JORGE COLAÇO IDENTITY AND TRANSCULTURALITY IN AZULEJO FRAMINGS Patrícia Nóbrega Az – Rede de Investigação em Azulejo ARTIS – Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa [email protected] ABSTRACT The azulejo frames of Jorge Colaço here in study present themselves as an independent area, an available space for technical and artistic experimentation, unifying and revealing multiple influences. These, which come from the author’s own know-how and the history of azulejo, are crossed with coeval artistic influences. Colaço filtered, shaped and transformed these references, creating an identity based in its own decorative vocabulary, capable of distinguish him from other artists of his time who explored the historicist narratives in azulejo. Simultaneously, in some cases, the frames complement, contextualize or dialogue with the respective figurative composition, empha- sizing the construction of a global artistic narrative. Colaço also takes advantage of the frames, by structuring and organizing them into multi- parceled spaces that best serve and fit his artistic discourse, enhancing the experience provided by the architecture with azulejo. KEYWORDS Azulejo | Jorge Colaço | Frames | Transculturality | Identity RESUMO As molduras azulejadas de Jorge Colaço, em estudo, apresentam-se como uma área autónoma, um espaço disponível para a experimentação técnica e artística, aglutinadora e reveladora de múltiplas influências. Estas, que provêm da própria vivência do autor e da história da azulejaria, são cruzadas com influências artísticas coevas. Colaço filtrou, moldou e transformou estes referenciais, criando uma identidade assente num vocabulário decorativo próprio, capaz de o distinguir de outros artistas da época que exploraram as narrativas historicistas no azulejo. Simultaneamente, em alguns casos, as molduras complementam, contextualizam ou dialogam com a cena figurativa que enquadram, acentuando a construção de uma narrativa artística global. Colaço tira ainda partido das molduras estruturando-as e organizando-as em espaços multi-parcelares que melhor servem e se ajustam ao seu discurso artístico, intensificando a experiência proporcionada pela arquitectura azulejada. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Azulejo | Jorge Colaço | Molduras | Transculturalidade | Identidade 76 ART IS ON edição especial special issue n.º 2 2016 INTRODUCTION An imported art form – although one that assimilated In turn, the space of the frames was seen as another characteristics that made it an identity reference field of action, where the artist has incorporated a of the Portuguese culture from a very early stage –, unique and distinctive figurative vocabulary, seeming the azulejos produced in our country still reflect the to understand these as experimental areas. As a matter influence of diverse cultures in a process of assimilation of fact, the frames, which outline and highlight the and cultural transmissions that existed throughout its figurative central composition, are references to a history. Thus, in the early 20th century, the construction benchmark of artistic appropriations assimilated by of an idea of national artistic and cultural identity the azulejo, such as the hispano-moorish azulejo, the found in the azulejo a privileged means of expression. grotesque and the exotic, but where it’s possible to identify some alignment with the European artistic In the wake of Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro (1846-1905), practices of the time, like the Art Nouveau and Art but within a different language, motivation and the Deco, among others. existence of a time lag, Jorge Colaço (1868-1942) was also appointed as a renewal agent of the national This paper aims to discuss the transculturality in the ceramics, sharing with Bordalo Pinheiro a duty of work of Jorge Colaço based on four examples, or case allegiance to the artistic tradition of their homeland1. studies, in the context of which the aforementioned languages can be identified, in a particularly strong Painter and ceramist, Colaço conceived and executed way, and covering a long period of his career: Room works of great monumentality, created under a strict line of Passos Perdidos of the Faculdade de Ciências and a sense of a complete and complex artistic system, Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Nova giving the same importance of plastic expressiveness Medical School) (1906), Buçaco Palace Hotel (1907), both to the figurative central composition and the São Bento Train Station (1915), and the Palace of frames. Getting involved in the historicist painting, the Justice of Coimbra (1933-35). There will also be an artist sought to build a sense of identity and nationality attempt to understand the reasons for the contrast that through the recovery of remarkable episodes in can be found between the figurative composition and Portugal’s History, interspersing them with tinges of the frames, as well as the sense of modernity that romanticism that involved, at times, the representation underlies them. of traditions, the picturesque and the bucolic. THE FRAMES: INFLUENCES AND APPROPRIATIONS The thinking and action of Colaço2 are inscribed enlightened society (Meco, 1989: 246; Souto, 2010: within the historicist and revivalist currents that, in the 159). Motivated by the political and social conjuncture, late 19th century, dominated much of the Portuguese weakened by several constraints, among which is the 1. In addition to the international artistic influences, the national ones must be referred, especially, the work of Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, of which Colaço could not have been unaware. If both shared some confluences, such as the humorous exercise or the azulejo production, they were diametrically opposed regarding their critical and political awareness. Just over two decades separate the two artists, Bordalo, being the oldest, openly progressive and republican, unlike Colaço, more conservative. The role Bordalo played in the Caldas da Rainha Faience Factory, which he directed from 1884, was critical to the renewal of ceramics and, in particular, for the reinterpretation of the in relief azulejo. According to Joaquim de Vasconcelos, Bordalo “ revives our old artistic azulejo” (Vasconcelos, 1891: 11-12). 2. Caricaturist, painter and ceramist, Jorge Colaço distinguished himself mainly as a painter of azulejo. Son of the Portuguese consul in Tangier, Colaço was born in that city in 1868, but studied painting in Madrid and Paris, he studied with Fernand Cormon, the precursor of the historicist painting in France. In Lisbon, he began to dedicate himself to caricature, in particular, in the humorous supplement of the newspaper “O Século” and in the “O Talassa”, newspaper that he founded and that was closer to his political preferences (Arruda, 1999: 416). n.º 2 2016 AZULEJOS AND FRAMES AZLAB#14 77 British Ultimatum, this quadrant of society, averse to the contingencies imposed by the traditional painting. progress, found in the nationalism affiliated in the The painting technique over fired glaze requires a third romanticism the way to consolidate an idea of nation. firing to fix the ceramic inks (Mendes, 2004: 130) This idea based itself, on the one hand, in the reunion but on the other hand, assures a watercolor effect that with the remarkable events of the Portuguese History3 distinguishes it from the Baroque painting, resulting and, on the other, in the creation and establishment of from the use of low-fire paints (Santos et al, 2015). a vocabulary of practices and ethnographic objects, able to perpetuate the singularity of being Portuguese. The frames, understood, quite possibly, as another area In this sense, the painter found in the azulejo the ideal for exploration and innovation, stand out, then, by the vehicle for propaganda and celebration of a patriotic plurality and confluence of exogenous influences, yet collective memory, based on the great achievements acting in an assertive way in the discourse or in global of the past and the uniqueness and originality of the narratives. To this extent, the frames of Colaço are not Portuguese culture, where he believed he had a key just a boundary, or a structure capable of organizing a role to play4 (Colaço, 1933: 7). narrative articulating it with its surrounding environment, but are also active spaces of “commentary” or of Although Colaço came into his own in the context of the complementarity with the figurative program. Baroque decorative matrix, the multiplicity of artistic languages present in his work is extensive, specifically If the figurative program, with a historicist and when considering the frames. These, often polychrome nationalistic inclination, fed an identity dialogue whose and incorporating motifs of Arab, Renaissance or roots dated back to the second half of the 19th century, Flemish influence, along with a decorative grammar the frames reflect the permeability of the painter to featuring Art Nouveau and Art Deco characteristics, other influences – historical and contemporary –, in a aligned with the coeval international currents, process whose contours have yet to be fully studied, contrasted sharply with the figurative areas, in blue and of which this article is just an initial trial. and white. The narratives, patriotic and illustrative of the national traditions and customs, evoked the 18th One of the most visible influences of the work of Jorge century azulejos (1675-1750), that distinguished Colaço, and perhaps the oldest, is the Arab culture. In themselves by an erudite painting and mostly executed fact,
From Azulejos to Zaguanes: the Islamic Legacy in the Built
From Azulejos to Zagutmes: The Islamic Legacy in the Built Environment of Hispano-America R. Brooks Jeffery They lack our faith, but we lack their works. - Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros Prior to the Spanish colonization of the Americas, beginning at the end of the fifteenth century, Spain was completing the final chapters of the Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula after eight centuries of Islamic rule and cultural dominance. Although often ignored in the histories of the Spanish colonial period, people of Muslim descent traveled to Hispano- America1 during its initial colonization. Evidence of this cultural assim- ilation can be seen in the profound legacy of Islamic architectural characteristics in the Hispano-American built environment that is still evident today. This paper attempts to recognize this Islamic legacy through an analysis of three levels of the Hispano-American built envi- ronment: ornamentation, architectural form, and open space. Historical Background Beginning in 711, a succession of Islamic dynasties ruled the Iberian Peninsula, including the Umayyads (711-750), Abbasids (750-1082), Almoravids (1082-1147), Almohads (1147-1184), and the Nasrids (1184-1492), producing many of Islamic architecture's finest monu- ments: the Great Mosque of Cordoba (786-991), the rural palatial complex of Medinat az-Zahra (936), and the Alhambra (1238-1492). Not long after the Islamic Empire reached its northernmost expansion at the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain in the eighth century, Christian R. Brooks Jeffrey earned Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Library Science degrees from the University of Arizona. He is the coordinator of the Preservation Studies Program in the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Arizona.
Officiai Journal of the International Society Revue Officielle De La Société International
Officiai journal of the International Society Revue officielle de la Société International June 2001 Officiai journal of the International Society for the History of Medicine Vesalius Revue officielle de la Société Internationale d'Histoire de la Médecine Acta Internationalia Historiae Medicinae EDITORS - EDITEURS EDITORIAL BOARD Thierry Appelboom COMITE DE REDACTION Editorîal John Cule John Blair Athanasios Diamandopoulos ASSOCIATE EDITORS Gary Ferngren Older members of the profession are sometimes EDITEURS ASSOCIES John Ford puzzled by today's apparent changes in the traditio Samuel Kottek Chester Burns nal doctor patient relationship. Is it due to an overem Alfredo Musajo-Somma Alain Lellouch Jean-Pierre Tricot Regis Olry phasis on the scientific advances in treatment at the Ynez Viole O'Neill expense of personal patient care ? Does it result from John Pearn MANAGING EDITOR Robin Price a change in the balance between medical ethics and COORDINATION Hans Schadewaldt medical commerce ? The competition between the Diana Gasparon Alain Segal respect desired by the doctors and the publicly Michel Thiery perceived status of the profession has persisted for ADDRESS- ADRESSE Fernando Vescia Secrétariat "Vesalius" Sue Weir centuries. What have patients sought ? Joseph Médical Muséum David Wright Needham FRS, Master of Gonville and Caius Col 808 route de Lennik lege, an eminent scientist and historian of Chinese B - 1070 Brussels, Belgium JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION Phone : 32 / 2 / 555.34.31 ABONNEMENT A LA REVUE medicine, had asked in the 1980's why do doctors Fax : 32 / 2 / 555.34.71 2 issues per year - 2 numeros par an when patients themselves always choose a kind doctor e-mail : dgasparo® Annual rate : 50 Eur rather than a clever one ? http// Each issue : 25 Eur Free to ISHM members Each historical epoch produces new problems.
Palace Tours 12000 Biscayne Blvd. #107 Miami FL 33181 USA 800-724-5120 / 786-408-0610 Call Us 1-800-724-5120 Porto and Lisbon from Madrid (Multilingual Tour) Get a taste of Portugal on this enchanting 5 day journey. The tour starts in Madrid and brings you over the border, touring the historical city of Trujillo on the way. You will have free time to explore the fascinating birthplaces of the explorers of the New World. Continue to Lisbon, where you spend a day exploring this glorious city. You will see Belem Tower, Jeronimos Monastery, the Coach Museum, and many other sites. Afterward, you will have free time to enjoy yourself. Then, you visit small towns and cities like Nazere, Alcobaça, and Óbidos. You will then travel to Fatima, the site of the apparition of the Virgin Mary. Your last city tour will be Caceres, before returning to Madrid. Highlights: Plaza Mayor in Trujillo Jeronimos Monastery Coach Museum Monument to the Discoverers Pousada do Castelo in Óbidos Tombs of Pablo and Inês de Castro Basilica and Cova da Iria in Fatima Itinerary Day 1 - Tuesday: Cross the border into Portugal Departure from bus terminal, located in the underground parking of the Plaza de Oriente at 08:30 a.m. Drive to Avila. A city that preserves its medieval wall. Short stop to know its walled and old town. Then to Salamanca. Free time in this University City Heritage of Humanity of great architectural and artistic wealth. Departure to the Portuguese border until you reach Porto. Accommodation and overnight in Porto.
La Alhambra in Granada, One of the Most Beautiful and Admired Monuments in the Wold
La Alhambra in Granada, one of the most beautiful and admired monuments in the wold. An old legend says that the Alhambra was built by night, in the light of torches. Its reddish dawn did believe the people of Grenada that the color was like the strength of the blood. The Alhambra, a monument of Granada for Spain and the world. La Alhambra was so called because of its reddish walls (in Arabic, («qa'lat al-Hamra'» means Red Castle ). It is located on top of the hill al-Sabika, on the left bank of the river Darro, to the west of the city of Granada and in front of the neighbourhoods of the Albaicin and of the Alcazaba. The Alhambra is one of the most serenely sensual and beautiful buildings in the world, a place where Moorish art and architecture reached their pinnacle. A masterpiece for you to admire, and it is in Granada, a city full of culture and history. Experience the beauty and admire this marvel of our architectural heritage. Let it touch your heart. Granada is the Alhambra and the gardens, the Cathedral, the Royal Chapel, convents and monasteries, the old islamic district Albayzin where the sunset is famous in the world or the Sacromonte where the gypsies perform flamenco shows in the caves where they used to live...Granada is this and many more things. The Alhambra is located on a strategic point in Granada city, with a view over the whole city and the meadow ( la Vega ), and this fact leads to believe that other buildings were already on that site before the Muslims arrived.
The Art of Ornament Senses, Archetypes, Shapes and Functions
Book of Abstracts Isabel Mendonça Maria João Pereira Coutinho Sílvia Ferreira (ORGANIZAÇÃO) Calouste Gulbenkian Foudation | Lisbon | 2017 THE ART OF ORNAMENT SENSES, ARCHETYPES, SHAPES AND FUNCTIONS Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Aviso Legal: O conteúdo dos resumos é da inteira responsabilidade dos respectivos autores. Ficha Técnica | Copyright page Título | Title A Arte do Ornamento: Sentidos, Arquétipos, Formas e Usos. Livro de Resumos The Art of Ornament: Meanings, Archetypes, Forms and Uses. Book of Abstracts Organização | Organization Isabel Mendonça, Maria João Pereira Coutinho e Sílvia Ferreira Editor | Editor Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Lisboa, 2017 | Lisbon, 2017 ISBN: Este trabalho é financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projeto estratégico do Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UID/PAM/00417/2013). This event is funded by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, within the strategic project of Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UID/PAM/00417/2013). CONGRESSO | CONGRESS Organização | Organizing committee Gonçalo Vasconcelos e Sousa | CITAR, UCP Isabel Mendonça | IHA, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Maria João Pereira Coutinho | IHA, FCSH, Universidade NOVA
PORTUGUESE INSPIRED TILE CUFF PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Julianna Avelar | none | 19 Mar 2016 | Interweave Press | 9781632504401 | English | none Portuguese Inspired Tile Cuff PDF Book We can thank King Manuel I for this as it was he who decided to have his palace built with tiles after being intrigued by the design he saw when he visited Seville in Sticker By Olga Matskevich. They expanded southwards, by conquering ethnic nations employing superior tactics of war, better weapons, and military organization. In this case, simply mask out the registration marks with pieces of blue tape, and align the stencil by eye by centering it on each old tile. The exterior of the building itself is a feast for the eyes with its imperious decorative tiles. Morocco Circular Tile Sticker By mattpanta. Gorgeous patterns. Ritz Deco Grey Tiles. Enz River runs through the northern Black Forest in Germany which is considered to have the most attractive landscapes for nature lovers, ramblers and mountain bikers. Tags: portuguese rooster with portuguese tile design, portuguese, rooster, tile, stencil, stenciled, tiles, azulejos, portugal, traditional, good luck symbol, good, luck, symbol, galo de barcelos, galo, de, barcelos, pretty, different, style, unique, blue, red. They also have beautiful murals although they are a bit expensive. An error has occurred, please try again later. Classico Daisy Bloom Pattern Tiles. Himba is famous for its beautiful women painted with Place of Origin : Portuguese. It's always better if your fabric doesn't have too much texture. It really depends on what surface you're stenciling. Beachy blues - Blue and white tiles Sticker By Joejo Tile Sticker By Asaints Tags: portuguese tile, spanish tile, tile, european tile, ottoman, pattern, colorful tile, historic tile, different tile, pattern tile, color pattern, lisbon, portugal, small tile, porcelain, backsplash, vintage.
UNIVERSITY OF NOVA GORICA GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY IUAV OF VENICE MANAGEMENT PLAN OF HISTORIC CENTRE OF OPORTO - WORLD HERITAGE II. LEVEL MASTER'S THESIS Giulia La Face Architect Mentor/s: Professor Falini Paola Venice, 2009 TO MY FRIEND JESSICA 2 THANKS TO A SPECIAL THANKS TO PROFESSOR PAOLA FALINI , WHO TAUGHT ME A RIGOROUS WORK METHOD AND SUGGESTED VALUABLE REVISIONS TO MY TEXT TO PORTO VIVO SRU ENTERPRISE AND IN PARTICULAR TO THE PHILOSOPHER - ARCHITECT RUI RAMOS LOZA OF WHOM I ADMIRE THE DAILY WORK FOR THE RECOVERY OF THE HISTORICAL CENTER OF THE CITY OF PORTO TO MR. CARLOS MARTINS WHOSE PERSEVERANCE , STRENGTH AND RIGOR HAVE INSPIRED MY CREATIVITY TO MY FAMILY , FOR ALL 3 This experimental thesis is applied to a practical case study on the Management Plan of the Historic Centre of Porto World Heritage, which was sent to UNESCO on 5 th December 2008, and in which I actively participated in the analysis drafting and in the composition of texts. It was very useful for me to make a comparison with the Italian method learned during the master course. My supervisor, Professor Falini, during the year of study, showed us her excellent work. My contribution to the work done has helped me to decide which topic I would deal with and to find the enthusiasm to develop a possible model of management for the historic centre of Porto. Most of the supporting materials for the analysis is part of a bibliographic research; although my personal preparation leads me naturally to focus on architecture component of the city system, I will shortly comment some/many of the studies developed by citizens of Porto that I have analyzed about other areas of influence such as engineering, economic, socio- anthropological, environmental, infrastructure.
Impressions of the Art at the Panama-Pacific Exposition
W m it-: l^t:'^,l:^l "vP^' "^/^m^ c.y ^^ J ••>' /'..^./'*. '^^j.^ '^o.^-?•^-o^ oV'^^ia*- ^^&^ ^^m^^^ 4 o »\y X'-^-^v V'^-'.*^ ;* . V 'o. *.t:t'' a 1-^ y^j,^^- "t. -n^^o^ », < O •' T' o-) .^^ <S^. '..o' * ^^ ^L'A y ... -. v.^ .S^-^. '^.^W/ ^-'^ " 4 ir^ -fL 'bV •a.^ O -'^Wi'^^s* ^0 ,0' ^5, A." -^ ^/v'^v %5<^"/ V^v' %/-^£^^'>^^ V^^.^' .* «0 < o -^v^O^ »- '^l*!^' •^i'^'^ v^ '^Sfe' '^^^° .. M 'bv .„c^^ ^*>#" J>^^ .^''^^ ^'•"^'^- '-^^^° ^'" ,,.^^ "\ ''^: ^^'\ S . 'WWS .J' . .-v'.v . X'2 *'t:t' .'v <^> .^ ^ ^.>.^ o 4> 5°. 4^°^ V 1. O 5 " • A v^^ <. /.. :. '-^0^ 1^ * O B O ° ^.^ o^.i^';%'°""V\...^"--:o^;s..,'v^-\/lO* ,= v^^ .*'% 0^ v;^ •^ ^'T.s* A <^ .^" A^ 'is •' .^^ % -J." . <>^ ^' "^"^ *- <fi '' i\^^ A"' ' . • s 4 > Cj. o • » «U O C 4- <K ,0 ^ '^. A** v^- '•''" *' = ^^ . • ** .-. '»- ^^ A" * ^°-^^. ^-1°^ .-iq* * "q,*^^'\o^ <^. o.^' Oj," <?>„ c'* V- 0^ Off '^o^ ^bV-" •^o^ ^^-^^^^ r^0 ^V^ v-^ 0° t ^ .4,^^ .-s.'^ ^ta V,. ".. IMPRESSIONS OF THE ART AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION OTHER WORKS BY CHRISTIAN BRIXTON, M.A.. Litt. D. Modern Artists. The Baker ami Taylor Coinpanv. New York, 1!I(IS Catalogue of Paintings by Ignacio Zi'loaga. The Hispanic Society of Amerifa, New ^'ork, 190!l AuSSTELLUNG AmERIKANISCHER KuNST. Konigliche Akademie tier Kiinste zu Berlin, IIUO Die Entwicklung der Amerikanischen Malerei. F. Bruekmann. Miinehen-Berlin. litlc Masterpieces of American Painting. The Berlin Photographic Company, New York ami Berlin, I'JIO Catalogue of Sculpture by Prince Paul Troubetzkoy. The American Numismatic Society, New York, 1911 Walter Greaves, Pupil of Whistler. Cottier and Company, New York, 191i The Scandinavian Exhibition.
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BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE Cerámica y Vidrio ARTICULO Las cerámicas españolas de la Hispanic Society of America (Archer Milton Huntington y su museo) M. CONNORS MCQUADE The Hispanic Society of America. New York. EE.UU. Archer Milton Huntington. Huntington fundó la Hispanic Society of America para establecer un museo y una bliblioteca públicos y gratuitos con el fin de difundir la cultura de España y América Latina. Cuando la Sociedad abrió sus puertas al público en 1908, Huntington ya había adquirido y puesto en exposición una de las colecciones más importantes de cerámica española del mundo, incluyendo 60 piezas hispanomusulmanas de reflejo metálico, contando hoy día con 150 ejemplares. Continuando con la labor de completar la colección, la Sociedad adquirió otras piezas de cerámica española y mejicana pro- cedentes de alfares como Talavera de la Reina, Buen Retiro, Alcora, Puente del Arzobispo, Toledo, Sevilla, la ciudad de Méjico y Puebla. En este trabajo se dá una visión de la colección de cerámicas españolas y mejicanas que posee la Hispanic Society y de la historia de su adquisición. Además, se examiná la difusión e influencia de la cerámica española en la cerámica meji- cana y su posterior evolución. El estudio de las colecciones de la Hispanic Society constata que en este museo se encuentran los ejemplares más sobresalientes de porcelana y de mayólica de España y de Méjico. Palabras clave: La Hispanic Society of America, Archer Milton Huntington, Cerámica española, Cerámica hispano-musulmana, Cerámica de Puebla (México). "Archer Milton Huntington and the Ceramics Collection at The Hispanic Society of America" Archer Milton Huntington founded The Hispanic Society of America with the objective of establishing a free museum and reference library for the study of the arts and culture of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America.
O Ressurgimento da Pintura Decorativa nos Interiores Palacianos Lisboetas: da Regeneração às Vésperas da República (1851-1910) Miguel Nuno Santos Montez Leal Tese de Doutoramento em História da Arte Contemporânea Orientação científica: Professora Doutora Joana Esteves da Cunha Leal Co-orientação científica: Professora Doutora Ana Margarida Duarte Brito Alves Com o apoio da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Agosto de 2014 Dedicatória À minha querida Mãe, Maria Teresa de Victoria Pereira Ribeiro Santos Leal, pelo amor, pela amizade, cumplicidade, admiração, respeito e carinho. “Querer é Poder!”, foi sempre o que me ensinou e o que me tem ensinado E também ao meu trisavô José Maria Pereira Cão, pintor-decorador e pintor ceramista, ao meu querido bisavô, que tanto gostaria de ter conhecido, o Coronel José Estevão Cacella de Victoria Pereira, cartógrafo e pintor ceramista, e à minha querida avó, Maria Adelaide de Victoria Pereira, Directora fundadora da Biblioteca Municipal de Marcelino Mesquita, no Cartaxo, e pintora. Agradecimentos À minha orientadora Professora Doutora Joana Esteves da Cunha Leal, por todo o seu acompanhamento, apoio, rigor, e exigência; à minha co-orientadora Professora Doutora Ana Margarida Duarte Brito Alves, por todo o seu apoio, rigor, exigência, e pelas sugestões. À Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia pelo apoio e pela bolsa de doutoramento de que usufrui entre 2007 e 2010 - e sem a qual poder fazer e terminar este trabalho teria sido muito mais difícil – e à Universidade Nova de Lisboa, casa que comecei a
Azulejo Blues – an Analytical Study of the Blue Colours in Portuguese Azulejos
This is a repository copy of Azulejo blues – An analytical study of the blue colours in portuguese azulejos. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Accepted Version Proceedings Paper: Fares, M, Mimoso, J, Pais, A et al. (4 more authors) (2012) Azulejo blues – An analytical study of the blue colours in portuguese azulejos. In: UNSPECIFIED International Congress Azulejar 2012, 10-12 Oct 2012, Aveiro, Portugal. (Unpublished) Reuse Unless indicated otherwise, fulltext items are protected by copyright with all rights reserved. The copyright exception in section 29 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 allows the making of a single copy solely for the purpose of non-commercial research or private study within the limits of fair dealing. The publisher or other rights-holder may allow further reproduction and re-use of this version - refer to the White Rose Research Online record for this item. Where records identify the publisher as the copyright holder, users can verify any specific terms of use on the publisher’s website. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. [email protected] . AZULEJO BLUES – AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE BLUE COLOURS IN PORTUGUESE AZULEJOS Marzia Fares; Università di Bologna, Italy; former LNEC trainee;[email protected] João Manuel Mimoso; Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal; [email protected]; Alexandre N.