Facebook Platform
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- The Perfect Startup Five Keys to Their Unprecedented Success LOGO
- ”Social Network Services and Privacy” (Pdf)
- The Disinformation Age
- Best Practices for Facebook Camera Effects
- Social Media Giveth, Social Media Taketh Away: Facebook, Friendships, and Apis
- WES: Agent-Based User Interaction Simulation on Real Infrastructure
- FTC Facebook FR Complaint 04062018
- From Social Networking to Social Commerce: Growth Paths of Facebook and Wechat
- Citymusic Resource
- Gerlitz, Carolin, and Anne Helmond. 2013. “The Like Economy: Social Buttons and the Data-Intensive Web.” New Media & Society (February 4)
- Social Media During Elections
- Social Media Glossary
- Social Media Glossary
- Big Tech Acquisitions and the Potential Competition Doctrine: the Case of Facebook
- The Law of Facebook
- Hit, Link, Like and Share. Organizing the Social and The
- Before the Federal Trade Commission
- Case 1:20-Cv-03590-JEB Document 75-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 1 of 80