The Middle Devonian Rugose Coral Prismatophyllum Conjunctum (Davis) and the Age of the "Columbus" Limestone at Ingersoll, Ontario
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The Middle Devonian rugose coral Prismatophyllum conjunctum (Davis) and the age of the "Columbus" Limestone at Ingersoll, Ontario WILLIAM A. OLIVER, JR. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT Prismatophyllum conjunctum (Davis) is a craspedophyllid coral that has the growth form of Prismatophyllum and an Erido- phyllum-Mltiz internal wall (aulos). This mix- ture of the characters of two distinct genera is interpreted as convergence because the aulos is independently developed in several stocks of corals. Specimens of P. conjunc- tum are not common but are known from four widely scattered sequences in Ken- tucky, Ohio, Ontario, and New York. These occurrences of approximately the same age, and other stratigraphic data, help resolve differing interpretations of the relationship of the central southwestern Ontario section to other Devonian sequences in eastern North America. PALEONTOLOGY The craspedophyllid genus Eridophyllum is characterized by a tubular structure (aulos) formed by deflection of the ma- jor septa near the axis of each corallite. In Eridophyllum, the aulos is generally well formed, circular in transverse section, and Figure 1. Eridophyllum-type aulos in Prismatophyllum and Asterobillingsa. (A- C) P. conjuntum (Davis), USNM 312612; "Columbus" Limestone (Middle Devonian), Chemical Lime Co., Ltd., quarry, 2 km NE of Ingersoll, and 11 km SW of Woodstock, Ontario (USGS colln. 5038-SD, 1958); transverse thin sections, X2Vt and X10; longitudinal thin section, X5. (D-E) A; n. sp., GSC 66159; Stooping River Formation (Lower Devonian), Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario (GSC loc. 81460; section 22 of Sanford and Norris, 1975, appendix 1; listed as Eridophyllum"! n. sp.); longitudinal and transverse thin sections, X5 and X10. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Part I, v. 92, p. 873-877, 5 figs., 1 table, November 1981. 873 Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 874 W. A. OLIVER, JR. either complete or incomplete. An incom- basis alone. Eridophyllum s.s. is probably a naria prisma) a fragment of a corallum from plete aulos has an opening at the position valid genus, but cerioid and astreoid corals the Columbus Limestone in a well core of the cardinal septum. Typical Eridophyl- in the same family should be assigned to from Chillicothe, Ohio, 72 km south of lum is phaceloid (branching colonies), but Prismatophyllum and. Asterobillingsa, not Columbus. This is the southernmost known Stumm (1954, 1965) and Oliver (1976) to Eridophyllum as was done previously. occurrence of the formation. Oliver (1976, included compact cerioid colonies in the Phaceloid species of Eridophyllum may be p. 82, 108, PI. 108) discussed the specimen genus because of the presence of a well- polyphyletically derived from phaceloid and tentatively assigned it to P. conjunc- defined aulos. species of Cylindrophyllum, but such deri- tum. There are only 2 m of Columbus strata The genus Prismatophyllum is cerioid in vation would be hard to demonstrate and in the Chillicothe core and the coral came growth form but characteristically lacks the seems unlikely. from between 7.5 and 18 cm below the top aulos. Prismatophyllum and Eridophyllum Prismatophyllum conjunctum (Davis) is of the formation. The Columbus in the core are generally similar in other characters and a cerioid craspedophyllid that has a well- is bounded by unconformities, and Carman both belong to the Family Craspedophylli- developed aulos. Both Stumm (1965) and identified it as representing Zone H (see dae although Oliver recognized two subfam- Oliver (1976) referred the species to Erido- Oliver, 1976, p. 12, for review of Columbus ilies on the basis of presence or absence of phyllum, but it is here reassigned. The stratigraphy). The presence of P. conjunc- the aulos. The family includes several other recent recognition of a specimen from r.ear tum supports a correlation with the upper genera, and both Eridophyllum and Pris- Woodstock, Ontario (Fig. 1), emphasizes part of the Columbus (Fig. 2) even though matophyllum include several species. Oliver its apparent stratigraphic significance and the apparent basis for Carman's correlation (1976) recently reviewed the family and its prompts the present article. was mistaken. genera. 3. A single specimen is known from the Several kinds of aulos are known in BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Moorehouse Member of the Onondaga rugose corals. The Eridophyllum-type, Limestone at Stafford, New York (Oliver, formed by deflection of the axial ends of the Oliver (1976) discussed the known distri- 1976, p. 107-108, PI. 107). The specimen major septa, is not common but is known in bution of Prismatophyllum conjunctum was found 45 cm above the Acinophyllum- other genera and families. Within the cras- (as Eridophyllum). A new occurrence with Eridophyllum bed in the basal part of the pedophyllids, the aulos is present in unde- significant stratigraphic implications is dis- known range of Paraspirifer acuminatus scribed astreoid species of Asterobillingsa cussed here, after a brief summary of the (Figs. 2, 3). (cited as Eridophyllum? n. sp. by Oliver in three previously known occurrences. Three 4. The new specimen is a fragment from Sanford and Norris, 1975, pt. II, p. 67; here- of the four occurrences are shown on Figure the "Columbus" Limestone in the Chemical in Fig. ID, E) as well as in phaceloid and 2. Lime Co., Ltd., quarry, 2 km northeast of cerioid (Fig. 1A-C) forms. In the closely 1. The species was originally described Ingersoll, Woodstock area, Ontario (Fig. 2). related Zaphrentidae, one specimen of He- from "above the coral zone" at the Falls of The following correlations are supported by liophyllum has a distinct Eridophyllum-type the Ohio River, Louisville, Kentucky. The the new occurrence but are not dependent aulos (Oliver, 1976). In short, it is apparent exact position is riot certain, but both upon it. that the Eridophyllum-type aulos evolved Stumm (1965) and Oliver (1976) concluded independently in several stocks of related that it is from the upper half of the Jeffer- ONTARIO-OHIO CORRELATIONS and unrelated corals, and there is no reason sonville Limestone in the Brevispirifer to to assign a craspedophyllid coral that has Paraspirifer zones. The "Columbus" Limestone at Ingersoll such a structure to Eridophyllum on that 2. Carman (1955) illustrated (as Hexago- was first recognized and described as a unit Figure 2. Correlation of Woodstock area sequence with sequences in central Ohio (left) and western New York (right). Horizontal lines are approximate time lines; thickness is not shown. Note that the sequences from Chillicothe to Windsor are along a south-north line; those from Windsor to Stafford are approximately west-east. Capital letters indicate the Columbus Limestone zones of Stauffer. T.B. is the Tioga Bentonite Bed. The "Dundee" of Sandford (see text) is a fades that is older to the east where it passes into the Moorehouse and Seneca members of the Onondaga Limestone. Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 875 by Ehlers and Stumm (1951). They assigned Seneca Member 5 m of gray, sandy, brown-weathering lime- 110'- stone to Zone H of the Columbus Lime- TB stone on the basis of its relatively rich, Known range of rather distinctive fauna (Ehlers and Stumm, Paraspirifer acuminatiis 1951, p. 1882). Zone H, the uppermost part of the Columbus in Ohio, outcrops from 100'- south of Columbus to Sandusky on Lake Erie (Fig. 2). Ehlers and Stumm clearly in- terpreted the Ingersoll beds as a northern tongue of uppermost Columbus, and Oliver (1976) agreed with their interpretation. A succession of Eridophyllum species in the 90'- Columbus Limestone at Columbus is topped by E. seriale, which is limited to Zone H (Oliver, 1976, p. 12) and is present through- out the extent of the zone. E. seriale is also Moorehouse Member common in the "Columbus" at Ingersoll. 80'- The newly recognized occurrence of Pris- matophyllum conjunctum further supports the correlation because this species is known only from upper Columbus and equivalent beds (see occurrences above). pc 70'- Further evidence comes from the brachi- opods, principally Paraspirifer acuminatus, characteristic of Zone H in Ohio and pres- ent at Ingersoll. A new list of corals and brachiopods (the latter identified by J. T. -ea Dutro, Jr.) from USGS collection 5038-SD 60' co O (Table 1) is somewhat different from that of Ehlers and Stumm. The fauna indicates that parts of Zones G and H are probably represented. Of the listed species, only E. Known range of seriale is thought to be limited to Zone H. 50'- "large" Amphigenia Most of the other corals and brachiopods are known from Zone H and one or more lower zones, but Brevispirifer gregarious is limited to Zones F and G and indicates that one or both of these zones is also present. 40'- The occurrence of a single specimen ques- tionably identified as "Acrospirifer" macro- thyris is anomalous (Ohio range is Zones C-E) because there is no other indication that the lower Columbus is represented at Clarence Member Ingersoll. 30'— Sanford (1968, p. 983-985) rejected the Columbus age assignment of the Ingersoll unit. He interpreted it as a local facies of the upper Lucas Formation (Detroit River Group) and preferred to call it the Ander- 20'- don Limestone. The Anderdon is a Michi- gan Basin unit of approximately the same Figure 3. Composite columnar section of the Onondaga 10'- Limestone in western New York. The Acinophyllum- Eridophyllum bed with a concentration of E. seriale is Edgecliff Member -— labeled A-E; the position of Prismatophyllum conjunctum is marked by the arrow and Pc; and the known range of Bois Blanc Formation Known range of "small" Amphigenia Paraspirifer acuminatus is shown.