Benjamin Franklin
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- Benjamin Franklin by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris
- Pursuing the Pursuit of Happiness: Delving Into the Secret Minds of the American Founding Fathers*
- Benjamin Franklin: Writer, Inventor, Statesman by Pamela Hill Nettleton
- The Rhetoric of Benjamin Franklin As an Ethical Model for the Practice of Sales Mark Craig
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- The Enlightenment in Action
- Benjamin Franklin's Inventions, Discoveries, and Improvements
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- Benjamin Franklin, Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth In
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- Against a Crude Balance: Platform Security and the Hostile Symbiosis Between Liberty and Security ______
- About Thomas Paine/Declaration Of
- Liberty and Virtue in the American Founding
- Evangelista Torricelli Otto Von Guericke Jean Picard Gottfried
- The Scientific Temper: an Anthology of Stories on Matters of Science By
- From Cameralism, to the American System of Economics by Nancy Spannaus Printed in the American Almanac, 1996
- Benjamin Franklin's Greatest Invention