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Advertising Hotline 400 820 8428 城市漫步珠三角 英文版 8 月份 PLUS 国内统一刊号: CN 11-5234/GO Graffiti artists paint the town China Intercontinental Press K-pop Tsunami crashes onto china's shores 08 Turning the written word into thrilling theater how China's love-hate reltionship with golf teed off

august 2014

《城市漫步》珠江三角洲 英文月刊

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2 AugustJune 2014 2014 / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 3 8 CITY 10 Writings on the Wall Graffiti artists paint a different picture of the city. 14 Hanging to the Left Is the right hand wrong? Why being lefthanded is lucky in China.

18 LIFESTYLE 20 Give Me A K! The second Korean wave is washing up on China’s shores. 22 FROM DUSK TILL DAWN Transient looks for your summer wardrobe.

26 ARTS 28 Borges and I Celebrating the written word on stage. 30 The Forbidden Game Exploring China’s complex relationship with golf.


56 Shameen 1618 (GZ) Layer upon layer of luxury. 56 Muine (SZ) Taking Vietnamese food to the next level.

4 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com The wrap 34 COVER STORY 44 Community Junk Food Nation Charting China's changing appetites.

Tiger Father, p46

Three to See artP27 QUOTE of the issue exhibitions “There were so many great non- musical moments. The number of times someone pointed me to a venue because I gave them a ‘guitar strum’ motion was pretty hilarious." Underground music documentarian John Yingling discusses his journey following China's top bands, P33

64 (GZ), 62 (SZ) EVENTS GZ SZ HK P54 Wine of the Month

August 9 August 16 August 12 Stuttgart Chamber Choir Ukraine Circus Carnival Ellie Goulding

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 5 Editor's NoteAugust WIN WIN WIN

ate-night Maccy D's stultifying heat. That doesn’t delivered to the door, mean we haven’t been busy midday candy binges at rushing around the city to hit the nearby convenience the newest bars and restaurants Lstore, lazy nights where all you in town (p56), while also taking can be bothered to whip up in the a moment to chat tagging kitchenette is a pot noodle – we with graffiti artists (p10) and love our fast food. indulging in a little of the Chinese And we’re not alone. China obsession with K-pop idols (p20). In Guangzhou, a pair of is set to become the number- Our favorite thing to do in tickets to the Stuttgart one consumer of junk food in this heat, though, is to seek out the entire world by 2015. An the best drink deals in town to Chamber Choir (p65), admirable claim to fame, no cool off with a nice alcoholic two pairs of tickets to doubt, if it didn’t mean that the beverage. From our experience, Borges and I (p66) a pair population of obese people in the look behind the scenes of some nothing gets you over the ache country today is second in size of the most successful fast of having to return to the office of tickets to Stanislav only to the US. food companies in the Middle after the weekend than Monday Khristenko (p64), four This month, we stuck our Kingdom (p34). martinis. vouchers worth RMB48 chubby fingers into the country’s It's been a little bit quieter Drink up, PRD, the heat is on! big bag of chips to snack on the around the PRD this month, each for No. 9 Garden figures and history of this eating with many people off on Tom Lee (p78) and two vouchers phenomenon, as well as taking a summer holidays, escaping this Editor in Chief for a buffet lunch at the Kitchen Table in the W Hotel (p78). We're hiring! Calling little Picassos In Shenzhen, two VIP That’s PRD is looking for two Our sister publication Urban Family is on the lookout for top-up cards with skilled and motivated people to burgeoning young artists for our upcoming issue. The best RMB200 credit for join our team! submissions – be it paintings, sculptures or installations – will Brotzeit (p73) and an be awarded great prizes, as well as being displayed in our Guangzhou Editor RMB100 voucher for message our UF WeChat: urbanfamily. Shang Garden in the A full-time position, candidates first-ever Urban Family Art Fest! For more details, turn to p2 or Futian Shangri-La (p73). should have strong editorial expe- rience and writing skills, a broad range of interests and good knowl- To find out how to win edge of all things China and China these prizes and keep related, a keen eye for design, up to date with all the attention to detail and – of course – the ability to spot a good story. latest news in the PRD, Knowledge of the local F&B scene join our WeChat feed: a plus. Mandarin and/or Cantonese Thats_PRD - sons should send their CV, cover lettera definite and bonus.three writing Interested samples per to [email protected].

Online Editor

A full-time position, candidates should have online editorial expe- Hourly updates on news, current affairs rience and be able to handle the and general weirdness from around running of two websites, one for PRD and China. That’s PRD and one for our family- FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA oriented supplement Urban Family. Once again, two years relevant facebook.com/thatsonline overseas experience mandatory. twitter.com/thatsonline Cantonese and/or Mandarin a Art by Valeryia youtube.com/thatsonline should send their CV, cover letter Shapchyts, anddefinite three bonus. writing Interested samples persons to tom- Clifford School gplus.to/thatsonline [email protected]. International online.thatsmags.com

6 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 7 CITY « tales tales of the city

Who wants to be a millionaire? A new ranking has revealed the cities with the highest percentage of millionaires. At 2.58 per cent, about 1 in 38 Hong Kong residents is a millionaire, slightly lower than Singapore's 2.80 percent. But if that doesn't make you feel inadequate enough, both are paupers compared to the European city- state Monaco, where a wallet-busting 29.21 percent have more than one million bucks in their pocket. Sadly, no Chinese cities made the top 20. Get your wellies on Make sure you’ve watched Noah and 2012, Guangzhou, because a terrifying new prediction suggests the city may be submerged by 2050. According to a Guangzhou Daily

Administration admitting sea levels around the southern province are expected to rise anotherreport, flooding 27.5 centimeters is only going within to get the worse next half-century. in Guangdong, Experts with China’s claim that State the Oceanic inundation has been made worse by dykes and levees along the Pearl River that are not strong enough

can withstand the once-in-a-200-year deluge that may be coming. Or if that fails, just go to withstand destructive floods. The immediate solution is to build up flood zones that

swimming and enjoy the ‘clean’ water.

Healthy living Cluck off Hard times A spot of culture A green paper released by the Last month saw the Wave goodbye to the good London's V&A Museum signed Chinese Academy of Social implementation of a pilot ol’ days of relaxing handies a collaboration agreement Sciences reveals that Shenzhen scheme to ban the sale of live from your local masseuse. with China Merchants in June is the healthiest of China's chickens in Shenzhen, with Guangdong is seeking to clean 2014 to set up the country’s 280 major cities based on its measures coming into full effect up the acts of their massage ecology, green economy and in Futian on July 10. The local parlors. As part of proposed in Shenzhen's Shekou. Due to way of life. As a barometer for authorities are introducing a changes to regulations, such openfirst major at the design end of museum2016 at a series of policies to encourage facilities across the province cost of US$27 million, the new in this context, Guangzhou took vendors to start selling will soon be asked to comply building will be designed by secondthe vague place definition and Beijing of ‘healthy’ came freshly slaughtered produce. with the following guidelines: Tokyo architect Fumihiko Maki, in 10th, despite the atrocious For example, the program not provide services within 1993 Pritzkter winner and air quality of both cities. Citizen aims to centralize poultry any enclosed rooms; not set founder of the Metabolists, an concern coupled with increased slaughter, enforce mandatory dividing partitions or screens; political will are propelling the refrigeration during delivery, not turn off lights; not have architects in the 1960s who city towards a cleaner future, and increases standards for non-transparent doors; and not rethoughtinfluential large-scalegroup of Japanese urban with various anti-pollution and supplying fresh meat. The engage in prostitution – just in planning. The design museum green space initiatives already ban will also apply to all farm case you were planning to get it will form part of Maki’s vision underway. Even so, the green produce markets, restaurants, on in public. Fines ranging from of the Shenzhen Sea World paper also reports Shenzhen as supermarkets and other RMB 10,000 to RMB 30,000 Cultural Arts Center, “a large- having the second highest energy public places, and – although will befall any places that fail to scale urban development that consumption per unit of Gross a timetable has not yet been comply, according to the report. involves retail, commercial, and Domestic Product. Win some, set – will eventually extend to As Avril Lavigne put it, so much residential buildings,” as well as lose some. Shenzhen's other districts. for my happy ending. a platform for art.

8 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com T he buzz he CITY DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM? Snap city LOCAL HERO Wang Shuhan This month’s winner is... Polluted? Nah… Inna Biski

Five-year-old Wang Shuhan from Wuhan, Hebei province, can do what most Tonka-truck- playing tots can only dream of: “What doesn’t kill me makes smashing things with massive me stronger,” were presumably machinery that is in no way the words of Guangzhou mayor meant for someone his age. Chen Jianhua as he dove into Video footage of Wang’s dig- the Pearl River last month, in a ging action has gone viral online, despite the inherent danger. the waters aren’t polluted. Chen “I keep an eye on him when wasvery accompaniedpublic bid to ‘prove’by more that than he runs it,” Wang’s father insists, Send your pictures to our WeChat 2,000 other swimmers who which should be reassuring account: Thats_PRD. Winners re- donned their swim caps and for everyone who lives within ceive a free lomography camera. joined in on the fun. Not that crushing distance of Smashin’ 3 Jiaoyu Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州市越秀区教育路3号 we doubt Chen’s resolve, but we Shuhan’s quasi-supervised dig- (020-2898 4264, www.lomography.cn) hope he had a long, cleansing ger. shower after his swim.

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 9 CITY « lead

Writings on the Wall Graffiti artists paint a different picture of the city

BY Emeri Burks

arely is a mark on a wall seen as presenting the products of the school’s best me.” more than vandalism – petty hood- and brightest, a student going by the moni- Recognizing that he is responsible for lums defacing something that’s something beautiful that others can respect not theirs with little concern for the gallery of the streets. Named because Rthe people who own the property or those ofker his Megic love contendsof Harry Potterthat graffiti – “What is a I giftdo isto who walk by it every day. But if you know like Harry Potter, magic” – his works can be theand skill appreciate he possesses. fills him with a feeling of the person holding the can of spray paint, found on the rooftops of the academy, granite pride; it’s a self-affirmation of who he is and pillars supporting stretches of highway and This is not mere hoodlumism, but has its do in a very different light. Look closely and even walls of businesses that have hired him ownLike guidelines all games, and graffiti honor alsocode, has even rules. if it can suddenlyyou know walls that graffiti become artists canvases, see what scratches they for a little piece of Megic of their own. seem opaque to those not in the know. “The “This is our basketball game,” Megic as- throw up is a simple thing,” explains Megic. word for art. serts. “You try to get the ball in to feel happy. “Bombing can cover the tag. Pieces can cover becomeAt the messages Guangzhou and Academy graffiti just of anotherFine Arts, It’s the same. This is our battle and we can bombing. More detail can cover less detail. amidst bronze sculptures and museums win. I paint the good one and people know “Some new guy cannot cover the old

10 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com lead » CITY

In Guangzhou, you realize that on the streets the most common things you see are advertisements. The face of this city is without personality. There’s no special character to it. I want the city I live and grow in to have some color, to have some art

Courtesy of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts man. [We] need to give some respect. Maybe here. Perhaps on the rooftops there can be to express moral values for us. Everywhere he’s dead and this is all that’s left.” some more pieces, but after a while everyone you look is the same. The face of this city is What happens if a person breaks the without personality. There’s no special char- rules? streets where it started.” acter to it. “Someone will punish him,” says Megic. will stop going there. Graffiti is best on the “I want the city I live and grow in to have This punishment might include being cov- young adult, impressed by its urban glamour. some color; to have some art. It’s not about ered yourself or having someone insult your Sar first took up graffiti when he was a art by altering it. Most likely someone will it was really cool and I thought that if I did kinds of art. I hope that my pieces can add a approach the artist and let him know that some“I saw myself some graffitiI’d be cool on the too. street. Then Ia thought lot of bitpromoting of color anyand specificlife to the ideal. streets. I wish If thefor peoall - he’s made a mistake. girls would like me. ple who pass by will think about what they “The street [belongs] to everybody,” con- “Later I realized it wasn’t like that. As I see then I’ve already achieved my aim.” tinues Megic. “I want this [to be] wonderful. - Across the city in Gong Yuan Qian, [If] a lot of people don’t like [the art], I stop. ti, I started to realize that there was a deeper Guangzhou Youth Palace (广州青宫) has That’s why this is a free thing.” meaningslowly got behind introduced it all. Thereto the cultureare no words of graffi I - can use to describe it. Art has changed a lot ture with teenagers for years. At Chee for me and helped me to understand a lot of Productionsbeen endorsing Hip and Hop fostering Headquarters, graffiti anyone cul as oneAccording aspect of to their noted lives, local like graffiti knowledge artist or things.” who is interested can learn about sketch- music.Sar, many Absence graffiti of artists any part view would what make they thedo Today, he tries to bring a little creativity ing, tagging, writing and painting, as well as whole dull and colorless. music, rapping and skating, in a collaborative can be devoid of identity. “In Guangzhou, you and encouraging environment. “is relatively scattered, unlike in foreign realizeand flair that back on to the the streets streets, the which most hecommon says countriesHe observes where thatthere graffiti is often in aGuangzhou place where things you see are advertisements, especially has hosted countless sketching competi- there can be a lot. There’s no place like that 文明广州) tions,Dickid, with coveteda local graffiti space writeron the roofhimself, wall

those depicting ‘Civilized City’ ( www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 11 CITY « featurelead

Art by Megic

often awarded as prizes to winning artists. from around China to the city to showcase anything – legal or illegal,” Dickid recalls. Additionally, he has coordinated with the their talents. A few took their art to the He hopes that one day the scene in China Guangzhou government for a vast array of streets in non-designated locations and, as will become akin to that in Germany. With local events to use youth culture to promote the police knew the hotel where the visitors public support, artists then take on the re- the city, including music video production were staying, at least 30 artists were later sponsibility to make sure the city looks good. events at the Five Rams Statue in Yuexiu arrested – some of whom had not been in- Taken independently of their contexts, and other such projects. volved in the incident. it’s easy to appreciate many of the colorful As he puts it, “The government gives us a and distinctive pieces created throughout lot of freedom to do what we do.” isn’t treated too harshly by the police. “Even Guangzhou. They echo the yearnings we The location for Chee Productions itself if theOn cops the stopwhole, you, however, at worst graffiti they’ll generally charge all share to be known and respected in our has been made available to him as a result of you 50 yuan,” says Dickid. “Maybe [you’ll] community for what we bring to it, and his good relationships with members of the go to jail for a month… But in the end you express the desire for a more beautiful government-owned building. gotta give compliments to the city cleaners. and vibrant home. With humor, attitude “If we had to rent this it would be so ex- and grace, they manifest the psyche of a pensive,” he says, “[but] that’s what it should one or two days. That’s why nobody sees it generation. Regardless of taste, support, or be like – some place for the people for free.” longUsually enough [graffiti to cause artists’] us worktrouble.” only stays for even legal protection, they force us to view There have been more severe crackdowns the idea of city life with a slightly broader exists outside of government support. “Some in the past, however, in particular when the definition. of theOf kidscourse, get asinto Dickid deep attests,trouble graffiti and locked also city is hosting international events. In 2007, Art or vandalism? Look around and you’ll up. It happens all the time.” the government tripled its efforts to keep undeniably see both. But while you’re look- He cites a time in Wuhan when a major Guangzhou looking clean and presentable ing, consider the more important question: for the Asian games. “No one wanted to paint what do you take away from it?

graffiti art event drew around 350 artists

Art by Dickid Courtesy of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Photo and Art by Sar

12 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 13 CITY « feature

HANGING TO THE LEFT Is the right hand wrong?

BY Christine Gilbert

Left-handed! Oh, you must be very he wants,” she muses, adding, “I use my left clever!” This or its variants are com- Are lefties really hand for playing cards.” Xu represents a shift monly heard by those who wield their imbued with superior in thinking from her parents’ generation, chopsticks with their left hand in the which generally tried to correct rather than “PRC. Though the traditional stigma associ- intelligence? Well, yes embrace a child’s left–handedness. ated with left-handers in the West – the word Discovery News reported on a study that International School, only recalls having found “more competitive societies have more largely died out in modern times, it has not two left-handed students in nine years of [left-handers].” As China becomes increas- been‘sinister’ replaced comes by from positive the Latin superstition for ‘left’ as– has it teaching over 200 students. In fact, this ra- ingly capitalist, the shift from conformity to has in China. tio seems high when compared with other entrepreneurship is becoming more preva- Part of the interest with left-handed- education establishments such as Shenzhen lent. This rise seems to be accompanied by ness derives from the extraordinarily small Foreign Language School in Buji, where one the growing acceptance and encouragement percentage of openly left-handed Chinese ESL teacher reports that of 700 students this of left-handedness. There is a newfound nationals. Last year, Howard Kushner, a year, only one was gifted with the glory of admiration for sinistral people, who are now professor at Emory University, published left-handedness. attributed with being smarter. an extensive study on left-handedness in Not so long ago in China (and for that But are lefties really imbued with supe- the Middle Kingdom. He concluded that matter in the US), drastic measures were im- rior intelligence? Well, yes – in some ways. A less than 1 percent of Chinese students plemented to ensure a child’s left-ness would study published by the American Journal of write with their left hands. This is notably Psychology claims that left-handers “are bet- low, particularly when compared to other reported having their left hands tied behind ter at divergent thinking, a method of idea studies that show at least 10 percent of the theirbe righted. backs Someby parents ‘corrected’ while leftiesthey studied. even generation that explores many possible solu- world’s population claims to be sinistral. Hand orientation is especially noticed in tions.” Additionally, according to a study by the While most countries state between 10 and Chinese calligraphy classes due to the empha- Australian National University, left-handers can 12 percent of their citizens are lefties, coun- sis on proper form when holding the brush. access more of their brain to learn language. tries such as China, Korea and Japan, with The vast majority of Chinese people Given China’s increased need for innova- their conformist leanings, regularly report these days, however, seem to believe that an tive thinkers to develop actionable solutions single-digit percentages. individual should continue to use the hand for complex scenarios such as air quality and The Pearl River Delta appears to fol- towards which they are naturally inclined. city planning, divergent thinkers are more low the national trend of low numbers of Expectant mother Elsa Xu, for instance, in demand, especially ones who can commu- left-handed students. Michelle Liu, a mid- says she would not alter her child’s innate dle school English teacher at Shenzhen Wai preference. “Maybe I will let him do what might isn’t right after all. It’s left. nicate easily with ‘foreign experts.’ Perhaps

14 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 15 CITY « hobbyhorse Chinese Chess From kings and queens to generals and advisors

BY Will Wu

particularly since each side’s pieces have dif- ferentcan be charactersdifficult for inscribed first-timers upon to thempick up, – this is presumed to be because in olden times all counters would be the same color, thus requiring another method to distinguish be- tween whose pieces were whose. Each side has one general (将/帅, jiang/ shuai), two advisors (仕/士, shi), two el- ephants (象/相, xiang), two horses (马, ma), two chariots (车, ju) two cannons (炮, pao) 兵/卒, bing/zu). Just as in Western chess, the object of the game is to andcapture five thesoldiers enemy’s ( top unit using the other members of the army. Xiangqi is played on a board with nine vertical lines and 10 horizontal lines, with pieces placed on intersections. In the middle are the Chu River (楚河, Chu He) and Han Border (汉界, Han Jie), which separate the two teams. The square space marked with a iangqi (象棋), or Chinese chess, is started in China, but it is widely believed cross between the fourth and sixth vertical a common pastime in China. It is a to have been prevalent during the Warring lines is the general’s palace (九宫, jiu gong). game for two, but more often than States period (481-403 BC). Today’s xiangqi Enemy units can be captured by mov- not you’ll see a crowd gathered is said to follow the variation created by Niu ing your piece onto the space they occupy, Xaround players on the street, paying close at- Zengru of the Tang Dynasty. much like in Western chess. However, just as tention to the proceedings and vociferously Thirty-two chess counters made of xiangqi’s board is a little more complex than offering advice, wanted or not. wood, teeth or bone are utilized, with equal its occidental cousin, so too do the pieces Opinions vary on when and how xiangqi numbers of red and black. Fair warning: it have a few more quirks.

Military maneuvers

General (Jiang/Shuai) Horses (Ma) to capture an enemy unit. Any number of Leading the war effort from the safety Beside your elephants are your horses. spaces may exist between the cannon and of his palace, the general’s death is the Their movements are traditionally de- the platform and between the platform and ultimate goal of the game. Starting in the scribed as being like the character 日 (ri) the enemy. back row on the middle vertical line, he – one point orthogonally and then one point can only move one step each time within diagonally away from the starting position. Soldiers (Bing/Zu) the palace, either vertically or horizon- They can be blocked by a piece one point Right on the frontlines, the soldiers tally. The two opposing generals can horizontally or vertically adjacent. start the game one row back from the river. never face each other without interven- They can only advance vertically by one ing pieces. If this should ever occur, the Chariots (Ju) point while on the home side, but once they player who caused the meeting automati- The strongest pieces in the game. These cross the river can also move horizontally. cally loses. destructive units are similar to the rook in These poor saps can never retreat, only Western chess: placed in the corners of the march forward. Advisors (Shi) board, they can move anywhere they want Accompanying the general, the advisors horizontally or vertically – as long as there are the bodyguards, restricted to moving di- are no intervening pieces. agonally along the cross inside the palace. Cannons (Pao) Elephants (Xiang) Initially placed two spaces in front of Elephants serve as a defensive force the horses, cannons have the some mobility and are unable to ford the river. Placed next as chariots but have a different mode of at- to the advisors, they can move two diagonal 炮台, spaces each turn but cannot jump over in- paotai). This involves jumping a single piece tervening pieces. –tack, friend known or foe as – the before ‘cannon moving platform’ forward (

16 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 17 s t yl e radar LIFE & style SPA Heavenly Spa

'Heavenly’ as a choice of business nomen- clature is inevitably a big claim; fortunate- ly, the Westin’s Heavenly Spa delivers the goods in the form of its signature massage (RMB888/75 mins), providing a strong and reinvigorating Swedish massage with some unexpected touches.

relaxing cup of cha sourced from the UK whileGuests choosing are first one invitedof three to stones enjoy to a guide the mental focus of the massage. Each stone contains one of three words: Love, Hope or Gratitude. With one’s men- tal priorities sorted, an olfactory choice is next in the shape of three massage oils. Proffered aromas include rose (oriented to the ladies), white tea (for a lighter, re- laxed feel) or lavender (to ameliorate skin problems). face down, guests see a bowl comprising way to a perfectly pitched, full-body Swedish Prior to entering the treatment room, a warm water, essential oil and the stone with massage, with an emphasis on any body parts round blue crystal is placed outside in a stand the word they previously chose. you feel require special treatment. to symbolize the dissipation of negative en- Interestingly, the visual stimulus of the Though it’s just one of Heavenly Spa’s ergy. The stylish and quite lovely treatment word does indeed channel the mind to focus - room features mahogany decor spliced with on the desire previously evoked. Positive nitely a recommended standout. GM a hot tub and foot massage area, both strewn reinforcement comes in the form of the mas- many offerings, the signature massage is defi with rose petals. A relaxing aromatherapy seuse’s instruction to think of a place and // 9028-2 shennan lu, nanshan district, shenzhen 深圳市南 foot rub leads into the main event: beginning person that conjures good feelings. This gives 山区深南大道9028号-2 (0755-2698 8888)


display of aqua and navy ceramics that are decor of the cafe sets off the furniture and being a quirky, relatively undiscovered and currently on sale. This is overlooked by an furnishings on sale, which include cabinets, uncontrivedIf definitive coolness vision of in a passionatelyshop-form is artyall about own- attractive doll-house exterior in bright white chests of draws, lamps, vases and baskets. er, then Amor Café scores high on all counts. Antique form factors rendered with oriental Tucked away at the rear of Sea World, Inside, patrons are greeted with powder-blue just a hop, skip and jump away from Minghua walls,with blue white trim furnishings, that leads ainto painted a two-floor stone cafe. primary colors, yielding pieces that are eye- ship, Amor Café doubles as a furniture shop catching,floral or butterfly interesting schemes and subtly adorn beautiful. burnished hidden in a stretch of Sea World that – as yet – Designed and made by owner Walker pot)staircase, and coffee a stone (RMB20-36/cup, floor set off by rugs RMB88- and a Chen, the furniture on offer – and Amor Café An expansive outside seating area blends 228/pot).rustic bar area serving flower tea (RMB88/ itself – represents his lifestyle vision of pair- Mediterraneansees little foot traffic. accents with a London-style Evoking a colorful, unreal world not un- ing innovative design and relaxation over a red phone box, a white wire bicycle and the like Alice in Wonderland, the bright and fun brew. Having extensively traveled, Chen notes the paucity of design innovation in his home country, an observation he’s helping to miti- gate. Everything in Amor Café is tasteful and effortless. For once in Shenzhen, a take on art and creativity that sits outside the scope of traditional Chinese culture doesn’t feel forced, imported from elsewhere or copied from a de- sign magazine by investors seeking to bypass creativity by throwing wads of cash down. GM

// no. 30, 1/f, bldg 3, Zone a, sea world, nanshan, shenzhen 南 山蛇口海上世界a区3号楼-层30号 (0755-8827 6825)

18 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com Fitness ViPR For those of you starting to lose faith in your the body is bet- boring, regular workout routines and about ter conditioned ready to throw in the towel, don’t give up just and less likely to get injured during It’s called ViPR (vitality, performance andyet! There’sreconditioning), a new fitness a tube-shaped tool in town. device process. that supposedly helps train the body as a the actualOf course, golfing ViPR is not just for the Tiger areas. It’s certainly an unconventional way to Woodses or other pro- getwhole, in shape, as opposed if you’re to bysearching isolation for of a specific break fessional sportspeople. from the old treadmill and push-ups. It can also cater to any Essentially, the way it works is to train average Joe who simply the muscles for practical movements that wants to look good on “People get model real-world activities. “The things the beach – or even just in shape and it’s also we do in real life and the things we do at make it to the top of the fun. That’s a big deal for people,” the gym are not the same. So we try to take stairs without getting says Truscott. things in real life or in sports, and then we winded. The high variability means you can mix add ViPR to that,” explains Matthew Truscott, It looks simple, but it’s that simplicity up the routine, making you more likely to the training manager for ViPR. that gives it huge functional versatility – stay motivated. And suddenly getting those For example, the only way for, say, a think medicine ball, except tubular instead of sculpted abs or toned arms are no longer golfer to improve through ordinary gym spherical. Exercises performed on the ViPR far-fetched dreams. MH equipment is by doing isolation exercises depend on the individual’s unique circum- such as squats, deadlifts or simply by playing stance and can be personalized according to // vipr classes are on offer in Guangzhou at golf. By using ViPR, the golfer can practice fitness, 4/f, seasons mall (summer), Gt land plaza, 8 movements that model the same mechan- What really sells it at the end of the day, Zhujiang xi lu, tianhe district, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠 ics of the sport, thus getting stronger with however,their particular is it’s simply fitness less goals. tedious. Users 江西路8高德置地广场夏商场4楼 (020-3808 2787) for more a more effective and direct method. The can incorporate games that are interactive information about vipr, visit www.viprfit.com theory goes that, because of such specificity, and simultaneously beneficial for the body.

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 19 LIFE & STYLE « lead

EXO Give Me A K! The second Korean wave is washing up on China’s shores


Welcome to a world where millions of uniformed fans are a normal sight and earsplitting screams are an everyday sound; a world where Cinderella-style stories regularly occur and leggy actors are worshiped as demigods; a world where appearance is everything and the gender lines are more than a little blurred. Welcome to K-pop.

entered in South Korea but exerting - ture was rolling over the country. borders, Korean pop culture has gift- also started to infiltrate the nation. H.O.T., a - wave’), specifically to describe how K-pop cul edinfluence the world well with beyond romantic such meagerTV dra- five-memberploiting the Chinese boy band market. formed Mixing in 1996, rap, was bal- swept China’s shores, a second, more power- Cmas, a constant outpouring of apple-cheeked consideredlads, dance anda key rock, K-pop the figure group in was terms fervently of ex ful popNow, tsunami almost from 15 years South after Korea the isfirst making wave bands and many variations of reality show. received by local youngsters, and, in February landfall. Its roots in China are long standing and have Once again, TV series are leading the been steadily growing for over two decades. have a sold-out concert in Beijing. charge. My Love from the Star and The Heirs It all began back in 1993, one year after 2000,“Internet became access the first was K-pop limited idol at group that time to both aired online in China last year; the the establishment of diplomatic relations and a Korean visa was hard to get. So the way former captured the hearts of over two mil- between China and South Korea, when TV we supported them was buying their copy- lion viewers while the latter received a daily drama Jealous righted CDs and magazines which covered average of 600,000 views. So popular are the to be broadcast on the Mainland. This small- them,” says Lara Lin, a former H.O.T. fan. To shows’ characters that they are even reshap- screen debut marked became the the point first Koreanwhen the soap cater to the craving, around 20 K-pop-related ing the ideals Chinese women hold for the Middle Kingdom started to open the gates to magazines appeared on Chinese newsstands perfect partner. its neighbor’s cultural offerings. Soon, A Wish between 2000 and 2002. “I hope I will marry a guy who is tall and Upon the Star, Autumn in My Heart, Winter The rapid rise of K-pop culture took rich, like [Lee] Min-ho in The Heirs. Better if Sonata and other Korean soap operas succes- China’s media by surprise. In 2001, at the he has some kind of super power, just like Dr. sively made their way into the country. height of the craze, Beijing journalists had Do [played by Kim Soo-hyun] possessed in In addition to TV series, Korean music My Love from the Star,” says Kathy Chao, who

coined a word, ‘hanliu’ (meaning ‘Korean 20 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com lead » LIFE & STYLE

The Heirs

works at a foreign trading company by day fort to boost popularity. EXO, a 12-strong boy but binges on Korean soaps by night. band with four Chinese members, is a recently Lee and Kim are two of the performers at - the center of today’s Korean wave in China, wind of excitement in the Middle Kingdom. A and their popularity is landing them big com- ticketformed to outfit their thatHong has Kong been concert creating on aJune whirl 1 mercial deals. Online shopping giant Taobao signed a contract with Lee at the beginning some fans were willing to pay almost three of the year making him the spokesman for its timescost RMB1,680 that in order through to secure official a seat. channels, but smartphone purchasing app. Kim, meanwhile, Du Hui works for Live Planet Group, one spent June in Shanghai shooting a series of of the major companies organizing Korean commercials. With 10 coaches full of fans pop star concerts in China. According to him, closely following the heartthrob’s car, 30 bod- the ticket prices are rigidly set by Korean yguards had to be hired for his security. companies and normally range from RMB280 TV dramas are not the sole contributor to to 1,680. Organizers seldom raise the cost this astonishing phenomenon. Idol groups, a arbitrarily. “However, the main purchasing distinctive aspect of the Korean music scene, force for such concerts in China is post-90s are the other driving force. Normally consist- fans. They are fervent followers of their idols, closely following concert agendas and willing manufactured acts blend a strong dance ele- to make irrational purchases," says Du. "Ticket menting of withat least their four singing to five skills. members, TVXQ, these Girls' scalpers take full advantage of this and ramp Generation, Super Junior, Bigbang, 2NE1 and the tickets up to a very high price.” 2PM are just some of the red-hot bands that - are burning through the Mainland. ismatic artists and well-made TV dramas, the Every year, music companies in Korea, Not satisfied with just exporting its char most notably S.M. Entertainment and JYP selling of variety show formats. China rights Entertainment, hold auditions at home and forpresent Where Korean Are We wave Going, is being Dad? ,defined Divas Hit by the the abroad to select suitable trainees for idol Road, Two Days and One Night and I Am A groups. Before receiving formal teaching, Singer were all been snapped up by local TV these recruits are required to sign a long- stations, which have reaped high audience term contract, which can be valid for up to 20 ratings as a result. years. “The company invests money while the But why exactly has K-pop culture sliced trainee invests youth,” explains a senior artist so effortlessly into a country that has already manager from S.M. Entertainment. developed its own show biz milieu? Instruction includes singing, dancing In terms of TV dramas, it broadly boils and acting, and on average a wannabe idol down to one word: romance. While Chinese Before receiving spends 15 hours a day perfecting their talents. shows tend to focus on marital life’s ups and formal teaching, Competition is furious while the living condi- downs, more than two-thirds of popular tions are tough; though accommodation and Korean imports that recently aired in China idol group recruits food are provided, none of the potential stars portrayed idealized love stories. Heroes in is paid a salary. Lee Teuk, leader of Super these soaps are usually a combination of are required to Junior, spent six years toiling away before he princely attributes: rich, handsome, sophisti- cated and charming. The ultimate characteris- sign a long-term - tic they all share is devotion to the heroine, for contract, which tertainmentwas finally plucked companies from have the obscurity.begun to include better or worse. membersTo further of other maximize nationalities profits, in Korean their arti en- Most girls, whether pretty or not, dream can be valid for up - of experiencing fairytale love, and while real tions around the world. Frequently, Chinese or life may disappoint, Korean dramas never to 20 years overseasficially created Chinese groups, people holding are selected regular in audi an ef- do. A normal woman with no special talents

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 21 LIFE & STYLE « lead

Girls' Generation

Fans of EXO member Lu Han spent RMB200,000 to put birthday messages on public buses around earlier this year

always manages to capture the heart of a Politely bowing to show humility, displaying stay up for nights on end to boost their pop glamorous gent, a guy who has no conception team spirit and – at least in front of a camera stars’ view rate on Youtube – an important of love until he meets his plain Jane. – abstaining from smoking are among the nu- index for music awards in South Korea – via Idol groups, on the other hand, have to multiple registered accounts. jump through more hoops. Attractiveness Even the smallest of slipups can mean Recent years have even seen Chinese and impeccable makeup are expected. Well- themerous end ofrequirements an individual’s an idolidol needscareer. to Jay fulfill. fans buy advertising spots in South Korea’s - Park, former frontman for 2PM, was forced newspapers and subway systems. Earlier rangements are de rigueur. Equally important, to leave the group in 2009, just one year after this year, Lu Han, a Chinese member of EXO, however,composed is songs a squeaky-clean and flawless image. dancing “Idols ar their debut. The reason? A few years earlier a received a surprise birthday gift on April with good personalities attract fans most. frustrated Park had written the words “Korea 20 when his fans spent RMB200,000 to put To us, they are more than idols, they are our sucks” on his MySpace page. Dug up by the congratulatory messages on public buses life instructors. We learn a lot from how they Korean paparazzi, the ensuing furor left Park around Seoul. behave,” says Canny Chen, a veteran fan who with little choice but to leave the team. A The second Korean wave seems poised has followed Super Junior for nine years. formal announcement stated the case clearly: to spread all over China in the coming years, Scheduling her trips to South Korea according Park had made an unforgivable mistake in his as Korea tirelessly targets its entertain- to the members’ agenda, Chen is proud of the private life. ment culture at the nation’s youth. Notably, band for being independent and genuine, and They may have it tough at times, but Baidu, China’s largest online search engine, claims that she will support and accompany these poster-children for perfection are well recently made a deal with SM Entertainment, Super Junior forever. rewarded for their wholesome exterior by South Korea’s biggest star-making factory, How much this mask of manners and Chinese fans, who lavish gifts on them as to- kens of their esteem, including top-of-the-line Mainland. Under the wing of Baidu, K-pop is Korean entertainment companies enforce tech products, fashionable clothes and acces- expectedto become to its reach only beyond official promoterthe east coast on the hubs strictmodesty management reflects the policies truth is to open ensure to debate. their sories from luxury brands and high-quality and penetrate further than ever before into idol groups are the pinnacle of propriety. musical instruments. Some die-hard followers the interior’s cities and towns.

22 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com lead » LIFE & STYLE

Top of the K-pops

actor is the most sought-after Korean star Girls' Generation in China today. Rising to fame through the The nine members of Girls' Generation leading role in romantic drama My Love are viewed as national sweethearts in Korea. from the Star, the sensation caused by his Their shapely long legs and slender waistlines character on the show has become known have bewitched male fans all over East Asia, simultaneously motivating female fans to get of 16 different brands, including Coca- in shape. In particular, the lovely lasses’ dress Cola,as the The ‘Dr. Face Do Effect.’ Shop, HeHaagen-Dazs, is now the faceBeijing Hyundai, Yili Group and Semir. Rumor has young women in China, and clothes that look it that Kim received a seven-digit paycheck similarand makeup to what styles the haveband’s greatly members influenced wear for showing up at this year’s Beijing Car always rank highly on Taobao. Lee Min-ho Export… for 90 seconds. At a height of 1.87 meters, Lee Min-ho is EXO Super Junior No sooner do these boys start busting Formed in 2005, Super Junior was a move than girls start to faint. Debuting byknown a girl as to ‘long-legged refer to an older oppa’ man by his in Korea.Chinese in April 2012 and performing songs both Successivelyfans, ‘oppa’ being taking an leading affectionate roles namein Boys used Chinese member. As a result, the group in Korean and Chinese, their debut single over Flowers (2009), City Hunter (2011) and quicklythe first caught Korean the idol public’s group toattention, contain anda - The Heirs (2013), Lee has gradually edged in 2008, their management company de- tailer and music charts just one day after himself into mainstream stardom. His cided to divide the original 13-member release.‘Mama’ toppedIn just twovarious years, Chinese the group online has re singing performance at this year’s Spring achieved incredible success, their arrival at Festival Gala had the highest viewership different markets – Super Junior-M is a of the whole evening, making Lee the most Mandopoplineup into groupseveral specially smaller formedgroups to fitmeet with fans. Tickets to their concerts today watched person on the most watched show Chinese fans’ demands for more Mandarin reachan airport astronomical heralded prices,by waiting and hallsthose filled sit- in the entire world. ting in the front row of the audience for kind in both the Korean and Chinese show their appearance on Happy Camp (a variety Kim Soo-hyun businesssongs. This industry strategy and was has the since first been of its rep - show aired on Hunan Television) had to pay There is little doubt that this 26-year-old licated several times. RMB15,000 for the privilege.

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 23 LIFE & STYLE « fashion

From dusk till dawn H&M Sleeveless blouse, RMB199. Transient looks for your summer wardrobe > www.hm.com

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in the Great Gatsby: “And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” Indeed, summer is a season that calls for transformation and fresh starts, a time to ring the changes and indulge in indolent thoughts of optimism and new possibilities. As fleeting as a teenage fling, it comes and goes across the span of a few lazy weeks whiled away in the park, an exotic trip, a festival and the occasional wedding. Jovonna We selected the looks for this month's issue with this in mind; three key styles to London mini embrace summer’s transitory spirit. skirt, RMB468. Make the most of this time. After all, winter is coming… > en.zooq.com

Asos nude round sun- glasses, RMB125. > www.asos.com

Asos vintage-style leather Pull&Bear maxi shopper, RMB199. backpack, RMB624.99. > www.pullandbear.com > www.asos.com

Cos platform san- Zara tank top, RMB59. dals, RMB1,350. > www.zara.cn > www.cosstores.com

Topshop structured H&M loose-fit trou- premium bandeau top, sers, RMB129. RMB404. > www.hm.com > www.topshop.com

Topshop bright blue mum shorts, Pull&Bear trans- RMB318. parent pendant > www.topshop.com necklace, RMB99. > www.pullandbear.com Sol Sana pip heel, RMB607. > en.zooq.com

Charles Philip plim- solls, RMB1,450. > www.china.charlesphilip- MeDusa mini clutch, shanghaistore.com RMB979. > feilook.com 24 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 25 c o ll age ARTS Hao Bu Hao Causing a Scene DJ BL3ND

an unknown handing out homemade mixesIn five outsideyears, DJ of BL3ND LA clubs went to ruling from the Internet. His high-energy videos and eye-popping (terrifying) mask have made an impression, with more than 200 million YouTube views, 20 million music downloads and 3.2 million Facebook fans. He’s topped the Billboard Uncharted charts a record 62 weeks and he’s built up a global following. We grabbed a brief chat with him ahead of his show in Macau.

On his appeal… My goal as a DJ has always been Hao Bu Hao to deliver fun nights anywhere. People like what I do because I deliver Suck it Na’vi, there’s a new king of the Chinese box First pop singer Li Daimo was arrested for hosting something different. I know what my Transformers: Age of Extinction crystal meth parties and now two more celebrities fans like and continue to deliver them earned over US$220 million, smashing the record have been busted. In an incident captured by TV the BL3ND energy with any style of previouslyoffice. In 10 held days, by Avatar. Impressive, consider- show Law Enforcement in Progress, iconic indie music that I produce or mix. director Zhang Yuan was arrested for a second missed product placements and Chinese audiences time. Two weeks later, popular screenwriter Chen On his mask… bemuseding Michael by Bay’s characters ‘film’ hasin America overcome using lawsuits Mainland for Wanning was also in trouble with the police in It’s something I had in my closet products. Beijing for drug use. when I started making videos. Over the years I started changing the look and am currently getting a whole new mask. It will be BL3ND 2.0 and the same style. It is a challenge some- times wearing it because sometimes Drum Roll I don’t have 100 percent vision. But I don’t plan on ever unmasking be- Solidaz cause BL3ND is who he is, not the guy behind the mask. The Solidaz crew may be new to Guangzhou but

On haters and Diplo… the best hosts in town, enjoying beers before and I don’t mind haters. I just keep betweendon’t be surprised sets with newif you friends find them at the to bandbe some room of doing what I do and don’t pay at- at McCawley’s Guangzhou and obliging with every tention to the negativity. Things song request they know. are cool between Diplo and I [the our guests request! One of our all time favorites is

KristenAiming Hapi to (drums/vocals), fill a niche in the Cam live Hapi music (guitar/ scene, belting it out. It gets the crowd wild!” says the very sameDJs got festival into a inkerfuffle December last andyear]. took piano/vocals)the five-piece band Chris includes Toal (piano/vocals) New Zealanders and Mark ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’; it's a hard song but we love aWe picture finally together. met when AC we played the Tamati (bass/vocals) and sole Canadian Samantha 1996 and has spent 17 years touring with Solidaz. Chemerika (vocals/percussion). All take turns at gregariousThe band Chris is no Toal, stranger who first to fame, came either. to China Just in // august 2, 11.30pm-late, hKd350. club cubic, lead and backing vocals, creating an energy-packed, two years ago Kristen was inducted into the New no. 2105-02, level 2, the shops at the boulevard, party-style experience that long-time regulars are Zealand music hall of fame for his work with the estrada do istmo, macau 澳门氹城新濠天地新濠 falling for, while at the same time winning over a band Herbs. Samantha was part of the touring 大道2樓2105-02室 (0853-6638 4999) range of younger expats and locals alike. production of Les Miserables at the early age of This seasoned touring group, having honed their 10 and has worked with people like the Crash Test - Dummies and Bobcat Goldthwaite. taurants such as MGM Macau, Hard Rock Cafe Bali, It’s time to do yourself a solid and get down to Beijingskills over and the , past decade V Bar Shenzhen in five-star and hotels other and top res McCawley’s for Neil Diamond and Eagles lovin’. LG locations throughout Asia and the Middle East, offer a crowd-pleasing repertoire of pop, rock and R&B // solidaz performs at mccawley’s from wednesdays to saturdays classics, with a few Chinese songs thrown in too. from 10pm till late and on sundays from 9pm to midnight. no. 101, 16 huacheng dadao Zhujiang xincheng, tianhe district, Guangzhou 广州 We have no prejudices here; we’ll play anything 市天河区珠江新城花城大道16号101 (020-3801 7000) “Our guests love the song ‘Hotel California!’

26 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com Three to See

Tribal Art of North America

until october 20. free admission, 9am- 5pm (closed on mondays). Guangdong museum, 2 Zhujiang dong lu, Zhujiang xincheng, tianhe district, Guangzhou 广 州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路2号 (020- 3804 6886)

Conforming to Vicinity until october 26. 9.30am-5pm, free admission (closed on mondays), he xiangning art museum, oct, nanshan district, shenzhen 深圳市南山区华侨城 (0755-2660 4540)

Jiawu, Jiawu – 120 Years of Chinese Dream until september 20. free admission (closed on mondays). Guangdong museum of art, 38 Yanyu lu, ersha island, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou 广州市越秀区二沙岛烟雨路38号 (020-8735 1468)

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 27 ARTS « theater Borges and I Celebrating the written word

BY Sasha Selkirk

cclaimed British visual theater “People think life is the thing but I prefer company Idle Motion is coming reading,” the loss of Borges’ sight was a to Guangzhou, bringing their heart-wrenching defeat. It’s not all doom original production Borges and I and gloom, however; the mood of the play Ato the Guangzhou Opera House from August oscillates between “moments of laughter 29-31. A hefty 450 books appear on stage, and silliness as well as moments of real contorted to create various objects from a Its debut at the 2009 Edinburgh Fringe “There is also a tango with the books,” Festivalsadness resultedand reflection.” in sold-out shows and a flocksays co-directorof birds to a Grace city. Chapman. “It’s coveted Total Theatre nomination for Best lovely to hear the gasps from the audience Emerging Company. Instant validation for when we transform a pile of books into a plane or a spiral staircase on stage. These combined with multimedia result in really workeda group thattogether was officiallyas 14-year-olds founded attending two striking visuals.” schoolyears earlier, in Oxford. but whose members first Describing the show as “a beautiful “At the time it was a hobby and a way musing on our relationships with books and the impact they have throughout our Chapman, who also serves as Idle Motion’s lives,” Chapman promises the show will producerto spend our and summer company holidays,” manager. reflects - “From touring this show around the tion fanatics. world, we’ve come to realize that this appealBorges to more and Ithan explores literary the lovers life and and work fic play appeals to so many different types of ence and we’re thrilled to do this.” of Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges, a people on account of its visual nature and The company has come a long way pioneer of the magical realism that shaped inventive staging. We didn’t realize this since Borges and I’s initial success. They’ve 20th-century Latin American literature, - made three other shows that toured both popularized by Gabriel García Márquez’s versal themes that appeal to a wide audi- nationally and internationally, including One Hundred Years of Solitude. It also tells when we first made it but it explores uni The Vanishing Horizon – a tribute to female the story of a young couple called Nick It’s lovely to hear aviation pioneers like Amelia Earhart that and Sophie who meet each other at a book thrilled crowds in Beijing and Shanghai group and fall in love. the gasps from the last year. They’re currently creating their “As the piece progresses, we learn that sixth show, Shooting with Light, and plan both Borges and Sophie will lose their audience when we to bring another production, This is All You sight. Despite the characters being in dif- transform a pile of Need to Know, to China in late October. ferent centuries and countries, they share Borges and I, we a love of literature and words. It is the loss books into a plane or never dreamt that it would come to China,” of these through blindness and the books Chapman“When says. we first “Whenever made we think about that matter most to them that unify the a spiral staircase on it, we can’t quite believe it.” characters.” The play’s sustained popularity since For a man recorded to have said stage its knock-out debut is testament to its artistic grandeur; however, what you see on stage today is an entirely different specimen to the original, which continues to metamorphose from performance to performance. “Our shows are constantly evolving,” says Chapman. “Every performance we will try something new, whether it’s saying a line differently or tightening up a scene change.”

// august 29-31, 8pm, rmb80-280. experimental theatre, Guangzhou opera house, 1 Zhujiang xi lu, Zhujiang xincheng, tianhe district, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江 新城珠江西路1号 (3839 2888, www.gzdjy.org)

28 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com dance » ARTS Birds on Ice Swan Lake slips on some skates

BY Andrew Chin

nother month, another adaptation of Swan Lake comes to the PRD. This production, however, promises to be a little more unique, as the Moscow Ballet Theatre takes Tchaikovsky’sA classic onto the ice. Featuring performers that graduated from Russia’s most famous ballet schools, the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and Vaganova Academy, this fusion of ice dancing and ballet is sure to be a riot, with props such as hula hoops and rope skipping incorporated into the show. Producers have also claimed that a few Chinese elements will be scattered in amongst the set pieces. Despite all the bells and whistles, the classic story of a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer who can only be freed by the love of a charming prince remains a tearjerker. A great show to bring the kids to, the music is simply iconic.

// sZ: august 21-22, 8pm, rmb180-580. shenzhen poly theatre, intersection of houhaibin lu and wenxin liu lu, nanshan district 南山区后海滨路与 文心六路交界处深圳保利剧院 (0755-6245 4661); GZ: august 23-24, 8pm, rmb90-580. Guangzhou baiyun international convention center, 1039 baiyun dadao nan, baiyun district 白云区白云大道南1039号 (400 610 3721)

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 29 ARTS « books The Forbidden Game Exploring China’s complex relationship with golf, the ‘rich man’s game’

BY Aelred Doyle

hat does golf mean in ty guard at a golf course in Guangzhou. China? Statistically, Despite having no knowledge of the zero percent of the sport, he is quickly fascinated. Even population plays it though he is not even allowed to play Wand many course laborers don’t know the course he still manages to teach what they are working on. Is golf himself. The day he hits a golf ball with even about golf? Many new courses are actually real estate plays. Is golf time, to the mockery then disbelief even legal? New golf course construc- ofa real the clubTaiwanese on a real GM course of the forclub, the is firsta tion has been prohibited since 2004, thrilling sports movie moment. and it remains politically taboo. You’ll Zhou is determined to become a never see pictures of government professional, and he does. But it’s a leaders on the course. The answer to all these questions depends on who Prize money never matches his ex- you ask. Dan Washburn is interested penseshard life and on hethe spends fledgling too China much tour. time in the big picture though: working to be able to practice enough. “The story of golf in China ac- His success is a tribute to his amazing tually [has] very little to do with perseverance and natural ability. golf itself… Golf, its emergence and As he starts coming up against growth in China, is a barometer for younger players who grew up in … the country’s rapid economic rise, privilege with professional training, a but it is also symbolic of the less classic Chinese contrast reveals itself glamorous realities of a nation’s during events, with the older profes- awkward and arduous evolution sionals mostly from the countryside, from developing to developed: cor- dark skinned and direct, spending half ruption, environmental neglect, their time looking for the cheapest disputes over rural land rights, and hostel and restaurant to stay in for an ever-widening gap between rich each event, drinking beer together at and poor.” night; and the slick new players with In positing that the story of golf sponsorship and the best equipment, here is really a story of modern looking sharp in their high-end gear. China, Washburn won’t surprise It’s very hard to tell whether the anybody. In this country, nothing is stories of Zhou and Wang are inspira- ever just about that thing. But as the tional or discouraging. That’s up to us founder of Shanghaiist and an expe- to decide. There’s so much here, and rienced and versatile journalist, he’s Washburn stocks the book with great got the balance just right here. vignettes, most memorably of some of the Low on grand pronouncements, high The founder of people Moore has to deal with. on intelligent analysis, straight about how A town mayor insists Moore be his guest much we can only guess at when it comes to Shanghaiist and an at an execution; a rich boss arrives at his club the larger forces involved; he comes at his with ludicrous security overkill, including theme through the stories of three people experienced and motorbike outriggers; at meetings, one guy whose lives have been transformed by the versatile journalist, has young women attending whose sole job golf boom. is to light his pipes; one guy wants a hole to Martin Moore is an American course Washburn’s got the - constructor who lands in China by accident sional golf course,’ Martin sighed.” balance just right be aThe giant contrast funnel between– “‘Mini-golf the onlaughable a profes but projects of extraordinary size and ambition. powerful, and the admirable but powerless, Landin 1994 is leveledand soon by findshand himself on a massive running scale, golf here is explicit. And one nice detail: the highest whole cities of digging equipment rise up, project sets up right next to his village. The taxpayer in Shenzhen in 2001 was reported money and labor is thrown at projects in a to be Tiger Woods, based on his appearance way the world has never seen before. Moore is a running story. The way it affects Wang, money for an event there. - hisconflict family between and relationships developers betweenand landowners villag- Washburn has a rich topic, and he does it ally not sure whether there are enough quali- ers is intriguing. justice. This is a China book, not a golf book, finds himself in situations where he is liter The person Washburn spent the most and it’s a very good one. Wang Libo is a Hainan villager whose time with is Zhou Xunshu. A migrant worker lifefied changes people in when the worlda massive, for his secretive needs. golf from rural Guizhou, he gets a job as a securi- // the forbidden Game is available on amazon.

30 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com lead » ARTS

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 31 ARTS « music Chillmatic Street poet Wootacc’s maiden voyage by Andrew Chin

Fever and producers Kirby Lee and Flyherro to form the CHN Organic Union (C.O.U.). The crew held the city down with their soul- ful sound, and their 2006 album Organic remains a standard bearer for Mainland hip-hop. Three years later, Wootacc was invited to join the Chinese Hip-Hop All-Stars on

victims of the Sichuan earthquake. That year,the track he partnered ‘One,’ a tribute with producer dedicated PD to Doggythe to form B.M.W. and release a digital mini- album. Solo projects soon followed: 2010’s 47n Mixtape and 2011’s No Body No Ski EP. To tease Maiden Voyage’s release, a number of exclusive tracks were posted on Douban, connecting Wootacc with a younger national audience. Looking towards other frontiers is on the emcee’s mind. At this point a Beijing rap vet, Wootacc notes that the scene has become stagnant while hip-hop is growing in other ith a name that translates as Play, Replay,’ he laments the loss of the lively I want to show other cities. On tracks like ‘I Remember’ and ‘We - based rapper Wootacc is not ‘belongs to the stage,’ Beijing- countries what rived in the city. scene“Recently, that he first none encountered of the Beijing when rappers he ar Wbackstage at a Shanghai club he has just suc- or groups have released records,” he says. “I cessfully rocked,lacking he speaks in confidence. of his global Sitting am - Chinese rap is about bitions for his newly released debut album, releases like MadPete’s Cantonese Boom Bap, work with.” Maiden Voyage. V.N.P. Crew’s debut and an EP by 20-year-old had to go to Guangzhou to find a producer to “We’ve translated the lyrics into Japanese female rapper Kosma, a rising force hailing is racking up views online, and he promises and English, with a possible Korean version from Guangzhou. moreHis videos newly to released come. He’s video also ‘Bloody mapping Mary’ in the works,” he says. “Just trying to be more Maiden Voyage is being released in a out a southern tour with stops in Shenzhen, international and break into these markets. I splashy package, purchasable internationally Guangzhou and Hong Kong and hopes for want to show other countries what Chinese through Bandcamp with a limited-edition more dates across China to follow. rap is about.” cassette edition available – the latest hipster Despite the promotional cycle, Wootacc’s Three years in the making, Maiden trend in hip-hop. already planning his next move. “I’m cur- Voyage’s 20-plus tracks play with tempo. The new partnerships have rejuvenated rently working on the next album that may the rapper. He’s already a hip-hop lifer, start- come out later this year,” he says, adding the ing out as a b-boy at 13 years old before fo- caveat that it’s up to the label. However, he Quick’),Sometimes but Wootaccthe beats rhymes are always slow smooth; (‘Air a cusing on rapping two years later. Born and continues, “within a year at the latest.” jazzyChina’), sound sometimes that at timeshe rhymes echoes fast ATLiens (‘We Play-era raised in Yanbian, a Jilin province prefecture

Outkast and A Tribe Called Quest during their that borders North Korea, he cut his teeth in // maiden voyage is available at groovebunnyrecords. The Low End Theory-Midnight Marauders the vibrant local beatboxing community that bandcamp.com. for updates on future wootacc shows, height, with parts channeling Dr. Dre’s g-funk Liu Feng documented in his 2008 documen- visit site.douban.com/wootacc tary Yanbian Box. All the beats are supplied by Peter Chen When he started rapping, he immediate- filteredof the Guangzhou-based through the spirit V.N.P. of J Dilla. Crew. Wootacc ly stood out. “There are a lot of rappers in my describes their partnership as fate. “He hometown, but the majority rap in Korean,” wrote to me and sent a beat to rap on,” the he explains. “I was the only one to do it in Mandarin.” He made the Beijing move in 2003, im- therapper whole explains. album “I together.” loved it. At first, we did - the songIn addition ‘E=mc2’ to andproducing Peter suggested the record, we Chen do linked the rapper up with upstart Jinhua mediatelyagainst MCs fitting like Stoneinto a Dragon,hip-hop Tiantianscene enjoy and City hip-hop label Groove Bunny Records. PDing Doggyits first from golden the age. Iron Videos Mic competitions of his battles The disc is the latest addition to their ster- can be found online on Youku. ling discography which includes standout He partnered with local rap luminary J

32 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com film » ARTS Scenes from a Scene Indie flick documents indie-rock scenes across the country by Andrew Chin

make a 1,000-mile trek to play the show. The occasion will allow Yingling to em- bark on a second round of shooting with

and tag along on Gui Gui Sui Shui’s upcoming tour.plans He to hasfilm also a Xi’an booked show a bysecond System The Error World Underground show on August 8 at Chengdu’s famed Little Bar featuring locals Hiperson and Stolen, as well as the Maples. He’s psyched for his second go-around across the Mainland and recommends the experience for anyone. He mentions asking everyone he interviewed what they wanted foreigners to know about their country. “Their resounding answer was you need to come and visit. Step on the soil and see it with your own eyes,” he says. “Yang Haisong ast summer, China’s indie godfathers For one month, he traveled with the icon- said that everyone has a different version of P.K. 14 went on a triumphant 31- ic group from Zhuhai to Chengdu to Wuhan, what China is, and I would agree.” date national tour to celebrate their With his intimate insight on vibrant un- performances including AV Okubo playing in derground scenes across America, Yingling Lyears. American underground music docu- anpeeking art-riddled into the parking local scenes garage. and Yingling filming spent brings a unique viewpoint on the Mainland fifth album, 1984, their first in five another month in Beijing, where he had his indie scene. He notes: “There’s a lack of ex- The World “mind blown” seeing White + and Residence ample to follow here as DIY isn’t a huge thing Undergroundmentarian John series. Yingling tagged along to film because there are only a handful of examples the firstThe Worldepisode Underground of his ambitious is Yingling tak- out there,” but is encouraged for its future. ing his passion onto a global stage. In 2007, A, interviewed leading figures like Nova “The Internet’s growth is going to be a cata- he moved from a small town in Wisconsin to andHeart’s SUBS Helen jamming Feng andat their was rehearsal given fly-on-the- spaces. lyst. It’s wide open now and I can’t wait to Chicago armed with a “shitty” Canon ELPH wall“There access were to film so Carsick many great Cars, non-musical Hedgehog watch what happens.” and a long-nurtured love for the Windy City’s moments,” he adds. “The number of times The World Underground aims to tap into someone pointed me to a venue because I that possibility. Its late summmer online hundreds of shows for his Gonzo Chicago - blog,music eventually scene. He beingfilmed named and photographed Best Music hilarious. A guy in Changsha let me jump on vide access to all the attached live recordings Scene Documentarian by The Chicago Reader hisgave motorcycle them a ‘guitar during strum’ rush motion hour when was prettyI was footage,release will in exchange not include for thea small film donation.but will pro in 2012. A year later, he did the same thing in jammed up before the P.K. 14 show. An old Yingling aspires for the website to be a global Missoula, Montana. man and his wife fed me fruit for an hour, af- resource with detailed contact information The idea of covering the Mainland was ter nearly zero sleep on an awfully long train on bands and bookers in each place it visits. born out of conversations with indie duo ride. There are too many to count. I enjoyed “The idea is to connect the global community Handsome Furs who “wouldn’t stop gushing" myself in nearly every situation in China.” Slated for a late-summer release, Beijing will endeavor,” he says. “Let’s create what some- tour of China. At the time, he was aware of get a sneak peek of The World Underground oneand justsome eloquently day have thisdescribed be a self-sufficient as an under- Hedgehog,about their P.K. just 14 completed and Carsick 2010 Cars five-city – three on July 10 at Yugong Yishan. Yingling will ground without borders.” of only a handful of China groups to have played in America. He credits Josh Feloa’s > for more details about John Yingling's project, visit www. Pangbianr blog for being a thorough primer present a rough-cut of the film and attendees theworldunderground.com and eventually linked up with Genjing will receive a ‘trash tape’ mix CD composed of Records’ founder Nevin Domar who sug- potentsounds lineupthe director of China’s recorded top bands, during headlined filming. gested he join the P.K. 14 tour. by WuhanThe film trio will Subs. be complemented Yingling fast with a “Jumping on tour with them opened up became friends with frontwoman so much more to me than I ever could have Kang Mao and watched their sound imagined. They tour in a van, something - most Chinese bands don’t do, but also pick ing touches on their album yoU aRe their openers,” Yingling says before praising yoU,evolve released as the groupin March. put Thethe finish bill standout sets by local acts like Meikadeer also includes the ever-energetic in Guangzhou, Color Hunter in Changsha, Residence A and leaders of the The Maples in Chongqing and Chengdu’s psychedlic-rock scene Chui Wan. Hi Person and Stolen. “I knew there were The charismatically rocking Diders John Yin g lin scenes in these cities, but I never would have will represent the next wave of y seen what I did, had I not gone on tour with China’s underground alongside

P.K. 14.” indietronic group Stolen who will b photo

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 33 Junk Food Nation Charting China’s changing appetites

BY Monica Liau

y 2015, China’s consumption This encompasses a huge range of snacks, driving up global prices for chocolate and co- of processed food is projected from the I-can-kind-of-justify-it bar of choco- coa beans. They put away USD12 billion worth to overtake the late to the undeniably empty calorie and so- of candies and chocolates per year. B and the Middle Kingdom will dium wallop offered up in a package of instant They guzzle enough bubble tea in 365 be crowned the world’s king of junk food. noodles or bag of potato chips. days for the empty cups to circle the equator… According to Euromonitor International, And everyone (and we mean everyone) twice. The amount of noodles they slurp annu- this means 107 million tons of cookies, is trying to sink their teeth into this market. ally would reach the sun and back 7.5 times. ready-made meals and other snacks will be PepsiCo – makers of Doritos and Lay’s potato There are currently more than 50,000 fast gobbled down, as compared to 102 million chips – have invested USD2.46 billion in the food outlets dotted across the nation. tons in the US. past three years and released scintillating lo- However, behind these huge numbers is the fact that, per capita, the Chinese market ac- Merriam-Webster - - tually still doesn’t add up to much – a few bags lows: toriouslycalized flavors cautious, like America-centriccucumber (gross) Hershey’s and hot of chips here, a couple chocolate bars there. 1. Food that is high defines in calories junk butfood low as folin shelledn’ sour fishout soupUSD584 (not million as gross). for anEven 80 thepercent no What it does mean though is an obesity and nutritional content share in the Golden Monkey snack company. diabetes epidemic sweeping the nation as fast 2. Something that is appealing or enjoy- China is the world’s number one biscuit as the industry is growing. It’s a lot to digest in chomper. Their appetites are credited with one issue. Get ready to gorge…

able but of little or no real value 34 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY Noodle Numbers Huge stats behind the humble ramen by Erik crouch

Oh, the wonders of RMB54.6 billion instant noodles; delicacy The value of China’s instant noodle market. to college students and night train riders alike! The delightful dried bricks of wheat flour, oil and salt (and more salt) have become a staple of the modern Chinese junk diet. million 120Packets are eaten in China every day Originally created in 1958 by Taiwanese-Japanese inventor Momofuku Ando, founder of Nissin Foods, the indestructible % 6The amount the instant noodle market is strands entered the China market in the 1970s – and really expected to grow every year until 2018. took off when Cup Noodle was developed in 1971. Packets of of convenience- instant noodles 90% According to the World Instant store snacks sold in China are consumed Noodle Association (yeah, that are types of exists), The Chinese Mainland in China every instant noodles. and Hong Kong are now the year, making world’s most enthusiastic them the consumers of instant noodles, Packets eaten devouring more than three world’s largest 44 per person per times as many packages of billion consumer. microwavable goodness as the Indonesia comes in second at a paltry 14.9 year. This puts world’s number two noodle billion. China in fourth market, Indonesia. This makes place, behind for some mind-boggling China 36 South Korea (69), Indonesia (63) and statistics that would 51 meters Vietnam (56). Time to catch up! make The approximate length of the noodles, Momofuku proud. lined up end to end, in one packet of ramen

Of the world’s instant noodles are consumed The number of 44% in China every year times the noodles consumed in China in one day could circle the equator teaspoons 1.5 152If you could stretch 700,000 The amount of salt found in some of the all of the noodles consumed in China every Packets of instant noodles were donated more popular Chinese instant noodle year into space, they would make it to the to help residents of Sichuan after the 2008 brands. That’s almost twice the daily sun and back 7.5 times earthquake. recommended dosage!

August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com 35 Zotter's central work station, where custom chocolates are created

- ing plant – guns loaded with M&Ms, Snickers and Dovethe first – chocolate major company snacks towere set basicallyup a manufactur non-exist- ent. Their main products struggled. Mars had to hook the young (the peanut and - er generations). Their market positioning (Dove barsnougat were Snickers moved combination into a more waspremium difficult category). for old And, most of all, they had to bide their time to build brand awareness. Chocoholics Their patience (and deep pockets) paid off. As of 2013, Mars controls 40 percent of China’s choc- olate market, almost four times as much as its next anonymous competitor, Ferrero Rocher – who made its niche almost accidentally: the brilliant gold foil proved Measuring China’s unpredictable perfect for Chinese gifts during special occasions. Big players like Nestle decided to go in the candy cravings opposite direction, focusing on products like in- stant coffee and baby formula when they entered By Monica Liau and Tongfei Zhang China two decades ago. Despite having a large market share of the global chocolate industry e are standing in the next evo- at one point, a liberal dose of baijiu make an ap- with confections like KitKats and Crunch Bars, lution of the Chinese chocolate pearance. Vice President of Nestle’s chocolate and candy industry: the Willy Wonka- They make 365 different kinds of chocolates business, Mr. Weiwei, says they only focus on one W esque factory of newcomer - a world record. Soon, consumers around the na- chocolate product here: their classic wafer crisp Zotter chocolate. Surrounding us are chocolate tion will not only be able to get these luxury bars – called Cuicui Sha in Chinese – which are mainly fountains, where cocoa liquor aerates with vel- delivered via the Internet, they’ll also be able to produced in Tianjin. vety delights like cream and coconut milk. make their own, choosing from an array of wild “To be honest, the chocolate market here isn’t Before that were raw chocolate and cocoa and wonderful ingredients online. very live,” says Wei. “Westerners can’t live without nibs. Ahead, a trail of delights are in store for the A decade ago it is doubtful a smaller, more bou- chocolate, but in China, it hasn’t become a snack visitor, tracing the way this Austrian company tique company like this would have even consid- that people want to eat all the time yet.” makes, manages and markets their chocolate to ered China, and Zotter still faces a hard road ahead. They’ve latched onto the wafer crisp, Wei the Middle Kingdom. Despite recent headlines screaming about says, because it appeals to a wide range of custom- how the Middle Kingdom’s voracious appetite for ers (ages six to 60), has good consumer awareness for their creative, organic products, has built a cocoa goodness is driving up prices around the facilityThis outside is the firstof their time home the company, country, investing known a world, the average Chinese person actually doesn’t being frank, minimum amount of actual chocolate. whopping USD18 million on a plant that doubles eat that much chocolate: around 100-200 grams and a better profit return due to its small size and, as an interactive tour experience (sans Oompa have, chocolate is still the most popular,” Wei Loompas, sadly). Their goal is to delight and edu- Western Europeans, who regularly chow about 10 continues.“Of the “As seven for ourdifferent other [wafer] chocolate flavors products, we I cate the new, maturing chocolate consumer. kilogramsper person a per year. year – less than five percent of the think we’ll have to wait for awhile to see how the All of their products are organic. Everything Even the big boys have historically struggled market responds.” can be tasted. During the two-hour long explora- with China’s tastes, which do not necessarily grav- This industry caution comes up again and tion, chocolates mixed with everything from exotic itate towards rich, creamy and sweet things. again, yet companies continue to bet on tastes fruits to ingredients like bacon, curry and even, When Mars entered the Mainland in 1993 as developing. One must admit, the numbers look

36 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY

A bar of chocolate in the making

Fountains spouting chocolate, ranging from sweet white to dark, bitter cacao A squirt of baijiu chocolate anyone?

est. Chocosuisse, the industry group that repre- Chocolate is mixed sents Switzerland’s 18 traditional luxury chocolate makers, say that the amounts they sell to China with everything don’t even make it onto their annual pie chart (in comparison, half of all of their watch sales went to Asia). from exotic fruits French company Valrhona, which entered China in 2000, says that their business is slowly to bacon, curry growing, but they have not yet seen wide-reaching interest. Some say that this slow growth in the and even a liberal luxury sector could be chalked up to its lack of is harder. dose of baijiu flashiness.However, A Gucci Godiva bag is you banking can show on the off. market Chocolate boom in a big way – and encourage the taste for showiness with fancy stores and even fancier intriguing; between 2006 and 2010 alone, confec- packaging. Having launched in Beijing in 2009, tionary sales jumped by 50 percent, with choco- they have since expanded to 50 stores in 14 differ- ent cities, with around 300 cities on their website delivery list. late slatedNatra, toa Spanish be the country’s fastest-growing chocolate company that “We feel very optimistic about China’s enteredsector through China last at least year, 2016. decided it isn’t as much economic growth potential,” Godiva CEO James about per capita consumption, but the sheer size Goldman tells us. “We plan to continue to open of the population which makes the market excit- new stores and continue expanding our e-com- ing. merce business.” Last December mega-chocolatier Hersheys Big name companies like Godiva are help- invested USD500 million in local chocolate and ing to pave the path for the even more boutique candy company Golden Monkey – a surprise from names, like family-owned Zotter. Julia, daughter of the notoriously cautious, American-centric brand. the founder, and manager of this China operation, Last March, they announced annual sales of says that they are starting out slow – only a small Hershey’s Kisses surpassed USD100 million in percentage of their products are actually made at their Shanghai production facility. this milestone outside of the US. Hershey’s Kisses ChocolatesChina, making is the it the company’s first Hershey fastest brand growing to reach brand to make 500 chocolate bars and host 4,500 people globally, with more than 40 percent of sales now on theirThis delicious flagship -tours which each will day eventually - is more be about able coming from outside the US. helping shape the tastes of a new generation. This month, they will be launching another “We really want people to not just eat choco- massive Hershey’s store in Shanghai, complete late but enjoy it,” says Ms. Zotter, who has a degree with a massive café and restaurant. in both food sciences and from the Cordon Bleu Upper-tier chocolate companies working to in France. “It’s all about learning about the choco- tap into the massive Chinese potential see similar late’s beauty and uniqueness. We want to teach obstacles of market fragmentation and low inter- China how to be passionate for it.”

August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com 37 Cookie monsters China is number one consumer of sweet biscuits, and Oreo king

By Monica Liau

he Middle Kingdom scarfed USD25.2 billion worth of cook- ies last year, and is currently the world’s most voracious consumer of T released in 2006 – smaller, lighter and the perfect sweet biscuits. In the frenzy, Mondelez’s Oreo has undoubt- didn’t look like an Oreo. It soon became a bestsell- edly emerged as current ruler of the empire. In The twist and er,single-portion and helped propelsize. It wasthe once-beleaguered the first time an Oreo brand 2013, Chinese consumers bought USD8.3 million up to the top, where it currently sits, fat and happy. worth of this iconic chocolate and vanilla sand- dunk ritual – which In 2008, a huge facility outside Suzhou dedi- wich cookie, commanding nearly 16 percent of the market. Americans have for the market was opened. An expansion of the The closest companies behind them are do- innate fondness factorycated to is research set to be and completed development this month, of new making flavors the facility a whopping 30,000 square meters. mestic firms like Dongguang City Golden Fuji Food Through the powers of observation and food for – seemed, science, new product after new product is turned whichand Want all hold Want Holdings, single-digit assegments: well as the lucrative South and out, like single-portion mini Oreos in a bowl and yetKorean mere Lotte crumbs Confectionary comparatively. and Orion Group – well… a bit odd But things haven’t always been so easy for this While both successful, the latter is currently the dunkable confection. Launched on the Mainland in secondregular-sized most popular ones with option green-tea after theflavored original. filling. 1996, the company (then Kraft Foods) was bank- dunking. Experts attribute the success to green tea’s ing on their name and established reputation to They stayed, of course, and invested millions “cooling properties,” which makes consumers propel them into the emerging market. But while into market research and product development. more likely to buy them during sweltering sum- products like Kelsen Royal Dansk Cookies could Oreos were both too bitter on the outside and too mer months. get by on looks alone (they were acquired by sweet on the in. There were too many cookies Campbell Group last month for their China popu- in a package. The twist and dunk ritual – which Oreo-cookie chewing gum. Americans have innate fondness for – seemed, LessHowever, successful: no one birthday-cake can keep a hold flavor on theand By 2005, nearly a decade later, Oreo con- well… a bit odd. larity), Oreo floundered. In short, the iconic sweet needed serious looks like the Middle Kingdom frenzy is starting to faced two choices: shape up, or ditch the China work. In a last-ditch effort, a wafer cookie was notoriously fickle Chinese market for long, and it trolled a paltry five percent of the country and slow. Last month, the Euromonitor International predicted that, as China reaches cookie saturation - cent, down dramatically from the 20 percent year onand year maturity, it’s been growth enjoying. will slow In May, to aboutOreo announced five per

wafer cookie was released. a 2.7For percent Mondelez drop andin revenue the rest – ofthe the first biscuit-bak since the-

out what China wants. Oreo is banking on new ers, this means they will have to once again figure They’ve partnered up with the wildly success- fulproducts Transformers and flashy franchise, partnerships. embossing a special series of cookies with Autobots and Decepticons. This season, you can also expect a new set of “thin crisps” to hit the Chinese snack stalls: cookies es- sentially the thickness of a piece of paper, offered - la ice cream and packaged in smaller containers. in premiumDuring aflavors taste-test like previewlemon, tiramisu held at the and That’s vanil

products were “pretty tasty.” Perhaps the Chinese marketoffices, editorswill do thedecided same. – universally – that the

38 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY

The many iterations of the Oreo And now, a

1. The wafer that put Oreo on the China map… and the first time the word from Oreo didn’t really look like itself. McDonald's

Across the next two pages, we've charted the rises and falls of fast food in 2. Mini buckets work well as they are single China – portions and seem less unhealthy. This Before you from dig the into first that KFC though, to their here's long what(long) Kenneth list of food Chen, scandals. CEO of Mc strategy is working in the US also. Donald's China, told us weeks before the story broke about their supplier Husi using expired meat, embroiling the nation's fast food chains in a public- relations uproar.

3. Low-sugar cookies – cleverly food giant. called “lightly sweet.” How Completely on message, this conversation reflects calmer waters for the fast much less sugar you ask? The Weeks before the scandal, we chatted with Kenneth Chen, CEO of consumers may never know… waters for the fast food giant. McDonald’s China. Completely on message, this conversation reflects calmer On China… 4. It worked as a wafer. Why not roll it into a China is THE market that every global company would like to dip into, with an unpredictable potential that lies in its great population and rapidly grow- cigarillo (reminiscent of the iconic Chinese egg ing economy. It’s easily an ideal market for all. Consumers here are open- roll cookies) and give it more crunch? minded to multicultural things. With this advantage, we have successfully launched more than 2,000 restaurants in the past 24 years.

On McDonald’s next step… 5. Inside out, or In 2013 alone, we have launched 275 more stores, which set the fastest right side in? record in our own system. And we expect to follow this trend and open 300 more stores this year.

6. Working to show off their softer On how McDonald’s keeps it clean… side (and to address complaints that First, made in China and made for China. We launched China Hamburger their cookies were too hard). College for local training. And 95 percent of the food materials we use are from China, which is in accordance with the global standard. Second, we have to improve the franchising process so we can better blend into the local - tempt and this number reached 46 in 2013. Our goal is to enhance last year’s 7. Green tea flavors have been 12market. percent In 2008, franchisees we only ratio had to three 20 percent, franchisees or even in China 25 percent during in our 2015. first at particularly effective in boosting Last but not the least, beyond the foundation of quality, service, cleanli- sales – people like the lighter ness and value, the place we have in the hearts of Chinese consumers is the magic of our brand, created through the modernity of our restaurant de- flavor, which they also believe signs, menu innovation and the multiple international branded assets which has a cooling affect. we partner with like the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup.

8. Oreo’s newest We emailed the McDonald’s marketing team for a follow-up inter- view once the expired meat story broke. We got this response: creation – cookies “McDonald’s has very stringent standards and procedures in our supplier the thickness of a management including systemic and third party audits. This situation is be- potato chip and in ing thoroughly investigated by the Chinese authorities. It appears from the initial news report that these alleged mis-practices have been hidden from lighter flavors like McDonald’s. We want to find out the truth and we are reviewing this matter lemon and tiramisu. with the upmost care, attention and urgency.”

August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com 39

now filtered into Japan too. too. Japan into filtered now

Sales plummet. plummet. Sales The H7N9 bird flu infects 140 people people 140 infects flu bird H7N9 The

and kills 45, not great for the Colonel. Colonel. the for great not 45, kills and

Yum since 2008. The scandal has has scandal The 2008. since Yum and Jiangsu Province by 2017. by Province Jiangsu and in Shanghai - the first of 100 planned planned 100 of first the - Shanghai in

arch 2013: 2013: arch M McDonald’s in China since 1992 and and 1992 since China in McDonald’s sales. for Beijing, Tianjin, Zhejiang Province Province Zhejiang Tianjin, Beijing, for Carl’s Jr. opens its first Mainland shop shop Mainland first its opens Jr. Carl’s

worldwide and has been supplying supplying been has and worldwide 2013 drop in their fourth quarter China China quarter fourth their in drop

about 60 manufacturing facilities facilities manufacturing 60 about Mainland. McDonald’s reports a 0.9 0.9 a reports McDonald’s Mainland.

Husi have been broken off. OSI has has OSI off. broken been have Husi been diverting their attention to the the to attention their diverting been eptember 2009: 2009: eptember S

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seasoned beef. Everyone quickly quickly Everyone beef. seasoned cent to USD337 million, a disaster for for disaster a million, USD337 to cent

in Mongolian hot pot dishes. pot hot Mongolian in

withdraws more than 500 cases of of cases 500 than more withdraws -

Little Sheep Group, which specializes specializes which Group, Sheep Little

pork from the market. Pizza Hut Hut Pizza market. the from pork stop eating them. Yum! announces announces Yum! them. eating stop

in stake percent 27 a purchases Yum! 4,500 cases of beef, chicken and and chicken beef, of cases 4,500 three-quarters saying they would would they saying three-quarters

2009: 2009: McDonald’s withdraws more than than more withdraws McDonald’s chicken products were unsafe, with with unsafe, were products chicken

withdrawn, it’s shaken the industry. industry. the shaken it’s withdrawn, 2009 they believed KFC and McDonald’s McDonald’s and KFC believed they

ately closed and all related products products related all and closed ately poll, 85 percent of respondents said said respondents of percent 85 poll,

- immedi is Shanghai in plant District cent in one day and in a Sina Weibo Weibo Sina a in and day one in cent

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Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut) – have have – Hut) Pizza and Chicken Fried same accusation to another supplier. supplier. another to accusation same

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ant McDonald’s, Dicos and Yum! Yum! and Dicos McDonald’s, ant illegal drugs and antibiotics. CCTV CCTV antibiotics. and drugs illegal

- gi for supplier meat local acting chain that pumps its chickens with with chickens its pumps that chain

the American OSI group and the the and group OSI American the

a with KFC links media Domestic

Husi - a food processor owned by by owned processor food a - Husi

November 2012: 2012: November

restaurants in five to seven years. seven to five in restaurants Shanghai media reports that that reports media Shanghai July 20, 2014: 2014: 20, July

Industry and Trade Co. to build 1,000 1,000 build to Co. Trade and Industry 2012

and families. and ship with Turkish group TAB Gida Gida TAB group Turkish with ship

attempt to appeal to young couples couples young to appeal to attempt - partner new announces King Burger

interior decorating elements in an an in elements decorating interior 2012: 2012:

incorporates traditional Chinese Chinese traditional incorporates McDonald's opens its first “eatery” “eatery” first its opens McDonald's

restaurant in Guangzhou, which which Guangzhou, in restaurant

April 2014: 2014: April n 2014 With yet another meat scandal shocking the nation and obesity rates growing through the roof (see previous page), the Mainland’s love affair with fast food may, once again, be hitting rocky ground. As fast food

Zha chains scurry to deal with the latest crisis, we look at the immense growth of an industry that didn’t exist 30 years ago – from the entrance of major international brands to the rise of the local chains, which have atio y Zoe and Chin sneakily begun to swallow a bigger piece of the China pie. The only question is – how will the big boys bounce racing the ups and downs downs and ups the racing A ndre w

back this time? y B of an industry 1987 1990New fast-food n T 1991 1992 November 12, 1987: October 1990: 1991: 1992: Twelve years after failing to launch in - store, a 500-seater on Jiefang Lu in Chicken, launches in Shanghai two taurant at the corner of Wangfujing on the Mainland. Housed in a three- Shenzhen,McDonald’s a openscity then its withoutfirst Mainland a KFC China’s first fast food chain, Ronghua andMcDonald’s Chang’an opens Jie. A its sprawling first Beijing 28,000 res story,Hong Kong,1,100 Yum!square-meter opens the building first KFC (the Colonel hadn’t achieved nation- bold intent is evident in its slogan, square meters able to seat around minutes away from Tiananmen wide domination… yet). This April it “Whereveryears after thethere city’s is KFC, first there KFC. Itsis 700 people, it is – at that point - the Square, it is an immediate success. Its celebrated its 2,000th store opening Ronghua.” An early success, its ag- largest in the world. (read the sidebar for our chat with gressive nationwide expansion is a of fried chicken, netting RMB83,000. their company CEO, weeks before the failure. By 2000, it has to shut all of Thefirst companyday, it sells commits out of 2,200 to a slow- buckets latest scandal). its Beijing stores down due to poor growth process with only nine KFCs business. in the Mainland by 1992. Currently, there are over 4,600 locations across the nation.

40 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com


the year. the

to have 1,000 stores by the end of of end the by stores 1,000 have to


across 465 cities. McDonald’s plans plans McDonald’s cities. 465 across

builds others in Changzhou and and Changzhou in others builds

KFC has more than 2,000 stores stores 2,000 than more has KFC

lion to establish a factory in Nanjing, Nanjing, in factory a establish to lion

2008: 2008:

- mil RMB3 invests Food Fast Lihua

2008 year. the of IPO

eptember 2005: 2005: eptember S

USD24.30/share, the third highest highest third the USD24.30/share,

shares rise 50 percent in one day to to day one in percent 50 rise shares

the New York Stock Exchange. Its Its Exchange. Stock York New the 63 opened by their deadline. their by opened 63

by 2010 and its shares are listed on on listed are shares its and 2010 by rants by 2012. They fall short, with with short, fall They 2012. by rants

paper cuts, magpies and twin fishes. twin and magpies cuts, paper ate nine restaurants. It grows to 101 101 to grows It restaurants. nine ate - restau 250-300 open to plans ing

- oper founders its after established - announc China, enters King Burger

Cooking Restaurant Chain Co. is is Co. Chain Restaurant Cooking

2005: 2005:

Festival. Interior is decorated with Fu Fu with decorated is Interior Festival.

Chongqing-based Country Style Style Country Chongqing-based

makeover to celebrate Spring Spring celebrate to makeover

2007: 2007:

link to increased risk of cancer. of risk increased to link Street is given a traditional Chinese Chinese traditional a given is Street

dye - banned from food use due to its its to due use food from banned - dye McDonald’s on Beijing’s Wangfujing Wangfujing Beijing’s on McDonald’s

80 percent of the restaurant industry. restaurant the of percent 80 Red Sudan contain they as taurants

2004: 2004:

Chinese fast food chains account for for account chains food fast Chinese - res its from products some pulls KFC 2004

2007: 2007: 2005:

2007 1994 2005 1994: The fast food industry is included in the CCP’s Eighth Five Year Plan. Two years later, they issue their Fast Food Development Guidelines, expecting the sector to contribute 25 percent to total restaurant industry revenue by 2000.

1994: With Taiwanese invest- ment, Dicos is founded in Chengdu. Last year, it opened its 2,000th restaurant – as many as McDonald’s. At the opening ceremony in Beijing, Wei Yingheng chairman of the group announces plans to have 3,000 outlets by 2015, 4,000 by 2017, 5,000 by 2020 and 25,000 outlets by 2040.

1994: Guangzhou- based chain Real Kung-Fu opens complete with memorableits first branch, 1995 2000 2001 Bruce Lee-like mascot, and makes 1995: 2000: Summer 2001: bank on the fast food concept of sim- ple Cantonese favorites like pork ribs McDonald’s rip-off Red Chinese There are 1,400 fast food chains in KFC introduces Chinese items like with soybean sauce, Taiwan-style Sorghum Mutton Noodle opens in China with a combined network of preserved Sichuan pickle and shred- minced pork and eel. In 2007, they Zhengzhou. Seven additional stores 500,000 stores and annual sales of ded pork soup to their menu. It’s open their 200th store and announce open within eight months. A year RMB80 billion. KFC and McDonald’s a success. Mushroom rice, tomato standardizing operations of all its continue to dominate. and egg soup and traditional Peking stores with the help of South China directly across from McDonald’s. chicken roll are soon added. University of Technology, raising Shortlylater, its after, first Beijingthe chain store is shut is opened down RMB300 million from venture capital due to lack of money, its founder Qiao funds to expand. Ying arrested for illegal fundraising.

August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com 41 The Fat Years A look at China’s bulging waistline

By Marianna Cerini

hina was once considered one of the - access to wealth in cities has led educated urban leanest populations in the world. As of sity in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, middle classes to spend more money on processed the last three decades, however, that is organizinglaunched its lectures first week-long and free campaignexaminations against to help obe food and fast food. It is this demographic that is C no longer the impression. The country’s more people understand the dangers of obesity. getting fatter. waistline is expanding. At an alarming rate. But the problem has kept getting bigger. “A lot of white-collar urban Chinese see brand- It’s a transition that has occurred in a disturb- ed and packaged food as a symbol of modernity,” Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation released ingly short time frame and in settings very different says French. “They purchase it to display an inter- last MayA study in the by medicalthe University journal of The Washington’s Lancet revealed from those of Western countries, as Paul French national lifestyle.” that the Middle Kingdom is now number two for In a country riddled with food scandals and obesity in the world, with its number of obese resi- safety concerns, however, processed food also can dents outstripped only by the US. come across as more sanitized and risk-free. There are some 60 million obese Chinese There are some “Following rapid urbanization and land adults – more than nine percent of the world’s speculation, wet markets in a lot of Chinese cities total obese population – and 300 million who are 60 million obese have been replaced by high-rises,” explains French. overweight. “Fresher ingredients have become less readily The country’s economic growth has no doubt Chinese adults available, and what is out there is often perceived been pivotal to the ballooning of its weight. as unhygienic or sub-standard. Packaged food, on In the 1980s, just seven percent of Chinese the contrary, is seen as a safe, less tainted choice.” were overweight. A decade later, as the economy and Matthew Crabbe point out in their 2010 book picked up and cars, city living, television and fast Fat China: How Expanding Waistlines are Changing meals often contain as much as three times the food began to shape an increasingly Westernized a Nation. amountIt’s aof flawed oil, salt approach and sugar to as nutrition regular, –locally processed If in the Western world obesity correlates with sourced and home-cooked food – yet it is one fast- grown to 15 percent. poverty, China’s weight problem is partly linked to food and processed food companies have been suc- lifestyleIn 2002, across with urban disposable centers, incomesthat figure far had higher cessfully banking on in China. than ever before, 23 percent of the adult population The rural poor are still thin – though things arewhat changing French callsin that a “wealth-deficit respect too – while problem.” the greater Euromonitor International, the ubiquitous fast-food According to market intelligence firm was identified as overweight. That same year, China 42 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY

industry generated revenue of USD94.2 billion in 2013, up 8 percent from 2012. The total processed food market in the country is valued at USD140.4 billion. As of 2012, China has become the most rap- idly growing frozen food market in Asia.

drinks, fat-laden ready meals and sugary tempta- tionsSetting have been the traditionalembraced asChinese the more diet alluring aside, fizzy op- tion by many young Chinese. Marketing and advertising, says French, have played a key role in this middle class assimilation. “Mislabeling has often been used as a main strategy for food advertising in China,” he says. “The Middle Kingdom has not yet enforced se- rious restrictions on food marketing, which means that companies can make all sorts of claims here that they couldn’t make elsewhere. Brands can de- clare to be green, healthy, organic and even sugar- free. No one checks on them.” into shape. Starting at around RMB30,000 for a on consumers’ mentality are obvious – particularly In China you see six-week program, they promise to help battle pot whenThe it comes power to and the influence younger suchsegment claims of thecan popu have- bellies and tubby thighs. lation. kids as young But the consequences of China’s weight problem are far more serious than mere aesthetic lthough obesity is more of an adult as 14 or 15 with issues. phenomenon in China, children and The prevalence of excess weight and obe- adolescents aren’t immune. The Type 2 diabetes. - Lancet study claimed that 23 percent diovascular disease and various types of cancer. A sity has severe health effects, such as diabetes, car of Chinese boys under age 20 are overweight According to a study published last year in the They’ll likely live Journal of the American Medical Association, China Overall, about 120 million Chinese under 18 are has the world’s largest Type 2 diabetes epidemic, consideredor obese, while obese. the figure for girls is 14 percent. until they’re 80, but with 114 million adults affected by the disease. And it starts very young. The Middle Kingdom That’s 11.6 percent of the adult population, a perceives plump babies as healthy, and a rotund will have to be on higher proportion than the US. In 1980, prevalence was below one percent. among China’s little emperors is both a combi- medications for their Moving forward, what that means for the nationfigure as of acultural sign of traditionswealth. The and rising contemporary chubbiness country is a tremendous strain on the public health lifestyle. entire life system. In a report published last year, deputy chief “Diabetes is not a lethal condition,” says of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and quite common to cancel gym classes to make room French. “Once you have it, you have to manage it for Prevention Liang Xiaofeng said the obesity rate of for other courses. the rest of your life. That is expensive. “Sport is only valued on a highly competitive “While in Europe or the US people tend to de- soared to 8.5 percent in 2010, up from 5.3 percent level,” explains French. “So unless a child is in to velop it as their age advances, in China you see kids inchildren 2005. under the age of five in Chinese cities had win medals, parents aren’t interested in having him as young as 14 or 15 with Type 2 diabetes. They’ll Cocooned by their grandparents, who are often or her doing a discipline for the sake of it. Sport likely live until they’re 80, but will have to be on their main caretakers, the pampered single-child doesn’t get you to Harvard. For many, it’s a waste medications for their entire life. generation is growing up on a diet of snacks and of time.” “And the public healthcare is supposed to be quick food, which is often used as a reward or a The sedentary lifestyle children lead is hurting covering the cost. It’s a ridiculous situation that’s way to compensate for parental absence. their health as much as an after-school meal at KFC. bound to come to a boiling point in the near future. “It’s common for grandparents to spoil their That of course extends into adulthood. It’s unsustainable.” grandchildren,” says French. “There’s a widespread The country’s rising middle class is spending So far, the government has not been able to culture of treats and incentives – the promise that more time motionless in front of televisions, com- concretely face the issue. “They know they can only if you do your homework until 11 o’clock you’ll get puters and video games. City streets, once crowded tell people to do some things before they get fed a Mars bar.” with bicycles, are now jammed with people sitting up,” says French. “So they’ve mostly taken a non- Older family members often have little concept in cars. interfering approach.” about what’s nutritionally valuable and what isn’t. As it is, however, this semi-denial is not going Children are even more ill-informed. “For grandpar- n this oversized, fast-paced China where over- to bring any good to the country. ents, sweet snacks are cheap and easy to acquire,” weight is becoming the norm, an increasing “Dieticians and nutritionists are still scarce. French points out. “And if a child is asked to choose number of individuals are resorting to extreme Food education is far from entering the academic between fruit or chocolate, he will of course choose I measures to drop a few pounds. curriculum. While in most European countries it the latter… that’s part of the problem as well.” As French and Crabbe mention in Fat China, is illegal to build a fast food restaurant within 100 Changes in diet, however, are not the only cul- “Weight Watchers, fat farms, slimming pills, diet yards of a school, chains like McDonald’s and KFC prit. The problem, French points out, is also fueled - are still allowed to open by school proximities,” by the Chinese obsession with academic achieve- maceuticals” have entered the everyday lexicon of says French. ment, which leaves children almost no time for mostplans, urban cosmetic Chinese. surgery and ‘magic bullet’ phar It’s a worrying scenario. As waistlines are physical exercise. Weight–loss camps have sprung up in me- growing faster than the country’s GDP, one has to Although schools are required to set aside at tropolises like Beijing and Shanghai to help Chinese wonder how much longer China will manage to least an hour for physical activities every day, it is children, teenagers and young adults get back keep its chubby little emperors happy.

August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com 43 COMMUNITY « Silk Road Hitchhikers Magic Moments Tibetan fairies in the mountains of Gansu

BY Lee Moore, photos by Galen Burke

We came to a bend in the trail. Just above more to the fairies than I realized. We returned way along our journey along us was the lower lake, blocked by a small cliff to the trailhead before the showers came. thee were Silk almost Road, ina fifththe town of the of face that we had to navigate around. At that Huazangsi, when we encoun- moment, two men in cheap suits passed us, // lee moore and Galen burke won the 2013 outside magazine teredW fairies. Huazangsi is a Tibetan area in chattering and smoking. "Please, you need adventure Grant with a plan to hitchhike the chinese sec- the Gansu Corridor, just two hours northwest tion of the silk road, from xi’an to Kashgar, visiting parks of Lanzhou. Though most people think of the fairy legend, told them. "The fairies that live and scenic areas along the way. the project's goal is explore Silk Road as all sandy desert, the land here is mayto be make quiet," it ourrain guide, unless a youfirm are believer quiet." in the china's remaining wild spaces while also understanding what largely high alpine pastures and mountains. "Cheat," one of the men yelled at our the chinese people think of the wild. we’ll be following their We had left Huazangsi by a quarter to six guide, in a thick, central Hubei accent. "You're journey every month as they investigate the culture and nature that morning, but it was already a few min- a cheat. I'm going to get to the lake and yell as along this historic trade route. for more information on the silk utes past eight when we arrived. The journey loud as I can. You'll see. There are no fairies road hitchhikers, visit www.silkroadhitchhikers.com. up to the Maya Snow Mountain trailhead here." He stomped his cigarette into the grass. should have only taken two hours, but we man turned around before he got to the lake. "I don'tThe want first to man go. This walked isn't on, fun." but He the made second up an minutes,had gotten all caught our driver in traffic could jams do was with honk 400 and excuse. He had been spooked by the threat of a slowlysheep and, push further through up, the a herd hundreds of yaks. of Foranimals five fairy curse. His friend continued on, but quietly moving alongside us. turned around soon after glancing at the lake. The hike to the lake was not long, only 4 The pair had disappeared by the time we made kilometers. However, it started high at 3,300 our ascent. Neither yelled anything as they left. meters and went much higher, the second lake The lower lake was brown and muddy, topping out at 4,000. but the upper lake, reached by a 100-meter "I thought I was just out of shape," an set of stairs carved into the rock face, was Aussie companion huffed, watching us pant- sublime. Sheer granite walls surrounded the ing our way up the incline. environs and a holy Tibetan cairn whistled According to Tibetan legends, the two lakes, one on a rock face above the other, each - have a fairy living inside them. These mystic ible.with Wethe whisperedsound of the to prayereach other flags and tied sprin to it,- flapping in the wind. Little vegetation was vis their watery abode, but are sensitive to noise, A large Tibetan religious painting had been sobeings our guidelike sacrifices told us that of flowers we had sprinkled to keep quiet into carvedkled flowers into the onto side the of surface one of theof the cliff water. faces, when we were at the lakes. Otherwise, the but was only visible to those who made the fairies might cause it to rain in order to get us climb to the second lake. to leave. But we could not linger. Above us, dark The legends might not be real, but what is afternoon clouds were moving in. Half a dozen certain is that the mountains are desperately tourists had gathered down at the lower lake, beautiful, similar to Wyoming's Wind River shouting at one another. Maybe there was Mountains, with granite peaks towering over bright green hills, pieces of shale crumbling into slabs that slide across the trail in mini avalanches.

44 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com health » COMMUNITY

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 45 COMMUNITY « tiger father

What happens in Vegas… …becomes show and tell in China

By Trevor Marshallsea

aunts and cousins, some of whom are just faint memories to your kids. classmatesn their first hadweek to attake big something school our that then We adults see our siblings, often for the wasfive-year-old special to daughter them, so Evie they and could her get toI know each other. “I know,” she said. “I’ll things like they how parent very differently take the teddy bear I won from horse racing fromfirst time us, or in go years. to bed This a lot is whereearlier we than discover they in Las Vegas!” used to, or they’ve turned vegan. Usually, For a minute I thought about this and when the ice has just about melted, it’s time the impression it could create on the teacher to move on to the next house/bed/set of kids. be very imaginative. As I always say, it’s not One year we took the bold step of just whatwe’d onlyit looks just like. met. But five-year-olds can plonking down in a beachside rental apart- For starters, I was the one who won the ment in Sydney for three weeks and telling teddy bear on the horses. Evie was a mere has everyone: “This is where we are; you can spectator, cheering it to the line. Second, come see us." Nobody came, but by God it they weren’t real horses. They were made of was relaxing. Our theory on Vegas was sound. I’d seen determined by how fast I could roll balls into it before, when I stayed for two weeks. Okay, holestin, and in shuffledthis sideshow along alleya little game track at at Circus a rate now it seems like I have a Vegas problem. But Circus. It’s true. We did take that time really was about pure gambling, So it’s true. We did take our kids to our kids to Vegas. That to earn my airfare home. So I didn’t see the Vegas. That surprises people who envisage family side. a cesspit of gambling dens, fake breasts and surprises people who And my wife Stef has always wanted to heavy drinking. But we didn’t just go there; go, to satisfy her love of kitsch. She couldn’t we went there for 10 days. envisage a cesspit of live there because it’s too hot. But she prob- Americans feel you go to Vegas for ably could live in a snow globe with a little maybe 48 - at most 72 - hours of fun, then go gambling dens, fake plastic Elvis. breasts and heavy In the end it was fun, but after six days seven-year-old for as long as we did certainly raisedhome to eyebrows. recover. So for us to take a five- and drinking had booming dance music from 9am until As I also always say, I can explain: We dark.we were You Vegased-out. could pay a king’s The ‘relaxing’ ransom forpool a had a month for a USA holiday. We wanted - cabana or lie, fry and possibly die in the some beach time. Hawaii was too expensive, rity chefs in ponytails. 40-degree sun. Lazy River was more like so we thought we’d hit the beach in Vegas. someAnd fine, there high-end are fabulous, restaurants, quality with shows celeb Surging Torrent as we battled to avoid being The Mandalay Bay hotel boasts the by the likes of Cirque du Soleil and some squished against its walls by throngs of very world’s largest fake beach and a swimming renowned magicians, plus day-trips to the large people. avenue called Lazy River. The idea was Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. So it wasn’t The shows were excellent but in mov- to hang out by the pool just about gambling. In any event, teaching ing around casinos to watch them, we were in the daytime and a seven-year-old how to count cards in 10 spoiled for extravagance. And jaded. We saw see shows at night. days is hard. an indoor Venice, jousting, the world’s big- And eat well. Vegas The question of where to holiday is al- gest fountains (both water and chocolate), no longer boasts ways tricky for China expats. Do you want a replica Sphinx, circus acts, lions and tigers only US$3.99 buf- somewhere to just sit, swim and breathe and sharks. fets. It the air away from the hustle of 1.3 billion We petted stingrays, watched a lady get people? sawn in half and went indoor sky-diving. But Or do you go for the double- by day seven of this glam-a-thon we could

home? There’s the seemingly “Meh.” edged swordendless that social is a ‘holiday’ engagements back haveStill, seen the a panda kids got juggling some funfire memories,and said where you go through even if I didn’t let Evie go to school showing the same stories about off her proceeds from the track. what China is like (this is a great reason to start a // trevor marshallsea was a foreign correspondent in beijing blog). There’s catching up in the 1990s and returned a decade later, this time around he with relatives - all-too-rushed stays at home to grow the kids. read more of his domestic moments with grandparents, uncles, adventures at www.thetigerfather.com

46 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com education » COMMUNITY Take it outside Learning beyond the classroom

BY Lena Gidwani

atching the World Cup on television was extremely entertaining, but imagine if you had the chance to see it Wlive in Brazil. Imagine thousands of painted faces and cheering fans, the adrenaline rush when a goal is scored, and the atmosphere of anticipation, surprise and satisfaction. It’s a much more encompassing experience, isn’t it? While the television provides the viewer a visual play-by-play of what each team or athlete is doing, actually sitting in the stands gives the fan the real experience that images can't replicate. On many levels, the same can be said for learning. A student can read about the Italian Renaissance or watch a video about the ocean, but it does not have the same impact as seeing the sculptures and paintings in Italy or enjoying the marvels at an aquar- promote our out-of-school one-to-two week ability through activities that nurture crea- ium. This can hold especially true when it summer camps as a way of getting students - comes to learning and experiencing par- interested in topics like science and discov- ticular topic areas, such as science, history ery, adventure quest and journalism," says tive,While instill there confidence is substantial and develop support inde for or art. In areas like science, for instance, Tang. In OEC’s journalism camp, for example, outsidependence, learning among experiences, other benefits." many par- students must create their own magazine, ents, like Samantha Randel-Lancaster, a or means available to show students what which engages them and gives them an op- Guangzhou-based mother of two children canmost be schools accomplished. don’t have And, the in field recent equipment years, portunity to own their newly acquired skills. aged 13 and 16, feel that students are miss- "It's not just a question of knowing what it ing essential learning time in their subjects, more students decide to pursue careers in is they are interested in. We also want them which may affect exam results, on which they otherinterest industries. has waned in the scientific field as to know all the other things. It's promoting are judged. In 2004, Michael Reiss, a lecturer at the an interest in these things and using the re- “I personally prefer more formal les- University of Leeds, and Martin Braund, a sources around us. That is important to us." son time. There is increasing pressure on professor at the University of London, pub- The research Braund and Reiss conduct- schools to maximize student attainment in lished a book about the importance of out- ed also concludes that it is highly important examinations. But these examinations often of-school learning called Learning Science to take students on excursions, known as do not truly reward learning in out-of-school Outside the Classroom. Research from the residential or experiential trips, that pro- settings," says Randel-Lancaster. "I also feel book was later published in the International mote informal learning, where students get that with today's stricter health and safety Journal of Science in 2006, which highlights a chance to travel and explore various coun- considerations and weather irregularities, several arguments on why students should tries or locations with their peers and teach- ers. Indier Outdoor Education, an experien- the classroom." outside of school. Ten years on, this book is tial learning company based in Shenzhen, schoolsBut bothfind it Tang harder and to Zhu take beg students to differ. out “I of stillgo on extremely meaningful relevant. activities And and no fieldone knows trips put the research into practice by inspiring just think that there are lots of things that it better than Ray Tang, from Oxbridge students through programs that involve ac- can be taught outside the classroom when Education China (OEC), and Terri Zhu, schools are not in session, that you can never Director of Indier Outdoor Education. along Shenzhen’s Dapeng Peninsula. replicate on a virtual trip, website, DVD or "One of the things we're trying to do is to tivitiesIndier such also as offerssurfing, two-week kayaking international and hiking whatever it might be," says Tang. trips to the great frontier of North America, It looks like there’s no better time than - now to re-engage our young generation with king, fossil hunting and culturally immersing real-world engagement. themselveswhere students in scenic can find sites themselves such as Lake trek Idaho and the beautiful Cascade Mountains. // for more information about oxbridge’s education centre’s "Experiential trips are some of the most courses in august, call 1380 2952 430/020-8568 4712, visit memorable moments in a child’s develop- www.oxbridgechina.com.cn or email info@oxbridgechina. ment," says Indier’s Terri Zhu. "They provide com.cn

learning opportunities and personal growth for more information about indier’s outdoor educational in ways that traditional teaching practices programs in august, call 0755-8382 9601, visit www.theindier. can’t achieve. Students improve cognitive com.cn or email [email protected]

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 47 CITY SCENES Fifth UK-China Architecture Forum Co-organized by the British Consulate- General, UK Trade and Investment, the China Britain Business Council and the British Chamber of Commerce

Architecture Forum: Urbanization – ConstructingGuangdong, the a Greener fifth UK-China Future was held on July 4 at the Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou. The forum showcased the latest capabilities of British compa- nies engaged in providing solutions to many issues that come with rapid ur- banization. Mr. Alastair Morgan, Consul- General of the British Consulate-General Guangzhou, Mr. Jeremy Sargent OBE, Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, and Ms. Guangjie Li, Chief Planner of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development for Guangdong Province, were among the attendees.

Canton Plage The 2014 edition of Canton Plage on French National Day, organized thanks to the cooperation between the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCIFC) and the China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, with the support of the General Consulate of France in Canton, was held revolutionary day while discovering French culture. Many activities were arranged during this tropical night to entertain and divert over 600 guests,on July 14.who French were given and Chinese swimsuits communities from Oxylane gathered in gift around bags made the splendidby FFG. The pool pool, and surrounded garden of the by five-star sand and hotel water to toys,celebrate was enjoyedthis historical by friends, and partners and colleagues, taking them back to the halcyon days of childhood.

48 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com GIVES Seminar on Autism With venue support from the DoubleTree by Hilton, Guangzhou, GIVES again led and sponsored a further seminar on autism, held on June 21 and 22, bringing encouragement and hope to the stressed parents, tireless trainers, families, friends and many others in searching for informa- tion and hope for those with autism. Professor Eunice Jin Yu reported the recent findings announced during the Sino-USA Autism Leadership Differences’Forum, held byat HarvardDr. YH Ada University Chiu. in May. Other major topics were ‘Music Therapy’ by Professor Zhuo Dahong, ‘The Need for Immediate Intervention and the Identification of Major Concerns’ by Dr. Colleen Jamison and ‘Integrated Education Environment to Embrace Children of

French National Day Papipapi Pool Party On July 14, the Consulate General of the Republic of France in Guangzhou celebrated French National Day by holding a reception for Papipapi Pool Party’s promise of wet and steamy fun. DJs provided theJuly tunes, 5 saw while2,000 eventsof Shenzhen’s including happy a bikini revelers competition flock to andthe VeniceTwister Hotel tickled than 200 people attended the event, enjoying French foods and drinks the crowds. Against a colorful and summery backdrop, food and booze preparedlunch at the by GrandChef Tan Ballroom and his in cook the team.Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich. More were available at stalls dotted around the venue, keeping punters fed and watered. This pool party was rammed from its 2pm start to its 10pm end, showing that Shenzhen really is a city of party people!

www.thatsmags.com / August 2014 49 PRD FOCUS

pringdale Service Residence Guangzhou held a quiz program for the 2014 FIFA world Cup. Fifty families took part in the program, Samong which two successfully predicted the - ners were rewarded with a Brazuca soccer teams that played the final match. The win World Cup in Brazil. SC Fine Wines held a wine instruction and tasting evening at Hyatt Place ball, the official match ball of the 2014 FIFA Shenzhen Dongmen with food provided by the hotel’s Gallery Kitchen on the

range of reds, whites and sparkling, including Duc De Paris Brut, Queen Adelaide AChardonnaysixth and floor. Santa Giving Rita wineGran aficionadosHacienda Merlot. the chance Discussions to bond, covered varietals wine included coloring, a grape varieties, wine appreciation and old and new world wines.

n June 26, California Fitness - resented by New World China, July 23 saw the organizers of the Foshan Open host a press conference for their upcoming golf event. Besides announcing the inGuangzhou GTL club. held ViPR its Master first ViPR Trainer cer details of the tournament, which will take place October 23 to 26 at the Foshan MatthewO Truscotttification led training the instruction and master for class pro- Gold Club, the organizers also told the assembled media that some proceedings fessional trainers and also held a class using Pfrom the event will go to the Foshan Municipal Red-cross Hospital and School. ViPR for California Fitness members.

50 August 2014 / www.thatsmags.com Shenzhen reviews, events and information

Thumbs Up! King of kung fu sings Cantopop P62

This month 52 What’s on in May 54 The Grapevine 55 Home Cooking 56 New Food and Drink

A monthly insert in August 2014 August 16 sat Ukraine Circus Calendar Carnival 62 Shenzhen Youth Palace Theatre

what's on in August

August 62 21-22 Thu-Fri Swan Lake on Ice Shenzhen Poly 62 Theatre August 2 August 22 Fri Sat Vienna Teng Shenzhen F3 Universiade Sports Centre K-Pop Crazy 62 52 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com August 6 Wed August 16 Sat Fox Capture Plan Mo Xiaopi

B10 p62 Brown Sugar Jar p62

August 16 Sat August 17 Sun Elephant Gym Ashram

B10 p62 F3 p62

August 19 Tue August 23 Sat Lotte Kestner Movable Mindscape

B10 p62 B10 p62

August 27 Wed August 28 Thu Matt Duke Tölzer Knabenchor

B10 p63 Shenzhen Concert Hall p63

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 53 p gra evine EAt/drink GOSSIP Off the Vine The debilitating heat of July has not affected the Southern Cross Silver Series Sparkling NV welcome sight of new water- ing holes and eateries in the There’s nothing like a glass of bub- wines have a delightful non-vintage of bottles and a couple doz- bustling metropolis that we bly to soothe your clammy brow sparkling that’s light and crisp, en oysters and invite your call home. in the midst of sweltering summer. and not so precious or dry that friends round for a gourmet Coco Park is tightening Whether partaking in a spot of you need to worry about feeling afternoon. its funky grip on Shenzhen’s picnicking, chilling by the pool or overwhelmed in the sun. With slight // Southern cross Silver social scene with several re- simply relaxing on your lawn furni- accents of apple and pear, the Silver Series Sparkling nv can be pur- cent additions to the family ture, a glass of sparkling wine is the Series NV comes from a single vari- chased from everwise Wine ltd, on the metro exit B side: The perfect accompaniment to a bit of etal and is ideal as an aperitif before d7, 15/F, Jian he centre, 110 tiyu Gangnam is laying down outdoor lounging. luncheon or just to sip while appar- Xi lu, tianhe district, Guangzhou some Korean cuisine that Hailing from the southeast eled in a straw hat and shades. 广州市天河区体育西路110号建 isn’t all about barbeque and corner of Australia, Southern Cross Alternatively, purchase a couple 和中心15楼d7 (3880 4860) chubby popsters. Nearby Fever is adding some glitz SIX OF THE BEST as the shiny and new bar on the block, while – still in the Afternoon teas same area – Fool Heaven is literally beer paradise, with over 100 types of the beauti- ful stuff to cool those sum- mer days. Down the road in Central Walk, Life Cali is baking up a storm, and will also be mor- phing into a bistro and bar in Brotzeit Shangri-La Futian Four Seasons Hotel the near future. Up and coming It’s not all about the sausage, Kicking it up a notch, high tea Yi Bar and Lounge’s French- Chegongmiao is continuing knuckles and beer at this takes place under the auspices to add to its increasingly ex- popular German restaurant. The of the hotel’s Hat Society until some joie de vivre into those pansive social portfolio – Le afternoon tea platter for four the end of August. Ladies are ex- lazyinfluenced summer set afternoons. certainly injects Creperie Rozell (p58) is (RMB258) includes chocolate pected to sport headwear, while Expect scones with Manjari 64 open for business Brittany cake, marmor cake, apple stru- an Aston Martin is on site for percent chocolate cremeux and style; Le Café is offering up del, Twinings tea or Illy Coffee suave photo ops. Scones, black handmade orange marmalade, cakes, pastas and salads; and much more. Beer lovers can tea and Pimm’s yield a truly blueberry tarts with raspberry and Le Select Café puts on a upgrade to a 0.3-liter glass of English experience. RMB108 and fresh blueberry and much movie night to accompany its beer for RMB10. weekdays, RMB138 weekends more. RMB228 plus 15 per- eats and drinks. // l1c-055B, 1/F, coco Park, Fuhua San lu, (subject to 15 percent). cent. Head on down to Luohu, Futian district 福华三路星河一楼 l1c-055B // 4088 Yitian lu, Futian district 福田区益田路 // 138 Fuhua San lu, Futian district 福田区福 (8359 2080) 4088号 (8828 4088) 华三路138号 (8826 8999) of Aix Arome Coffee have andopened you’ll a patisserie find a the calledowners J'aime Macaron in KK Mall. Then, swing all the way back up towards Shekou and check out Eatalicious near Haiyue station for some au- thentic Italian fare. The Westin Hotel L’epic erie The Venice Hotel

Keeping it elegant with its signa- At L’epicerie, those seeking Keeping it traditional and high ture traditional high tea, Exchange respite from the heat can cus- class with a tempting array of Bar offers a handbag motif for the tomize their own afternoon tea cakes and sandwiches courtesy ladies and a briefcase motif for the set or choose from one of two of Executive Chef Stephen Tang, gents. Don’t miss the homemade (RMB140 or RMB185) pre- there’s plenty to get excited macaroons, freshly baked scones planned by the restaurant. Enjoy about at the Venice Hotel, includ- and other sweet treats served cake, pastries and ice cream ing a variety of international teas. alongside Jing tea. RMB198 plus with your choice of beverage. RMB128 plus 15 percent. GM 15 percent for two guests. // no. 35, nanhai rose Garden Phase 2, // 9026 Shennan lu, overseas chinese town, // 9028-2 Shennan lu, nanshan district 南山 Shekou, nanshan district 南山区蛇口望海路 nanshan district 南山区华侨城深南大道9026 区深南大道9028号-2 (2698 8888) 南海玫瑰园二期35铺 (2668 7246) 号 (2693 6888)

54 July 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com home cooking » EAT/DRINK Sweet ‘n’ Savory Wok-fried scallops with mango and lychees

By Gary Maidment

he summer of each Corn starch year sees the rise of the Sesame oil lychee – or litchi chin- Pepper ensis, to address the Sugar T Salt deserves. Originally native to the tropicalfleshy fruit and with subtropical the formality provinc it - Preparation: es of Guangdong and Fujian, the 1) Peel and wash the lychees and lychee tree glories from 10 to mangos. 28 meters in height and is now 2) Dice and then soak both in cultivated in many parts of the world, including Thailand, Sri 3) After washing the scallops, Lanka, Nepal and Australia. marinatewarm water them for in five the minutes. ginger - juice, Chinese wine and sesame ral and fragrant scent, lychees oil. mustDistinguished be eaten fresh by to their avoid flo 4) Boil the scallops for a cou- ple of minutes until they are occurs in the process of can- cooked. losingning. It’s flavor not andall about aroma, dribbling which 5) Heat up some oil in a wok. juice down your chin and sticky Add the sliced ginger and ly- chees, then add the mango and intofingers a wealth though; of thesweet translucent ‘n’ sweet 6) Season to taste with salt and orflesh sweet can ‘n’also savory be transformed dishes, such pepper.finally the scallops. as the coupling of lychees with 7) Add the corn starch and wa- mango and everyone’s favorite ter. bottom-feeders: scallops. 8) Stir-fry for a couple of min- utes until done. Ingredients: 2 mangos Serve with lychee martinis and 100g fresh scallops enjoy! 5 lychees 10 grams of sliced ginger // this recipe comes courtesy of the Four Ginger juice Seasons Shenzhen, 138 Fuhua San lu, Futian Chinese wine district 福田区福华三路138号 (8826 8999)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / July 2014 55 EAT/DRINK « new restaurants MUINE Taking it to the next level

By Gary Maidment

nder the expert guidance of ex- ecutive chef Amy Nguyen, Muine

in Shekou’s Garden City as the Uhas landed very confidently younger but bigger brother of Link City’s Let’s Viet. Named after a coastal resort town in southeast Vietnam, Muine greatly expands the array of authentic Vietnamese cuisine offered by pho specialist Let’s Viet, which caters more to the in-and-out work crowd. Within one month of opening, the res- taurant is already attracting queues, which is not surprising quality of the ingredients is apparent in highlight, the lemongrass grilled sea bass given the well- the pork neck sweet and sour (RMB48), priced, top-notch which is served with pineapple to deliver a a pineapple block that beautifully comple- food offered by Nguyen, - ments(RMB98) the is Vietnamese a large battered bottled fish beers, served on who’s already a proven talent at adding lent pork and ripe including Hanoi (RMB18). fruit.rich flavor The beef sensation via the very succu rice paper imported from Vietnam, the soft of a shopping mall, Muine’s decor is invit- shellher own crab flair with to avocado Vietnamese and mangodishes. rollsWith (RMB58) ing,Despite bright itsand position airy thanks on the to second a window floor (RMB58) are superb – tasty and satisfy- bathesflank curry ten- running along the rear wall coupled with ing with a winningly fresh sweetness. The der beef - pieces in ing comprises stylish and attractive some Vietnamese basil to create a light, a rich, sensibleFrench colonial-esque design choices. tiling, The floor while the chicken jellyfish salad (RMB38) blends in creamy gray-white tables and chairs add to the prawn crackers and forms part of an exten- and mild Southeast Asia ambience. It’s tasteful siveflavorful salad and range. exotic salad that comes with sauce that and appealing, including the black and Tom yun koong soup with seafood contrasts white photos of Vietnam scenes taken by (RMB58) is expectedly tangy with just the nicely with the General Manager Leslie Guo. right amount of spiciness to bring out the lighter offerings. Without a single notably fresh seafood. Getting meatier, the A particular Muine has madeculinary a very misfire, impressive start to its Shekou outing, with high- quality ingredients and a bal- ance of fresh

that deliver the rare trickand rich of yielding flavors a healthful and satisfying post-dining feeling at decent prices.

// Shop 219, Garden city center, 1086 nanhai dadao, Shekou, nanshan district 南山区蛇口南海大道1086号花园城中心219 商铺 (2681 7828)

56 July 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com new restaurants » EAT/DRINK TZE VIET Unphogettable

By Christine Gilbert

ith the sweltering Shenzhen specialty, it is summer upon us, true respite rarely served in comes not in the form of Shenzhen due poolside lounging but in the to the time-in- W tensive process form of a glass of iced coffee in Tze Viet. Squeezed into the upper tier of shops in of preparation Coastal City, the restaurant turns out and clean up. northern Vietnamese and Hanoi-based Regardless of dishes at ridiculously reasonable prices. the labor re- quired to make of the Vietnamese-style coffee (RMB28), like this dish or any an ice-coldBold, chocolaty candy bar flavor for adults. permeates Drool each over sip it dish at Tze Viet, deliciousness of the food, coupled with the while waiting for the last slow drip to drop on owner Jonathan Wang clearly desires to fact that the kitchen uses no MSG, compen- your lunch break and pair it with the grilled give his patrons the most authentic food sates for any minor inconveniences caused chicken baguette sandwich (RMB26). With possible, so much so that he adventured to by language barriers. imported Vietnamese bread that’s simultane- To top off this steaming bowl of consultant. goodness, VIP cards and frequent pho not only chicken, but carrots, cucumber, VietnamSpoon to your find phohis currentand reminisce head chef on yourand buyer cards enable patrons to be thrifty pickledously fluffy radish, and red crispy, chili this and sandwich several other packs own Vietnamese adventures (or those to by providing small discounts and free pho delicacies for a multi-level taste. come) while admiring the black and white respectively. Foodies should order the rice cakes pictures of scenes of Vietnamese life hung // no. 210, tianli center Business Plaza Garage, coastal city, (RMB22), tiny glutinous bowls of rice with on the walls of the ocean-blue interior. 南山区商业文化中心区天利中央商务广场 Though the staff does not speak nanshan district 210 wood-ear fungus, green onion and crispy 号 (189 3888 6257) fried onion garnish. Though a Vietnamese English, they are accommodating, and the

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / July 2014 57 EAT/DRINK « new restaurants La Crêperie Rozell A great load of crepe

By Gary Maidment

avory and sweet crepe specialists, La rouge (RMB238-1,080) and various teas Crêperie Rozell is one of the newest onion, cream, pepper and beans that works (RMB25-58), coffees (RMB25-50) and juices additions to Chegongmiao’s armory, wella filling together, and healthy notably mix because of chicken, of sweetness apple, (RMB20-38). Sas the Futian sub-district continues yielded by the apple. La Morgane (RMB79) is to muscle its way onto Shenzhen’s social a meat-free dish offering seasonal vegeta- bles and goat cheese, delivering a tangy, rich BananeTo finish, (RMB68) we highly with syrup recommend is an unasham any - Open planned with an open kitchen and highly enjoyable crepe that is served edlyof the indulgent many dessert sweet crepes: wheat thetreat. Comfiture thatbattlefield. showcases requisite culinary hygiene, open. Both go particularly well with the La Crêperie Rozell delivers on the food this new trendy eatery throws down some fruity Cidre Fermier Bio (RMB198/750 mil- and drink front and, fortunately, the lin- tasteful Gallic charm, with walls in muted liliters bottle), a French organic cider that guistic features of French enabled even our blue and green and heavy wooden tables junior-school language skills to negotiate complemented by seats in primary red, yel- Kir Breton Cassis – blackcurrant cider the menu. Bon appetit!. low and blue. –Shenzheners (RMB38/250ml) won’t isfind also elsewhere. on offer, as are The food takes center stage, however, a range of German beers (RMB48/500 // 1/F, in-long Bldg, 6025 Shennan dadao, Futian district 福田 and a blackboard with the menu plus pic- milliliters), vin blanc (RMB288-480), vin 区深南大道6025号英龙大厦1楼 (2533 8633) tures dominates one wall alongside some tasteful nautical-themed prints. Accompanied by a French chef from Brit- tany and her partner Eric Ponzo, owner Xiao Juan has put nearly two decades of living in France to good use – the menu comprising gourmet, Breton crêpes is in la langue fran- caise and Chinese only, thoughtfully giving non-Francophiles and non-Chinese readers the chance to brush up on the language of love. The savory crepes are made from gluten- free buckwheat and come in a variety of innovative and interesting combinations. Served folded, the La Morzhin (RMB85) is

58 July 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / July 2014 59 EAT/DRINK « new bars EIGHTEEN DRINK BAR One drink was enough

By Christine Gilbert

the overabundance of rock ballads on the playlist and a copious amount of fake pirate mannequins outside the bar’s perimeter result in immediate feelings of discontent. Above the bar, the red line’s subway cars rattle loudly past. ably not, given some of the staff look under The staff must have been listening to 18. Was it to encourage the ordering of 18 the giving up song, however, because things drinks? Unlikely, as even that seems exces- took a surprising turn for the better. After sive for a Chinese business outing. The world leaving our bag inside (following a move may never know. from the deeply unappealing interior to the Regardless, if you like good cocktails, a outdoor patio), they immediately returned random mix of power ballads and Christmas said bag in a welcome burst of honesty. jingles on the sound system, honest staff Then, the tequila sunrise and pink lady we and the strange buccaneer theme complete ordered arrived, and both were surprisingly with large fake boat on the outskirts of the well-mixed and strong (both RMB48). bar, Eighteen Drink might be just for you. At Cocktails are fairly priced, we have to s we sat in Eighteen Drink Bar, last count, said vessel makes this the third admit, especially for the quality, and the a Great Big World song blasted landlocked ship in Shenzhen, so someone at beer prices aren’t too bad either, with a half- through the speakers: “Say some- least must like this motif. thing. I’m giving up on you,” oddly liter of Heineken going for RMB48. A The name Eighteen Drink remains an matching our sentiments for the Longhua // 1Wo1, Bldg 7, Shuxiang Mendi Shang he Fang Plaza, Minzhi spot’s ambience. The lurid red and green enigma though – is it thusly named as a Jiedao, longhua new district 龙华新区民治街道书香门第上河 swirling strobe lights in a black interior, stand against underage drinking? Prob- 坊广场7栋1Wo1 (2304 3693). HANS MIX A mixed bag

By Gary Maidment

purple and beige seats for couples. However, a closer look reveals an unclear identity; a bookcase with fake books, a display of un- topped with crumbled Oreos and glace cher- inspired art deco plus the central faux tree ries. The modest-sized cakes (RMB30) look structure give a slightly sterile feel, although great and accompany the drinks admira- the overall effect is ‘kinda’ stylish – consid- bly. Points also for the raspberry fruit tea erably more so at least than nearby Kosmo, mousse cake, a rare appearance from an underrepresented berry. Hans Mix’s cafe element is probably An attractive bar area has solid potential itsPacific major Coffee strength, and Starbucks. suiting a young trendy as a nighttime venue, with an extensive drinks crowd with a range of health drinks, fruit menu comprising wine (RMB218-1,780), cock- platters and planned deli salads. Some of tails (RMB48-58) and German beers (RMB38- the menu names are impressively standout, 58). But, despite its name, Hans Mix is best off transforming Chinglish into consummate not mixing it up quite so much, as its vibe is cool – the Comprehensive Energy Supply of more cool cafe and the transition to nighttime he new and stylish cafe-bar Hans Fruit and Vegetable Juice (RMB35/small, bar may not be seamless. Mix has a lot going for it: a location RMB38/large), for example, is as unam- A clearer positioning with a touch of in the heart of Sea World, light and biguous as it is thick, fruity and healthy. the unique will hopefully become appar- airy windows that cover two walls Although a decent drink, Hans Mix should be ent after its soft opening concludes. At this T looking to add supplements such as protein and open onto the pleasant vista of Minghua stage, though, Hans Mix has friendly staff, ship, the pleasing initial feel of trendy under- powder (like Kosmo) or wheatgrass to make an attractive interior and a strong range of stated modernism and easy listening house its range a touch more niche. soft, alcoholic drinks and teas and coffees on that evokes beach holidays. On the tea and coffee front, Organic its side. The decor certainly has some nice Lady’s Yoga Tea RMB28 is a temptress, but touches, in particular two large enclosed the Creative Pot of Coffee (RMB33-38) is // 031-033, zone a, Sea World, nanshan district 南山区蛇口海 love seats and a central area with velvet even more so – enter a mug of decent coffee 上世界a区031-033号 (2161 6528)

60 July 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com

Events To list your events email [email protected] 创意文化园f3.(8633 7602) August 1-2 福田区福中一路2016号 (8284 1888) AUGUST 6 Concert: Jackie Chan NIGHTLIFE Some of the biggest celebrities in AUGUST 19 ARTS Gig: Fox Capture Plan Asia today will be performing along- Concert: Zeltsman Marimba Festival Fox Capture Plan is a jazz post-rock side Chan in a concert that celebrates NIGHTLIFE US marimba soloist Nancy Zeltsman trio that formed in Tokyo in 2011. It is a remarkable career in music and Gig: Lotte Kestner will lead a group of international per- composed of pianist Ryo Kishimoto, movies. Alongside the kung fu king, Lotte Kestner (born Anna-Lynne cussionists to bring her eponymous double bassist Hidehiro Kawai and such stars as Korean heartthrobs Williams) is an indie and folk rock show to town, performing for four drummer Tsukasa Inoue. The ensem- Rain, Super Junior and Rainbow, singer-songwriter from California. nights at the Shenzhen Concert Hall ble has released two studio albums Taiwan’s Jimmy Lin, China’s Joey She began as the lead vocalist for the in July and August. thus far: Trinity and Bridge. The three Yung, Leo Ku and Gigi Leung and band Trespassers William, but started RMB80-380, 8pm. Shenzhen Concert talented musicians captivate audi- Chinese-Korean singer Jang Riin will recording solo albums in 2007 under hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, futian District ences with their relaxed, feel-good also be appearing in what is sure to her stage name, Lotte Kestner. As 福田区福中一路2016号 (8284 1888) jazz riffs and light-hearted general be a mammoth show. of now, she has released seven solo composition. RMB380–2,280, 7.30pm. Shenzhen Bay studio albums and one EP. Her music RMB60 presale, RMB80 at door, Sports Center, intersection of haide is mellow and relaxing thanks to crys- 8.30pm. B10, OCt-Loft, north District, San Lu and Keyuan Venue, nanshan tal clear vocals with a simple guitar nanshan District. 南山区华侨城创意文 August 2 District 南山区海德三道与科苑大道交口 backing. 化园北区B10.(8633 7602) 处 (en.damail.cn) RMB60 presale, RMB80 at the door, ARTS 8.30pm. B10, OCt-Loft, north District, Concert: Chang Jing New Classical Concert: Xinbao Idol K-Pop Crazy nanshan District. 南山区华侨城创意文 Group If you are mad for South Korean 化园北区B10.(8633 7602) Chinese traditional music will be singers and bands, there is no other AUGUST 16 performed by Chang Jing, regarded place you should be except at the as one of the Four Guzheng Beauties, Shenzhen Universiade Sports Centre NIGHTLIFE and the best of the bunch when it on August 2. Performers at this epic Gig: Mo Xiaopi August 21-22 comes to combining singing and pop and dance fest include Beast, Mo Xiaopi is an independent Chinese playing – she was even invited to 4Minute, G.NA, BtoB, Jay Park, Loco, singer-songwriter who specializes in Arts play at the 2008 Beijing Olympic 2eyes, Shin Hye-sung and Jun Jin, in a folk acoustic guitar music and raw Dance: Swan Lake on Ice Games opening ceremony. Chang lineup that represents South Koreans vocals. Having released two studio Featuring performers that graduated will be joined by violinist Jin Haiyin both from the homeland and North EPs, this musician of ideas is now on from Russia’s most famous ballet – regarded as one of the best violin America. Better buy some lozenges tour to promote her newest album schools, the Bolshoi Ballet Academy players in China – pianist Qi Gang, now because you are sure to scream Tree Hole Diary. and Vaganova Academy, this adapta- percussionist Wang Jianan and Zhang yourself hoarse. RMB 50 presale, RMB 60 at the door, tion of Tchaikovsky’s beloved work Di, who performs on the bamboo RMB 188-1,988, 7.30pm. Shenzhen 9pm. Brown Sugar Jar Music Space, is a fusion of ice dancing and ballet. flute, xiao and shakuhachi. Universiade Sports Centre, Longxiang 9 tairan Jiu Lu, Chegongmiao, futian With props such as hula hoops and RMB100-480, 8pm. Shenzhen Concert Dadao, Longgang District 大运中心, 龙 District. 福田区车公庙泰然九号(8320 rope skipping incorporated into the hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, futian District 岗区龙翔大道(en.damail.cn) 7913) show, it’s sure to be a riot, and pro- ducers have also claimed that a few Gig: Elephant Gym Chinese elements will be scattered in COMMUNITY Formed in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in amongst the set pieces. 2012, Elephant Gym is a bass-heavy, RMB180-580, 8pm. Shenzhen Poly math-rock band. The band brings theatre, intersection of houhaibin Lu together bassist Zhang Kaiting, gui- and Wenxin Liu Lu, nanshan District tarist Zhang Kaixiang and drummer 南山区后海滨路与文心六路交界处深圳 Tu Jiaqin. Elephant Gym is noted for 保利剧院 (0755-6245 4661) its clear, distinctive bass coupled with heavy guitar riffs. Their first EP, Balance was released in 2013, and they are now on tour to perform AUGUST 22 tracks from their new studio album, Angles. NIGHTLIFE RMB60 presale, RMB 80 at the door, 8.30pm. B10, OCt-Loft, north District, Gig: Vienna Teng nanshan District. 南山区华侨城创意文 Based in Detroit, Michigan, Vienna 化园北区B10.(8633 7602) Teng (born Cynthia Yih Shih) is a Taiwanese-American pianist and singer-songwriter. She has currently released five studio albums and one live album. Teng’s music style fuses AUGUST 17 folk, pop, classical piano with a cap- NIGHTLIFE pella singing. Her lyrics are especially memorable for their heartfelt narra- Gig: Ashram tive and emotion. Ashram, a neoclassical band from RMB70 presale, RMB 100 at the door, Italy, comprises pianist Luigi Rubino, 8pm. f3, OCt-Loft, enping Lu, nanshan AUGUST 16 vocalist Sergio Panarella and violin- District. 南山区华侨城恩平路创意文化 ist Alfredo Notarlobert. They have 园f3.(8633 7602) released four studio albums thus far, Circus: Ukraine Circus Carnival the most popular being Gathered What better way to spend quality time with your kids during the sweltering Under Shining Silver Skies. Their style summer than by taking them to watch the fun of the circus? The National of music is simple, featuring raw AUGUST 23 Circus of Ukraine enjoys worldwide popularity with its clown show and, vocals with light piano and a violin this August, will be landing in Shenzhen. Get ready to be rolling around in accompaniment. Another distinct ARTS laughter and don't miss the chance to get on stage and have fun with the aspect of the band is Panarella’s im- crazy clowns! pressive vocal range. Exhibition: Movable Mindscape RMB180-900, 10.30pm. Shenzhen Youth Palace theatre, fuzhong Yi Lu, futian RMB70 presale, RMB 100 at the door, He Xiangning is the first female mem- District 福田区福中一路 (8351 3061) 8pm. f3, OCt-Loft, enPing Road, ber of the Chinese Revolutionary nanshan District. 南山区华侨城恩平路 League and a renowned painter who

62 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Events

devoted her life to Chinese revolu- ARTS tionary movements. This exhibition AUGUST 28 sheds light on her landscape paint- ings. Through comparison with other ARTS Chinese painters, visitors can learn Concert: Tölzer Knabenchor about He’s role in Chinese contempo- Founded in 1956, Tölzer Knabenchor rary painting and how she influenced is a German boys’ choir based in landscape paintings from generation Munich. Having recorded more to generation. than 100 CDs, the choir has toured Until november 23. 9.30am-5pm, free throughout Europe, the US and Asia. admission (close on Mondays), he This summer, the choir and its con- Xiangning Art Museum, OCt, nanshan ductor, Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden, will District 南山区华侨城(2660 4540) come to Shenzhen to purify the audi- ence with a selection of songs care- fully chosen for spiritual edification. RMB80-480, 8pm. Shenzhen Concert AUGUST 27 hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, futian District 福田区福中一路2016号(8284 NIGHTLIFE 1888) Gig: Matt Duke Born in 1985, American singer- songwriter Matt Duke specializes in alternative rock and acoustic folk. To Every Monday- date, he has released two full-length studio albums entitled Kingdom Saturday Underground and One Day Die, along ONGOING with two EPs. Although influenced by NIGHTLIFE ’90s grunge bands like Pearl Jam and Gig: Ron Kingston Exhibition: Conforming to Vicinity Nirvana, Duke’s music style is often Articulate and individual, Ron more easy-going and simpler. One Kingston’s music career has encom- Cross-strait four-region art exhibit Conforming to Vicinity have arrived in of his most popular songs, 'Rabbit' passed recording, performing and Shenzhen! The main curator is Feng Boyi, and he has arranged to showcase is a prime example of his style, writing. Join Hilton Shenzhen Shekou artwork from thirteen different artists: Carol Kwok, Bonnie Leong Mou with smooth vocals and light guitar Nanhai for a relaxing evening with Cheng, Kitty Leung Mou Kit, Eric Fok, Lee Ken Tsai, Kuo Hui Chan, Zhao Liu, sounds. smooth jazz and pop hits presented Ma Yongfeng, Zhang Wenchao, Chen Wei, Otto Li, Keith Lam and Hung RMB80 presale, RMB100 at the door, by this Aussie. Keung. The major themes revolve around the artists’ individual understand- 8.30pm. B10, OCt-Loft, north District, 8pm. 2/f Lobby Lounge, hilton ing of the cross-trait four-region, along with conflicts between various 南山区华侨城创意文 nanshan District. Shenzhen Shekou nanhai, 1177 modern social structures and values that arise from historical differences. 化园北区 B10.(8633 7602) Wanghai Lu, nanshan District 南山区 Featured media include installations, videos, paintings and photography. 望海路1177号 (2162 8888) Until October 26. 9.30am-5pm, free admission (close on Mondays), he Xiangning Art Museum, OCt, nanshan District 南山区华侨城(2660 4540)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 63 HOTEL NEWS

Hotel Promotion Infinity Sunday Brunch @ Open Sunday is the time to say “Yes!" to fresh seafood, succulent roast meats and beautiful ocean views at Open’s Infinity Sunday Brunch at the Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai. Diners also have free use of the outside pool – so why not go for a cooling swim before indulging yourself in the savory and sweet treats? Against the beautiful vista of the sea, moored yachts and the distant horizon, the fish and seafood selection is unparalleled. Live oysters from Australia are pre- pared in house – but it doesn’t end there: mussels, snails, crab, tiger prawns, smoked salmon, haddock and much more are available for seafood aficionados. Meat lovers can enjoy fresh roasted meat at the open carvery and al fresco BBQ on the expansive outside terrace. Don't forget to go healthy with the fresh salad and range of fruits. And did we mention the range of desserts, cakes and pastries made by the celebrity chef that are sure to satisfy everyone with a sweet tooth? The Infinity Sunday Brunch @ Open is definitely one for all the family – a kids' corner, balloon animals made by a resident clown and treats such as cotton candy and made-to-order ice cream combos will keep the young ones amused while Mom and Dad kick back in luxury. Sundays, 11.30am-2.30pm, RMB298 plus 15 percent, RMB528 plus 15 percent for free-flow champagne. early bird discount for bookings 7 days in advance. CM hall 3 & 4, 1177 Wanghai Lu, nanshan District 南山区望海路1177号招商堂宴会厅3&4 (2162 8888 ext. 8569).

Hotel News Venice Hotel Shenzhen Achieves EarthCheck Gold Hotel News Following its proactive work in environmental protection, Venice Hotel Shenzhen has received Gold Certification fromE arthCheck, the international Grand Hyatt New Hotel Manager benchmarking and certification program for the travel and tourism industry. Grand Hyatt Shenzhen has announced the appointment of Mr. Per Kredner Venice Hotel Shenzhen is the third hotel in China to certify gold and the first as hotel manager. Prior to joining Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, Mr. Kredner served hotel in Guangdong. To become certified by EarthCheck, the hotel is assessed from 2012 as the hotel manager of Grand Hyatt Bali, and from 2010 to 2012 he by the following global benchmarking standards: sustainable development was general manager of Roppongi Hills Club in Japan. A Swedish national, Mr policy, water resource utilization, energy utilization, waste management, paper Kredner embarked on his hospitality career with Hyatt Hotels in 2001 and, over usage, chemical usage and commitment to the local community. Since its in- the past 13 years, has accumulated invaluable hospitality experience in differ- ception, Venice Hotel Shenzhen has focused on minimizing carbon emissions. ent Hyatt hotels across Asia and the Middle East, including Grand Hyatt Dubai, // to deliver on this commitment, the hotel has participated in earth hour since Grand Hyatt Muscat, Grand Hyatt Singapore and Park Hyatt Shanghai. 2008. the hotel also supports the local community by purchasing local goods and // 1881 Baoan nan Road, Luohu District Shenzhen 罗湖区宝安南路1881号深圳君悦 contracting local service providers wherever possible. 9026 Shennan Lu, Overseas 酒店(8266 1234) Chinese town, nanshan District 南山华侨城深南大道9026号 (2693 6888 ext. 8733).

64 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 65 listings

B98 号 4) 罗湖区金光华广场 B2 层 28 铺 5) 福田 Coffee Shop 1/F, Grand Mercure Oriental 18, Coco Beach, OCT Harbour, 8 Baishi Lu 区福华三路星河购物公园负一楼 073B Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, Fu- Dong, Nanshan District (8654 1315); 6) INdex tian District (8350 0888 ext. 88605) Coco Park Store, intersection of Zhongxin Er La Crêperie Rozell 1/F, Yinglong Bldg, Coffee Shop 西餐厅 , 福田区深南大道竹子林东方 Lu and Fuhua Lu, Futian District (opposite 银座美爵酒店 1 楼西餐厅 Help us stay updated! Let us know if any 6025 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (2533 of Pingan Bldg, Coco Park) (8654 1315) of this information has changed. Call 0755 8633) 埃克斯咖啡 1) 福田区彩田北路 8 号路雅昌艺术馆 1 8623 3220, fax 0755 8623 3219 or email 深圳市福田区车公庙英龙大厦一楼 Flavorz 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 楼 ; 2) 福田区深南中路 1093 号新城市广场 LG 层 [email protected]. For more list- 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 L111-112; 3) 罗湖区人民南路茂业友谊诚一楼 ; 4) ings please check out www.thatsmags.com Lola Shop 130, Sea Taste Garden, Wanghai 2222) 龙岗区深惠路摩尔城一层 S103 号 5) 南山区白石 路东 8 号欢乐海岸椰林沙滩 18 号 6) 福田区福华二 Road, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 全日餐厅 , 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿 酒店2楼 路与中心二路交汇处 ( 平安大厦 cocopark 对面) 1010) 南山区蛇口望海路海韵嘉园裙楼中 130 号商铺 restaurant Foo 6/F, Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen, 138 Aller 3/F, Court, Crown Sports MoMo喜多 2/F, Shop 211-215, West Wing, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8826 8700) Center, Tairan Jiu Lu, Futian District (8889 BAKERY/DESSERT 馥餐厅 , 深圳四季酒店 深圳市福田区福华三路 138 9878) Coastal City, Nanshan District (8661 6586); 号6楼 来吧空间 , 福田区泰然九路皇冠体育中心羽毛球馆 2) B2, King Glory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, 3楼 Luohu District (8261 1816) Four Seas International House 3/F, Holiday Awfully Chocolate B1C-076, Coco Park, 1) 南山区海岸城西座 2 楼 211-215 号 2) 罗湖区 Plaza, Shennan Lu, Nanshan District (8982 Andes Café Shop 40, Phase 2, Nanhai Rose Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8328 3448) 人民南路金光华广场 B2 楼 福田区福华三路购物公园负一楼 B1C-076 号铺 9988) Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- 四海一家 , 南山区深南大道益田假日广场 3 楼 Simplylife trict (2668 6704) S169, 1/F, The MixC, 1881 安第斯咖啡 , 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 40 Backstube Shop 24-2, Coastal Rose Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2221 1782) Fusion Café 1/F, The Pavilion Century Tower, 号商铺 Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- 罗湖区宝安南路 1881号华润中心万象城首层 S169 号商铺 4014 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District trict (2681 0468) 菲苑咖啡厅 , 福田区华强北路 4014 号圣廷苑酒店 BBQ Chicken & Beer Café 1) B/F, Shop 德国面包坊 , 南山区望海路南海玫瑰花园 24-2 商 世纪楼一楼菲苑咖啡厅 铺 Toffee Cakes Shop No. 3, 197 Meihua Lu, 121-122, Golden Central Business Tower, Shang Meilin, Futian District (8331 8148) Jintian Lu, Futian District (8280 4653); 2) Golden Jaguar 4/F, Shop 401, KK Mall, Baguette & Compagnie Shop Middle 福田区上梅林梅华路 197 号 3 号铺 1/F, Donghai City Plaza, 8099 Hongli Lu, Kingkey Financial Center, Chai Wuwei Finan- 124, Sea Taste, Gongyuan Nan Lu, Shekou, Futian District (2600 4055); 3) 3/F, Jinxiu Treasures & Scent, The Langham, Shen- cial Center, Luohu District (8889 6969) Garden, Qiaocheng Dong Lu, Nanshan Dis- Nanshan District (2689 3283) 金钱豹 罗湖区蔡屋围金融中心京基百纳空间 4 楼 巴吉特 , 南山区蛇口公园南路海韵嘉园裙楼中 124 zhen, 7888 Shennan Dadao, Futian District 401 铺 trict (2600 3887) 号 (8828 9888) 比比客 1) 地铁会展中心 E 出口 ; 2) 福田区红荔路 福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店 8099 号东海城市广场 1 楼 ; 3)南山区侨城东路锦 Mercado InterContinental Shenzhen, OCT, 绣花园会所 3 楼 Chez Clement Shop 110-1, Phase I, Coastal 9009 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District Rose Garden, 1093-6 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, BBQ 广场咖啡厅 , 深南大道 9009 号华侨城深圳华侨城 Bucher Cafe & Lounge 50 Yankui Lu Nanshan District (2160 0880) 洲际大酒店 南山区蛇口望海路 10963-6 号南海玫瑰园一期商 (opposite to Dameisha Sheraton Resort), 铺 110-1 Alenha G/F, InterContinental Shenzhen, Yantian District (2536 6891) Panash 2/F, Four Points by Sheraton, 5 远洋帆清吧 盐田区盐葵路 50 号 9009 Shennan Dadao, OCT, Nanshan Dis- Guihua Lu, Free Trade Zone, Futian District Cold Stone Creamery 1) No. 029, 2/F, King trict (3399 3388) (8359 9999) Café Marco 1/F, Marco Polo Hotel, Fuhua Yi Glory Plaza, Luohu District (8261 1520); 2) 炎巴西烧烤餐厅 , 深南大道 9009 号华侨城 , 深圳 泛亚风情餐厅 , 福田保税区桂花路 5 号福朋喜来登 华侨城洲际大酒店底层 酒店2层 Lu, Futian District (8298 9888 ext. 8358) B1-J01, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian 马高 , 福田中心区马哥孛罗酒店 1 楼 District (2531 3593) 酷圣石冰淇淋 1) 罗湖区金光华广场负二楼 029 号 Amazon Brazilian BBQ 1) B1/F, New City Q Café Restaurant & Bar G/F, 999 Royal Café One 1/F, The Fountain Suites Shen- 2) 福田区福华三路购物公园 B1-J02 Plaza, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. Suites & Towers, 1003 Shennan Dong Lu, zhen, 2017 Shennan Dong Lu, Futian Dis- (2594 1188); 2) Sea World, Taizi Lu, Nan- Luohu District (2513 0999 ext. 33703) Q Daily Treats 2/F, The Westin Shenzhen, 咖啡 , 罗湖区深南东路 1003 号丹枫白露酒店首层 trict (8228 8822 ext. 3168) shan District (2668 3388); 3) No. 289, 咖啡湾 , 深南东路 2017 号华乐大厦一楼 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District 2/F, Coastal City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan Seasons (8634 8306, www.westin.com/shenzhen) District (8635 9658) 2/F, Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen, Cafe Pavilion 1/F, The Pavilion Longgang, 思悦兹饼屋 , 南山区深南大道 9028 号 -2 深圳益田 亚马逊巴西烧烤餐厅 1) 深圳福田区深南中路新城 Haide San Dao, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan 168 Dayun Lu, Longgang District (8989 威斯汀酒店 2 楼 市广场负一楼 ; 2) 南山区太子路海上世界广场 ; 3) District (8888 8888) 南山区文心五路海岸城广场 2 楼 289—290 号 四季西餐厅 , 南山区后海滨路海德三道凯宾斯基酒 9888 ext.316) 廷韵咖啡厅 龙岗区大运路 168 号中海圣廷苑酒店 1 Dairy Queen 1) Shenzhen Central Book 店2楼 楼 City, 2014 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District Garden BBQ & Lounge 1/F, Grand Mercure Silk (8255 8462); 2) 2/F, Tiley Fame City, No. Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan 2/F, The Langham, Shenzhen, 7888 Café Time Shop 62, Section E, Sea World, 85 Haide San Lu, Nanshan District (8659 Dadao, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 5709) 5210); 3) B1/F, Jusco, Coco Park, Fuhua 88605) 9888) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 E 区 62 号 San Lu, Futian District (2531 3715); 4) Le 花园烤肉 , 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒 福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店 2 楼 Tao Li Phase II, Huaqiang Lu, Futian District 店花园烧烤·酒廊 Coffee Time 1/F, Returned Students Foun- Social (8320 8441); 5) G/F, 5B, Carrianna Friend- 96/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, 5016 dation Garden, South Hi-Tech Industrial Gaucho Garden Grill Behind the Taizi Hotel, ship Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 Park, Nanshan District (8635 0922) 3 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 (6163 1619); 6) B1/F, Excellence Century 8888-1832) 咖啡时光 , 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业园首 6608) 秀餐厅 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 层 Plaza, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8279 花园巴西烤肉 , 南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆 1 楼后 0102); 7) B1/F, Sun Plaza, 2001 Jiefang Lu, 面 The Show Kitchen 32/F, Grand Hyatt Shen- Costa Coffee 1) 1/F, Unit L1J-09-10, Coco Dongmen, Luohu District (2591 2221) zhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu Luohu District. 冰雪皇后 1) 福田区中心书城福中一路 2014 号;2) BUFFETs Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2692 南山区海德三道 85 号天利名城购物中心 2 楼 3) 福 (2218 7338) 6386); 2) Podium of Oriental Grace Gar- 乐厨 , 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号 深圳君悦酒店 32 田区福华三路购物公园吉之岛 B1 楼 ; 4) 福田区华 楼 den, junction of Shenzhen Bay Er Lu and 强路乐淘里二期 ; 5) 罗湖区人民南路 2002 号佳宁 Baishi Lu, Nanshan District (8628 8370); Café Chinois JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shen- 娜友谊广场 G-5B 号 ; 6) 福田区福华三路卓越世纪 3) B3-200, Terminal B, Shenzhen Baoan 中心 4 号楼负一层 ; 7) 罗湖区解放路 2001 号东门 nan Dadao, Futian District (2269 8230) The Tasty Buffet 5/F, Coastal City, Hai De Yi 太阳广场 B1 楼 万豪西餐厅 , 福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 Dao, Nanshan District (8635 9922) International Airport, Baoan District (2345 JW 万豪酒店 大饱口福,南山商业文化中心区海德一道海岸城购 3140); 4) Unit 302, Block 2, Nanhai E 物中心五楼 GaGa Fresh Talk 1) B1, Coco Park, Fuhua Cool, Huajian Industry Bldg, 6 Xinhua Lu, San Lu, Futian District (8359 1880); 2) 1/F, Café Pavilion 1/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Huaq- Nanshan District (2602 8682); 5) MixC Gate 8, South of Central Book Mall, 2014 iang Bei Lu, Futian District CAFES City, 1881 Baoan Lu, Luohu District (8269 廷韵咖啡厅 , 福田区华强北路 4002 号圣廷苑酒店 0943); 6) 1/F, S142, Central Book Mall, Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (2393 1125) 1 楼廷韵咖啡厅 GaGa 鲜语 1) 福田区福华三路星河购物公园 B1 2014 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (2398 层 ; 2) 福田区福中一路 2014 号深圳书城中心书城 92°C Coffee 1) 72 Nanyuan Lu, Futian Dis- 0742); 7) 2/F, L218, Excellence Bldg, Futian Café Zen 1/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shen- 1 楼南区 8 号门 trict (8362 9008); 2) 2/F, Huaxia Art Center, District (2390 3479) zhen, 4088 Yitian Lu, Futian District (8828 OCT, Nanshan District (2690 9339, 2690 悦达咖世家 1) 福田区福华三路购物公园 L1J-09- HH Gourmet, Shop 43B, Nanhai Rose Gar- 4088) 9139); 3) New City Plaza, 1095 Shennan 10 商铺 2) 南山区深圳海二路与白石路交汇处御景 鲜 Café 福田区深圳福田香格里拉大酒店一楼 den II, Gong Yuan Nan Lu, Nanshan District Zhong Lu, Futian District; 4) Investment 东方花园裙楼 123 房地产 L1-10a 号商铺 3) 宝安 (2683 9259). Bldg, 4009 Shennan Dadao, Futian District 国际机场 B 号候机楼隔离区 B3-200 号商铺 4) 南 丛欢欢西餐厅,公园南路南海玫瑰园二期 43B 商铺 Café Zentro 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, 92 度咖啡 1) 福田区南园路 72 号 ; 2) 南山区华侨 山区蛇口兴华 6 号 ( 海上世界 ) 南海意库 2 号楼 9026 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese 城华夏艺术中心 2 楼 3) 罗湖区深南中路 1095 号 101 室 5) 罗湖区深南东路宝安南路交汇处华润中 Honey Moon 1) B1-25, 1/F, Holiday Plaza, Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext. 新城市广场 4) 福田区深南大道 4009 号投资大厦 心万象城 09 商铺 6) 福田区福中一路 2014 号中 8117, [email protected]) 心书城南区 S142 号 7) 福田区卓越世纪中心 2 楼 Nanshan District (8629 8767); 2) No. 152, L218 1/F, Coastal City, Nanshan District (8635 南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号深圳威尼斯酒店 1 Aix Arôme Coffee 1) 1/F, Yachang Art Gal- 楼 9680); 3) B98, 1/F, Mix City, Luohu District lery, 8 Caitian Bei Lu, Futian District (2683 Crema Coffee Express Right Side of In- 2087); 2) LG/F, Unit L111-112, New City (8300 5599); 4) No. 28, B2/F, King Glory Coffee Garden 2/F, Shangri-La Hotel (east ternational Chamber of Commerce Tower Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Plaza, Luohu District (8399 3468); 5) 73B, of Railway Station), 1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu (8831 5001) District (2598 6166); 3) 1/F, Moi Friendship B1, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian Dis- District (8233 0888) 克瑞玛咖啡 , 国际商会中心大堂右侧 trict (8290 3125) 香咖啡 , 罗湖区建设路 1002 号香格里拉酒店 ( 火 City, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8223 满记甜品 1) 南山区益田广场负一楼 B1-25 2) 南山 车站东侧 )2 楼 8106); 4) 1/F, S103, Mall City, Shenhui Emily Cafe Shop 1, P Phase 2, Shekou, 区海岸城广场 1 层 152 铺 3) 罗湖区万象城负一层 Lu, Longgang District (2837 2330); 5) No.

66 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings

Nanshan District (2689 3469) ghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2160 南山区蛇口半岛城邦二期 1 号商铺 9527) 原坊 , 南山区蛇口南海意库一号楼 107 号 Fix Deli 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shen- zhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District Palm Court The Langham, Shenzhen, 7888 (2222 2222) Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 Fix 美食屋 , 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔 9888) 顿酒店 1 楼 福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店

Friends Coffee Cafe & Bar 1/F, Huamao Pacific Coffee 1) 2/F, Shop 12, Phase II, Xinyuan Bldg, Hongli Xi Lu, Futian District Tiley Fame City, Houhai Dadao, Nanshan (8297 0601) District (8663 6905); 2) Shop 422, MixC 福田区红荔西路华茂欣园首层商铺 City, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 0630); 3) L1/F, Shop 29, King Glory Greenland Lounge 1/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8221 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8270 3002); 4) 1/F, S150Z, Mall City, Shenhui Lu, 8888 ext. 8213) 绿涧廊 , 华强北路 4002 号圣廷苑酒店一楼绿涧廊 Longgang District (2839 3860) 太平洋咖啡 1) 深圳市南山后海大道天利名城二期 二楼十二号 2) 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润中心 Heather's Garden Cafe Area B, No. 9, Nan- 万象城 422 号商铺 3) 罗湖区人民南路 2028 号金 shan Flower Market, Qianhai Lu, Nanshan 光华广场 L1 楼 29 号 4) 龙岗区深惠公路 860 号摩 District (186 8894 6329) 尔城购物中心 1 楼 S150Z 号 欧石楠咖啡馆 , 南山区前海路南山花卉市场 B 区 9 号 Ryu Coffee & Wine Bar Shop 121, Bldg 2, Nanhai E-Cool, No.32 Taizi Lu, Nanshan Hollys Coffee G/F, Urban Sunshine Bldg, District (2680 7755) 6017 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8284 南山区太子路 32 号南海意库 2 栋 121 0541) 豪丽斯咖啡 , 福田区深南大道 6017 号都市阳光名 苑首层 Sam’s Coffee Yong Jing Xuan, Shekou Gong Ye Qi Lu, Nanshan District (2681 0123) 南山区蛇口工业七路雍景轩裙楼首层 101101B ITA Coffee Shop A3, International Leisure Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Sculpting in Time Café Shop A110, Bar Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 9203) ITA 咖啡 , 福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场 Street, Eco-Square, OCT, Nanshan District 国际休闲街 A3 商铺 (2660 3991) 雕刻时光咖啡 , 南山区华侨城生态广场酒吧街 A110 号 Italian Bain Coffee 1) 1/F, Hoba Home, street, Huifang Garden,Xuefu Lu, Nanhai L'epicerie No. 35, Nanhai Rose Garden Bao’an Bei Lu, Luohu District; 2) L2S113, Seasonal Tastes 1/F, The Westin Shenzhen, Dadao, Nanshan District (2606 6797) Phase 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nansha Dis- Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District (8831 1684); 3) B1, MixC City, Luohu Dis- 迪街咖啡,南山区南海大道学府路荟芳园商业内街 trict (2668 7246) (8634 8411, www.westin.com/shenzhen) 1 楼 101-1. trict (2557 7272) 知味全日餐厅 , 南山区深南大道 9028-2 号深圳益 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期35号铺 百年意式咖啡店 , 1) 罗湖区宝安北路好百年首层中 田威斯汀酒店 1 楼 庭 ; 2) 福田区福华三路星河购物公园 L2S113; 3) The Coffee Point 1) 2/F, Renmin Bei Lu, Le Bistro No. 138 Shopping Park, Mintian Longhua Township (2814 7647) 2) 2/F 罗湖区万象城芮欧生活百货 B1 楼 Spinelli B1/F, S002-003, Coco Park, 269 Lu, 138, Futian District (8316 9651) Tianbei Lu, Telecommunications Building, 馨迪,福田区购物公园 138 号 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8318 2016) Italian Best Coffee Rm S142, Gate 8, 盛品利咖啡福田区福华三路 269 号星河购物公园 Luohu District 3)1/F, Manha Business Shenzen Book Store, Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian B1 楼 B1S002-003 号铺位 Plaza, No.2022, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian Les Duos B, Bldg 12, Qushui Bay, OCT Bay, District (2399 2094) District. (83240305) 8,Bashi Lu Dong, Nanshan District 南山区白 意天利 , 福田区福中一路深圳书城 8 号门 S142 室 Spring Box Rm101-102, Building 5, Nanhai 波特咖啡,1) 龙华镇人民北路 28 号 2 楼 2) 罗湖 石路东8号欢乐海岸曲水湾12栋B (8652 6692) ECool Innovation Park, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, 区田贝四路邮电大楼 2 楼(25605297)3) 福田区 华强北路 2022 号曼哈商业广场 1 楼 Patio Resto No.112 Deep Blue Building, Java+ JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shennan Nanshan District (2688 5119) Dadao, Futian District (2269 8026) 南山区蛇口兴华路南海意库 5 栋 101-102 Longcheng Lu, Nanshan District (186 8896 迎客馆 , 福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 JW 万 The Drawing Room 96/F, St. Regis Shen- 6961) 豪酒店 庭院法式餐厅,南山区龙城路深蓝公寓 112 商铺 Sugar Box 1/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 zhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 7338). District (8308 8888-1468) KK Café 1) Lobby, Bao Li Bldg, Chuangye 闲逸廊 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 96 Pipette 1/F, Intercontinental Shenzhen, Website: shenzhen.grand.hyatt.com 层 Lu, Nanshan District (2642 9334); 2) Plaza 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 1 层 9009 Shennan Dadao, OCT, Nanshan Dis- Garden City, Shekou, Nanshan District. trict (3399 3388 ext. 8581) The Exchange Level 1, Sheraton Shenzhen 深南大道 9009 号华侨城 , 深圳华侨城洲际大酒店 (2686 8520) Savorona Lounge Café No6-20, Hi-Mart, KK 咖啡 1) 南山区创业路口保利大厦大堂 ; 2) 南山 Futian Hotel , East Wing, Great China In- Xuefu Lu, Nanshan District.(8630 8114) 区工业八路蛇口花园城 3 期 3 栋 15 号 南山区学府路 6-20Hi-Mart 品园首层(深圳大学 ternational Exchange Square, Fuhua Road, Swallow Nest 11/F, Nanhai Hotel, 1 Gongye 西门西侧 300 米) Futian District (8383 8888) Yi Lu, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District Library 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, 5016 怡聚轩西餐厅,福田区福华路大中华国际交易广场 (2669 2888 ext. 394) Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 Starbucks 1) Shop 1002, CITIC City 大中华喜来登酒店 1 楼 南海酒店燕巢厅,南山区南海大道工业一路 1 号南 海酒店 9 楼 8888 ext. 1459/1455) Plaza,1095Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Dis- 藏书阁 , 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 The Lounge 33/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, trict (2594 1302) 2) G/F, Carrianna Friend- 100 层 The Penthouse 28/F, Hua Le Building, 2017 ship Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District. (8266 1234) Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8228 (2518 2535) 3)Shop 113, Nanshan Hotel, Lobby Bar 1/F, Grand Mercure Oriental 旅行者,罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 33 8822) Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Xinghua Lu, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan 楼 蓬濠法国餐厅,罗湖区深南东路 2017 号华乐大厦 Dadao, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. District (2683 2163) 4) Shop C01,G & 2/F, 28 楼 88605) MOI Department Store, 2005-2006 Huaq- The Lounge JW Marriott Hotel 6005 Shen- 大堂吧 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店 iang Bei Lu, Futian District (8301 9839) nan Blvd. Futian District. (2269 8220) Vienne French Restaurant Wuzhou Hotel, 5) Shop B1-106, Kingglory Plaza, Renmin 福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 JW 万豪酒店 6001 Shennan Dadao, Luohu District (8293 Lobby Lounge 1/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shen- Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1183) 8000) zhen, 4088 Yitian Lu, Futian District(8828 6) Shop B99, Mix C, Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu The Voyage 1/F, Central Book City, Fu Zhong 维埃纳法式餐厅,福田区深南大道 6001 号五洲宾 馆内 4088) District (8269 1088) 7) Shop BS1-11, Yi Lu, CBD, Futian District. (8276 5027) 大堂酒廊 , 福田区深圳福田香格里拉大酒店一楼 旅行者西餐厅,福田中心区福中一路中心书城内一 G/F, Airport Lounge B, Shenzhen Bao’an 楼 GERMAN International Airport ’an (2998 2809) ; 8) La Piazza 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhan, G/F, Block A, C Mall,1 Huafa Bei Lu, Luohu TT’s Coffee 9026 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese East side1) East side, 1/F, Li- District (8320 6928) 9) Shop 1-112A Sun ancheng Dasha, 1003, Chunfeng Lu, Luohu Bierhaus No.117, Seaworld Plaza, Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext: Plaza, 2001 Jiefang Lu Luohu District (8239 8113) District. (2510 8245) 2) 2/F, Central Book Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. (2669 8969) 10) Shop 132, 1/F, Garden Town 南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号威尼斯酒店大堂 City, Fu Zhong Yi Lu, CBD, Futian District. 9591) 德瑞坊啤酒餐厅,南山区蛇口太子路海上 Center, Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 (8277 7632) 世界广场117号 More Bar 1/F, east side of Artpia, 8 Zhong- 3185) 11) Shop L1S-001, G/F, Coco Park, TT 咖啡,1) 罗湖区春风路 1003 号联城大厦 1 楼 东侧 2) 福田中心区福中一路中心书城 2 楼 kang Nan Lu, Futian District (8279 7909). Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8831 3819) Brotzeit L1C-055B, 1/F, Coco Park, 深圳 MORe 酒咖吧 , 福田区中康南路 8 号雕塑家 12) Shop 291, 2/F, Coastal City, Hai De Yi Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8359 2080) Viu Café G/F, Donghua Holiday Inn, Nanhai 园首层东侧 Dao, Nanshan District (8635 9969);13) 福田区福华三路购物公园1楼酒吧街 G/F, E5, East Industrial Area, OCT Loft, Nan- Dadao, Nanshan District. (8619 3999) 南山区南海大道东华假日酒店首层城 4 楼 Ming Dian Coffee and Tea 59 Taizi Lu, shan District (8610 6413) Lowenburg Deck 5-7, Minghua Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 7982) 星巴克,1) 福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场 Cruise, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- 名典咖啡语茶 , 南山区蛇口太子路 59 号 1002 号商铺 2) 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜友谊广场首 trict(2689 2668) 层 3) 南山区蛇口兴华路海上世界南山宾馆 113 号 FRENCH 南山区蛇口太子路明华轮5-7层 Old Heaven Books Shop 120, Bldg 商铺 4) 福田区华强北路 2005-2006 号茂业百货 A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese 首层及二层 C01 号商铺 5) 罗湖区人民南路金光华 Paulaner Brauhaus C-005, Huanch- 广场负一层 B1-106 号商铺 6) 罗湖区宝安南路华 Town, Nanshan District (8614 8090) Art de Vivre Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, uan Square, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan 旧天堂书店 南山区华侨城侨城创意文化园北区 A5 润中心万象城 B99 号商铺 7) 深圳宝安国际机场 B 8 Zhongkang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian Dis- District(2668 7230) 南山区蛇口海上世界环船 栋 120 铺 号候机楼首层 BS1-11 号商铺 8) 华发北路 1 号铜 锣湾百货广场 A 座首层商铺 9) 罗湖解放路 2001 trict (8251 0369) 广场C-005 号太阳广场 1-112A 号商铺 10) 南山区南海大道 福田区上梅林中康路 8 号雕塑家园 Onyx Lounge 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shen- 蛇口花园城中心首层 132 号商铺 11) 福田区福华三 Prusa 4/F, World Finance Internation- zhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District 路星河苏活购物公园首层 L1S-001 号商铺 12) 南 Belle-Vue 37/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, al Building B, No.4003 Shennan Dong Lu, (2222 2222) 山区海德一道海岸城购物中心二层 291 号铺 13) 南 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 Luohu District (8333 5551, 8333 5552) Onyx 大堂酒廊 , 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思 山区华侨城创意文化园东部工业区 E5 栋首层 7338) 罗湖区深南东路4003号世界金融中心B座4楼德 卡尔顿酒店 1 楼 悦景餐厅,罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 Street D Café 101-1,1/F,Business 37 层 Origo No. 107, Bldg 1, Nanhai E-Cool, Xin-

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 67 Listings Hongkong Calendar 06 普鲁斯 District (83581661).

米兰意大利餐厅,福田区车公庙深南大道 6007 号 INDIAN (SOUTH ASIAN) 创展中心(安徽大厦首层 )

Caffe Di Roma Bistro No. 37-40 Shang Ye Stage: Three Classic Fairy Tales, 1947 A01, Fazhan Zhongxin Dasha, Jie OCT Portofino Nanshan District (2600 AUGUST 2 SAT 11am/3pm/7pm, HKD150-600. Star 2010 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District. Exhibition: It’s Blue There, until 3297) Hall, Kowloonbay International Trade (82281808) 古罗马咖啡吧,南山区华侨城波托菲诺商业街 August 14, free admission. Anita Chan & Exhibition Center (www.hkticketing. 罗湖区人民南路 2010 号,发展中心大厦 A01 商 37-40 号 铺 Lai-ling Gallery (www.hkfringe.com.hk) com) Mezzo Level 2, East Wing, Great China In- Cyanotype is an ancient photographic Join Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Bollywood Cafe 2055-1 Xi Long Building, ternational Exchange Square, Fuhua Road, printing process using long-term Goofy and Donald Duck to experience Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District . (8222 Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel, Futian exposure under the sun. Artist Peggy an adventure filled with enchanting 0370) 宝莱坞咖啡,罗湖区人民南路熙龙大厦三楼 District (8383 8888) Chan adopts this old technique to 福田区福华路大中华国际交易广场大中华喜来登大 songs and happy laughter. This amaz- 2055-1 record life in Macau and Hong Kong, ing journey brings three classic Disney 酒店2楼 two cities where she grew up. Among films – Snow White and the Seven Paletto Italian Restaurant 2/F, The Ritz- the presented works are pictures of Bombay Indian Restaurant & Bar Shop Dwarfs, Cinderella and Beauty and Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, traditional architecture, old alleys and 116, Sea World, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan the Beast - to life. Prepare to be daz- Futian District (2222 2222) wild flowers and grasses. Such subjects zled by the music, the humor and the District 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店 2 楼 孟买印度餐厅,南山区蛇口太子路海上世界 117 are ordinary in both cities, but they romance. 号 represent simplicity in these two over- Prego 3/F,Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites developed lands. The whole exhibition Little India 1)No.18B, Basement North Landmark Shenzhen, 3018 Nanhu Lu, SAT Luohu District (8217 2288) brings a breath of nature to the public. AUGUST 30 of Coco Park, No138 Mingtian Lu, Futian 罗湖区南湖路 3018 号深圳富苑皇冠假日套房酒店 District (8317 4827). 2) 2/F, No.56, Block 3 楼 A, Poly Cultural Center, Hou Haibin Lu, AUGUST 12 TUE Nanshan District (8655 2106). 3) Shop red Rock G/F, Shop No.7, Xinhe Shopping No.116, Building 6, Nanhai ECOOL, Taizi Plaza, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District Lu, Behind Fuzou Hotel, Nanshan District (8629 3803). (2686 0020). 红岩意大利餐厅,南山区南海大道信和自由广场一 小印度,1)福田区民田路 138 号购物公园地下 楼 L1S-07 商铺 18B 2)南山区后海滨路保利文化广场 A 区二楼 26 号 3)南山区太子路南海意库 6 栋 116 商铺 The Spaghetti House 1)Shop 399, 3/F, The Mixc City, 1181 Bao’an Nan Road, Luohu District (8266 8006) 2)Shop FL1014, L1/F, Central Walk, Fu Hua Yi Lu, Futian District Indonesian Seafood Restaurant Opposite (8280 1060) 3)Shop 258, 2/F, Coastal City, to Hengbo Hotel, Overseas Chinese Town, Hai De Yi Lu, Nanshan District(8635 9622) Nanshan District. (2690 8338) 意粉屋, 1) 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润中心万 印尼海鲜餐厅,华侨城鸿波酒店对面枕荔楼 象城三楼 399 号商铺 2) 福田区福华一路 3 号中心 城 L1 层 FL1014 号铺 ( 会展中心地铁口 B 出口 ) 3) Punjabi Indian Cuisine Jinhu Hotel Base- 南山区海德一路海岸城购物广场 2 楼 258 号铺 ment No. 1006, Hubei Lu, Luohu Distrct (8219 1115) The Grill & Bar 2/F, Four Points by Shera- 本杰比印度料理,罗湖区湖贝路 1006 号锦湖宾馆 ton Shenzhen, No.5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free 地下室 Concert: Ellie Goulding, 7.30pm, Trade Zone, Futian District (8358 8662). HKD540-640. Star Hall, Kowloonbay 扒房·酒吧,福田区保税区桂花路 5 号深圳福朋 International Trade & Exhibition Center Spice Circle Indian Restaurant 1)G/F 喜来登酒店 2 楼 Tianjun Mansion, Dongmen Nan Lu (Exit B (www.hkticketing.com) at Guo Mao metro), Luohu District (8220 The Top 5/F, Building 1, Nanhai E-Cool, Touched the world by her sweet and 2129); 2) Taizi Road (back of TaiZi hotel) Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 pure voice, Ellie Goulding is an award- Shekou (2668 5390); 1132) 南山区蛇口海上世界南海意库1号楼5层 winning English singer-songwriter and Festival: 2014 Hong Kong Spring 时派圈印度餐厅,1) 罗湖区东门南路天俊大厦首 层(地铁国贸站 B 出口)2) 蛇口太子路太子宾馆 Trattoria Italiana Da Angelo 1) No.113, B2, one of the most talked about acts in Wave Music and Art Festival, 3.45pm, 后B座 modern music. In 2010, she became Nanshan Guest House, Taizi Lu, Shekou, HKD660-880. West Kowloon Cultural Nanshan District. (2682 5927) 2) L226- the second artist to both top the BBC’s TAJ Indian Restaurant G/F, Southwest Cor- District – West Kowloon Waterfront 227, Excellence Century Plaza, Tower 4, ner, Lianhua Building, Oppisite ot Carriana annual Sound of… poll and won the Promenade (www.spring-wave.com) Intersection of Haitian Lu and Fuhua Lu, Friendship Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu Critics’ Choice Award in the same year. Hailing from Taiwan, Spring Wave Futian District. (2531 3842) 3) G/F, Build- District (8236 2782) By the end of 2013, Goulding had sold Music and Art Festival is one of the 印度宫廷美食,罗湖人民南路联华大厦一楼西南角 ing 12, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Lu Dong, four million albums and 15 million sin- leading outdoor music events in the Nanshan District (8654 1060) 艾嘉路意大利餐厅,1) 南山区蛇口太子路南山宾 gles worldwide. During her debut con- Asia. Returning to Hong Kong again, 馆 113B2; 2) 福田区海田路与福华三路交汇处卓 cert in Hong Kong, the Brit will since this year’s festival features a strong 越世纪中心 4 号楼二区商业层 L226,227 商铺 3) hits like ‘Your Song,’ ‘How Long Will I lineup of stars, including JJ Lin, most ITALIAN 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水湾 12 栋 1 楼 Love You,’ ‘Burn’ and ‘Lights.’ recent winner of Best Male Singer at Vista Lago 1/F, Interlaken OCT Hotel Shen- the Golden Melody Awards; Khalil Baia B301, Sea World, 8 Wanghai Lu, zhen, OCY East, Dameisha, Yantian District AUGUST 17 SUN Fong, a Hong Kong-based soul singer; Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 8836) (8888 3333) www.interlakenocthotel.com MC Hotdog, an influential rapper in 南山区蛇口望海路8号海上世界船尾广场B301 花园餐厅,盐田区大梅沙东部华侨城茵特拉根酒店 Concert: Andy Mckee, 7.30pm, Taiwan; BY2, a pair of Singaporean HKD350-550. Drama Theatre, The Hong Blue 3/F, Venice Hotel Shenzhen, No. 9026 diva twins, and many more. It is a Kong Academy for Performing Arts Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, JAPANESE feast of diversified genres, catering to (www.hkticketing.com) Nanshan District (2693 6888). different music tastes. 南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号深圳威尼斯酒店 3 Starting to learn his instrument at the 楼 Banzai-Ya Japanese Dinning G/F, Hai Yang age of 13, this 36-year-old American Ge, Hai Bin Garden, Xinghua Lu, She Kou, fingerstyle guitar player successively AUGUST 30-31 Idutang OCT LOFT, Nanshan District Nanshan District (2683 3090) grasped many acoustic guitar tech- (2691 1826) 万菜屋,蛇口工业区海滨花园海阳阁 1 楼 SAT-SUN 一渡堂,南山区华侨城创意文化园内 niques after listing to Michael Hedges, Dance Drama: The Legend of the Billy McLaughlin and Pat Kirtley. Today, Chitose Family Restaurant Inside Jusco, Condor Heroes, 3pm, HKD180- CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Mckee is a master of alternative tun- Itali-An 1/F, Oriental Plaza, Jianshe Lu, 480. Lyric Theatre, The Hong Kong Futian District (2894 2208) ing, percussive taps and slaps and Luohu District (8225 7278) 千登世,福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场吉 unique harmonics. His signature song Academy for Performing Arts (www. 罗湖区建设路东方广场 1 楼 之岛内 ‘Drifting’ gained more than 50 million hkticketing.com) Elba 99/F,St. Regis Shenzhen, No. 5016 Fu Qing Japanese Restaurant 4/F, Qiu Shi views on YouTube. Leung Kwok-shing is a celebrated Hong Kong choreographer for ac- Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8308 Dasha, Zi Zhu 7 Dao, Zhu Zi Lin, Futian 8888) Dist. (8282 2302) claimed stage versions of Jin Yong’s 欧尔巴 罗湖区深南东路 5016 号深圳瑞吉酒店 99 竎庆日本料理,福田区竹子林紫竹 7 道求是大厦 AUGUST 27-31 beloved martial novels. The go-to guy 层 裙楼 412 - 416 WED-SUN for martial arts drama, Leung’s latest work is an adaptation of the hugely La Terrazza 1/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, Hele Japanese Cuisine 126,Binfen Holiday 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 popular Legend of the Condor Heroes, Shop, Nanyou Dadao, Nanshan District 7338) (2606 9163) which has been brought to film and 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 1 层 和乐日本料理,南山区南油大道缤纷假日商铺 126 TV screens often enough, but less so 号 to the theater. This stage adaptation, Lavo Bistro & Lounge 1M/F, Room 1B, however, has been highly praised Tower 3, Kerry Plaza, No 1, Zhongxin Si Lu, Isaribi 136 Eest Binfen Holiday Street, Futian District (8899 9676; 8255 7462) Nanguang Lu (2605 8376) by Hong Kong critics for its vigorous 福田区中心四路一号嘉里建设广场第 3 栋 1M 层 渔火铁板烧肉日本料理,南光路缤纷假日商业街东 martial arts movements and poetic 1B 室 136 号 choreography. Milano Italian Restaurant Bar & Japan Fusion 2,3/F World Financial Center, Pizzeria 1/F, Anhui Building, No. 6007 4003 Shennan Dong Lu, (8266 6688) Shennan Dadao, Che Gong Miao, Futian 中森名菜,深南东路 4003 号世界金融中心二 , 三 楼

68 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings

Kyoku Japanese Cuisine Restaurant No.17 8875) Qushui Bay, OCT BAY, No.8 Baishi Dong Lu, 南山区蛇口海上世界 A 区 2 号楼 2 楼 Nanshan District (8654 1122). 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水湾 17 栋 Ying Ting 1/F, Hai Jing Plaza, 18 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 1031) Kamii Restaurant 1) 6/F,King Glory Plaza, 樱亭日本料理,南山区蛇口太子路 18 号海景广场 Luohu District. (8261 1001) 2) G/F, Central 1楼 Walk, Futian District. (8278 0059) 3) 3/F, Zetian Chuan Sushi 1-2/F, 104 Fuhua Lu, Kingkey Banner Center, intersection of Bai Futian District (8303 8002) Shi Lu and Sha He Dong Lu, Nanshan Dis- 泽田川寿司,福田区福华路 104 号 1-2 楼 trict. (8628 6060) 上井精致日本料理 1)罗湖区人民南路金光华广场 6 楼 2)福田区怡景中心城 G 层 3)南山区红树林 白石路京基百纳广场 3 楼 45 号 LATIN AMERICAN

Kamado Shop 319, 3/F Coast City, Haide Amigos Restaurant and Bar 1) Shop Road 1, Nanshan District (8635 9792) 上井日本料理 , 南山海德一道海岸城 3F319 店铺 E6,G/F, Carriana Friendship Center, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (6133 9993) 2) 1/F, Hong Long Hotel, Sea World, 32 Taizi Lu, Kenzo Teppanyaki 25/F, Grand Mercure Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 5449) Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan 欧蜜戈墨西哥餐厅 1) 罗湖人民南路佳宁娜广场 1 楼 E06 商铺 2) 南山区蛇口 3 号太子 路海上世界鸿 Boulevard, Futian District (8302 9564 隆公寓首层 ext.88661) 银座铁板烧餐厅,福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座 美爵酒店 25 楼 Senor Frogs No.57, Rose Garden Phase 2, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District. Momiji 3/F Holiday Inn Donghua Shenzhen, (2667 1155) 南山区蛇口玫瑰园二期 57 号 Donghua Park, Nanhai Lu, Nanshan District (8619 3999) 米西索加,南山区南海大道东华园 2307 号东华假 Tequila Coyote Cantina Shop 113, 日酒店三楼 Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan District. (26836446) 2) No.152 the north of Coco Nishimura1/F, Marco Polo Shenzhen, Fuhua Park,Futian District. (8295 3332) Yi Lu, Futian District (8298 9888) 仙人掌餐厅,1) 南山区蛇口海上世界商铺113 号 2) 西村日本料理,福田中心区福华一路深圳马哥孛罗 福田区福华路 138 号购物公园 152 号 好日子酒店 1 楼

Osaka Japanese Restaurant 1/F Swallow MUSLIM Hotel, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (8220 0364) 大阪日本料理店,罗湖区嘉宾路海燕大酒店1 楼 ( 金 Dewan-e-Khass 光华对面 ) (beside ICBC, near 92 degree coffee) 1/F, Shang Bu Ai Hua Market, 98# Nan Yuan Lu, Sakana-Ya Japanese Dinning 4/F, Oriental Futian Dist. (8363 9552) Plaza, Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8228 帝王娜,福田区南园路 98 号 ( 爱华市场一层工商 0778) 银行旁 ) 酒菜屋,罗湖区建设路东方广场 4 楼 Indus Kitchen G/F Luohu Bldg (opposite Shizuku 2/F, JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shen- Century Plaza Hotel), 4012 Chunfeng Lu, nan Blvd. Futian District (2269 8231) Luohu District (8217 2783) 福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 JW 万豪酒店 2 印达斯小厨,罗湖区春风路 4012 号罗湖大厦首层 楼 Muslim Restaurant 2013 Wenjin Nan Lu, Sushi Chef TING 1) Shop150, Coastal City, Luohu District (8225 9664) Nanshan Dist.(8635 9662) 2)G/F New 穆斯林餐厅,罗湖区文锦南路 2013 号 Srteet Plaza, Nanhai Da Dao, Nanshan Dis- trict (2606 3639) 3)G/F, Xinwan Jia Surp- Northwest Leader Muslim Restaurant, G/F, ermarket, Jintian Lu, Futian District(3333 No.111-115, Mei Lin Lu, Jin Feng Garden, 1202) Futian District (8313 8895). 寿师傳回转寿司,1) 南山区海岸城美食美家 150 西北领头羊清真馆,福田区梅林路 111-115 号金 铺 2) 深圳南山区南海大道新街口广场首层 ( 近东 丰花园首层 滨路 3) 深圳福田区金田路兴万家超市首层 Tarim River Xin Jiang Restaurant, 2/F, Sushi Oh Restaurant L318 Shop, Jusco No.53 Bin Jiang Xin Cun, Dong Yuan Lu, Fu- Store, Basement, CITIC Plaza, Futian Dis- tian District , Shenzhen (0755-25870698). trict (2594 0928) 塔里木河新疆餐厅,深圳市福田区东园路滨江新村 寿司屋,福田区中信广场负层吉之岛 L318 铺 53号2楼

Sushi King 1/F, Coastal City, Nanshan Dis- trict (8635 9765) OTHER CHINESE 寿司王,南山区海岸城购物广场一楼 149 号商铺

Tairyo 1) 4/F, Citic City Plaza East, 1095 Art/Taste 1/F, Building A3, North of OCT Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. (2594 LOFT, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan 1767) 2) A3, Poly Cultural Centre, Nan- District (2603 7966). shan District (8628 7232) 3) 3/F, Holiday 艺境味觉,南山区华侨城创意园北区入口处 A3 棟 Plaza, Shennan Lu, Nanshan District. 一楼 (86298266) 大渔铁板烧,1) 福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市 China Spice 4/F Four Points by Sheraton 广场东区四楼 2) 南山区保利文化广场 A 区 3 楼 3) Shenzhen 5 Guihua Lu, Futian District 南山区深南大道 9028 号益田假日广场 L3 楼 (8359 9999-88652) 福田保税区桂花路 , 深圳福朋喜来登 4 层 Togetsukyo 51/F, Hilton Panglin Hotel, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5888 Clare's Restaurant Shop 101-3 , World ext.3908) Finance Center, 4003 Shen Nan Dong Lu, 渡边桥日本餐厅,罗湖嘉宾路 2002 号希尔顿彭年 Luohu District (188 9836 7762) 酒店 51 楼 深圳罗湖区深南东路4003号世界金融中心裙 C101-3 (麦当劳旁边) Traditional Japanese Food 4/F, the Citic City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Din Tai Fung 1) 3/F, Carrianna Friendship District (2594 4333) Square, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District. 福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场 4 楼 (6130 8688) 2) No.103, Beihuan Lu, Sha- jing Town, Bao’an District (2988 2268) 3) Watami 1)4/F The Mixc City Plaza,1881 B2/F, King Glory Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 8311) Luohu District. (8261 1598) 2)Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District 鼎泰丰,1) 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜友谊广场3 楼 2) (8831 5543) 宝安区沙井镇北环路 103 号 3) 罗湖区人民南路金 和民日本料理, 1) 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润 光华广场负 2 层 中心万象城 4 楼 2) 深圳福田区福华三路星河购物 中心2楼 El Chino Intercontinental Shenzhen, OCT, 9009 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District Waterwheel 3/F Tianan Cyber Bldg, Tianan (3399 3388 ext.8599) Cyber Park, Futian District (8830 2918) 华膳中餐厅,深南大道 9009 号华侨城深圳华侨城 水車坊日本料理,福田区天安数码城天安数码时代 洲际大酒店 G 楼 大厦3楼 Futian Carrianna Chinese Restaurant Wine De Yoshi 2/F, Bldg 2, Zone A, Sea 3/F, Marco Polo Shenzhen, Fuhua Yi Lu, World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2602 Futian District (82728001/82728002) 福田佳宁娜中餐厅,福田中心区福华一路深圳马哥 www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 69 Listings 06 MACAU Calendar 孛罗好日子酒店 3 楼 trict (8826 8800) 卓粤轩 , 深圳四季酒店 3 楼 , 福田区福华三路 138 Guiyou Beijing Cuisine 2/F, Taiwan Garden, 号 Futian Dist. (8224 2318) 贵友京菜馆,福田区巴丁街台湾花园 2 楼 Vietnamese rock band composed of vocalist Alan AUGUST 2 SAT Po, guitarists Ronny Lay and Quincy Grey Wolf 1) Shop A107, Ecological Plaza, Concert: Jonathan Lee, 8pm, MOP280- Tam, bassist Desmond Tam and drum- OCT West, Nanshan District.(2692 5700) 2) 1,168. Cotai Arena, The Venetian mer Tom To. The talented ensemble G/F , Shenzhen Central Book City, Fuzhong Macao (www.venetianmacao.com) started off in the underground indie Yi Lu, Futian District. (8276 5036) 大灰狼餐厅,1) 南山区华侨城西街生态广场 A107 One of the most talented Taiwanese scene but in just a few short years 2) 福田区福中一路中心书城南区 1 楼 Mandopop artists, Jonathan Lee will made it to the big leagues with be heading to The Venetian for the multiple hit tunes such as ‘If I Were Honycomb Chinese Restaurant debut of his newest world tour. A Eason Chan,’ ‘Mr. Tam’ and ‘Yesterday.’ 3/F, Zone A, Poly Cultural Plaza, Haide San multi-talented musician, Lee is not only Lu, Nanshan Dist. (8628 7871) Just this year, they released their first 蜂巢印象中餐,南山区海德三道保利文化广场 A 区 known as a singer but also a top-notch Mandarin album, entitled 100 Reasons 3楼 record producer and songwriter, hav- to Fly, which they will be performing ing written for numerous artists includ- in Macau. Hutong A105, Ecological Plaza, Overseas Chinese Town, Qiaocheng Dong Lu, Nanshan ing Angus Tung, Sarah Chen, Jackie District (2660 8184) Chan and many others from the Rock 胡同 南山侨城东路区华侨城生态广场 A105 Records Label. In addition to that, he AUGUST 17 SUN also occasionally produces solo albums Dance: The Enchanted Forest, 3.30pm Yue Jiang Chun Restaurant 1) 6F, Zhong- and 8pm, MOP120-150. Macau Cultural gang City, Fu Qiang Lu, Futian District 2) 3F, for himself. Offering the excellent range of Vietnamese North Tower, All City, Zhongxin Lu, Nanshan Centre – Small Auditorium (www.ma- cuisine, all at a reasonable price and served District 3) 2F, Block 9, Zone A, Baoneng Sci- cauticket.com) in a relaxing environment, this is a solid ence Park, Qingxiang Lu, Longhua District AUGUST 2 SAT Organized by the Macau Ieng Chi option to satisfy cravings, pho sure. Concert: C AllStar, 8pm, MOP200-688. Dance Association, The Enchanted 莱华粤江春酒楼 1) 福田区福强路 3004 号中港城 6 楼 2) 南山区中心路宝能All City北区三层NL301 3) Let’s Viet 1) Shop B26C, Link City Passage, The Venetian Theatre, The Venetian Forest is a performance executed by 龙华新区清祥路宝能科技园 9 栋 A 座 2 楼 Macao (www.venetianmacao.com) Near Coco Park, Futian District; 2) over 200 talented youth dancers. The 越品 , 福田区连城新天地 B26C 商铺 (8255 7048) Formed in 2009, C AllStar is a Hong show revolves around the theme of Man Ho JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shennan Kong Cantopop quartet comprised of Blvd. Futian District (2269 8200) Let’s Viet Poly Cultural Plaza, Houhai, Nan- unveiling the beauty of the Earth’s 蜂巢印象中餐,福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 four champions from different college forest and protecting it from hu- JW 万豪酒店 shan District singing contests: Andy Leung, Kenny 越鼎记 , 南山区后海保利文化广场 A2-39 (8628 man industrialization and pollution. 7826) Chan, Jase Ho and King Wu. Their Cleverly integrating a unique mixture My Noodle No. 104, Building F1, OCT Loft, music is predominantly performed a Nanshan District (8610 2584) Muine No. 219, 2/F, Garden City, 1086 Nan- of energetic jazz elements and grace- 南山区华侨城东部工业创意文化园内 F-1 栋 104 cappella with memorable and mean- ful Chinese folk dance, The Enchanting 号 hai Dadao, Nanshan District (2681 7828) ingful lyrics. Although still a relatively Forest is a delightful performance 南山区南海大道 1086 号花园城中心第 2 楼 219 号 铺 ( 蛇口沃尔玛对面 ) new ensemble, they have already made that’s not to be missed. Museum Civil Ceramic Pot Simmer Soup their mark in the Cantopop indus- 1) 77 Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District (8376 try, especially with their hit son ‘Sky 7999) 2) 99 Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District OTHER WESTERN Ladder.’ AUGUST 23 SAT (8376 7666) 3) Xianggui Bldg., Chunfeng UFC Fight Night, 6pm, MOP280-4,768. Lu, Luohu District (8239 6222) 4) 23, Cotai Arena, The Venetian Macao Zhonghang Lu, Futian District (8399 1888) 360°Bar, Restaurant & Lounge AUGUST 9-10 (www.venetianmacao.com) 5) Block 1, Zhongxing Industrial City, Nan- 31/F,Shangri-La Hotel (east of Railway shan District (2605 5111) Station),1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District SAT-SUN The Ultimate Fighting Championship is 1) 福田区华发北路 77 号 2) 深圳市福田区华发北路 99 号 3) 罗湖区春风路向贵楼 4) 福田区中航路 23 (8396 1380) returning to Macao with an epic mid- 360°西餐酒廊,罗湖区建设路 1002 号 ( 火车站 号 5) 南山区创业中兴工业城一栋 dleweight showdown between two 东侧 ) 香格里拉大酒店 31 层 of the division’s elite. One end of the Neighbour House 1-22 Xiangshan Zhong Acaly’Do 1/F Citic Mangrove Bay, Near competition is number eight-ranked Jie, Portofino, OCT, Nanshan District.(8608 Shahe Glof, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan Dis- Michael Bisping, who will take on 0303) 邻舍私房家宴 南山区华侨城波托菲诺香山中街 trict (8626 8176) former Strikeforce champion Cung Le. 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾首层沙河高尔夫斜对面 1-22 The evening will also feature a num- ber of other highly anticipated fights, Old Captain 1/F, Yihua Building, Block 617, Atmosphere No.1 Shop, Peninsula Phase 2, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2602 7898) including the battle between number No.1 Bagua Lu, Futian Dist. (2592 6266) 深圳市南山区蛇口半岛城邦 2 期商铺 1 号 4-ranked welterweight Tyron Woodley 老船长饮食, 福田区八卦一路 617 栋艺华大厦首 层 and number nine-ranked Dong Hyun Atmosphere, Luohu. Travis Pastrana’s Nitro Circus Live, 8pm Shop 368, 3/F, Block Kim, as well as the Ultimate Fighter B, Phase Two, MixC, Luohu District. (2227 on Saturday, 3pm on Sunday. MOP280- Prince Kitchen Cuisine Creative China Featherweights Finale between 5-6/F, Citic Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, 7788) 1,368. Cotai Arena, The Venetian 喜悦 , 罗湖万象城二期 B 座 3 楼 Yang Jianping and Ning Guangyou. Futian District (2598 8333/2598 8666) Macao (www.venetianmacao.com) 王子厨房,福田区深南中路 1095 号中信广场 5-6 Nitro Circus Live, a breath-taking show 楼 Burger King 2) No.108, Basement-1, KK Shopping Mall, KK Financial Centre, Luohu that features some of the wildest AUGUST 30-31 District (8202 5622) 3) 2nd Floor, Sang Da routines of FMX, BMX and skate, will ROMANTIQUE 1/F, Shenzhen Theater, Xin SAT-SUN Yuan Lu, Dongmen, Luohu District. (8223 Building,(opposite of Moi) Hua Qiang Bei, be returning to Macau to provide yet 7890). Futian District.(8202 4922) 4) L2C-002, 2/ another evening of excitement. It was 罗湖区新园路东门深圳戏院一楼 F, CoCo Park, No.269, Fuhua San Lu, Futian originally founded by Travis Pastrana, District. (21515526) a motorsports legend and stunt cham- Shang Palace 2/F, Shangri-La Hotel (east of 汉堡王,2) 罗湖区菜屋围京基金融中心之京基百 pion. This time around, the show will Railway Station), 1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu 纳空间负一楼 108 号 3) 福田区华强北桑达大厦 District (8233 0888) 2 楼(茂业百货对面)4) 福田区福华三路 269 号 be executed by 45 of the world’s most 香宫,建设路 1002 号 ( 火车站东侧 ) 香格里拉酒 cocopark2 楼 L2C-002 号铺 elite stunt performers and will fea- 店2楼 ture brand-new contraptions like the Casablanca Seaworld Plaza, Hai Bin Com- 50-feet-high Nitro Gigant-A-Ramp. The Orchard 4/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Huaq- mercial Building Shop 118, Shekou, Nan- iang Bei Lu (8207 8888-8299) shan District (2667 6968) 馥轩中餐厅,华强北路 4002 号圣廷苑酒店四楼馥 卡萨布兰卡餐厅,南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园商业 Dance: Constellations, 3pm and 轩中餐厅 中信 1 栋首层 118-120 AUGUST 16 SAT 7.30pm, MOP180. Macau Cultural Centre – Small Auditorium (www.ma- The Purple No.8 Baishi Lu Dong,OCT Caeser Restaurant 2/F, Lidu Hotel, Guangfa cauticket.com) Bay,Nanshan District.(8315 2999) Bldg., 2007 Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu Dis- 紫苑 南山区欢乐海岸白石路 8 号 Crafted by Spanish group trict. (8225 9988 ext. 244) 凯撒咖啡西餐厅,罗湖区东门南路 2007 号广发大 Aracaladanza, Constellations is a Xi’an Lao Jia Restaurant 1) Opposite to 厦丽都酒店 2 楼 dance performance inspired by the Sangda Bldg., Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District creative and colorful imagery of one (8332 2779) 2) 1/F Western side of Zhang- City Steak Emperor 229, 2/F, North Shen- of the greatest 20th-century surrealism hang Yuan Nanguang Bldg., Futian District zhen Book City, Hongli Lu, Futian Dist. (8324 6606/8368 9789) (2399 2133) artists, Joan Miró. Through a combina- 西安老家餐馆,1) 燕南路中部西侧兰天路 1 号 2) 城市扒王,福田区红荔路深圳书城北区 2 楼 229 号 tion of light and movement, comple- 中航苑南光大厦西侧首层 mented by clever props, the choreog- Double Star Cafe 2/F, King Glory Plaza, raphy “transforms painted dreams into Yi Zhou Conceptual Conjee House F3Build- Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1808) real textures.” Aracaladanza has been ing, Industrial Park (East), OCT, Nanshan www.doublestar.com.hk Concert: Mr. on the Road Live, District (8609 5307) 帝宝星,罗湖区金光华广场 2 楼 8pm MOP280-968. Cotai Arena, The recognized for its enchanting perfor- 南山区华侨城创意文化园 F3 栋墨客空间 Venetian Macao (www.venetianmacao. mances a number of times, from the Danube 1/F, Vienna Hotel, 73 Fuhua Lu, com) MAX awards to the Spanish National Zhuo Yue Xuan 3/F, Four Seasons Hotel Futian District (8398 1688, 8398 6993) Theatre Prize for Children and Youth. Shenzhen, 138 Fuhua San Lu, Futian Dis- 多瑙河西餐厅,福田区福华路 73 号维也纳酒店 1 Mr., formed in 2008, is a Hong Kong 楼铺

70 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings

Four Seasons Dining Room No. 105, Super Steak 3/F COCO Park,Fuhua San Lu, Haibin Business Center, Sea World, Shekou, Futian District (2531 3998) Nanshan District 超级牛扒,福田区福华三路 Coco Park 三楼 南山区蛇口海上世界海滨商业中心 105 号 ( 近麦当 劳 ) (2689 3986) Take Seafood Supermarket No. 103, Zone A, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District Friday Cafe G/F, Xinxing Square,Diwang (2160 2378) Bldg,5002 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District 南山蛇口海上世界船前广场 A 区 103 号 (8246 0757) 星期五西餐厅,罗湖区深南东路 5002 号地王大厦 Taste 3/F, Four Points by Sheraton, 5 信兴广场首层 111 号 Guihua Lu, Futian District (8359 9999 ext.88667) Grape, No.1 Yanshan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan 桂花酒店,福田保税区桂花路 5 号福朋喜来登酒店 District (2668 7777). 3楼 葡逸餐厅,南山区蛇口沿山路 1 号 Tasty 1/F International Finance Center, Grange Grill 25/F, The Westin Shenzhen 4003 Shennan Dong Lu, Futian District Nanshan, No. 9028-2, Shennan Dadao, (2598 1298,2598 1299) Nanshan District (8634 8431). 西堤牛排,深圳市深南东路 4003 号世界金融中心 威斯汀扒房 , 南山区深南大道 9028 号 -2 深圳益 1F 田威斯汀酒店 25 层 Tequila Coyote’s Cantina 1) Shop 113A, Greenery Cafe 3/F,Hualianfa Bldg, No.2006 Seaworld, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- North Huaqiang Street, Futian District trict (2683 6446) 2) Shop 150, Opposite (8399 8828,8399 8118) CoCo Park, Futian District (8295 3332) 绿茵阁,华强北商业街 2006 号华联发大厦三楼 1) 南山区蛇口太子路海上世界 113A 铺 2) 福田区 朝阳公园 150 号 LSD F1-105A, OCT Loft, En Ping Jie, Nan- shan District. (8610 6344) The Grill & Bar 2/F, Four Points by Sheraton 迷食,南山区华侨城创意文化园 F1-105A Shenzhen, No.5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade Zone, Futian District (8358 8662). Made in Kitchen 7/F, Kingglory Plaza, 2028 扒房·酒吧,福田区保税区桂花路 5 号深圳福朋喜 Renmin Lu, Luohu District (8261 1899) 来登酒店 2 楼 厨房制造 , 罗湖人民南路 2028 号金光华广场 7 楼 The Grill 2/F, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nan- McCawley’s Irish Bar & Restaurant hai, 1177 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Shop 118, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2162 8888) District (2668 4496) 南山区蛇口希尔顿南海酒店 2 楼 , 南山区望海路 商铺 3) 福田区福华三路购物公园 2 楼 4) 南山区 old coco park, Mintian Lu, Futian Dist. 麦考利爱尔兰酒吧,南山区蛇口海上世界广场 118 1177 号 南海大道花园城商业中心 115B 5) 福田区莲花路 (besides Marco Polo & McDonalds) (2801 号 TT 国际街区首层 6) 罗湖区宝安南路 1054 号湖 1122) 2) 2) 3/F, Block A, Poly Cultural The Lounge 33/F Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 北宝丰大厦首层 7) 福田区华强北路曼哈购物广场 3 楼 8) 罗湖区东门步行街人民北路罗湖文化中心 Centre, Hou Haibin Lu, Nanshan District McCawley's Bar & Grill Shop No.109, 1881 Baoan Nan Road, Luohu District (8602 4588) Building 7, Rose Garden Phase III, Shekou, 2 楼 9) 南山区南山商业文化中心区保利文化广场 (2218 7338) A1-14 号 子都,1) 深圳福田民田路 9 号城建购物公园 101- Nanshan District (2667 4361). 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 33 层 102 2) 南山区后海滨路保利文化广场 A 区 3 楼 南山区蛇口南海玫瑰园三期 7 号楼 109 号商铺 The Kitchen North Coco Park, 144 Warehouse Coco Park Atrium, 268 Fuhua SOUTHEAST ASIAN Mama’s No.110-111 Sea World, Shekou, North Mingtian Lu, Futian District (2531 San Lu, Futian District (400 833 1128) 福田 区福华三路268号购物公园商场中庭 Nanshan District. (2686 2349) 3860) 南山区蛇口海上世界 110-111 号商铺 现场厨房,福田区民田路城建购物公园 138 号 Banana Leaf South Asia Restaurant B1/F, the Citic City Plaza, 1095 Shennan May Flower Restaurant 2/F, the IV Com- SHANGHAINESE The Village No.108-109 Haichang Jie, Zhong Lu, Futian District (8887 3338) merce City, Azure Coast, Houhai Dadao, Shekou, Nanshan District.(2685 0910). 蕉叶南亚汇餐厅,深圳福田区深南中路 1095 号中 Nanshan District (2649 8033/2649 022) (close to A-best Supermarket). 信城市广场负 1 楼 五月花餐厅 , 南山区后海大道蔚蓝海岸四期商贸城 南山区蛇口海昌街海尚国际裙楼 108-109 号铺 Hujiangxuan Shanghai Restaurant 2楼 No.4018, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2567 Banana Leaf Asian Cafe & Bar C-076-077, West Steak House 2/F,52 Jiefang Lu, Luohu 0000 ext.6388) 沪江轩上菜馆,罗湖区嘉宾路 4018 号新时代酒店 Coco Park, Fuhua 3 Lu, Futian District One Steak 1) 1/F Hongling Building, 1045 District (8229 9139) 1楼 (8284 6655) Shennan Zhong Lu, Nanshan District (2586 西部牛扒城,3) 罗湖区解放路 52 号 2 楼 蕉 叶 南 亚 站, 福 田 区 coco park 酒 吧 街 L1C- 6333) 2) 2) L3-1, 9028-2 Shennan Lu, Holiday 076.077 Plaza, Nanshan District (8629 8729) Willy's Crab Shack18 Shiyun Lu, Shekou, Jiangnan Garaden Shenzhenair Interna- 王品台塑牛排,1) 深南中路 1045 号红岭大厦 1 楼 Nanshan District (8827 8002) tional Hotel, 6035, Shennan Dadao, Futian Coriander G/F, InterContinentalShenzhen, 2) 南山区深南大道 9028-2 号益田假日广场三楼 深圳市南山区蛇口新街 石云路18号www. District (8881 9999 ext.6720) No. 9009 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chi- willyscrabshack.com 江南春 , 福田区深南大道 6035 号深航国际酒店 2 楼 nese Town, Nanshan Distirct (3399 3388) Rapscallions No.138, Gou Wu Gong Yuan, 芫香东南亚餐厅,福田区华侨城深南大道 9009 号 Mintian Lu, Futian District. (8359 7131) 深圳华侨城洲际大酒店地下一层 瑞布斯 福田区民田路购物公园北园 138 号 PIZZA Liu Yuan Shop 303, 3/F, the Mixc City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8269 1333) HangLiPo Shop 006, UG/F, Central Walk, Poseidon Restaurant & Bar, No.13, Costal 留园饭店,深圳罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润中心 万象城 303 铺 Futian District (8280 1399) Rose Garden III, Jin Shiji Lu, Shekou, Nan- Kiwi Pizza Shop46B,Costal Rose Garden 汉丽宝,福田区新怡景商业中心城 UG 层 006 号 shan District (2160 9519) Phase II, No.32 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nan- 铺 波塞冬西餐厅酒吧,南山区蛇口金世纪路南海玫瑰 Shanghai Restaurant 68, Jinrong Lu, Sha shan District.(2160 1583). 园三期 13 号 Tou Kou, Yantian District (2555 8290) 维奇披萨 南山区蛇口望海路 32 号南海玫瑰圆二期 盐田区沙头角金融路 68 号 Leaves Poolside Restaurant 5/F, The Ritz- 46B 商铺 Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Paiza Bistro & Lounge, No.110, Penisula Yu Yuan Shanghainese Cuisine No.411, Futian District (2222 2222) I, Jin Shiji Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District Lou Palacio Pizza, 1/F, No. 40, Block 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店 5 楼 4FL, Citic City Plaza, Shennan Zhong Lu, (2668 7055) A, Poly Cultural Center, Nanshan District Futian District (2594 3228) (8628 7109). Malay Papa Shop 012,Basemant 2, Jing- 南山区蛇口金世纪路半岛城邦一期110号 豫园上海饭庄,深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场 4 楼 411 号近南园路 guang Plaza, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District 帕拉休,南山区保利文化广场A区40号店铺 (8261 1000, 8261 1088) Romas Bar & Grill Block B, at the back of NYPD Pizza 1) FL-1015 Store, 马拉爸爸,罗湖区人民南路金光华广场负 2 层 012 Tai Zi Hotel, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- Central Walk, Fuhua 1 Lu, Futian District. SICHUAN 铺 trict (2683 8492, 2683 8491) (8887 6973). 2)Sea Dynasty Store No.26 Hai Chang Jie, Shekou, Nanshan District. Spring Lounge FL1006-1007, Central Walk, 罗马西餐厅,南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆 Futian District (8280 1885) (Near A.Best) (8887 6973). 3) No.3085-10 Ba Shu Feng 后B座 1) 1-2/F, 405, Sangda Block, 越南春天,福田区新怡景商业中心城FL1006- Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8887 Zhenxing Lu, Futian Dist. (8324 6874) 2) 1007 号 6973,137 9847 1160). 2/F, Yuehai Market, Longcheng Lu, Nanshan Seattle Café #38, 1/F, Holiday Garden, 纽约批萨 1) 福田区福华一路中心城 FL1015 商铺 ; Nanshan District (near Holiday Inn) (2606 2) 南山区蛇口海昌街海尚国际裙楼 26 号铺 ( 近新 Dist. (2649 2707) 3) No.34, Aiguo Lu, THAI 4862) 一佳 ); 罗湖区东门深南路 3085 - 10 号 Luohu Dist. (2568 0388) 西雅图西餐扒房,南山区缤纷假日花园 1 层 巴蜀风,1) 福田区振兴路7 号桑达小区 405 栋 1-3 楼 2) 南山区龙城路粤海综合市场 2 楼 3) 罗湖区爱 38 号 ( 东华假日酒店旁 ) Idutang Bldg F3, OCT Loft, Engping Papa John’s Pizza 1) 1/F, F2.6 Tianzhan 国路 1041 号 Building, Tian’an Industry Plaza, Futian Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan Dis- Sky Paradise 50/F, Hilton Panglin Hotel, Distrct. 2) Unit 149, 1/F, Coastal City, Nan- Chuan Xiang Lou 2/F,Sichuan Mansion, trict. (8610 6046) Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5888) 一渡堂,南山区华侨城恩平路文化创意园 F3 栋 罗湖区嘉宾路 2002 号希尔顿彭年酒店 50 楼 shan Business & Culture Center, Nanshan No,2001 Hongli Lu, Futian District (8367 District. 3) 2/F, Soho Coco Park, No.3 3661). Pin Tai A217, North Garden Shopping Park, Fuhua Lu, Futian District. 4) 1/F, 115B, 川香楼,福田区红荔路 2001 号四川大厦 2 楼 Stonegrill L1021-L1022, No.3 Fuhua Yi lu, Futian District (8316 8832) Futian District Garden City Commercial Centre, Nanhai 福田区购物公园北园 A217 石头烧福田区福华一路怡景中心城 L1021尚铺 Dadao, Nanshan District. 5) 1/F, TT Inter- Dou Hua Gong Fang 5/F, The Mixc City, (8276 5289) national Area, Lianhua Lu, Futian District. 6) 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 Tai Man Guan Shop 593, 5/F, The Mixc 1/F, Hubei Baofeng Building, 1054 Bao’an 8439) 豆花工房,罗湖区宝安南路1881号华润 City, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District Subway 1) FL1004, 1/F, Yijing Central Walk, 万象城5楼 Nan Lu, Luohu District. 7) 3/F, Manha Shop- (8269 1118) No. 3 Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District. (8280 ping Plaza, Haqiang Bei Lu, Futian District. 泰满冠,罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润中心万象城 Fonsun Sichuan Restaurant Shop29-30, 1186) 2) Store B14, Basement, Gouwu 8) 2/F, Luohu Culture Center, Renmin Bei 5 楼 593 商铺 Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 Gongyuan Metro Shopping Mall, Futian Lu, Luohu District. 9) Unit A1-14, 1/F, Poly District. (8329 2299) 0566) Tai Xiang Guan 1/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Culture Centre, Nanshan Business & Culture 蛇口海上世界广场 29-30 号商铺 1) 福田区福华一路怡景中心城一楼西侧 FL1004 号 Lu (Gou Wu Gong Yuan metro station) Fu- 铺 2) 福田区购物公园负一楼地铁商业广场 B14 Center, Nanshan District. tian District (8202 3555) 棒 ! 约翰 1) 福田区天安数码城天展大厦 F2.6 栋 Zidu Sichuan Restaurant 1) No.101-102, 1 楼 2) 南山区商业文化中心海岸城一层 149 号 泰香馆,福田区福华三路星河 COCO PARK1 楼

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 71 Listings

083-087 号 Room 1501, Hua Rong Building, Min Tian Square, 2002 Renminnan Road, Luohu Dist. District (8241 8028) Lu, Futian District (8239 1176). (2518 3338) 红岭中路 2033 号上海时装公司 3 楼 The Terrace Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan 金灵思商贸有限公司,福田中心区民田路华融大厦 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜广场负一楼 District (2682 9105, 2683 2775) 1501 The Penthouse 38/F, Grand Hyatt Shen- 露台酒吧,南山区蛇口海上世界广场 Brew House 3/F, Crowne Plaza Hotel & zhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District Best Wine, Shop 1-30, Portofino, OCT, Nan- Suites and Landmark, 3018 Nahu Road, (2218 7338) Xiang Mao 1/F, Xin Nan Hua Bldg, 17 Nanji shan District, (8626 0995). Luohu District. (8217 2288 ext. 569) 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 38 层 Lu, Luohu District (8220 2851) 百事达酒业,南山区华侨城波托菲诺商业街 7 - 罗湖区南湖路费用户号深圳富苑皇冠假日套房酒店 香茅泰味餐厅,罗湖区南极路 17 号新南华大厦 1 10 号 三楼 FUTIAN 楼 Opus One Wine & Cigar 1/F, 999 Royal Brown Sugar Jar 1/F, Le Yang Feng Jing Ge, Suites & Towers,1001Shennan Dong Lu, Yes Thai 1) 3/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu Huang Bei Lu, Dongmen, Luohu District. 3D Bar Block B, Bar Street, CITIC City Luohu District(2513 0999) (Gouwu Gongyuan metro station), Futian (2541 6110) Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Dis- District (2531 3918) 2) 5/F, Costal City, No. 红酒雪茄屋,罗湖区深南东路 1001 号丹枫白露酒 红糖罐 罗湖区东门商业圈 黄贝路乐扬枫景阁一楼 店1楼 trict (2598 6011) 33, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8635 福田区深南中路 1093 号中信广场酒吧街 B 区 9989) 3) 4/F, KK Shopping Mall, KK Finan- Champs Bar & Grill 2/F, Shangri-La Shen- Pieroth Wine.,Ltd. 26/F,Anlian Plaza, cial Centre, Luohu District (2290 0333) zhen, Luohu Dist. (8396 1366) After 5 Bar & Cafe Unit 104, Jin Run Build- No.4018 Jin Tian Rd., Futian District ,Shen- 罗湖区香格里拉大酒店 2 楼 鑫泰,1) 福田区福华三路购物公园 3 楼 2) 南山区 ing, Tai Ran Jiu Lu, Futian District (2396 文心五路 33 号海岸城购物中心五楼 3) 罗湖区蔡屋 Zhen(3395 5834) www.pieroth-china.com 碧洛德葡萄酒,福田区金田路 4018 号安联大厦 26 4800). 围京基金融中心京基百纳空间四楼 Chocolate 1/F, New 2000 Plaza, Huishang 福田区泰然九路金润大厦 104 楼 Mingyuan, Nanqing Street, Dongmen, TAIWANESE Luohu District. (2582 2222) Angelbaby Bar 1/F, Huale Building, No.1, SUMMERGATE Room F,25/Floor, Noble 罗湖区东门南庆街汇商名苑 2000 广场 1 楼(金莎 Center No.1006,3rd Fuzhong San Lu, Futian 国际会所楼下) Zhong Hang Bei Lu, Hua Qiang Bei, Futian District ShenZhen (3398 3100) www.sum- District.(2830 7788). Bellagio 1/F,Jinbi Hotel,3002 Chunfeng Lu, 天使宝贝 福田区华强北中航北路 1 号华乐大厦一楼 mergate.com City Cowboy 2/F, Jihao Garden, 1048 Hua Luohu District (8228 5111) 美夏国际酒业,福田区福中三路 1006 号诺德金融 鹿港小镇,罗湖区春风路 3002 号金碧酒店首层 Li Lu, Luohu District (2582 8218) 中心25层F单元 深圳市罗湖区华丽路 1048 号集浩花园 2 楼 Before Sunset Bar Bar Street, CITIC Plaza, Futian District (13510131001) Cheers Building F4, Enping Jie, Creative 中信广场酒吧街 Sourceland A-1709,International Chamber Decanter 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, Park, OCT, Nanshan District (8276 6688) of Commerce Building Fuhua Yi Lu, Shen- No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District 鹊尔斯酒窖,南山区华侨城恩平街创意园 F4 栋 Beng/Bang No.138, Block B, North of Zhen (8293 1699) www.Sourcelandwine. (8308 8888-1459/1455) Shopping Park, Min Tian Lu, Futian District com 品酒阁 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 100 TURKISH 夏桑园酒业,福华一路国际商会大厦 A 座 1709 室 层 (8860 1818). 欧莉酒吧,福田区民田路购物公园北园B区138号 Torres Rm 27D, Building B, Honglong Discovery Bar 48 Jin Tang Jie (next to Lijing Anatolia Turkish Restaurant, 1/F, Xing Yue Brown Sugar Jar G9 Huangguan Technol- Century Plaza, No.3001 Heping Lu, Luohu Int’l Club), Luohu District (8248 1742) Business Hotel, No. 3018 Dongmen Nan Lu, ogy Park, Tairan 9 Lu, Futian District. (8320 District. (2519 0180) 罗湖金塘街 48 号丽晶国际俱乐部旁边 Luohu District (8222 6154; 8225 7677). 桃乐丝葡萄酒 罗湖区和平路 3001 号鸿隆世纪广场 7913) 安纳托利亚, 罗湖区东门南路 3018 号兴悦商务酒 B 座 27D Evolution Bar F2/3, Carriana Friendship 红糖罐 福田区泰然九路皇冠科技园 2 栋 G9 店1楼 Square (next to Starbucks), Renmin Nan Lu, Calio Bar Shop 055, 2/F, Coco Park, Fuhua The Vineyard B1-067/069, FengShengDing, Luohu District Istanbul Fast Food Cafe Jinghua Building District B, CheGongMiao, Shennan Dadao, 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜友宜广场首层 G2&G3( 近 San Lu, Futian Dist. (2533 1844) 1C055, Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District (3309 福田区福华三路星河苏活购物公园二楼 055 号 Futian District.(8270 2225). 星巴克咖啡店 ) 7180, 3309 7190) 维雅酒庄 福田区车公庙深南大道南侧丰盛町 B 区 福田区华发北路京华大院一号楼 1C055 号 067-069 商铺 Echo Club, No.S268, MixC, Phase II, Chicago Club G/F, Gate 4 of Shenzhen No.1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District Stadium, Sungang Lu, Futian District (8324 Mevlana Turkish Restaurant 154 Vins Descombe 101, Industrial Bank Build- (2292 3777). 0294) 福田区笋岗路深圳体育馆四号门首层 Zhenxing Lu, Futian District (8336 8778) ing, CBD of Futian district. (82041585) 埃可俱乐部·酒吧,罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润 梅夫拉那土耳其餐厅福田区振兴路 154 号 法国萄醉酒庄,深圳市福田区深南大道兴业银行大 中心万象城二期 B 栋二楼 厦一楼法国萄醉酒庄 Club Viva No. 140, Fuhua Lu, CoCo The Istanbul Restaurant Room 107, Lang Richy Club, 66 Chunfeng Lu (next to Lu Park, Futian District (137 9825 6176) Yu Feng Ting,1010 Wenjin Nan Lu, Luohu Wine & Cigar Room 25/F, Grand Mercure Shan Hotel), Luohu District (8234 2565) 福田区福华路城建购物公园 140 号 District (8261 0201) Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan 春风路 3023 号(庐山酒店 1 楼) 土耳其伊斯坦布尔餐厅,罗湖区文锦南路 1010 号 Crystal Bldg E, Bar Street, CITIC City Pla- 朗御风庭 107 号地铺 Boulevard, Futian District (83500888 ext.88661) Face Club,4/F, MixC Mall Phase II, No.1881 za, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District 红酒雪茄屋,福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵 Bao'an Nan Lu, Luohu District(8266 6699). (2598 5509) Vegetarian 酒店 25 楼红酒雪茄屋 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号万象城第二期卡地亚楼上 福田区深南中路中信广场酒吧街 E 栋 四楼 1001 Wine & Spirits Cellar, 3/F, Block A, Curv Bar 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shen- Awaken Vegetarian Restaurant East to 1/F, Kou An Building, No.1006 Dongmen Nan Feeling Bar 1/F, Zhidi Plaza, No.3068 Chun- zhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District Terra Hotel, Tairan Si Lu, Futian District. Lu, Luohu District (2585 7258). feng Lu, Luohu District (2230 1119) (2222 2222) (8250 4570) 1001 酒窖,罗湖区东门南路 1006 号口岸大厦 A 罗湖区春风路置地广场首层 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店 1 楼 唤觉生态餐厅,福田区车公庙泰然四路泰然酒店一 座3楼 楼东侧 The St. Regis Bar 96/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, Duke’s, The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, YUNNAN No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 Green Life 2/F, Jun Ting Hao Yuan, Bao’an (8308 8888-1468) 9888). Nan Lu, Luohu District (2590 8426) 瑞吉吧 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 96 福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店 绿生活健康素食,罗湖区宝安南路骏庭豪园 2 楼 层深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 99 层 Big Tree Feet Restaurant 105 (Beside Day and Night Building A3, Bar Street, International Supermarket), Dongyuan Lu, Deng Pin 3/F, Jun Ting Ming Yuan, Bao’an Key Bar G-6 SOHO, Jia Ning Na Square, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (8206 1152) Nan Lu, Luohu District (25908588) 大树脚云南过桥米线,福田东园路 105 号 ( 国际商 2002 Ren Min Nan Lu, Luohu District Futian District (2598 9203) 登品餐厅,罗湖区宝安南路 2107 号骏庭名园 3 楼 罗湖区人民南路 2002 号嘉宁娜友谊广场 SOHO 场旁 ) 福田区深南中路中信广场酒吧街 A3 栋 酒吧 街 G-6 Jin Hai Ge 73 Nan Yuan Lu, Futian District Primitive & Healthy Block B, Eco Plaza, Demon 1) Building C, Bar Street, CITIC (8365 9996) Le Nest 1/F, Guomao Da Sha, Renmin Nan City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian 金海阁素食馆,福田区南园路 73 号 OCT, Nanshan District (2692 1890) 缘生态餐 Lu, Luohu District (8221 1018) 厅,南山区华侨城OCT生态广场A-102号 罗湖区人民南路国贸大厦 A 区外一楼 District (2615 7405) 2) 78-79, Bar Street, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District Wind Lucky 1) Behind Shanghai Volk- Yang Jin Ma G/F, Building 6, Qushui bay, Malt 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 (2531 3800) 1)福田区深南中路中信广场酒吧C swagen Automotive Store, XiangmiHu No.8 Baishi Dong Lu, Nanshan District 栋 2) 福田区福华三路COCO 商城,地铺78-79 Holiday Resort, Futian District (8289 4181) Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 (8665 1577). 央金玛,南山区白石东路8号欢乐 2)4/F,Dongmenting Plaza, Dongmen Yongx- 8888-1459/1455) 海岸曲水湾6栋首层 天吧,深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 100 Evening Show 4-5/F, Building 2, Huanggang in Jie, Luohu District (8238 3453) 层 Business Center, Fuhua San Lu, Futian 云来居素食馆 1) 福田区香蜜湖度假村内(大众 4S Yang Zong Noodle Place Shop106, Building District (8270 8888; 8278 3999;137 2435 店后)2) 罗湖区东门永新街东门町四楼 A3, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Michelle’s Bar South gate of Shenzhen Sta- 3542). Town, Nanshan District (8623 3299) dium, Sun Gang Lu, Luohu District (8327 福田区福华三路卓越世纪中心 2 号楼裙楼 4-5 层 wine 南山区华侨城创意文化园北区 A3 栋 106 商铺 6642) 罗湖区笋岗路深圳体育馆南门 Executive Lounge 25/F, Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen,Shennan Da Dao ASC Fine Wines (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd Milky Jiabin Lu (beside Soho Bar), Luohu District (8225 8199) 罗湖区嘉宾路soho吧旁 Xi,Futian District (8350 0888) Unit 1368,East13/F,China Nuclear nightlife 福田区深南大道西东方银座美爵酒店 25 楼 Building,Shennan Road (8398 5514) www. Oasis Bar 13/F, Jinhu Hotel, Hubei Lu, asc-wine.com Ella Entertainment Park East Gate, Shop- 圣皮尔精品葡萄酒,深南中路中核大厦 13 栋东侧 LUOHU Luohu District 罗湖湖贝路锦湖宾馆13楼 ping Park, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District 1368 单元 福田区福华一路购物公园东门 Soho Bar Opposite of King Glory Plaza, Cheers Wine Cellar 105A, Block F1, Cre- 360°Bar, Restaurant & Lounge 31/F, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (8220 0628) Frankie’s 罗湖区嘉宾路金光华广场对面 No.33-34, Building 3, Gui Hua- ativePark EnPing Jie, OCT Nanshan District Shangri-La Hotel (East of Railway Station), yuan Garden, Fenghuang Dao, Guihua Lu, (8276 6688) www.cheerswinecellars.com No.1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8396 Sparkle Club & Restaurant 1/F, Zense Futian Free Trade Zone (8271 9220) 鹊尔斯酒窖,南山区华侨城恩平街创意产业园 F1 1380-8360). Hotel, Wen Jin Zhong Lu, Luohu Dist. (8239 福田保税区桂花路凤凰道桂花苑花园 3 栋一层 栋 105A 33-34 号铺 罗湖区建设路 1002 号(火车站东侧)香格里拉大 4800) 罗湖区文锦中路升逸酒店首层 酒店 31 层 Kelit Italian Wine 18D-E Taiyang Dao Gold Rush Bar 2/F, The Pavilion Hotel, Building, No.34, Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu Apollo 57/F, Hilton Shenzhen Pengnian Tanghui Bar 1/F, A08, Zhidi Plaza, Chun 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian Dist. (8207 District (8220 8606). www.kelit.org Hotel, 2002 Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 Feng Lu, Luohu District (2230 1698) 罗湖区春风路北侧置地逸轩裙楼 A08 8888 ext. 8225) 华强北路4002号圣廷苑酒 意国科立酒业,罗湖区东门南路 34 号太阳岛大厦 5888 ext 3914) 店二层 18D-E 罗湖区嘉宾路 2002 号彭年酒店 57 楼 Tashe Delick Bar 3/F, Shanghai Shizhuang Honolu Club Top/F ,Donghai Jingtian Links Concept Wine and Spirit Merchants, Butter Basement B/F, Carrinna Friendship Company, 2033 Hongling Zhong Lu, Luohu

72 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings OPEN DOOR Yinzuo, Jingtian Bei Jie, Futian District 对面) 景田北街东海景田银座顶层 Barfly No.3-12, Garden City Phase III, La Casa No.139 Coco Park, Fuhua Gongye Ba Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. Lu, Futian District. (8290 3279) (2667 2532) 悦坊 福田区福华路城建购物公园 139 号 南山区蛇口工业八路花园城三期 3-12 号

Lavo Bistro & Lounge 1M/F, Room 1B, Blu Bamboo, No. 3-4, Xinghua Lu, Sea Tower 3, Kerry Plaza, No 1, Zhongxin Si Lu, World Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 Futian District (8899 9676; 8255 7462) 1003 7390). 福田区中心四路一号嘉里建设广场 T3 栋 1M 层 1B 室 南山区蛇口海上世界兴华路3-4号

Leo Bar Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Bill & Helen 1st floor, Taizi Hotel, No.5, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 Taizi Road, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. 2668 9898) 福田区深南中路1095号中信城市广场国 5972) 际休闲街A4 南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆一楼

Light Club 1/F, AB Block, Shenzhen Culture Boomerang, A1-39, Poly Cultural Center, Creative Park, Fuqiang Lu, Futian District Hou Haibin Lu, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan (8337 9999) District (8655 2054). 福田区福强路文化创意园 AB 座首层 回旋镖酒吧,南山区后海大道后海滨路保利文化中 心 A1-39 号 Lili Marleen Fuhua Yi Lu (opposites Coco Park Starbucks), Futian District (8295 Brown’s Wine & Cigar House Shop 55-56 0548) Commercial Street, Portofino Club House, 福田区福华一路购物公园星巴克对面 Xiangshan Lu, OCT, Nanshan District (8608 2379) McCawley’s Irish Bar Shop 151-152, Coco 南山区华侨城香山路波托菲诺会所商业街 55-56 Park, Futian District. (2531 3599) 号 福田区购物公园 151-152

Mexico Fans Club 1/F, Eight District Bldg, Tiyuguan, Futian DIstrict (8329 3138) 体育馆八区首层 Brotzeit O! Garden No. 138, Mintian Lu, Futian Get meaty with your mates! District. (8889 6999) 福田区民田路 138 号购物公园 Brotzeit is unleashing its new Platter with Ribs in Coco Park. The new dish includes slow-cooked pork knuckle, six pieces of Bavarian honey ribs, assorted Pepper Club, 2/F, Shopping Park, Fuhua Lu, German sausages and pickles. It's a superb combo for meat lovers that serves Fustian District (8319 9040). 福田区福华路购物公园二楼 four to five, so get Germanic and get celebrating. And don’t forget the German beers!. Rapscallions Bar, No.138 Min Tian Lu, North of Shopping Park, Futian District // Shop no. 104, coco Park, Fuhua San lu, Futian district 福田区福华三路coco Park 104号铺 (0755-8359 7131). (8359 2080) 瑞布斯酒吧,福田区民田路城建购物公园 138 号 win! Sports Bar 7/F, Grand Mercure Oriental The George & Dragon. The quintessential Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, British pub; good draft beers, ales, stout, We have two VIP top-up cards to giveaway with RMB200 on each. Lucky Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 88605) cider, hearty pub food,w BBQ's, screening 体育吧 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店 winners can continue using the card after spending the credit to enjoy a non-stop sports, secluded beer garden. Your 10 percent discount every visit. For a chance to win, visit our WeChat feed: home away from home. Time Out Bldg A1, Bar Street, CITIC City Thats_PRD George & Dragon British Pub Shop No.3, Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Dis- Back of Taizi Hotel, Taizi Lu, Seaworld Pla- trict (2594 0778) 福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场国际休闲街 za, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 8564). A1 栋 南山区蛇口海上世界太子路太子宾馆一楼后排 3 号 商铺 Tonga Bar 1010 Central Walk, Fu Hua 1 Lu, Cheers Gan Bei Bar Shop 60, Coastal Rose Futian District 福田区福华一路 3 号怡景中心城 , 1010 号铺 ( 大 Garden II, Wanghai Lu, Shekou (2683 2864) 中华喜来登酒店旁 )(8780 1687) 蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 60 号商铺干杯酒吧

True Color Club 1) Guo Qi Club, 25/F, Club Tropicana B/F, Nan Hai Hotel, Gongye Block A, Guo Qi Bldg, Shangbu Nan Lu, Yi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. (2669 2888 Futian District (8212 9333) 2) Dong Yuan ext 513) 蛇口工业一路南海酒店负1楼 Club, 3-4/F, Dong Yuan Bldg, Dongyuan Lu, Futian District (8227 4834) 3)Zhen Hua Crocetta B106, Sea World Square, Shekou, Club, 2/F, Zhong Hang Yuan Bldg, Zhenhua Nanshan District (8833 6272) Lu, Futian District (8324 0986);www.true- 南山区海上世界环船广场 B106 colorclub.com 1) 国企总店 , 福田区上步南路国企大厦 A 座 25 楼 CJW OCT BAY No.15 Qushui Bay, 2) 东园分店 , 福田区东园路东园大厦 3/4 楼 3) 振 OCT BAY, No.8 Baishi Lu. Nanshan District 华分店 , 福田区振华路中航苑大厦 2 楼; (8639 5266) 欢乐海岸 CJW 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水 Vinsplus Room 6, 1/F, Kerry Plaza, No.1 Zhongx- 湾 15 栋 in Si Lu, Futian District.(8273 2082) 荣仕廊酒业 福田区中心四路1号嘉里建设广场裙楼一层6室 Coko Club 1) Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District Xpats Bar & Lounge FL1016 & FL1017 (2598 9998) 2) No.6, European Customs (next to NYPD), East Side Walk, Central Bar Street, Window of World, Nanshan Dis- Walk Shopping Mall, Fuhua Lu, Futian Dis- trict (2692 9098); 3) Haide plaza, Coastal trict (8280 1352) 福田区福华路中心城东面 1016-1017 铺 city, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District 1) 福田区深南中路中信广场深圳国际酒吧街 F 栋 2) 南山区世界之窗欧陆风情酒吧街 6 号 ; 3) 南山区文 Yi Bar & Lounge 6/F, Four Seasons Hotel 心五路海岸城购物中心海德广场 202-1 Shenzhen, 138 Fuhua San Lu, Futian Dis- Shang Gourmet trict (8826 8900) 逸廊吧 深圳四季酒店6楼, 福 Club Viva International Bar Street, 田区福华三路138号 West of Seaworld Square, Shekou, Nanshan Give your sweet tooth a gift NANSHAN District. (2669 7365) 南山区海上世界广场西侧国际酒吧街 Check out Shang Gourmet for the style and warmth that only a fine deli gives. Enigma Bar Beside the KTV, Seaworld, Bask in the spacious outdoor terrace with an assortment of coffees, fruit juices, 3D Bar 1)11, Bar Street, Window of the Shekou Nanshan District (2667 7744) shakes, pastries and sandwiches. Then, go healthy with a Shang Gourmet salad World, Nanshan Disdrict (2690 1559) 2)17, 蛇口海上世界海上明珠旁边 before indulging your sweet tooth with homemade chocolates and a range of Block A, Bar Street, Poly Culture Centre exquisite cakes that are sure to satisfy those cravings. Don’t miss the unique (8628 7911) Eagle Bar Block 20, OCT Bay, No. 8 Baishi chocolate ball – at 8 centimeters wide, this creation comes with a silver hammer 1) 世界之窗欧陆风情酒吧街头 11 号 2) 南山保利文 Lu Dong, Nanshan District. (8654 1082) 化广场A区17号 老鹰吧 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水湾 20 栋 so you can smash in the top to get at the Swiss chocolate mousse inside. // 4088 Yitian lu, Futian district 福田区益田路4088号 (8828 4088) Aulon Wine Bar Shop 32, Coastal Galleon Restaurant & Bar Garden II, Wanghai Lu, Shekou (2688 3381) interContinental, 9009, Shennan Lu, OCT, win! 蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 32 号 Nanshan District (3399 3388) 南山区深南路华侨城洲际大酒店 We have a RMB100 voucher to giveaway. For a chance to win, visit our Bar Leo 1/F, Poly Cultural Centre, Nanshan WeChat feed: Thats_PRD District (8628 6868) Good Time Bar 202-2 Haide Plaza, Coastal 南山区中心区保利文化广场一楼 21 号(保利剧院 City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8635

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 73 Listings OPEN DOOR 9286) 2682 0768) 南山区文心五路海岸城购物中心海德广场 202-2 南山区蛇口海上世界南边海景广场旁边

Jazz Garden No.5, Window of the World Bar Simple Living Bar 104 Area C, Eco Plaza, Street, Nanshan District (2660 0032). OCT, Nanshan District (2691 2691) Paletto 爵士花园,南山区世界之窗欧陆情酒吧街 5 号 华侨城杜鹃山东街生态广场 C 区 104 号 Jordan’s Bar 55 South Sea Rose Garden, Simplicity Bar Chang Qing Garden, Nan- Italian fine Phase 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan shan Da Dao, Nanshan District (2657 2776) District. (2668 6040) 南山区南山大道长青园 dining 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 55 号 Chef Stephano Nicodemo’s Snake Pit Shop 20, Phase 2, Rose Garden, inaugural fine dining menu at Idutang OCT Loft, Enping Jie, OCT, Nahshan Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District.(130 Paletto - Ritz Carlton’s gourmet Dist. 4883 7140) 南山区桥城东恩平街华侨城创意文化园内 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 20 号 Italian restaurant - blends the classic and the contemporary, La Piazza G/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, Sports Bar 7/F, Grand Mercure Oriental adding innovative twists to No.9026 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Bou- the elegance of simplicity and (2693 6888) levard, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 南山区深南大道 9026 号深圳威尼斯酒店首层 freshness. Highlights include 88622) 福田区深南大道竹子林深圳东方银座美爵酒店 7 楼 the toro tuna belly and scallop, La Maison Shop 108, Nanhai Rose Garden, asparagus, kumquat and coffee Building 29-32, No. 91, Wanghai Lu, Nan- Spy Glass Lanhong Haoyuan No.6, Hai- dressing and risotto Milanese shan District. (2681 6410) 南山区望海路91号 chang Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 style with ossobuco. That’s not 29-32栋南海玫瑰花园108号 3093 9084) 南山区蛇口海昌街蓝虹豪苑 6 号 forgetting the superb Tiramisu Listen Bar G/F Xin Neng Yuan Bldg, Nanhai – a gourmet spin on an old Boulevard, Nanshan District (2643 3939) The Base Bar 1-2/F, Xi HaiAn Bldg, Nanyou favorite. 南山区南海大道新能源大厦首层 Dadao, Nanshan District (2649 0296) // 116 Fuhua San lu, Futian district 福 南山区南油大道西海岸大厦 1-2 楼 Liberty Bar, Building 115-117, Sea World 田区福华三路116号 (2222 2222) Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 2385 The Jin Bar 115 - 117 Sea World Square, 3725). Shekou 自由吧,南山区蛇口海上世界 115-117 号 蛇口海上世界 115-117 号

Butterfly Dream Music Bar,14 Qushui True Color Club OCT Club, Eco-Square, Bay, OCT-Bay, 8 Baishi Lu Dong (8654 OCT Nanshan District (2691 3479, www. 1185/86541186 ). truecolorclub.com) 蝴蝶梦音乐餐厅 , 白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸酒吧街 14 华侨城店 , 南山区华侨城生态广场酒吧 A109 栋

Lounge 1982, 1/F, InterContinental Shen- The Tavern Sports Bar 3/F, B Zone, Sea zhen,9009 Shennan Road,OST(3399 3388) World, Shekou, Nanshan (2669 1939 www. 深南大道深圳华侨城洲际大酒店 1 楼 thetavernchina.com) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 B 区 3 楼 Luna Bar & Restaurant 12pm-2am, G/F, Fuzon Hotel, No.1 Kanle Lu, Shekou, Nan- The Terrace Above Starbucks, shan District (2682 7888) Seaworld Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District 南山区蛇口康乐路 1 号金銮富众酒店地下 (2682 9105) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 2 楼星巴克楼上 McCawley’s Irish Bar Shop 118, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 UKlub Wine Gallery Recreation Building 4496) 18, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 118 号 District (8389 9898; 8389 9798) 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水湾 18 栋 Mosaic Club Shop 18, Coastal Rose Garden II, Wang Hai Road, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- V Bar 2/F, The Venice Hotel Shen- trict (10 minutes walk past the Golf Club) zhan, No.9026 Shennan Daodao, Overseas 望海路南海玫瑰花园 2 期 18 号商铺 Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext: 8015) Musibase Bar 1)Building 2, Bin Hai Zhi 深圳南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号威尼斯酒店 2 Chuan, Haide San Lu, Nanshan District 楼 (8612 5125) 2)G/F,Maple Leaf City Hotel, No.1039 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. X-TA-SEA 1/F, Cruise Inn, Sea World, Shek- (2235 3933). ou, Nanshan District (2686 7649) 根据地音乐现场 1) 南山区海德三路滨海之窗 2 栋 南山区蛇口海上世界太子路明华轮酒店 1 楼 2) 南山区南山大道 1039 号枫叶城市酒店首层 Ying Lian Bar NO.7, European Customs Old Heaven Books Shop 120, Building A5, Bar Street, City Inn Window of World (135 OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, 1078 1877) Nanshan District.(8614 8090). 世界之窗城市客栈欧陆酒吧街 7 号 旧天堂书店 南山区华侨城侨城创意文化园北区 A5 栋 120 铺 Longgang Oscar’s Sports Bar& Grill F/2, Holiday Inn Shenzhen Donghua , Donghua Park, Nanhai Lu, Nanshan District (8619 3999 ext.3208) Barefoot Beach Bar and Restaurant Gate 南山区东华假日酒店2楼 1, Xichong Beach, Longgang District (136 8490 0652; 158 1472 7944) O Seven, Building 13A, OCT Bay, Baishi Lu 龙岗区西涌沙滩一号门 Dong, Nanshan District (2660 0707; 2690 0707). 南山区白石路东欢乐海岸曲水湾 13A

Penny Black Jazz Cafe Shop 134, Building health A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8609 8585). 黑邮票爵士咖啡,南山区华侨城创意文化园北区 CHINESE MEDICINE A5 栋 134

Ritz Bar 52 South Sea Rose Garden Phase Shenzhen Traditional 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. Chinese Medical Hospital (2681 2793) 1 Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8835 9666) Alexander’s 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 52 号 www.szszyy.cn 福田区福华路 1 号 Scoop it up Rose Bank, 2/F, Shop 210-211, Building After being popularly received with their original four flavors, Alexander's has A4, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Shenzhen Zheng Wenyou Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital for Tumor announced the arrival of four new tastes: mango, green tea, durian and vanilla. Town, Nanshan District(8633 7473). 南山区华侨城创意文化园北区 A4 栋 2 楼 210-211 Disease 4/F Jianda Building, Technology If you've never tried this all-natural delight, you can order a sample pack which 号 Zone, Nanshan District (2663 2761 2663 includes one cup of each flavor. These cups may look small but don't let that fool 2762) you, the creamy richness will have you more than satisfied by the end. For those Spurs Country Music Bar, Above McDonalds 南山区科技园坚达大厦四楼 working in Shenzhen, you can schedule a free company tasting, and a shuai in Seaworld Plaza, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nan- shan District. Alexander's specialist (possibly the founder himself!) will come give you a taste. 南山区蛇口太子路海上世界广场麦当劳楼上 DENTAL Then take a look into how you can help Alexander's change the world one cup at a time with their social responsibility plan. Seagull Restaurant & Bar South of Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan Dist.(2688 0000, // For more information and how to order, follow their Wechat: YlSdzG. Viva Dental 1) Room 1118, Block A, Inter-

74 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com

Late Night Shenzhen Do you have party pictures to contribute? Send them to us at [email protected] and we’ll run the best.

Battle of The Band@Tiger Beer July 5&19

French National Day @ viva shekou Jul 13

World Cup final @ The Tavern Jul 14

Cosplay Party @ Light Club Jun 20

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 75 Listings

national Chamber of Commerce Building, homedicalcentre.com hailida.com.cn Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District. (8205 6515, 福田区福华一路国际商会大厦 B 座 203 单元 pet hospitaL 罗湖区太安路口新港鸿幼儿园 Fax: 8205 6516) 2) L2/F, Galaxy Center Shopping Mall, No.5, Zhongxin Lu, Futian CanAm International Medical Center Mensa Kindergarten District (2361 8563; 2361 8565) Shenzhen E0119, Fraser Place, 1033 No.13, Xin Housha Lu, Yongkou Cun, Houjie 1) 福田区福华一路深圳国际商会大厦 A 座 1118 室 Nanhai Dadao, Shekou, Nanshan District. Town, Dongguan.(Tel: 0769 8152 5999; 2) 福田区中心五路星河发展中心购物广场 L2 层 (2688 7106) 8290 1900; 8290 1919, Fax:0769 5152 南山区蛇口南海大道 1033 号泰格国际公寓 E0119 5222) Meng En Dental R1809,F18,Golden Central 菁华园幼儿园 东莞市厚街镇涌口村新厚沙路 13 号 Tower, Jintian Lu, Futian District.(3322 Distinct Clinic 1) Shenzhen Shekou Medi- 8038/3322 8278) www.mengendental.com cal Center, 5/F, Tower A, Wanrong Building, International School of Nanshan Shenzhen 福田区金田路金中环商务大厦 1809 室 Gongye Si Lu, Nanshan Distinct ( 8666 A Canadian school accepting application for 4776) 2) Shenzhen Exhibition Center Clinic, Pre-Grade 1 through Grade 12. 166 Nan- Ace Dental 3049 Excellence Times Plaza, Room 0219, International Chamber of guang Lu, Nanshan District (2666 1000, Yitian Lu, Futian District (8381 5811) Co-mmerce Building, Fuhua San Lu,Futian 2606 6968). [email protected] www. 卓越齿科 深圳市福田区益田路卓越时代广场 3409 District (8347 9801). 3) Coastal City Pedi- isnsz.com 室 atric Clinic, Room 1012, Coastal City West 南山区南光路 166 号 Buiding, Haide San Lu, Nanshan District Arrail Dental Unit 2, G3&G4/ F, Di Wang Oxstand International School Commercial Center, Shun Hing Square, (2167 7955) 卓正医疗 1)南山区南海大道和工业四路交汇处万 No.2040, Buxin Lu, Luohu District. (2581 5002 Shennan, Dong Lu, Luohu District 融大厦 A 座 5 层 2)福田区福华三路 168 号国际 3954/138 2355 1821/135 1006 5811) (2583 5608). www.arrail-dental.com 商会中心裙楼 0219 单元 3)南山区海德三道海岸 [email protected] 罗湖区深南东路 5002 号信兴广场地王商业中心 城西座写字楼 1012 室 深圳奥斯翰外语学校 罗湖区布心路 2040 号 G3&G4 层 2 单元 The first international pet hospital group Dayabindu International Counseling & Peninsula Montessori Kindergarten the A-Top Dental 1) 2/F Guihua Building, 46 in China. 9 hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Psychology Services A1311, 13/F, Golden Peninsula one, Jin Shiji Lu, Shekou Nan- Guiyuan Lu, Luohu District. (8213 1198) 2) Guangzhou, Shenzhen, support responsible Central Tower, Fuhua Lu, Futian District pet ownership, and provide international- shan District ( 2685 1266) Shopping arcade (opposites the west gate (8280 2248). Individual & marriage coun- 半岛城邦国际幼儿园 南山区蛇口东角头金世纪路 1 of Shenzhen University), Hui Fang Yuan standard veterinary services. 号半岛城邦一期 seling, psychotherapy, and trainings in Eng- Web: www.doctorsbeckandstone.com Garden, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. lish, Spanish & Putonghua(with interpreter). (8213 1198) 3) 2/F Honglong Building, Quality Schools International www.dayabindu.com Doctors Beck & Stone International Pet Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (8213 2/F Bitao Center, 8 Taizi Lu, 福田区福华路金中环国际商务大厦 13 楼 A1311 Hospital Shop 60, Emperor Bay Garden, 1198) 4) 2/F Bitao Yuan (opposites Bitao Shekou,Nanshan District (2667 6031). Zhaoshang Dong Lu, Houhai, Nanshan Dis- Football Field), Taizi Lu, Nanshan District. Far-east Women &Children Hospital 5/F, www.shk.qsi.org trict (400 103 8686) 南山区后海招商东路皇 (8213 1198) www.top917.cn No. 2097, Shen Nan Dong Lu, Luo Hu Dis- 南山区蛇口太子路 8 号碧涛中心 2 楼 庭港湾花园60号铺 1) 罗湖区桂园路 46 号桂花大厦 2 楼(原桂园派出 trict ( 8261 3384) 所对面) 2) 南山区南海大道荟芳园商业区(深圳 深圳市罗湖区深南东路2097号五楼http:// QSI International School of Shenzhen 大学西门对面) 3) 南山区南海大道鸿隆大厦2 楼 4) en.woman91.com/ (Futian) A1, TCL Science Park, No. 1001 南山区太子路碧涛苑 2 楼(碧涛球场对面) Zhongshan Yuan, Nanshan District (8371 Home Women& the Children’s hospital sports 7108) Dental Bauhinia 9/F,Block B,Shenzhen 12018 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District. 中山园路 1001 号 TCL 科学园区 A1 栋 International Chamber of Commerce (3391 9122) 南山区深南大道12018号 Tower,138 Fuhua Yi Lu,Futian District,(8371 Fitness Shekou International School 1696, 8371 2696) http://www.dental- International SOS Shenzhen Clinic. 6 Nan- Jingshan Villas, Gongye Er Lu, Shekou, Nan- bauhinia.com Hai Dadao, Industry Mansion (East Annex), shan District (2669 3669). www.sis.org.cn 紫荆齿科 福田区福华一路 138 号国际商会大厦 B Shekou, Nanshan District. (2669 3667) Fitness Center 6/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shen- 南山区蛇口工业二路鲸山别墅内 座9层 环宇一家综合门诊部 . 蛇口南海大道 6 号工业大厦 zhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District 附楼 . Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of (2222 2222) H&J Dental Clinic Room 1105-1106, Block 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店 6 楼 Sino-Canada 166 Nan’guang Lu, Nanshan B, Pavilion Hotel, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian Shenzhen Renji International Clinic 3rd District (2656 8886). www.ccsc.com.cn District (8207 5220). www.huijieck.cn Floor, No.6 Tianxia Tongjian Building, FRESHe Fitness B1/F of Vanke(xia sha) 南山区南光路 166 号 福田区华强北路圣廷苑酒店 B 座 1105-1106 室 Nanxin Lu, Nanshan District. (2607 9966, Jinyu Lanwan Building, Furong Lu, Futian Shenzhen Oriental English College Bao’an 2649 3191) District. (8254 8784) www.freshefitness. Hua Mei Dental 6/F,Baoli Building, Intersec- 仁济诊所 南山区南新路 田厦统建楼 6 栋 3 楼 Education City, National Highway 107 com tion of Nanhai Dadao and Chuangye Lu, 弗莱斯国际健身会馆 , 深圳市福田区福荣路下沙万 (Bao’an Airport North) Bao’an District Nanshan District. (2642 9141, 2642 9142) Shenzhen Puji Clinic 1-4/F, Phase 2, Huibin 科金域蓝湾负一层 (2751 6669). www.szoec.baoan.net.cn/ 南山区南海大道与创业路交汇处保利大厦 6 楼 606 Plaza, Dongbin Lu, Nanshan District. (2649 宝安区 107 国道宝安教育城 ( 宝安国际机场北 ) 室 1709, 2649 1333, 8603 9111). Oriental Ginza Club 5/F,Grand Mercure 南山区东滨路汇滨广场二期裙楼 1-4 层 Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Shenzhen Soccer Schools Sports Training Ming Lun Clinic 1/F Dong Jia Bldg (adjoins Services for Kids in Futian and Shekou with Panglin Hotel), Jiabin Lu, Luohu District Boulevard, Futian District (83500888 Shenzhen Wu Zhou International Clinic ext.88208) Qualified English Speaking Coaches. 602 (2518 5502) 3/F Block B, Wu Zhou Chinese And Western 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店 5 楼东方 罗湖区嘉宾路东佳大厦 1 楼(彭年酒店附楼) Haibin Garden, Xinhua Lu, Shekou,Nanshan Union Medical Hospital (7 Kehua Lu), Keyu- 银座会所内 District. (26690765,13823112524) cathy@ Reborn Dental Implant Center Rm 801, an Bei Lu, Science And Technology Park, shenzhensoccerschools.com www.shen- Total Fitness 6/F Kingglory Plaza, Renmin New World Center, No. 6009, Yitian Road, Nanshan District (135 5479 2040) zhensoccerschools.com 南 山科技园科园北路深圳五洲中西医结合医院 ( 科 Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1313).Open- 南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园海虹阁 602 Futian District. (2398 2858) reborndental@ 华路7号)B座3F ing time: 10am-10pm. www.totalfitness. hotmail.com ; http://www.reborndental. com.cn St. Lorraine Chinese-English Kindergarten com/en The Hong Kong University-Shenzhen 罗湖区人民南路金光华广场 6 楼 1) Tongjing Garden, Shadong Lu, Liantang, 瑞邦植牙专科 福田区益田路 6009 号新世界中心 Hospital International Medical Center, 大厦 801 室 Luohu District (2582 4450) 2) Gemdale Haiyuan Yi Lu, Futian District ( 8691 3388, Haijing Garden, Xinzhou Nan Lu, Futian www.hku-szh.org ) District (8330 3329). www.st-lorraine.edu. Shenzhen Shiromoto Dental Clinic 2/F, 香港大学深圳医院 福田区海园一路 ( 白石路与侨城 Peng Ai Hospital, 1122 Nanshan Dadao, 东路交汇 ) hk/zhenchun Nanshan District. (8622 4459, Japanese ho- education 1) 罗湖区莲塘沙东路桐景花园 2) 福田区新洲南路 金地海景花园 tline: 13662206000). Daily 8.30am-10pm. www.sdc-shenzhen.com LOCAL MEDICAL SERVICES 南山区南山大道 1122 号鹏爱医疗美容医院 2 楼 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS The Child-loving Pre-school (Shenzhen) Education Center 1)16 Jingtian Dong Lu, U-Dental Clinic Unit F, 24/F, Jin Run Man- Renai Hospital Fuqiang Lu, Futian Distric Xiangmi San Cun, Futian District (8391 sion, 6019 Shennan Da Dao, Chegongmiao, (8830 8188) American International School, No. 0751, 8390 5242) 2) Jian Xin Yuan, Xin Xin Futian District (8280 0366, 8280 0399) 仁爱医院 深圳市福田区福强路 82,Gongyuan Lu, Shekou,Nanshan District Garden, Shixia Er Lu, Futian District (8345 福田区车公庙深南路 6019 号金润大厦 24 层 F 单 (8619 4750) 1123, 8345 1146) 位 Shenzhen Humanity Hospital 2056 Hon- 南山区蛇口公园路 82 号青少年活动中心 1) 福田区香蜜三村景田东路 16 号 2) 福田石夏二路 新新家园建鑫苑 gling Zhong Lu, Luohu District (2589 0396). U-Family Dental No.109 Shopping Street, www.boai.com Buena Vista Concordia International School UP We maximize infants & toddlers learn- Xihai Mingzhu Garden, Taoyuan Lu, Nan- 罗湖区红岭中路 2056 号 (BCIS) GuangShen Highway, BaoAn exit, shan District (8625 0573) www.ufamily- XiCheng, Bao’an Disctrict. [email protected]; ing abilities. Rm 307 A/B/C, 3/F, East Pacific Square, Hongli Xi Lu, Futian District dental.cn Shenzhen Affiliated Hospital to Beijing BCIS.net.cn; (2823 8166). 南山区桃园路 1 号西海明珠花园地面商业 109 号 University 1120 Lianhua Lu, Futian District 曦城协同国际学校,宝安区广深高速公路宝安出口 (8339 0166; 8339 0266) www.upchildren. (8392 3333) com 福田区香蜜湖红荔西路东海城市广场三楼 Victoria Dental Room 1510, Tower 3A, 福田区莲花路 1120 号 Funful Shenzhen Bilingual School 307A/B/C Excellence Century Center, Fu Hua San Lu, Inside Goldfield Seaview Garden, Xinzhou Futian District.(8837 3300) Shenzhen Friendship Hospital Nan Lu, Futian District (2381 0830). www. 维港齿科 , 福田区福华三路卓越世纪中心 3 号楼 A Intersection of Bagua San Lu Dong and funful.com.cn LANGUAGE TRAINING 座 1510 室 Hongling Bei Lu, Futian District (8243 福田区新洲南路金地海景花园 3698). 福田区八卦三路东与红岭北路交界处 Green Oasis School INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL C Mandarin No 4030, Shennan Middle Road, Tianmian, Rm 1516, Reith Center, Tower Shenzhen Pengcheng Hospital Changhong Futian District. (8399 6712) admission@ A Century Holiday Plaza, Shennan Dadao, Da Sha, 3013 Sungang Donggang Lu, Nanshan District. (8662 6522,8662 6533). Chiho Medical Centre greenoasis.org.cn www.greenoasis.org.cn Unit 203, Block Luohu District (8211 2525). 福田区田面村深南中路 4030 号 [email protected] http://www.cman- B, International Chamber of Commerce 罗湖区笋岗东路 3013 号长虹大厦 darin.com/ Building, Fu Hua Yi Lu, Futian District. Hailida International Kindergarten 西曼德汉语培训学校 南山区深南大道 9030 号瑞 思中心世纪假日广场 A 座 1516 室 (8830 1498; 8830 1468; 8830 1499) Shenzhen Sun Hospital 1048 Bao’an Nan Xinganghong Kindergarten, intersection of [email protected]; www.chi- Lu, Luohu District (2556 3998). Tai’an Lu, Luohu District (2549 0253). www. 罗湖区宝安南路 1048 号 Classic Mandarin, 1)Room 11F Seaview

76 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings

Plaza, No.18 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan trial Zone, Nanshan District (8980 4966). cn.marcopolohotels.com Jinhui Jasper Hotel International Mayor District (2688 6112). 2) Rm 601, Unit 1, http://shenzhen.neworiental.org 福田中心区福华一路 Communication Center, Shennan Dadao, Building 4, Guanhaitai Garden, Wenxin 南山区科技园科兴路 10 号 Nanshan District (8610 0888) Wu Lu, Nanshan District(8605 2515). 3) Mission Hills Resort No.1 Mission Hills 南山区深南大道国际市长交流中心 Room22B, Building C2, Galaxy International Qianmo Chinese 3/F, Hongfu Tower, Caifu Dadao, Bao’an District.(2802 0888) 观澜湖酒店集团 宝安区观澜湖高尔夫大道 1 号 Master Club 183 Taining Lu, Luohu District Park and Apartment, Fuhua San Lu, Futian Building, Caitian Lu, Futian District (8295 2151) 福田区彩田路彩福大厦鸿福楼三楼 (2568 9222) 罗湖太宁路183号 District (8344 6661). 4) Room 903, Block Pavilion Hotel 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, C, Mingzhu Square, Changqing Lu, Chang'an Sinomatin Immersion Chinese Futian District (8207 8888) www.pavilionho- Minghua Hotel 8 Guishan Lu, Shekou, Nan- Town, Dongguan (0769-8158 5950). www. Suite 301, Block ‘A’ Haibin Huayuan tel.com 福田区华强北路4002号 shan District (2668 9968). www.minghuaho- classic-mandarin.com tel.com 南山区蛇口龟山路8号 1)南山区蛇口太子路 18 号海景广场 11F 室 2) (Seaview Garden), Seaworld, Shekou, Nan- shan District Ramada Plaza Shenzhen Meilong Lu and 南山区海岸城文心五路观海台花园 4 栋 1 单元 601 New Times Hotel 4018 Jiabin Lu, Luohu 室 3)福田区福华三路星河国际 C2 栋 8B 室 4) 希诺麦田沉浸式汉语 深圳市蛇口海上世界海滨花园 Minwang Lu Cross, Minzhi Lu, Long gang 东莞长安镇长青路明珠广场 C 栋 903 A栋301室 District (8171 1333). www.ramadasz.com District (2590 1909) 罗湖区嘉宾路4018号 深圳豪派特华美达广场酒店 . 梅龙路与民旺路交汇 处 Novotel Bauhinia Shenzhen Qiaocheng ING English 1) 4/F Rm405, Jingtian Fu Union Mandarin 2A Bibo Building, Haibin Dong Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan Er Building, Futian District (6139 3296) 2) Garden, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- Shangri-La Hotel East of the Luohu Train District (2548 3461) 南山区华侨城侨城东路 2/F Xiulin Xin Ju, 7 Meiyuan Lu, Nanshan trict. (2688 4090) 南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园碧波阁 2A 湖区深南东 Station, Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8233 Dist (2642 8428) 3) Rm 102, Block 52, 路 5002 号地王商业中心 11 楼 0888). www.shangri-la.com Seaview Hotel Overseas Chinese Town (Exit Yuan Ling Garden, Yuan Ling Xi Lu, Futian 罗湖区建设路火车站东侧 A at Huaqiaocheng metro station), Nanshan District (2594 0606) 4) 2/F, Hongshuwai District (2660 2222) www.seaviewhotel. Club, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. Shenzhenair International Hotel Shenzhen com.cn 南山区华侨城(地铁A出口) (8626 8094) hOTEL 6035 Shennan Da dao, Futian District (8881 1) 福田区景田妇儿大厦 4 楼 405 室 2) 南山区梅园 9999). www.szahotel.com ★★★ 路 7 号秀林新居 2 楼 ; 3) 福田区园岭西路园岭小区 深圳深航国际酒店,福田区深南大道 6035 号 . 52 栋 102; 4) 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾社区南会 Hotels with the sign of a golden key are City Inn Overseas Chinese Town (Huaq- 所二楼 members of the Golden Key Alliance. Shangri-La Futian Hotel No. 4088 Yitian Lu, iaocheng metro station), Nanshan District Futian District. (8828 4088 ) (2693 0666). www.cityinn.com.cn Hanbridge Mandarin 2/F Hongshuwai Club ★★★★★ 福田香格里拉大酒店,福区益田路 4088 号 南山区华侨城 Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. (8626 8094) 999 Royal Suites & Towers No.1003, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel Inside the Golden Lustre Hotel 3002 Chunfeng Lu, 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾社区南会所二楼 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2513 Great China International Exchange Square, Luohu District (8225 2888) 0999;Fax: 2513 0839). www.999royal- 罗湖区春风路 3002 号 I Mandarin Chinese School Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 8888) suites.com; [email protected]. 福田区大中华国际交易广场内 1) 1F, West Wing, Xincheng Building, 1027 丹枫白露酒店 罗湖区深南东路 1003 号 Greatwall Hotel Shen Zhen 2086 Honggui Shennan Dadao, Futian District. (2598 Sheraton Dameisha Resort 9 Yankui Lu, Lu. Luohu District (2558 3369). www.great- 7982) 2) Rm 8, 2/F,Youran Ju,Liuzhou Zhiye Best Western Shenzhen Felicity Hotel Dameisha, Yantian District (8888 6688) wallhotel.com 罗湖区红桂路2086号 Center,Nanhai Dadao,Shekou,Nanshan Dis- 1085 Heping Lu, Luohu District. (2558 盐田大梅沙盐葵路 ( 大梅沙段 )9 号 Hai Tao Hotel 8 Gongye Yi Lu, Industrial trict. (2682 8811) 3)Rm1706, Main building 6333) www.bwsz.net of Golden Central Tower, No.3037,Jintian 罗湖区和平路 1085 号 Sunshine Hotel 1 Jiabin Lu, Luohu Dis- Zone, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 Lu,Futian District.(15811815474) trict (8223 3888). www.sunshinehotel.com 1688) 南山蛇口工业区工业一路8号 爱玛德 1) 福田区深南中路 1027 号新城大厦西座 Century Kingdom Hotel Baige Lu, Buji Town, 罗湖区嘉宾路 1 号 1F 2) 南山区蛇口南海大道和工业八路交汇处六洲 Longgang District (8996 9999) Vienna Hotel (Meilin) No.33/35, Zhong- 置业中心悠然居 2 楼 3) 福田区金田路 3037 号金 龙岗区布吉镇白鸽路 St. Regis Shenzhen No.5016 Shennan kang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian District (8331 中环商务大厦主楼 1706 Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8308 8888) 7168) 福田区上梅林中康路33-35号 Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Cen- 深圳瑞吉酒店 罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 Huazhen Mandarin 1605B, Eastern Tower tre 9009 Longxiang Avenue, Longgang city ☆ Tangla Hotel Shenzhen, No.588 Ji Xiang of Coastal City, No.33 Wenxin Wu, Nanshan centre, Longgang District. (3318 1888) District (8278 0705; 2167 4466). www. 深圳龙岗珠江皇冠假日酒店 龙岗区龙岗中心城龙翔 Zhong Lu, Longgang City Center, Longgang Shenzhen Loft Youth Hotel Building 3, En- huazhenchinese.com; huazhenchinese@ 大道 9009 号 District (8998 8888). ping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan 深圳友和国际唐拉雅秀酒店 , 龙岗区中心城吉祥中 District (2694 9443, 26601293) hotmail.com. 路 588 号 南山区文心五路 33 号海岸城东座 16 楼 05B Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark 南山华侨成恩平街 3 栋 Shenzhen 3018 Nanhu Lu,Luohu District The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen HT Chinese School, 1) Rm 2302, Modern (8217 2288) Vision Fashion Hotel Inside Shenzhen East Overseas Chinese Town, Dameisha, International Building, No. 3038 Jintian Lu, 罗湖区南湖路 3018 号 Grand Theater, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu Yantian District (8888 3333). www.interlak- Futian District (136 3290 9630). 2)Rm 17C, District (2556 1570) 视界风尚酒店,罗湖区深 enocthotel.com 盐田区大梅沙东部华侨城 Profusion Holiday E, Nan Guang Lu, Nan- Futian Shangri-La Hotel Shenzhen No.4088 南东路5018号深圳大剧院内 Yitian Lu, Futian District (8828 4088). shan District (3663 0235) www.ht-1.cn. The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shen- 1)福田区金田路3038 号現代国際大厦 2302 室 2) 福田区益田路 4088 号福田香格里拉大酒店 HRS.cn HRS Customer Service Hotline nan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). (China) (8007201388/4007201388) www. 南山区南光路缤纷假日 E 栋 17C 室 深圳朗廷酒店,福田区深南大道 7888 号 Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen 138 Fuhua hrs.om www.hrs.de www.hrs.cn 全球订房网 ING English 1) 2/F Honghao Garden, 2004 San Lu, Futian District (8826 8888) 深圳市福田区福华三路 138 号 The Pavilion Longgang 168 Dayun Road, Xiangmei Bei Lu, Futain District. (8353 Longgang District. (8989 9888) www. 6200) 2) 2/F Xiulin Xin Ju, 7 Meiyuan Lu, pavilionhotel-longgang.com Serviced Residence Nanshan District. (2642 8428) 3) 2/F, Golden Central Tower Intersection of Fuhua 中海圣廷苑酒店 龙岗区大运路 168 号 Building No.8, Baishida Garden, Luohu Lu and Jintian Lu, Futian DIstrict (8383 District. (2561 3600) 4) 2/F, Hongshuwai 9918). www.jinzhonghuan.cn The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen 116 Fuhua San 福田区福华路与金田路交汇处 Ascott Maillen Shenzhen No.3 Yanshan Club, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. Lu, Futian District (2222 2222) Road, Nanshan District. ( 2160 0188). 福田区福华三路 116 号 南山区沿山路 3 号 (8626 8094) Grand Hyatt Shenzhen No.1881 Baoan Nan 1) 福田区香梅北路 2004 号宏浩花园 2 楼 2) 南山 Lu, Luohu District (8266 1234) www.shen- 区梅园路 7 号秀林新居 2 楼 ; 3) 罗湖区白仕达 8 号 The Westin Shenzhen 9028-2 Shennan Reits Service Apartment Yan shan Lu, 楼 2 楼 4) 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾社区南会所 zhen.grand.hyatt.com Dadao, Nanshan District (2698 8888) www. Shekou, Nanshan District. (2667 3667) 二楼 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号 westin.com/shenzhen Email:[email protected] 南山区深南大道 9028 号 -2 瑞特兹服务公寓 南山区蛇口沿山路 11 号 La Seine French Training Center Room Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza 1108-1112, Honggui Building, 2068 Hong- Shenzhen Shennan Dadao Xi, Futian Dis- The Venice Hotel Shenzhen No.9026, Chicago Suites International 9 Yannan Lu gui Lu, Luohu District (2586 5656). www. trict (Zhuzilin metro station) (8350 0888) Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, 福田区深南大道西(地铁竹子林站) (next to Hualian Building), Futian District laseine.com.cn 罗湖区红桂路2068号红桂大厦 Nanshan District (2693 6888) (8281 0888). 福田区燕南路9号(华联旁) 11楼1108-1112室 深圳威尼斯酒店 南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号 Grand View Hotel 277 Fuhua Lu (Exit C Fietser International Holiday Inn Dong Hua Linda Lee Interactive Chinese B Bihua Lu, at Gangxia metro station), Futian District Dong Hua Yuan, Nan 6012 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8292 Bitaoyuan Villa, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan (8297 6888). www.szgvhotel.cn Hai Boulevard, Nanshan District. 8619 3999 福田区福华路 277 号(地铁岗厦站 C 出口) 8666). 福田区深南大道6012号 District (2686 2019). www.lindalee.com.cn 南山区南海大道东华园 南山区蛇口太子路碧涛苑别墅碧桦路 B 号 Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai 1177, Wongtee V Hotel No.2028 Jintian Lu, Jiahua Language School 1) Unit3106B Wanghai Lu, Nanshan District Huanggang Business Center, Futian District. 深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店 南山区望海路 1177 号 (8891 1111) 深圳皇庭V酒店 福田区金田路 life & style The Modern International Fuhua Lu,Futian (2162 8888) 2028号皇岗商务中心 District (2396 0365 / 2396 0363) 2)12/F, Block B, New Energy Building, No.2239 InterContinental Shenzhen 9009 Shen- Wu Zhou Guest House 6001 Shennan Hair and Make-up Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District (400 6089 nan Dong Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nan- Dadao, Futian District (8313 9480). www. 228) 1) 福田区福华路现代国际大厦31层3106B shan District (Exit C at the Huaqiaocheng wuzhouguesthouse.com 2) 南山区南海大道2239号新能源大厦B座12楼 metro station) (3399 3388).www.intercon- 福田区深南大道 6001 号 Marieke van Schijndel 2/F, the Venice Ho- www.jiahuaschool.com tinental.com tel, 9026 Shennan Lu, OCT, Nanshan Dis- ★★★★ 南山区华侨城深南东路 9009 号(地铁华侨城站 C trict. (185 66260692).www.qnippbymarieke. New Concept Mandarin 3/F, Bitao Center, 出口) 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 com. 马丽歌发型设计-化妆造型,南山区华侨城 Century Plaza Hotel No. 1 Chunfeng 深南大道9026号威尼斯酒店2楼 3577).www.newconceptmandarin.com JW Marriott Shenzhen No.6005 Shennan Road, Shenzhen (8232 0888)http://www. 南山区蛇口太子路八号碧涛中心三楼 Dadao, Futian District. (2269 8888) szcphotel.com 罗湖区春风路1号 Toni & Guy 1) 103, Section C, SeaWorld 福田区深南大道 6005 号 Newcity Chinese School Shekou, Nanshan District (2290 9521); 2) Four Points by Sheraton 5 Guihua Lu, Unit S248, Phase 2, the Mixc, 1881 Baoan Room 4A, Building 6, Yang Ri Wan Pan, Kempinski Hotel Hai De San Dao, Hou Free Trade Zone, Futian District (8359 Coastal City, Nanshan District (8650 5536, Nan Lu, Luohu District Hai Bin Lu, Nanshan District (8888 8888) 9999) 福田区保税区桂花路5号 1)南山区蛇口望海路海上世界 C 区 103 店 2)罗 [email protected]). http://www.kempinski.com/cn/ 湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润中心万象城 S48 号 南山区海岸城漾日湾畔 6 栋 4A 南山区后海滨路海德三道 Grand Skylight Garden Hotel Tianmian City Building, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian New Oriental English Training Marco Polo Shenzhen Fuhua Yi Lu, District (8281 6666) www.ggslhotel.com 10 Kexing Lu, Science-based Indus- CBD, Futian District (8298 9888). www. 福田深南中路田面城市大厦

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 77 Listings

东路5047号深圳发展银行大厦21楼C座 The British Chamber of Commerce, Shen- 136 Jiefang Lu. Tanning zhen Sub-Chamber Rm 314, 3/F Overseas 罗湖区解放路 136 号文山楼一层大堂至三楼 China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern Rm220, 2/F, International Chamber Of Lemon Gallery 2/F, Building No.1, Shen- section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nan- zhen 22 Art Zone, Gongyuan Lu, Bao’an Tantastic Sea Taste Garden Mini Mall Shop Commerce, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District shan District (Tel: 2658 8350). 深圳市南山区 District (2766 4071) #136 (accross from Rose Garden phase 2), (Tel: 8632 9518; Fax: 8632 9528). www. 高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦3楼314室 宝安区 22 区公园路深圳 22 艺术区 1 号楼 2 楼 1088 Wang Hai Street, Shekou, Nanshan cameraitacina.com district (2686 7079) 福田区福华三路国际商会中心 2 楼 220 室 The Brussels Enterprise Agency Mangrove Art Gallery Inside Mangrove West 南山区望海路 1088 号海韵嘉园蛇口外贸第一街中 Rm 222, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Coast, 1 Shenwan Yi Lu, Nanshan District 136 号 Egypt-China Business Council (South (2678 9999) Venture Building, southern section of High- 南山区深湾一路 1 号红树西岸小区内 China) Rm 201, 2/F Overseas Chinese Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: SHOP Scholars Venture Building, southern section 8632 9700; fax: 8632 9705). www.investin- Portofino Gallery B17, Portofino Interna- of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Dis- brussels.com 深圳市南山区高新科技园南区留学 tional Apartments, Overseas Chinese Town, trict (Tel: 8635 0900; fax: 8635 0901). 生创业大厦2楼222室 Nanshan District (2693 7097). 南山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 2 楼 201 室 南山区华侨城波托菲诺国际酒店 B17 Paleolithic, Shop 116, Block 2, Nanhai The Korea Chamber of C&I Shenzhen Shenzhen Free Art Base Inside F518 Idea Ecool, No.6 Xinhua Lu,Nanshan District European Union Chamber of Commerce Rm 312, 3/F Overseas Chinese Scholars (2685 3477). Rm 308, 3/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Land, Baoyuan Lu, central Bao’an District Venture Building, southern section of High- (2629 1352). www.szarts.cn 五岩画,南山区蛇口兴华路6号南海意库2栋116号 Venture Building, southern section of High- Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 宝安中心区宝源路 518 时尚创意园内 Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 8635 0985; fax: 8635 0907). sz.korcham. Dance 8635 0920; fax: 8632 9785). net.cn 深圳市南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业 Artzooming Gallery, Shop24-1, Costal Rose 南山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 3 楼 308 室 大厦3楼312 Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- trict (2681 0468). French Chamber of Commerce in South 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园 24-1 铺 Mernisa Belly Dance Club Room101, Dong- China (CCIFC) Room 318, 3/F Chinese Direction Gallery Room107, Block No.1, feng Automobile Area, Yannan Lu, Futian Overseas Scholars Venture Building,South SOCIAL ASSOCIATIONS District (8321 0815). www.bellydancing. Nanhai E Cool, 6 Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nan- section of Hi-tech Industry Park, Nanshan shan District (2681 9500). www.szmoca. com.cn 福田区燕南路8号东风汽车大院101 District (Tel: 8632 9602; fax: 8632 9736) com Shekou Women’s International Club 南山区蛇口兴华路六号南海意库 1 号楼 107 Salsa Shenzhen The premier salsa club in www.ccifc.org 南山区科技园南区留学生创业大厦 3 楼 318 室 A social club opens to membership for all Shenzhen. Find out more at www.salsasz.com Total Art Jam 3/F, Building No.1, Shenzhen expatriate ladies living in Shekou and sur- German Chamber of Commerce 22 Art Zone, Gongyuan Lu, Bao’an Dist. Yinia Belly Dance Training Center Room6C rounding areas. www.swiconline.com (2766 4269) www.totalart.com.cn 217 Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Haiying Building, Exit A of Gangsha metro 宝安区 22 区公园路深圳 22 艺术区一号楼 3 楼 Building, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Shenzhen Asian Culture Society station, Futian District (8287 0819). www. District. (8635 0487) www.china.ahk.de A non-profit networking organization in T+1 Contemporary Art Space 1/F, Building szdupiwu.com 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 217 Shenzhen (134 2372 0417, Mary Ann Mac- 5, Rong Cun Industrial Zone, Gong Yuan 福田区岗厦地铁站 A 出口海鹰大厦 6C 室 Nan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Distirct (139 Cartney). www.shenzhenacs.com IFE Business service Limited 2372 0916) T+1 当代艺术空间 南山区蛇口公园南路荣村工业区 5 栋 Golf 15/F, Tower 2, Kerry Plaza, Zhongxin Si Lu, 一楼(南山电子商务创新服务基地一期) Futian District (3304 3438) OTHERS 福田区中心四路嘉里建设广场 2 座 15 楼 Zai Gallery G/F,101-109,Penisula Phase Century Seaview Golf Club Yang Chou Bay, 1, Shekou, Nanshan District (2680 9507) Israel’s Trade mission to China Shenzhen Nan’ao County (8440 0888). www.century- Chartis Insurance Company China Limited www.zaigallery.com Liaison Office Rm 306,Overseas Chinese Shenzhen Branch 自在空间 南山区蛇口半岛城邦一期商业一层 101- seaviewgolf.com 龙岗区南澳镇洋畴湾 109 Scholars Venture Building, southern sec- 11/F, Diwang Commercial Center, 5002 tion of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Mission Hills Golf Club-China No.1 Mis- Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (Tel: 3685 sion Hills Da Dao, Bao’an District.(2802 District (Tel: 2671 2226; Fax: 2671 2223). 6162; fax: 3685 6150) 0888) www.israeltrade.org.cn 观澜湖高尔夫球会 宝安区观澜湖高尔夫大道 1 号 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 306 室 MUSEUMS Sand River Golf Club 1 Baishi Lu, Nanshan New Zealand Trade & Enterprise Shenzhen ARTS District (2690 0111). www.srgc.cn office Room535, 5/F, Podium Building Cafu Museum of Ancient Dapeng City Pengcheng 南山区白石路 1 号 Square, 5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade GALLERIES & ART SPACES Community, Dapeng Town, Longgang Zone (3391 1656) District (8431 9269). RMB20, daily 9am- 福田保税区桂花路 5 号加福广场裙楼 535 号 5:30pm. Shenzhen Firestone Public Golf Club 龙岗区大鹏镇鹏城社区 Guangming Town, Bao’an District (2788 A-Lift Unit 116, Building A4, Eastern Indus- 8999) 宝安区光明镇 trial Park, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan Gallery of Shenzhen Fine Art Institute District.(8271 9826). Intersection of Yinhu Lu and Jinhu Lu, Luo- Shenzhen Golf Club Opposites Xiang Mi 南山区华侨城东部工业区创意文化园 A4 栋 16 号 hu District (8241 4497). Free admission. Lake Resorts, Shennan Da Dao, Futian Dis- Daily 9am-5pm. www.inkpainting.org 罗湖区银湖路与金湖路口交界 trict (8330 8888) Artron Art Gallery Intersection of Caitian 福田区深南大道香蜜湖度假村对面 Lu and Meilin Ba Lu, Futian District (8251 2151). www.artrongallery.com Guan Shanyue Art Museum 6026 Hongli 福田区彩田路与梅林八路交汇处 Lu, Futian District (8306 3156). Closed on Shenzhen Jiulong Hills Golf Club Mondays. Free admission. www.gsyart.com Jiulong Hills Green Base, Fumin Village, Art Loft Gallery F1-104, OCT LOFT, Over- 福田区红荔路 6026 号 Guanlan Town, Bao’an District (2798 6222) seas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8610 宝安区观澜镇富福民九龙山绿色基地 6997). www.art-loft.cn Hakka Culture Museum 1 Luoruihe Bei Jie, 南山区华侨城创意文化园 F1 栋 104 铺 Longgang Town, Longgang District (8429 Shenzhen Noble Merchant Golf Club 7960). 龙岗区龙岗镇罗瑞合北街一号 Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan Dist (2690 9999) Babu Gallery Room 208, Building A3, East www.nmgolf.com.cn Industrial Park, Overseas Chinese Town, 南山区沙河东路 Nanshan District (8609 5506). www.babu- He Xiangning Art Museum 9013 Shennan art.com Da Dao, Shenzhen (2660 4540). Daily Shenzhen OCT Yunhai Valley Golf Club San 南山区华侨城东部工业区 A3 栋 208 室 10am-5.30pm, Closed on Mondays. www. Zhou Tian, Yantian District (2888 1111) hxnart.com 盐田区三洲田 Regus Serviced Office Bao’an Fine Art Institute 74 Xin’an Er Lu, 福田深南大道 9013 号 • FLEXIBLE OFFICE LEASES FROM 1 DAY Zone No.4, Bao’an District (2778 2645). Shenzhen Tycoon Golf Club Jiu Wei Village, TO 1 YEAR Free Admission. Mon-Fri 9-12pm, 2-6pm. The OCT Art & Design Gallery 9009 Shen- nan Da Dao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nan- Xixiang County, Bao’an District (2748 3999) • QUICK AND EASY TO SET UP FOR 1-200 www.sbart.cn 宝安区西乡镇九围村 宝安区四区新安二路 74 号 shan District (3399 3222) PEOPLE 南山区华侨城深南大道 9009 号 • PRICES FROM RMB 180 PER MONTH Xili Golf and Country Club Tang Lang Beyond Gallery 3/F, Building No.1, Shen- • FIND MORE ON REGUS.CN zhen 22 Art Zone , Baocheng Gongyuan Lu, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Enping Village, Xili Town, Nanshan District (2655 • REGUS SHENZHEN (5 LOCATIONS) Bao’an District. (2784 6166). www.beyond- Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Shennan Da 2888). www.xiligolf.com 南山区西丽镇塘朗村 gallery.com Dao, Nanshan District (2691 5100). 10am- 5.30pm. Closed on Mondays. www.ocat. 1) 26/F, Anlian Centre, No.4018 Jintian 宝安区 22 区宝城公园路深圳 22 艺术区一号楼 5 层 com.cn Road, Futian Distric; 2) 35/F, Panglin Plaza, 南山区深南大道华侨城恩平路 No.2002 Jiabin Road, Luohu District; 3) 3/F, Bridge Gallery Shop 115, Building A4, OCT business New Times Plaza, No.1 Taizi Road, Shekou Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, Nan- Shenzhen Art Museum Inside Donghu Park, District; 4) 44/F Tower A, NEO Tower A, shan District. www.bridgegallery.cn 32 Donghu Yi Jie, Aiguo Lu, Luohu District 桥舍,南山区华侨城创意文化园北区 A4 栋 115 号 (2542 6069). www.szam.org Tue-Sun 9am- BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS No.6011 Shennan Avenue, Futian District; 5pm, Monday closed. Free admission. 5) 23/F,New World Centre, No.6009 Yitian Echo Art Living Museum Shop 53, Nanhai 罗湖区爱国路东湖一街 32 号东湖公园内 Road, Futian District. Rose Garden Phase 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, 雷格斯服务式办公室 1) 福田区景田路 4018 号安 Nanshan District. Shenzhen Museum Section A, Shenzhen Atlantic Canada Business Network 联中心 26 楼 2) 罗湖区嘉宾路 2002 号彭年广场 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园 2 期 53 号铺 Citizen Center, 3 Fuzhong San Lu, Futian Rm 205, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars 35 楼 3) 南山区蛇口太子路 1 号新时代广场 3 楼 4) District (8201 3036) www.shenzhenmu- Venture Building, southern section of High- 福田区深南大道 6011 号 NEO 大厦 A 座 44 楼 5) Ge Feng Arts Center 2/4F, Building No.1, seum.com.cn Tue-Mon 9am-5pm, Monday Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, 福田区景田路 6009 号新世界中心 23 楼 Shenzhen 22 Art Zone, Baocheng Gongyuan Closed. Free admission. Lu, Bao’an Dist. (2766 4076). 深圳博物馆,福田区福中 3 路深圳市民中心 A 区 Shenzhen (Tel: 2658 8371; fax: 2658 The American Chamber of Commerce in 宝安区 22 区宝城公园路深圳 22 艺术区一号楼 2 8372). www.atlantic-canada.org South China Rm 208, 2/F Overseas Chinese 与4楼 Shenzhen Paleontology Museum 南山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 2 楼 205 室 Scholars Venture Building, southern section Inside Xianhu Botanical Garden, Luohu Dis- trict (2570 2716). RMB20, Mon-Fri, 9am- of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Dis- F518 Idea Land Baoyuan Lu, central Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) Bao’an District (2951 8518, 2997 8666). 5pm, Sat-Sun9am-6pm. Shenzhen Rm21-C, Building of Shenzhen trict (Tel: 0755-2658 8342; fax: 0755-2658 www.cnf518.com 罗湖区仙湖植物园内 Development Bank, 5047 Shennan Dong 8341). www.amcham-southchina.org 宝安中心区宝源路 Lu, Luohu DIstrict (Tel: 6130 3218; fax: 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 2 楼 08 室 Huacheng Gallery 1-3/F Wenshan Building, 6130 7049) www.austrade.gov.au 罗湖区深南

78 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com classifieds

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www.thatsmags.com / SZ / August 2014 79 BACKPAGE « sport Walks the walk World Cup wrap: great goals, even greater goalkeepers


t was a great World Cup. There were a lot He has just been snapped up by Real Madrid for of teams trying to play attacking football, Unfortunately I was 80 million Euros (a lot of money, but I’ve read Iparticularly in the group stages, where getting up in the they sold something like 350,000 of his replica there were an all-time record 136 goals. Maybe shirts in the 48 hours following his unveiling, so the defending wasn’t so good, but fans want to middle of the night to they’ve already started to recoup some of it!) see a load of goals, so I think it went down well I don’t think anyone else was that outstand- with everyone. watch England, and ing, which was a little bit surprising. Let’s start with what I know best: goalkeep- It was a good job Brazil didn’t go out too ers. Keylor Navas of Costa Rica was very good. that didn’t exactly early otherwise there could have been riots go- He played for Levante in Spain last year where I detract from the ing on. I don’t think they played particularly well, and they got helped a little bit along the way, I carried that on into the World Cup, really. Three disappointment… think. Of course, in the end they got demolished! watched him have a terrific season, and he just Talking of not being outstanding, England Match awards and he made some great saves. as well as a very strong defense – they all get didn’t really perform, which was disappointing. cleanGuillermo sheets from Ochoa five frommatches, Mexico three had Man some of the back and they work hard. Tough to beat. I think decent games, including against Brazil where the World Cup victory was testament to their - he made that stunning save from Neymar’s philosophy and what they’ve been building allyThey didn’t had good deserve spells, to go but through. their final ball and header that drew comparisons to Gordon towards for the last 10 years. finishingUnfortunately let them downI had to in get the up end, in theand middle they re Banks’ famed 1970 save against Pelé. I was a bit surprised that Messi got the of the night to watch them, which my girlfriend And then there is Germany’s Manuel Golden Ball award for player of the tourna- wasn’t too happy about, and didn’t exactly de- Neuer… he’s the best goalkeeper around, Neuer. ment. He scored some decent goals, but he tract from the disappointment. It’s hard work I just like the way he does everything: how sharp was pretty quiet once it came to the knock-out having to get up the next day, but it’s the same he is; how he passes the ball out to the back – stages. I think everyone expected a little bit for everyone over here in China and the Far East. he’s a sweeper as well. He can do everything; I more out of him. And the rest of the World Cup lived up to think he’s the one any young goalkeeper should It is hard to say who the standout player was the hype for a change – it was really exciting - though. Going back to the Germans, I thought with some special football, plenty of goals keeper for me. Schweinsteiger had a really good tournament. and the fans certainly seemed to enjoy it. Not be lookingAs for Germany,up to. Definitely I think theit was number back inone 2004 goal much sleep, but it was all good. when they didn’t do so well that they decided gets up and down the pitch and is very impor- to press the reset button and revamp the whole tantHe doesn’t defensively do anything for the Germans.too flash, butThomas he really Müller // Former England international goalkeeper, thing. In the last three or four tournaments they was really good for them too. Ian Walker played for Tottenham Hotspur, have been really good. Obviously Colombian Golden Boot winner Leicester City and Bolton Wanderers. He is It is back to business as usual: well- James Rodríguez scored some decent goals, now goalkeeper coach of Shanghai Dongya. organized, they’ve got good attacking players including that absolute beauty against Uruguay.

80 August 2014 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com