“Keep the Cat Free” ISSUE 1499 FEELIX 28.10.11 The student voice of Imperial College London since 1949 FROM ENGINEERING TO F1 Felix interviews Formula 1 engineer Dirk DeBeer: Page 6 TECHNOLOGY WHERE DID At the International Technology Show THEY ALL GO? Page 10 University applications fall by 9% across the UK – Page 4 MUSIC KABLAAM: the Felix Music Nights return Page 24 FOOD Imperial Food Awards winners announced Page 34 2 Friday 28 OcTOBER 2011 FELIX HIGHLIGHTS What’s on BEHIND THE SCENES CLASSIFIEDS Felix Sports, trawling through the Looking for Stroud Advanced Engineering Math- Special Evening Concert ematics, Good Condition, Fourth Edition. Will offer latest Wednesday results so you £20. Reply to
[email protected] The Coull Quartet will perform Shostakovitch’s Quartet No. 13 and Dvorak’s Quartet in F Op 96 don’t have to Garage in South Kensington requires painting, “The American”. Admission is free – a free glass of call 02078351710 for further information wine will be available before the concert from 17:20 onwards. Gorgeous fi xed gear bike. Shiny black with metal- Holy Trinity Church, Prince Consort lic blue fi ttings. Offers in excess of £350. Email Road
[email protected] Tuesday 1 November 17:45–18:30 Jakobs Café (20 Gloucester Road) are currently looking for enthusiastic students with good Eng- lish and presentation skills to serve their custom- Competition ers on a part time basis. Shifts: 12pm to 3pm or 6pm to 9pm (Monday to Sunday) Salary: £7/hour + food. To apply, send your CV to vidhulvinodh@ gmail.com, or phone 07466632915 Just so we’re clear, Felix accepts no responsibility for services bought or sold, capiche? Good.