h CASe T Y OAS80ITY~RI-~O1JNTY ENT1ilRPRISE,OI=I.RONIOI,E, E~g~ablished==labIIsheli. in 18811891~Co~=o~,~=,~a April 20, 1906, CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1914 Vol. 8, No. 39 -~.................................................... ~ .................................................................................................................... _~_ ........................................................................... STRIFFLER-McPHAi L. " MARRIAGE LICENSES. INill IE IIILI Angus McPhail and Miss Lillia~ Don J. Smith, 20, Fremont; Ebo~a IIIITil [i Iii St~H'fh~u t:~o yeuna- pec;ph~ ='-" Orai He ti~eringten, 26, Akron; Vio- known at Arg3qe and vicinity, ,stole a ii =' ='== ..... ii[i iiliiililLY march on their friends and were lett Bralcy, 25, Bay City. quietly married ~V.ednesday, January Ralph Fryers, 24, Mayvitle; Oza EVANGELIST ANDREWS GIVING 7, at the M. E. parsonage of Roy. Gardener, 22, same. ,SUFFFERING CAUSED WHEN PEN- STRONG SERMONS, Olmsteazl at I~troit. The wedding Guy Coon, 19, Wells; Lnce• i BriDge, SION PAPERS ARE DESTROYED. service was performed on the forty- ].9, Indianfields. seventh wedding am~iversa.ry of the John R. A. Sy, 25, Akron; Kate Great Religious Awakening Is Antici- C~emton Plarming Bill Allowin 9 Vet- groom's mother, Mrs. Nell MePhail, t-r.enzei, 20, Sebewaing. ". pated. Prof. Coffin Has : crane to Get Pensions When of ~4~rgyle. Eaa'nest C. Baker, 36, Denmark; Splendid Chorus. Vouchers Are Lost. The bride had been visiting at the Mrs. Lucena A. Dillon, 30, Saginaw. home of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Sand 2 M. N. OaMey, 43, Ca~o- Mrs. Susie ham, at Cass City and last Tuesday Tibbets, 41, Fairgrove. • • Congressman Louis C. Cramton of Hot Shots. went to Detroit, where she ~r,et Hemnan A. White, 19, Almer; Mil- Michigan will soon be on record as The follo~ng are some "Hot Mr. MePhail and the ceremony was dr~-~d A. Diddle, 20, same. a friend of the old soldier. He is pre- Shots" by Evangelist J. B. An- performed. The couple will make Elmer E. Honsinger, 22, R~se; Ha- paring a~ bill providing that veterans drews: their home on the groom's farm, I~ zel Spautding, 24, Vassar. w~o lose their pension vouchers or If you want t~ be a worthy wit- miles north of Argyle. READY FOR THE TRIP. have them destroyed in any manner~ aess for Christ there are three m~y still receive their pensions with- e~sential qualifications. The com- The above picture was taken in thought ~vha.t a snap! But since the out an unreasonable delay. Under the petent witness must possess f:~)nt of the Case City post office re- advent of winter and the 50-pound !llKl IHAl lllLlllll present taws and regulat:o~s of the knowledge, willingness and cour- ceut'.y and shows the rural Carriers p .re.:! poe. pac~a3"% we have reflected age. IIII[ IIVlII[I, t.r-em.sury department if an accident of with the.h ~ b!g bundtcs of mail rezdy that there are some unpleasant fea- Religion is like the measles. this kind happens the soldier is com- to start on their trips, li:i@m ]eft to tures about the business after all. When you have a genuine case, 11 IIII[IRI pelh:d to wait for three and some- yo~. right: F. J. Nash, jr., c.'.tvrior ou Then to top it off corn,as the man it breaks out all over times six months. This long wait When a person asks me of I [[II IIIIIIII[I Roots 1; Fra.nk Hall, t~oute 2. War- who leaves a few loose, coins which TO BRING ABOUT BETTER AND, sc.metimes works quite a hardship. think he has religion, it is not nec- ner Kelley, Route 3; Waiter .Sehe11, he expects the ca~Tier to fish out of essary to answer the question. I SAFER CONDITIONS. The matter was brought to the at- ONE DtVORCE TO EVERY-- 8 MAR- Route 4; Arthur Anthes, Route 5; the mall box in zero w.eather. ~ut the know he hasn't. You can't have tention of Mr. Cramton by George I-L RIAGES iN 1913. Postmaster Corkins, next to the mail loose coin man is getting less nu- real religion without being posi- Bowmen of Imiay City, Mich., ",he tive about it. box. me-~ous every season, the boys de- Churches, Schools and Other Pub- wrote explaining that the mail • sack A 16-year-old boy with his first When the rural carrier spun his clare, and the majority of the patrons lic Buildings Should Be Giv- Tuscola County Marriages Show -De- containing the pension vouchers of ~mse of puppy love, who dorft earn round on his mo-orcycle in :h2. g-lad endeavor to make {he carrier's work en Special Attention. more than $25 or $30 a month, vdll crease of 35 Per Cent in 1913 himself and two other veteran~ was spring days, we. envied hhn and as er,doyable as possible. ~pend more on soda water, candy, When Compared with 1912. run over by a train, and i~s contents ~how ~ckets andbuggT r~des for _::U:T:.-Y: .--.................................................................... ' t Gee. W. Szed, chief of the local to:aiiy ,destroyed. Mr. Cramton lool~erl that little sweetheart of his than, I -***~,'5,%,'~.?.,,~.~2+:~.~.~:~'~?~.,~.~,,~'~.,~%&,~,'~.:.¢,-'..'~,;. -J~. $,;~-~g-.~ ~-.;, ~-v4 ;~ ~ ,4:.4z.4. ~ ~ ,)-'4It'.,..;:•,~'%'~' "7."-,.".~ '%~!~%~*:'4:~'~'.•~:~-<~.~:-n~*'.~%~,%+*~+~v>*a~:".~*~ -; .,%-5 ~ ..,..÷ ~. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ .~-~4 ~, ~ ,~ ~ .... fire department, has received a re- the matter up at the pensio~ bureau, some of your stingy church folks Petitions for divorce were. much I 9 %+ w~ill spend on your Lord Jesus 1 quest from John T. Winship, state the disbursing office and treasury de- Christ in a Whole year. more numerous last yea, thanin1912 LITERARi CONVULSION5 fire marshal, that Mr. Seed make a in Tuscola county while, the number of partment and found how thing~ Some of you people speak of thorough personal inspectioff of all your love for your Lord Jesu~ marriages showed a decrease. Statis-! ~~* O worked in such a case. He found <~ B~i~ga Serie~ of Dementia Hal[uc{nafion~ Reported 5emi-Occasionaliy [or the Chron- <~ public buildings in Case City. Christ as though you. were tics from the office of County Clerk that in case any check on tNe Ur~ited 4;,<;:+ ide by Ernest C. Foster. Copyrighted 1913 bvthe, Foster Service. ~*:' The letter reads at foilow~: ashamed of Him. Brown give surprising figures in the Sta~,~s treasury was lost or destroye~ I have known church meml~ers • "The te,Tible disaster at Calumet marriage relation in Tnsco]a comity aduplicate cannot b~ issued until th~ who would spend $10 on one ,,;. ~,,., "~ ,~.,,,..-,~ .~ .,, ~ ~ ,+',+ ~ 4. ,,, ...,.~v.,,,,..,~.~ ,,,,. ,4, e. ,,,.-,,~-. ",o ,~-~ ~ ~ ~-~'~-~' -~ ~ Christmas Eve in which many wom- night's pleasure, yet if you would and are the subject, of grave thoughts lapse of six months if the check is DOMESTIC FELICITY. en and children lost their lives and a~k them to give that an~ount for on this important subject. for more than $50, and not sooner .pocuthir less entire families w,ere wiped out with- home missions they would think In 1912, 328 marriage licenses were Domestic fel~city is that fortunate husbands find them- than 30 days if the check is for less you had lost your mind. condition into which married life se!ve-s murdered and their wives gone in,. a few moments, clearly demon- than $50. The secretary of the treas- You can go down the street and issued by the clerk and divorce peti- [.with the chauffeur. strates that it is not necessary for an stand around talking politics all tions ~ere requested for 45 couples, evolves w.hen the gro.cery bill aud~ ury by regulation has extended the actual fire to occur to cause a panic day and nobody thinks anything or one divorce petition to seven mar- relatives get more of the dine:or ta- } Th~s rare gift is usually found time tothree months in the latter ,among wedding with awful results. The catastrophe! strange about it, but if you would riages. Out of the 45 petitions, 23 the presents when cash,. go down the street and talk reli- b!e conversation than clubs and mati- and groom in~ the Northern] Michigan city has divorces were granted" that year, an "the bride have a mutual As a rain.tier o~ fae£ most of the old gion all day everybody would say nees. It gives the husband pored s- been the m£~ns of bringing many that you had gone crazy and in- average of one separation to. every interest in the event, but ks almost, soldiers receive $50 a quarter or more sicn to use the fern bowl as a cus- complaints to this depa.rtm~nt calling sist that you be taken to the fool- 14 couples united. In 1913, 244 mar- i~.variably Overlooked ~hen the at- under the present taws giving pe~- Pidor if he chooses, and assures Her our atte~ltion to the unsale conditions",s-en s fc~" age ax~.d length of service. ish house. riage licenses were gramted and 6:! tractio~ is staged by a maiden aunt The religion of some people re ~ it is alright to pare potatoes with i in many 0f•the public buildings i~ va-' p~itions, for divorce were entered, the leading lady, or by a wealthy Con~que#tly in case of loss they n~ind me of an old fashioned pump his safety razor. It has been kno~m. uncle of the "actor in conventional i ricus cities and towns throughout themu.st w~it six m.onths for theh'n]one?t You have to take water along' to making one divorce request to every to make life bearable for widowed black.
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