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- The Case of Borobudur Temple
- The Place of Nusantara in the Sanskritic Buddhist Cosmopolis
- Downloaded at the Play Store and Can Be Operated on an Android Smartphone
- L. Chandra Chandi Mendut and Pawon: a New Interpretation
- The Sea Stories and Stone Sails of Borobudur
- R. Jordaan R. Wessing Human Sacrifice at Prambanan In
- Chapter IV Temples in Context of Religion and Politics
- REVITALIZATION of BOROBUDUR Heritage Tourism Promotion And
- The Borobudur: a Psychology of Loving-Kindness Carved in Stone
- The Identification of Plant Reliefs in the Lalitavistara Story of Borobudur Temple, Central Java, Indonesia
- Reviving an Unpopular Tourism Destination Through the Placemaking Approach: Case Study of Ngawen Temple, Indonesia
- The Buddhist-Hindu Divide in Premodern Southeast Asia John N
- Digital Preservation of Borobudur World Heritage and Cultural Treasures
- Borobudur Village Project Borobudur Temple Compounds, Indonesia
- The Ambiguous Feasibility of Borobudur Temple
- BOROBUDUR TEMPLE and the SACRED HEART SHRINE: Studying the Buddhism and the Catholic Pilgrimage Sites in South Java
- The Landscape of Borobudur Temple Compounds and Its Environment
- Borobudur Timescapes