SPD-Address list in the order of priority to address

1. Minister , Vice Chancellor, Minister of Finance, Chancellor Candidate: [email protected] & olaf.scholz@.de Address: Honourable Vice Chancellor, Dear Minister Scholz, 2. Minister , Minister of Justice, [email protected] & [email protected] Address: Dear Minister Lambrecht, 3. and Norbert Walter-Borjans, Co-Chairs of the SPD , [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Address: Dear Mrs. Esken, Dear Mr. Walter-Borjans, ( Can be sent together in 1 Mail!) 4. Rolf Mützenich, MdB, Head of SPD Faction in the German Bundestag, [email protected] [email protected] Address: Dear Mr. Mützenich, 5. Dr. , MdB, Spokesperson for Development, [email protected] Address: Dear Dr. Raabe 6. , MdB, the only SPD-MP voting for an earlier motion sponsored by party to suspend Covid 19 patent rights, [email protected] Address: Dear Mrs. Schieder, 7. , MEP, S&D Spokesperson on Development, one of the promotors of the S&D Fractions’ support of the patent waiver, [email protected] Address: Dear Mr. Bullmann 8. , MEP, former German Minister of Justice, Vice President of the , [email protected] und kontakt@katarina- barley.de Address: Dear Mrs. Barley, 9. , MdB, Member of Foreign Committee, Member of the Ad-hoc COVID Parliamentary Consulting Committee, [email protected] Address: Dear Mrs. Schmidt, 10. , MdB, Vice-President of Parliament, Spokesperson on COVID issues, [email protected] Address: Dear Mrs. Ziegler,