Pomology, Viticulture and Enology

Original Scientific Paper The spectrum of harmful fauna from the vineyard S.D. Banu Maracine – Craiova

Catalin Stan, Ovidiu Tuca, Ion Mitrea

University of Craiova, str. A.I. Cuza nr. 13, cod 200585, Craiova, Romania, e_mail: [email protected]

Abstract For the quantitative determination of pest population dynamics and in order to establish the necessity of control treatment , an investigation regarding the harmful arthropod fauna in the vineyard from the winegrowing center Banu Mărăcine has been made in the years 2007 and 2008. Within the viticultural ecosystem from the S.D. Banu Mărăcine a number of 68 species of harmful has been identified, sistematically framed in 9 different orders. The most numerous order has been Coleoptera with 21 species, followed by the order with 16 species and order with 11 species. From the total of 68 harmful arthropods species a number of 47 species represent species harmful for grapevine and 21 indifferent species.

Key words: harmful entomofauna, key pests, potential pests, migratory species

Introduction The classification of pests after Smith and Van der Bosch (1967) comprises, besides the key species, the group of the secondary pests, which can produce damages in certain areas and conditions, also being known as occasional pests. Although they do not produce damages year after year, they must be monitorised and controlled, thus, they will not become key pests as a consequence of missing human activities. Usually these species are under the economically treshold (P.E.D.) due to their natural control. However, these occasional pests are represented first by the potential pests, which do not produce significant damages from the economically point of view, but in some cases they can fall into the group of secondary or key pests, and second by the migratory species, which proceed from other crops and can became dangerous for grapevine under certain conditions. Depending on the area, pedological and climatic conditions, key pests may occur in varied densities, leading to an determination of different damaging tresholds in different years, so that a standard integrate management can not be applied.

Material and methods For the quantitative determination of pest population dynamics and in order to establish the necessity of control treatment , an investigation reagarding the harmful arthropod fauna , in the vineyard from the winegrowing center Banu Mărăcine has been made in the years 2007 and 2008. The aim of this work was to evaluate the structure of the biocoenosys and the critical damaging treshold. In order to evaluate the harmful entomofauna from the vineyard of the S.D. Banu Maracine during the research period (2007-2008), entomological material was collected using different means and methods: collecting with the entomological net, tests in the soil or on the soil surface (on the interval between the rows), lightning traps, coloured traps, visual

876 44th Croatian & 4th International Symposium on Agriculture Vodarstvo, vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo control, analysing the sample with magnifying glasses or microscope in the field or laboratory. The material was collected at different vegetation phases of the vine. The collected species were analysed and identified according to the determinators published in the Romanian Fauna (Panin 1951) and European Fauna (Chinery 1998).

Results and discussion Within the viticultural ecosystem from the S.D. Banu Mărăcine, 68 species of harmful arthropods have been identified (table 1), sistematically framed in 9 orders.

Table 1. The vine entomofauna identified in the viticultural ecosystem from S.D. Banu Mărăcine Nr. crt Order Scientific denomination 1 vitis Page. 2 Tetranychus urticae Koch. 3 Panonychus ulmi Koch. 4 Calepitrimerus vitis Nal. 1 Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L. 2 Gryllus campestris L. 3 Gryllus desertus L. 4 Ephippiger ephippiger Fieb. ORTHOPTERA 5 Caliptamus italicus L. 6 Locusta migratoria L. 7 Dociostaurus maroccanus Thunb. 8 Tetigonia viridisima 1 DERMAPTERA Forficula auricularia L. 1 THYSANOPTERA Anaphothrips vitis Priesner 1 Lygus pabulinus L. 2 Lygus pratensis L. 3 Dolycoris bacarum L. 4 maura L. 5 Eurygaster austriaca Schr. 6 HETEROPTERA Aelia acuminata L. 7 Aelia rostrata Boh. 8 Eurygaster integriceps L. 9 oleracea L. 10 Eurydema ornata L. 11 Pentatoma rufipes L. 1 Empoasca vitis Goethe 2 HOMOPTERA Ceresa bubalus L. 4 Pulvinaria vitis Targ.. 1 Vespa vulgaris L. 2 HYMENOPTERA Vespa germanica L. 3 Vespa crabro L. 1 Melolontha melolontha L 2 Amphimalon solstitialis L. 3 Rhyzothrogus aequinoctialis Herb. 4 COLEOPTERA Polyphylla fullo F. 5 Anoxia orientalis L. 6 Anomala solida Er. 7 Anomala vitis F.

877 44. hrvatski i 4. međunarodni simpozij agronoma Pomology, Viticulture and Enology

8 Anomala dubia Scop. 9 Lethrus apterus L. 10 Phyllopertha horticola L. 11 Epicometis hirta poda. 12 Cetonia aurata L. 13 Oxythyrea funesta Poda. 14 Agriotes obscurus L. 15 Agriotes ustulatus Schall. 16 Agriotes lineatus L. 17 Haltica ampelophaga Gue.-Men. 18 Byctiscus betulae L. 19 Otiorrhynchus ligustici L. 20 Ottiorrhynchus sulcatus F. 21 Opatrum sabulosum L. 1 Lobesia botrana Den et Schif. 2 Sparganotis pilleriana Den et schif. 3 Clysia ambiguelia Hb. 4 Loxostege stiticalis L. 5 Scotia segetum Schiff. 6 Plusia gamma L. 7 Scotia ypsilon Hufn. 8 Mamestra brassicae L. LEPIDOPTERA 9 Euxoa nigricans L. 10 L. 11 Vanessa polychloros L. 12 Pieris brassicae L. 13 Pieris rapae L. 14 Pieris napi L. 15 Aporia crataegi L. 16 Hyphantria cunea Drury.

The most numerous order has been Coleoptera with 21 species, followed by the Lepidoptera order with 16 species, and Heteroptera order with 11 species. From the total number of 68 harmful Arthropods species, 47 species represent species harmful for grapevine and 21 indifferent species, for which the relationship to grapevine is not clear (table 2).

Table 2. The structure of the entomofauna at S.D. Banu Mărăcine Nr. of damaging species Nr. of indiferent species Order TOTAL for the vine for the vine Acari 4 0 4 Orthoptera 8 0 8 Dermaptera 1 0 1 Thysanoptera 1 0 1 Heteroptera 4 7 11 Homoptera 3 0 3 Hymenoptera 3 0 3 Coleoptera 18 3 21 Lepidoptera 5 11 16 TOTAL 47 21 68

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The structure of the damaging entomofauna in the viticultural ecosystem from S.D. Banu Mărăcine expressed as percentage is the following: damaging species for the grapevine represent 69%, and indifferent species for the vine represent 31%.

Conclusions Following the recorded results we can conclude that the major groups of vine pests from the viticultural ecosystem at S.D. Banu Mărăcine are: Key pests: vine acarians (Eriophyes vitis Page., Tetranychus urticae Koch., Panonychus ulmi Koch., and Calepitrimerus vitis Nal.) and the vine (Lobesia botrana Den et Schif., Eupoecilia ambiguella Hb., and Sparganotis pilleriana Den et Schif.). Secondary pests (occasional): Genul Anomala Sam., Pulvinaria vitis Targ., Melolontha melolontha L., Polyphylla fullo F., Potential pests: Phylloxera vastatrix Planch., Vespa spp. L., Otiorrhynchus ligustici L., Agriotes spp. L., Byctiscus betulae L. Besides these species, there are series of other species frequently encountered and considered to be migratory: Haltica ampelophaga Gue., Ceresa bubalus L., Dolycoris baccarum L., Lygus pratensis L., Amphimalon soltitialis L., Rhyzotrogus aequinoctialis Herb. Zeuzera pyrina L., Hyphantria cunea Drury. etc.

References Chinery M. (1998). Guida degli insetti d‘Europa. Grupo editoriale Franco Muzzio editore, Padova. Panin L. (1951). Determinatorul Coleopterelor dăunătoare şi folositoare din R.P.R. Editura de Stat, Bucureşti. Smith, R. F. & R. van den Bosch. 1967. Integrated pest management. p. 295-340. In: W. W. Kilgore & R. L. Doutt (eds.), Pest Control. Academic Press, New york. 477 p.

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