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- Understanding Figure of Sunan Kudus As the Internalization of Gusjigang to Develop Entrepreneurship in the Global Competition
- Bab I Pendahuluan
- Pesantren At-Taqwa Bekasi: Perubahan Pola Pendidikan Dari Tradisional Menuju Modern (1980-2010)
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- Mixing of Traditional and Modern Forms in Architecture of Sunan Ampel Mosque, East Java, Indonesia
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- Structuring and Revitalization Planning for Ampel Mosque Area, Surabaya-East Java-Indonesia
- Indo 84 0 1195498224 127
- Contesting Sacred Architecture: Politics of ‘Nation-State’ in the Battles of Mosques in Java
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- The Architectural Creativity As a Local Genius Dialogue in the Javanese Traditional Building
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- Format Penulisan Makalah Seminar Nasional