
Leopard - pyrina L. schmetterling-raupe.de The wingspan of the moth is 30-70 mm. The basic colour of the forewings is transparent white, the patterns along the edges are pitch black, in between the veins there are blueish black dots and patches. The coloring of the hindwings looks similar. The head is white, the face is black, the thorax is white with 6 black dots. The abdomen is white, at the beginning of the segments with blackish hairs. Host plants of the larva include: apple, , , walnuts, medlars, but it develops also on many other orchard or forest trees and bushes. It can also damage raspberries, currants or gooseberries. Damage: the larva bores tunnels inside the branches. Its presence can be detected by the sawdust-like debris The moth, which is captured in the trap under attacked trees. In contrast to the larger goat moth (Cossus cossus), the caterpillars of the leopard moth do not live in large trunks of old trees, rather in twigs, branches and thin trunks of young trees. ukmoths.org.uk The branches infested can break off easily. In nurseries the infestation can be observed even at 5 - 25 cm above soil level! The pheromone trap should be placed attached to a pole at least 30-40 cm ABOVE THE TREE CANOPY![3] This positioning of the traps is of utmost importance! Only traps above the canopy will catch the leopard moth in sizeable numbers! Usual beginning of trapping in Hungary is beginning of June. Selectivity of the CSALOMON® trap (based on tests performed in Hungary): the VARb3 modified funnel trap does not catch other apart from the leopard moth. The larva and its damage which should be averted Although its pheromone bait is attractive also to the currant borer (Synanthedon tipuliformis), this sesiid however cannot be captured in the VARb3 trap design. (Trap designs specifically targeted for capture of the currant borer are available in our range of products!) Occasionally significant catches of scarabs (i.e. Anoxia orientalis, etc.) can be observed, however, these are attributable to the position and physical design of the trap and not to the attractancy by the bait. Longevity of the CSALOMON® trap in field conditions: Depending on the warmth of the weather at least 4-6 weeks. After this period we suggest to exchange the bait to a new one for most effective detection and monitoring. The VARb3 funnel trap is capable of sensitive detection, and of quantitatively following the population changes during the season. It has very large catch capacity, so it is also suitable for mass trapping. Using the traps one can establish whether the leopard moth is present in the orchard in question. If yes, the seasonal flight can be monitored. Due to the hidden life habits of the caterpillar the control of this pest is very difficult. www.inra.fr www.inra.fr In biological orchards and backyard gardens damage can be decreased by localizing the tunnels of the caterpillars, and by injecting petrol or similar killing agents into the tunnel. The tunnel opening should be closed by wax.[1,2].

[1]Balás, G. Pests of horticultural plants. (in Hung.). 2nd ed., MezŒgazd. Kiadó, Budapest, 1966. [2]Bodor, J. Növényvédelem, 8:478-480., 1972. [3]Voigt et al., Agrofórum, 2006(1).

Foto: Voigt E. Damage on tree

is a registered trademark of the Plant Protection Institute, MTA ATK, Budapest, Hungary. To order / to inquire: MTA ATK Növényvédelmi Intézet (Plant Prot. Inst. MTA ATK) Budapest, Pf 102, H-1525, Hungary; phone. +(36-1)-391-8637, +(36)-30-9824999; fax +(36-1)-3918655; e-mail: or ; internet: . Foto: Voigt E.

Trap Zeuzera pyrina height total catch 4 m 64 moths

2 m 2 moths

Captures of Z. pyrina in pheromone traps set at different altitudes.[3] For most sensitive detection and monitoring Foto: Voigt E. we recommend to set the trap ABOVE the tree canopy! Photo: Nagy Z. L.

So it looks when caught in the CSALOMON® VARb3 trap!