Map 58 Peloponnesus Compiled by J

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Map 58 Peloponnesus Compiled by J Map 58 Peloponnesus Compiled by J. McK. Camp II and G. Reger (islands), 1994 Introduction The Peloponnese has been the focus of considerable topographical research for a long time. Virtually every early European traveler to mainland Greece spent time visiting the sites there, and in the twentieth century it has been the subject of numerous excavations and survey projects. Laconia, Messenia, western Achaea, the area around Megalopolis, the southern Argolid, and the Nemea/Phleious valleys have all received notable attention in recent years. Other areas have been studied largely by individuals–among them, Phaklares, Pikoulas, Pritchett, Wiseman– rather than large teams. The resulting picture of occupation, and of numbers of ancient sites known from the various areas, is inevitably uneven. In addition, surface survey all too often cannot distinguish a site’s extent or nature. No sites known solely from survey are marked here, and likewise very few known only from excavation (their ancient names unattested in each instance). Rather, the map’s primary goal is to mark the location of the mass of places and features mentioned in the literary sources and inscriptions. Given the scale, this alone constitutes a major challenge. The thirteen most significant authors for the purpose (Diodorus Siculus, Herodotus, Livy, Pausanias, Pliny, Plutarch, Polybius, Ptolemy, Scylax, Stephanus, Strabo, Thucydides, Xenophon), together with relevant inscriptions, between them preserve over 1,000 Peloponnesian toponyms; about 450 of these are marked. Among the authors, Pausanias dominates; seven of his ten books are devoted to the Peloponnese, and he preserves some 650 toponyms. The commentary on Pausanias by Papachatzes (1974-81) is a vital starting-point for further information, though more recent work by Phaklares, Pikoulas and the British Laconia survey team (Cavanagh 1996) should also be consulted. For making the compilation, the excellent maps at 1:50,000 scale issued by the Greek army have proved invaluable. Modern toponyms are a problem. In the 1920s, and again occasionally since then, efforts have been made to rename modern settlements, rivers and other features with Turkish, Slavic or Albanian toponyms, replacing these with more Hellenic names (note, for example, AJA 87 (1983) 54; AJA 95 (1991) 196 (n. 10)). Consequently, the date of a modern map or bibliographic reference may have considerable bearing on which of two, or even three, modern names is used. In addition, an ancient toponym was often chosen as the new name, but not always appropriately applied. Thus an ancient name on a modern map may, or may not, be in its correct ancient location. There are several areas where geomorphologic changes have, or may have, occurred. One of these is the lagoon around Pylos and its vicinity; another is the marshy area near Teichos Dymaion. In addition, Stymphalos and several of the upland plains of Arcadia (Orchomenos, Phleious, and near Nestane) may have had more standing water at those times when there was no active human intervention. The explanation given in the Introduction to Map 55 for the deliberate omission of roads applies to this map likewise. Islands The map includes the westernmost islands of the so-called “western string” of the Cyclades (Keos, Kythnos, Seriphos, Melos) and several other minor islands. As usual, between them they have attracted very different levels of scholarly attention. Melos was the subject of a pioneering surface survey (Renfrew 1982), and Keos has been investigated intensively by several teams of scholars over the past two decades (Cherry 1991; Georgiou 1993; Mendone 1993). The results of these efforts can only be reflected very selectively at this scale. In contrast, Seriphos and Kythnos have hardly been touched; future work will undoubtedly improve our knowledge here. For the principles adopted for the marking of farms and towers, see the Introduction to Map 61 (islands). 876 MAP 58 PELOPONNESUS Directory All place names are in Greece Abbreviations IG 12.5 F.H. von Gaertringen (ed.), Inscriptiones insularum maris Aegaei praeter Delum. Inscriptiones Cycladum, Berlin, 1903 Dar-Sag C. Daremberg and E. Saglio, Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines d’après les textes et les monuments, Paris, 1877-1919 Paus. See further N. Papachatzes, Παυσανίου ‛Ελλάδος Περιήγησις, 5 vols., Athens, 1974-81; vol. 1 (= Book 1), Αττικα, 1974; vol. 2 (= Books 2-3), Κορινθιακα-Λακωνικα, 1976; vol. 3 (= Books 4-6), Μεσσηνιακα-Ηλιακα, 1979; vol. 4 (= Books 7-8), Αχαικα-Αρκαδικα, 1980; vol. 5 (= Books 9-10), Φωκικα-Βοιωτικα,1981 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference C4 Abia HR Avias McDonald 1972, 316 (n. 545) ; Shipley 1997, 248-49 B1 Achaea Paus. 7; Anderson 1954 § Aigialos Strabo 8.3.24; 8.7.1-5 F1 Acharnai See Map 59 B2 Acheron fl. Ladikon Strabo 8.3.15; Baladié 1980, 52 C5 Achilleios Limen harbor at Marmari Paus. 3.25.4 F2 Aegina Ins. See Map 59 G2 Ag. Eirene ACHRL on Keos Sutton 1991, 99 G3 Ag. Eirene spring on Kythnos RE Kythnos 1, col. 220 G4 Ag. Helene RL on Melos Renfrew 1982, 307 H4 Ag. Ioannes A on Melos Renfrew 1982, 297-98 G2 Ag. Ioannis Khalara ACH on Keos Mendone 1993, 104-106 G4 Ag. Kyriake L on Melos Renfrew 1982, 304 G2 Ag. Marina C on Keos Welter 1954, 88-92 C1 Aigai ACHR Akrata Müller 1987, 733 B3 Aigaleon M. Aigaleon Strabo 8.4.1 F2 Aigaleos M. See Map 59 C1 Aigeira ACHR Vitrinitsa Müller 1987, 734-35 D4 Aigiai ACHR Aigiai Paus. 3.21.5; Shipley 1997, 251-52 C4 Aigila HR Kionia Kournou? Paus. 4.17.1; Shipley 1997, 267-68 G1 Aigilia? Ins. See Map 55 F2 Aigilia? See Map 59 E2 Aigina See Map 59 C1 Aigion ACHR Aigion Müller 1987, 743-44; NPauly D1 Aigiplanktos/ Mt. Gerenion Wiseman 1978, 24-26 Geran(e)ia M. Thuc. 4.70.1 § Geranion M. E1 Aigosthena CHR Porto Germano Paus. 1.44.5; Benson 1895; NPauly C3 Aigys HR W Kamara Pikoulas 1988, 139-47 (n. 95); Shipley 1997, 232-33 C3 Aigytis S Megalopolis Paus. 8.34.5 Aimoniai = (H)Aimoniai F1 Aithalidai/ See Map 59 Hybadai? F2 Aixone See Map 59 B4 Ak(r)itas Pr. Cape Akritas Paus. 4.34.12 D4 Akriai HRL Kokkinia Shipley 1997, 244 §Akraia D2 Akrokorinthos ACHR Paus. 2.4.6 B2 Akroreia A?C Xen., Hell. 3.2.30; 4.2.16; RE C4 Alagonia? CHR Anatoliko Paus. 3.26.11; Lauffer 1989, 95-96; Shipley 1997, 244 MAP 58 PELOPONNESUS 877 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference C2 Alea CHR near Skotinou Lauffer 1989, 96 C3 Alesiai near Ag. Ioannis Paus. 3.20.2; Shipley 1997, 268 C2 Alesion M. S Mantineia Paus. 8.10.1 B2 Alipheira ACHR Alipheira SAGT 6, 41-46; Lauffer 1989, 97 Alkyonis Sinus = (H)Alkyonis Sinus A2 Alphe(i)os fl. Alpheios SAGT 1, 122-30; Baladié 1980, 48-55 Amathous = (Ps)Amathous B1 (A)Meilichos fl. R Valitsiatikon Paus. 7.19.4; 7.19.9; 7.20.1 C3 Aminios fl. Ligatares Paus. 8.29.5 C3 Ampheia ACHR Gardiki SAGT 5, 33-46; Shipley 1997, 259 F1 Amphiareion See Map 55 B2 Amphidolia ACHR Strabo 8.3.10, 24 § Amphidolis C3 Amyklai ACHR Slavochorion Lauffer 1989, 111-12 F2 Anagyrous See Map 59 F1 Anakaia? See Map 59 F2 Anaphlystos See Map 59 C2 Anchisia M. Kouvelaki Paus. 8.12.8 B3 Andania ACHR Kallirhoe SAGT 5, 46-52 C2 Anemosa ACHR near Piana Paus. 8.35.9 G4 Angathia HR on Melos Renfrew 1982, 308 F2 Angele See Map 59 D3 Anigraia stretch of coast between SAGT 3, 105-10 Kiveri and Astros on Mt. Zavitsa Anthana? = Methana D3 A(n)thene CHR on Mt. Zavitsa SAGT 4, 75-79; 6, 91-101; Shipley 1997, 226 Antigoneia = Mantineia B1 Antirrhion Pr. See Map 55 C2 Apelauron Phlious-Stymphalos pass SAGT 6, 9-12 E3 Aperopia Ins. Dokos Paus. 2.34.9 D2 Apesas M. ACHR Phoukas Paus. 2.15.3 F2 Aphaia, T. See Map 59 F1 Aphidna See Map 59 C3 Aphrodision ACHR Marmaria / Ag. Ioannis Pikoulas 1988, 66-68 (n. 20) B2 Aphrodision M. Aphrodision Paus. 8.25.1 Apobathmoi = Genesion B4 Apollo Korythos, T. ACHR Ag. Andreas McDonald 1972, 312 (n. 504) D3 Apollo Maleatas, T. AC Prophitis Ilias, Kosmas Phaklares 1990, 178-83 D2 Arachnaion M. Mt. Arachnaion Paus. 2.25.10 D4 Arainon ACHR Ageranos Paus. 3.24.10; Shipley 1997, 268 F1 Araphen See Map 59 A1 Araxos Pr. Cape Araxos Paus. 6.26.10 B2 Arcadia ACHR Arkadia Paus. 8, 8.1.6 § Pelasgia D3 Argolicus Sinus Argolic Gulf Mela 2.50; Pliny 4.17 D2 Argolis ACHR Argolid Paus. 2; Strabo 8.6.8-18 §Argea C2 Argon Pedion Paus. 8.7.1, 4; SAGT 3, 33-35 D2 Argos ACHR Argos Lauffer 1989, 128-31; StByz Πελασγία § Pelasgia C3 Aris fl. near Pedema Paus. 4.31.2 E3 Aristera Ins. Spetsopoula Lauffer 1989, 635 D1 Aristonautai ACHR Xylokastro Paus. 7.26.14 B3 Arkadikos fl. Anydron Strabo 8.3.14 § Amathos fl. § Mamaos fl. §Pamisosfl. H1 Arkhampolis See Map 55 C2 Aroania M. Mt. Aroania Paus. 8.18.7 878 MAP 58 PELOPONNESUS Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference B2 Aroanios fl. Katsana-Mazaiika Paus. 8.21.1 C2 Aroanios fl. Phoniatiko Paus. 8.14.3 § Olbios fl. B2 Arsen fl. NW Velimakhi Paus. 8.25.1 Arsinoe = Koresia Arsinoe = Methana G2 Artemis Brauronia, T. See Map 59 B2 Artemis Limnatis, T. CH? on Lapithos M. Leekley 1976, 94 C4 Artemis Limnatis, T. ACHR NW Alagonia? Paus. 3.26.11 D2 Artemision M. Artemision Paus. 2.25.3 C3 Asea ACHR Asea Lauffer 1989, 136 C4 Asinaeus/ Messiniakos Kolpos Pliny 4.15 Coronaeus Sinus § Messeniakos Kolpos Strabo 8.2.2; 8.4.2 D2 Asine ACHR Tolon / Asine Paus.
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    21st International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops Pospiviroidae viroids in naturally infected stone and pome fruits in Greece Kaponi, M.S.1, Luigi, M.2, Barba, M.2, Kyriakopoulou, P.E.I I Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece 2 CRA-PAV, Centro di Ricerca per la Patologia Vegeta le, 00156 Rome, Italy Abstract Viroid research on pome and stone fruit trees in Greece is important, as it seems that such viroids are widespread in the country and may cause serious diseases. Our research dealt with three Pospiviroidae species infecting pome and stone fruit trees, namely Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd), Pear blister canker viroid (PBCVd) and Hop stunt viroid (HSVd). Tissue-print hybridization, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cloning and sequencing techniques were successfully used for the detection and identification of these viroids in a large number of pome and stone fruit tree samples from various areas of Greece (Peloponnesus, Macedonia, Thessaly, Attica and Crete). The 58 complete viroid sequences obtained (30 ASSVd, 16 PBCVd and 12 HSVd) were submitted to the Gen Bank. Our results showed the presence of ASSVd in apple, pear, wild apple (Malus sylvestris), wild pear (Pyrus amygdaliformis) and sweet cherry; HSVd in apricot, peach, plum, sweet cherry, bullace plum (Prunus insititia), apple and wild apple; and PBCVd in pear, wild pear, quince, apple and wild apple. This research confirmed previous findings of infection of Hellenic apple, pear and wild pear with ASSVd, pear, wild pear and quince with PBCVd and apricot with HSVd.
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    BONN'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY. PAUSANIAS' DESCRIPTION OF GREECE. PAUSANIAS' TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH \VITTI NOTES AXD IXDEX BY ARTHUR RICHARD SHILLETO, M.A., Soiiii'tinie Scholar of Trinity L'olltge, Cambridge. VOLUME IT. " ni <le Fnusnnias cst un homme (jui ne mnnquo ni de bon sens inoins a st-s tlioux." hnniie t'oi. inais i}iii rn>it ou au voudrait croire ( 'HAMTAiiNT. : ftEOROE BELL AND SONS. YOUK STIIKKT. COVKNT (iAKDKX. 188t). CHISWICK PRESS \ C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCEKV LANE. fA LC >. iV \Q V.2- CONTEXTS. PAGE Book VII. ACHAIA 1 VIII. ARCADIA .61 IX. BtEOTIA 151 -'19 X. PHOCIS . ERRATA. " " " Volume I. Page 8, line 37, for Atte read Attes." As vii. 17. 2<i. (Catullus' Aft is.) ' " Page 150, line '22, for Auxesias" read Anxesia." A.-> ii. 32. " " Page 165, lines 12, 17, 24, for Philhammon read " Philanimon.'' " " '' Page 191, line 4, for Tamagra read Tanagra." " " Pa ire 215, linu 35, for Ye now enter" read Enter ye now." ' " li I'aijf -J27, line 5, for the Little Iliad read The Little Iliad.'- " " " Page ^S9, line 18, for the Babylonians read Babylon.'' " 7 ' Volume II. Page 61, last line, for earth' read Earth." " Page 1)5, line 9, tor "Can-lira'" read Camirus." ' ; " " v 1'age 1 69, line 1 , for and read for. line 2, for "other kinds of flutes "read "other thites.'' ;< " " Page 201, line 9. for Lacenian read Laeonian." " " " line 10, for Chilon read Cliilo." As iii. 1H. Pago 264, " " ' Page 2G8, Note, for I iad read Iliad." PAUSANIAS. BOOK VII. ACIIAIA.
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