
PAGE TWO THE CRITERION, MAY I2, 196I Council seengiving the more active role

"rt'ltct'tt r\lIit:t ilrrrl ^,\sirt, Cltt'ts. tho Centl'i|l ItILiptrt'iltor'.\, Uor|ltrrrs- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilililIliiiiliiiiiliilliiiliiliiiliiilii||iii1iiiiiiiitiii[ N l:i\\' \-0ltli-:'l'lrc Scctrtld 'lltcsc More vigorous oclion on lhc liarr loots alc slill tentlcr." siott fol the Secontl \:atir.:rn Coun- parl Vnlicatr (lotttte il rt ill u'ilttess l,'rli{rrt".s Nole-l,o1re ,rofun .\,\lll lns tppealctl to lrr{r luitv t(l ol the laily may. ecco;d. Irro lu'r,a-*r ha slid irr *'ltielr tlre eil, r'trpolling in lho vulunro un ill lul;( atr ut:lrt:t: utrrl ing to Father Graham, cause iln hislol'ic lttt'ttittg lroillt . ('ath lir:r'lU irtlct.tr.sl itt lJrc crrittittU ldt:ttltttrtir'rtf Llrrttrrcil, linou'lt'tlgc atul zcal of {lttr t$ti0 aclililios. slalr(l thnl the. nl. the "limorous,,r ('ltttl't-lt rtltctt Ir lirrrr ?r'illi {liis t'c(lr{?sl.'l'he (.'rilrriou, is rtfloring ils rr:rrrfr.,i.s, clergy and lhrr Ctrlltolic la1'urau t'ittt lrc t(, gfeil{ tttle, irnrl liurittlious "thc olie l)ut Il'clogatives laily olike, to regard fhe lry t't'lalivt'11' trttlaltllctl t'tt- lrullt L'ttlltolit: u,uL flun.-Culltolic. rlr.. oplrt.rrlrurily lo crtlir.css lfut,it "chilnnr'lc{l usr,, o[ tlttr lty lpostolir{e rvill llc aposfclafe as 'rrevolulionary cfgies" {}f liti lllt'll ill't' .',\s olriititrtts ttholt. lhr: fblrrrril antl u:ltaL tfue11rrrrrrrftl lil,-rt lo sr:r: courrr il 1,{,!iti{_,t! i!rul sotriirl stttrlirrtl itt dt{ail at lhrr Countril. and dangerous slr('illll ol lo lhc cssenilal at litst inttr th('nlilin cltatt{r's ilt tltrtst] illi!il\ \\'efo ll{)t ott tltc lclcl of both {heory nrtrl Jt'orrr il,s rlcliLcrrrliotr"-. I,'rolr. lirrrr: (o tirlt:, llrc cr{ilot'.,r pltnr io clergy-loy disfincfion, Bul thc tltc CItttt'clt's ltptt.sttrlatt''' "ntltid pt'at'tice. Irttty rttltIlcs l,(ls(t(l rlll cntrugh," hc s{l{ctl, lcclt- u'i{h sPccill r(!l('l'olt(:{-' llir' 01ritri0tis r,,l'l)l'dss{'(l by l.lta t.rtrtrlPr.s. lay "THE 'l'ltis lit'l't' oposlolale exisls only lo LAITY rvill ncver.'Le, pt't'tlittiott ttils tllittlc rurloAiertl atllitttct's pttl a prt'ttt- to its lrrlations tvith llre lrirr'- l,r,llr't'"- sltottlrl lrr'rrrlrlrr,s.srrrl (,'orrrrt:t/ lol $lfr)('!/.'l'lic Ltjlgliorr. energire lhe sfrengih of "Do liobt't'l ;\. (it'ttllittlt, 'ulu lhc trot wait for lhe bislurp lbr volt,'lrut it rvoultl be lr tlagedy lrl l''alltr't' l)n sPeriitlisls lt'ailtert its tur a lr:h.r . I'.(). ljrr,r' li'.1, lil,littnttp(rlis 6. lrrrl. Altltouglr. llr) ncrlr(r.s l.ill bc rist,rl Myslical Body, not lo reorgon, t t'cport you to havt: S.J,, itssrrci:ttt'crlitttt' trl r\tttt't'iclr' fronr , if have tlre unparallelcrl cnthusi. plies{ ol n'ligious r:rtr lre tt'ailtcrl. llittltt't' [imh:uu sili(l tlrtr lorc. ttt tlit: ttt'lit'lcs, )'{tt(lr,}.s Jrt'oPttstrtl {lr'{t usl,'(t(l /o itrrlir:rrlr,llr:ir'ptoltrs. ire thc conslitulion of thr s()nlething to say astn anrl nlalul'e experiencc nutiottitl ('ll lrt,lic tt'tt'li11 . tvlto pricsls "r'ilturlll. about the L,oun- oI Iivcn if the sltoltngo ol cast lr{lects llre urrani- Jlolr.)r stcl/{N---{,,U, ltott,rr:tr;iIc, Church, "tlrt' zr'll ol llttr trtrtrltitr', l.rttsittc.sstlrtrt,)'(ih.ou(I(,', et(. cil. Sorrnd a warning whenever lay people today lost tor lack of \\'l'olc thitl lvltilc \rrtro nol frlt in lh0 fo|rliol. ilrrs' trttltts \r,isltes of tltu bisltrtrrs of tlre ('hlistilrrts lrt'rrttsltl Cltt'ist's " "'l'ltrlst' .r'ou I'ecl )'0U ought to. Urge, a legitimatc rneuns ol explessing lir'sl siotr-serttliltg t:uutrtrits, lnlnl' {}l' rrot'lrl. rr4lr: rrrt(rl' trlxrn tltis Iirrtlts ol tllo ll(}lrl;ill whcn you teel urging is neces, thoir opininn-s. {;uslJ(11lo lhc lhr, urrt'hs lo\\' i!t(li('lto(l itt the "Sttclt ttlw- stt k' r,ocat ion tvill nterl Lccogttit ioit is (!sr,trrt sarl'. l;rrrpii'o. il Ittltl' lrt' lltis itilr'-s SUCH WISHES trctc rurl rl' l)t l) Wherever the possibility "To nposlola{r: cart irt pelfolrnerI bel,. " rrrrtlr', trot lrss, l0r,t antl kttt'rll- _ avoid srrclr a possibility it l() ('stt'll(l tltltt Kittgrioltt. \\'a]'s tpl)lfcnl in thc pasf lrc l;rcliitt{. exists, infornr the wr_rrltt anrl tlrivilcgc tcr'. il nul. csclusir-trl]', b1'lty' , ('(lg(' irl tlrc (lhrrlchl tho]' rvill is urgclt tlrat rve llegin nou, to glcll lirt'nitt'tl. [o lltrt " (|vcl' tiatholies about the eorrncil. Ite" i;t a lcap ttrcn, saitl. r\ conU)licaiiolr lnlrll' ttcctl nl()r'o, nol less, consider lhc I'olruntion of " FATHE R CRAHAM le trrrntk,d lot'alty port a tradi_ of llrt' t'a I'llt. of Cltllxrlic \yofk hrs llc('n cverl'thing tlrat the peoplc tnds 1'cars i\rrrrrrica's lctttlrrts iltitt l'opc [)trts itntl tlcltilirrtt [o tlto llol.v l,'ather tion of'ftet: specch' antj the rros- ["alher' (ilalr;rtlt. rtltrt hits l)(ft'll Falher Grahrnr based his thc oput'nti()n trf lil,r' itpost0lfltc "t'(':rslrtlitlrl(, 'l'lrc ittul llre Catholics expect concern. llc lirttltrl ltrrrrtrrls" XIl, ill l{}57. sairl that iI n,oulrl be antl thoil liislrttps. tllerrgr,, lol sihlo strrrr.tules tlll'onglr rt,irictr "'l'ltc irrg tlro Corrncil." il cltts(' sttl(l('lll {)l I Ilt' tulllillL: forecasf on r€cenl rddresscs by ;tr:tilities, l)t'c()(!oul)lti(|n "r'ettl otu' laynlelt "rr,rllitills lo lropr'Ilrrrt llrrr Sccrlttl \iaticlrr a trtistrtttlclslltttlitrg ol the tlrt'it'plll, rvill lotrrr ltotv to es. without voices nav ('rlu!r.lil. il ollll John XXlll and on cn " snirl u'i{lt itlrsolutr: sulrottlittitliort to tlrr: ( irurtcil ct't'isrr lrc[[cq' ',rr,, spea k. 'trtttte "Aclivifies u'ill lrc ablc to sctl lt' ttatttLc" of llra tlhrrlt:h il it rycr'c tlrcir 11p1,',,* Mr. Thurmrn porlnyed a lot' tltt' l"ittltu's lf t ltt' { il trr oflicial publicalion. lrislroP onl)' srrr:cecrlerl in chilling "ser 'lhe n lrnl cral I'opcs htr c r';rin11' ltictut'ctl as tttiulc ltp ol lrtt lclirrr iln'plircahlc prr:rogativcs ol two.lold communicalionr prob. gi'r't frtt ntltl tt't'rr{ttil irrtt" ltr lltt' of fhe in 1960," llf ittitintivt. llishops irr ' pltir(.lring "$ stlivt'rt to lcsolvr'." t'lqntctt{, tltc ccr:lcsiirslit:al itu- arr

* CORSAGES * PLANTS * ARRANGEMENTS ll0 w. 38rhsr. AT 3-3838 "1t,'rl I'lrorrr: I,'/rrtr.r'r.*:\ttttu,hcrc"

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** *rn ^ t", .." t", *, Select Yttut' \Vall C'olors I t I $2.75| l,'rom n*t'rv Dtll)ont Lucitc Hors D'Oeuvrec, Assorted (Under I I I Childrcn l0) | * * \Vall I'aint, portions I Appetirers and Relishes | | r,i price I FL00R l)ocsn't rltip, t'trtt ol' sl)lilt- orrirnar'j' litlttitl INCOI\IPARAI]LY T ITRR IIIIC tL'f like C[IVERING pa inls. * | * INC' l,tLtA&Emrf }TOI N. SHAOELANO Regular Slore Hours: CUSTOM.MIXED 'lil Open Mon, rnd Fri. I I 2lst and Arlinglon WALL PAINTS! Tues,,Wed., Thurs. rnd 5rt. O 9'til 5:30 FL 7-1r84 ROAD IOOEAST O 37O()NORTH

THE CRITERION,MAY I2, 196I PAGE FIVE llllrlrlrrlllrrlllrrrllrlrrl:1li:::1'l"""rrrrrrrrrrrr'r ::ryillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltrAIWil" r, c LrNrc = 'First6T11 . - I f - I e = = ancl foremost rem*dy' Hou'much discipline? ilililililililililililililililililililililililililil| By MSGR. cEORGE HIGGINS llortus ol t.enson that il catt ltltrl a solitl bitsis rif t:ollectir,c vit'ttles. By JOHN L. THOMAS, S.J. ocon()ntic li[t' llack to sountl anrl by I'aith :rntl lurntir und thirst lirr 'fhe .ittsticc. poiDl is, tlrat ryithortt. How much freedom t'igltt oltlcr'. llrrt tlris olrlor, . . should chil. thc tlanttt'lical instinct autl tlre dren be permitled in order to rvill llt'r'lrtrlll t.lt.l'er,tivtr antl in. st)ililuill lxrtcnli:rl o{ a living develop as normal. happy chit- rorrrl)lclc unlt,ss ull tlrtr lclivilies tlhlisliitnitl', politicll .iudgnrcnt dren who will ref oin pleasanl of nrcn lrllnroniousll, rrnilo [rr inri- ltttl lxrli{itral exp3rit,ucc u1c ill mernories of childhood? Our t;rlo untl lltlrin, in so I'nr.irs it lit's lrlott'ctt'tl agtinst thc illrrsitlrrs of friends heve four lillle boys rang. witlrin lurlr:u! stnrrr(th. the rnlr'. sclfishness antl fcitr; witlx)ut '.|'hcse ing from four lo ten and Insiit vohrus unitl'ol tlre l)ivinc plrn. I'acts rvcre coilritgc, fr)llll)nsslon liI| iltiltl- .. blouglrt to on giving lhem conrplele freedom 1\'e lll0ilrt {hll pclft ct. olrlol liglrt by l,'oss('r\.illor'0 kirrtl, arrrl tlrt: sJrir.it ol sacrificc rlclla al home and abrord. The neigh. rvhich llrc (llrult'lr s'illr gr.r'lt I)orucnirr;r, (_tity tlrc ()\ (!f-th\\'itrtr\l a tl v n rt c c Vatir:ln *,r,ck_ bors hrve laEged ,,lhe porlct lhem lit. l'tttcr: lntl lrrt'irchrs anrl ly. rvlrir:h r.ccallctl trrrvarrl irrr lris{or.icll idcal of grur- that r\ssisi lle monslerr," Our friends clrim ruhich right hurtliln r'(.ilr,otr ilself li'ils iullong 'l'his elusit.r' antl ft'ittcr.nit.r' is nol. r:orl= llla tnost plr:fcucd kids need freedom or lhey,ll grow ctrlt oli pr:rnrissir.encss rlonrrnds, th;rt in all things bc {li- ccit'ablo. lsj'luus [tx' Jervish people. up bitler and reprersed. Wa chitrl tlairring appealctl as t'ttctctl trt ('iorl ls the filst tntl "boys a re- o know will be boys,,' buf action to s'lltt ryas pcr.haps- slllllornrr r'ltri o[ illl ct'CAtt'tl aCtir ,ilililililililfl il1illl|il1ililililililililililililililil1ililililt1 a Itt otltr.r' \tlrf(ls, il, is rtot corr- rren'l lhore lirnits? sontcrvhat t(l()-nal'rowt]. it1'. nrrrl gonrl eonceiverl tlrnl nll elcalttl ('ln.ist, ru'lrich is Clrr.ist nnrl pcoplc eoivlble rritlrout rvhich ut'tirrg o pal,cnt-celltcletl approar:lr, (jhil" rrntlcr' {iorl hc t'unsidct'ctl its lnol,r) togculrr. rtrcans rvithout tlrrt ('llrlr:lr. itt lllstl'tllntlnts to ltc ust'tl trnll in so rvhich l.s St. (lrcgor'1' tlre (lrclt . olri'xrrrsrb,ur 'aisirrg. clrldr.l' illii,,,t'rii,lt,,t'1,"'Jt',i,,_"r,,,i,1 f:tt' l.s thal' ci)n(hlc(' lrl thu attirin "c:rch ",]tltL,,,,T'.9,rrllil Iras snitl, rirre supports th(: f'c,q*ari'yi' t'c il.il Ittt'ttt of thtr supl'ctur] ell(l," ilil.l;li'j,.ll,lo rorr,"i,t'lri^ri'ini, othcr' :rntl in ttrln is srtppor,tr;tl lr.y t|trrr'rrr1t1;11'11;1Irtt'urrs' llrt' rrlhcl'.". [)t: Lrrbac, wllo , rlrrotr's this rkrfiniliurr of tlrc iilt,,i,,lllllli"f;rii L'httt'r,h fr'otn (llt'gor'1'. gocs on to "'l'his dffi*$ .,,1ili:.,,lli:,..:i""il,i;,;fil' sa.v that st-.nso of a corri- l'lT,,i'i"iixi:l,,ii l-'j,i rrrtcrll, trrtl,rlllttcr:tl.\\'lr.v slrorrtl tttutr strlvalion tntl of :r fellorvship 1.r.::ll::ifl, ^ffii,, :':ll,j:.111: oL lll iu rt'lution t.o all is the lrest possiblc plapallrtiun t'or social Iitslis-it is the lx'st in{ r.otluctiorr ri;iirll,,J,,{r ffL nili',r,ll*,ri-lhl,:i,ilJil 'SocilI ;;,;'';::::.,,:i;;:; I ,[or t-.\t'l'51rnc to L]ttholi. tt i]ij].'.',;',l]'']'sii:l4i1},"I,l;...l::'lT;.xl'lli;:,i',tii]: . BOOI(SoriJ:Hr H0uR oisill.t "sr'rrse ll. can lrc slitl thal this i,.jl.l.ll",iij','i"*iltuu,,,ito.,i,'.t.,,t,[rltlr'clr-rltintobic prctatiotr 'pcfinissivr)lrcss" mttnslers*thcy jtrst rlon't grow trf n lellorv.ship of all in rolaliorr of in vogtlc fiftcen tlD.. f61'.tltc1' rrevcr leal'n to all" is onc of tlrc pr.irrt,ipal ol trvcntr,.tc1rs iltio to con- l, r'1at is tr.ol lhcir.r,nrutions ()r.ovcl.colllc lr'uils oI thc trllrss. not onl.r in ilrc rr*llr:tt tle- develoo. mentrl apploach. lltcit' r'lrilrlish st,lf-t:entelcdness. srtpulnaIutll olrlcr btrt in thc 'fhc 'l'his l'\rr'lrtnntl'[1',.ivitlr tlrr-'exco'tioii politicll olrlel as rvcll. suir'- att(rr'p{s t() f;(:.r tr':ri^irrrr Jonrney prrtctit:es trf a l'cl.atir ely ft'rv couples' like into historyilrrnl lolce ior the rlcrclolllu0lri()f to llte assum.,l";it;;J: j'{)irr lt'icnrls' thc maj'rily tltis fcllorvshdr eourLts lront rtrH trr-'crls of

1,our|tltlerl,.,.|?,i,,.l,nteoftlrci'"cililtr: cirr'ftrr)n rlepici inl lhc tr.orrlrlt:d I . I MAY ltl-Srrntllr,y :rftcl Asr:ul- 'l'hc siun. sarrro prittstly tllrrrt't:lt *lrir:lr s'ls lro1.r1 o[ 1l1g l,ilti.triinliiritrm:i;iii tlSHfR I S:tliotrr''s S;rcrifirc on thc Cruss, rr'lrir.lr is nourislu'tl lly lhr: ldrr- chl listic rnrtl antl uuitlcrl irr ttttill' h.r' thc hit'r';rrr:h1'. lreiri s ,Funeral Seruice totllrl llrt' lrrtlrrrisr: ol llrr: l)cntc- tosi:tl Spilit. 'l'lrt' sltrtc ('hrtt'clt rs ltollr ulit.sl.- I l) itrtrl plopltr'lit', lrrrllt itrsliltrtiurr I FRIDAY, Mry l9'.-St. Irr,l(,r I lllrlt 1-urrl flit,ntlr; S(,(rtlIl(t h ir \.r-l arul t'halistrutlit: corrrttrtrttil.r. ()nc ('clcstittr', Itopt', tlrttfessur.. tt 'l'hirt. firt'rl ou in tlrt-il clrilrl ra isint{ itslrer,l is llrc trct,cssflt'.v coLr.oclir hielalchical t c irrrtlrolitl' nrll tt'aclict.s is At Lowesf 'l'lre t tlrc IIrq r:tttl of ir i Possible Cost,, oI tlrt' o1]rcr'. pulllic tvrirshilr prrwclf rrl ploplrt'tic rvilness ilre th(!or). (:rrft'(!llt n g(tnr't'itlloll ilgo, oi llrc ('lrtrr,ch. ttol ('hureh t llso rurrsl- bu not itk'rrlit:lrl in lhc is Itlt I clrilrllr.rr n'oukl rk:r'clu1r blst I unll' plit's{11' antl hier,lr.r:lrical, uS}IERfif,ORTUARY celt,btated tttrtlu tlrr: plesirlcncy { ol'lhe bislrop or a pnstor g r c ------r!'r'r'v1' scnt b5r it I cotrtributions to".r 'iirlire if," .iinr;"niio.al '';1tli""tfii]||'.si*ri MElrore 2.1352 Itirtt. bttI itlso an rxpelitrtcc ('hu'clr's ol unrrc'sta.rriirg rr) stiln(l al,otutd lo pick :'i;,,,i'"'l',.:i;i1"",1,, up'Lnoii th(, I-d'ffiilGr'rtrn*l'Aai@"et OUR llrc Spilit. onc o[ tlrr' instlurrrcl- lllcssilgclncssilgcr,r\tlJ(.5(llrjr1U,tiUt'IlI|ltt||||t.trplcccs.l];.''c|..,.'{jlli|(|tr'ottdknott.=-_'-_u ttot'iloI to its c()lunlunr('l-c,rluntilrira- ni.ro^." lrt,.r.r. ,,r,it-r .,,..,,.r r....,... MAIL picccs. ll.,.",'.r. r:lriltf ,",r,,r1 , lllitics [r1'rvhic]r thc Spir.il liott[itrntrftltctttcssitFr:.rt'ltilctltatl1'o._uuur.riiii.ovet'[ltt,ottshr-'xtrori.r of Iltc (,!LnirtHr:, Yhc letlert thatr toure ltrto c-xr,itcs l)rcssly'r:. rlhilctr trrr!j nr:rnr' ;"--,",t.,-,it-,,.,,,.!,r(lisCOVCf r,!,^.rdr. ^...-^-: o$r oftiec aroh rrontlng., tr.onr .trtdIr.\. Of \tOttl([ iltfOttgh CXpCfi" gritits and Sirierr lltc tttctttllct's of tlltlist. tr.aitrs \rho\fhorycrollt}tl}otXrsIlo|l)isl}l|t)s^''.''..''r'..i'....,'-'.'^.'....;.:.::.:':'',:",,..l+-____l rycro nr)[ l]ol)cs nor bi.shops ell over lhr Ncar [16i, err rbsorblng. tlrrl- oua.,. iit,rii n,3s urust srritablcto tlrurr in lcspondirrll to llis inspir'. ll{}l' e|ert cle|g}' hilve, hand, dooumcnfrry roporls oh $hrl ltis ;rr_,cttliarncctls. itl i()llS. lhr Chureh ir lolng In l$til. Thc lhema ir rln,r!.r lhr ranrel is MONOAY, .worl I May I5-Sr. ,lolrrr blesrint our bourrllrulls _. but liitptist dc La SalL-., firrrli:ssor.. lo do lhc th;lt crl be doue, pleaso 'l'lrc l.lpisllc spealis ol tlrc rerrd ur help. ll'e rro rblc ''(-lliult:h lo hclp our trl tlrc slints" lntl llrtt misiotrrrier rnrnclirricr bre eure 1ou. (irrspcl of tltc trcccssill' ol' lu'corrr- urrc feilhful rrrdcrr. nreke pOsslblc, r altrt,s clcr') rniurifestnlion ol thc ll irrrl lilic chikllon. 5o lhe lt'irsl uf Sllirit in the ('lrurt'h. atrd bc in -t'rtu." slvs thc . \\'c lhrnk l-ou lor preyers. *,hctht'r'it Jollr Jour tlris l"ounrlt'r' ol' tlrt lirotlrels oI ('lrlistiuu all)t)(tilf{ iltllt}tlg htI ll' tlrr. t.(,llc\\'s ltis lilu -Nlrtriflces, your geuerour tonlrlbu. ('hlisliarr ltarlrl's oI lltr, Sr,lurols r{}nul)rros Iisnral contnritr)tcnt lionr, i\toreoyrr, prleste ittttottg hct' nlcntltei's, ill I;]ls{er'. he lhr und Sir- (lltl' [ot' []rrttOcusl. t)t'(tJ)il1'iltioll rtrnc\r,s rts txrrrrplction in Corrfir ters $au hclp neror torgel, 'l'hcir T& tlah l:at).f'i.llr,rrra .d,/ nlatron t()lll()r'r,ttn., Antl lto pt.ir.rs (lod fi+tlt 0 i at,z ! t) *"ris 3,Til1.'::i,:1.:i.r,:lT ll tlrat u'ill so t:[clnsc atrtl nru. "Yl,:::: if.r'lrinr anrl all llrc rucnrbels ol rr l\Dl.\, .[(iIP'f. l,[:ll..I\ON, .Ir]Rl]rilt, EI'IIIOpIA rnd manv ptoia, Chlist's Chur.ch tlrat all nrir,r' bc- conl(' st'rrsilir e ltrtl failhlul riiiilci,x-ri;rilr.i; :111i:-'_t lry_:!i:li: 'l irt t'nrirrlrrs llis t.'hrrr.ch thr.orrglr her. I frrliurr t0r l(til.(.r. tc l) pical ot tito\o il) tlte mortrlng nrirrt- 'l'ltc t'lrikllt,rt- lrislrops ft'oru I-\l)1,\ tiro \l.rlrt'r (lcrrtrr.al of the SIS.I'lItS ()l.,lliil,; lt'lr,lr llrc S.\L lit:L) r.tou(l ncs's nitlr ltttlror.ill,. lrrrt it ltlt.\ti L \r,nt(,s lilill. rnore fllan aul.thing €lstr, llre poor pCoplc irr is h1'listt:lring tr) lh0 Clurr.ch's tltr: rur,irl :ltt!l lll(,untilin(rus Rl.els n(rcd nledlo:{l ailell- More Spring Phone Fair Itrtrttbk.s{ nrcrttlrtr',s sottit'tintus News tlort.'l'irt'r rrr'c.rlit irIrrrt'iliatrtl. Fot. this rCilsr.[) tlle iUothef (;ell- tr rl tr,rs r.nt ..f tlt;rl n,c glirt rtcs' insiglrts irrlo. hf l Sistolr urto f \lK.\l). llOV.\I_..\, 11.,\n\,- Kt 1,,.\.\I. Iltost' tt'ttllrs. ll is lr1' r't,cririrrg antt tiA\.\\'.\\k.{\'.\f .\1.. lrr:\\iK.\t) nnrl l\t.\}-i\- hLL-\Ii tltt'5tstt.rs lllclu thll u'r rt't,t'ir'c lluu. lrare ltrtcrr tlrlnated pl.ol)ot.ty on $hiclr lo httiltl INU ho.pit;rlr. tn'l'll()\'r\1..\ anrl K.\-\'..\\i.\NIi..\V,\yr\L llle\ hr)l)L'sr'rtne ,srr0n, tilr1 ll pr)_ssil)lr-rto opL,ll dislX,ltsAtitf, till- [(]rlllrrittr.l-\ llrr,\ irir\{. }it} lt}(,trtl.*,illltl to stgrt.t tl,O iUUf. pfojeCtS lilf) tlcrd sl:,tt0(].'fhiIkirrg.tlr,]rrt ttlrr pr.otrrilrD,1(c aro tcnltli(lr.d !ir;.1 l)lij lili,,;r.rii l.r;:.il suiiiciitiiis gili to flic soill Itt,ou:jll,.1;c tlrr(i]--,\\ti(.tr ll(. ri,rre srgitt lo tlrtr ltlirrl rtlirtr, to| iOslilltc(]. illr(l flllt'(1 til. rrtppli' flli5 is $lt;tt ilre SiStt't.S Cait (10, if sr)llit,llri\V \\r. call pt0\'i(h. llrc nte;rrrs.'l'lr;tt.st{1t1,\\.c.fe tunling thoil.up. l)c.rl o\eI to.\r,ti, \\'lritt giye !(lu to (.ioLl !.6u per.et 11i_-rs, flre Sislels rrr lrrtli;r rtcetl Sl:,{)0t) to ircqirr ilrcir tuctlical nor.k ln thtsc l'olll piltcos. \\'lrcIt, in otu,contrtr..r c0ultl .\,ou stilft t\\.o Itrlspitlrls iin(l t\\.r, rlispensulitrs for.gil!itOu'l Itcihaps \1.e (.iln fitt1i l') p1,o1rl{r gi\Lr 'J{ l(} Sl.t}{)6 eaclr; ol, pcople i, gir:"'S:ii- cilt'h: rrr' l.l0{t gi\!,Sjl0 t)ool)lL, to eiii:h \\'ill i,ou'gi'o \o.)olhitiq? \\hittc\'{'l'J,ru ti\r.. stnrl it rrou.. ;rrrtl rnar.k ir.,fi}OttlXt nftn \\'lrittt'r'(,r.1.otrgite, e\.cn :.\l)l:\', tjl.(tu. *.ill urean I lot.. . tile illttrl'S Il.r1| nOtllillE n union rvilh anrl gl'lto- i rl ltotl] of lrislrolrs g'ho i t' l ltt ur lhal ('lrr.ist acts i rn urt! sirct'('l))(,lllscf('l))(,ll1s au(larrrl ftliltfhnt llis I \\llrl rlill nt'itlrt,r.tlil rrul ttorrn-l tlcr'. I I WEoNESDAY,May 17 -. St.l I'lschal [ia1lou. Confilssor, 'l'ttr. l rl:t1t..,,I' r'r,'ittul;l;cli Ir; ('ht'isl_'s ; TURII hrrrlshill in onc'nra.r,, tllc cr)nlr's- 'l'lrc sol ilr anotlrcr'. glrrr,! ol' lrotlr nel,l/ phone is lhat lhtr3. u't.r'c attcrrlive to tlrc Fnirnoul Sofemnlloudnu pt ()rr)ptings of {lrc Spir.il, thcl' "foun(l rr-clrt vigilant, Ihc,v $ orc COMPACT ,UnE10, to fI NEW TEI,EPHONEBRINGS EXTRA "f|o rullrliing." I Ask St. Judt, Saiat 'l'lrc of lho lapcr. lalir,t5' ol t-ueirtions irrttl i SMARTNESSAND BEAUTYTO YOUR HOME rible" lot I'e/p. Sand yout p.rltlonr u:r1s of lifr: arrrolrg ilter lllpiizerl, to thc Notional Shttnc ol 5t, Judt todoy, l'tobably llre rnost, all r.r'corrt lr.l(,llhon(' inno- anrl t'r.rrrlilnrt,rl nternllcrs of lxrptrllr.of virt,ions is thc ternirlkablc (lrcltrxl A GIFT V{ILLBE SENTTO C'irlist's Ilurly rrrakcs il. yrossilllc nerv ltrincess Plrone. palticrrlar15' THOSETAKING PART IN THE lirL thc l't'rrtt'costfll Spit'it {0 krur:h l for cxtcnsion rrsc. llre Prirtr'rr-cs is rnut'h snrallet' r.\'(:f) lac(,t ()f hrrnran lifc. lle, tlr:rn the oltlinalt' phorrr,, rvilh ;r rrnirlrre stlerrrrr- SOLEMNNOVENA linetl tlcsign. It Iits rvlur ltt cathcs rrhcrc Ilc tqills. , bearrtifully tin auy btrrl talrlc, rlcsk or. MARK PETITIONS,FILL IN, CLIP AND MAIL ,;,'ill:; to l;lr't,athr e.,-tr'] ',.,'ltclc, alrj I kitclren coultcr- EEFORF- tlrrrrrtglr DLAR F^FI{€R ROBERT: PLEASE PLACE MY FETITIONS all. .['aschal's []uclrar'- i An lddc'cl attraction is tltc sl_rr,t:ial rli:il orr cvt'r'v yrie{.v THE I'ATIOIIAI- sIIRINEOF ST. JUOE IN THE COMIN6''IOVENA: islir: tt'lr:lrcs tlrc Christiani Pt'incass glorvs Plronc', It soltly lll ihrotrglr lttc night anrl HAFPY MARRTAGL THANKsclvtHc pcolrle tlrai if thr':r' rvotrltl heconrc j L- Euprovs;xr f,f L:] light,.; rrp fol easy dialing rvlterr -vorr lift tire r.ccrir.er'. Ru5slA a('l rlc as ngcn{.s of thr,' Spilit tlrcl'' '['ho lj ee ecE oF t,luic l-: coxve nstoN or Il Princcss cnrr be or.rlcted r.:lv. irt votr clioir.c of nlrl:l l)r,-tin lrr lrr,t,onrirt( lrclir r' in rrx'iricieL, ilELp noriLD PEAcE ne'runx TosAcRAMEHTs {ivc colors, [--] L- ill tlrc trlass. in tlteil u'rilslrip. Visit lhe Slrrirrg Phorrtr F;rir.ni,u. irr I}r'(}gr(,ss t,.*.-_.*,-.,.-- FoR THE cLARErl4N gEMINARY at your local Inclirrna llcll llusinr,ss Oilir,r.- scc lrnrl trv r r.:r,icLogE I THURSDAY. May 18..-St. \'en, AUILD:\6 FUNO. a f't inc'e'ss l.)hone yorrlsr'lf. Or' :rsk .1'our. lclr,plrollr. sr.t'v- irtttrrts..\littl.rr. lrr (irrspt'l liorre lltr iet,rrran lol nll thc dciails. r)i llli:. \lilss of a Inilft,\'f (hltilt( A Jdrr sr .."'.. '.... " liil-{t(,l.lllllt: . Jertrs tr.irrhr,; tlrat, c'v .,,. ., .:.,:.,,..:,:::;;,,,-.;;,.,,,,,,,,,,," tur llr'arirh be lrls fr.triI un{css rt i lrvolarun I err MAILT0: NATIONALSHRINE OF ST.JUDE rcrnairrs in rrnrort rvith llrc vrrtc, @) 'l'liis l is the tcst rrf all pr.oplrericl ?21 West Madison Sfreel, Sec. 18, Chicrgo 6, lllinoir sprrits in Ihe Chufr:h. Jrrit as our'! PAGE SIX THE CRITERTON, MAY I2, 196I -. ANNT'| CTII.KTN- tlny I cheu)gum?

Dtrrrr iliss Llull;iri: Edited by tha Cleric Seminariens of Wert Bcden Coflogr 'l'car:lrcrs sa!l tlult, c krrlr/ rloes thcir pay. ('rlrlln yeL And one, and on, antl lrot 11rtttt. I scr: lot.s oJ on, Ilonest These are only a lew cxan- ?!ollltf ll, trcL teeruryJel's, cfte tt,itt{, ples, You can think of ntany ;1r.r.ntall LIre lilirc, I don't che ut it, nlore. in sclrool, [at I rlo n.fter scfuool No$' don't gct nte q'rong, Not {rttcttsc I lilic rt. Manyl oI tnly olcrl'body is rlishortest. The vast fricttds ilo tlte sane. Cotrlrt !oi'r. ntfjofit]' of the people o{ our lcll rrs u lnrly.lik<: trn!! lu t:hcto Country arc Rs honest as the day ltunt? is long. Ilut $'c cRnnot renoin Sarrr I), blind to the fact that such dis- I)car Sat'alt: lackMathews honesty is on the incrcase. what & Son l l' t liclc is ir llrly.likc is rvorse, it is often no longcr rt ay o[ rlrcrving gurn, RADIO & TV consitlelctl rvrong, I tcgret t.hlrt I lravc "Whri llcvtlr obscrvcrI Dcal l,iz Annc: SALES& SERVIEE doar ell lhic hrvc fo tlrc lcchnirlue in do wirh mc?" you mishl bc rrk. "l action. lJut ing. rm honosl rnd I infcnd ycals ago, I rlirl lo rsmrin to. Furlhermorc, I lcat'u a tcc.h. would like lo g€l my hands on nique rvhilc somr of lhr peopla who rrlled Motorolo ond Zanith Soles qnd Servics stutlying rila:ra Douglrr Johnson r fool for his Pertahle Rodio: that lras provcn a 1 honesly. l'd rhow thcm r lhing forcvcr linrcly. 4t30 E. lOth Street or lwo," On stagc, Sar:rh, pa rishes hmond FL.6-55s5 Odtlll' enough, gctting I'oul illl actrcss want. lo righl: xon, Sl. hands on thc rirliculers of Doug- tltg to rl0pit:t a hst prcsirlenl; lyn Cro Johnson is e.xactly rvhat I'ou 11it'l rvlro is lrrcking in rcfinemcnt, nrust do. hrnoncl, tr rs p An(l on r lot of other not fitttls a stirrk o{ J;um a most inr. pcople fako who have tost sight ol the offic rbar. portant plop. All shc nrust do is Inre nteaning of honcsty, as rvcll. put it in hcr nrouth antl nrovc tire PILLOWCASE llut not in "con,.likc" the l'ny that )'ou lllight .l:rrvs ttp atttl tlos'n in a "Gctting your bc thinking. hands Schultc bov lusltion. Shc lintls tlrc uurlicnce is on lhorn" in llris caso rneans in- rprick to rccognizc the r,hllarrtcL Grd Party flucncing thcnr nnd shol'ing thent shc is tlying t() I)ot.ll.ly rlespitc rvhat honcsty realll' nteans. bcarrti[ul 'lhis, thc clolhes -shc miglrt hc Benefif of Our Lrdy of corlrse. nreans that you clcctccl to rvearing. oI Consolation , ntttst be your- conrpletely honest Rctncttrbcr', Saralt, rrnlcss vott self in everything that you rkt. lt arc alonc itt a t'ootn, y()u al'e cort. Leopold, Indiana rntnns that J'ou nlust knorv what. stantly on stago. Whellrtrr yorr bc honcsty is in dcaling privatcly statc post on a lluhlic lxrs, stlcct or rlance - public l'illr othc.r's, irr affairs, in floor, yorr, loo, lravc an antliunce. Fri. fif,ry l9 busincss pllcticcs. 1'ltlitil,; IlAti'l'1,1, lntl. :\ li. To gain this lf yotr rlorr'I rvlut this aurlicnco knorvledge .l eat'.okl Sclrulttt I Iilh School TOWN HALL ]'ou nlust study lhc lo rcc ]'ou as a girl rvho is a littlc ('atholic principles sopltontolc, Nortu:ln l,l.'l'rrt,licl of honesty and on lhc cheap sirlc*,gr:t rid of thc ln Woodruff Pl.rce .lt'.. rr'ns clct-tcrI ilot't'rnol ol llrt: Just I ce. gunr ! lnrlinnn l)isllict ol licl' ('lrrlts East Drive Irinalll'it nrcans;'ou ntust do tlttling thc olgurriz:rlion's t'ightlr a Iour bcst to rcstorc tlre lnre itlca 8 P.M. ) 75c ntttrual t'onvcnliot't tvllch {ooli Ilr:ttt' illrss L'rrlhlr: lnd placlice of honosty, if therc Mr. anclMrs. Waltcr plilcc in l,all.r'etlc. Schrrltc is thrr is necd to do so, artrong tlre I\tluil d.a yort. do il uxniL }reo- orrly Clnt[olic IIiglr Sr.lrool hclonrj. Tteoplt: Davenport,Chairnren plc u'itlr rvhonr lir,c and rvor.k. lttout::

RECOC;NITION -_ The Civics boys, antl girls, lcague is rchad---"-- Club of St. drnbr.o.sc School, Sey. uled to start on.lun"e it.- SAVE COSTLY ?ltollr, \t'as one of 30 clubs actoss a REPAIR BILLS the nation CITY-WIDE rvhich rvcrc honorerl . TRACK ITIEET .- Aiiglicnn nlcr.l$ Wilh Expert Prevetrlivc Mairtlett,rrtccl ra s r ,veckror ,,T::::ltli l)on't ncglect furnace ntotor ltnrl g: O 'l'ltc)'lrrttt fj:llil;: ll,l''iii,i!ifi,'n'il,,:i GrinsteinerFuneral Home fan heat'ings. nccrl t llttlat ltthrica- acltievements"by the Conrmission gL iri;;";; anrrual Intlianapolis rvith [Jnity hcarrl lion for lonc life. \Yc ulc l,ict'ttscri I',lct'- on American Established1854 Citizcnship of the city.witle C.,f.i'i.".L^ffi;'H"il; !r'!ci:llls a;lil ii:ll cxlrt't'tlv strt'r'it'c lttttr cailroric uri'ersit.v .f cIORGE N. GRINSTIINER I. HAROLD D. UN6cR - Anrerica. heitr at th;cyo staaiririion wesi tnotot' antl [att. lVe oli('l' lll(' n('\\' An]ol The Scynrour club rvas..given york r{las, thc onl1, clear while Iiltt't' tttarlt'. "lcttcr^^of " a f6th Strcet on Sunday,llay 21. 'l'hc Mtlrorc 2-537t1 l60t [crt New St, recogniliotr.', gills tlrrrrrghI their. littlc jUotor Ilc\r,inrlitt(. lltstrrr'tl. l']tittrlr'rl. lf Tticre a are 4'000catlrolic ttt'tt,S,l:b:-']r you'flr lr00k rvas lo lle lilken to a fricntl vott ncc(l att t'lectt'ic'iittl. w(t ltil\ c lhc u.s. parochiat schools..,Thc ADoRATI.N DAy - in Lithuania, ltrrl. instt'atl it rvas nrcn and crlrripnrcrtt lo ctttttplclc att) .iob. pro. Ali J;;;; cyo,ers gram ainrs ,,ro prorn.rc-j::ll..l in tlre Arclr_ passctl along a so(,r.(.{ roulr uutil ;ril.;il;; Les Lowman Electric Service ttnderstantling urged to participare in il allivcrl irr lt:rly, arrri tirtn in and'llli:^'l'.!l,9lt yotttrr. ii;;"oi,].,ili Artoratio*-ii Dau Ncrv Yolh, ;; s";;;':, Saludomos ;i":iiJ':"i':'1J'l',1'',,11:''l:ll'::\i:1;;v"zi i'"'IJili[ It u,rs firsl prrlllislrc

o llli.,l;:ii:.';",t,.,i,:',*;;l THE BOOK rvas plcparctl, ar- A cltnnerof authentic appcaling KIVSH xf.il: l\'lexicanflavor-an "South ""lil j' conlirrq to l,'athol l(oncius. u'lro vcrsron.of one of the most popular recrpes ol the ,,,ii:,?"f f :1.1,Tj1;?,\t Ji;ot:i: Ili"" "11,, lll ii :"tilT;.l! Itas hcen tolrl tlrc story passed Border." along rvith the rlocunrcnt, in r.c- ARROS CON MARISCOS 1,,;Ji i, :\'i sl)olls(, lo fcllorv prisoncrs rr.lto Ll.lL I l- iTii:, ijl,.l1i J.{#'::* l,e:llH' titi, :,1,i"". lifr SENIOR DANCE Kr,rl:, irrl.or'.ls r.,r,lcnitnst anrl a continuing grorvth Irt:altl llrc git ls prar.ing arrrl .TEQUILA us tll:lt the tecn. '1'lre SOUR ,rgers palish In pcrsollal sanctity; neu'ly.or.ganizc

PA6E EIGHT MAY t2, tesr _ a:_aRlTERtoN, i\IO\/IE CIII{SORSI{IP EililuuilililililIililililililtwHAT'S lN A NAME? ummmnlnunmmllttE= The Lrgion st&tes its c&se T'hert: arc 2 Popc Johns

By MSGR. YHOMAS F. LITTLE The undenirble facl of good ctnrtnil. cl'rn tllnt o[ thc inrlrrs- working irr t[re Vatican 'f'hcrc rnd bad lilms cells for sonre tr)"s on'u I'rotluctiou Cotla Au, gootl irrc filttts attd control of lhe molion piclurc t lrori[.t'. 8y LUCIANO CASIMIRRt fcct of the Conglcgatiorr tf ltites, thcre tllr' barl filttts. \'et tlte medium. But whaf kind of posiiiou \\'hat is oul al tlrc allrrrlerl {o ilrc (ilt:at \trl'l'l[:r\N CI]'Y.-\\'hat's in a Sthisrrr of Urc sir(l tr'lllh is that lxlt itll ot eonfrol? Nllirrnal Lclliott of Docollc;"J (Juitc tihrrlch u'hctt tirc good filtus ltavc l'eccivc(l l!iunr!? a loi if .r.,oulrappcn Ihcrc scle several 'l'lr0 Sirnpll- strtcrl, the lcgion',s lctiorr Iil\'()t's, itu(l hils srr{. cllrirnarits to llrt' popc. thcr sul)porl at lhc ltox politrt- to be ttatncrl l)rrpc .lolttr. !illc of fxtltlir: MORE DEPRESSING porlrirps gr:ster[, it s1-stenr ol cllssificatiou ltoltls {ot' ir urilrinrum of 'flttt oflice lrltich tltcit' tttrn t\ct\lk'ttctr (lurtlinal p|r'sr)ntc(l is tho ilrouglrt tlitt t:lriltlrtn liir\.e ol filnrs iurpost'rI ll1' thc inrlustr'.v lcgirl rcs{r'ainl antl a maxintunr ol Tllrt is the cur.ious situittion in tlrr *'ln'anicil. trtottsi,lnor lx' lurgoll' trontlihutt,rl iutlivitlull respon,sibility. rrantc iirrrl thctt toltl to lhis hrrx tupon itsell, rthitlt u nronsignor $h{, lrorks ln "l)orr't (lcrcr,ving rlllt0 the lropr,. \\{}m11, yorrt, \1'hilc tht, lrrrlrlie u'tts oliictr sttcrtt'ss. lt,gi()n bolit,r't's cllssifir:;r- ,,Te lltc Sirt'r'r,rl t.'orr(r'egirtiorr so-cirllt'd curb less rrlhcr fhan ol' llitr:s Ilolinr.ss, thr,r'c is rro tllugr:r llolll'u'trorl's l)r'r'0ccupil- l.irrn tr'orrlrl lrrr iul irtlirr,rttatiorr o{ "ses Altr wtt suERestillg tltal eYt't'5 firrrls lrirlseli, llis-rurrrtr, iion rr'i!lt lnd violt'nce," a more, lo hold for liberly rulhcr is,lls,.gr,. sch isrn." strr-icc lirr' Pn11'1s15.could lrc n (iiovnnni "Strntltr$'rtt-ts'' lilnr nrust be suitnblc fol tlrc llran for resfrrinl" is lhc prin- Papa. In ltll;,. it is ilre rt'its rrcak :rt llrr, gunrnntec tlrat nrola ll]' i'.\ttntise oungest ilrt ator'.goer'? llaltlll' I'lxrlc- ct!stom to rvrite [lrt . THlS FEBRU,ARy the popc lrti\ ofiirt. a lt tlrtnprr- ] ciple lo which lha U.S, iuridirel fitnril.v nalnt, sotttc atltt[1 filrus rvoukl l)r\ pLt. ttrcl tltat, fot' 0\'ol')' rrlnsolrabb pt'rsorr sysle*r has beon AT CDA DINNE R - Thc rbove Iirst und the Clrrislian lllnlo s(,i:" tltt, nloll..illnuf :rgiritt, TItc5, lrcllrt" \tus tl.ting :rnrl a Eloritrrrs rlshtly dodi" mother.daughler tombinrlions pirrtttrc tlucorl lntl t'oulrl iillt'st:rll ull- onrl, rlist.rrsst'rltlrl sirrrilalilir,s "..\rrrre l.'rarrk" \\'as n'ill encouragc lhr! ll)oti(rn cotod from the boginnins. plryrd imporlant roles in flre recenr crtholic so that- tlre ntonsignor is of nnrrri. lortg sirt(.tr tltsit'ltlllt' irctir)l! lr,f tltr! sliltes. Daughters ol Amerier industly to providc ns rvitlr oftett ruferrerl to as papa iltr(l tllcn lltc ['{}pe s:ritl: lrrrlicrl b1' tltc ..\rrrcricnn llteater- Alolher and Daughter Dinner, held al Scerino Cio. "l)o Memorial High rurr ktrori tttlttrtre. \r'oflltwltile adrrll urter'. School, Yalllil--ul' Ir,rpc .Julrrt, ulry I chose tlre :lrlt't-. FOR S6lytE tldr)l)tr,, rrurtirrrr 'jr> Mis, Paul A. Lime, shown at lafl wifh her dauEhter taitrrttent' Shirti, liilnt(, {)i (i irr\.irrtni'.} rut.c (,()lrtror tll(,lllrs l)ut ort. ilrinrt gave lhe loast fo the young girls presenl. r\t tlru rrffir:c ",\pirt'l ,\nd llrt'r'r' ltlr lrarl l'ilttr_s. Suttrc Eileen Frhey, rhown wiih irr rvhit:h Irrr rr.rrrlis fu,orn llte \\'hal, u't itt'c sltgil0sling. .--yroli{icirl t't,:rsrrrtsI Itave luru- ccrrr;olslriP orr thc nru. her mofher. Mrs, Curtis Fahey, as a Itistorir:itl rlst'arc|t't.tlrtr rrrr1. ir t o batl in tltt sr'ttse of [ti1g delivered lhe,ootl lo lhe nrolhers. trtrutioncrl ll'o{lu('lltl\' sirrce thc cver, is iltat tltcre {rl'o trtol'e itrlrl nir:ipn1. siatr: gr' l'cr['r'nl lcr.ol. sli.lllof lltts lreett I raslr rrs enlr:r'tninntt'nt-srtch The Liirres rre members of St. Colherine,s parish iltc olr.joIl of ;rl' Iit'sl tlul' of rn.r' potrlifir.;rtr:. :rs ntorc filnts totlal'tt'lticlt ond,he Fahoy,i lhcrc olll.v itn Srrr:lr rerrs6r.sIip, t[c1. Ict'1, is Iacti(!nrte ribbing, \rith belong lo Holy Cross parish. his fcll()v, is also tlris ottc --to c{,nquer irt'trsponr-illlc plfcflt \r'ill pornut pllt.tical ltr}' ililtilililililililililil1ilililililililililfl ililililililil1ilililt1 lhc orrh lnrl srrc rlo- 1rt'iests anrl sup(jl.iors oflcrr " rclcr.- 1rlir lc. ittittrrt's to viert'. llllrclc nle nlso letrsc :r3iuinst llre cr ils oi' thc iilrn rirrg to hinr as..\'ortr 'l'lttt flotr' sffrtrt.'' is tltr' nrt{t(l 'l'lrr,r.c Ilolincsr,' Popc tliplitin('rI this .fuf sorrre filrrts tr.hich rrr-eu a luiltrrrc intlrrslrl.. "IInst bl' ('(),ltl'i,i,.,1'Cl' is trtr tr{lrcl n.11.., or Iloly' l"irl.lrct..', tt:(,1'jr-. luthiltl' .lrottld (lrllr:gc tr.llirrg tlrt, tr){}n:iitt}{)r'llraI in his adrrlt f(r(.{}grtiz(' as ht'ing r\t thc olh0r.e\ltr,nl(} ilftr tirosc illuriitrr sr:lrr:rlultrrl 11-iiot t;rpt. tri r'otttrtr/s s)roi{ld lfr.(|nr IoniglrI llill i\'c l.ltrXirttto tt,,1it'tt t,;ltt:tt sociirllf ilisltrptivtr Aprl tttgl'ull.v u lrtr r.t'.ipei rrrrl orrl1. pplitirul cgr. THE MONSIcNOR rlkr,s rlre thr'r'C Iei' IJ(,)'t' t!).r! S(r?l]r! rlil" Olchitls- anrl c:rrrtllt:lirlrt rlill kitlrling ijotu('olt(' r.irllt'rl sorrrclrotl!, clsc a .,:lt'l]y tlrr er.rr..r lirnu ot rilrrr st,t uell. cr.crr r',.lrrrrltis llolj- "(lirrirrr." ) ri.r'rs lo lll('sL' illt(f ol/rcr. tt.itir'lll . l.llllllll_-:._ tlrc tlrenrc (!rllc.Lie rrlrir.lr i: a tlialct:I litl llro,\lirriirrr ltcss f'ripr:.Iuiin X-\lll forrrr lN A FREE sot,ietl tlre ntaiurtr 'l'lrr. iojns irr. '.il tlrrhnlt'rl qttc.rliorr.s obout filrns Jttttiot'Strtrior I,nrrrr sr.lrr:rlrrh,tl o{ tltt' Illrtltrr.lrrIrrrnr. ntcans to. 1,,,na ocr,:rsiorrllll rr.fct,s to a ir())l citizcrt s ill leco*rrize tlrlt lris "r,ollr,:rl.{ttr''' llt(' c.f(:(.lriit.r' st(.l.dldr.y oi iliglrt (llny l:l] iu llrt' -\lar.otl Itis (lorljt.r,git. goorl.lot'nulhin;." at llre "llttl rl?r] .\ rrtto,?(r1LcUirrit ol l)dLrcilc.:/. ll'tcrlont <'ln'ics t'ith it the pcr- IIol.cl. u)usl tiorr of [lites antl lrir:r 1ou llol \,,.{)1.r.\'.},t}rt i\{}tlitl nret ]tirn ott Chtrrt:h'ssetlracks .sccn l'esponsibilit.v oi his orvlr ('a!l c(rltstrl(, r our'-scll ltctitttsc ilililililililtiltilililililil||ililililillilillmilililllilllllllill -,\ u'.r'-stal lil:tls lrclrr.iirq tlrl at le:isl t$'o ocr.asion:;. I intiivirlrtll t'onllol olcl tht: filrrr ;rl-*0 took tltal ltante," "sllt:ir .\laliarr crt'sl s ill lrt' tlrr' !ilrol tllt fiiih of lrnd slrttlll" iltrlu.strl'. Onll' tlrr. half,lrt trltori r\s I ltc rrrorrsigrror [ot' r'orrPlt's lttl('n(lin{ tlrt' lrtrrtrlrl hinrsr:ll It ill aslt tlur -st;rlrr to acrtoruplislr "l rlllrfs \\'itlr rrlrieh rro ltat-t: 51'16 c\-cnt. :llttililr'(l tl rrlr; llir tleepl.r, AS sPrtr lltt' laslt nhir.h tlrev itsr fc('rrlrtlJ dclrrgerl. t() gl'cil l.ct' zr)il | I)irrr.rrts rrrurlrl ;rrrrl Ir.'r,l rr,r'1 lrappS tlln! iiilrl cilircns slulrld trc tloing. I iittt It:r1r;r(iiui;rrrrri, llirrrlgly 6111t t)lltt t'r ltt't, l):rrl itr ;t utu(!lt ltlol'e \,,\l,l,l,lS. Ititl]r-.'l'llc (-hrrrch's ll in rhtitt.." ltitl--tltef ..ltttsl In othcr $'oltls, itt our [t.cc stt'iotts irlc brrl so- trials 11rl srtblcks sprrr 'l'lte.r' l) socic,l1 u ticktrl trt tlrc bos oflict: ciallt, itLt' tltt srt.cnllctl trs ttr gr,t'lrttr. lrrrrrrility.. ze;rl "sit'k" .url is lolc I'ilrtts. a for' {oorl ol lllrj iilns. iltc so.t'allctl :rtlull t:|u1itl," (,:rrrlirtul ;\tiilttstil lic:r tirilulils \f lli('lr lla\ 0 l)e 0n c()il' loltl lht,olo(itrUs h0t,(.. Mrfule "[{ nnd intelligenl rclec. tr:iretl h1 glo is atttl rt'nuritts ittt-lttilcs :rnrl holrill Spcllilg'irt fiftlr c.tirs.' 'tfi" rii srtirsi;rtrtinll} liorr of lilms to allend, how. rrnr'.irr ,-oltl to :rrkrlcst.onrs. t-,lryistoll;.1y ..1,,;;"";:..;i i1i: its rli{lt. in the S:rcr.lnrt,nt.s ever, requires somc informe. it..tlisllt'tlscs rrtltl irr ttttily ttf gor" ()r. 6et ar.c 1r. c. c1. ol, filr's Naplcs arl.:lrili,i"oiu, itie tlnnt',,ir- lion, The principrl funclion of trtrt'tt ('itt'tlittitl tftllll('lll' ctt'lt ttllt'tl ltlilll)' rielt lltvc (lulrplizsri ntt,i',ilj rvlto is itt r:hrrr'1le :o fhe Nrfional Legion of Dcccncy grc nr('ull)r.rs. of lo*r'rissitrn frtr t,fuiiiiiirr irrdct,tl nltiolls llrrl is to providc such inlormrllon. t('gions.. lt'itqicilll]' tl('titch Lnit5 0f Iht'corrrirrll ecrtrucnit,ul tll{.'ttl- 'l'he , jr-. MARY LOU'S *ii*if..fir.,,.rnrt tiiil ;.,;iil;,.:,,; s(,1\r,slr'i'nr ir.' lt'giolr oltt,r.s t tuollrl cvaltr StAUlY SATON itlirrr rrI l'ilrus as the p;rtrrrn's ^/.-?ql,\ i,"i,liiiiis iri- ('lnrr.chiu ilrc li..:lr{' ti.rl. rrsinl{r'xistinr t,rit, th.:rrrs .irrst |{.,{--1r1f Cold Wrves i5 fo tlt trI tho it'rtchingsof Si. I'arrl. Ilr,rttllt'()nr i(, ('al.rlin:rllit:a rle- fuvttt'itt' llloti()ll ilir:lrrr.c ct'itjr.r lt.'t -\ Shrmp.oo-&-Sef, .,1'llo "tltt, (.ontl'irsl liilcs lrirtr irn ar'listit: anrl rtttt't', a 31.50 't..ljl,r,ssol ilrt, Clrr'clr t'litt'r'tlltttl stt'ihirnl :- i Drndru*l--"- -ii,ti-"''--' Shempoo, tititttrt0ttl rlVilluatiorr- i,, rli* uli.i,i-i.',,.,r',,'iili,,,;;i;;;;rs noL :i iiiurlltllr:rn{ \\('cln n(,ii(,cin rhp { }rrrr.r.htrt,"'' 'l'lrc /="t'--f/'",'--J t|,75 :::..:::I.r"",.i ';'i,,j"..'.t,)'\:lu {,rrr}1.. .,..,.,,... rttct'i,,.,""'ii,,i,i',,,i,,',i,,,1*1,,,.r"""'ll lirltl ittttltl;rt litlr,rs, lrt,l*.t't'rr r.t'nllal iuul ntiionitl ol'ficc r/q mlss. ol lltl' le.rlirrn is lrrc:rtcd iu Ncw sil t{rss.Avc.AVa. ^Jtlb E 9.2801,-r,0, ol' l$ c0niurit,s lil'i,iil'l':il,"llt:,1'l]'ll:;:i;:lill"';"l)('lillllJ illl(l lnlsor'\,,.1:rr lIr)lll nl:ili- ' :ii'i,l'':."'ll,,iilit,,,}:',lli'",Ii:li;'lllhC fCliliott 01. Yor'k ('iti LrrJ"!h'r'i r)'irr' itt'.: tts tlottlil ('ltttttir . Sincc tlrc [t,gion is ;r t'lrtist hus (rotlqttet\,rJ .rrlr] lltrt ittrtl its *[r,rrri ttilil-lrlolit ()f!uuizali{}lr, ,. ll,i-.-l .t. it. rr'lies ..:l;ii'ttllott tlto llatis st,r'r'itrls ()l' it Ho^{L:AIADE BUTTER cANDiEs ft:ll ,;:lil:l;,1'li;,|?.|,"lilll'llll;ll; i!:':'ll' .li;li'll:"1i,,."1\,lil:i, lllgt, stitll ol' t'clir:rfr..Ls. Sunrc of s(!ilIs. lhosr, r()\'i(r$ r,l ,s al,c tttcnrbt't.s ol' L,trtlrttlies.,. lltr. r'lt.r"-lr. l)ut lnost ttf lhcrn ar.r: '::.;.il }rxrer lirl rtrt'tt itnt{ la.r tt otlrttt. .,,,,,,:;';;:',""_ ;filllij*ut{ri*1, r,u,'ents THE LEGION l.rrvic\r-s iilnrs I \orihr'inoi' sr' *'' r'!d{j 'J; r,itlrt'r' in th{f tlteilt(.'I.s, u.bich i.^ il]]'.li;,,X;|.:l"i,.lJlLl.niil}.,;lj,l,llo heur I)unel llrr' r.trst. rith ntost folcign filnrs. ol itr tlrt' sr:tt:ening tlrt tlirine nrissionof trront-r ol' tlrc re tlrc titrurrlii .\rrrrlit'arr filnt r,rrnrplrnirs l- iii,i l;;f;,r.", I'r'ohlt,rrrs,currsttlbJ srltrilr,iiri(rri irt the iltt itlrliott ol llrr,sr' t'onlltllics, ,,.!i'j,i::'::Tl,-ti,1?t;,,I;:li'il,,: ll,,l Lllilu,,l.'lii,ill:,:,:i'li;;l ll: In all t.irscs. llre [er{iolr r.ictt.s ..l*li 'l,,.l..liiii ottl.r' tlre finislrcd lilnr product. iili't,lli5ii:,','i'irlXi,,,ji:1 ll, ilil',:,, ill",il.,"'Jl:i\ll*,,i'j In rrr) cirse u'ill lhr. k,diun lF{,.e{r pretepcrrection, to rcad scripts rrith i r'ierv to r;;i';"i;:'i;;;i" ccttsot'ing or' othet'rfise tersaliiy antl grerlctrt u ili;;lliilri;r'i...",.illrl';,,,'lr.:'11"- cr.iticizinL' :tt llr('.,lJrrrt'att's.ffii:t, thc nl. steltl, a.- St. pa.l .,,,,:"ii. iii:: {illl} t:. '\('rtll illt't'1, l.'ilnrs alt: r'atetl eitlrcr. ls rlor.- ('ltttrt'ltltirrl to lllltitt llrt,st,lrirrrs alll' acccplablc ol its rrroritlly tlowtrd FieLar t.G,ltlylarl litllo.lr! little. glu\filrg arrrl rlc. .\ lrilrrcl tlr'(!sr,ntitliolt u'ill bc I "jl"::,-v,,,. ',,.'-lll.ob.it'ctionlblc. ir.r:t'Ptnblc {ilrrr..; Fieber& Reiny lJ,li;i ale t'ulllurr rlistirrgrrislrod into | J ., ,li' Ll;['',,!];11:ii:i llrl1.(' Insuronre {:irtclj(rl'ios, nltrttl}', therst: AsencvlInc. ilij rl'hich ale ncrr.pilltlt rrither lot. 'fcr;:JonlrtrcrursioloJSrryic.,, T,,lili,,"ill'lii:ljjiii*.,:il;,':1,,;i:ll:,,:i;f I rror.lrl,_t'rtltliiilrl,.urrrJifillIji: siii(l.uur,.luu.\t tltc tanrill ol frtl lrltrlts lntl rtlo. 'llrr I iit,it,i,."n.a []trtr.ltr. itttrl l,.atlt.r N'ooloworu Ies(,('lrts or, orrlr" ltrr. atlrrlts. Mt,e'1533 | I::"".lli::lli: l:].,.i.):::.l.,11"1111.,'.i' ir,'nar,isrrunitnin. irssisr'nr pirs 'l'lrc rntl remairrs lr.lv irr lnc i;l:";;i',iiii,:i"iilli"*,i*i''rl,liii,,1"']i le{ion nlso givrs a speciRl .ttocrrirrr let'ournrt,ntlaiiol to [iluts orrt- l()l'nl('r' {nstrr' llat'cnl. ltit'li;rlrl st:rnding for. tlurir rnolal. ar.tistic {litt'1t1'1'.tr'ill nrt'rlclalc tlrc parral. lntl etrtt'rtaintrrtrtt valttes. - I,'ostet' Iritlr.ttls itt rlxrt';1e trf' tlrtl nl('etillg inchrrlc: ltr.s. ('lc0rgr Davitl, .1lr'. llrl .\lr.s, Lldu alrl \\'halcn. llls.,tulia [ioolicr antl Mon.. Fri. ,\lls. Iiobell .\lcl)olrncll.

7:45 p,m. Radio and TV Pregr:mr

IITOIANAPOTIS ARTA l. rtltl0ft .a tH tt. A l-ifil FRIDAY, Mry l2-(Trpe) Rcv. prul Lrndwcrlan. Sundrv Irlcvltion (Y... c,,,r.-!irri:i,Ji,t,,:',.,.,...,...... (lJ) rfo? *rtllltl.o nv0. Q t.f{rl 'l o...'.-!:. . ; r,j:t MONDAY, Mry. .i ...... ,.,...... ri;r l5-(Trpc.) Rcv. Kcnny C. Swceney, requesreci It,:,U 6. 1.-.L:,;t,!i: f ...,...... ,.,({it Dy . llstonrr of lha progrtm for r Spccirl lnlcnlion. tndrv llrdio ' * I id A . I :l , ,sr . ; e -r !i e 6 r i , , . , , , ...... gr'l:,',1 ! fUESDAY, Mry l6'-(Trpi) Roy, Jrmes Byrnr rnd mcmberr o{ lunriev Rrdlo Hoiy Spirit prrirh CYO. -ojiJ t.[.-.Snjrrd t,r,srt ...... ,.".i\'jS]i rUrl) DEAHns u.,!.-lr'it i,l 5:. tr,,..c15.....,',\fB,.l fono yr.tr, .i!F f.'j.ir lro|r fVEDNESDAY. May ll-(Trpcl Rishr Rcv. Bcrnrrd Shcridrn. -3:.lr) , .. ..y15, lilr4: l'.r,.. llo r !t S'. tri,,,rr .....,!\'Fg.\1 I 0f Indianapolin 9r3tJ r.nr...talIclic l1otrr ...... WtR1: THURSDAY,.May l&-(Trpe) Rav. Willirm Clerry in memory of - Mondry lhru f.i/ry Nelle ?i.q:' Geraghty. N.i),.--l{d,dl\llc.rr ...... ,....'AJRi C. c0NNtRsv[.t( AnEA f I f. FoxworthyCo., Inc. ftidlo*Iurdr! l1roD t.[r.-]u(n(r licsrt ..:....._...\\C:lB ll ed Marrin To hrvc your nrmr cnrollcd in lhc IYAXSVITTE ANrA Ua'.v A..ShcrpC_o. RosaryRadio Program . Sundry frhvi:ior ll of Sponsors ii ;33 ;:;;;:":i,l;li,;i;'x' I I Jerry Atderm€nFord your :: : : : : : . : : : : : :li,'l Send olfcrinos (larEc or gmrll) to: Srtuldav Hatfield arl J o. r.-,Cra4o Motorr, Inc...... : ...,..,...... 11.bl I I THE ROSARY RADIO PROGRAM Rrdib proqrrmr *"r McKay Ford,Inc, Ar30 r.r,r,-Avr ll l'|E W. Georgir Sl, lndirnrr "";$t1irtr, . , , . ,., .. .wJps i;# ;:lll::[iii[f;l',h TI' i'] I " : :: : : ::[,ungi t,c[ p.iri.-Loc,il lutl,Y;f,:t n,"r, "..-.. .lvclrr nAolsoR AtrA Rrdio_Suntry Arnbulance Sen'ice ri rJ l.nt,..rlc. I ct St. Frsiluig .,.,,.\t,oit)t ltoRtH vtrilot anEA

r,ro Call ME 5.0125 t r,n'.*nr riliidul0lir'.,lrotf ...... rl'u(',, I r,Jt, 0.ftr.*SBffed il.drl . ,. .. ,. ,. . For lmmcdirlc . .lVuLh Sorvicc ltftf At8AHY AntA t- Tclcvision-Sundry .&30 o.rrt.*Lrr,p Unto l,ly fcci .,..,.'.1liAl DAy Rrdio -5urdev oR hrcHr llriio o,m.-Chri:toolrerr ltI I ...... ,....,y,'.qy1 .:Ju F.nt,-L€ltr0lic l{0ur ...... \'.r,.VL orra, J.rr.-liour 01.5t. FrSnc13 ....,..lfKlO Thc Fincct Scrvicc . . , /.!rc r.m,-s6crrd ltcRn ...... 1.yKL11. Corls No Moro i ;i ;, :;l':y:i:"8, i,ili l,l ii,11.,' :: : : : lli ii I 6:,45 D,nl.-SacJc,t. trclrl lEUr . ... ". .Ui.tX.i /rJU O.[),-Ldil',)tic ttoul ...... IJAV!, - Mondrv thtrr !fr'lld!'l StevensMortuary l0:45 !.ftt.-IlroilQht {or lodry .,...",A{y',v 'ChoprJ or4J D.Jll.-loJJty llorrr ...... ,....!V|Rp sAvE 2 wlvs JOSE?ltF, 3tEYE{r ol lhc Fioworf 7130 o.rrr.-rrlorrl JiuTtt t,a", ...,. .vruA!; vrith HEw Jurf Oi Xrrslcr llvd. on t6rh nleltMoNDAnta nrdio-$rturarv Flomeowners 6rl5 !.m,-Hourot St. t.En;is.,,.,.if!.8/ tnlilit....,.,,,,.,**ru 7!t5 r,rn.*sicfcd PACKAGE POLICY JArtM ARII Or* policy E.r rare Ep Rrdio-Sund.y v:.Jua,hr,-l{0ut ta'n% ovcr om't of sv. ot St, Fr€rci3.....,'.,vSU., 'polic"ie SXttByvlnE atta eral rith eame tllolheres IDry p.nr.-rrou.suJrdt.tilj?,r'. broad covcrage-plus Cards rr;ts , .. .. .r./svL f&t cllf ar:A crtra savings through Rrdio-Drllv 6:00 t n.-thc m,,hrdl d*i&lndsJ Rpoi.*, *.,.,,....$Tc, ilow 0l{ DlsPtAY Fr ruca d rr*;filu'g/ iifi i:lX::iil;''?,, llii,jl,;;;' :: : : : : : : :Xji ll soingE-@II .6i![i:*.:igl',,i,'l'iiii'i']11. :: : : :Wlll i iiiS1.il.:i',iil,'i,1' 'i GRAITIDEAI,IRs "u?l .ill..,lto:i.::::llill e'rc r.', *Li'"'l li'ii',ljo 1.. .. .* ru' - ru Rlflii;lii,:I frtuTuAlAcEltcY, nc STATiONERS7,ir r,,r:.-nr. . "...,...,.rrH1 rtntl rautl AttA 5!lurrtry-I!l.yls ion Fire.A,rb.&r,roht INCORPORATEO 6rC6r,tn,-$acrrij iiesrt ..,..,.,.....,,r,tH1 lunC:i Icleiiiion 36 N. PonnaylvaniaSt. tr6 t,nr,-8irr"r.lavGr::ti' ct ,..,,...fi01 tTtfO X.lcddca sr?..a fudio-trturdrv 't,f5 t,;r,-R:'ig::,.....-.,.,,...,..tr,r1t FAfilf ltatt lrdio_Drilr 6r,l: t,*.-[ai]tcli" lrour .,....,".._, rHE cR1rlo19t MAY 12, le6l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllilill||ilii11i1iiii1imiiii1Ii11iiii11iiiiiiiiiiit1iiii1ii1t1 nililililr 'l'HE pooR l'-F' rfl r GALENDAR HEL,IrING I rc I ackel' ilililililililililililililnil1|l|ilil1ilil11ilillt1ilililil1ililil iAY12 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||111111fi1111il1iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1i111it1ii11111iiiiiiiiiimir A Fish Fry at 4 ilrii Soclel al. T l).n), at l{oly Namc in llccch Tltit't1'-six littglislr,lan.rlrraqc lr';rq:l1pt.5 it1'p rrtgcntly nttotlerl to (i lovc. Spnnish selvc ils I)aPll \i0lurrtt'r'r's in Latin r\nrrrrica, nccoltling to urc ar^sist- laity buck Sf, Ritr,r Socici begins at ti:J0 ant difr'etor of N('\\'("s Lltin .\ntclicln llur.oau p,tn. in tha sclrool auditor.iunr, (lar1n. tt. Srli hus isuc

Ironk Pcrrcly ond Chor, Dyo,r Home Beversge Store j Crurhad ond Blorhrd kc 1l froy cnd ilodkon Ava. if.6-E6f6

STRAUSsSAYJ: 'l'he "Quad" Shop Thc sourco and center of 9_lothing for the Seholar-ancl Yourlgcr Nlen on the way up iu tlre busincss world. L. Slrauss& Co. llis .iob is nol ntcrcly a <.lran<,c fol atluancentcnt antl lor nrater.ial glin. It pal.t is n of lris pricsilv'rlroliri- fathorlroorl, llrt' lrrcirns of ittrr lirr I I'n rlr'tt^r,i.,r t!,.^.r.. r I tr:r-L F.-----:r--.--rr tt( u\15 ut ltls | ilLil rurnilure Darn farrtill', tr l)iu't of tlre grattcrrr rrl (iotl's plirrr fol hirrr. Ile givcs hrs Open job Sundoyr1.6 Weokdoyr12.9 p.ll. llrc lrest hr. has got llecauso hc "Quolity ultder.\tall(ls iltat lrr is an in- Furnitureol gorn low Overheodprices,, struntent in God's hanris for thc conrpletion 9600 E. Washinsron (U.S. r.,notodelergeni of Ciod's clcative rr,or.k 40 E) f[ 6-320g n ttle wofl(|. (iod, Iror on!}, lhe ClorodWod, ...notqbleqch! flathcdr.al ;rar.enls ASKREN MONUMENT CO., Inc. kr nrecl lla1, l6th a70l E, Washington St. $NCE t935 MARKERS _ MONUMENTS * Largast Stoek Granites and l\larble of the Ilrglrest Quality at the l\lost Reasonable Cost O Credit Terms tto PRIt tR * Sfate Wide Delivery 2e f,epresenliliy€ $l Mt 6-9044 0llict

Oncn Evc. & Sunddvs PAGE TEN THE CR|TER|ON, MAY 12, 196l 'isolate' Lauds Coirgress action Seesplan to filvot'ing the farnily farm non-puhlic sc/tools

'lhc \\',\SlllN(i'l'ON--A plicsi tcsti- rvhich tlrc NCRI.C has long l-teen Senalor lca{l'iunctl his bo- " f]'in$ llcfolc il IIousc conlnlitt('rr a(l\'0cnt ing, licf tlrat thc solution to ai(ling luutlod the inrpollattce given to p$ronts ol ehrldrcn in nonpr.rlllic STRESSING tlrrr NCIILC stand tlrc farnill' falnr in ltrgislation ttp schools is a tax rebate, that thc farnill' [arnr offcl's s ftrl considet'aliott. goorl s'15' oI lifc lnd a good rvay l";rlhel Jntucs I.. Yizzat'tl, S.J., ol nrrkin,'l a livittg, I''athcr Viz' rli|ccttrr oI tltc \\fnshitrgion tt.uicc znld saitl thc NCItl,C tlcfincs the "A rrl' lhr. Nltional Catltolic Ritral lanrrll' Ialnt as follou's: socio. l-rlc Confcrcrtcc, snid (illny $) cconouric ittstitulion in rvhich {he "cutphasizcs tlrat Ilousc l)ill 6.100 crpilnl, hbor nntl nlanlgcmcnl ol tlto sl:rl)ilill' lntl thc pt'ospct'ity of thc flrnily is ot'gauizcd torvards 1ht'Ilnrilt f:tt'nt;ts {l cdlltl'il1 ainl thc pr'o(hr0liotr of food slxl lilrcr trl fat'ttt lesislatiott," fol thc lrenclit of fnnrily attd 'fhc ,lcsrrit pricst toltl tltc llottse socictl'," ;rglieultulc Conttnittec that llte ['nthcl Vizznld sairl this t1'pe ".\i.lt'icultut'nl hill, crllt'd thc i\cl oi lilrnl is dilcctl)' contlnr'] trt tlte "il rrI l{}{i1." pr'0scllts clcnr slrtc. so.c:rllcd lirclory lalnr, rvhich is "conccntlalctl Incnl ol' gonls fot' ^\tttttt'icltn [at'trt- in lht' lrnnds o[ a cls u'hiclr , . . cttini:irlo rvit.h tltttsc 161v giullt opcratol's." ''Thc n"CItl,C-' is convincr:t|." lre "thlt l)tg | lirrrrrtrarskjokI statctl, tltc vitlttcs tvlticlt coll)o ffonl rvidc,sprcad distribu- tion trl plorluctilc ploptlty in tlte I.,oyolaUniversity Io ltt: ND speuker' foLnr ol f:urtill'fitt'ttts arc ttto inrpot'tiril{ lo [)o outwcigltcd b]' pricst takes srvipc No'l'ltl'l l).\trI I;. ln(|. .- Ililg the pul'l)of tc(l cc'ouotttic olficicn- lllrnnmlskjoltl. fir:ct'etitt'.v (ien- cies of lnttlt:-seitlc opcrntions." crll ol tlrt'['trittrl Nations, nnd irl lrlilch Socicly ('alrlirr:rl l,ltttt'iltlt lltllltmblwil, FATHER VIZZARD also latttl- proposcd ltill ,\[r'ica's first clt'tlinirl. will bc thc od objocti\'.s o{ lhc plincip:rl spoirkt:rs at tlttr Unilet'- rr'hielt rvttttltll srt) ()f Nolt't'Iltttttc's llti{h lln' o ('r'r.ltc llrc opllor'ltrttil5' fot' trtt:tl collllll('llr'{llll('nt crclclscs lat'urt'ts to ar:hicrc llnritl' ot itt' ,lurrt 4. t()lll0 rVilfi O t lr C r etrrrtt(rtnic ilf()ups. Firlher"l'ltt'oriot't- ll. Ilesbttt'gh, o nntl (',S.('., rrnivot'srll prtsrtlt'nt saitl I'r'oIitlt' illl ithttntlitnt suppll' ot fotrtl nntl iibct' llr'. llatnnrlrsk jrrkl rvill thlit ct' brtlnncctl tl[exican lheulre,s Il.S. citiz('tls, llttl itlsrr lltr. :l(l(lf('ss ltlrl rct'oi\'t' ltit lttlll- nrrl tutll lol ff;'il::;u*.,,i pt e@ glatltrntion irl lirl to oph: o[ otltt't' ctlttn' olirtl tlt'gtt't' tlttt'ing to help promote ?{t}nlain St, I'tr. 3tt{i,,t}c Srrctatrle . , Ilnve pepsl,, ('('11\ll l ()llI r's. t rics. i a t ttt't cost oi -i- t'a|tlinul Ilugittulrart'r. liisltop llrln lerlrrcr'lltc 'l'artilatrl ltrnl pfograllrs. sucial teachings ol' lirrlitbit in ilir, tt'ill FURN|TURE liIr lh0 l)t('r'itlitul'r-iltr' s('l'llioii . l'ur,nislr cffoctile 0ncoutagc- {lllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllFARMER'S VIEW ililililililililililil11ilililililililfi t9 FAY0RITE icLY's 'l'hc lltt tlirl tlttlins I Sol- tncnl antl ititl to fartttcls'coo[)L!1" = t\lllXICO CITY - l\lexit an c:rr'licr irt 'l'lrrr cnrrr I'onliiicll ll:rss which u'ill ll ivcs. Ilurprcsnrios [Jnion, arr associltion DRY :.*:::J:):::",, ('rrt'ilitutl of thcttcr an

t{3 Moin Kl. 7-0146

FISCHER'S THTRDAvE,I lnc. SHOE STORE KeystoneBeverage Co., lA wiioiEsaiE DisiRiaiiioiS0F "Your Fomily Shoc 5lora" .,HfJ,ltffrl**| 4r^* **rw Schlirz- C.V. - iorlings Block tobel tttt ct?Y.tNo, Hargo||il Company .ffi*lw Red top - Old Dutch - Folstqff Cfeoned Fillered ffi ond Corfings Red CaP Ale TEIL CITY Lutgring Bros.,Inc. FUELOIL noBEnt HosxlNt Oancrol ilonogcr NATIONAL BANK €rushed Stona - Errovoling "85 .2 Pao?rst. Ph,WH.4-0581 Ycors of Good Agrirultura [imr W m^|!cx.full:1jl'*nr.. 's - Eonking Servicc" lVierlenrenn Rlqtz R,f.D. l, Hwy, 3l l(1,7-3551 "t' t'ciobrc'"HovrcPeprl" FREE PARKING ,"iil"f;!'J''' | Falls City - Goebel - Pubst WERNERDRUG CO. Palronize LEESCHOOL SUPPTY CO., INC. "Lf:l'i::..',JJ, {walgrcen Agency) a--_ C. F. Werner.Jr, & R. V. Schncld., uuI @ Phone il'rir* ,4"rrn euertaqe €unqzmq Phone Kl 7.5586 WH,4-2285 B 627 Main St. TELL ldYerlisers 3tat. dnd lloln 3froclr ::,,,, CITY, li.{i tND. ,,,,,::::ii:'*n';n;i Opcn Ercnlngr by Appolntmtrl Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home P.tt*i" TERREHIUTE SAYIIIGS BAIII

- Ambulonce Servico- 0ur Member ol f ederol Deposil lnsurcrtce Corporttlion

Kt, 7.25tI fELLCITY, IND. 5. W. Cor.6rh snd C-9576 Itth I Sbclby trr, WH, ldatt ldYeilisers THE CRITERION, MAY 12, I96t PAGE ELEVEN '- --1 AllFlvl!f0tlRTltB00l( OFKlNG5. I SiCot.lDcllAplrU, ILLVENfllVrRSE i I t Renrcntber 'l'hent In l'our ltrayers

IndianapolisParish ShoppingList

l--*y-llirJ--* i*":Tl j."::-l i*r{r ;4:"ii:'} ,t - t-l*:.1__l I--s'. m.,r.- * Bro*n'ss!'vi..Stalion|..-:'woLMAN,sDRuGsjRENNEsF.gowERsB"'hcrov' woLMAN'sDRucs ;;';';:':;,::HT i AtINA (. (AtLAllAtt. 1'l. "ffij'',i';ij;H'y::L:j:1-L:**' | !rr.,, I iov,rr rrUtrI.t, "d".:ix:r'tlJi'iilil., ,IA i I { ,\',!y ,. llulv I rJs. (.riltrjt,:,y. Sr,r_ y1y,.,r1; l,r1.,l,,r.,j,\\,,tt, r,,, f.j ,ldU,ttrter!. N4nry 5lilr(,r'\\. AIr,,t t)i.,,,'r,. J,,lr,r lrrorrcy. 111,11r;l,1rai drd Ro\l Ldlldlr,rl; lt, _mrr_lolrn

@,"-,';1'1;a,i:,r'H'-llil,.$$;*^",,,-,1'''*,u:1.--.--;1'*l'i$l.*Xi*::3*-j I MATY (. PARXtR. I t. 5r. U,f,5tot,,rel r- I l"rr(lr, \'dy ti. Lrlvlr? ((il sluty. Sur- -""]:*-- rr STUDY '* r,,i.t\.r'.rt. CLUB y'r. lidrry 4., ,ldr,{lrtc,i, TO MEET : sr,Ann ^,4,rrr *l*,1".'.* .,,rr\. 11't,' d', t X.rttltcl,,j 'l'. *--iilh.d,.t *l-_-. T;ti|fr"^'i'i'Hi 0dvtrl n IJfn JniJ llls. J. I Ilrrrri, i,ar.r.ell lr,rrertl', Air d{,il ttl,1. ll,rnry Ro:net; will cnteftain jr\tfr\, ,,1. J,r,r V,il1, {1,,r1}td AIn lJrclrolt, In{'nll){'t's of lltp llvitrgli}tt Pdulr{re, Cittlr. t,tdtsd ,,0(i Rtid AIn; brolltet, ticlt. sffi:* ii,*.,,,nr, ."::i;l,t'',':ir"r:'li,,l,fi."I *.;:l;:.::L:**:i ttlic \l'rrrrrln s Strrrll' Clrrll lt tr ll--l!J.:{:i_ll 1,,,Ii.'1"::1":'"Tl':1,,,1 tl{x)n s:i,iiniilsrooii'isol;a g::' pLAzA .;,;i;ffi;;""fi;'-"i lullcllcon in ltcf honre at. I I LiJi:i,Algilfll;t .: ,-r'litN. ..;;_r1.1;'i.',',',,'i 4rrrlrrlron lltiatl on \\rcrlncs- """,ri.':,"'*.filr''ii,,ll"" shop *.M.,k *l rlal', llal'17, i\tiss Ncllic Coats I .r'wooocLeu", rt'ill plcsont a pirllgr .l'hC i lff !_TUiy ;.'r''L.riii'rift;;;;;ilrivr.-ll_g"i""d"tt" rrn IIis. Tiliil-r,s-srorue^"1:1";;i,l;g;,iff"r:;i"'r*;'r;li:i"'';'^'tffi-'b"l* * sr' tl,-di"'nllfil^*,1 hrrv of lrrtli:rn:rpolis. iril;::ij:rrri Tfil. (tIY I llf tf.f AM NArIl, tt,i, .t /.' i1. 5r r,,,,1 .. ll!orr.islrlrvrr .(!,rri_I,. Sr, |lary , isn."1,1,. 5...,.,,,,.. t/ r0 ,r1,1q,.11,", r.,,, Hollft l!:o \..rrr,(.1 l,elrr1lr"iiil":x'*rlS[=,,lu'{-:'lU,,.r,l,l'or,! .irrrf /,,.ti1 r dt,,-ilil. i,ttlr, 6:;lt1iiii;t6 ffi" l,$,t':,,1t***.or-*l_oroi,,rU1l, ",, lr,,.ttt, , ili;iii+1;t'::f *':h i I F=,Llftle Flower i, ii ll,l:,.1;i. ;,,j, r,1 ,,, ,1,,,::l i i 1. EASTstDE stre srone 5t. ;:ii . I lX -H.ud..nrnrt!prri.' l* il gl l,'J,'r,,-.p,,,'., 1r1,, 5r,.r 11r .,. rt,.l,nrr ls(s|il^rHLhY3|CY(tr'-t[t|.hl_l4[nr.'4[ltr4.anhr|%'I "'li;j;r/:,18"Idrl PIDGETT I,i i"i;.,'ll,i'',,i;"',1;;,i1,,1 ;l:' l4+rl, fJ. Y.1 I't,F, lorr,tirrlo. arr,i Br:,r, Chevrolel lPll Sales LEol,s,rv. Cily;,r'iJ tr..o !irt.rl;, itri. Iildireitl i:i"i.'rti-"1*i..'"i'rii'.1,,=rr ",",",f",;1 5r.irwrri and llff ;:*iifllji.{:.f,ijhn l,{drlt,d vJebi,cr, botir ot :q;;i;;;;:,;:,,; "A 16 | I fi/ENOTY PIACE IC) TRADE" ffF;i :-.I#r| llrorvrrsf11g_ ili@;E*tu]^H***"i'i' lelephonc "-";;1";:;;il-"'''.:lififiil:.','r,1* '-,1 | IO 3-a2J5 us.,, I IVlorrislown, Indiqno *,"lifl#1.,1i,:fj:'[:i!:'.j*rt {?t)5 EtrratOrh sr. t^ s'.c.rh",r"" {l----xj-l " You iR€ ArvrAYs rrrr(fiME rt l*i;;*,r.r"H.".r I ',i'ilf"';:,lil1ii,,lf,:l-" J taurrumr'ie'turNnd it FEENEY'sTAVERN * christtheKils *l o,rvrscRocERyco I ...m', lcrtt l: I McBANE Airseol prri{.RMAcy 36 f. Mrin lt. : ..: -:---:---:iu*;; i{'.";T,;-J'"."d;*; uiili'-li$ilti^r:'i','ll'i,lil"iiljrrronnow.s lrownrturq. Ind. I Gosd -;;;;;;'.' ll .?;:l,i.,l,in:j:l_ ll Beor rnd Srndwlcho* i *T:6:'lH.r',:1,11^* PhencUt ?.Otr8 BurialUaufts ,,.,xy:l;l.r'rcrrMrrk'.,,,i''0'cl**'i":-'- """-'''l li_ll"ll- I Il "".".{iiilidi,{t.'r,^",lr Brou,Iffiilfiluu." i;;;;;,;;;;i',, , ,,,,..,.^,,,,,,..r.", ; 1 -^ s:ntNc sxrrr r52tt52t N, rmcruon lr procriotionp,"..,i-r;^. s---;r,. *lr ltI SEPTICTANKS ,nn sH:lt ,* so."i"ti"r" *lt and Furnilure Co. "''l"'.;;j'."**..".l.l'i:lli|sffistnv|c!lrr,9.820r|'-.: 5P€tf)QUItil ApptlAtir:es ir,d and Olher Glidden Paints Concrete Products re rir:;lflriliiilii . SATESrnd S[RVr(.r, ffir l,;ii'i.i'l-:ii.tl;iL,'ij1:,iltj3T!---l JItLMrilJt, Diol Rockwell lrrwnrrxrg S-5241 uL ^ -_ @l}'.ff.,**#;$J.'*,"'-;i-il*Tfii,i.,.'',}'$--i;1i*'-t.ti:+i.},,i',:.i.{:l.$--'i."s:i,:,,::- 2-4587 tr{ORnlIIOWN, tNDrAX,ll "* ^ _ss/ vr _vvru_. A MARKET I l__._-_ t,It}!.xorhsr. iffi I.Q im \r..-{o€:i;-:-.:i@NM! i- tFineMeatr* i tMERSolI.HEtGHTs $rr.0r0rl qri.rltt! i;iffirrMrrson€omrltlr IRTrS'' '^'o,,'._ro" DRUGS !\'Ulr.riRrl vdqctrbtcr i cttANtRs | ,lu,,lJlflo'1r,.,1.t.i,,n.'"r" I , uFf rNrFn ;": i ,,,,,,.,,;'11]li*Jl}*n,,' .,,, i :-l v":i:'iii:'i!:: -l::r*t;*#iii-il"dll1r'"" An Inerpensive Wcat Ad Does ei Biq lob Moildrt.Thursdry,t r,m. tr I A. & B. UPHO|.STERINC tift DIRK'S MARKET i cALl, .S.{53t Eridry,9 It l.'5rturdiy,8 tn I l'rrrnlrht'tl*,1,",ooo ME. qlraurrrrnd s"rvt* i ,r, *.ir!'l{:tmttr l* Sf. Jamec *l- h;.;L ior .:.u tlcl-'fcr!':or rr&nDirl.rvEny i I%..


ORIVf 1N TODAYTOR ,,SPRING Nativily CIIICX.UP" SHAW'5 @ GULF SERVICE 1t37 Madilon Sl, t.O9t hxAf,r !1{)fiK * ,vtiItL BAI"ANCtNG IdOIDR IUNT.UP


iJtalion |lo.1l GULF SERVICE i ...--.. . .1y,1,.Y_91u_, I Church- School- Home- fflaintenanr:e 1,,,,_.-J*i,1j1,'1,,0,0,11M'xec + - i . Ll' rr I r:rcl'rs s rrp ;rlir:rg - l:llcctri c il,s - (irrpr: n tcr.s [li];i"ili"l-ioJl"1"o""'ll REAI ESr, tl ESTATE I l rr nrlnrs - Plaslercrs - Ittilrtcr*q - Ii.encing I 1".:l..-I!ll-.---.--- ".-=.-.-,1.,u-t*r:rl I . A.J.lqkersndSonr lt- -r' t,lm -i lffi ll;r..g:lp*ll lli _,Jit',i:n'i..,il ]i*+#qirtli:1" | | Of Real Estate I =:,lllllllllllllllr,ir'J.t'*t*1ir;t.'r,.i.o*,,iiYittilt'-tll'*gr^ il tUnef0l ilOffiO lri Thomasa, Welch00, i I DoNsHrNE REALTY | | 724 S, Keysrone, lndianapolir I gr *.personursennc",. 80rrIntond Rtdq. Ai(.8d564 u.ii'"nr".. er{ il ::":: lil ljlsrzo RADIO- TV - ll .i'l llour Ambulanc.ljorvtcG lit---'_----._-*.--.-*.-.--rl 1'f,,,,,,,,,. r,,"1,t,'1;1t11.,, :::"*o:;rlw HI.FI '| pol'cclltflg(, ,,,,r'u*| itilrl (r o l)) I e t c - ,rr:r r- urm sr. $ts. H;ro{ l) I MrLLse Sales & Serviee ll ll - -- -^- - | I colll'se. \l a t' e Ir Salcsmans' I ncoFins PHttrINtt0Y,5 rrarcn,ordao onrr' ff Xil:ll* King !l !)s:rrn Iriri': t)flssjn{. ( l) ouali.l wA. s.sogs ll Christ the *i- -1 'Rr'rl il T.V. MART I I fierl ittsttrretols. at:tiuc irr I . SELLING llI Eslate brrsiness anrl lrssociaterlI i"'*::'l:I": :ll_,-_.,.__ lll rtitlr lrurrltrnrra Sarrtlcr.s Ilcalt.v I - -l!, 11 lt_|t,r,uu,,,.'lbd|l|.|'J|l'ed,'dnJ|,l1e{'r','''l'| "CorrrDieregeautyS6ry;c.,. tt",'""'"' t"""= -{."}\ ';ir^m'-;r^;ff;:'.":''' iil"l"!l:* fg}J cAMEoRooM lil [!APIT(|T {t ,;iii; GLASS ni," ^td t dorh lr A! 3.?!?sll fjl '/t -:t:1LT-.t--- lll HH Pr:rrlorrerrrsby J0s,:ltllincJollntloI ffi s ) ll* fmmaculateHeart * I C[lli{PAifY,ll{C, *J u.,"TJ,',i?l,jll'o,ltl*o^", ffiiffi E Pcrtltanif,l llr- t' o Sioro Fronls ffiil Erz l,l 6164cARRorrt* I (l c Furnituro Tops i;:,:":,,T":.T::irYrE'o'erit) "Srory-book i,,ri;i,ffi "''e rrc'l'B/o'uI T il Ill House" | | AIIERICANCAN il;;l;"i',":;',,!lll,;:, r Window Glos; f t:it r3rixc''r.,lrvd E.D.,rr l,i EITATES t t?i.o.o,CO. ';l.o';r'.,J.';,i.,,.0"'" l,l Byowner. $1s,450. I o Mirrors shell servicestarion 5420N,coresa cr,r-e.02 cL i 1,,::$&*J | 11" ill",:';li.;,.,;i""'"'"'" " "- " - lil | | l-2e86 | ryl;,=l',lJ$":i"il1,*o Alsynite Fibre | .dllh t84s i. Mrcxroax ll l; Il, Glosr sT 6.3083 o Bciley Gloss 5liding I effin';:,".'":,,.i:;,r.sinroni:c*"1','',10.T::::I : Doors I l)ry lml* ;;ih",,';,rmas *.,'l c Thermopone McFarland Meat Market I ToM's LUNCH l- l- 5650 Mcfilt.nd Rd. tl 6.l4El 'T *to^1,o^,"-]Y":5,:y:tt Criteriot t -- l'r'cslr CLrl-* Fish& poutrryI 'lbp | l"'lll.'o",s",.ui# ioo"i I floriac rRta*iiil;li,Yh9'nnt* (hrl LEADED GLASS Quahty NIeats I ! I.^ICHAEL B. JONES i r."."u. fo' s?r roorrl i 80MffrfrtrF sftvtct t ^'i,i '; rr$h ' ov$l'};xs ' rirr,t'ut T 6-8724 : ,t":,.,"t:,i:" STAINED GLASS lli"il1-{ 'r-ltluertt',sit I l'- ' tg Hor(l.l'oint.d 5pccrol Oerrqnr *icdr i ^,n , 1|i::.:::i1l':':*::':'j "i For Church Window: r{ttos! | (A) -.-.1|?I:5. - i trr u5suppr'y rouR oru' i Ro.ty RippteMidget Mkr. crrrEssERVrcE ' MoR-,:,Y.,: t.'r';1,,* ,i 43? 5, ilitrouri frtG,5.tl0f l M :.:::"ot" l"' ;;u;,,,,,;*r;:.,];' Puys lndionopolir PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION, MAY I2, I96I

prierta were gredually being re. side, Rcfugces sakl that ?0 per Archbistrcp's First Arncrican pricst lcasctl. cent of thc strr(lcnts o[ Villanueva Clturches rvhich \r/ere opcn Univct'sity u' o I e irnlrrisonerl, Sch,eduIe were still under round.the.clock along with alouud 60,000 other.s S. frorn Cuba militia guard, both inslde and out- in Ilavana,

nlIAI\lt --'l'ltc lit'sl Atlct'tcitn rvillt pcrsons rvho hatl sought 'l'hc y,'il5s plit'st to alt'ilc he t'e f t'onr Cttba havcn, trul,y c.xccptio11, rTEntttTltr-'' lrt,lir,r'ctl lo bc llre ,\tcxican em. Lifetime plan sincr.: l)t'ctttict' l"i

l,'atlter ,l atttcs A. l)onncllotr, 0.S,r\,, I'rur,ittcial ol' lltc Attgtts. littinns' ('itsl('t'tl i;.S. ptor ittt't' annorrrtcetl tt Villilu{)\'4. Ira,. lltat 1S pl'ic.,its oi lht Olrkrl rvrtrr: lttritl!.1 "t'ttlucstctt locallt,rl lfl.ct' bcing lo lcavc hy thc Cttllltu 11ovet'tt- !llcrtt."

MET AT THE iritDolt b5' l"lt' llrer' Ir'f itn (). \\ialsh, r\lilntt's winners in lhe SERRA ESSAY CONTEST WTNNERS-These four yovns people oach received $?5 as tlioccsltt rliltrtor ol (iltlurlic Shown wilh Wil" eighth annurl Vocalion Essry Conlest, sponsored by the Serra Club of Indirnapolis. clurliti<'s, tlte prio-sls t'cr',':tlc

Itt llrt' lit'sl lhlt-c dl1's lltr,r' c0nlnr0fcill Ilillhts h0tu'r'ct] llil varta an

VAR IOUS SOURC ES r.crrrrrtcrl (lAf:tlitt1l tlrll. ('ar.rlinal trtlrrrrtl ,\r.itlsl. ltitCIS " . r\r'r.ltlrislrogrol Illrvlrnir, rt.irs slill strho()lnid bill il-lll]'*iii,'11,,,1"',l:-')iJ':,1'il:.1111; cnunlrios u'elc saitl lo l)c cl'o\r'(lc(l NIiW Y()nK-(la|rlin;rl IrIanr:is Spclinran h:rs t'rrrlrl'sctl a bill RECEpTION SET "tlrc Ilc lsseltcrl tlrlt llrrll Scr: ruhit,lr cornlrirrcs llrc [ierrrrctlv irrl- 'l'lte.Sl i\lcittt'lrtl's l,lti'lllllll's Ol" lrls [rrll cottfirlcncc in tlrc r\mcli- rnitristrltion's p;opgsll for' prrlllic g:tttizlttiott ill ltottot' tltc tt.rr'11- c;in llisltops, aurl cach bishop irt st.hool suppor.t'g'ii1 n pr.,gr.nnt tO ,lt or(laill0(l clct'gl atttl tltcit his r'ru'n rlitlet'st' rt'il1 ltalt' lo rlc- aitl pIi!aic ctlucation. lritt't'ttts citle u'hirt nl('ilsln 0s lo llli{ nn(l Fresh-fro -th -taste rr'hlt clrangr:s bc m Iirlrj to lrkipt- e-ba rre | " .iUti:)iil'llil;J;i't.;:r;ru i'i{i"[xitliliflii ctl. of Ncrv YoLh, \uill,s:i; Plrrpt'rso. 111,":: t,,.ii ivoottsittc is pltsitlcnt 'l'ltrr "it orf. stsr),!r 1. ii."i.' Archhis!ro1l llso strirl ] rrrillirrrrlr.o(_rl],], ;;f ii,o."'- .i;;,,;,)riur,t-'""' That'swhat you get in everybotile and gt'irills p|it.irle ..f r.{r(rut). can -i - - is tlro rlcsilc ol tlrc lkrll' Sec that t(, arrtlpa|oclriill -.. . (latlurlics, sclurols to hclp bu1, of Wieciemann's TermitesRoaches nll ckrli.l' aruI llitlrftrl crluipmcnt FinetSmoother :. :;il ,fr.--T. alikc. flitlrfully rnrl lt'illinglv arul bttikl facilitics tclltcd to follol lho diloctirins of tlrcir' scicncc, lllalhcnilltics anrl forerign Rats,Ete. " Llisltops. langulgc instlrrc(iorr. i[ilt,,]') Free Inspeclions 1'ltr: bill. stirl thc r\r'clrlrishop of ;;Iff T :: ; :,;'::;il ltf i*1 tlHi Il': g Nov Yolk, r'anking tl,S. []n1dinnl, f ll''"'j),;lltrtrr'I 6) ('r)llles because Wiedemann's Registered. l- cALLST 4-3236 coluecr closel' than an1' othcr lcg- is Since rf J DI'ICSI,S islittion befolc Contt'css lo allain- HUB STATE .1 1870, honest.lo.goodnessbeer with fresh- PESTCONTROL SERVICE (Continucd flout prrgc l) \t}/ 's, ?31 E. Tabor Indlanapolir, Ind. scminat'y .sttrtly at St. illar'1 frorn'the'barrel taste. Try a "t.f;i::J.':,::i* lilrtsns, antl S{. i\liu'r' Scntinarl,. qo,,,.v,porr,xy. ('incinnnti. ilis lrir'.st l\llss rvas SEEK FM PERMIT ofl'clcd at St, Patlick's, lndiln- \Y.,\SIllNc'f0N, D.C.-:..'l'hcLtri. apolis, vclsity of Notrc I)amc hus le" SPRING r;utstctl pcrntit cAPrlo::':ffiili'i'::"Inc r\ssignrrronts as lssis{lrtt pas- a to brrikl an l'-r\I bt'oatlcasling ttrr tnclrrrlo: IIoll"l'rinitl'. Ncrv statiort Iol cduca. tional purposes. Albanl': Sl. Simon, \\ aslrington; i*: ,St. .fohn. lrrrli;rnapolis; St. 214 E. St. Clair St, lit'itlgt't, lrtrlianapolis; and Iloly BOOK (lloss, lndiantpolls, SAIE! ln l9lB l"athcr tiliflin Nls nautcd chaplain at I't. llr'njanrin Jerry [Iillef,liller' Ilnn'ison, lntlianapolis. Later he sttt'r'etl at l,'t. ltal'altl, Nctr' [Icx- 3839 E.Wcshington St. An opporlunily lo buy many lale 'l'lre Crrpet f)ualily ico. tollo*'ing Jetr he i tiork lilt rf lhtrmln Dr. Catholic Publicalions o{ Fine pttlsucrl glarlrrale strrtlics n( tlrc, al Prices Quality Reduced rs ('ntholit: []nivcr.sit]. ol i\rrrelica. Specialists n'Icrr:h:rntlise much rs 709a. I IIc n'as appointcrl pastol at St, I "WHERE llaltllolontc\\', Colrrrrrbrrs, ilr 1920. I You Buy ls Jusi As lmporlantAs WHAT You Buy" Books iucludcrl nf c dozcus of Tilles in Sheed and llcginning in lg2t l'athcl Griffin I Ward's Se-mi-r\ni:ual Cle alancc lltanv rr'as associatctl rvitlr tlrc Flxtcn- I iul(l selcclccl ('hicatlo, sion Societl', ser.ving as I [r'or.n orrr o\fn gl'oalting sheh'cs. fir,ltl sccletlrr'l alrl gt'nclirl ruan. I agcr of l,lsionsion Courc itt--l)icli ilooks u'ltilc thc sclectiott is l:t'oatl. trlagazine. I -Year 1's111' Sin('c 1935 he lrirs been uastor. oI I Uneonditional Assrrrlpt ion, Ittrlianupolis, r0 * iliail Ordcls Promptll' Filled - "ll/c Dioccsatr officcs lreld lry I.'athcl Speciulize Iru Seruice" Gliffin includc: sl.notlal cxirmincr (lS3?), diocesan dilector ol thc Iloly Nanrt: Society 1lf)lt?) and I{fffUC IB$OS. Esrabrisrredrge2 st'rtnil:rl itt,loo I 1Q.l?\ WearGuarantee Ileaoy I'{ylon Tuist Veaae Carytet Cnthol.ic Suppl.y llouse Inc. Quality

( /r 8lotk South .f Ayr.r) friE.8-34t6 ll9 S. Illeridinn Inrlianapolir tflE.8.3412 Y*,fuVh^g

[yes Exomined CALL FEENEY'SFINEST FUNERALS Glqsses Mode cL 5-3161 i='*H*rii'$095 noosrEn our bonded lurrlcr * r00%Nyron Pilr SQ..YD. will plck up your tura OPTICALCO. ft Dr. J6na F. Korncl fiffiitFl Dr. DonslC R. Hiofl W OPTOMEIRISIS DAY RSJz/r 32 .f"t COMPLETELYINSTALLED tg?o?an 'l'nrly (A rcndate r In A Catholic illanner 26i[. PENil.ST. OVER PADDING $,of'/"311'".k*JOL-- ME. 5-9629 furriers far wer /5 yearsl Direct your prayers lo our Heaycnly Molher Mary... and . Paymcnt Plan and Wood Floor Installalion dedicole lhis Sunday's Mesr lo All payments Based On Monthly your molher here on earlh. - TOPAY' SpecialFor lUlay NOI'IONEY DOWH! 3 YEARS sJos DOe Until August lnsl'sl 0n A ::1,,. Payment Not (Or 90 Days After Installation) slores r wholc hrmper- Reg.$4.95 Value full. (This irrcludes in- 'TIL T'rulj, CA'I'ilCLIC NOTHINGTO PAY FALL surgnca prolec?ion up it+ to $250.00.) CLEANING Bring suits, coals, iackets I,'Uh'ERAL CHARGES EXTRA. and olher woolens. PHONE ST 6.04 or TU. l-1979 OPEN Harry J. Feeney Mon. and Thurs. and Martin T. Feeney CLIirtNDlfS Evenings YouConfrol the Cost 'Till 9 P.M. whenyou Coll & LtlIllTIlItY SANDERS Balance of Week 3709 MadisonAve. wA 3.4504 :I IOCAII'IONS: GreenwoodPlaza