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- Lecture 10.1: Epicurus and Lucretius Rorty: UCSC
- Epicurean Justice and Law
- To Avoid Pain Or Die Trying: a Philosophical Interpretation of Epicureanism
- Epicurean Ethics: a Relook
- Spinoza, the Epicurean Authority and Utility in Materialism
- Epicureanism and Cynicism in Lucian Allison Graham
- James Doull, Neoplatonism and the Origin of the Cartesian Subject
- Ancient Biographies of Pythagoras and Epicurus As Models of the Philosophical Life
- Cynic and Epicurean Parrhesia in Horace's Epodes 5 & 6
- Epicureanism and the Gospel of John
- Medieval Ethics Edited by Thomas Williams Frontmatter More Information I
- A Cynic and Epicurean Take on the Morality of Sex Change
- I Spit Upon the Noble: the Epicurean Critique of Love of Honor and the Origins of Modernity
- Friendship As Motivator: Epicureanism and Its
- Know Your Sources Before You Argue – Minucius Felix and Augustine of Hippo on the Conflagration
- The Rejection of the Epicurean Ideal of Pleasure in Late
- The Development of Natural Law from Plato to the Renaissance
- Okeefe-2010-Epicureanism.Pdf