Inill IE IIILI Ii[I Iiliiililly IIII[ Iivlii[I, 11 IIII[IRI
h CASe T Y OAS80ITY~RI-~O1JNTY ENT1ilRPRISE,OI=I.RONIOI,E, E~g~ablished==labIIsheli. in 18811891~Co~=o~,~=,~a April 20, 1906, CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1914 Vol. 8, No. 39 -~.................................................... ~ .................................................................................................................... _~_ ........................................................................... STRIFFLER-McPHAi L. " MARRIAGE LICENSES. INill IE IIILI Angus McPhail and Miss Lillia~ Don J. Smith, 20, Fremont; Ebo~a IIIITil [i Iii St~H'fh~u t:~o yeuna- pec;ph~ ='-" Orai He ti~eringten, 26, Akron; Vio- known at Arg3qe and vicinity, ,stole a ii =' ='== ..... ii[i iiliiililLY march on their friends and were lett Bralcy, 25, Bay City. quietly married ~V.ednesday, January Ralph Fryers, 24, Mayvitle; Oza EVANGELIST ANDREWS GIVING 7, at the M. E. parsonage of Roy. Gardener, 22, same. ,SUFFFERING CAUSED WHEN PEN- STRONG SERMONS, Olmsteazl at I~troit. The wedding Guy Coon, 19, Wells; Lnce• i BriDge, SION PAPERS ARE DESTROYED. service was performed on the forty- ].9, Indianfields. seventh wedding am~iversa.ry of the John R. A. Sy, 25, Akron; Kate Great Religious Awakening Is Antici- C~emton Plarming Bill Allowin 9 Vet- groom's mother, Mrs. Nell MePhail, t-r.enzei, 20, Sebewaing. ". pated. Prof. Coffin Has : crane to Get Pensions When of ~4~rgyle. Eaa'nest C. Baker, 36, Denmark; Splendid Chorus. Vouchers Are Lost. The bride had been visiting at the Mrs. Lucena A. Dillon, 30, Saginaw. home of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Sand 2 M. N. OaMey, 43, Ca~o- Mrs. Susie ham, at Cass City and last Tuesday Tibbets, 41, Fairgrove. • • Congressman Louis C. Cramton of Hot Shots.
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