
Oak pests in

Pascale El-Bared

June 2016


I- Introduction II- What is killing aging trees in Lebanon? . pyrina or the wood leopard • Symptoms • Treatments . scopolii or Capricorn • Symptoms • Treatments III- Lymantria dispar or The gypsy moth • Biology and life cycle • Symptoms • Treatments

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I- Introduction

constitute a major group of trees and shrubs of a highly important biodiversity value that are regrouped under the genus Quercus L. (Fagaceae), out of which 30 are found in the Euro-Mediterranean region (Govaerts and Frodin, 1998, Denk and Grimm, 2010).

Lebanon is considered a biodiversity hotspot of the East Mediterranean Basin and a habitat for 7 oak taxa (Abi Saleh et al., 1976; Tohmé and Tohmé, 2014).

 the 7 taxa identified by previous works conducted in Lebanon (Mouterde, 1966; Tohmé and Tohmé, 2014) are detailed and referred to their accepted names in the World Checklist of Selected Plant families (WCSP), based on Govaret and Frodin (1998), and the International Plant Names Index (http://www.ipni.org/index.html). These taxa are:  Quercus calliprinos  Q. cedrorum  Q. cerris  Q. infectoria  Q. ithaburensis  Q. look and  Q. pubescens

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Mediterranean oak forest is widely distributed throughout the country. However, only a fraction remains, as the trees have been cleared from antiquity to make room for our houses and fields. Even today we are losing forest cover due to fires, construction and habitat degradation.

 Nevertheless good examples of oak forest can still be found at Arz el Shouf Nature Reserve, Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve, Bentael Nature Reserve, Aammiq, Jabal Moussa, and many other places.

II- What is killing aging oak trees in Lebanon? Case study in Iklim – October 13,2015

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Two pests are attacking the oak trees: the primary and most harm done to these trees is by a moth commonly known as Wood Leopard Moth with the scientific name Zeuzera pyrina, where this deposits its eggs inside the tree and the larvae feeds on it, preventing water and nutrients from reaching the periphery so they wilt and die and the second is the of the family Cerambycidae (Cerambyx scopolii) where the several stages of the larvae, or also called round-headed borers, bore into wood, where they can cause extensive damage to either living trees or untreated lumber.

Zeuzera pyrina or the wood leopard moth

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Family: Genus: Zeuzera Species: pyrina

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Z. pyrina is one of the most important pests of apple and orchards in Mediterranean regions. It can also be a serious pest of olive. On young trees, one caterpillar is enough to kill a tree, whereas 3- year-old trees can become extremely vulnerable to wind damage due to damage of the central axis. Older trees can be severely damaged, particularly in dry years and on dry ground.


 Dead shoot tips appear and leaves on the apical portions of branches discolor prematurely. Infested branches break upon bending, due to the galleries made by caterpillars. Young caterpillars first enter shoots near the tip, and move onto older wood further down the branch when the shoot dies.

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 the first and most important step to be taken is to stop hunting: when you destroy the natural enemy (Sparrow and Woodpecker which can reach deep in the holes these and feeds on their larvae ), the biological balance in the ecosystem is disturbed as a whole.  the second step is to clean the trees from the dry branches by pruning efficiently and this should be followed by placing these branches inside plastic bags and treating them with toxic phosphine gas produced so as to kill all forms of the insects or by chopping the branches finely to kill all larvae stages and eggs and even mature forms if present”.  the third important step is the pheromone traps which lure the male insects and so we prevent mating and reproduction.  the last step is the irrigation with a mixture of pesticides, first we’ll try this on a small area, and if the trees benefitted we will continue with the whole area”. (but it might need a large budget”.

Cerambyx scopolii or Capricorn beetle

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Family: Cerambycidae Subfamily: Cerambycinae Genus: Cerambyx Species: scopolii

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 The capricorn beetle, Cerambyx scopolii, is an invasive species of longhorn beetle from Europe. Its wood-boring larvae will grow in oak, , and , and in sufficient density can kill a tree.

 These insects constitute a menace to all weakly trees and should be destroyed by the removal of decayed trees or branches at appropriate periods


Common species found in many and rarely in coniferous trees in a wide range of habitats. Larvae develop in dead branches and trunks. Feed first beneath the bark, before excavating a gallery 8-10 centimeters long into the heartwood, at the end of which they construct a pupation chamber. The adults enclose either during the autumn or the following spring. Adults can be seen from early May until mid- August. It is a diurnal species. On sunny days can be found on a range of flowers, on the hostplant or woodpiles.

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 The same treatment of zeuzera pyrina

OR  The ministry of agriculture, forest section, has another method consisting of:  Make holes in the bark.  Introduce a wire in the holes to remove and clean the bark from eggs, larvae and adults.  Treat with an insecticide (neem), then close the holes with cement.

III- Lymantria dispar or The gypsy moth (described in the course)

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Lepidoptera Family: Erebidae Genus: Lymantria Species: L. dispar

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 Lymantria dispar commonly known as the Asian gypsy moth, is one of the most destructive pests of shade, fruit and ornamental trees throughout the Northern hemisphere. It is also a major pest of hardwood forests. The caterpillars defoliate trees at an alarming rate and are best controlled when their populations are at low levels.

 Gypsy moth caterpillars do not build tents; if you observe tents or webs in your trees they were probably constructed by other defoliating insects such as eastern tent caterpillar or fall webworm.  Asian gypsy moth caterpillars cause extensive defoliation, leading to reduced growth or even mortality of the host tree.

 Also, urticacious hairs on larvae and egg masses cause allergies in some people.

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Gypsy moth caterpillars are easy to identify, because they possess characteristics not found on other leaf-feeding caterpillars:

 They have five pairs of blue dots followed by six pairs of red dots lining the back.

 In addition, they are dark-colored and covered with hairs.

 Young caterpillars primarily feed during the day whereas the older caterpillars feed at night

Biology & Life Cycle

 The gypsy moth passes through four stages: egg, larvae(caterpillar), , and adult (moth stage). Only the larvae damage trees and shrubs.

 Gypsy moth females lay between 500 to 1,000 eggs in sheltered areas such as underneath the bark of trees.

 The eggs are the overwintering stage of the insect. Eggs are attached to trees, houses, or any outdoor objects.  The hatching of gypsy moth eggs coincides with budding of most hardwood trees. Larvae (caterpillar) emerge from egg masses from early spring(April) through mid- May.

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 In early summer (June to early July), Gypsy moth caterpillars enter a pupal or transitional stage.

 The pupae are dark brown, shell-like cases approximately two inches long and covered with hairs.

 They are primarily located in sheltered areas such as tree bark crevices or leaf litter.

 Adult Gypsy emerge from the pupae in 10 to 14 days. They are present from July into August.

Gypsy moth has only one generation per year.

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Symptoms • Gypsy moth caterpillars feed on leaves of their preferred host plants, most species of oak.

• As they increase in size, they are capable of defoliating entire trees.

• Gypsy moths can be serious pests of oak trees and will readily feed on birch, willow, hawthorn, fruit trees, and many shrubs. Oak trunk (Quercus) with egg masses of gypsy moth (Lepidoptera). • The caterpillars are best controlled when their Eggs are usually laid in July or August populations are at low levels. and hatch in April.

Integrated Pest Management Strategies

Maintain plant health. Young healthy trees can withstand one to three defoliations with minimal damage. Older trees may not be able to withstand more than one defoliation.  Wrap tree trunks with sticky bands in early June to trap the older gypsy moth caterpillar as it treks from the canopy to hiding places on the ground. Remove trapped caterpillars daily. Sticky bands have to be replaced periodically.  Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) is a biological insecticide that kills caterpillars. To spray on the leaves of the tree.

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 Spray the leaves with an insecticide. Treat the leaves in early June. Pesticides registered for use include acephate (Orthene), carbaryl (Sevin), malathion, naled, permethrin, phosmet (Imidan), and pyrethrins.

 Plant resistant species of trees. This is practical if you are not adjacent to a large stand of oaks.

Note: Pheromone traps put up in May and left until August or September are for monitoring the gypsy moth population. Traps are not used to eradicate gypsy moth.

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 http://homeguides.sfgate.com  http://extension.psu.edu/  http://greenarea.me/  http://ento.psu.edu/  extension.illinois.edu  http://www.discoverlebanon.com  https://books.google.com.lb  http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/