Columbus Limestone
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- FTG-9: What The
- List R - Rock Units - Alphabetical List
- Ohio Fossils
- Description of the Columbus Quadrangle
- Devonian Rocks of Southeastern Michigan and Northwestern Ohio
- Geology of the Columbus - Galena - Gahanna Area
- Hydrologic Effects of the Earthquake Outside Alaska
- The Middle Devonian Rugose Coral Prismatophyllum Conjunctum (Davis) and the Age of the "Columbus" Limestone at Ingersoll, Ontario
- Age Relations of the Middle Devonian Limestones in Ohio
- Abraded Ripple-Marked Surfaces in Columbus Limestone, Central Ohio1
- Stratigraphy of Silurian and Pre-Olentangy Devonian Rocks of the South Birmingham Pool Area, Erie and Lorain Counties, Ohio
- S Ontario: Notes, Map 2117, Paleozoic Geology
- Geologic Cross Section D–D' Through the Appalachian Basin from The
- Ohio Intercollegiate Field Trip Guides 1950-51 to 1969-70. INSTITUTION Kent State Univ., Ohio Dept
- The Great Lake Erie. a Reference Text for Educators and Communicators. INSTITUTION Ohio State Univ., Columbus
- Hydrogeologic Framework of the Midwestern Basins and Arches Region in Parts of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois