GRAND RA PUBLIC LIBfMY The Paper that stops when the time It ipt A Mat Mark around thu notice shows that Not forced on any one. Thafs worth the this subscription runs out on the first of the following month and should be renewed at THE LOWELL LEDGER money and then some, $2.00 per year te ad- vance. ^ once to avoid break in service. and THE ALTO WEEKLY SOLO VOL. XXVIII, NO. 22 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, NOV. 4, 1920 VOL. XVI, NO. 41 s m PATRIOTIC RALLY Program for ArmisUce Day at Low* REPUBLICAN UNOSLIDE" " ell, November 11. WALL PAPER The World's Most The following program will be given at the City hall, Lowell at 2 President, Senate, House, State and Two Women Plunge Off Grand p m., Thursday, Nov. 11. River Bridge. Invocation, Rev. H. H Harris. County, East, North and West. Mrs, Fitzgerald and Miss Emma Valuable Book Selection—High School Girls' Brenner, of Grand Rapids, escaped (llee Club.* Only Solid South for Cox. death or even serious injury in a Instrumental music, Walter Brighten up your rooms for W) miraculous manner about 10 A bank book is the only book you ever Moore, Gerald White, Thurston o'clock Tuesday forenoon when the Springett. Hudson Sedan car. the former was the long winter days with a gat free of charge and yet, next to the Charles W. Clark Post American driving, smashed through the guard Legion, Chaplain, E. R. Cochrun. planks on the east side of the south new coat of wall paper • • • • bible, it is the world'a moat valuable Vocal Solo, "Ring Out Sweet end of the Lowell upper Grand t • • • Bells," Mrs. Charles Doyle. river bridge and landed on its top book. r Heading, Optional, Mrs. Allen in several feet of water, twenty or Bennett. more feet below the bridge, having Vocal Solo, "Christ in Flanders," turned end for end. It does not cost much and it Mr. H. L. Dyk. * Several men working on the It ia free, therefore, easy to possess. Address, Captain Tom Thoits, north end of the bridge saw the adds a lot to the attractive- Grand Rapids. accident, and hastened to the re- There'a one waiting for you at thia bank "America" audience. scue of the women, who were ta- This program is arranged and ken to l^otel Waverly and attended ness of the home :: ;; right now. If ia youra—if you wish it, given by a community committee by Dr. Shephard, who reports their and every member of the commun- injuries confined mostly to cuts and and, what'a more, it will prove the key ity is urged to be present. bruises. In the evening Hale's orchestra Mrs. Fitzgerald and Miss Brenner, We have several room lots ready for you, to opportunity. will furnish music for a community the latter a former Lowell school and the price is much less than present dance free to the public. teacher, were driving home from Mrs. R. M. Shivel will have charge Saranac. They approached the prices on wall paper. :: ;; of suitable card games and enter- dangerous bridge curve evidently Come in and get your Savings Pass Book tainment for those who do not care at a considerable speed, swerved to to dance. the west side of the bridge and then ® today: Mrs. E. V. Tuckey will arrange to the east side to their fall, as be- We have only enough for about 25 roomt) games for the children who come fore stated. with their parents. so you had better get yours early. They owe their escapes from be- A smoking room in charge of C; ing crushed to the sturdy car top, Let us show you. H. Runciman will be provided for which look the force of the long the men. ^ City State Bank fall to the water, and then escaped Let us make this a day worthy of death from drowning or long ex- its importance in our lives. posure lo the cold water to their Lester C. Doerr, Chairman. pronipt rescue. WARREN G. HARDING. CALVIN COOLIDGE. Dan Williams, M. S. West. N. D. G. LOOK Boss, workmen for the State High- One of the 8000 Rexall Drug Stores. ^ cl!) It was a Republican landslide and county candidates correspond- way department. from Maine to California and from ed. Nothing got away from the The car was taken from the river the Lakes to Mason and Dixon's Republicans, not even the squeal. by Bennett's garage men in a bad- line, or beyond. In Lowell the Socialist ticket got ly damaged condition. Merchants Association Well Treat- Harding and Coolidge have ap- 21 votes, Prohibition 115, Socialist Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Fitz- ed by Clarksville Business Men. parently carried every Eastern, Lalfbr I, Fanner Labor 5, and gerald and Miss Brenner still re- Clarksville merchants gave the Northern and Western stale, except Single Tax, none. mained in their rooms at the hotel, When You Think visiting merchants a line banquet possibly Arizona, Idaho, Montana, The Parochial amendment is vot- and program Friday evening, Oct. Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma and ed down, 2 to I in the state. Kent ROVER MAY LAUGH. of 22. The banquet was served in the the Dakotas. county voted* against it very heav- auditorium of the Congregational The new presidenl will have good ily. Lowell's vote was US! for How Do They Get That Way; "liv- church by the Indies' Aid society, working majorities in holh Senate IN') against, howell was decidedly ery Dog Han His Day?" with chicken pie pumpkin pie, itnd and House. opposed ID empowering the legisla- The new state dog tax law was everything of the very best, and Reports of overwhelming llcpnb- lure lo raise state salaries, the vote severely critlei/.ed Tuesday idler- Watches and Clocks with musical accompaniment. lican majorities <;oiiie from Sew being 22(5 yes to .'/I'.t no. The noon at the board of supi-rvisors and repsirs for ••me After banquet cigars were passed York, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania Lowell voters also voted against session when it was ruled that and the men met in Clarksville hall, and other stales. the olhtT proposed amendments, Sheriir Peter Viergever was the or where M. Lenhard introduced the It is the same way in Michigan, and tin* results on these at large only man in the county, under the asociation president, M. X. Henry, (iroesheck and the enlire Stale and were in douht. law, who would have the rigid to of Lowell, to act as chairman. Legislature Republican lirkets are Uepublicans Win Ionia, kill an unlicensed dog. This in- The following gentlemen ap- elected by unheard of majorities. Ionia, Nov. IJ.—The returns now cludes the city of (ii-and Mapids. ac- Jewelry and Silverware peared on the program: Mr. Hraund Even our "Good (Irev Governor in assiiii- a large Mepuhlican major- cording to the interpretation of the and Mr. Rlakeley, president and Ferris, went down in overwhelm- ity for all candidates. Foss (). act made Tuesdav afternoon. or secretary of the Grand Rapids ing, if honorable defeat. Eldred. of this city, was elected Supervisor McPherson, of Ver- Credit Men's association, who As in the nation and slate, so it state senator from the Kigteenth gennes township asked that the Fancy China and Cut Glass spoke on Inixiness conditions. was in Kent county, everylhing on districl. Fred L Warner, of Held- prosecutor, sherill and count.\ Ilaxel Riley, of Grand Rapids, the Republican ticket went through ing was re-elected lo the legisla- treasurer be called upon-to ex- or sang "The End of u Perfect Day." with a whoop and if there had heen ture. plain why the dog taxes through- Prof. Holmes, manager for the a "black sheep," running for dog The Hepuhlican county ticket is out the county had not heen col- state school for the blind, address warden, he'd a gone in too, for that elected throiighoul as follows: Pro- lected in entirety and win the Dinner and Glass Ware was "What the United States Needs. "Was the order of the day." bale Judge Montgomery Webster; sheriir had not taken steps to kill or Better Schools, Better Co-operation, And Lowell, good old Lowell, Sheriir, Mark lloppough; Clerk, the unlicensed animals. William Better Americanism." Prof. Holmes trolled out 1002 voters in the face of William II. Dilley; rreasurer, Bes- A. Hiley, county treasurer, ex- is a very entertaining speaker. young hlizxard and gave 72;{ of sie M.i('iailoway; Megister of Deeds. plained that the entire trouble lay Kodaks and Brie a Brae Impromptu remarks were made them to Harding, and but 'J'Jii for Daniel W. Lind: Prosecuting Attor- in his ollice because it had heeii s you can lavs on topics pertaining to all classes Cox, 598 to (iroesheck and 375 to ney. Harry Genumd: Court Com- unable to gel out the delimiuent Then of business, mercantile, agricultur- Ferris, 750 to Mapes hihI 207 to missioners .lohn Nichol and E. A. dog tax report to the prosecutor al and manufacturing. Jarvis, 071 |o McNaughton, and 221 Murphy: Drain Commissioner, Chas. and sherill's ollice. The report Meeting adjourned to meet with to Schmidt. 730 to George II. Miller, T. (loodwin; Coroner, Matthew G. was due June 14. Hile> explained h a phonograph Middleville merchants early in No- and 223 to .lohn Luneke and 7.'M to Bradley and Benjamin .1. Hoynton: that one township. Cannon, had not Think of OLIVER vember. all feeling that Clarksville Judge Highee, and 227 to Edgar A. S.o-vcvor, Allan M. Williams. yet tiled its dog tax report.
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