violation we mandments and their im- week’s featured book for Us Meaning was a best-sell- nam War veteran to demon- did not seek, it’s a violation portance to people at 3:30 the Chautauqua Literary & er. His most recent books strate You Shall Not Kill; a that was visited upon us,” p.m. today at the Hall of Scientific Circle. are Collateral Damage: Amer- follower of the band Phish Hedges said. Philosophy. Combining his back- ica’s War Against Iraqi Civil- illustrates the second com- “There is something with- grounds as a war corre- ians and I Don’t Believe in mandment against false idols. See HEDGES, Page 4 Today’s Weather Reason for ‘Teenage A stitch in research love’ time HIGH: 74° LOW: 60° Voice students ‘Midsummer’ The inspiration take a critical actors explore behind the Class Scattered T-Storms PRECIP: 30% look into a immaturity, of 2008 banner different era. dependence Page 5 Friday’s Weather Page 6 and hormones 10 HIGH: 67° Page LOW: 59° Isolated T-Storms PRECIP: 30% Page 4 The Chautauquan Daily Thursday, August 7, 2008 FROM paGE ONE INTERNATIONAL — was so strong that years the rehearsals and will attend all things in between in this PATEL “deep respectfulness of the FROM PAGE 1 later it would become part of tonight’s CSO performance of concerto,” Wolfram said. “It FROM PAGE 1 other person’s differences, Seven Passages. Seven Passages. offers a tremendous variety: which might in fact be mu- Although Shahnameh is a Ranjbaran’s presence has it has a lot of physicality, a lot tually exclusive from your Falletta performs Ranjba- An important compo- national book and holds great been exciting to Falletta. of flashy technique and very own faith.” ran’s music frequently. Last significance for Iran, Ranjba- “The closest I can get to the nent of the Core is its annu- Patel earned a doctor- intimate, beautiful melodies. al Day of Interfaith Youth weekend, she conducted the ran appreciates it because it’s creative process is to work with ate in sociology of religion I think for the audience it has Service. These events, entire Persian Trilogy with the a great piece of literature and composers on their work,” she from Oxford University as a menu that’s very varied and which are held at over 30 Toronto Symphony Orches- its author, the poet Ferdowsi, said. “That’s very exciting for a Rhodes scholar. He is fea- satisfying.” sites around the world, tra to celebrate Shahnameh’s was a master of imagination. me because having a live com- tured in the “On Faith” blog Wolfram has worked many combine community ser- 1,000th anniversary, according “My approach to this book poser there and having him series which is co-hosted by times with Falletta, who is ex- vice projects with interfaith to The Toronto Star.
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