![THE KENYA GAZETTE Publ~Shedunder the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Reg~Steredas a Newsvaper at the G P 0 1](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE KENYA GAZETTE Publ~shedunder the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Reg~steredas a Newsvaper at the G P 0 1 I.LXIII-No. 32 NAIROBI, 11th July, 1961 Price Sh 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GALE~TENOTICES-(CO~~~ ) PAGE PAGF The Registiai~on ot Titles Ordinance-Issue of Pro- A ppolntments, eic 828 vis~onalCert~ficqte of Ownersn~p 835 The Keny~(Const~tut~on) Order m Councll- Vacancies 835-837 828 Declaration of Incapac~tyof Mgmbers Tenders Appointment of Temporary Members 828, 829 837, 840, 849 Declaration of Rebumed Capac~tyof Members 829,830 Unreg~stered Co-operatwe Soc~eties-Not~~eof W~nd~ng Actlng Governor-Surrender of Office 830 UP 837 T,le Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordinance- Colony and Protectorate of Kenya-Exchequer Return 838 Cessation of Temporary Powers 830, 831 I The Water Ordmance-Apphcations 839 Tlte Ci~ilServ~ce Commission Ord~n~n~e-Appomtment 811 Asiatlc W~dows and Orphans P~nsons Fund- Balance Sheet 839 Tlie Publ~cRoads and Roads of Access Oldinance- Appointment of Board, etc 83 1 Nalrobl Cost of Living Indices 840 The Cubtoms Dut~es (Dumping and Subs~dles) Act- The rraders Licensmg Ord~nance-Appomtments 831 Applicat~onfor Am-dumping Dut~eson Crown Corhs 840 The Education Ordmance-Appomtment 831 The h~t~veAuthority Ordinance-Appo~ntments 841 The Courts Ordmance-Appointment 83 1 L lquor Llcenmg 841 The Comb~nedCadet Forcc Regulations-Res~gnation 832 Probate and Adm~nistration 841,842 Thl. Publ~cHealth (Tents and Caravans S~tes)Rules- Revocat~on of Power of Attorney 847 f'ipphcation 832 Banki uptclez 843-845 Th. M~nistry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and The Companies Ordinance 845, 846 7Vater Resources-Scale of Charges 832 Tbt Trade Un~ons Ord~nance-Cessation of Existence 846 Thc Prevention of Cruelty to and Neglect of Children The Societ~esOidmance-Registrations, etc 846,847 Clrdmance-Appomntment 832 Loss of Policles 847 Thc Hosp~tal Treatment Rel~ef (Asian and Arab) Clty, Urban and D~str~~tCouncils Not~ces 848 Ordinance-Declarat~on of Hosp~tals Not~ce of Change of Name 849 The Regulation of Wages and Cond~t~onsoi Employ- ment Ordinance-Reappointment Dissolution of Partnershlpq 849 The Fraudulent Trander of Businesseb Ordinance 850 The Tea Ordinance-Membership of Board The Statist~cs Ordinance-Appointment of Aulhor~zed 0 fficers SUPPLEMENT No 50 The Crmnal Procedure Code-Appomtment Legrslattve Suppleineizt Losc of Tax Reserve Certificates LEGALNOTICE NO PAGF Ken Government Stocb 378-The Nakuru West Ru~al Dlst~ict Councll (L~ens~ngof Premlses and Trld~r~)By- East Afr~can Ra~lwaysand Harbours-Appomtment laws, 1961 609 H M Supreme Court at NairoblSummer Vacation 379-The 01 Kalou Urban and Rural D~strlct Counc~l(Build~ng) By laws, 1961 613 The Adm~ralty Police Ordnance-Appointments 380-The Agriculturql Appeals Tr~bunal(Procedure The Mlnlng Regulat~ons-Exply of L~cence on Appeals) Rules, 1961 625 381-The Customs Tariff (Remission) (No 3) Order, The Mm~ngOrd~nance-4rant1ng of L~cence 1961 63 1 Languages Exam~natlon-Results 382-The Public Officers (Change of T~tles)Ordm- ance, 1952-Amendment to Schedule 632 H M Supreme Court-Caust Lists 383-The Meru Dlstr~ctCurfew (No 9) Order, 1961 633 W M Supreme Court--Crtmmal Sessions 384-The Meru D~strlctCurfew (No 10) Order, 1961 634 H M Court of Appeal-Summer Vacation 385-The Meru D~str~ctCurfew (No 11) Order, 1961 635 11827 828 THE KENYA G AZE'I'TE 11th Juh , 1961 CORRIGEN DU M G AZETTL N GTICB N O 3294 G (LC 415 (11)) azette N otlce N o 1221 appearlng on page 799 ol tlle Kenya Gazette dated 4th July, 1961- SBrrING APART oF LAND - TI-IE xsxvx (cox sTITUTION) ORDER IN COLTNCIL In llne 1 of çtDtscrlptlon of land'' # jor 21. mlles read 1958 91. mlles (1, N 158 of 1q58) - . - . - sstx xuxw ox os IxcNyucla.v os coxs'nwusxcv M EMBER or THB GAzsrrs No'rrcs N o 3291 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL A PPOIN TM EN TS By H ls Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Com mander of the M ost Dlstm gulshed O rder of Salnt M lchael and JOHN BtAcx TEMPLER Cow AN , M B B , to act as D eputv Com Salnt G eorge, G overnor and Comm ander-ln-chlef of the rm ssloner of Pnsons wlth elect from 19th M ay, 1961 Colony and Protectorate of K enya M AURICB PHII-LIPS to act as Deputy Commlssloner of Prlsons IN EXERCISE of the powers conferled by subsectlon (1) of wlth efftct from 1st July, 1961 Sectlon 30 of the Kenya (Constltutton) Order m Councll, 1958, as amended, I do hereby declare tbat- REVERSION S cuvs W ILFRBO SALTER M ICHAEL LLEw BLLYN DIJNLAP ceased to act as Legal D raftsm an a Constltuenc) M em ber representlng the N alrobz W est Constl- w lth efftct from 1st July 1961 tuenc) ln the Leglslatl&e Counml, has, from the 3rd day of W ILFRID W ILLIAM LAW SON, B SC (CIVTL), A M I C E , A M 1 W E , Ju1) , 1961, been unable b) reason of absence te perform h1s A M I RHoo E , ceased to act as D 1v1SlOna1 Englneer Central functlens as quch M em ber Dlvlslon (South), M mlstry of W orks, Nalrobl, wlth efect G nen under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls from 1st Julv, 1961 5th day of July, 1961 JoHx BLACK 'IYMPLER COWAN, M B B , ceased to act as Deputy Com m lssloner of Prlsons wlth effect from 1st July, 1961 P M REN ISON , Goj ernor By Comm and of the G overnor E N G RIFFITH-JON ES, QIAZETTE 'QOTICE '4O 3295 Actïng Càle/ Secretary (LC $15 (11)) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUN CIL, GAZET'I'B N OTICB N o 3292 1958 (Lc 4/5 (11)) (Z N 158 0/ 1958) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION ORDER IN COUNCIL, AzvolxTMbxr oF TEMN RARY M SMSER ov LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 1958 By H1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson K nlght Com m ander (L N 158 oj 1958) of the M ost D lstm gulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and D ECLARATION oF INCAPACITY OF C ONSTITUENCY M EM BER OF THE Salnt George G overnor and Conzmander-ln-chlef of the LBGISLATIVB Couxcqt, Colony and Protectorate of K enya By Hls Excellency Sir Patrlck M ulr Rem son, K m ght Comm ander W H EREA S thero ls a vacancy ln the num ber of persons of the M ost Dlstm gulshed Order of Samt M lchael and slttlng as M embers of the Legtslatlve Councll by reason of a Sam t George, G overnor and Comm ander-ln Chlef of the declaratlon of m capacity m resgeet of- Colony and Protectorate of K enya CI Ivs W ILFRED SAI-RER* IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred by subsection (1) of sectlon 30 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958 a Constltuencv M em ber of the Councll as amended, I do bereby declare that- In exerclse of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) of LAURENCE R OBERT M AcoxocHlE W El-w ooo sectlon 30A of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, as am ended, 1 do hereby appom t- a Constltuency M em ber representlng the W est K enya Constl tuency m the Leglslatlve Councll, has, from the 3rd day of July, D OM CHADH PIARAS REclls O'BEIR'NE 1961 .' been unable by reason of absence to perform hls functlons as such M em ber to be tem porarlly, wlth esect trom the 3rd day of July, 1961, a M em ber of the sald Counml Glvtn under my hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 5th dav of Julv, 1961 Glven under my hand and the publlc seal of Kenya thls 5th dqy of July, 1961 P M REN ISON Governo' P M REN ISON , Governor *G N 3294/61 GAZSTT, N orzcs N o 3293 (LC 4J5 (1129 GAZBTI', N ozqcs No 3296 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION ORDER IN COUNCIL, (LC 4/5 (11)) 1958 (L N 158 of 1958) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, AP/OINTMBNT oF TBMN RARY M EMBER op LEGISLATIVE COLINCIL 1958 By H1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M m r Rem son, K nlght Com m ander (L N 158 of 1958) of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and DECLARATION OF INCAPACITY OF CONSTITUENCY NTEMBER OF THE sam t George, Governor and Com mander-ln-chlef of the LEGISLATIVE C OUNCIL Colony and Protectorate of K enya W HEREAS there ls a vacancy In the number of persons By H 1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Comm ander slttm g as M embers of the Leglslatlve Councll by reason of a of the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and Sam t G eorge, G overnor and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the declaratlon of m eapaclty m respect of- Colony and Protectorate of K enla Lxuu xc, ROBERT M Acoxocm E W etw oooe a Constttuency M ember of the Councll IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) of sectlon 30 of the Kenva (Constltutlon) Order m Councl), 1958 In exerctse of the powers conferred by subsectlon (1) of as amtmded, I do hereby declare that- seetlon 30A of the Kenya (Constztutlon) Order ln Courlcll, 1958, as am ended, I do hereby appolnt- A NAN IPRASA.D JAGANNA.T'H PANDYA O w Alx G w vwszm A LLANSON W INN a Constltuency M ember representm g the M ombasa-tzwatonl to be tem poranlys wlth ecect from the 3rd day of July, 1961, a Constltuency ln the Leglslatlve Councll, has, from the 3rd day M ember of the sald Councll of July, 1961, been unable by reason of absence to perform hls functlons as such M em ber G lven under m y hand and the pubhc seal of K enya tlus 5th day of July, 1961 Gw en under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 5th day of July, 1961 P M REN ISON , G overnor P M REN ISON , *G N 3292/61 G overnor 1 1th July, 1961 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 829 GAzsa-rs NOTICB No 3297 G&ZBT'I'E NolqCE No 3300 (Lc 415 (19) (ZC 4/5 (11)) THE KENYA (CON STITU fION ORDER IN COUNCIL THE KENYA (CON STITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL 1958 1958 (L N 158 (Z N 158 of 1958) oj 1958) D BcLAR&TIox oe Rssubœo CAPACITY op Coxsrnn rsxcy M EMBSR XPPOINTMENI OF TEMPORARY M BMBER OF LEGISLATW E COUNCIL or THE j.E olstaAerlvs cotrxcjL Bv Hls Excellency Str Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Com maKder By Hls Excellency Slr Patrlck M ulr Renlson, Knllht Commander of the M
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