ISSUE 4 June 2007 Welcome to issue 4 of our virtual magazine eFlags, bringing you new flag news and facts between editions of Flagmaster. In this edition apart from our headline article we have also introduced two challenges for members to think about. Would you like you design a new flag for New Zealand? Well this is your chance! And do you know of an obscure Royal Standard, all your contributions would be most welcome! Members are encouraged to visit our website which with the appointment of our new webmaster will soon be much improved and updated As always any comments or suggestions would be gratefully received at
[email protected] . THE FLAGS OF THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH page 2 FLAGS IN THE NEWS page 9 PUTTING A FACE ON FLAGS page 10 SITES OF VEXILLOGICAL INTEREST page 11 MEMBERS’ CHALLENGES page 12 Obscure ‘Royal’ Standard of the Season…. New New Zealand FLAG INSTITUTE NEWS page 13 HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH THE INSTITUTE page 15 1 The Flags of HRH The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh HRH The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, the husband of HM Queen, will celebrate his 86 th birthday on 10 th June this year, and so it felt appropriate that this issue of eFlags should acknowledge this extraordinary gentleman as possibly the greatest living flag bearer in the world. Whilst most gentleman of a certain age might be known as having a tie for every occasion, HRH seems to have a flag for every occasions. The original thought had been to start this article with a list of his titles and roles, but after the briefest of hits on the Royal and other pertinent websites, the list, in small print occupied two whole sides of A4 paper 1 so those with such an interest are asked to look it up for themselves.