THE GAZETTE Publ~shedunder the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the and of Kenya (Reg~steredas a Newsvaper at the G P 0 1

I.LXIII-No. 32 , 11th July, 1961 Price Sh 1


GAZETTE NOTICES GALE~TENOTICES-(CO~~~ ) PAGE PAGF The Registiai~on ot Titles Ordinance-Issue of Pro- A ppolntments, eic 828 vis~onalCert~ficqte of Ownersn~p 835 The Keny~(Const~tut~on) Order m Councll- Vacancies 835-837 828 Declaration of Incapac~tyof Mgmbers Tenders Appointment of Temporary Members 828, 829 837, 840, 849 Declaration of Rebumed Capac~tyof Members 829,830 Unreg~stered Co-operatwe Soc~eties-Not~~eof W~nd~ng Actlng Governor-Surrender of Office 830 UP 837 T,le Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordinance- Colony and Protectorate of Kenya-Exchequer Return 838 Cessation of Temporary Powers 830, 831 I The Water Ordmance-Apphcations 839 Tlte Ci~ilServ~ce Commission Ord~n~n~e-Appomtment 811 Asiatlc W~dows and Orphans P~nsons Fund- Balance Sheet 839 Tlie Publ~cRoads and Roads of Access Oldinance- Appointment of Board, etc 83 1 Nalrobl Cost of Living Indices 840 The Cubtoms Dut~es (Dumping and Subs~dles) Act- The rraders Licensmg Ord~nance-Appomtments 831 Applicat~onfor Am-dumping Dut~eson Crown Corhs 840 The Education Ordmance-Appomtment 831 The h~t~veAuthority Ordinance-Appo~ntments 841 The Courts Ordmance-Appointment 83 1 L lquor Llcenmg 841 The Comb~nedCadet Forcc Regulations-Res~gnation 832 Probate and Adm~nistration 841,842 Thl. Publ~cHealth (Tents and Caravans S~tes)Rules- Revocat~on of Power of Attorney 847 f'ipphcation 832 Banki uptclez 843-845 Th. M~nistry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and The Companies Ordinance 845, 846 7Vater Resources-Scale of Charges 832 Tbt Trade Un~ons Ord~nance-Cessation of Existence 846 Thc Prevention of Cruelty to and Neglect of Children The Societ~esOidmance-Registrations, etc 846,847 Clrdmance-Appomntment 832 Loss of Policles 847 Thc Hosp~tal Treatment Rel~ef (Asian and Arab) Clty, Urban and D~str~~tCouncils Not~ces 848 Ordinance-Declarat~on of Hosp~tals Not~ce of Change of Name 849 The Regulation of Wages and Cond~t~onsoi Employ- ment Ordinance-Reappointment Dissolution of Partnershlpq 849 The Fraudulent Trander of Businesseb Ordinance 850 The Tea Ordinance-Membership of Board The Statist~cs Ordinance-Appointment of Aulhor~zed 0 fficers SUPPLEMENT No 50 The Crmnal Procedure Code-Appomtment Legrslattve Suppleineizt Losc of Tax Reserve Certificates LEGALNOTICE NO PAGF Ken Government Stocb 378-The Nakuru West Ru~al Dlst~ict Councll (L~ens~ngof Premlses and Trld~r~)By- East Afr~can Ra~lwaysand Harbours-Appomtment laws, 1961 609 H M Supreme Court at NairoblSummer Vacation 379-The 01 Kalou Urban and Rural D~strlct Counc~l(Build~ng) By laws, 1961 613 The Adm~ralty Police Ordnance-Appointments 380-The Agriculturql Appeals Tr~bunal(Procedure The Mlnlng Regulat~ons-Exply of L~cence on Appeals) Rules, 1961 625 381-The Customs Tariff (Remission) (No 3) Order, The Mm~ngOrd~nance-4rant1ng of L~cence 1961 63 1 Languages Exam~natlon-Results 382-The Public Officers (Change of T~tles)Ordm- ance, 1952-Amendment to Schedule 632 H M Supreme Court-Caust Lists 383-The Meru Dlstr~ctCurfew (No 9) Order, 1961 633 W M Supreme Court--Crtmmal Sessions 384-The Meru D~strlctCurfew (No 10) Order, 1961 634 H M Court of Appeal-Summer Vacation 385-The Meru D~str~ctCurfew (No 11) Order, 1961 635 11827 828 THE KENYA G AZE'I'TE 11th Juh , 1961

CORRIGEN DU M G AZETTL N GTICB N O 3294 G (LC 415 (11)) azette N otlce N o 1221 appearlng on page 799 ol tlle Kenya Gazette dated 4th July, 1961- SBrrING APART oF LAND - TI-IE xsxvx (cox sTITUTION) ORDER IN COLTNCIL In llne 1 of çtDtscrlptlon of land'' # jor 21. mlles read 1958 91. mlles (1, N 158 of 1q58) - . - . - sstx xuxw ox os IxcNyucla.v os coxs'nwusxcv M EMBER or THB GAzsrrs No'rrcs N o 3291 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL A PPOIN TM EN TS By H ls Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Com mander of the M ost Dlstm gulshed O rder of Salnt M lchael and JOHN BtAcx TEMPLER Cow AN , M B B , to act as D eputv Com Salnt G eorge, G overnor and Comm ander-ln-chlef of the rm ssloner of Pnsons wlth elect from 19th M ay, 1961 Colony and Protectorate of K enya M AURICB PHII-LIPS to act as Deputy Commlssloner of Prlsons IN EXERCISE of the powers conferled by subsectlon (1) of wlth efftct from 1st July, 1961 Sectlon 30 of the Kenya (Constltutton) Order m Councll, 1958, as amended, I do hereby declare tbat- REVERSION S cuvs W ILFRBO SALTER M ICHAEL LLEw BLLYN DIJNLAP ceased to act as Legal D raftsm an a Constltuenc) M em ber representlng the N alrobz W est Constl- w lth efftct from 1st July 1961 tuenc) ln the Leglslatl&e Counml, has, from the 3rd day of W ILFRID W ILLIAM LAW SON, B SC (CIVTL), A M I C E , A M 1 W E , Ju1) , 1961, been unable b) reason of absence te perform h1s A M I RHoo E , ceased to act as D 1v1SlOna1 Englneer Central functlens as quch M em ber Dlvlslon (South), M mlstry of W orks, Nalrobl, wlth efect G nen under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls from 1st Julv, 1961 5th day of July, 1961 JoHx BLACK 'IYMPLER COWAN, M B B , ceased to act as Deputy Com m lssloner of Prlsons wlth effect from 1st July, 1961 P M REN ISON , Goj ernor By Comm and of the G overnor

E N G RIFFITH-JON ES, QIAZETTE 'QOTICE '4O 3295 Actïng Càle/ Secretary (LC $15 (11)) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUN CIL, GAZET'I'B N OTICB N o 3292 1958 (Lc 4/5 (11)) (Z N 158 0/ 1958) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION ORDER IN COUNCIL, AzvolxTMbxr oF TEMN RARY M SMSER ov LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 1958 By H1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson K nlght Com m ander (L N 158 oj 1958) of the M ost D lstm gulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and D ECLARATION oF INCAPACITY OF C ONSTITUENCY M EM BER OF THE Salnt George G overnor and Conzmander-ln-chlef of the LBGISLATIVB Couxcqt, Colony and Protectorate of K enya By Hls Excellency Sir Patrlck M ulr Rem son, K m ght Comm ander W H EREA S thero ls a vacancy ln the num ber of persons of the M ost Dlstm gulshed Order of Samt M lchael and slttlng as M embers of the Legtslatlve Councll by reason of a Sam t George, G overnor and Comm ander-ln Chlef of the declaratlon of m capacity m resgeet of- Colony and Protectorate of K enya CI Ivs W ILFRED SAI-RER* IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred by subsection (1) of sectlon 30 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958 a Constltuencv M em ber of the Councll as amended, I do bereby declare that- In exerclse of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) of LAURENCE R OBERT M AcoxocHlE W El-w ooo sectlon 30A of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, as am ended, 1 do hereby appom t- a Constltuency M em ber representlng the W est K enya Constl tuency m the Leglslatlve Councll, has, from the 3rd day of July, D OM CHADH PIARAS REclls O'BEIR'NE

1961 .' been unable by reason of absence to perform hls functlons as such M em ber to be tem porarlly, wlth esect trom the 3rd day of July, 1961, a M em ber of the sald Counml Glvtn under my hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 5th dav of Julv, 1961 Glven under my hand and the publlc seal of Kenya thls 5th dqy of July, 1961 P M REN ISON Governo' P M REN ISON , Governor *G N 3294/61 GAZSTT, N orzcs N o 3293 (LC 4J5 (1129 GAZBTI', N ozqcs No 3296 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION ORDER IN COUNCIL, (LC 4/5 (11)) 1958 (L N 158 of 1958) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, AP/OINTMBNT oF TBMN RARY M EMBER op LEGISLATIVE COLINCIL 1958 By H1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M m r Rem son, K nlght Com m ander (L N 158 of 1958) of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and DECLARATION OF INCAPACITY OF CONSTITUENCY NTEMBER OF THE sam t George, Governor and Com mander-ln-chlef of the LEGISLATIVE C OUNCIL Colony and Protectorate of K enya W HEREAS there ls a vacancy In the number of persons By H 1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Comm ander slttm g as M embers of the Leglslatlve Councll by reason of a of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and Sam t G eorge, G overnor and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the declaratlon of m eapaclty m respect of- Colony and Protectorate of K enla Lxuu xc, ROBERT M Acoxocm E W etw oooe a Constttuency M ember of the Councll IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) of sectlon 30 of the Kenva (Constltutlon) Order m Councl), 1958 In exerctse of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) of as amtmded, I do hereby declare that- seetlon 30A of the Kenya (Constztutlon) Order ln Courlcll, 1958, as am ended, I do hereby appolnt- A NAN IPRASA.D JAGANNA.T'H PANDYA O w Alx G w vwszm A LLANSON W INN a Constltuency M ember representm g the M ombasa-tzwatonl to be tem poranlys wlth ecect from the 3rd day of July, 1961, a Constltuency ln the Leglslatlve Councll, has, from the 3rd day M ember of the sald Councll of July, 1961, been unable by reason of absence to perform hls functlons as such M em ber G lven under m y hand and the pubhc seal of K enya tlus 5th day of July, 1961 Gw en under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 5th day of July, 1961 P M REN ISON , G overnor P M REN ISON , *G N 3292/61 G overnor 1 1th July, 1961 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 829

GAzsa-rs NOTICB No 3297 G&ZBT'I'E NolqCE No 3300 (Lc 415 (19) (ZC 4/5 (11)) THE KENYA (CON STITU fION ORDER IN COUNCIL THE KENYA (CON STITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL 1958 1958 (L N 158 (Z N 158 of 1958) oj 1958) D BcLAR&TIox oe Rssubœo CAPACITY op Coxsrnn rsxcy M EMBSR XPPOINTMENI OF TEMPORARY M BMBER OF LEGISLATW E COUNCIL or THE j.E olstaAerlvs cotrxcjL Bv Hls Excellency Str Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Com maKder By Hls Excellency Slr Patrlck M ulr Renlson, Knllht Commander of the M ost Dlstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and of the M ost D zstlngmshed Order of Samt M lchael and Samt G:orge, G overnor and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the Salnt G eorge, G overnor and Com mander-m -chlef of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya C olony and Protectorate of K enya W H EREAS there ls a vaoancy m the number of persons W HEREAS by m qtrum ent under the publlc seal dated the lttmg as M fembers of the Leglslatlve Council by reason of a 21st day of June, 1961,* Jam es Sam uel Glchuru was declared (îeclaratlon of m capaczty m respect of-- by reason of absence to be unable to perform h1s functlons cts ANANTPMASAD JAGANNA'I'H PANDYA* a Constltuency M em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll Constltuency M em ber ef the Councll ln pursuance of tho provlszons of subsectlon (3) of sectlon 30A In exerclse of the powers conferrcd by sl'bbectlon (1) of of t14e Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll 1958, as amended s ctlon 30A of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order In Councll, 1958, l do hereby declare that the sald- aa amended, I do hereby appom t- JAMES SAMWEL G 1( HURU ISHw ARBHAI SHAM G SHAI TRIKAMSHKI PATEL ls agam able to perform hls sald functlons t() be tem porarlly, wlth ellect from the 3rd day of July, 1961 a The appolntment of Ellud Nluguna Kunat to be temporanly Ntem ber of tlte sald Councll a member of the sald Councll tck accordm gly termm ated wtttk efect from the 2nd day of July, 1961 Gxven under m y hand and tho publlc seal of K enya thls 5t h day of July, 1961 Gwen under m y hand and the pubhc seal of K enya thls P M R EN ISO N , 5th day of July 1961 G overnor P M REN ISON , *G N 3296/61 Governor J'G N 3084/61 I'G N 3085/61 G ' zsrrs Ntn zcs No 3298 (LC 4 / 5 (11)) CIAZBTTE 'éoTlcB 'ço 3301 (Lc 415 (11)) 'IHE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COIJNCIL, 1958 THE K ENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 (L N 158 o/ 1958) (L N 158 OJ 1958) DZCtARATION OF RESUMBD CAPACIW OF CONSTITUENCY M EMBER DBCLARATION oF RBsuMlm CAPACI-IY or CoNs-rl-rtœxcv M SMBER olz THE LEGISLATIVE Cot/xclt oF THB LEGISLATIVE Cotixclt. By H 1s Excellency S1r Patrfck M mr Renlson Km ght Com mander of the M ost D lstm gulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and By H ls Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Com mander Salnt G eorge, G overnor and Com m ander-m Clnef of the of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and Salnt George Governor and Comm ander m Chlef of the Colony and Protectorate of K fm ya Colony and Protectorate of K enya W HEREAS by m strument under the publlc seal dated the 19tlt day ot June, 1961 * Bernard M ate was declared, by reason W H EREAS by lnstrum ent under the publlc seal dated the of tbsence to be unable to perform hls functlons as a Constl 21st dety of June, 1961,7 K arlukl K aram a NJ11r1 was declared, by reason of absence to be unable to perform h1s functlons as tueltcy M em ber of the Leglslatl: e Councll t Conqtltuency M em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll Ilt pursuance of the provlmons of subsectlon (3) of sectlon 30A of tlae Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, as amended ln pursuance of the provlslons of subsectlon (3) of sectlon 30A I d() hereby declare that the sald- of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll, 1958, as amended l do 'hereby declare that the sald- BERXARD M ATB K ARZIJKI K ARANJA N JIIRI Is a'Iapn able to perform h1s sald functlons ls agaln able to perform hls sald functlons Tlle appomtment of Justus Klechat to be temporary à member of t le sald Counml ls accordlngly term lnated wlth elect from The appolntmeny of M ungal Njoroge# to be temporarlly a m em ber of the sald Councll ls accordlngly term lnated M lth the ,rd day of July, 1961 effect from the 2nd day of J'uly, 1961 G lven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 5tll tlay of July, 1961 G lven under m y hand and the pubhc seal of K enya thls P M REN ISON 5th day of July, 1961 G ovo rlo? P M REN ISON , G ove'ttor ':G N 3078/61 # G N 3079/61 ':G N 3086/61 J'G N 3087/61 GAZE n's N oaqcE N o 3299 (LC 4/5 (1128 GAzEr'rE NOTII;'S N o 3302 (LC 41 $ (11)) TH: KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 1958 (Z N 158 oj 1958) (L J/ 158 of 1958) DECL/ RATD N OF RESUMED G PACITY OP CONSTITUENCY M EMBER DECLARATION OF RESUMFD CAPACITY 0F CONSTITUENCY ACEMBER or THB LBGISLATIVE Covxcls op THB LEGISLATIVE CouwclL By H !: Excellency Slr Patrlck M ulr Rem son, K nlght Com m ander By H1s Excullency Slr Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K mght Comm ander ol the M ost Dlstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Samt M lchael and & lnt George, G overnor and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the Salnt G torge, G overnor and Com m ander-ln-chlef of fhe C Alony artd Protectorate of K enya Colony and Protectorate of K enya W H EREAS by lnstrum ent under the publlc seal dated the W H EREAS by lnstrum ent under the publlc seal dated the 19th tlay of June 1961 * M uslnde M ullro was declared, by 21st day of June, 1961,* Jullus Glkonyo K lano was dcclared reason of absence to be unable to perform hIs functlons as a by reason of absence to be unable to perform h1s functlons as Constll uency M em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll a Constltuency M em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll In parsuancw of the provtslons of subsectlon (3) of sectton 30A ln pursuance of the provlmons of subsection (3) of sectlon 30A of tho Kenya (Constztutlon) Order m Counml, 1958 as amended of the Kenya (Constjtutlon) Order m Councll, 1958, as amended I do 1' ereby deulare that tbe sald- l do hereby declare that the sald- M uslxos M ul-llto Jut.lus GIKONYO K IANO ls agallt able to perform hls sald functlons ls agaln able to perform hls sald functions n e tppomtment of Nlcodemuq Osukuku ! to be temporarlly Tht. appolntment of John Chege Kabogorot to be temporarlly a m em lner of the sald Councll ls accordlngly term lnated wlth a member of the sald Councll ls accordlngly term lnated wlth effect f om the 3rd day of July, 1961 effect from the 3rd day of July, 1961 G lver) under m y band and the publlc seal of K enya thls Glven under m: hand and the publlc seAl of K enya thls 5t11 day of July, 1961 5th day of Julv 1961 P M REN ISON P M RENISON , G ob c/ntn? G overno' IG N 3û80/61 ! G N 3681/61 'G N 3082/61 yG N 3083/61 830 TH B K BN Y A G AZR 11th July, 1961

GAZEI'TE NOTICE NO 7303 (LC 4l5 (11)) GAZETTE NO'rICE XG 3306 THE KENYA (CONSIMITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL (fr 4/ 15) , 1958 TylB Kswvzx tcoxsTlTuTloxl ORDER Ix COIJNCIL, (L N 158 of 1958) 1958 Dscl-zRàrrlox oF Rssuwfr,o CAPACI'IA ov C-oxszqrtmxm M SMBSR (A N 158 of 1958) os THE LEGISLATIVE C ouxfrlf- R DEcLxRxTlox op ResuMB,o CAPAI-IIV ov NATIONAL M BMBFR op v Hls Excellency Slr Patrlck M ulr Rtnlson, K nlght Comm tnder 'rHE t Eolsl ot the M ost D lstlngushed O rder of Sam t M lcbael tnd -Avw s CouxclL

salnt G eorge Governor and Com m ander-ln-chlef oi the l)y H ls Excellenc) Slr Patrlck M ulr Rentson, K nlght Com mander Colony and Proteûtorate of K enya of the M ost Dlstlngulshed Order of Samt M tchael and W H EREAS b) m strument under tiae publlc seal dqted tlae Salnt George, Govtrnor and Comm andtr ln-chltf Of tht 1 5th day of June, 1961 * Reglnald Stanley Alexander wqs CO1On) and Protectorato of K enya declared, by reason of absence to be unable to perform h1s W H ERE hs by lnstrum ent under tlle pubhc seal dated 21st functlons as a constltuency M em ber of the Iweglslatlse Councll J'une, 1961,* Fltzval Rem edlos Santana de Souza was declared, In pursuance of the provlslons of subsectson (3) of sectlon 30A by reason of absence to be unable to perform h1s functlons as of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, as anzended, d Xatlondl M ember of tlne Leglslatlve Councll I do hereby declare that the sald- In pursuance of the provslons of subsectlon (3) of stctlon 30A REGINAI-D SrANI-E/ ALBXANDER Of the Kenja (Ccmstltutlon) Order ln Councll 1958, as amended l do hereby declare that the sald-- js agalrl able to perfcrm hls sald functlons Fzlzvwl- R sylsolos SANTANA Ix sooza Tllc appolntm ent of Rlclaard D on t1d Croft W llcock'r to bt tcmpor-trlly a mem ber of the safd C'ouncll ls accordtrlgly term l C.g agam able to perform h1s sapd funztlons nated with efect frorn the 1st day ot July 1961 rhe appojntment of P1o Gama Plntot to be temporarlly a m em ber of the sald C ouncll ls accordlngly term lnated wlth Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls eguct from the 2nd day of July 1961 5th day of July, 1961 P M REN ISON , Glven under m y hand and tlae publlc seal of K enya thls Goj epnt?? 7th day of J'uly, 1961 Q.G N 2938/ 61 yG N 2939/61 P M RENISON G ovetlïo' GAZET'I'S xo-rlc,- xo 33:4 (z-c 4y$ (10) ' G N 3088/61 yG N 3089/61 THE KENY A (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCJL - - ' - 1958 (s zsvws x olacE N o 330-/ (z. v 158 of 1958)

Dsct-xltx-rlox oF RssuMeo CApwclTv os û'oxsxuw Excv M EMBEA R HE KEN YA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN ov 'rAIE Lscustaw vs couxcu COU NCIL, 1958 B yH1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, Knlgbt Commander CC A N O 15S 01 1958) of the M ost D'stlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael qnd Acvyxo clovsltxolt s .- -sultp.sxosR or Ossfcs alnt George, Governor and com m ander m cblef of the c'olony and Protectorate of K enva ON th( resum ptlon by tlle Governor of the functlons of h1s W Hli REAS by m strumenl under the publlc seal dated the OXCe w1th eiïect from the 3rd da) of July, 1961, and on 13th day of June 1961 * W ilfrld Bowe.n H avelock was declared Zotlficatltm thereof havlng been glven m accordance wlth sub- by reason of abse,nce to be unable to perform hls functlons as SCCt1On (3) Of Seetlon 4 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m a constltuency M embtr of tbe Leglslatlve Counml councll, 1958 Slr W alter Plem tng Coutts, c M G M B E , has ceased to perform the sald functlons In pursuance of the provlstons of subsectlon (3) of sectlou 30A of the Kenva (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll 1958, as amended joated tlus 3rd day of July 1961 I do hereby declare that the sald- , w lssRlo eowsx H xvscoclc w y' covr rs chte! secraur, ls agaln able to perform h1s smd f unctlons The appolntment ot Henry Rltclut Brldger c B E? T D j to be temporarlly a mem ber of the sald Counml zs accordlngly G azsrrs N orrcE No 3308 term/nated wlth elect from the 3rd day of July, 1961 (coNsr 1 /2 /21j G lven under my band and the publlc seal ot K enya thls TH E TRAx stnsR Ax o D :LEGATION or PGP ERS 5th day of July, 1961 O RD IN AN CB , 1955 P M REN ISON (No 31 of 1955) G ot ernol 'G N 2942/61 '!G N 2943 / 61 W IS hereby declared that the M lmster for Educatlon has returned to K enya and accordlngly tho dlrectlon glven under sectlon 2,: of the Transfer and Delegatlon of Powers Ordlnanct GAzB'r'fs NoTlcB No 3305 (LC 4/ 5 (11)) 1955,* m favour of the Actlng Chlef Secretary and dated the THE KENYA (CONSTITUIION) ORDi R IN COUNCIL 141h dav of June 1961, haq ceased lo have effeût from 3rd 1958 Juh , 1961

(L 2k 158 of 1958) o atoxtj ts,s 5t)) day of suly 1961 D BCLARATION OF RBSUMED C APACfTY ()F CONSTITUENCY M EMBER oF 'IMB LEGISLATINE COUNCIL F, N G RIFFITH -JON ES B y Hls Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Remson Kmght Commandel Acttng C/llE'/ SecretGl/ of the M ost Dlstmgulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and kG N 2941 /61 Sam t G eorge, Governor and Cem mander ln-chlef of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya - - - -- W H LREAS by m strum ent under the publlc seal dated 22nd G &ZFTTE NOTICE lQO 3309 June, 1961 w Jbrermah Nyagah was decfared by reason of (CONSD 1 /2/21 ) absenct to be unable to perform h1s functlons as a Constltuency M em ber of the Lcglslattve Councll THF TRAN SPER AN D D E LFG ATION OF POW ERS ln pursuance of the provlslons of subscctlon (3) of sectltm 30A ORDINANCE, 1955 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Counctl, 1958, as amended, (No 31 of 1955) l do hereby declare that the sald- IT IS heleby declared that the M lmster ior C om m erct J'ERSMIAI.I N YAGAU Ingustrv and Com m unjcatlons has returned to K enva, and ls agam able to perform h1s sald functlons accordln#l) the dlrectlon gnen under stctlon 2,: of the Transfer and D elegatlon of Powers O rdlnance, 1955 * ln fqvour of the rhe appojntment of Romano Glckun (u Nlumumo y to be v jyuster for Flnance and Development , and dated the 14th dav tem porarlly a m em ber of thc sqld C ouncll ls accordlngly lcrm l of yunt- j 961 laas ceased to ha: t esect from 3rd Jtpy, 1961 nated wlth effect from the 2nd day of July, 1961 Glven under my hand 'tnd the publlc seal of K enyq thls D êted tlnls 5th day of July, 1961 7th day of July 1961 P M REN ISON E N GR IFFITH -JON ES G(?î e/ /r(7l .'Y Cttng C/?36'1 SeCI 6'/f?? ' +Q èk 3076/61 ) G lk 3077/61

I 1 1th July, 1961 X H E K EN Y A G A ZET FE 831

GAZBT'I'E N o= (E N o 3310 G AZETTB N OTICE N O 3314 (CONST 1 /2/21) (RDSI?8l2j 'IH E TRAN SFER AN D D BLEGM ION OF POW FRS THE ROAD AU THO RITY ORD IN AN CE., 1950 ORDINANCE, 1955 (No 64 oj 1950) çNo 31 o/ 1955) Almolxw im'rs To THB RoAo AIJTHORITY 17 IS hereby declzred that the M znlster for Local G overn- IN EXf RCISE of the powers conferred by sectzon 3 of the m ent and Lands laas returned te K cnya and accordm gly the Road Authomty Ordm anoe, 1950, the Governor hereby am ends dlreçtion glvcn under secuon 2+ of fhe Transfer and D elegatton tlle Schedule to Gazetto N otlce N e 1813 of 1961 whlch of Powçrs Ordlnance, 1955,+ fn favour of tho M lnlster for appolnted by substltlltmg for paragraph 2 tbereof a new para- D efkmce, and dated the 13th June, 1961, has ceased to have graph as follows - esect from 3rd July, 1961 2 3 ho Perm anent Secretaly for Local G overnm ent and Lands (alternate mem bers the D eputy Secretary for Izocal Dated thls 5th dav of July, 1961 Governm ent or the Pnnczpal Local G overnm ent Flnance officel ) to represent the M lmster for Local Governm ent and F, GRIFFITH -JON ES Lands Acttng t-Wie/ secreiary MG N 2944/61 Dated thls 3rd day of July, 1961 By Com m and of $he G ovtrnor M M ULIRO GAZETTE N oTI( E N o 3311 LCONST 1 /2 /21) M lnïster jor Ctk-zzle? ce Industry and Ctpzzlzr/unlcc/itpn,ç

TRE IRAN SFF,R AN D DELEG ATION OF POW ERS ORD IN AN CE, 19$5 GAZET'IY No'rlcB No 3315 (No 31 oj 1955) TH f TRAD ERS LICEN SIN G ORD IN AN CE, 1951 13 IS htreby declared that tho M lnlster for H ea1th and Somal LNo 11 ol 1951) 'Nervlct,s has roturned to K enya, and at.cordm gly tho dlrectlon NIO OINTM BN'I'S I nen under se( tlon 2A. of the Transfor and D elegatlon of Powers (àrdtnant,e 1955,* ln Eavour of the M lnlster for Tourlsm Foreqts IN EXf RCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 2 of tlle ctnd W lld Llfe, and dated tlle 14th day of June, 1961 has Traders Llcensing Ordlnanct,, 1951 the appolntm ens'k of- ceased to havo elfect from 3rd July, 1961 Alfled Butler, John G raham Phllllps, D ated thls 5th day of July, 1961 Jerom e Gfenovvvo de Souza Lewls W llham Ray W akd ord, E N G RIFFITH JON ES, Cyrll Edward Stanley, Acttng C'/lle/ Secïetary Am balal Shlvabhal M lstrl V nayakrav Tgllxàbha! Am ln, *G N 2947/61 Jashbhal M agçtnbhal Am ln. as I lcensm g O ëce'rs for the purposes of the aforesajd Ordm ance are hereby cancelled G NZBTTE N o'rlcB N o 3312 T ZW 314) By Cöm m and of the G overnör TI-IE CIVIL SERW CE CO M M ISSION ORDINAN CE, 1954 D ated thls 6th day of July, 1961 M M D LIRO (No 62 o! 1954) M mtsté ? jor Ctp?a??7c?c'e, Industry czltf Communlcatkons APPo1NR'MExr op 'IYMPDRARY M EMBER 'hGclvernment Notlces 1252 /50, 1240/51 and 1476/53 , Gazette f N EXFRCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (5) of Nctlces 2440/58, 2439/58 and 1215/60 sectlon 3 of the C1&11 Selvlce Com m lsslon Ordlnance, 1954, the G cvernor hereby appom ts- CIAZETTF lqoTlcn l;o 3316 KENNETH 1 EGG<'I.'I- HUNTER, () B P, * (# 38/5/4) to 1?e a tem porary m cm ber of the C1v11 Servlce Com m lssjon from 29t11 July to 31st Decem ber, 1961, m cluqlve TH ê ED U CA TION ORD IN A NCF, 1952 (No 58 o! 1952) 12 ated thls 7th dqy of Julv, 1961 APBOINTMBNT OF M FMBER C)F IHF K W ALE D ISTRICT EDUCATION BOARD B / Com m and of the G overqor IN EXERCISE of the powers confçrred by sectlon 36 of E G RIFFITH -JON ES, the Edgcatlon Orllnanco, the M lnlster 1or Educatlon hereby appom tq- Actlttg C/IIc/ Secretaîy PETER 'Ikosu s Pococx, EsQ *G 14 1447/61 to be a m em ber of the K walg D lstrlct Educatlon Board ln place of Kenneth A rthur John Yerrlll, Fsq ,* who has reslgned G Azl TTF N oaqœ N o 3313 D ated thls 5th day of July, 1961 R N GALA, rHE PU BLIC ROAD S AN D ROAD S OF A CCESS M mtbterlorEducahon ORD IN AN CE *G N 4415/59 T ap 229) XPPOINTMENT OF M EMBERS OF THf K WALB D ISTRICT ROAD BOARD CIAZETTP TfOTICE A;o 3317 (J & .!' 13/ 1 /2 /111) IN EXI RCISB of the powers ccmferred by sectlon 3 of the Publll Roads and Roads of Access Orfhnance the M mlsfer TH L COU RTS ORDIN AN CE for t omm erct., Industry and Com m unlcatlolls has appomted (Cap 3) the f ollowlng to be m em bçrs of the K wale D lstnct Road Board fol a term of two years from the 1st dav of M ay, ATPOINTMENT c)l7 Ex Ol7FICTo M AGISTRATE To A H IGHFR 1961 - SIJSORDINA.U C OURT T le D lstnct Com m lsslonir, K w ale IN EX ERCISE of tlle powers conterred by sectlon 3 of the Courts Ordmênce, the G overnor, after consultlng the Chlef Tlle D lvlslonal Englneer, M lnlstry of W orks, Coast D ivlslon Jusflce, hbreby appomts- Tlle Iuwah, G azl JEREMY D Avm 1.ux'x M H E Carrlck, P O U kund z who ls a m aglstrate by vlrtue of hls office of D lstrlct Oë cer K wale D lstrlct, to hold l subordlnate court of the second clasq M @ Jafïer tl1 Lalpl, P O G am ln the sald dlstnct for so long as he 1q; servmg as Dlstrlct Oë t-er M Sam uel M wangclo, seçretary, A fncan D lstnct Councll, ln that dfstclct 2: O K wale Dated tlus 8th day of July, 1961 D atell thls 3rd day of July, 1961 By Com m and of the G ovornol M M ULIRO, A M 17 W BBB. M lnlster l/r Commerce Industry c/ltf Communuattons Temporary M l??/â'/dv 1or fzcgt?l Afiazrs 832 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 11th July, 1961

Gm rrB N on cs N o 3318 GAZBT'U N oerlcœ No 3322 (DLF 30/ 12/6 J5) (27/264 'êB''/77) I'HE KENYA REGIM ENT (TERRITORIAL FORCE) rHE HOSPITAL TREATM ENT RELIEP IM IAN AND ORD INAN CE ARAB) ORDINANCB, 1959 (Cap 89) (No 57 oj 1959) TH E COM BIN ED CADET FORCE REGU LATION S, 1951 (N LX ERC 1SE of the powtrs conferred by sectlon 2 of the (G N 649 0/ 1951) Hospltal Tredtment Rehef (Aslan alld Arab) Ordlnatlct, 1959, the Aslan and Arab H ospltal F'utzd Authonty, m th tht, approval RESIGNATION of the M llllster for 1-10 1th artd Soclal Afalrs, hereby declares thdt tbe hosmtals nam ed m the lirst column of the Schedule IN EXERCB E of the powers conferred by regulatlon 7 hereto shall be hospltctls for tbe purposes of the Ordlnance m th of the Com bm ed G det Forco Regulatlons, 1951, the G overnor effect from 1st Januarà , 1960 The Gdzette N otlces nam ed ln the here'by accepts, wlth ellect from 1st July, 1961. the reszgna- second collzm n of the ScllM ult are hereby vaned accordmgly tlon of - CAPTAIN 1. PAcxwtxm ': Scc otms Dated thls 30th day of June, 1961 Ftrst Column Second Colum n By Cornmand of ttle Governor A1l G overnm ent general and m fectlous A C C SW AN N, dlseases hospltals M lmster jor Delence The Aga K han Jublleo H ospltal, N alrobl *G N 115/54 n e Somal Servlce Leaguk Group Hos- G N 308/60 pltal, N alrobl The Aga K han H ospltal, M om basa GAZETTE NoTfœ NG 3319 The Pdndya M em onal Cltluc, M ombasa (12/138, Vo1 11/96) n o Nalrobl Nursmg Home, Nalrobl ) Tlle Radmnt Hea1th f llmc, N alrobl t (;. x a145/6: TH E PUBLIC H EALXH ORDINAN CE (Ccp 130) TbNe adl'rloabnlet Mlranda'' Matermty Home,J The C M 8 M aseno H osm tal, P O THE PUBI IC HEALTH (TENTS AND CARAVANS SI'fESI M astno RU LLS, 1960 The P C E A Hospltal, P O K lkuyu IN E'XERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 1 of T'he P C E A H ospltal, Tum lztum u, P O the above Rules, the M lnlster for H ea1th and Socml Afalrs Karatlna G N 247$/60 hereby dtrtcts that tlw Pubhc Hea1th (Tents and Cazavan The P C E A H ospltal, P O Chogorla Nltes) Rules, 1960 (L N 128 of 1960), shall apply to the under- The Bere*sford M em onal H osm tal, M aua, m entzoned area - P O M eru The A I M K apsowdr H ospltal, P 0 n e whole of the adm lmsàatlve area of tho County Councll Eldoret of N alrobl Tbe Ideal N urslng H ome, Nalrobl Dated thls 3rd ddy of Jub , 1961 Tbe Allce Beaton Nurslng and Con- valcscent Home, N alrobl G x 2741 /6c B M ATE, T'l)e Sunnse H ospTtal, K ltale M tnïster /or HeaIth 4,1t:/ Sooal X/-/cir,q The Lady Grjgq M m umpal M aternlty H ospltal, M om basa Tbe Aga KhRn's Dlspensary and) GAzr'l'rs N o'rza N o 3370 M aternlty Hom e, Klsumu G x ?!g()/6c (PLAN TIFIN) Dr Vlbhakar's M attrm ty and N ursmg @ THE M INISTRY OF AG RICU LTURE, AN IM AL Hom e, M ombasa J K endu M lsston H ospltal, P O Kendu HUSBAN D RY AN D W ATER RESOU RCD Bay G N 3492/60 scxt,s otz CHARCES K qlolelu C M S Hospltal, P O M anakanl IT Is hereby notlsed for pubhc lnform atlon that the scale of charges set out m tho Schedule hereto lm s been approved ne Ccaotnhsoohlact aH Hosopslptaltla, lN, Nkuybean ) G x 4165/60 ln respvct of the lssue of leglzm e nodule bacterla The Frlends Hospltal, Kalmosl G N 4647/60 Sczllm rl s 'f'he Coast Nurslng and M aterntty Home, G N 6150/60 M om basa The charge,s for the supply of legum e nodule bacterml cultures dre as follows - Sh S M AK RAM , l7or one bottle of culture 25 Chakrman For one tube of eulture 5 Asm n and A rab H ospltal Fund .e4;f/ât)?;/>' A pphcatlons shculd state the klnd and quarltlty of seed to D ated thls 7th day of Jttly, 1961 be treœted BERN ARD M ATE, D ated thls 4th day of July. 1961 M tmster /or HeaIth cn# Soclal X#a;rJ M ICHAEL BLU N DELL, M tmster 1or A v culture, A ntmal S /go crlffry and W ater R esources çiAzslœs 'koTlcs l:o 3323

TH E REGU LATION OB W AG ES AN D CON D ITION S OF (IAZETTB 'lotlc? lfo 3321 EM PLOY M EN T ORDIN AN CE, 1951 (12/142/148) (No 1 oj 1951) TH E PREVEN TION OF CRU ELW TO Ar N EG LECT REAPN INTMENT og A M EMBER oB THB W AGES A DVISORY BOARD OF CH ILDREN O RD IN AN CE, 1955 (No 12 0/ 1955) IN E XERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) of sectlon 4 of the Regulatlon of W ages and Condltlons of Lm ploy A'POINTMENT DF APPROR D OFFICER m ent Ordm anct, 1951 , the Governor m Cotm cil of M lm sters hereby reappom ts- IN I-X BRCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 11 of the Proventyon of Cruelty to and N eglect of Cluldren Grdlnance, 7r.1.: H GN SIR PHILIB Roclplts, c B s , M L c 1955, the Cluld W elfare Soclety of Kenya, bemg an approved to be t member of the W ages Advlsory Board as a representa- soclety and wlth the approval of the M lmster for H ealth and twe of em plo) ers for a furtber perlt)d of three J ears from 20th Noclal Asatrs, hereby appom ts- Aprll 1961 M Rs ANNIB Foxox D ated thls 3rd day of July, 1961 to be an approved oëcer for the purpese ot the smd Ordlnance D ated thls 3rd day of July, 1961 By C om m and of tho G overnor m Cotm cll of M lm sters B M AW , R P, LU YT, M lntster for Health and Ko cml Agakrs Sectetary to the Counctl // M tmsten 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET I'B :33

GAD 'I'I'E N o'ncs N o 3324 Gâzsrrs N on cE N o 3323 (TFa4/#D /2/11O THB TEA ORDINANCE THE TAX RESERVE CERTIFICATES ORDINANCE, 1954 , 1960 fN fNo 61 oj 1960) o 19 oi 1955) M EMBERSHIP OF TJIE W A BOARD YOSS OF CBRTIW CATES IT 18 hereby noté ed for general m form atlon that the m em - IN PU RSUAN CE of the prowslons of regglatlcn 13 of the bership of the Tea Boald ls a: follows - Tax Reservo Certlfkates (Amendment No 2) Regulatfons, 1957, (* Ti. olzector notlce ls isereby gwen tlmt the undermentlonecl certlficat- has ( b) ''l''l:e followmg m embers representm g llcensees m the bcen 10St and that a dupllcate of such cel-tzfkates wtll be lssued

sch- ulell Axeas - after the explrauon of 3: days from tho date of thts nothco - Alan Frankland aeakbane. c s E TaX Reserve Certlficates N os 9799 and 10178 dated 9th slr colm cam obell, s'r , 'M c M ay, 1960, and 7tIz lune, 1960, rtspectlvely, for fl() each, Roland Arthur- G race hcld by M r Pder Davjd M oss Arthur H ope-zones, r M o L D A BARON m chard Boycott M agor A , Jolm Tnstram W llson ctkng Perm anent Secretary to the Trtrclury Peter Bdwards W ngbt The Treasurn (c) n e followmg members representmg llcensees ln the Non- P O Bo< 30007, Nalrob, Scheduled Areas - - - ' - ' ------m chard arap K oezch owzsy,j.s x oa s x o 3329 Onesm tts M ucem t Jackson K am au IIZ N VA S OVERN M EX T 4 .) pp,R CENT q'rocK, 1961/71 1* 'IT'hrea dfeo llAowsslongct amtloemn ber appomted by the East M ncan T:a Iv ys announcod for general m form atlon that the total am ount J - of the above-m entloned stock lteld on the Local Reglster on olm N eale Keeçh 1st July , 1961, wgs as follows - (e) 'fhe followlng member appoltlted by the Spemlal Crops D evelopm ent A uthonty - ru q 'spq 1ya z;t

D ouglas Jnhn Penwzll, D s o 'I'H B I'REASIJRY, Ilated thls 51h day of July, 1961 P O Box 3e 7 N akrobt R J M SW YN NERTON , Permanent secretary pr Agrtculture Anîmal GAZBR'I'B No'ncE No 3330 H usbandry and W ater Rpâpzlret.v EAST APRICA HIGH COM M ISSION 3.). PFR CENT STOCK, 1968/70 GAaB'I'I.E N oTzt E N o 3325 POR the purpose of propanng tlle paym ents of m terost due on 1st Septem ber, 1961, tbe balances of the soveral TH E SIW TISTICS O RD INAN CE, 1961 accounts ln the Local Rfeglster of tlw above stovk m ll be (No 4 0/ 1961) Struck on the evenmg of 1st August, 1961, after whlch date A the stock wlll bo transferable ex dwldend PPOINTMENT ()P AUTHORIZED OFFICFRS 1l1 EXYRCISB of the powers conferred by subsectlon (2) of R P HUM PHREY, sectmn 3 of the Sfatlstlcs Ordlnanco, 1961, fhe Admg Dlrector c/lle/ Accountant of lconomlcs and Statlstlcs, m th the approval of the M mlster Nalrobl, East zl/r/ctza Posts and Telecommuntcatlons for l m ance and D evelopm ent, hereby appolnts all oï cers m the 16th Tune, 1961 Admlnlstratton Ecor omlcs and Statlstws Dwjslon of the Treasury of the rank Of S' tllor Economlst/statlstlclan > Economlst/statlstlctan :Execu- - ' ' '' ' - - -' ' - -' ' - tzve lAflit-er, clencal and analogous stal to be Authorzzed Oëcers Gxa a s x on cs No 3331 for t 'le ptr oses of the Statlqtlcs Ordm km ce, 1961 Dated thls 6th day of zuly, 1961 FAST AFRICAN RAILW M S AN D H A RBOURS Yd 17 GILBOY , Appojxvsfsx'r xxo RBva slox Actkng Dlrecftv o! Economtcs f/rltf Statfçtïvs K ENNSTIT RI( HARD LUNNON EVAN' F A C c A , M I lNT AIm , . - ...... - . . . - -.. - -.. Re&enuo Accountant, to be Actlng Asskstant Cluof Accountant G AZEIA N oxqcs N o 3326 Wltll L'CCCt from 27th Jurtey 1961 (5246/2/ 1) W ALTSR Fimovsox, t7 A c c A , A c w A , Actlng Açststant Chlef Accoum ant, revorted to h1s substantlve rank of Expendlture 'I''HE CRIM INAL PROCEDU RL COD E A ccountant m th efect from 27th June, 1961 (CcP 27) A G M ACK AY , N OINTMENT ol Ptzsz-lc PRosscua'oR G eneral M cntu cr IN EXBRCISE of the power conferred by subsectlon (1) of sectlon 85 of tho Cnm lnal Procedtlre Cole the Attorney-Gene) al ' - - hereby gppomts- cu z H -srrs x owcxs N o 3332 UMPHREY H OLME M AINPRICE a Legal Asslstant m the Departmeat of tho Rcglstrar-General, IN H ER M M ESW 'S SUPREM E COU RT OF KEN YA to be t publlo prnsecgtor for tlle Colony for a1l cases arslng AT N AIROBI under phe Com pam % Ordm ance, wh1lst lmldmg oK ce as afore- Sa1d SUMMER VACATION ELSEWHBRE THAN AT M OMBASA D atefl thls 6th day of Juj y 1961 TH E Summ er Vaçatton wjll com m ence on Tuesday, the 1st . A M y? w cBB day of A ugust, 1961, and m 11 term lnate on Prlday, the 15th Acttng Get,etal dv 0f Septem bx, 1961 azlfforrlcy'- D urlng the vacatlon the trlal of crmurml cases wtll proceed ag tlsual and a Judge wl.ll bte avmlable to hear urêent cm l GAZBTTI N o'rlcB N o 3327 m atters allm ltled to heanng upon apphcation m ade m accord- ance wltll the Rule,s of Court W acatlon Rules), 1932 (Govern- THE 3 .AX RESBRVL CERTIFICATES ORDINANCE, 1955 ment Notlco No 1356 of 1952) (No 19 0/ 1955) 'l'ho oflkes of the Supreme Court w11l ja e opoyj to the pubhc Iwoss olz CERTjFICATB from 8 45 a m to 12 noon on all week-days other than pubhc IN W rRSU NNCE of the provlszons of regulatlon 13 of the holldays Tax Res rve Certlhcates (Amendment No 2) Regulatlons, t957, notlce ls hereby glven that the underm entloned certlicate has 'l''hd Sem or Resldent M amsfrates and Resldent M aglstrato been losï and that a duphcate of such certtEcate w1ll be lssued at N alrobl, N akuru, N yen, N arlyuka, Thom son's Falls, Eldoret, K lsum u, Kcrlcho, Klsm Thlka, N awasha, K jambu, M achakos after the explratlon of 30 days from tho date of thls notlce - and Kltale wtll hear cnm m al cases as usual Tax Reaserve Certltkate N o 5547 dated 24th Pebruary, 1959, held bn K lm unyu Edate Llm lted 7and havlng a current value Urgent cîvll matters or those m whwh advocates are not of 1,2$(1 eagaged may alqo bo Ileard when convenlent L D A BARON , A ctm g 'erzz?crl4w/ Secreta'y to the Treasuty, D M H ORN BY, I'he Treasury N alrebl, R eglstrar, P O Box 30007, N atrobt 1st July, 1961 H M Supl eme Court t# Kenya 834 rH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 11th July, 1961

G &zeri's N olqcE No 3333 GAD TI'S N olqcB No 3335 (DL'F 35/61 /1) TH E M IN ING ORD IN AN CE rH E AD M IRALTY POLICE O RD INAN CE, 1960 (Cap 168) (Ntz 55 oj 1960) Excl-usw B PROSPBC-TING LltE:EwcF N o 145 A PPOINTM ENI OF O FFICERS rO THE FORCI IT IS hereby notlfie.d that the apphcatlon m ade by Jobannes IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) Jurgtns Davles for an excluswe prospectm g llcence, notlce of of sectlon 3 of the Adm lralty Pollce Ordm ance, 1960, tho whlch appllcatlon was glven m Gazotte N ottce N o 2067 of 22nd N aval Com m ander-m -chlef, under the dlrectlons of the A pnl 1961, has been granted m th effect from 1st July, 1961 Adm îralty, hereby appom ts the oëcers nam ed ln the Schedule and therefore, by vlrtue of sectlon 1 fto of the M lnmg Ordln- hereto to be om cers of the. Porco wlth ecect from 1st July, ance, tlw sald Johannes J'tugons D avlts ls the only person 1961 entltled to prospect ln the area deascnbed ln the Schedule to ScHsoutE thls notlce from that date, and for tho term of tho llctnco Harold Fox (to be ollker-m-charge) (on secondment from the Tbe sqld G azette N otme N o 2067 of 22nd A prll, 1961, 's Kenya Pollce) herebv c àncelled Jam% Garloch Yestombe Baldwln (to be deputy to the omcer- SCHBDUZ.B Jn-chargo) t0n sotondment lrom the Kenya Pollce) All area of approxzm ately 2 4 square m lles slttlated m the Om ar M oham ed Om ar Nyanokne M akowgo N orthern Frontlor Dlstnct of tho N orthern Provm ce, the Satd M oharned M uhashamy M Magauchl Abdallah boundanes whereof- Ahm ed Abdul Rehram Boko Saltm u com mence at a polnt qhtch ls on a bearlng of 132 degreûs N athan N Jam cs W anlala Odonge and at a dlstance of approxlm ately 700 yards from the trlgono- Balblr Cbander Bald Odtpo Owltl m etrtcal beacon on BOJI , Benjam m Olouth M usloka M utletu M M ustasa K om oll H Sawaya thtnce genorally wtsterly along the Shafa Dm ka-chandlers M usyoka s) o M utwetl M atonyl K lnyuqgu Falls road for a dlstanci of approxlm ately 2,295 yards to a K lbelenge M ull M unttzo Ooko polnt , Usaru M bare M wmyi M loga thtnce on a bearm : of 40 degrees f or a dlqtance of approxl- James Allo s Io Ngogo Opada Ogongo m ately 4,420 yards to a polnt , M wanlya N dumba Ochleng Nyadlbo Jam es Tala M wanza M atuld thtnce on a bearm g of 130 degrees for a dustance of approxl- D aud K aunango K asem a Chrlstopher W akala m atel) 1,870 ) ards to a poltzt , M udham l K ltih M wlnp H am lsl thtnce on a bedrmg of 220 degrees for a dlstance of approxt Tola Jola Chalo M ltau m atolv 3 400 yards to the polnt of com m encem ent Aenea Oluang Ougo Kathukl M athuva Ituve K anyasla Odluam bo Odera D ated tlus 3rd day of July, 1961 W llson Olayo M uganda H abll Ldward Odem g Odlog! Akeh Karzsa s /0 M ware CH ARLES H ARVEY, Gllbran M kw u M warangl Benson Bolsa s fo N vanpe kbr Commïsstoner (M tnes tz/l# Geoloqy) Alphas Tettl K lbula M usyokt M oham ed M twatunza N azmo N orm an M unyokl Km ym p Kltheka M ungutl M gom a G AZEA'TB N on cE No 3336 A rttlgonl Ruvunga W ere Olele (t#J/ 10/6/15) M astm ba Opwora M wendwa M unyasm N tongnrz K ztut? M latlya M Dllo LAN G UAG PS EX AM IN ATION Rldhlwanl K aslm u M htl M uokl Slglsm undus M arwa K llungttsz W ambua TH E followm g results aro notl ed for general 1nf orm atltm Nzenge Chulu M aluql lkm hu G lrlgom Chacba Charo K ombe STANDARD t UYIA VBRNACUI AR LXAMINM ION M alukl K lsulkl Thmglnl K abuthu (Pasv Orcr Partq N uhu Ibrahlm F'rancls Okwara Onyango N zlcc,'.- K ebarl N yamburl ChogM t M alko John Robert Obalo M atham bo Nguza M donza M utua K anungu M attbo W lrlstone Tam bo M uttsl STANDARD A4ASAI VBRNACULAR CXAMINATION M mslll Kltvu Lawrent Onduru fpass J'FlJffcr/ Part w/f/; D;JfIFlc/I@#l) Saros K Engm eer M alom be N dlvo M tnlstrv tJ/ -,d1 bnlcultu'e Ammal H usbandry and llQ/e? Odeny Oswere K amala K letl R esourcew- N zamblla M wangl M usem bl N dula John Jassla Ikum bl Rapbael Odlpo Omllo D C D oyle K alum e M wanza M ugoto Sebela R A M EIRKB'IVI , Odawa lblro Johana Cherl Ohulo N alrobl Secretary K adenge K ondq 1st July, 1961 Lqngutqes Xtacltf Dated tlus 29th day of June, 1961 A A T ITZROY TALBOT, GAZPTTS N tm cs No 3337 Retv a4#??If?J? LLAN 10/1 /1) Naval Commander-ln-chlel LAN GU AG L BXAM IN ATION S THE follom ng results are notzed for general mform atlon - G'ztzezqs Novn No 3334 PRELIMINARY SWAHILI ORAL EXAM INATION THE M INING REGUI ATIONS (Pa3s) (Cap 168, Subndtaty Z6',&l.WtzfJt/zll M lm stry oj Xcçrlczflt/zre Legai Department- .d./7I??IJ/ Ilusbqndty J?;# G C G ould EXFIRY oF Excf-trsn E PROSPECI-ING LICENC'E W ater R esources- NOTICE ls hereby glven, m accordance wltlt tegulatlon 32 (2) .1 C 1. Falcao M lnfstrv ()/ Ilealth tt/ld Soctql of the M lnlng Regulatlons, that the follom ng excluslve prospect- Algaly/ry oj fWlptp/ic,n- AFalts- 1ng hcence has explred - T C D Solzza Anvert Tan M oham ed D censee .-f hlnswood Graphltt Llm lted M lss G Jhlte J M Fornandes M lss J àsmlnder K Sum al M lss L Keltle N o - 127 Poltce- M lss G Re1th Arec - 21 square mlles (approxlmatelv) J F M endes M lss N Eldershaw Localtt.v - N orthern Provm ce jbqftnkbtry t)/ Inlormatton and M lss H Glbson Broadcastlng- M lss M J M cM qth M knerals - N on-preclous m lnerals P S Nlbber Satwant Singh Date oj c'rplrv -30th June 1961 (The ground covered by thls excluslve prospectlng llcence STANDARD SW AHILI EXZMINATION shall not be open to prospectlng or the poggmg of locatlons Lpass 01 al #J? tonlyj untll the com pletlon of a perlod of 30 days from the date M tnfîtr'fl t?/ Health and Socml Polïce- of explry ) ,,4/ltrz.v.- D W ltten G azette N ottee N o 621 of 2nd February, 1957, ls cancelled G W Roblnson tf/Tolclcl- p-lth efïcct from 30th June, 1961 Pllsons- H J Cotter Y A!o Shelkb Rev P Schellert Dated thls 3rd ddy of July, 1961 R A M BIRK EW , Ior Cbmrrlm lcpCneHr A(RMLtnEeSs HanAdR VGLeoYl,otyj Nalrobl, Secrettuy. 6th July, 1961 Languages B oatd 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN YA G A ZEU E $35 iZAZBTTE N OTICE No 3338 GAZETTE N OTICE N o 3342 IN H FR M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA IN H YR M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COU RT OB K EN YA AT NA KU RU A T K ISII C SUPRF'ME Cotm'r CRIMTNAI- ssssloxs AT K rslz, 18,rz.I Jtrsy, 1961 RIMjXAI- CAtlsE Lls'r N o 134/61 Reglna vuç M lalanya s Jo Apunde and two others Bejore tke ,à.ftp?7oI??c>2e M r Justtce #l' H Goudle M c No 141 /61 Reglna v.î Elms Owuor M onday, 24th July, 1961, at 9 30 a m X0 144/61 Reglna v.ç Alaka s/o Onuko and two others

For Plea Kasum u, c v Boyt-E, Cl C N o 49/61 Reglna v.ç Klpsang arap Klpkeyo 5th July, 1961 Deputy Aekwxfrtzr A A K N ELLER, N zkuru, D lstru t Reglstral GAZBTTE N oaqcs N o 3343 6th July, 1961 N aku'u H M COU RT OF APPEAL FOR EASTERN APRICA SIJMMER VACATION 1961 G kzE'ru N ollcB N o 3339 THE Sum mer Vacatlon wl11 com m ence on the 29th day of July, 1961, and will term lnate on the 26th day of August, 1961, IN HER M AJESTY'S COURT Ol' APPEAL b0th days Incluslve FOR EASTERN AFRICA AT N AIROBI D urlng the V acatlon the Central Reglstry of tho Court w1ll C be open from 9 a m to 12 noon on a1l weekdays except Publlc xtpsE Lls'r H oljdays (D''P O A Judge wlll bu llz attendance for the dlsposal of any urgent Tuasdav, 11th July, 1961 at 10 30 a m buslness jr'ol Healkng C';VIJ Appeals (from Kenyq) Nalrobl, M D DLSAI No 63/60 The Servlce Garage Ltd vâ' Ramnlklal Gulabclland 5th July, 1961 Assoclate Re.wy//tw

SanghN l . W tdnesday, 12t11 July, 1961, at 10 30 a m G N AZETTE NOTICE N o 3344 o 66IWj Jaceralll and Sons Ltd v,% The W arehousm g Forwardlng Com pany of East Afrlca Ltd THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ORD IN AN CE Thllrsday and Frtday, 13th and 14th July, 1961, at 10 30 a m Lcap 160, sectlon 72) No 75/60 Bertle Emmanuel M arcel Petlt vl Yvonne Gqbrlel NVHEREAS Blhlnd: bjntl M wmyl Fakl, deceased, late of Tonnet M om basa la the Protectorate of K enya was registeretl durmg No 9/61 Thomas James Arthur v.ç Nyerl Electrlclty Under- her llfetlme as proprletor of the followlng - taklng (Sublect to any part-heard m atter ) (1) Aj! tjjat plece or parcel of land sltuated m M om basa N M unlclpallty (Island) known as Plot No 264, Sectlon 1I, alrobl, M D DESAI by wrtue of a Certlflcate of Ownershlp N o 7021 reglstered 7 h July, 1961 Assoctate Aekwx/zc? m the coast Reglstry as No C R 7828 / 1 ,

- - . - - - (2) A1l that pteco or parcel of land sltuated m M ombasa M unlclpallty M alnland N orth known as Plot N o 359, GAZSTTS N olqcB N o 3340 Sectlon VI by vlrtue of a Certlficate of Owncrshlp N o 3621, reglstered ln the Coast Reglstry as No IN HER M AJFSTY'S COU RT OF APPEAL C R 2323/1 EASTERN AFRICA AT N AIROBI (3) An that plece or parcel of land sltuated In M om basa C M utuclpallty M alrtland South known as Plot N o 83, àtpsE LIST Sectlon 11 by vlrtue of t Certé cate of Ownershm (D13 11j No 3621, reglstcred m the Coast Reglstry as No Tueqday, 11th July 1961, at 10 30 a m C R 4041 / 1 F A nd whereas sum clent evldence by M wana H awa blntl M wlnyl N t , Hearlng C'IyJ/ Appeal Jaka and Athm an b1n Klbwana, the admm lstrators of her estate, o '5/ 61 Partbhat Vlsram G ovlnd M eghll and another 1 < H on has been adduced to show that tho sald Certlficates of Owner- e Attorney G eneral of K enya Colony shlp have been lost notlce ls hereby glven that after the exp ra W edaesday, 12th July, 1961 at 10 a m tlon of 90 days from the date ot the publlcatlon of thls notlce For S elpln.g Clv)J Appeal (zdlppllctz/ltpzl) proylslonal Certliicates of Ownerqhlp m l1 bo Issued by me pro- No 2/60 M rs Lachabal M urlldhar vç Radhakrlshen M Vlded that no obpctlorls have been rectlved wlthln that perlod K humanoy M ombasa C G W REN NCH , Thur 'day, 13th July 1961 at 10 30 a m 5th July, 1961 Reglstro ()/ Dtles Ft?' H eartng Ckvl/ Appeal . . - - . - No :9/60 M lnnehaha Natural Sprlngs Ltd 1 â Kenya Clown Seals Ltd (Part-heard ) GAZETTE NOTICB NO 3345 (In Chambersj VACANCIES IN LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Frlda f', 14th July, 1961, at 9 30 a m DEPARTMENT FOR V LRBATIM REPORTERS AND REP ORTER Fo, Hearlng Ctvll Appeal (Appllcattonj (frotn Aden) Asslsu xrs (A(mfo TNlyrsTsl Ne 43/61 HaJ lbrahlm M ohqmed Saeed 1..ç Alhal Othman APPLICATIONS are lnvlted for the followlng posts K atd Sallam , and should be subm ltted to the Clcrk, Leglslatlve Councll, P O fn I-louî t at 10 30 a n; Box 1842, N alrobl, before 19th July, 1961 N For Heailng Clvrf Appeal Palantypnts o 7 l /60 Sm Ram Kaura v.ç M ervyn J E M organ S alary scale (74- 3 :855 to f 1,089 A GREEM ENT or xalrotu, M o DEsA l, TEM PORARY 7th July, 1961 Assoclate JèEwrçfpt?l Candldates m ust have reportjng speeds of 160 to 190 wolds per m lnute and a typlng speed of 60 to 70 words per m lnute R eporters G AZETrB NOTICE No 3341 S alary scale (75- 4 f 687 to f 933 AGREEM EN T or Ix H ER M AJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL TCM PORARY 17OR EASTERN AFRICA AT N AIRO BI Candldates m ust have shorthand speeds of 120 words per m lnute and typlng speeds of 50 words per m lnute CAusE Lls'r Repo' /c? 4sskstants (Audto-typuts) Thurstlav, 20th July, 1961, at 10 30 a m Salary scale (2& -.5 f 633 to f 780 A GREEM EN T or For r:fetpzng Cïvtl Appeal (from St Helena) I'EM PORARY N o 3 /61 Lena R 5m 1th v,s Joseph Sh!el-Smlth Candldates should be capable of typlng speeds of 50 to 70 F'nday 21st July, 1961, at 1() 30 a m words per m lnute and be prepared to learn to transcrlbe palan- For bReadkng CI$ tl Xpp/lct7/ltln (from Kenya) type notes No Nztl 22/61 Shah M erag Dharamsht &.ç Vrallal rtnd Co successful appllcants wlll be expected to work untll 9 or 10 p m on three nlghts a week whetl Counml ls szttm g An even- Nazrobl, M D D ESAI, 1ng meal wlll be provlded and equlvalent tlme olf w111 bo p ven 7th Iuly, 1961 Assoclate Reglstrar ln the m ornlngs or overtlm e pald 836 TH E K EN Y A G A ZBT T'E 11th July, 1961

GAM TTE NOTICE N 0 3346 G AZETTE NOTICE N O 3147 VACAN CIES IN THB SERVICB OF TH E K EN YA VACAN CY IN TH E SERVICE OF THE K ENYA GOVERN M ENT G OVERN M ENT CIvIL SBRVIG CoMMIssIoN CIvIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPLICATION S are lnvlted for the followlng posts and m ust Senlor 'f/cfe?lnft? v Reseqrch Omcer- Department 0/ Veterlnary be submltted to the Secretary, Cm l Servlce Comm lsslon, P O 5+ vlces Box 30095, N atrobl, to reach h1m by 1st August, 1961 Clvll Salarv scale f 1 839 to f 1,989 selwants m ust subnut thelr appllcatlons on form CSC 2w, m trm llcate, sevon days before the closm g date to heads of depart- TH E Csvll Servlcc Com mlsslcm w111 shortly be conslderlng tlle ments Other appllcattons to be subm ltted on form CSC 2, In Elllng of a post of Senlor Vetennary Research Oë cer The trlpllcate, obtalnable from the Secretary Com m lsslon wlll revlew the field of ehglble olcers m the D epartm ent of Veterlnary Servlccs for appom tm ent to the post *survey 4&sutant Glade lll- Foreat D epartment but any oflkers who wlsh tholr nam es to be brought sptclEcally to the attentlen of the Com m lsslon should so lnform the Secre- Salary scale f416 8: to :597 PEN SION ABLE or AG REE- tary to the Clvll Servlce Com mlsslon, P O Box 30095, N alrobl, M EN T by letter (submltted through the head of their department) con- tam lng a statem ent of qualllicatlons and experlence, to reach Candldates m ttst have had a certlfied bmslc tram lng ln land lum by 1st A ugust, 1961 surveym g and m ust be prepared to travel extenswely

*pharmaclzt- M tnlstry 0/ Health GAZBTTB ifoTlcs llo 3348 salary scale f747 to f 1,440 PEN SION ABLE or A GREE- (PSCI GI 105 /03) M EN T VACAN CIES IN TH E TAN G AN YIK A CIVIL SERV ICE Candldates m ust be m em bers of the Pharm aceutlcal Soclety wlth ablltty to take charge of a busy pharm acy and control Pusclc SBR: 1cE COMMISSION and traln zum or stal APPLICATION S are m vlted for the followlng posts m the *lmboratory Technologtst- bepartment oj Agrtculture Tanganylka Cm l Sorvlce - Salary scale f 6S7 to f 1,170 AG REEM EN T Ptesk OFcer Injormatton Sentces Dtvlston Prlme M lmster's Candldates should possess a degree or m mvalent m botany O#3t'e (Tw/ Vacancles) (Penslonable :)) Contratttj or blology and appropnate expenence would be advantageous Salary scale - The salary of the post ys f 1,800 fixed n e post ls at the Plant Pathology Sectlon of the Plant Breed- Ellgtbtltty - preference w1ll be glven ln the first m stance to 1ng statlon, Nloro, where accom m odatlon ls avallable candldates who are servm g oë cers of the Tanganylka Clvll Servzce, then to other Afncan candldates and then to other *zatzu/f/fm cm Investîgtm on Accountant- R egistrar-G enelal s resldents of the Terntory D epartm ent Qualtfcatlons - Expenence ln Journallsm lncludmg general Salal'y scale f 747 to f 1,254 PEN SION ABLE or A G REE- reportlng, feature wntlng and sub-edltmg js essentlal K now- M EN T ledge of general publlc relatlons work would be an advantage Ablllty for qm ck, accurate work and for superwslon and tultlon Candldates should be fully expenenced m com m erclal account- of subordm ate staff ls destrable Age 1111111 25-45 It ls m - m g and audltmg and have a detatled knowledgo of m solvency tended to post one of the successfttl candldates to the Pollce and com pany law and procedure Ablhty to prepare dlstnlmtlon Force and preference w111 be glven to an apphcant who, m addl- accounts jn m solvency cases and expenence of Snvestlgatlon of tlon to the above quahlicatlons has expenence of pubhc rela- cascs of fraudulent accountm g ls essentlal tlons work m a Pollce Force and who has a general knowledge of Pollce work *operatlons OFcer- Alr/sz Alrpo t D uhes - To asslst ln the expanslon of the Governm ent's new Salary scale :972 to f 1,440 PENSION A BLE or AGREE- servlces for Iocal and overseas Press, Radlo and W lre agencles , M EN T productlen of Press releases and feature m aterlal coverlng every aspect of Governm ent actlnty and pollcy M annmg news desk Candldates m ust have a good general knowledge of avla- and deallng wlth Press m qlzlnes Llalson w1th G overnm ent tton m atters preferably wlth recent flylng experlence as an alr- departments and orgam zatlons of Press faclhtles To work crew m ember A knowledge of alrport adm tm stratlon would be closely wlth local Tramlng Grade Ol cers as part of tmtlon an advantage The selected candldate m ay have to work shlft scheme The Pollce Press Oëcer wl11 be requlred to deal wlth dutle,s exhlbltlon work, house m agazlnes, preparahon of radlo talks and tram lng Pohce Other Ranks m publlc relatlons dutles sztssfstant Cffcllllr.y Surveyor-sbnkstry oj W orks Salary scale f 747 to f 1,254 AG REBM ENT Press Asststant Prlrlllng and Statlonery Prlme M knlster's OFce (Twg Vacanctes) (Penstonable or Contractj Candldates m ust have passed the m term edlate examlnatlon of the Royal Instatutlon of Chartered Surveyors wlth live years' Salary scale - Tbe baslc salary scale ts the E4--3 scale, 1 t , expenenee ln a chartered quantlty surveyor's oflke Candldates :187 10 by f10 10 to :208 10 by f13 10 to f262 10 f290 5 by must be prepared to serve anywhere m K enya f 13 10 to f 330 15 by f 14 5 to :345 by f21 to f 366 per annum Elqtblty --preference wll1 be glven ln the Erst m stance to *stajj Surveyors- survey ol Kenya candldates who are servmg oë cers of the Tanganytka Clvll Servlce, then to other Afrlcan candldates and then to other Salary scale f 798 to f 1,791 on A GREEM EN T, or up to :150 resldents of the Terntory a m onth on H M PORARY tenns Qualthcattons - Apphcant.s must have passed the Cnmbndge Candldates m ttst be fully qualltied and experlenced pro- Overseas School Certz cate Examlnatlon They should be below fesslonal Iand surveyors, prepared to serve anywhere m Kenya 23 years of age and m ust ha&e an lnterest ln and aptttude for the prm tlng trade sExecutwe öFccr Hotel Accommodatton- M mtstry 0/ Tou'lsm Duttes mclude mechanlcal type settlng m slngle types (M ono- k'orests and W lld Zl/e type) or type-settlng m llnes of typo (Intertype) The selected Salary scale f 687 to f 1,170 PENSIONABLE or A GREE- candldates B111 be requlred to sen e for a penod of not less M EN T than two years on probatlon dunng wlnch they w11l be glven Candldates m ust be of Cam brldge School Certttkate standard the necessary lnltlal tram mg It ls llkely that sm table Press of educatlon prefcrably wtth at least 'Iive years' com m erclal Asslstants w111 subsequently be selected for overseas tralnm g experlence of hotel and caterlng D utles Include lnspectlon of wlth a vlew to quahfylng for evtntual prom otlon to the posts hotels under the H otels Ordlnance, dealm g m th the publlc and or M onotype or lntertype m echam cs conductmg correspondonce Inspector of W orks (Genepcfl Communtcatlons, Power and l'Ftlr/c.ç (Three F/cfzzlcled'l (Pensmnable or Contractj sectfon Ogccr- M lnlsfy'.v oj Commerce, Jntlzl.v/r;z antl Comm unlcattons . Salary scale .- l'he baslc salary scale of the post pald to oë cers on local terms ls the C4- 3 scale, f 825 by f 33 to :924 Salary scale f 687 to f 1,011 PEN SION ABLE f 960 by f 36 to f 1,068 per annum Candldates m ust be G overnm ent servants wlth a sound know- If the successful candldates are ellglble for overseas terms ledge and expenenco of u tabllsllm ent work, and ablhty to and are accepted by the Secretary of State, they wl1l be control stas and conduct correspondence K nowledge of leave appolnted on the scale f 1,287 by f 48 to f 1,479 f I ,527 by and passages would be an ad&antage f 48 to f 1,671 per annum Ellgtbtty - preference wtll be given m the srst lnstance to candldates who are servlng oë cers of the Tanganytka Cw ll *lnerem ental credlt m ay be alloped to new entrants to the Servlce, then to other Afncan candldates and then to other servlce m veqpect of qualtfk atlons and expemence resldents of the Terntory 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 837

VAcANc1Es IN TANGANYII..A ClvlL SfmvlcE--ttb altf ) D uttes - b orm al for Resldent M aglstrate.s A Resldent Qualthcatkons - Xppllcants must have served an apprentlce- M aglstrate has Jurlsdlctlon wltlun tho provlnce to whlclz he ls shlp m one of the m aln bulldlng trades wlth expenmnce of poqte.d and lt ls therefore necessqry for hIm to undertake a good constructlon and m amtenanco of bm ldmgs and anclllary works deal of travelhng The word x#lteszdent ' should therefore not be to tlle standard norm ally reachud by a general foreman of m terpreted hterally He m ust be prepared to servo m any M orks, and b: quallfed to perform the dutlc's set out below provmce m the Termtory Seleded candldates, ln the first M ust have had expenence of both dzrect labour and also of m stance, m ll be reqmred to work wlth reduced Junsdlctlon superwslon of contractors and som e knowledge of roadways alongslde one or naore Resldent M aglstrates of expenence for and dram age or water supply ls advantageous Should preferably one year , aold a Natlonal Certllicate Terms oj servlce - Except m the case of posts whtch are only D utfes - preparatlon of ebtlmates >supervlslon of constructlon offered on contract terrns, M hcan candldates who are not nd /or mamtenance works by contract or dlrect labour Control m ore than 40 ye,ars of age m ay be ofered appom tm ent on of expendlture on dlrect labour works The oëcer appolnted probatlon to tile perm anent and penslonable servlco O ther rlay m due course be posted ln chargc of small statlons where candldate,s not already on penslonable term s w1l1 norm any be tikey wlll be responslble for bulldmr , roads and water supply offerH appolntm ent on contract An oë cer appolnted on contm ct on overseas term s ls mven D ental Technlclan M m ix/r.y o.f Health z???1 Labout (Tx o overseas leave and passage prm leges and on satlsfactory com - Ftzctpncleâ) Lpenstonable or Contractj pletlon of hzs contract recmves a gratttlty equal to 25 per cent

jc/tzz.)z scale - The baslc salary scale ls the C5- 3 scale, I e of the total salary pald to h1m under the contract f.6 '4 by f27 to :732, f 825 by f33 to f924 f966 by f36 to An oë cer appomted on contract on local torms zs gwen :1,068 per annum annual leave and local travel pnvlleges and on satlsfactory com- lmlkglbtlty - prcference m ll be gwen m the frst m stance to plotlon of his contract recmvcvs a gratmty equal to 13.1. per cent candldates who are servlng oë cers of 1he Tanganylka Clvll of the total salaor patd to hzm under the contract Se1 vlce then to other A frlcan candldateç and then to other Free m edlcal attentjon and llmlted houslng grlvlleges are resldents of the Terrltory glven Qualklications - Experlence m a1l branches of Dental M eeha- mus 1s essentlal for one post Apphcants should preterably be M ethod tp/ zjppllcatlon holders of the Clty and G m lds ' Cel-tlficate It ls lntended Appllcatlons shoald be sent to the Prm clpal Secretary, Publlc to post one of the successful candldates to undertake the Senqce Com m lsslon, P O Box 9143, D ar es Salaam , to arnve Tralnlng of Afrlcan students ln theoretlcal and practlcal Dental not later than 31st July, 1961 M eclnanlcs The candldate for thls post should have had not An appllcatlon from a servlng om cer m ust be sent through less l han five veal s approved expenencc m cludlng teacblng the approprlate Permanent A cretary, accom pamed by a com - experlence, but expenence ln al1 br lnches of Dental M echanlcs ls not essentlal pleted Personal Record Form (P/2) A11 other appllcatlons should be on the form PSC 1 coples D ut'ea - practtcal Dental M echanlcs and for the second poqt of whlch can be obtam ed from the Publlc Servlce Com m ls- the dutles wlll, ln addltlon, m clude the tralnlng of Afrlcan slons of Tanganpka, Uganda and the East Afnca Hlgh Com - studen s m theoretlcal and practlcaf Dental M echanlcs m lsslon, N alrobl Terms 0/ Se vlce Except m the case of posts whlch are only olered on contract terms, Afnm'm candldates who are not more than 40 years of (IAZETTB 'foTlcB l:o 3350 age ma : be osered appom tment on probatmn to the purmanent and peltslonable servlce Other candldates not already on pen- M IN ISTRY OF TOU RISM , FORESTS AN D W ILD LIFE slonable terms w1l1 norm ally be olered appmntm ent on contract COMBRETUM 'IYNDBR- K wALB DISTRICT- TSNDER N o'ric'E An olEcer appom ted on contract on overseas term s ls glven overseas leave and passage prlvlleges arfd' on satlsfactory com - TH E, Forest Departm ent mvltes tenders for the rlght to fell pletlon ('f hls contract recelves a gratulty equal to 25 per cent and utlhze 10f) trees of Combretum J'càlzrzltzzul (M kongolo) m the of the total salary pald to hlm under the contract Shlm ba H llls Forest Reaserve The trees, ,1l four feet and upward m prth, are num bered An of lcer appolnted on contract on local term s 1q; gwen 101 to 200 and for tender purposes form two lots, 101 to 150 annual lezve and local travel pnvlleges and on satlsfactory com - and 151 to 200 Tenderers m ll be requlred to st.ate the prlce pletlon ol hls contract recelves a gratmty equal to 13J per cent tlzey are prepared to pay for each lot of trees Tendercrs are not of the total salary pald to h1m under the contr 1ct obhged to tender for b0th lots The prlce tendered ts for tllr Free m zdlcal attentlon and lzmtted houslng prlvlleges are standlng trees and no allowances m ll be glven for defeds gtven after fellm g M ethod t?/ Appltcahon n e final date for the acceptance of tenders ls 3rd August Apphcat ons should be sent to tho Prlncmal Secretary, Publlc 1961, and tender forms mvmg the ccmdltlons of tendor and Servlce Commlsslon, P O Box 9143, Dar es Salaam, to arnve detalis of the hcence to be zqsued m ay be obtalned from the not later tllan 7th Auguwt 1961 Secretary Revenue Tender Board, M lmstry of Tounsm Forests An apph' atlon from a servlng oëcer m ust be sent through and W lld Llfe, P O Box 30027, N alrobl, or the D lvlslonal the appropllate Perm anent Secretary, accom panled by a com- Forest Olhcer P O Box 78, M om basa pleted Perscnal Record Form (.P/2) Al1 other appllcatlons should be on the form PSC 1, coples of whlch calt be obtalned from the Pubhc Seruce Comm lsslons G Azsrrs N on cB No 3351 of Tanganytl a, U ganda and the East Afnca Hlgh Com mlsslon Nalrobz U N REG ISTERED CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES Nol lcE olr W INDING U P GAZF,'I'TE N oT CE N o 3349 IT IS hereb) netllied for pubhc lnform atm n that the asalrs ot the unreglstered co-operatlve socletles scheduled below are (PSCIG l 105/03) belng wound up by the C- operatlve Officer, K lam bu VACANCIES IN THE TAN GAN YIK A CIVIL SERV ICE Any tntereested party, belng elther a credltor or a sharo helder, should submlt detalls of hls or her clalm or xntero t Ptmt,lc SsRvlcs CoMMlsslox to the Cowoperatlve Oëctr, K mm bu, at P O Box 159, K lam bu, APPLICATION S are m vlted for the followlng post m the not later than 31st July, 1961, after whlch date the Co-opera- Tanganpka Cn 11 Servlce - tlve Ol cer w1l1 proceed to dlstnbute the assets of the socletlt's ln aceordance wlth dlrechons gwen by the Comm tssloner for Rendent M agfstrate Judlctary (Two Vacanctes) C o-operatlve D evelopm ent (Pen-etpntzb/e or Contractj SCHEDULB Salary scale --'l'he baslc salary scale of the post pald to 'lëeers on local term s ls the A3- 1 scale, 1 e E870 f945 lcacln W om en Poultry K eepers 'y f 39 to E1 û23 by f45 to E1,068 by f48 to E1,308 , f 1,359 G atam ayu Farm ers 'y f51 to f 1,41t) by â54 to E1 518 by f56 to :1,574 by f54 W est G lthungun Farmers 1 :1,628 per anqtlm East G lthungurl Fnrm ers K pam bururu Farm ers If the successflll candidate ls ellglble for overseas term s and G ltharuru W om en Peultry K eepcrs accepted by thz Secretary of State, he w1l1 be appolnted on e scale f1,428 f 1 491 by f63 to f 1 ,680 by f66 to 11,812 K lm unyu W om en Poultry K eepers f69 to f 1,881 by f 72 to :2,025 f2,097 by f75 to f2,172 N dum berl W om en Poultry K eepers f 78 to :2 328 by f60 to f2,448 per anntlm N yandum a and Gatam ayu Farm ers Larl Plg Breeders Jual@cattons - 7andldateq must be ehglble for admlsqlon to Roll of Ad: ocat% under sectlon 8 (1) of the Advocates J E W EST, llnance (Cap 311) and mttst have had a mmlmt'im of one for I F M erlyn Dames r s approved professlonal expetlence slnce aeqm rm g the Nalrobl, Aalng Commustoner lor Co-operattve Pepel/pmewr esslonal qm lltk atlon 1st zvly, 1961 P (7 Box 811, N atrobk 838 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET I'E 11th July, 1961


Cttrront Year Prevlous Yea.r 1st July, 1960 to 1st July, 1959 to 30th Juno, 1961 30th June, 1960 R ECEI/TS- ' ' '' ' ordtnary Reyenue- f. f Custom s and Bxclse 12,758,125* 14,322.740 Incom e Tax 9,860,595 10,450,900 Graduated Personal Tax 1,775,000 1,962,250 Stam p Dutl es, Vamous Revonue Purposes 530,957 658,510 Other Llcences, Dutles and Taxes 2,042,889 1,985,594 M lscellaneous 80,200 103,133 Land R evenues 595,515 441,643 Forest and G am e Revenue 231,330 247,900 Interest * 625,093 447,371 Redom ptlon 338,751 137,727 n nes and Forfejtures 354,163 303,983 TOTAL OROINARY REVENIM X 29,192,618 31,061,751 O ther R eeelpts- Extra Exohoquer Recespts 650,970 760,420 Unspent Balances Surrendem d 26,480 - Grant by H M G overnm ent towards Em ergency Expendlture - 800,000 Loan by H M G overnm ent tow ards Em ergency Expendhturm - 800,000 G rant-ln-Ald by H M Government 2,750,000 - Gr>nt by H M G overnm ent- overseas Servlçe A1d Schem e 1,547,500 - 6iX Kenya Stock, 1965 919,625 TOTAL REcEle'rs 35,087,193 33,422:171 ISSUES..- Supply Servlces 34,696,269 11,649 474 Transfor to D ovelopm ent E xchequer - 1,000,000 Consolldated FI/?;# Seryîces - Redemptlon of 4 X Stock, 1960/61 853,445 Advance to Clvll Contm genmes Fund 175,000 -

T OTA.L Issuss 35,724,714 32,649,474 StmeLcs ( +) oR DEEICIT (-.) (-) 637,521 (+) 772,697


1st July , 1960 to 1st July, 1959 to 30th Juno, 1961 30th June, 1960 RBcEIeTs- f f From Recelvers of R ovenue 2,667,505 3,243,278 Extra Exchequer Recelpts 1,407 873,165 U nspent Balance of W orks Deposlts - 135 U nspent Balances Surrendered 10,579 831 K epy a Savlngs Bonds (Flrst lssue) 2,770 129,065 6)7X K Keennyay aS Stotockck, 1969/71 - 502,500 s 1980/83 301,000 1,2* ,250 U K Bxchequer Loan 5,330,000 3,000,000 I B R D Loan 393,505 - Transfer from Exchequer - 1,000,000 TO-I'AL REcBlpTs 8,706,766 9,993,224 Issuss- Devdopment Servlces 9,602,663 9,400,709 Stmesus ( +) ozt DEFICIT (-) (-) 895 897 ( +) 5924515


1st Ju1 y, 1960 to 1st July, 1959 to 30th Juno, 1961 30th Juno, 1960 f f RECBIPTS 915,900 952,145 SURRENDEII.: 1,002,980 988,850 SURPLUS (+) olt Delqcl'r (-) (-) 87,080 (-) 36,705

SHORT TE> BoRRowm os

1st Ju1 y, 1960 to 1st July, 1959 to 30tlz June, 1961 30th June, 1960 REc1!lpTs-- f f Jomt Consohdated Pund 5,139,000 3,034,000 G reals and Sugar n nanco Corporatton 9 580,520 7,638,200 Treasury m lls 2,500.000 - Others 907,150 17,000 TOTAL RvcmB'rs 18,126,678 18,6%9,2% Isstms- - Jom t Consolzdated Pund 5,139,000 3,034,000 Cereals and Sugar Flnance Corporatlon 9696,320 7,522,400 Treasury Bllls 2,500,000 ...- Others 919,150 5,000 TOTAL lssues 18,254,470 10,561,400 Suu sta ( +) ox Dsylcl'r (--) (-) 127,800 (+) 127,800 *Actual R= lpts were :13,188,125 of whclï f422,6%0 llas be,en refundeö to lile Customs Depamtment on account of an oe rpayment m 19597 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETT'E 839

SUMMARY Surplus (+) or Surplus ( +) or Delklt (-) for Surplus ( +) or Detklt (-) as at tlw penod 1-7-60 Defclt (-) as at 30-6-60 to 30-6-61 30-6-61 f f L Exchequer ( +) 1,922,163 (-) 637,521 ( +) 1,284,642 Development ( -) 3, 9 68 , 1 1 1 ( - ) 8 95,89 f'ax Reserve Certlticates ( +) 1,220,390 (-) 87.4,,(7) j -.j.) 4j. ,8j 6, 4, ,j 0j (8) d'hort Term Borrowlngs ( +) 127,800 (-) 127,800 - (-) 697,758 (-) 1,748,298 (- ) 2,446,056

R he Treasury, Nalrobi 3rd July, 1961

(IAZETTB èfoTlcE llo 3353 TH E W ATER ORDIN AN CE, 1951 N . N am e and D lstrlct ) Rlvor and L R No Quantjty ln Gallons por Day FNloormd aFll owr Use h frlcan Distrlct Councll, Em bu Rupjngazl N atlve 10,100 N orm al Domestlc use R os Dr I and M rs E M ann, M achakos Stony Athl, 10426 2 000 ln additlon to Supple- Flood Domestlc uso m ent N o 1 Llcenco N o 7 J K W Htckman, Uasin Glshu Klbebot, 4862/2 5 ,5* N ormal Domestio use Storage basln for 7 ft water Flood Conservatlon of flood ;ow N yando Catchm ent W ater Assocla- Alnam otwa and Trl- A11 avallable F'lood General lrngatlon of sugar tlon, K oru to M lwam N yando butarles, K oru M i cano wanl N yando C Anservator of Forests, N andl K amobo Trlb of 200 N orm al Domestlc use Klmondo S/Nandl 3,500 Flood M lnor lrrlgatlon - Forest Res W elr 2 feet ln helght M cssrs Barry s H otel, Lalklpla U aso N aro k y6585 10 000 Flood M lnor Irngatlon N tkuru East Rural D lstrjct Council, Subukia 9274 3,000 N ormal Publlc use Nakuru 30,000 Normal j Power purposes 100% return- G F Cameron Haden, Molo Trlb of Mau Stream, 3,750 Normal I D lmb tluc uso 531/28, 531/42 20,000 Flood General lrrlgatlon To r ep laco am ounts authonzed undor P 3696 Kpcharoba Estate, Klambu Kaml tl ,128/2 50,000 Flood General Irrlgatlon Frznk N leld, Kltale Trlb M achewa, 5368 2,500 N orm al D om estlc use 6932 200 Blood M lnor lrrlgauon 15,000 Flood Industrlalpurposes 8oozâreturn- These am ounts to replace S 204 able E D Sllen, Tora Est Ltd , Thlka Kom o, 9936 40,000 Flood lndustrlal purposes

Publlcatlon zs m ade of the above appllcatlons for dlvorslons of water, plans of whlch m ay be seen at the M lnlstry of W orks, N ajrobl, or a.t the otlicc of the Local W ater Balllff concerned Oblectlons statlng speclfc grounds therefor should be filed ln tnpllcate wltb the W ater A pportlonm ent Board, P O Box 30043 N alrobl, wlthla 30 days from the publlcatlon of thls notlce Partles who wtsh to appear porsonally boforo tho W ator Apportlonm znt Board should znform the Secretary glvm g grounds ln wrltlng R M OORE Lawfuay Authorkzed zgent


f s cts f s cts W 1t ows' and Orphans' Penslons 11,392 19 14 Personal Contmbutlons 485 10 05 Governm ent D eficlency Contrlbuttons 10,907 9 09 f 11,392 19 14 f 11,392 19 14


LIABILITIES 7kssBTs f s c?: f s cts f s cts f s cts SIJNIARY CaEolToRs- SIJNDRY D BBToRs- W tdows and O rphans' Penslons 2,265 17 63 Personal Contnbutzons 67 19 62 m funds of Contnbutlons under K enya G overnm ent- D efclency Drdm ance N o 16 of 1958 34 1 05 Contrlbutlon 2,242 15 73 0 ! er rem lttanco of Personal Con 2,310 15 35 lrlbutlons 10 16 67 2 31G 15 35 f 2 310 15 35 f 2,310 15 35

N o'n - The accum ulated delimency as at 31st Decem be r, 1959, was f4 9 ,125-10-13, to whlch should be added the deficlency for 196 0 .am ount- 1ngto f10 907-9-09 resultlng ln a total deliclincy of f60 032-19-22 0Y thls amount f 57 790-3-49 haq already been rllmbursed by the Kelya Govlrnment tmder Sectton 35 of tlle Asltttc Wldows' aad. Orphans Penllons Ordlnance, leavmg a balanco of :2,242-15-73 due from the G overnm ent 15t4 A pnl, 1961 L D A BA R ON , Deputy secretary to the rreasurv I have examlned the above Incom e and Expendlture Acuotlnt and Balance Sheet ln accordançe wlth the provlslons of the Aslatlc W zdows' and Orphans Penslons Ordlnanoe (Cap 74) I have obtalned al1 the lnformatlon and explanatlons that l have requlred and 1 certlfy, as the result of m y autht, that the abovo Account and Balanoe Sheet are corlect N a2l9rto11b. lQay, 1961 C C W HODGES, ontroller and Audttor-Gencral

/ 840 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 1 1th July, 1961

G AZBTTE N oTlcs N o 3220 G AZETTB No'rla 'No 3289 LLND 9 / 1 /3/ 18) THE EAST ABRICAN IN DU STRIAL LICEN SING THE TRU ST LAN D ORD IN AN CE ORD IN AN CE, 1953 (Cap 155) Lsectlon 8) Psors FoR PETROL AND SERVICE STATIONS- KITUI TOWNSHIP APPLICATION FGR THE G RANT OP AN INDUSTRIAL LICENCE APPLICATION S are mvlted for the plots ln K ltm Townshlp IN A CCORD AN CE wlth the provlslons of soctlon 8 of the descrlbed ln the Schedule hereto Any further Inform atlon re- East Afncan lndustnal Llcenslng Ordlnance, 1953: lt ls hereby qm red should be obtalned from the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, notlfed for general Inform atlon that an appllcatlon dated 26th K ltul M ay, 1961, has been recelved from Leslle and Anderson (East Afnca) Ltd , P O Box 150, M embasa, on behalf of Natlonal 2 A ppllcatlons m wntlng m ust reach the Dlstnct Com - Textlle M llls Ltd , ln form atfon, for the grant of an lndustrlal mlssloner K ltul not later than noon on 21st July, 1961 Llcence te manufacture for jale and to erect, estabhsh and 3 Any appllcant to whom a plot ls olered shall pay to the operate a factory for the m anufacture for sale of cotton and Dlstnct Com mzssloner, K ltul, wlthln 14 days of belng requlred synthetlc or nuxtd varns and plece goods so to do the stand prcm lum , the proportlonate rent for the Inltmlly productlon would conslst of the weavlng of rayon current year and the conveyanclng and reglstratlon fees and yarns mto glngham s, troplcal checks, m ushns and klkoys hlther- stam p duty as shown ln the Schedule hereto to lm ported for sale by the apphcants 4 The grants wl11 bo m ade under the Trust Land Ordm ance Any person havlng a ûnanclal m tertst m the East Afrlcan for a term of 33 years from the first day of the m onth follow- terrltones wllo clalm s that, m respect of any lndustry, comm erce mg the offer of the plot and wlll contaln the speclal condl- or trade, m whlch he ls concerned, he ys hable to be m lurlously tlons set out below aflkcted by the grantm g of thls appllcatlon m ay, not later than 30 days from the date of the Iast publlcatlon of thls notlce, Speclal Condltmns &/ Grant lodge wlth the Reglstrar an olNkectlon and shall serve a copy thereof on the appllcant A ny oblectlon so m ade m ust be 1 The grantee shall com plete the erectlon of approved bulld- m wntm g and m ust set out the grounds upon whlch the obpctor Ings on the land wlthm 18 m onths of the comm encem ent of the clalm s that he ls llable to be lnlunously asected by the grantlng term of such appllcatlon An oblectlon m ust be certlfied to the 2 The erectlon of bulldlngs shall not be com m enced untll effect that a copy thereof has been served on the apphcant plans (mdudmg block plans showlng the positlons of the bulldlngs and a system of dralnage for dlsposm g of sewage, W D M ARTIN EAU , surfacc and sullage water), drawlngs, elevatlons and specl:ca- N alrobl, Regtztrar tlons thereof have been approved m wntm g by the D lstnct 30th J'tm e, 1961 P O Box 30019 Natrob, Com m lssloner and by any authorlty whose approval ls reqmred by law Such plans, drawm gs, elevatlons and speclfcatlons shall be subm ltted for approval ln dupllcate GAZETTB N OTICE N o 3355 3 The grantee shall m alntam the bmldlngs and the dralnage system m good repalr and condltlon to the satlsfactlon of the N A IROBI COST OF LIVIN G IND ICES D lstrlct C om m lssloner GSNERAL Cos'r olz LIVING Iwosx (ExcLuoING RENTI, NAIROBI 4 N cl addltlons shall be m ade to the approved bulldlngs wlthout the pnor consent ln wrltmg of the Dlstnct Com m ls- The above lndex as at 15th June, 1961, stood at 296 pm nts sloner W AGS A DJUSTMSNT INnBX 5 The land shall only be used for the purposes of a petrol Tho above lndex as at 15th June, 1961, stood at 282 pomts and servlce statlon and the grantee shall, throughout the term and to the satlsfaction of the Djstrlct Com m lssloner, m ake The base for both lndlces ls August, 1939= 100 substantlal use of the land for such purposes W AGE EARNERS' INDBX OF CONSIJMER PRICES, N AIROBI 6 The land shall not be used ln any m anner whlch the The above lndex aq at the srst week of June, 1961, stood Dlstmct Comm lssloner conslders to be dangerous or odenslve at 104 pom ts to the pubhc or the nelghbourhood The base for thls zndex ls October-D ecem ber, 1958 = 100 7 Tlze land shall not be subdlvlded 8 'rhc grantee shall pay a11 sum s tllat m ay from tlm e to tim e be dem anded by the G overnor m respect of the cost G AZBTTE N OTICE N o 3356 of constructlng, m alntalmng, repalrlng, lm provlng and reneW- Ing all roads, dralns and sewers servlng or adlolfllng the land D EPA RTM EN T OF k ETERINARN SERVICES 9 The grantec shall be rœ ponslble for the paym ent of aI1 TBNDER FoR 1HE SALE 0F SUSPENSION DRIED H IDES AND SKINS rates, taxes, charges or dutles of whatever dtxscnptlon that m ay be levled, lm posed or charged by the G overnm ent or any local LICEN SED buyers can obtaln detalls of grade, welght and governm ent authonty upon the land or the bulldlngs quantltles from the D lrector of V etennary Servlces, P O K abete 10 'I'he grantee shall on recelpt of notlce m wntm g m that The iudes and sklns m ay be vtewed at the Hlde Store behalf from the Dlstrlct Comm lssloner forthwlth adequately Voterlnary Research Laboratory, K abete, on M onday, 10th July, fence or hedge the land and shall thereafttr m alntaln such 1961 fence or hedge to the satlsfactlon of the Dlstnct Com m lssloner The tenders, ln wntlng, shculd reach thc understgned ln) 1 1 N o agreement, condltlon or requlrement shall be tntered Thursday, 13th July, 1961 by 12 noon tnto, lm poscd or m ade by the grantee whereby the ownershlp or occupatlon of the land or any part thereof ls restncted to D BERN ARD , persons of a partlcular race or races or class or classes of jor Dïrector 0/ Vetermo v Sermces race or whereby such persons are excluded from such owner- shlp or occupatlon SCHEDULE G AZETTB N OTICE N 0 3357 Plot - unsurveyed plot ot 12,000 sq ft (approxlm ately) THE CUSTOM S DIJTIES (DU M PING Ar SUBSIDIES) Stand prem tum - Sh 9,0* ACT, 1959 Annual rent - Sh 1,800 AIYLICATION FoR ANTI-DUMPING D UTIES ON CROW N CORKS Conveyanctng lees - Sh 200 TH E Com lm ssloner of Custom s and Exmse glves notlce that Regkstratlon yec.ç - Sh 25 an apphcatlon ls belng consldered for the lm posltlon, under Stamp Jlf/y - Sh 200 the Customs Duthu (Dumpmg and Subsldles) Act, 1959, of antl-dum pm g dutles on crown corks tmported from tlle U nlted Sut lzep Iees .- payable after survey . K m gdom , Belglum and South A frlca Plot - unsurveyed plot of 11,700 sq ft (approxlmately) Any representatlons whlch m terested partles m ay m sh to Stand Jllclnl/zpz - Sh 14 400 m ake ln connexlon m th thls apphcatlon should be subm ltted A nnuql rent - Sh 2,880 ln wrltm g to the Com m lssloner of Custom s and Exclse, P O Conveyanstng /E'cJ' - Sh 200 Box 9061 M om basa, not later than 31st July 1961 Regkstratton /FE'& - Sh 25 F BISHOP, Stamp dtlty '--sh 330 Commtnkoner t# Customs and Exctse Sttrvey Res .-payable after sulwey Custom H ouze M ombasa 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 841

GAzsr'rs NoTICB N o 3358 GAZETTE N OTICB N o 3362 THE NATW E AUITIORITY ORDINANCE THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 (Cap 91j (No 20 oj 1957) APPOINTMENT N m om LIQUOR LICENSING COURT IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, 1 hereby DU LY authonzed by the OK cer-m -charge, N alrobl Extra- appom t the person nam ed m the Schedule annexed hereto to be Pro&lnm al D lstrlct, a speclal m eetlng of the N alrobl taquor the Om clal Chlef of the area llam ed thereln Llcenslng Court w11l be held at the Nalrobl Extra-prownczal Dlstrlct Oë ce, N alrobl, on W ednesday, 2nd August, 1961, at F A LOYD 9 a m , to conslder the followlng appllcatlon - K lsum u, Provtnctal Com m usloner 6th July, 1961 N yanza Ptovlnce N Bw A PPLICATION SCHEDUL.E M alt and N on-spkrttuous Z ig?zt?? On-ltcence N oî th N ywzizc D lm ïct N yanza Provlnce Furaha Bar and Restaurant (Kabuo s /o M acharla), P O Box 7705, Nalrobl , Plot No 5974/5 and 6, Bahatl East, Ruvuma N ame - Ph1lIp Solta Road, N alrobl A lea - N orth K abras Locatlon Wtth Ey#cct Irom - 1st July, 1961 R A W ILK IN SON , R em arks --on probatlon for two years N alrobl, Prestdent 5tl1 July, 1961 Nallob' Llquor Ltcenslng Court

G AZBTTE NOTICB N o 3359 GAZETTB N olqcE N o 3363 THE N A TIVE A UTH ORITY ORD IN AN CE THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 (Cap 97) (No 20 oj 1957) A TTOINTMBX'I'S K IAM BIJ LIQUOR LTCENSING COURT IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, 1 hereby TH E next statutory m eetm g of the K lnmbu Llquor Llcensm g appolnt the persons nam ed zn the Schedule annexed hereto to be Court w111 be held m the Dlstrlct Com m lsbloner's Oë ce, K mmbu, the Ofliclal Chlefs of the areas nam ed thereln on 13th N ovem ber, 1961, at 10 a m 1R' A LOYD , Al1 appllcatlons for new llcences, temporary llcences, renewals K lsum u, Provlncm l C onlm lssloner and transfers m ust reach the D lstrlct Com m lssloner's OK ce, 7th July 1961 N Af?/?zc Provtnce K lam bu, on or before 25th Septem ber, 1961 Late apphcatlons wl1l not be accepted SCHBDULE Appllcatlons must bear Sh 10 revenue stam p theroon South N ylnzc D lstrtct N lzzzzizc Provtnce yçtzrrte .- shem O ulwo G V H GRIM M ETI', frcc - Kam agambo Locatton K lam bu, Presldent l Vkth e#ccf hom - 1st July, 1961 6th July, 1961 K tambu D quor Z/ceauwzœ Coutt ) O zne - zephanla M allt ztrec .- East K arachuonyo Locatlon bVlth e/zecf hom - 1st July, 1961 G AZSTTE NozlcE N o 3364 N am e - lohnson Odundo THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE 1957 ,4 rea --sakwa Locatlon W tth c#ec/ jrom - 1st July, 1961 (No 20 o.f 1957) F'am e .- Benlamm Awm o N AKURU LIQUOR LJCENSING COURT ,4 rea - 'W est K arachuonyo Locatlon TH E next statutory m eetm g of the N akuru Llquor Llcensm g B'ith e//ccf from - 1st July, 1961 Court w1ll be hold m tlAe Town H all, N akuru, on M onday, 13th N ovem ber, 1961, at 10 a m Appllcatlons to be consldered at thlq m eetlng whether for G XZETTE N OTICE No 3360 new llcences, transfers, removals or renewals or confirm atlon of transfer of temporary llcences must be recelved ln the oë ce of the D lstrlct Com mlssloner, N akuru, not later than 25th TH E N ATIVE AU THO RITY ORD IN ANCE Septem ber, 1961, on the appropnate form ln tnpllcate wlth a (Cap 97) Sh 10 revenue stam p aë xed A PPOINTMENTS All appllcants for new llcences m ust appear m persoa or by IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enablmg m e, I hereby advocate before the Ltcenslng Court Attendance m Court of :;: polnt the persons nam ed m the Sclledule annoxed hereto to apphcants for renewals of hcences ls optlonal unless there are be Ofllclal Asslstant Chlefs for the areas nam ed thereln oblectlons ln whlch case attendance ts deslrable Gazette Notlce N o 948 /1961 ls hereby cancelled W H OW A RD, F' A LOYD , N akuru, Presldent K lsttm u, Ptovincïal C om m 3ssfoner 7th July, 1961 N aku'u Lkquor Ziceaxsz/p Court ,9th June, 1961 N yanza Prtw pnce Sclfsouf.E GAZSTTE N o'rtcE N o 3365 N a rne.v - Asslstant Chlef Jam o Odalo Asslstant Chlef John Ougo PRO BATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION zlrt a .- Gem Locatlon In Central N yanza D lstrlct TAKE N OTICE that after 14 days from the date of thls Y ala Townshlp G azotte, I lntend to apply to H M Supreme Court at N alrobl W l' h e#tr/ h om - lst June, 1961 for representatlon of the estate,s of the persons named m the ( rhls N otlce cancels and replaces G N 3201 appearlng on second column of the Schedule hereto, who dled on the datcs page 792 of the Kenya Gazette dated 4th July, 1961 ) respeotlvely set forth agmnst thelr names And further take notlce that a11 persons havlng any clalm s agalnst or m terests m the eastates of the sald deceased persons G A ETTE N OTIœ N o 3361 are requlred to prove such clalm s or lnterest.s bd ore m e wlthln two m onths from t'he date of thls G azette, after whlch date THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE 1957 the clalm s and lnterests so proved wll1 be pald and satlslied and the several estates djstrlbuted accordlng to law (No 20 of 1957) APPOIX MENT OF LIQUOR I ICENSING COURT SCHEDULE IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (2) of sectton 4 of tlle Llquor Llcensm g Ordlnance, 1957, the M lnlster TPubh: Date of Testate for Defence hereby appolnts- rustee s N ame of D eceased Address n mo,s Or C ause N o v vuvu Intestate M R W ILLIAM M ACKIB CR&w to ke a m ember of the Llquor Llcenslng Court for the Elgon 43/61 Shelkha blntt Ah M ombasa 15-7-59 lntestate N NalAza Llquor Llcenslng Area I tce M r W D M wasl 44/61 Llllan Audaer Natrobl 2-6-61 Testate D kted thls 6th day of July, 1961 A C C SW AN N N alrobt, D J COW ARD , A

QIAZBTTB 'foTlce pfo 3366 (JAZBTEE lfoTlcL 'fo 3368

IN H LR M AJESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA SU BM H M ITTER K APILA , D ECEASED AT N AIROBI N OTICE ls hereby gl&en pursuant to sectlon 28 of the Trustees Ordmanct (Cap 36) that any person havlng a clalm agalnst or PROBATL AN D AD M IN ISXRATION lnterest m the estate of the late Subash M ltter K aplla of P O TAK E N OTICB that appllcatlcm h'zvmg been m ade ln thls Box 3669, N alroh who dled at N alrobl on the 19th day of Febnzary, 1961, ls hereby requlred to send partlculars ln wrltlng Court ln - of hls or her clalm or m terest to the underslgned by or before (1) CAUSE No 175 otv 1961 the 31st day of A ugust, 1961, after whlch date the estate wlll be dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw anll w111 not as regards the By the Standard Bank of South Afnca I-am lted of N alrobl property so dlstnbuted be hable to any person of whose clalm ln the Colony and Protectorate of Kenyas the lntended adml- notlce sball not then have been recelved nlstrators of the estate of tht, deceased, through M essrs H amll- ton H arnson and M athews, advocates, of N alrobl, for a grant D ated v,t N alrobl thls 31 d day of July, 1961 of letters of adm lnlstratlon wlth wlll annexed of the estate of Alec Llndsay Basford of Sutherland Court, Southcld e Road, ROM ESH K APILA , Bournemouth, , and M ahndl ln the Colony and Protec- Admknistiatot (# the decened s estate torate of Kenyq, phe dled at M om basa ln the Coltm y and P O Box 3669 N atrobt, K enya Protectorate of K enya, on the 24th day of December, 1960 (2) CAI7SE No 176 or 1961 By Devlben wldow of Naugban Rambhal Ranavaya (1 /0 G AZEI'TS NoT1cE N o 3369 Bhtm ll M enand of N alrobl ln the Colony and Protectorate of K enya, the wldow of the deceased, through P N Gadher, Esq , M RS BEATRICE M ARY LU SSO, DECEA SED advocate, of N alrobl, for a grant of lettcrs of adm tnlstratlon m ttstate of the estate of N aughan Rambhal Ranavaya of N alrobl N OTICB ls hereby gwt n pursuant to sectlon 28 of the Trtlstee , ln the Colonv of K enva who dled at N alrobl on the 16th day Ordinanct (Cap 36) that any person havlng a clalm agamst of M a), 1961 or an lnterest ln the estate of the late M rs Beatrlce M ar,y Lusso of K lambu and N alrobl, who dled m N alrobl on 17th (3) CAUSE No 177 o: 1961 June, 1961, js hereby reqm red to send partlculars m wntm g By Ralaball Shlvlt M eghjl of N alrobt m the Colony and of hls or her clazm or lnterest to Bartlays Bank D C O , Trustet Protectorate of K enva, the executor named In the wlll of the D epartm ent, P O Box 963, N alrobt, before 17th September, deceased, through M essrs Ishanl and Ishanl, advocates, of 1961, aftt,r whlch date tbe executor w111 dlstrlbute the estate N airobl, for a grant of probate of the wlll of Sh1vJl M eghll am ong the ptvrsons entltled therete, ha&lng regard only to tht of N alrobl aforesald who dled at N alrobl on the 25î13 day of clalm s and Interestb of whlch they have had notlce and w1ll not October 1960 as respects the property so dlstrlbuted be Ilable to any persorl of wltose clalm thty shall not then have had notlce (4) CAUSE No 178 oF 1961 By Thakorbhal M otlbhal Patel, N atkerlal U m edbhal Patel and D ated tlus 5th day o? luly, 1961 Bhupendra Chandubhal Patel all of N alrobl m the Colony and Protectorate of K enya, the executors named ln the wl1l of the BARCLAYS BAN K D C O deceased through M essrs Patel and Patels advocates of N al- Trustee D epartm etlt robl, for a grant of probate of the w111 of Chandublaal Hanbhal P & Box 963, Natrobk Patel of N alrobl m the Colony of K enya, who dled at N alrobl on the 21st day of January, 1960

(5) C&Uss No 179 oY 1961 CJAZETTE lloTlcE èfo 3370 By Abdullazlz Abdulla of N alrobl m the Colony and Protec- torate of K en) a, the lawful attorne) of N lcholas Constantlne ROBERT CRU DEN ROD GER , DECEASED M akrls of A ddls-Ababa, Ethlopla, the sort of the deceased, through M essrs Ishanl and Ishanl, advocates, of N alrobl, for NOTICE ls hereby glvtn pursuant to sectlon 28 of the Trusteey a arant of letters of adm m tstratlon lntestate of the estate of Ordlnance (Cap 36) that any porson havlng a clalm agalnst or C onqtantlne N lcholas M akns of A ddls-Ababa, Ethlopla, who an m terest ln the estate of the late R obert Cruden R odger of dled at Nddls- Nbaba aforesald cm the 7th daA Of M archs 1959 Nalrobl, who dled at K jng Edward VII Sanatonum , East- bourne on 1st June, 1961, ls hereb) requlred to send partlculars ' Thls Court will proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be ln writtng of lus or htr clalm or znterest to Barclays Bank shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered D C O , rrustee D epctrtmtnt, P O Box 963, N alrobl, befort on or before the 25th day of July, 1961 17th Septembtr 1961, after whlch date the exeeutor wlll dlstnw bute the estate am ong the persons entltled thereto, havlng regard D J D EVIN E, only to the clalm s and lnterests of whlch they hake had notlck N atrobl F D eputjl A ep dfrtzr and wlll not as respects the prooerty so dlstrlbuted be llablt 7th Julyr 1961 Supl-eme Court t# Kenya to any person of whost clalm they shall not then have had notlce N ote w- ef'he wllls mentloned above are deposlted and open to lnspectlon at the Court D ated thls 5th day of luly, 1961

BARCLAYS BANK D C O , Tz ttstee D eplz/zrlea/. P 0 Box 963, N atrobt GAZBTTB N orlcB N o 3367

IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF KEN YA G AZETTB N ollcE N o 3371 A T N AK URU PROBATE AN D A D M IN ISQR ATION TH E TRUSTEES ORDIN ANCE TAKL N OTICE that apphcatlon havlng been m ade m thls W ap 36) C ourt m - N OTICE ls hereby glven that probate of the wlll of Edm und CAUSB N o 13 oF 1961 Gerdon Cook of N akuru, who dled on the 30th day of By D r Caletan Candld Vaz of P O Box 203, N akunz, m the Aprll, 1961, was granted to Ruth Esther Joyce Cook of Colony and Protectorate of K enya, tlae husband of the deceased, N akuru by H er M alesty's Suorem e Court of K enya at the through M essrs Sm lth and Patel, ad&ocates, of N akuru, for N akuru D lstrlct Relgstry on the 20th day of June, 1961, zn Pro- a grant of letters of admlm stratlon lntezstato of the estate of bate and A dm lnlstratlon Cause N o 11 of 1961 All persons Olm a M arla D a Consolaco Vaz de Souza (herelnafter called havlng any clatms agalnst the estate of the, sald dectased are M rs Ollvla Vaz) of N akuru who dled at N alrobl on the 14th requlred to prove the sam e wlth the underslgned before tht day of N ovem ber, 1959 20th day of September, 1961, after whlch date tbe executnx w111 plocted to dlstnbm e the estate ln aecordanee wlth law, Thls Court m 1l proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be hawng regard only to valld clalm s then notlfied shown to the contrar) and appearance ln thls respect entered on or before the 20th day of July, 1961 Dated at N akuru thls 5th day of July, 1961 R O'CON N OR, GEOFFREY W H ITE & CO , N akuru, D tshtct D elegate Advocates /(?/ the executrlx 28th June, 1961 H M Supreme Court (p/ K enya Nakuru P O Box 368, N akuru ' 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN Y A G AZET TE 843

G AN TTE N OTICB No 3372 G AZETTB N OTICE N o 3376 REVOCATION OF POW ER OF ATTORN EY THE BAN KRU PTCY ORD IN AN CE NOTICE ls hereby glven that the general power of attorney (CJ# 30) gIven by Dharamshl Punla Shah, form erly of P O Box 12018, x R N alrobl o'rlcE or sj-sxss os ej-Ruswss , ln the Colony of K enya, now at Jam nagar, Indla, to M r Jethalal Devral Shah and M r Lalll Dharamshl, 170th Debtors namev -.41) Abdulla Ismall, (2) Ishaq Ismall, (3) Saleh of P () Box 3129, N alrobl aforesald, and reglstered ln the Ism all tradlng as lsm all A rbt and Sons Lands Tltles Reglstry at N alrobl and at M om basa as n ebtorg address IP/A 5723/1 a - p o Box 52, M eru celled and revonkde d Pa/nAd 2t2h0e1 sarleds pMecrtl vJeleyt,h ahlaal s Dneovwra , bSehearth caannd- D ebtors descrtptlon - Busm essm en M r La1J1 Dharamshl have now no authorlty whatsoever to Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya P O Box 30041, Law repro ent or act for the sald Dharam shl Punla Shah ln any Courts, N alrobl manner under the sald general power of attorney N o o/ cause - B C 33 of 1957 Trustee s ncznc - The O m clal R ecelver D ated at N alrobl thls 30th day of June, 1961 Trustee J address - P O Box 30031, N alrobl K ANTILAL A SH AH , TruRtee 'V descrlptlon '- -frustee Advocate jor Dharamshô Puzvc Shah Date oj ze/ecâ'e - 27th June, 1961

A GAZBTTE N OTICE N () 3373 N alrobl, D eputy XdglJ/rcr 28th June, 1961 H M xçrfpzeznc Collrt oj A'ep/yw Natrobl TH E BAN K RUPTCY O RD INAN CE (Cap 30) G AZETTE N on c.E N o 3377 N o'rlcE oF RELEASE ()F TRUSTEE D TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORD IN AN CE ebtor s nalne - Edward George H lttersay Debtor s addresç - P O Box 550, Tanga, Tanganylka Terrltory (Cap 30) D ebtor â' descrlptlon '-o ebtor X OTICE OF RELEASE OF TRUSTEE Court - H M suprem e Court of K enya, P O Box 30041, Law D ebtot s nam e - N aglnbhal Parshottam M odl, tradlng as M odl Courts, N alrobl Servlce Storew No t?/ cause - B C 15 of 1954 Debtol s addtess - P O Box 61, Hoey s Brldge Trustee s name - The Oë clal R ecewor D ebtol 'V descrlptlon '-o ebtor Trustee s addren Coutt - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, P O Box 30041 Law - P o Box 30031, N alrobl C ourts, N alrobl F? ustees' t/elcnp/ltpn - rfrustee N o 0/ cause - B C 39 of 1957 Dc/e oj release - 27th June, 1961 yrustee s rljzagg - n e Omclal Recelver D J DEVIN E Trustee s address - P O Box 30031, N alrobl N alrobl D eputy R egu,trar T'rf/f/dd''v deso tlm o'' '- Trustee 29th June, 1961 H A..I sum eme c(pI/,/ K enya satrobt nate of laease - 27th June, 1961 D J D EVINE, GAZB'I'TE N on cB N o 3374 N alrobl, D eputy Reglstrar 29th June, 1961 H M Suptem e & p/r/ K enj,a N cirtp:; THE BAN KRU FTCY ORDIN AN CE W ap 30) G AZBTTE N orlcE N o 3378 NolqcB oF RELBASE OF TRUSTEE TH E BAN K RUFTCY ORD IN AN CE D ebtor ; ntm te - G urbachan Slngh Tagat Slngh, tradlng as Gur- bachan Smgh and Company ICJA 30) Debtol s c##lcs,& - P O Box 605, N alrobl RscslvlxG OROER Axo A ozuolcA'rzox O RDER Debtor s descrlptloll v-r ebtor D C ebtol s p?lr?le - Adolph John Chnstlan ourt - H M Suprem e Court of Kenya, P O 30041, Law A Courts ddress - c1 o B F P O 10, N alrobl , N alrobl Yo t# cause - B C 18 of 1954 D esclm ttolt - Form erly a farm er, now employee Inrustee Dcfe o/ fllng peflfloll - 6th July, 1961 .v name - The Om clal Recewor rrusté e s address - P O Box 30031, N alrobl Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl lnrustee ' s # escrtptlon - rtyustee WO 0/ lntdtel - B C 66 Of 1961

Date 0/ release - 27th June, 1961 Date oj ? ecel%lng order - 6th J'uly, 1961 Date oj cr//f/t/rctzflt?a order - 6th July, 1961 D J D EV IN E, W hether debtol s or credltors' pc/l/ltpn - Debtor's petltlon Jçalrobl, Deputy Reglstrar Act tp? acts oj sfzrl/v? uptcy - F1l1ng of bankruptcy petltlon 28th June, 1961 H M Supreme Court o! Kenya Natrobt

- N alrobl D J COW A RD, 7th July 1961 O'clcl Recels er (JAZE'I''Z'E N olqcs N o 3375 THE BANK RUPTCY ORD INAN CE G AZBTTE N orlcE N o 3379 (Cap 30) N o'rlcE OF R BLEASE OF TRUSTEE THE BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE Lcap 30) ltebtors natnes - leram Jetha M lstry and V1rJ1 Ralshl Ladwa, tradlng under the 51-111 nam e or style of Kerlcho Furnlture RECEIVING ORDBR AND AOJTJDICATION ORDER Shop s ta slngh lsebtors' address - P O Box 53, K erlcho Desbxtpore s s zzccaznbcs - K1rp :1 Slngh s/o an , tradlng as ltebtors' descrtptlon .-r arpenters Address ..-.)a o Box 1482, N alrobl f ourt - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, P O Box 30041, Law D ezcrtptkon - Taxl-owner Courts, Nalrobl nate oj #/J??g petttkolt - 6th July, 1961 Iro 0/ cause - B C 9 of 1955 court - H M Supreme Court of Kenya at Nalrobl 1 ? ustee s name - The Olclal Recelver No tp/ matte - B C 67 of 1961 Trustee s address - P O Box 30031, Nalrobl Date o! ptzcclb/i?s.ç ordo - 6th July, 1961 Irustee s dezcrwtton --errustee Date ol Jfh?'ftWt't7/zo/ order - 6th J'uly, 1961 L ate t# releaçe - 27th June, 1961 AW hetho debtol s or c/cllf//'' petltlon '-o ebtor s petltlon ct o, acts t# battkrlîptcy .-l7lllng of bqnkruptcy petltlon 1 D .1 D BVIN E, p Reglstlar N alroblr D .1 COW ARD , B alrobl, D dplff. 29th June 1961 H M s'ifpptvzle Coult K eltya NclltaD; 7th July, 1961 Olhcltll Rdt7els't'' 844 TH E K EN Y A G AZET I'E 11th July, 1961

GAZE'I-I'B N oTlcB N o 3380 GAZBTTE N OTICE N 0 3385 THE BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE THE BAN K RU FTCY ORDIN AN CE W ap 30) (Ccp 30) FIRST M EETING OF CREDITORS A DJIJDICATION D ebtor's ncrne .-f hrlstopher John D ouglas G ordon D ebtols nam es .-x nshna N ayar and Raopbhal Javerbhal Patelj A ddress - P O Box 132, 01 K alou tradlng as N ayar and Com pany D escriptton - Farm er Addtess - P O Box 5685, Nalrobl Court - H M Suprem o C ourt of K enya at N alrobl D escrtphon - Traders No t7/ matter .-.B C 23 of 1961 Cou' t '- H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobj Date t?/ h'rst meenng - 21st July, 1961 No t)/ matte .-B C 97 of 1960 Ilour - 11 a m Date t# otdel - 30th Juno, 1961 Place --county Councll H all, N akuru Date t# petïtton - 24th October, 1960 Nalrobl, D J CO W ARD , N alrobl D J COW ARD , 7th July, 1961 O@clal Receïver 7th July, 1961 Omclal Recetver

G AZETTB N ozqcE N o 3386 G AZRTTE N oTIcE N o 3381 THE BANK RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE THE BAN K RU PTCY ORD IN AN CE (Cap 30) W ap 30) REcElvlxG O RDER FIRST M BETING OF CREDITORS D ebtor s nam e --lam cs Fellows 5m 1th Debtor's l?tz?ne - layantllal Hm l Shah Address - P O Kalmosl (Klpkltol) A dd' ess - P O Nloro, v1a N akuru D eso tptïon - Farm er D escrm tlon - Trader Date oj J/lar petttton - 5th July, 1961 Court .- H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl Court .- H M Sugrem e Court of K enya at N alrobl No (7/ matter - B C 52 of 1959 No ol pnc/fe'r .-B C 65 of 1961 Date oj Jruçf meetlng - 20th July, 1961 Date tp/ ordet - 5th July, 1961 H our - 2 15 p m W hether debto' 'g or credltoîs petttlon - D ebtor's petltlon Place - The Conference R oom , OK ce of the Oë clal Receiver, Act or acts t# bankruptcy .-plllng of bankruptcy petttlon Crown Law Oë ce, N alrobl N alrobl, D J COW ARD . N alrobl, D J COW ARD , 7th July, 1961 Omcml Recetver 7th July, 1961 OFclcl Recelver QIAZETTh '4oTlcE èfo 3387

GAZETTS N oTlcE N o 3382 THE BANK RU PTCY ORDIN AN CE W ap 30) THE BAN K RU PTCY ORD IN AN CE RECBIVING ORDER AND M JUDICATION ORDER (Ccp 30) D ebtor w nam e --M ohanlal Hprll Sonl N ou cE oF INTBNDEO D IVIDEND Add' ess - P O Box 11517, N alrobl b ebtor â' nalne - prem chand Lalll M alde D escrtptkon - Trader Address - P O Box 14406, N alrobl Date t7/ hllng petttlon --4th July, 1961 D escrïptton .- rrrader C ourt - H M Suprem e Court of Kenya at N alrobl Court .- H M Suprem e Court of Kenya at N alrobl No 0/ lnatter - B C 62 of 1961 No // matter .-B C 84 of 1958 Date t# / ecetvtng order --dth July, 1961 Last day !or recwyfzlg proojs - 25th July, 1961 Date tp/ adltldicatlon order --dth July, 1961 Name t# trustee .-officlal Recewer W llether debtor & or o edttors petttlon - D ebtor's petltlon Address --crown Law Oë ce, P O Box 30031, N alrobl Act or ccfx o! :cukrupfc)z .-lhllng of bankruptcy petltlon N alrobly D J COW ARD , N alrobl, D J COW AR D, 7th July, 1961 Omctal Recever 7th July, 1961 O#iclcl Recelvcr

G AZET'I'B N oTIcE N O 3388 GAZE'I'TE N oTlcB N o 3383 TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE THE BAN K RUFTCY ORD IN AN CE W ap 30) (Ccp 30) RBCBIVING ORDER AND M JUDICATION ORDER Pulm lc EXAM INATIOX Debtor'v name v- M rs Yogmdra Devt Chopra w/o Karam Chand D ebtor's nam e - Edward M eerloo C hopra, tradlng as Photollte Address - P O Box 1375, N alrobl A 'ldlen - P O Box 3783, N alrobl D eso w tton - Em ployee D escr'ptkon - Trader Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl Date OJ hlïng pcflfit)?? - 4th Tuly, 1961 No ()/ matter - B C 12 of 1961 Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl Date t?/ publlc examlnatlon - 9th August, 1961 No t# matter - B C 64 of 1961 H our - 10 30 a m Date ()/ l ecelvlng ortfc.r .--4th July, 1961 Date (7/ adludïcatton order --4th July: 1961 Place - The Law Courts, N alrobl W hether debtor uv ol credltors' pc/m tpz? - D ebtor's petltlon N alrobl, D J COW AR D, Act or acts 5/ botkruptcy - F'lllng of bankruptcy petltlon 7th July, 1961 Omoal Recetver N alrobl, D J COW ARD 7th July, 1961 Omctal Reccll er

GAzs'r'rs N o'mcE N o 3384 CIAZETTB è(oTIcE lfo 3389 TH E BAN K RU FT'CY ORDINAN CE THE BANK RU PTCY ORDIN AN CE W ap 30) (Cap 30) N oTlcE oe D IVIDBND RECEIVING ORDER AND AcvtaolcAlqoN ORDER Debtor .v nalne - G osar Punp Shah Debtol 'J' name .-x aramchand Chopra slo Tansukh Ma1 Chopra Address - P O Box 1782, N alrobl Addtess - P 0 Box 3783, N alrobl Deso Ipfitpz; - Hawkor D escrlptïoïï - lnsurance agent Coltlt .- H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl D ale ol J#Il7.g pettttoll - 4th July, 1961 No ()/ matter - B C 18 of 1955 Couf t - H M Suprem e C ourt of K enya at N alroh A mouïlt per f - 97 cents No oj lnatte .-.B C 63 of 1961 Fust or Jrlc/ o' t7//7Ev l'ezl'e - lhrst and snal Date (?J recelvtng oidet - 4th July, 1961 W helt pavable - 17th July 1961 Date oj ak udlcqtlon (7, del .--dth July, 1961 W here payable .- oflice of the Ofliclal Recew er, Crown L4w W llether debtor s or credltorç petttlon .-o ebtor's pttltlon Ol ce P O Box 30031, N alrobl Act tp? acts oj baélkruptcy - l7lllng of bankruptcy petltlon N alrobl, D J COW ARD N alrobl, D J COW AR D, 7th July, 1961 Omclal Recetvet 7th July, 1961 OFclc! Recelvcr 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN Y A G AZERV E 845

G AZBTT'B N olqcs N o 3> 0 G AZE'I'TE N OTICE No 3395 TH E BAN K RU PTCY OR DIN AN CE 'rH E co M lu N fEs ORDINAN CE (Cap 30) (cap 288) ADJUDICATION BsxnoR Pz aAxu 'rtoNs LIMITED- M EMBERS' VOLUNTARY Debtors names -41) Hansraj Dahyabhal M ehta and (2)Navln- W INDING UP chandra H ansral M ehta, tradlng as W estern M otors AT AN extraordlnary general m eetm g of Bendor Plantatlons Address - P O Box 9533 Natrobl Llm ttedy duly convened and held at N alrobl on 30th June, 1961, Descnptton --M otor dealers the followtng speclal resolutlon was duly passed - Court - H M Supreme Court of K enya, K lsumu No tp/ matter - B C 4 of 1960 i:-fhat the Com pany b4 wound up woluntanly and that Date // order - 7th July, 1961, agalnst debtor No Navln- Peter N orm an M cM onnles, chartered accountant, of M utual cbandra H ansral M ehta, only Buddlng, Hardlnge Street, P O Box 213, N alrobl, be and he ls Date oj pe/l/itpp - 17th December, 1960 hereby appolnted llqmdator for the purpose of tho wlndlng up GOD REJ P TALATI, K lsum u, Agent of the OFclfz/ Recelver D ated tbls 3rd day of July, 1961 7th July, 1961 P O Box 993, K isulnu (M RS ) J A SHAW , Chawm an Thls llqmdatlon îs for the purpose of reconstnzctlon only GAZBTTB Non cB N o 3391 and all debts and obhgahons due by Bendor Plantatlons Lmuted THE BAN KRUPTCY ORDIN AN CE and all debts due to tllat Com pany wlll, by arrangem ent wlth the llqmdator, be m et or recelved by Shaw Plantatlons Lum ted, (Cap 30) whlch Com pany ls taklng over the farm m g propertlcs of and AnzuolcATlox w1l1 shortly change lts nam e to Bendor Plantatlons Lmute,d Debtoï s name .-sant Smgh s /0 Charan Slngh lddless .-.P O Box 33, K lsumu D ated thls 3rd day of July, 1961 Deso kptlon - contractor- form erly an employee P N M CM ON N IES, q=ourt - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, K lsum u Lkquldator âIo oj matter - .B C 4 of 1961 Date oj order - 7th July, 1961 juate oj petltton - 8th M ay, 1961 ztate ol tprffe? !or summarv ctfrzllnlx//c/st?n - 7th July, 1961 GAZE'I'TE NoTlcE No 3396 G ODREJ P TALATI, IN THE M AW ER OF TH E COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE K lsurtlu, Agent 0/ the OFclal Recclver (Cap 288) 7th July, 1961 P 0 Box 993, K ksum u AND IN TH E M ATTER OF M ACK EN ZIE ESTATES LIM ITED Gwzs'r'rE N olncs No 3392 M em bers' Voluntary W lndlng Up N o'rjcs TI'IE COM PA NIES O RD INA NCE N OTICE ls hereby gwen that tho snal general m eetmg of W ap 288) tho above Company w1l1 bo held at the oflices of Barber, Bell- ls orlcE olv INTENTION TO D ECLARE â. FIRST AND FINAL D IW DEND house and Com pany, N attonal Bank Bmldmg, D onald Avenue, Name ()/ company .-r dhavp Anandll and Company D mlted N akuru, on W ednesday) 16th August, 1961, at 11 a m for the R kgïsteïed oFce - P1ot No 279, Sectlon X X1, Kllmdml, purpose of laym g before the m eetlng the account of the llqul- M om basa datlon showlng the m anner m whlch the wlndlng up has been C )ul t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at M om basa conducted and the property of the Com pany dlsposed of and N o t?/ nlatteî - M ombasa W lndlng-up Proceedm gs No 2 of glvlng any explanatlons thereof and ln accordance wlth sectlon 1957 277 to determ lne by extraordlnary resolutlon the m anner m Lt'st day oj recelvfrlg plools - 25th July, 1961 whlch the books and paperq of the Com pany and of the N '/z7e and address oj /lt./ifl#c/t7r v--rfhe Ofllclal Recelver, P O llquldator are to be dlsposed of Box 30031, Crown Law Oflice (opposlte Parllament Butld- tng), N alrobl D ated at N akuru tlals 5th day of July, 1961 N tlrobl, D J COW ARD , G L BELLHOUSE, 7th. July, 1961 OFcIJl Recelver and Zlqultfcfor W K FORBES, Llquldators G?hzBTTE N oTfcE N o 3393 G AZBTTE N oTlcs N o 3397 TH E COM PAN IES ORDIN AN CE (Cap 288) IN TH E M ATTER OF TH E COM PAN IES ORDINAN CE N on cE oF Dlvm Exo (Cap 288) Nante (?/ company - Koolsumbal Kurmall Llmlted AND Re nsteted tpli'cc .-pîggot Place, M ombasa IN THE M ATTER Ol? ED M SCH LU TER AN D COM PAN Y Co,u t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at M om basa (AFRICA) LIM ITED No tp/ matter - M om basa W lndlng-up Proceedlngs N o 2 of 1956 VOLIJNTARY W INDING U P A nqount pc? i - 21 centq N OTICE Js hereby glven that at an extraordlnary general F/r t or fnal t)? othcrwlse --Flrst and final m eetlng of the m em bers of the above nam ed company held ln W'lezl pavable - 14th July, 1961 Nalrobl on Saturday, the 1st day of July, 1961, the followlng W herc pa) able .- oflice of the Oë clal Recelver, Crown Law rcxsolutlon was passed as a speclal resolutlon - tlffice (opposlte Parllamerlt Bulldlng), P O Box 30031, N alrobl

GAZBTTB N oTIcE N o 3398 GAZBTTB N OTICB N O 7401 IN THE M ATTER OF TH E CO M PAN IES ORD INAN CE IN THE M ATTER O F TH E COM PAN IES O RD INAN CE (Cap 288) C ap 288) AND AND IN THE M ATTER OF YORK M OTORS LIM ITED IN TH E M ATTER OF AFRICAN COFFEE COM PAN Y LIM ITED M BETING OF CRBDITORS N OTICE ls hereby glven pursuant to sectlon 234 of the & OLUNTARY XVINDING IJP Companles Ordlnance (Cap 288) that a meetlng of the credltors N OTICE ls hereby glven that at an extraordlnary general of York M otors Llm lted w111 be held at the oë ces of M essrs m eetlng of the m emberg of the above-nam ed com pany held ln G eoffrey W hlte and Com pany, advocatesy N atlonal Bank Bulld- N alrobl on Saturday, the 1st day of July, 1961, the followlng 1ng N akuru on Tucsday, the 25th day of July, 1961, at 11 () clock ln the forenoon for the purposes set out ln sectlons resolutlon was passed as a speclal resolutm n - 235, 236 and 237 of the sald Ordlnance fç-rhat the com pany be wound up voluntarjly and that M r Erlc Bergen Seex and M r Ian Reld Leshe, chartered D ated thls 6th day of July, 1961 accountants, of P O Box 30158, N alrobl, be and are hereby appolnted Jolnt and several llqm dators for the purpose of G M PAIN & CO , such wlndm g up '' Secretark A J BOW LER , Chafrm an GAZETTE N orlcs N o 3402 N otlce Js herebv mven that the credltorq of the above nam ed THE TRAD E UN ION S ORD IN AN CE, 1952 com pany are requlred on or before the 31st day of A ugust PU RSUAN f to sectlon 63 of tho Trade U nlons Ordinance, 1961, to send thelr nam es and addressu and the partlculars of thelr debts or clalm s to the underslgned, and, lf so requlred 1952, notlce ls hereby glven that belng satlsfed that- by notlce la wrltlng, to com e ln and prove thejr sald debts or TH: A ERONAUTICAL R ADIG A ssoclATlox ole EAST A FRIC'A clalm s at such tlm e and place as shall be speclfed ln such has ceased to exlst, I have cancelled !ts reglstratlon under notlce, or ln default thereof they wlll bo excluded from the thc provjslons of sectlon 17 (1) (bj of the aboye-m entloned beneft of any dlstrlbutlon m ade before such debts are proved O rdlnance Dated thls 4th day of July, 1961 D ated thls 30th day of June 1961 D J COW ARD

E B SEEX , R egkstlar of Vrade Unl(??l-s I R LP-SLIE , P O Box 30158, Nawobl CIAZETTE 'foTlcE Tpo 3403

CIAZETTE 'qoTlcE 'qo 3399 THE SOCIETIES ORD IN AN CE, 1952 (No 52 oj 1952) IN THE M AU ER O F THE COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE TH E SOCIETIES RU LES, 1961 (Cap 288) PU RSUAN T to rule 17 of the above-m cntloned Rules, notlce AND ys hereby glven that- (c0 the socletles llsted In the nrst Schedule hereto have been - IN TH E M ATTER OF OK I LIM ITED rcglstered , and VOLUNTARY W lxolxG U P (!?) the soclety llsttd ln the Second Schedule hereto has been exem nted from reglstratlon under the provlslons of the N OTICB ls hereby glvon that at an extraordlnary general above-m entloned Ordlnance m eetm g of the m em bers of the above-nam ed com pany held 1l1 N alrobl on Saturday, the 1st day of July 1961, the followm g F'IRST SCHEDTJLE resolutlon was passed as a speclal resolutlon - D ate T'That the com pany bo wound up voluntanly and that M r Regtztratton Francls Aubrey W alshaw and M r Jack Leslle Jam es Tester, Name 0/ Sooety EFected chartered accountants, of P O Box 30158 N alrobl bo and Afrlcan Dlvlne Church N alrobl Branch 30 6 61 are hereby appolnted Jom t and several liquldqtors for the Banyala Assoclatlon (E A ), N akuru Branch 1-7-61 purpose of such wm dlng up '' Naburuda W elfare Assoclatlon (Sam 1a) Nalrobl 3-7-61 K enya Afrlcan D em ocratlc Unlon, D oldol Loca- N otlce ls hereby p ven that the credltors of he abo&e-nam ed tlonal Branch 5-7-61 com pany are rcqulred, on or before the 31st day of A ugust, 1961, K enya Afrlcan Dem ocratlc Um on N yen Townshlp to send thelr nam es and addresses and the partlculars of thmr Branch 5-7-61 debts or clalm s to the underslgned and tf so reqm red bv notace Ebusakaml Progresslve Soctety 5-7-61 m wrltm g, to com e ln and prove thelr savd debts or clalm s at Rlwruok K anylplr, Nalrobl 5-7-61 such tlm e and place as shall bo speclsed m such notlce, or ln A olnl M baanmu Clan Assocm tltm 5-7-61 default thereof they wlll be excludcd from tho beneft of any A bam utete W elfare Assoclatlon, M ombasa 5-7-61 dlstrlbutlon m ade before such debts are proved Endm Soclal Club 5-7-61 Dated thls 4th day of July, 1961 SEcoxD SCHEDULE D ate F A W ALSHA W , A'xerzlp/ltp?l J L J TESTF,R Name (7/ Sockety Esected P O Box 30158 N atrobt D awoodl Bohora Jam aat Corporatlon, M alm dl 6-7-61 D ated thls 7th day of July, 1961 GAzsrrs N oTlcs N o 3400 D J COW A RD, Regtstrar // Socletles IN TH F M ATTER Ol7 TH E COM PAN IES ORDINAN CE W ap 212 oj the Zclt.v o! C/gtpifftz 1951) (Cap 288 oj the Laws (7/ Kenya 1948) GAZETTh N o'rlcE N o 3404 &No THE SOCIETIES ORD IN AN CE, 1952 IN THE M ATI'ER 0F AN G LO -A M ERICAN TRAD IN G (No 52 o! 1952) COM PAN Y LIM ITED CEssm ox oF EXISTENCE (Ilt Voluntaty Z,lt.luldtzflt??1l PURSUANT to sectlon 6 (2) of the Soczetles Ordlnance, 1952, belng satlsfied that the soclety nam ed m the Schedule hereto, N OTICE ls hereby g:ven that I lntend to pay a Enal dlvl- bem g a socltty exem pted from reglstratton, has ceased to dend on 31st Juh , 1961, to unsecared credltola who have proved exlst, I llereby notlfy that the sald soclety shall cease to be a ln the llqmdatlon Credltors who have not yet proved ln the socletl exem pted from reglstratlon from the date hcreof Jlquldatlon m ust submlt thelr clalm s to m e on or before 25th Julv, 1961, falllng whlch thev w111 be excluded from partlclpa- SCHEDNLE tlon ln tho dlvldend Bohra Y outh League, N alrobl M ALCOLM H PLDLOW D ated thls 7th d%y of July, 1961 M om basa, D qukdatot D J COW ARD , 1st 5uly, 1961 P O Box 1411 M ombn a Regtstrar 0/ Soclet:es 11th July, 1961 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 847

CIAZEA'TE N oerlcs N o 3405 GAZE'ITE N OTILE N O 3409 RH E SOCIETIES ORD IN AN CE, 1952 SOUTH AFRICAN M UTU AL I-IFE M SU RAN CE SOCIETY LNo 51 t?/ 1952) (INCORPORATED BY ACT 0b' PARLJAMENT IN THE REPUBI IC OF Cissszu Tox OF EXISTENCE SOTJTH AFRICA) PURSU ANT t M UTUALPARK PIN ELAN D S C P o sectlon 6 (2) of the Socletles Ordlnance, 1952 l'elng satlshed that the socletles nam ed In the Schedule hereto Loss olz Potrcv lxelng leglstered socletles, have ceased to exlst l herby notlfy th àt the sald socletles shall cease to be rcglstered socletles from l>ollt ' X t7 91 5008 h); 5-/7 19 960, dated 18//1 Febl f/t-/? I 1957 tqe date hereof 011 lle lde (7/ l'Illsel', ./19$ atl S ///' the r?tppdrf.p oj Hllselll SCHEDIJLE Jl'b t?& 113'11 N alrobi African Poultry and Egg Traders Associatlon N t)-I I(7E ls hereby glven th àt e&ldence of the Ioss or dcstruc Caorlcorn Afnca Soclety, Kltale Branch tlon of the pollcy has been qubm ltted to the Soclety ctnd any Slkh Students Federatlon Eldoret pcrson ln possesslon of the pollcy or clalmlng to have any A rab H alar U nlted Assoclatlon M om baç l lnterest thereln should comm unlcqte lm m edlatelv by reglstered

N alrobs Students organlzatlon post wlth the Sot-lety Falllng any such com m unlcatlon a certl- lndlan M erchants Chamber, Kltale hed copy of the pollcy (whlch shall be the sole evldence Bunyqlla Samla W elfare A ssoclatlon of the contract) wjll be lssued to thc oMner D ated thls 7th day of July 1961 G K tIN D SAY, D J COW ARD Geneial M cnagel Regtstto 0/ Socletle% GAZFTTB N m lcE N o 3410

G kZETTE N orlcE N o 3406 SOUTH AFRICAN M UTU AL LIFE ASSURAN CE SOCIETY (INCORPORATED Bf ACT OF P&RLIANIENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF TR E SOCIETIES OR DIN AN CE, 1952 SOIJTH AFRIc&) (No 52 oj 1952) M U TUA LPAR K PIN ELAN D S, C P PURSUANT to sectlon 6 (1) of the Socletles Ordlnance 1952 havlng reason to belleve that the repstered socletlas llsted ln the Loss oF Pot,ltn' Scledule hereto havc ceased to exlbt 1 hereby call upon Pollc y No 1 539 274 /tp? Sh 60 000, dated 11//7 No% enlbe; thk sald socletles to furnlsh m e wlth proof of thelr exlstence 1 959 oll //;tr Ilfe of Balt p W llllam 'rzQ? e Wltlte the propel t y wlthln three m onths of the date hereof oj SJ?? lz W tlltanl Ve; e lzF/lp/c SCHEDIJI-E INOR ICE Is hereby glven that evldence of the Ioss or destruc- 1 rtst A frlcan Instltute of Internatlonal A ffalrs tlon of the nollcy has been qubm ltted to the Soclety and any i lgon N &anza W elfare A ssoclatlon Broderlck Falls person ln possesslon of the pollcy or clalmlng to have any -1 a:ta Cltlzeqiq' U nlon lnterest thereln should comm unlcate lm m cdlately by reglstcred () entra! Provm ce Te ,. G row ers Assoclatlon post wlth thc Sot-lety f'alllng any such com m lnjcatlon a certl- 1., enya Pqrtv H eadquarters N a robl fied copy of the Dollcy (whlch shall be the sole evtdentee tlnkon of Tlrlkl Teachers of the contr tct) w tll be lssued to the ow ncr fpated fhlq 7th daJ of July, 1961 G K LIN D S W Geno al A/cplrcz D J COW ARD Regtstlal oj Socletleî G AZISTTE N ollcE N o 3411 SOUTH AFRICAN M UTU AL LIFE ASSU RAN CE SOCIETY GAZETTE N ()rlce N o 3407 ( INCORPaRArED BY A cT oy' PARLIAMENT IN 3 HE R EPUBLIC OF FIRST PERM AN EN T BU ILDIN G SOC IETY SOUIH A FRICA) tlht.oapoR&Teo Ix NORI'HERN RnoDEsiAl M UT U A LPA R K PIN ELAN D S Loss oF PxssBook Loss oF PoLlcy Passbook N o K 60823 ln the z!t7???c of M t $ F' Bl (IJ#??Z of Pohc v N o 678 435 1ol Sh 29 080 dated 13f/l M tzv 1949, z. 1 J!t alt Pre% ftg/.è n N'(?? f h Izlz-tz/c î fJJT //1e Ikfe OJ He Je/l X $lnc 5- VeI tnnlcrl W atsoll the p, operty AIàPLICATION has been m ade to thls Soclety for the lssue oj C Ilat Ies Af athe u of a dupllcate of the above-num bered passbook, the orlglnal NOTICE ls hereby glven th lt evldence of the loss or destruc- h-tvlllg bçen leported as lost N otlce ls hercby glven that unless tlon ot the pollcy has been subm ltted to the Soclety and any oblel tlon ls lodged to the contrary at the oë ce of the Soclety person lq pousesslon of the pollcy or clalm lng to have any wlthln 30 davs from the date ht-reof a dupllcate passbeok wlll înterest there:n should com m untcate lm m ed4ately by reglstered be lssued to the passbook holder post wlth the Sot-lety Falllng any such com m um catlon a certl- fled copy ot tlne pollcy (whlch shall be the sole evjdence H H W A R REN of the contr 4e1) wlll be lssued to the owner N alrtpbl K enl'a M anazet 6tl1 Jujy, 1961 P O ftp'r 30088, N allobl G K LIN D SAY , Genoal M anage

G AzEl TE N oTlcs N o 3408 G AZFTTE N OTICE N o 3412 THE M AN UFAC CU RERS LIFE IN %U RANC E COM PAN Y TH E TUBILFE IN SU RAN CF CO M PAN Y L IM ITED (lxf ofœ ollA'r'Eo IN CANADA lb 1887 AS A LIM ITED LJABILITY CoMlwkwyl (INcoR1 ORATBD IN KBNYA) Loss oiz Pol-lcy M O M B A SA Poltcy No 1 261 ,702 fol %h 50 000 dated 5111 Octobel 1053 Loss ol7 POLILY o ? the llfe and f/le propel tv of M I xs*/ltty/llkclyt Lalalt nnt'tl PollL ) No 12453 oîL f/le lJ/c oj M ; Alkbeïalk M ohamed s'tp/ll/f Pkçtk I of P O Box 108 Keïlcho A'Ter/l cr oj Kltega Ruanda LTrunffl N O I IC E ls hereby glven that evldence ot the loss or destruc- APPLICAR lO N h ts been m ade to thls Com pany fol the tlon clf t'hls pollcy has been submltted to the Com pany znd jssue ot a dupllcate of the aboNe num bered pollcy, the ollgm tl any pt rson In possesslon of the pollcy or clalm m g to have any havlng been reoorted as lost or m lsplaeea N otlce ls hereby lnteres thereln should com m unlcate w lthln 30 davs by regls glven that unless oblectlon ls lodged to the contrary qt the oëce tered Jloqt wlth the Company Falllng any s pch com munlcatlon of tile C om pany w îthin 30 davs from the dqte hereof a dupll- a certl led copy of the pollcy (whlch shal! be the sole evldence cate pollcy w1ll be lsbued to tlae pollcy holder of tlw ontract) wlll be lqsutd to the owner M R H O SAN G A D Y , R H AW K IN S Gellelal M anagel M olage' 1ol East z'l/zlct:/ M onhb Asa Head Of/ict P O Bo% 30063 N allobl 3rd J tlly, 19:1 P O fta: 220, Monîbasa 648 TK C K EN Y A G A ZEU E 1 1th JulN, 1961

G AZETTF N onqcB N o 3413 C ITY CO UN C IL O F N A IR O BI N OTICE ls heleby gtven that the Clty C ounml of N airobl at a m eetlng held on 4th July, 1961 m ade the follow ln'r ptovlslonal appol- tlonments or the cost of constructmg Temple Road (Jeevanlee Street to Navln Lane) under thtz provlslons of the M uniclpalltles and Townslups (Pnvate Streets) Ordlnance, ndmely - Pl l , ot N o O wnel s N am e and A ddress Frontage (-ost pet A ppoltlonm ent Feet Foot sh ca Road Reserve Jeevaluee Stre et ,Clty Councll of N alrobl 20 75 ;j 1,634 76 L R 209/4987 Samll Kala & Co Ltd , P O Box 62 4, M ombasa 95 61 '%-' 7 532 53 L R 209/4988 Crown Land- commlssloner for Land s ,P O Box 30089, Nalrobl 95 61 %&' 7,532 53 Road Reservo Jeevanlee Stree t ,clty Councll of N alrobl 21 00 e) 1,654 46 car Park Crown Land, Clty Councll contrlbutlon belng 1/6 of tlze cost, or an 'G equyvalent frontage or 46 60 -w*. 3 671 33 -

Total Cost of tho W orks 279 5h yj 22,025 61

Thls provkslonal apporttonment cancels r/7JI approved by the Clty Ct/lz//cll of Ntzlrtpl?l at If-ç meetlng t?/) 5th Wprl/y 1960 (M lnute 24, p 1216) and as publtshed as Gazette Nottce No 1857 on 19//1 Aprtl, 1960 Ihe z eapportlonment has been catrled c'lf/ ln accordaltce wtth //çd ludgment of the Senlor Resldent M cglâf/tzre 1:1 Clvll W#fcl/ j%O l of 1960

N a6ltrio1 bJltlly, 1961 ROBERTr oLwUa NcN/elk

QIAZETTE yloTlcB h;o 3414 G AZETTE N on cB N o 3416

CITY COUN CIL OF N M ROBI K ERICHO U RBAN D ISTRICT COU N CIL THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (COIJNTY COIJNCILS) THE M U N ICIPALITIES ORDIN AN CE ORD IN ANCE, 1952 (Cap 136) N OTICB Is hereby glven, pursuant to sectlon 113 of the Local Ie osm ox oy CHARGBS Governm ent (County Counclls) Ordmance 1952, that the Coun- cll m tend at the explratlon of 14 days aftor the date of pubhca- IN A CCORD AN CE wlth sectlon 59 of the M um clpalltle: Ordm ance it is hereby notlfied that the Clty Councll of N alrobl on tlon of tlus notlce to apply for the approval of the M lnlster 4th July , 1961, resolved that the followlng schedule of revlsed for Local G overnm enk and Lands to the K encho U rban D lstrlct charges for M ary's H all be approved wlth efl-ect from 1st July, 1961 Collncll (Publlc Roads and Streets and Publlc Places) (Amend- The M lm ster has consented to these revlsed charges m ent) By laws, 1961 Coples of the By-laws have been deposlted at the oflices of the Cotmcll m Queensway, Kerlcho, and are avallable for mspec- Exlstlng tlon free of charge durmg norm al oë ce hours Coples of the (as revlsed ln Proposcd By-law s w 111 be supplled on request and on paym ent of the 1958) approprlate fee Sh cts xN'/i cts Any oblectlon agalnst the By-laws m ust be lodged wlth the Casual room per day 25 00 25 00 Casual room per week 155 00 155 00 underslgned wlthln 12 days of the publlcatlon of thls notlce Breakfast - 2 75 Lunch 4 00 4 00 S L V IN C EN T , Tea 1 50 1 00 Cleï k t?/ the Councll D lnner 5 50 5 50 P O Box 44 K erlcho M onthly- All M eals 775 00 275 00 Lunches- M ondays to Prldavs- M onthly 55 00 75 00 Lunches- Everyday- M onthly 75 00 90 00 GAZETTE N o'rlcr, No 3417 D lnners- Everyday- M onthly 122 50 122 50 Breakfast- Everyday- M onthly 65 00 NA KU RU E YST RU RA L D ISTRICT COU NCIL TSNDER%- CONTRACT No C z8- coxsTRucnqoN OF SHOPS AND STAFF QUARTERS AT SUBUKAA G NTRE Dated thls 5th day oî July, 1961 TEN DERS are lnvlted for the constructlon of four shops ROBEKT LU N N and a block of stas quarters at Stlbukla (total plmth area Czty Hall, N alrobl zbwa d/er/c approxlmately 1 600 square feet) Form s of tender drawlngs and speclicatlons m ay be obtalned on appllcatlon to the Countv Bnglneer, P O Box 138, N akuru, on paym ent of a deposlt of Sb 100, winch w11l be refunded on recelpt of a bona 5de tender and/or the return of a1l G AN 'I'TB NoTlcr No 3415 contract docum ents Tenders m plam sealed envelopes endorsed ''Contract N AIROBI W ESTERN RURAL D ISTRICT COU N CIL N o C 28': m ust reach the underslgned not later than 21st July 1961 THE IOCM GOVERN M ENT (COUNTY COIJNCILS) The Councll does not blnd ltself to accept the lowest or any ORD IN AN CE, 1952 tender THs NAIROBI W ESTBRN RIRAL DISTRICT COLTNCIL (BUILDING) L E TARPLEE, (AMEXDMENTJ Bv-tAvs, 1961 Clerk ol the Counckl N OTIC.E ls hereby glven that the N alrobl W estern Rural N akuru, Ctpldn/)z H all Djstnct Councll lntends to apply to tbe M lnlster for Local 7th July 1961 P O Box 138 N aku'u G overnm tnt and Lands for approval to the N alrobl W estern Rural Dlstnct Councll (Bulldlng) (Amendment) By-laws, 1961 G AZBTTE N on cp N o 3418 Coples of the proposed By-laws are deposlted ln the County H aI1, Connaught Road, N alroby, and are avdllable for lnxpectpon M U N ICIPAL BOARD OF K ITALF durlng ordlnary oK ce hours TH E M U N ICIPAL ELE CTION RU LES, 1959 A copy of the proposed By-laBs wlll be sent to any lnterested person on recelpt of 8h 1 PU RSU 4NT to the provlslons of rule 28 of the ftbos e Rules, notlce ls hereb, glven that, at ct by-electlon held on 5th July &ny oblectlon to the proposcd By-l tws m ust be lodgtd wlth 1961 the followlng candldate was duly declared elected the underslgnez w lthln 12 d ,) ()1 the date of pubhcatlon t m em bcl of the M unlclpal Board of Kltale to hold oë ce untll of thls notlce x 30th June 1963 - M R CHATURBHAT TRIBHOViNDXS PATEL li t W RIGH I

Clerk o.f the Cottllctl A A D M ARTIN EAIJ (;'tpJ/??/> ff./// Kttalu Retlllnltlg O/Jt e) P O Box 30229 N atlobl 51 11 Jl.1ly-, 1 $.161 . To4vn S f?//, Kltale 11th July, 1961 RH E K EN YA G AZET TE 849

C AZETTE pêoTlcE lqo 3419 CIAZETTE ':OTICE lko 3424 M IN ISTRY OF W ORK S N OTICE GF CHAN GE OF N AM E C:X TRAI- 'rsxo s'lt BoAa.o 1, H 1rJl Vm l, of M om basz ln the Colony and Protec- torate of K enya, the father and naturtl guardlan of m y TBNDER No'rlcE No 57/61 daughtel Bartlben, who was born at Nalrobl aforesald on the TEN DEA S 27th day of June 1953, glve publlc notlce that by a deed poll are lnvlted for the m anufacture and supply of - dated the 24th day of June , 1961, duly executed by me (and Cat N o C 44, Jumpers K D , two pockets, short sleeves attested by Suryakant R Patel, advocate, of M ombasa) I have pleated pocket, wlthout collar N o 5070 absolutely lenounced and abandoned the use ot her form er Cat N o C 62 Cover, Plllbex, K D N o 1930 nqm e Of Bartlben and ln lleu thereof hrtve on her behalt T h assum ed the lirst nam e of Bhartlben e ltem s m ay be m spected at the om ce of the Inspector ol M aterlals, Supplles B ranch M lnlstry of W orks, Llverpool l therefore, on her behalf hereby authorlze and Tequest Road N alrobl, durlng nolm al worklng hours dl1 persons to deslgnate, descrlbe and address m N sald ' daughter by the first nam e of Bhartlben Tender form s glvlng full detallq m ay be obtalned on wrltten alppllcatlon from the Chlef Supplles Of cer, Supphes Branch, D ated at M ombasa thls 1st day of July 1961 M lnlstry of W orks Coronatlon A venue, P O Box 30260, , N àlrobl, by not later than 12th July, 1961 Tender forms w111 H IRJI VIRJI bt sent to appllcants by reglstered post as soon as posslble af er thls date QIAZETTE 'qOTICE lio 3425 G tZETTB N OTJCE N o 3420 N OTICE OF CHAN GE OF N A M E M IN ISTRY OF W OM S W E, Patel and Patels, advocates, R ahem tulla Trust Bulldlng, G overnm ent Road, N alrobl, actlng for Slzm ant Purshottam Amm , CENTRAL TEN D ER BOARD c/o Dr R P Amln, P O Box 5652, Nalrobl, now of Tarapur, Dlstnct K alra, G ularat State, Indla, hereby glve notlce on be.- TENOER NoncE No 56/61 half of our above nam ed cllent that he has, as from 15th June, FEN DERS are Invlted for the supply of Cat N os B 30 and 1961 absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of h1q nam e B 31, Dlsmfectant Flmd, W hlte R W Coef 18-20, 8,200 gallons, of Ratllal Purshottam Am ln and m lleu thereof has from the and Cat N o B 69, Insectlclde, 2,000 gallons aforesald date asstuned the use of the nam e of Sum ant Pur- I'ender form s glvlng f 1111 detmls m ay be obtalned on wntten shottam Am m , and such change of lus nam e ls evtdenced by a appllcatlon from the Chlef Supplles Oë cer, Supplles Branch, deed poll dated 15th June, 1961 (reglstered ln Reglstry of Docu- M lnlstry of W orks, Coronatlon Avenue, P O Box 30260 ments at Nqlrobz ln Vo1 B 3, Follo 33/233, Flle B xxxlx on N < lrobl, by not later than 17tb July, 1961 T ender form s w 1l1 26th June, 1961) duly executed by hlm and and attested be sent to appllcants by reglstered post as soon as posslble after A nd on behalf of our sald cllent we hereby authorlze and thlw date requeqt a11 persons to deslgnate, descrlbe and address h1m by the n àm e ot Sum ant Purshottam A m ln lnstead of k atllal Pur- shottam A m ln t)? ZETTE ;ToTIcE 'fo 3421 D ated at N alrobl thls 4th day of July 1961 M IN ISTRY OF W ORK S P 1 PA TEL, yor Patel tzntf Patels C EN TR AL TEN D ER BO A R D Advocates /br Sumant Pursllottam Amln Tsxrmlls roR H ARDw ARB AND SANITARY STORES FEN DERS are m vlted for the supply of H ardware and Satlltary stores G AZBTTE N orlc'E N o 3426 render forms glvlng full detalls m ay be obtalned on w ntten aplnllcatlon from the Chlef Supplles Omcer, Supplles Branch, N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF NA M E M 1 nlstry of W orks, Coronatlon Avenue P O Box 30260, BY a deed date.d the 26t11 day of June, 1961, Kulsum w /0 N alrobl, by not later than 20th Tuly, 1961 Tender form s wlll G ulam H usseln Chatur of P O Box 5446, N alrobl, natural be sent to appllcants by Reglstered post as soon as posslblc born Brltlsh sublect, absolutely renounced and abandoned the after thls date use of the sald nam e K ulsum and m heu tttereof has assum ed as from the date thereof the nam e of Zanna, and m pursuance of such change of nam e as aferesald lt ls hereby declarcd that Gà EB'I'I'F- N o-ncE N o 3422 she w11l at al1 tlm es llereafter m a1l records and m strum ents ln w rltlng and m all deahngs and transactlons and upon a1l M IN ISTRY OF W ORKS occaslons whatsoever use and sjgn the sald Zanna as her nam e m llea of the sald form er nam e of Kulsum so renounced as CEN TRAL TEN DER BOAR D aforesald, and sho hereby authonzes and requests a11 persons to deslgnate, descrlbe and address her by such assum ed nam e of TYNDBR FOR CAT è4O C 614/1 èTETS, ATOSQUITO Zarlna only 3 EN D ERS are m vlted for the m anufacture and supply of Ca1 No C 614/1 Nets, M osqulto, Camp-bed mze rectangular Dated at N alrobl thls 30th day of June, 1961 (co ton) No 1100 A K RAM & ESM AIL, 1 he ztem s m ay be m spected at the oK ce of the Inspector of Advocates /br Zarma w1o Gulam /'.?'us'çeln Chatltr M aterlals, Supphes Bçanch, M m lstry of W orks, Llverpool R oad, N alrobl, durlng norm al worklng hours 3 ender form s glvm g full detalls may be obtalned on wrltten G AZBTTE N ozqcE No 3427 apfjhcatlon from the Chlef Supplles Oëcer, Supplles Brancb M llustry of W orks Coronatlon Avenue, P O Box 30260 D ISSOLU TION OF PA RTNERSH IP N alrobl, by not later than 21st July 1961 Tender form s wll1 b: sent to appllcants by Reglstered post as soon as posslble N OTICE ls hereby gw en that tile partnershlp heretofore sub- aftk r thls date slstlng between Jethalal K rlshnaram Trlvedl, alms Jayantllal K rlshnaram Trlvedl, and Shantllal K nshnaram Tnvedl, tradlng under the firm nam e or style of N gara H otel on Swam p Road, N alrobl, has been bv m utual consent dlssolved by retlrcm ent G Az BrrE N oTIcE No 3423 therefrom of M r Jethalal Krlshnaram Trlvedl, altas Jayantllal K rlshnaram Tnvedl, wlth cffect from 30th June, 1961 N OTICE 0F CHAN G E OF N AM E The sald buslness w1ll hereafter be carned on by the con- 1 Jashbhal Purshottam das Patel of N alrobl m the Colony of tlnutng partner, M r Shanttlal K rlshtmram Trlvedl as the sole K erlya hereby glve pubhc notlce that by a deed poll dated the proprlctor thereof at the sald place under the sam e firm nam e 2Otlt day of June 1961, duly executed by m e as the father or style and natural guardlan of my daughter Indlra, heretofore called and known by the nam e of Baby, m y sald daughter form ally The contlnum g partner shall recovcr and pay a11 debts due and absolutely renounced the tkse of the sald nam e of Baby to and by the partnershlp as up to the date of such dlssolutlon and ln lleu thereof assum ed and adopted the nam e of Indlra for a11 purposes, and I hereby authonze and request all persons D ated at N alrobl tktls 30th dgy of June, 1961 te dleslgnate, descnbe and address m y sald daughter by such SHAN TILAL K RISHN ARAM TRIVEDI, assvm ed nam e of Indtra Contm uïng partner D ated at N alrobl thls 4* day of July, 1961 IETHA LAL K RISHN ARAM TRIVED I, allas Jayantllal K rlshnaram 7q?I1ze#r, IASHBH AI PU RSH OTTAM D AS PATEL R etm ng pantner 850 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 11th July, 1961

GAZLI IB NOTICE Ntl 3428 5OW ON SXIaE TH E FRAU DU LENT TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES ORD IN ANCE qcap 2:6) Eco x o M lf SIJR YEY N O TIC E ls hereby glven that the buslness of retall m erchants hGeurelatmofhoures elnc ala rnledd Hoansh abmya llT Gahuelraamll huGseulnla muhnduseer lnt,h e Anbadmuelr qasnudl 1961 style of W elcom e Stores ln the prem lses erected on Plot N o 186 SectTon XXII, Ganlonl Roady , ln the Protectorate oi K enya has as from the 7th day of M arch, 1961, been sold tnd transferred to Nargls Mohamedal! Nazarally PI esented by the Arf'l?zl,$/& jor Ftnance 'I'he address of the transferors ls P O Box 1270, Mombasa anJ D evd opm ent The address of the transferee ls P O Box 2287, M om basa n e transferee ls not assumlng nor does she Intend to assume the S ON & WZ S XJ'J(lK C#lCId, C #./ G any of the llabllltles m curred ln the sald buslnass up to and lncludlng the 7th day of M arch, 1961, and the sam e will be patd and dlscharged by tho transferors, and llkewlse al1 the Prlce Sh 3 debts due to the transferors up to and lncludlng the 7th day of M arch, 1961, wll1 be recelve,d by the transferors Dated at M ombasa thls 2Qth day of June, 1961 O btalnable from the G overnm ent Prlnter , N alrobl SA TC H U & SA TCH U Ad%ocates lor both the parttes

GAzsl'rs NoxqcE N o 3429 olssoLvTlox op PARTNERSHIP R EV ISED ED ITIO N O F TH E AND .ru c sltx u o v csx w TRA x sBER OF BUSINESSES A GR W U IUTU R E O R D IN AN CE O R o jw xx c s (c,?, a:6) 1955 N OTICE is hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore sub Mslstlng between Peter James Macharla Peter Nderltu s/o (No 8 oj 1955) wenda and M uthonl w/o M ulgal, carrylng on buslness on Plot N o 13 Sectlon 1lI Kltale ln the Colonv of K enva, under the firm nAm c and st#le of Elgon R estaurant has been dls- bsoyl vetdh e byr etmlruemtueanl t cothnesreenftr oams forof m Pethteer 1àsat mdeasy Mofa cJhualyrl,a 19a6n1d ll1C0l PO? fl/lN# 6111 J??'ldNdMld/l/.v m tlde bejore peter Ndentu s fo M wenda, who have transferred thelr respec- lJf July, 196 l tlve shares m the sald btuslness to K arelthl Roblnson H lnga and G ltlzogorl Johlz M urage both of K ltale and the sazd buslness as from the sald date ls belng carrled on at the same place and under the same 5rm name of Elgon Restaulant Prlce Sh 8 by M uthonl w/o M ulgal, the contlnulng partner, and Karelthl Roblnson H lnga and G lthogorl John M urage, the new lncom lng pqrtners pncAlu11d mdgeb ttsh ed u3e0 ttho doary owofl ngT ubnye , th19e 6s1 aldw lbllu sbme esrs ecueplv etdo and O btalnable from the G overnm ent Pnnter, N alrobl pald by laeter Jam es M acharla laeier xdentu s/o M wenda and M uthonl w/o M ulgal, the contmulng and retlrlng partners

The new and lncom lng partners are not assum lng nor do they .- - lntend to assume any llabllltles lncurred bv the satd retlrlng and contlnulng partners ln and for the sald busyness up to and lncludlng the 30th day of June, 1961 oated at xltale tlus 1st day of zuly 1961 CO X X ER C E AN D IND U STR Y M A PA TEL, xdkocate for aIl Pth e0 paBrotxw s 58c9o zlcKerkntaeltef IN K EN Y A, 1.96:

Prlce Sh 2 N OW ON SALE ------O btalnable from the G overnm ent Prlnter, N alrobl TH E OR IG S A G R O TH 0F M AU M IU AN Hls'roRlcAr srRvzv R EPO R T O F A SUR YEY O F PR O BIUEM S OF CH D (svssloxAt I'AI'ER xo. s EIUFAR E IN K EN Y A OF 1959/60) (Flnant ed @'& Kenya C'/-cwc?tzpvc Cl dtrzld? les Ltd )

Prlce Sh 15 P? lce Sh 10

Obtalnable from the G overnm ent Pnnter. N alrobl O btalnable from the G overnm ent Prlnter, N m robl