Augustin Bea
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- Jewish Studies
- The Second Vatican Council
- Canada Archives Canada Published Heritage Direction Du Branch Patrimoine De I'edition
- A Igreja Católica E O Movimento Ecuménico: Da Conferência De Edimburgo Ao II Concílio Do Vaticano (1910-1965)
- 19610512.Pdf
- Information to Users
- Diözesan Archiv
- THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of AMERICA the Theological Justification for the Establishment of the Pontifical Commission for Justice
- Augustin Bea: Scholar, Teacher, Cardinal
- Yearbook 2004 Yearbook 2004
- The Legacy of Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J
- Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue on Foundations Laid in 1962–1964 Jared Wicks Ir [email protected]
- Goulart Ega As Compras
- Pope Pius XII
- Msgr Raymond T. Bosler at the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965, and After
- The Assumption Dogma: Some Reactions and Ecumenical Implications in the Thought of English-Speaking Theologians
- IJCS News, Volume 7