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- Canyonlands U.S
- Geomorphology and Geology Around the Fukushima Daiichi NPS
- Sedimentary Rocks and the Rock Cycle
- Engineering Geology Field Manual
- The Relative Age of Rocks
- Chapter 16 Cross Stratification
- Chapter 5 Engineering Properties of Soil and Rock
- Stratigraphic Classifications (Subdivision of Rock Record)
- How Fossils Are Dated the Botanic Garden of Smith C Olle G E
- Glossary of Stratigraphic Terms
- TM 3-34.61(TM 5-545/8 July 1971) GEOLOGY February 2013
- Sedimentology, Provenance and Radiometric Dating of the Silante Formation: Implications for the Cenozoic Evolution of the Western Andes of Ecuador
- Siluri An-Devonian Boundary in North America
- Groundwater and Surface-Water Resources in the Bureau of Land
- Chapter 5. Bedforms and Stratification Under Unidirectional Flows
- A Glossary of Karst Terminology
- A New Soil Conditioner for Highly Permeable Sandy Gravel Stratum in Epbs
- International Stratigraphic Guide — an Abridged Version