PAGE TWO THE CRITERION, MAY I2, 196I Council seengiving the laity more active role "rt'ltct'tt r\lIit:t ilrrrl ^,\sirt, Cltt'ts. tho Centl'i|l ItILiptrt'iltor'.\, Uor|ltrrrs- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilililIliiiiliiiiiliilliiiliiliiiliiilii||iii1iiiiiiiitiii[ N l:i\\' \-0ltli-:'l'lrc Scctrtld 'lltcsc More vigorous oclion on lhc liarr loots alc slill tentlcr." siott fol the Secontl \:atir.:rn Coun- parl Vnlicatr (lotttte il rt ill u'ilttess l,'rli{rrt".s Nole-l,o1re ,rofun .\,\lll lns tppealctl to lrr{r luitv t(l ol the laily may. ecco;d. Irro lu'r,a-*r ha slid irr *'ltielr tlre eil, r'trpolling in lho vulunro un ill lul;( atr ut:lrt:t: utrrl ing to Father Graham, cause iln hislol'ic lttt'ttittg lroillt . ('ath lir:r'lU irtlct.tr.sl itt lJrc crrittittU ldt:ttltttrtir'rtf Llrrttrrcil, linou'lt'tlgc atul zcal of {lttr t$ti0 aclililios. slalr(l thnl the. nl. the "limorous,,r ('ltttl't-lt rtltctt Ir lirrrr ?r'illi {liis t'c(lr{?sl.'l'he (.'rilrriou, is rtfloring ils rr:rrrfr.,i.s, clergy and lhrr Ctrlltolic la1'urau t'ittt lrc t(, gfeil{ tttle, irnrl liurittlious "thc olie l)ut Il'clogatives laily olike, to regard fhe lry t't'lalivt'11' trttlaltllctl t'tt- lrullt L'ttlltolit: u,uL flun.-Culltolic. rlr.. oplrt.rrlrurily lo crtlir.css lfut,it "chilnnr'lc{l usr,, o[ tlttr lty lpostolir{e rvill llc aposfclafe as 'rrevolulionary cfgies" {}f liti lllt'll ill't' .',\s olriititrtts ttholt. lhr: fblrrrril antl u:ltaL tfue11rrrrrrrftl lil,-rt lo sr:r: courrr il 1,{,!iti{_,t! i!rul sotriirl stttrlirrtl itt dt{ail at lhrr Countril. and dangerous slr('illll ol lo lhc cssenilal at litst inttr th('nlilin cltatt{r's ilt tltrtst] illi!il\ \\'efo ll{)t ott tltc lclcl of both {heory nrtrl Jt'orrr il,s rlcliLcrrrliotr"-. I,'rolr. lirrrr: (o tirlt:, llrc cr{ilot'.,r pltnr io clergy-loy disfincfion, Bul thc tltc CItttt'clt's ltptt.sttrlatt''' "ntltid pt'at'tice. Irttty rttltIlcs l,(ls(t(l rlll cntrugh," hc s{l{ctl, lcclt- u'i{h sPccill r(!l('l'olt(:{-' llir' 01ritri0tis r,,l'l)l'dss{'(l by l.lta t.rtrtrlPr.s. lay "THE 'l'ltis lit'l't' oposlolale exisls only lo LAITY rvill ncver.'Le, pt't'tlittiott ttils tllittlc rurloAiertl atllitttct's pttl a prt'ttt- to its lrrlations tvith llre lrirr'- l,r,llr't'"- sltottlrl lrr'rrrlrlrr,s.srrrl (,'orrrrt:t/ lol $lfr)('!/.'l'lic Ltjlgliorr. energire lhe sfrengih of "Do liobt't'l ;\. (it'ttllittlt, 'ulu lhc trot wait for lhe bislurp lbr volt,'lrut it rvoultl be lr tlagedy lrl l''alltr't' l)n sPeriitlisls lt'ailtert its tur a lr:h.r . I'.(). ljrr,r' li'.1, lil,littnttp(rlis 6. lrrrl. Altltouglr. llr) ncrlr(r.s l.ill bc rist,rl Myslical Body, not lo reorgon, t t'cport you to havt: S.J,, itssrrci:ttt'crlitttt' trl r\tttt't'iclr' fronr Rome, if have tlre unparallelcrl cnthusi. plies{ ol n'ligious r:rtr lre tt'ailtcrl. llittltt't' [imh:uu sili(l tlrtr lorc. ttt tlit: ttt'lit'lcs, )'{tt(lr,}.s Jrt'oPttstrtl {lr'{t usl,'(t(l /o itrrlir:rrlr,llr:ir'ptoltrs. ire thc conslitulion of thr s()nlething to say astn anrl nlalul'e experiencc nutiottitl ('ll lrt,lic tt'tt'li11 . tvlto pricsls "r'ilturlll. about the L,oun- oI Iivcn if the sltoltngo ol cast lr{lects llre urrani- Jlolr.)r stcl/{N---{,,U, ltott,rr:tr;iIc, Church, "tlrt' zr'll ol llttr trtrtrltitr', l.rttsittc.sstlrtrt,)'(ih.ou(I(,', et(. cil. Sorrnd a warning whenever lay people today lost tor lack of \\'l'olc thitl lvltilc \rrtro nol frlt in lh0 fo|rliol. ilrrs' trttltts \r,isltes of tltu bisltrtrrs of tlre ('hlistilrrts lrt'rrttsltl Cltt'ist's " "'l'ltrlst' .r'ou I'ecl )'0U ought to. Urge, a legitimatc rneuns ol explessing lir'sl siotr-serttliltg t:uutrtrits, lnlnl' {}l' rrot'lrl. rr4lr: rrrt(rl' trlxrn tltis Iirrtlts ol tllo ll(}lrl;ill whcn you teel urging is neces, thoir opininn-s. {;uslJ(11lo lhc lhr, urrt'hs lo\\' i!t(li('lto(l itt the "Sttclt ttlw- stt k' r,ocat ion tvill nterl Lccogttit ioit is (!sr,trrt sarl'. l;rrrpii'o. il Ittltl' lrt' lltis itilr'-s SUCH WISHES trctc rurl rl' l)t l) Wherever the possibility "To nposlola{r: cart irt pelfolrnerI bel,. " rrrrtlr', trot lrss, l0r,t antl kttt'rll- _ avoid srrclr a possibility it l() ('stt'll(l tltltt Kittgrioltt. \\'a]'s tpl)lfcnl in thc pasf lrc l;rcliitt{. exists, infornr the wr_rrltt anrl tlrivilcgc tcr'. il nul. csclusir-trl]', b1'lty' , ('(lg(' irl tlrc (lhrrlchl tho]' rvill is urgclt tlrat rve llegin nou, to glcll lirt'nitt'tl. [o lltrt " (|vcl' tiatholies about the eorrncil. Ite" i;t a lcap ttrcn, saitl. r\ conU)licaiiolr lnlrll' ttcctl nl()r'o, nol less, consider lhc I'olruntion of " FATHE R CRAHAM le trrrntk,d lot'alty port a tradi_ of llrt' t'a I'llt. of Cltllxrlic \yofk hrs llc('n cverl'thing tlrat the peoplc tnds 1'cars i\rrrrrrica's lctttlrrts iltitt l'opc [)trts itntl tlcltilirrtt [o tlto llol.v l,'ather tion of'ftet: specch' antj the rros- ["alher' (ilalr;rtlt. rtltrt hits l)(ft'll Falher Grahrnr based his thc oput'nti()n trf lil,r' itpost0lfltc "t'(':rslrtlitlrl(, 'l'lrc ittul llre Catholics expect concern. llc lirttltrl ltrrrrtrrls" XIl, ill l{}57. sairl that iI n,oulrl be antl thoil liislrttps. tllerrgr,, lol sihlo strrrr.tules tlll'onglr rt,irictr "'l'ltc irrg tlro Corrncil." il cltts(' sttl(l('lll {)l I Ilt' tulllillL: forecasf on r€cenl rddresscs by ;tr:tilities, l)t'c()(!oul)lti(|n "r'ettl otu' laynlelt "rr,rllitills lo lropr'Ilrrrt llrrr Sccrlttl \iaticlrr a trtistrtttlclslltttlitrg ol the tlrt'it'plll, rvill lotrrr ltotv to es. without voices nav ('rlu!r.lil. il ollll Pope John XXlll and on cn " snirl u'i{lt itlrsolutr: sulrottlittitliort to tlrr: ( irurtcil ct't'isrr lrc[[cq' ',rr,, spea k. 'trtttte "Aclivifies u'ill lrc ablc to sctl lt' ttatttLc" of llra tlhrrlt:h il it rycr'c tlrcir 11p1,',,* Mr. Thurmrn porlnyed a lot' tltt' l"ittltu's lf t ltt' { il trr oflicial publicalion. lrislroP onl)' srrr:cecrlerl in chilling "ser 'lhe n lrnl cral I'opcs htr c r';rin11' ltictut'ctl as tttiulc ltp ol lrtt lclirrr iln'plircahlc prr:rogativcs ol two.lold communicalionr prob. gi'r't frtt ntltl tt't'rr{ttil irrtt" ltr lltt' of fhe Holy See in 1960," llf ittitintivt. llishops irr ' pltir(.lring "$ stlivt'rt to lcsolvr'." t'lqntctt{, tltc ccr:lcsiirslit:al itu- arr<l sanctification,'l'lrc lcm for Cafholics In thc Unlrcd Prercription la1' apostolit llltr\ t'lllt'lll lticlt 'l'lrr' (,\ ilrl)l) rlcull n'ith llu! lail] ls "l'aslot'rtll.r'." "tltc 5ei-vico lto suirl, lltot'ities, attrl ir plssivu r-.lt'nrcnl crtrl plorltrct u'ill bc n rnigh{1' Shfcr. "Thrre ('ltttttlt l'lpc, in lccciviug thc ic no trrdltion f,llr Wldc Pirk-uo & Urliv!ry Iras bt'ott srrt't'IittlI lltr' [ttt lhol'rlirl \r'itli lhcir ot'n pliosls ('oturcil l'rtruirucnt Conrnrittec o[ tho ln. {'un ruak(! t{s rrs'tr tlrc rrrrrrlc rrp 0l tlrc Initr'. unr()n rll lrclrts irr llro Clrr.istiarr in lhr Church of Amcrlcr of all(l Ir'ligious. itt 'frec Radio Dispatched nrilll) l'r\ill\,.' tlisIr,grt|rl of llrr: uurliot' r'llls oI nlo(k,r'n l'u1tt's irr- " trrlnltional Congresscs fol ilu: ilis ar'liclo irrrlit'ntcrl llritt tlrt' ('()lll tn ll lliI V. rpccch, lor thr hlty, rnd ' rt'lrolrt irk a ol llu' llf irPostotnll gcrrt'r'orrs la1'rrrcn (hrrncil. "sct STATE PHARMACY ENVISIONING a rt itlcr t'atlttts l-u.t' .{postolitte on l,'eh. 8, strirl litirri.i itrttl la1' Srcorrrl Vaticln ll1' lherc ir no slruclura cxirling in tuntl its lesponsillilitit-s." (orh?r ot lt.lc t nrynond \\'oln('ll tr) l lrlrlfo <lit'ct:t plt'tici- lirtit itt il ncw lrlrttcs,olk llrc thc olflclrl Church ol lt'liott" frrr tltt'llrit,r. lttt citctl tlrt qttcstiotr ol tho la5 irlrrrstolatc for commu. Phone "lll pation irt tlre n'olli of ('lrlist. ( lt tullosttlie rrtttkxrli ol t ltrr ( lltrtrclr. nicrtlon bctwmn ST 6.30t1 Ilte rrnprt'r'crIr'tttt'tl ot)l)r)Il{lnitit\s tt'ill lrtt oll.icct ol I ital rort, The problem of fhe Sacond thc bity and usr itr the nc$ I,r' l t t't'tl llal i(rlls ol ccnr irrrrl spcr:ial strrrll'." I,iltel., Vrficrn Council will br to find tall s('t tho r'lillnl)lc itscll lr), Iintl. b1' cotlifyittg lhu lrssons nf tlrr: lhc clcysy rnd hicrrrchy.,, ()f Morris Plan Chargc itt!{ sotttt fot'rtt ol la1' t'onstrllaliott l)itst l5l) !'r'lls tlill irnrl t'r'r'or "'l'hc *** *** *** Cltttrclt," "lrrttst t.r lrrrrntlron Jcrvi.. rt tour ffont Daor ll lltt' (lrtttrcil.) ( :rtroniclll5, tlrr: antl b1, givirrg tirucl)' ilnpctus to he sai{, I sel ttl) \'alir,;rtr sltlrrl cun givt' lltc litilv l'ollh.r' tr:t1rkrttcics r,an {'itrn li)f somc slmcture throuf(h:# 'Count'iI rvlrich they l-,.\l'l'\ l\ r\(l'l'l()N sourr, lirr'nrll slitllts in er:r:ksiasti. ilscll tlre li{kr ol ol the may be heard.
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