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- Some Ancient Routes in the Peloponnese Author(S): W
- Map 58 Peloponnesus Compiled by J
- Pellana 2014
- Hydrological Analysis of the Evrotas Basin, Greece
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- The Ptolemies Versus the Achaean and Aetolian Leagues in the 250S–220S Bc
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- Christina Kalatha, Parnonas S.A
- The Sparta Fault, Southern Greece: from Segmentation and Tectonic Geomorphology to Seismic Hazard Mapping and Time Dependent Probabilities
- Ancient Macedonia
- The Historical Review/La Revue Historique
- Krypteia: a Form of Ancient Guerrilla Warfare
- Antigonus Doson's Attack on Cytinium (Reg 101 (1988), 12–53)
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- Spartans and Perioikoi: the Organization and Ideology of the Lakedaimonian Army in the Fourth Century B.C.E
- La Ciudad Sin Muros: Esparta Durante Los Períodos Arcaico Y Clásico