Kenya Colony
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- UCLA Ufahamu: a Journal of African Studies
- Respect of the Geneva Conventions Measures Taken to Repress Violations
- European Settlers' Political Struggles in the East Africa Protectorate, 1902-1912
- Annual Report of the Colonies, Kenya, 1925
- Biology of the Shortfinned Eel Anguilla Obscura in Lake Te Rotonui, Mitiaro, Cook Islands 1
- Geneva Conventions Act .Pdf
- Annual Report of the Colonies, Kenya, 1923
- A Culture of Commemoration in Kenya Colony, 1918-1930 by Timothy
- THE KENYA GAZETTE Hbhshed Under the Anthonty of Hisexcellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Remrcd As a Newspaper at the G P 0.) - 7701
- THE KENYA GAZETTE Publ~Shedunder the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Reg~Steredas a Newsvaper at the G P 0 1
- Annual Report of the Colonies, Kenya, 1922
- Missions and the Mediation of Modernity in Colonial Kenya
- Annual Report of the Colonies, East Africa Protectorate, Kenya, 1919-20
- Act, 1921. the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Order, 1963
- 'Good Forest' in Kenya, C.1890-1963
- Land and Labour in Kenya Under British Colonial Rule from 1888 to 1953
- 340 United Nations Treaty Series 1954-1955
- Whaling Industry (Regulation) Act (Newfoundland, Colonies, Protector- Ates and Mandated Territories) Order 1936