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.1 i.r\. t. .:.."..-.^^.y-'- <Gr-.-,,-^» ,\, HERALD. , '^ ,'/\ \ Published Every Tusaday -i "N ^ !i «?-, f J malics toward no: and Friday Noon. H, l jULi? O U JA/.!LL¥JUi Ji i il. iiJi>kiniJL4i and SUMMIT RECORD THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NO. 77 SUMMIT, N. J-, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 5, 1928 $3.10 PEE YE. YOLUNTEKKS SEEDED I STRUCK MY STOSE A.N I) feat Place iracliiaies Thirty^seven WHAT Hill TTOH' E*0 rOU TflRSli SEEDY HIES BY AUTOMOBILE Thousand Summit School Children First rehearsal for Summit's 1 e.phodes for Union County "Summit,' the name conjures up a pleasant picture,—winding J. T. Reinfclcler, of Chatham, Yomig Ladies at Commencement Yesterday Pagean^to be held at Y. W. C roads, fhady trees, attractive homes, comfort and security. Surely, met with two accidents in a 1 Bis Juste Fete at Memorial Ffeff A. grounds, Friday evening, in such MirroundinBs there can be no poverty, no cruelty, no un matter of seconds, as he was Dtenn Mendell of Ya!c dives Address Before Crowd June Sth, from 7.30 to 8.15 necessary suti'cring. driving his car along the Mor Large, Well=Trained Groups Present Inteirestkg DJrilU, o'clock. Volunteers needed. But there are those who know otherwise. Thi'i past year the ris turnpike, Saturday after Which Was Forced indoors By Weather—Bacca= Mrs. William. J. Ward, 18 Summit Homo ior Children, a Protectant home for the poor and noon. He was struck first hy a Under Physical Training Heads, Interspersed Wriii': Tlobnrt avenue, chairman. needy children ol" Summit and lis vicinity, had sixty-four applica rock and then by another auto laureate Sunday—Musical, Art Exhibit and Class tions for entrance, of which, on account of their lack of funds, the mobile. Races—Four Thousand on Field Present Beaaafiajj'.- > Home could only accept seven -fifty-four needy children turned Four caddies were returning Day Saturday away for the lack of a few more dollars. horn J to Madison from the Maty is the oldest of four children. Her mother died when Canoe Brook Country Club. Training a thousand school children to a precision that is milltar;- Yesterday afternoon the Commencement Exercise;) at Kent Place Daily Vacation the last baby was liDin and her father deserted Ids family when One of the four was throwing is not easy. Yet it i3 what Miss Grace E. Junes and her assistants did m School, the crowning feature of tho events during the past three days that baby was two weeks old. Mary and her two little brothers stones. One of tho stones preparation for the public school fete. And it made the dilfereuco be which liave. led up to it, took place in tlio gymnasium of tho school whou were taken into the Summit Home for Children, while the baby si ruck Mr. lleinfelder. As soon Bible School tween mediocrity and great success. The June fete Saturday afternoon the class of IKS received their diplomas from Frank L. Crawford, presi was sent to a nursery in Newark. Nov/ ihc baby is three years as lie was struck, Mr. Rein- old, too old for the nursery to keep him any longer. Mary wants was a great success. dent of the Board of Trustees, In the presence of a throng of visiters, fclder stopped his car. As he him in the Home with her—she is almost fourteen now and «,oon did so another car driven by In successive waves that followed one another almost with the regu tho entire faculty and school body. Plans To Open Sessions will be able to work to help support htm. But again, there is no Felix Mui-chc, of Elizabeth, larity of an ocean swell, the large groups swept one by one onto Soldier:-.' The exercise;!, impressive yet ' This Year Earlier Than money, "no room in the inn" for thaL baby unless the rest of us crashed into him, damaging Memorial Field, covered it for a few minutes, iinlshed their act and faded simple, included the singing hy the will come forward. both cars, Officer Roller out. silently while another group surged on In order to fake their place.-., whole school of several beautiful Heretofore — <3ut=of= This week is the Home's campaign for membership. What are brought in two of the boys who Over three thousand persons MI choral selections, the awarding of Oratory Seta®. jon willing to give that theirc in>mclc:s and needy children may were released after telling the in the stands or on improvised :ipeel,-il prizes by Miss Harriet Uoor Classes have a better start in life? story. The fourth boy admitted bleachers, or stood on the track all Barncd Hunt, tho principal, and an later to the Madison police that, Watchtmg Riding the way around the oval. South unusually fine address to the Commencemeffl Making Most of Vacation lie had thrown tile stone. No field was utilized for a parkin;-, seniors by Dean Clarence W. Men- complaint has been made. place. Around a hundred and fiti,\ dell of Yale College. "Making the most of vacation" . ClnbMee cars wore parked hero, acconlli'p Dean Mendell, eminently iltted, Nine Graduated at Exer= will be the slogan of the fourth to Chief of Police Murphy. Eight through his daily contacts with cises Held Sunday—Ad= session of tho Community Daily Va se ASS n officers guided traffic without ;;» young people, to .understand and cation Bible School which will be Equestrians Looking For= accident. Superintendent ol the log ©wners Should Field Fred Grahau put the full meet their needs, spoke most con dress by Monsignor Ak= held in Summit this year. Ono way Rotary Qub Guests - ward to Second Annual vincingly ot what he felt to he the in which as much as possible will as 10th lirtliay number of those on the field dur especial needs hi this present age of Kean and FatSier Joseph be made of the summer, will be the Event in Park Reserva= ing tho afternoon at -1,000 including Be WatcMti the Btudcnts. throwing over tho old and accepted holding of classes out-of-doors. Celebration of the Organ= Deaii Metzger of Rutgers tion—Several Prizes standards of a previous generation, Awards, Prizes Announced Plans are. under way at the present Arrnniji'd by Hiss Jones and, (n the manner of youth every time to arrange for classes to meet izing of Group Which dive's Address to Ko=Te n (tJog=bites Reported to The fete was supervised by Mi:,:. where today, of playing the game of out-of-doors not only for their Grace E. Jones assisted by El wood Tho commencement exercises of life unaided by them. If, said the recreation, but for other periods, Has Dome So Much For tarians and Boys at List of Judges Named C. Cornog, Miss Eleanor F. Daven Oiatory School were held Sunday Health Board •— dean, yon intend to play tho game so far as can conveniently be ar port, and Eben Thomas. The c< .,- Amateur Dramatics Luncheon. Meeting Summit's equestrians are prepar yourselves, you must also make the afternoon, June 3rd, on the campus ranged, provided the weather per Complaints Made on tunics were designed hy tho sou - rule,':> yourselves. And that la Iniin- of the school. mits. Barking Dogs ing for the Watehung Riding Club ing department under Miss Jose itely more difficult than In former Addresses were delivered by the Attendance Contest Report meet which will take place next phine Noyes and Miss Marion The Central Schools will open Franklin's Grigmal Poem times when certain deferences and headmaster, The Very Rev. Father Saturday. The meet will be the Uubch. The programs which the Monday, Juno 25th. running four references were conceded to the second lo lake place in the club's students sold at a nickel each, Joseph, and the principal speaker weeks. This is one week earlier Among the many interesting] Dean Frasor Merger, of Rutgers Short Hills Rabies Cases ring. The evnts, according to were designed hy the art rtepa.-l- wisdom and experience of those who of the .esereir.es. The Right. Rev. than usual. However, as the Daily events which are taking place at |University, gave a talk in which he ment under Mlns E. Adele nep had played the game before one. Monsignor William 1'. McKcan. Vacation Bible School means pleas this season with the wind-up of the'stressed the world's call lor lead The. undesirable dog is making Major Guy Bates, president of the The present fashion has many hron. Tho following members of the ure, rather than work, the boys and winter's numerous and varied com- ership, beiore the thirty-five f.enior jl(!, undesirability felt in Summit in club, will be varied enough to'offer advantages over rho customs of other years, said the deaii, but tlio graduating class received diplomas girls will probably bo delighted urday night of especial note. The boys of the Summit High School an jneroasinq manner. Dogs an opportunity to all. The afternoon was warm, al Playhouse Association had a tenth though a refreshing breeze blew crux of tho whole argument for and Erdniann Brandt, Katonah, N. Y.;wit h this arrangement. who were guests of the Summit Ro- w)loso nark ls W01.KU than their bite Enthusiasts of the sport have anniversary birthday party. tary Club yesterday I a re making more noisome the early donated live prizes. One of these, from the west. The air was un against lies in the fact that there it CoriioHus Brcifunbaeh, Summit: The school, which has lor the, The celebration, which was in the Never, he said, has the world s ..