Pomology, Viticulture and Enology Original Scientific Paper The spectrum of harmful arthropod fauna from the vineyard S.D. Banu Maracine – Craiova Catalin Stan, Ovidiu Tuca, Ion Mitrea University of Craiova, str. A.I. Cuza nr. 13, cod 200585, Craiova, Romania, e_mail:
[email protected] Abstract For the quantitative determination of pest population dynamics and in order to establish the necessity of control treatment , an investigation regarding the harmful arthropod fauna in the vineyard from the winegrowing center Banu Mărăcine has been made in the years 2007 and 2008. Within the viticultural ecosystem from the S.D. Banu Mărăcine a number of 68 species of harmful arthropods has been identified, sistematically framed in 9 different orders. The most numerous order has been Coleoptera with 21 species, followed by the Lepidoptera order with 16 species and Heteroptera order with 11 species. From the total of 68 harmful arthropods species a number of 47 species represent species harmful for grapevine and 21 indifferent species. Key words: harmful entomofauna, key pests, potential pests, migratory species Introduction The classification of animal pests after Smith and Van der Bosch (1967) comprises, besides the key species, the group of the secondary pests, which can produce damages in certain areas and conditions, also being known as occasional pests. Although they do not produce damages year after year, they must be monitorised and controlled, thus, they will not become key pests as a consequence of missing human activities. Usually these species are under the economically treshold (P.E.D.) due to their natural control. However, these occasional pests are represented first by the potential pests, which do not produce significant damages from the economically point of view, but in some cases they can fall into the group of secondary or key pests, and second by the migratory species, which proceed from other crops and can became dangerous for grapevine under certain conditions.