
HERALD, Torrance, California THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1035 TORRANCE On Ptza NEW VAN DINE Mae West In %oi j la Town" Two Super Features, thriller coining Meets Rivals For Maestro** Heart Starting Sunday NEXT WEEK Bill. Hawthorne. For tho first time in tho motir picture Induntry. HO far an can I determined, deadly i-hpmlOalM lun "film stnrri." ocr.upylnx tho onlli surface ot a picture screen to ex plain .1 inui-der myatory. Mpr« over, the chemicals anil' tile ucloiitlfli- reactions in. oai-ll. iitlic an- IIIUKlrated In technicolor. The uniiHiial experiment wo filmed an an Important phase r tho plot of the new S. K. Van Din murder mystery, "The Casln Murder Case," produced by Motr Ooldwyn-Mayer with Paul Lult, and Allson Sklpworth In the lead ing roles. The picture will I nhow.n Sunday* Monday and Tuei day at the Torrancc Theatre.


Next week, Thursday, Frlda and Saturday, tho Torrance ilhen "(re will offer that superlntiv. comedian, Joo. K. Brown, in "Alii IUc.", Companion feature, ^yurnc . Uaxtcr 1^ "Under the 1'nmpa Moon."

this scono from Paramount^ "Gain to Tow.n,;r play.infl thm* Wa« Weati Garland's days starting Sunday afternoon at "the L nita Theatre, modern gowns, on whicb the. 43(4* -of- entire style world are focussed. Mae West goes moder.n in a. big way Theatre Ralph Bellamy in "The Healer," a color cartoon, "Song, of th Birds," and a Charley Chase comedy, "Fate's Fathead," complete th it the Lomita Sunday, Monday and) Tuesday. Admission 10c and 20c LOMITA, CALIF. With in "Blacfc Fury" and Kathastoe Hepi- t>u»n in "Break of Hearts" on the same bill, patrons of the Matinee Saturday, 2:15 P.M. AMERICA'S ACE atWao Candy for the Kiddias Plaza Theatre, Hawthorne, a«e offered! exceptionafltf Continuous Sunday from, 2:16 tive 'entertainment for three days starting Sunday,. July 14, Muni, -while a first line- star in motiooi pictures^, has ap»> Friday, Saturday in "Break of Hearts," modern Thursday, " A Btftteal situation in Very few pictures, but< r- July 11-11>-13 Hepburii' and Charles ponrc.d .Hpnjaatic drama starting Katharine outstandirig perfo In human hearts, whathoir THE popular' musician throb "LOST IN ZabeDe Dancing Boyer, is when the heroine confronts her film jsucccs beneath the jeweled- girls while ostensibly at a Chain Gang," they boat STRATOSPHERE" liusband. scLuiiing, two society^ ha.v bodice of a qileon or under the and Edmund Lowe in An RKO Radio Picture showing tonighfc, "Borderljown" and "Scarface"' Studio Forming concert'rehearsal. won hl«i>' uhdying praise. "Blaclc 'tattered, garments ofj a beggar, MR. DYNAMITE" at the Torrance Theatre. picture, is a and Saturday —— Fury." his latest are blended Into the powerful love Chapter 5 "BURN 'EM UP s beautiful, love story Is one* r : > ; startling. colorful drama in which with Frankie I .that brought her fam drama, "Break of Hearts," -which BARNES" New Classes tlie. most inspiring., pictures 1s supported by a tremendous hall' of tho Darro 1 '-in recent films' with v-found pic- prised the -other which has beon filmed feature bill at ;tho the stars Rive a brll- torial beauty and a vibrant All the stirring emotions that I double FREE: China Friday Night Mine Puails Recently years and - Theatre storting Sunday. performance that surpasses mth of interpretation' that to Ladies ' Major Motion 'liant Katharine HLcpburn and Charles ed By all forecasts. ^ ..... irresistible. ' Studio I3oyor have the leading roles. Sun.. Mon., Tues., July 14-15-16 Picture It is a new Hepburn Jhat comes Charles- Bover, idol of the Fi-ench BARTHEfcMESS in ' to the screen in this production stage and screen, has a. magnetic Mae West him role TOWN" jw classes for children are and one who. is more alluring than charm that promises to send in novel "COIN' TO by .the to tho height of popularity a; in beins organized In the role and Ralph Bellamy Academy, whose iult of hi irk' in "Br AT PLAZA "THE HEALER'.1 Zabelle Dancing who marrie! fan local studio is located at the ihe combine Heart natur No More ; clubhouse, -2252 Something in tho July 17 lerlcan Legion Wed, (1 Day Only), son street. The Zabellc studio revelation' awaits yo at th 1'lazii reg­ rday, "£ BELLS"" Torrance has been holding Theatre, Hawthorne, Crushed Hands ular otttssos each Friday for nearly iamount's "Foun News - Comedy Cartoon years., and enjoys a, large Hottywood Goes Minsky As New, York's" Kill!" will occupy tho clientele of satisfied, putronx. Chil­ the sturrlnR rolo Is. Special dren between the ages of. ,1 ,amt GiH Show Baron Invades Film Capital Richard- Bartholmess, one of tho Added Attraction 18 years are accepted and courses mcwt aoinpetent actors to survive A Washer^ .dancing, dramatics 'and volee- i calamitous advent of the - culture nee offered. frallroum Uies, but such ;L Barthelm«ss as * Without air agitator lancing is also taught. _ Anyone * No wringer " ". securing' additional itcrested In ,\dapt«l from the hit ; pia-Tv * Not a spinner '. formation, concbcnlnid thp wutsot 'Small Miracle." "Four Hours to mqy discuss tho matter wliicli Kill!" in a fascinltins cross-sec- * No gears " is 'at the ilurlellc- Kabcltc, who tdun of the melodrama that occurs * No cogs L American. I>eglon clubhouse euoh lit, a New York theatre, where a Friday between 2:30 p. in. and, criminal lurks in hiding, fur his * No; clutch ; p, m. Telephone moKsog< \flbtlm. may he- left a* Torrance 383-J. i * N.O oil, or grease need-; IQ Zabellb Dancing: Acadouvy »d for life of, washer. has. baen unusually suoccsaful iri. ilacins a largo number of its Something, NEW SAFE lUpils in, lucrative positions wltjv State Picnics *SENSATIONAL. Trulj^ he motion picture Btudlos. ocently, nine girl students REVOLUTIONARY! xicepted by the Columbia studios, ILLINOIS L group of. more advanced piqiilM I-'ormoc residents of Illinois will Watch For further picnic in. his latest mown «s Murielle Zab'elle's KiMlio ii)ld their annual summer Announcement Will Rogers breaks his own laugh records nil Screen Starlets are In .much ounion In Blxby 1'ark. Long 'ox Film- laugh holiday', "Doubting Thomas." Will plays, !emand at public entertainment: Beach,, all. day Saturday, July HO. he part of a sausage manufacturer "whose wife ^uddertly ecomes stage-struck. His efforts to cure her provide many BASEBALL ib-rocking sequences. Coming Sunday, Monday and to- the Torrance Theatre. s th«iae of 'uesday COMEDY OR.R.A.M FOR Jiuscball. An rl ti Victor Hugo Masterpiece Tonight, rt. vide BETTER eaiiuit which tin- Intore.stlnpr story PHONE TORRANCE 132 and Saturday At Torrance Golumhla'M comedy - romance, Mixed Drinks Friday Swellhead," showing Wednesday, nly, July 17, at the Torruncc and Saturday, July 11, 12, 1* And heatre, unreels. Thursday, Friday Featuring, besides' narbam Kent VICTOR HUGO'S ' and Dickie Moore, Wallace Ford- 9 a home-run klnic with "an over- Ixtid cranium, the Him gathers "LES MISER ABIES77 ; lueh ol Its fine effect from cxclt- Laughton IB sequoncwi ot actual Imll games. With Frederic March and Charles CORNER CAFE IJculmra Kent, featured oppositv AND and Narbonne onl, owes her movie debut to Lomita Blvd. i|e winning or « Santa Cruz, In LOMITA contest, in whU|li she was uniity .Urting July 17, Mhuky'. Mu.ic Hmll wilt be the Cold Beer Parties, iiiHti-nfd "Miss Hollywood." Since - Hereafter, "•• D*W omme of tba Hollywood Playhoux, where the Uteit ! m n Battle Barrel! I'M she has uwicaied In Innumui-- will be pmented with beautiei "BREAK OF HEARTS" pictures,'anil is miiil to rn- Vrevueique entertainment lile V gfJore, not lie le.it charming of whom i» Eleanor Peters ti :>;nl>lc Janet tin your in many •••••- • pictured above. — - • - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 14, 15, 10' In ley, Kids, Lookit WILLJpOCERS Vhat You're Going "DOUBTING THOMAS" ^ Get For Nothing ELECTROLUX To ll.iy.s ami Kirls IIUVM a liitf tn-at "CASINO MURDER CASE" IKE S and Alison Skipworth licutn- iii-xt Saturday. J»»ly 1». With at the (iurliuiU. All. .-cuiiliiiK in Maimser CALIFORNIA Original Electrolux ij-s and Kirl» utti>i)dlnK Ihn niaii- HAWTHORNE, Dealer In Torranca i1!1 Siitiirduy will bt- given a de- Telephone 299 "The Friendly Family Theatre" Wednesday Only, July 17 n>ll" and jiiiiiH i-hoi'olali- tnotsir Hor»U BUY NOW UNDER five im.'inbel'.Mhip in tin- l-'nmkio Qun Program Appeara Daily In the Lot Angele« Evening- arn> Cluh. which unttll<-H tlli-il) F. H. A. PLAN Only), July 13 "SWELL HEAD" . u beautitnl picture album la Saturday (One Day Dickie Moore Now Offered to 1:30 P. M. With Waltace Ford and March in 20th Century's blch to j»lace vIcttiivH' nt 16 Continuoui From Roohalle Hudson and Fredric ivmlte lAovIc stars. One ol thcsu ANl> through United Artists. RICHARD Renters as Well "Las Miserables," released' ictiin-H in movie Htiirs, Ini-ludttiK, BARTHELMESS ' COIIIHI-, Krunkli- I'nrni bliimMf. "4 HOURS TO KILL" ZANE GREY'S as Home-owners Ill be i;ivon to nn until l»ii)il'.ii-dmi'nt Krou|> rhui-btlay, the juth Pacific, .both Hi San I Vitro, :iick. otilcurs. at tho PAUl, Uruws Hail: lien-. tuoU & 6«OWN In F. H. A. urn aiiusted a,t tin- iHimlmiK l..i.-,r MibM-nlHMl to ti, lui\a MUNI "BLACK FURY" ' JOE Monday mm ulim. MODERNIZATION 1:1.-, a. m. lor tliii \iuht I|UB|)IUI treatment for AND BUILDING LOANS the pup. '»» KATHARINE AND clisll tin "ALIBI IKE" . Pilgrim* Viiit Shrinos HEPBURN Tin- latter '» allcKua li M«rkot Sough* "BRIAX OF HEARTS' AND on tin MUNTHIIAU d'. I'.) linel Wider Cuttle Plumbing inunltti-it an aaauult OTTAWA. O|«. dM'.> A Wfttae Torrance United Hlatea fur .Mk-Uy crowd" ol oHi-ly season illiinkft In HIM StarU Wedno»cfaiy, July 17 'UNDER THE PAMPAS MOON" st lH'-il Hlivcl. liaitlfiiu. Vunu4luii wtWe will be suiiKliI l>y ; ivi-ji ,t t!ll<- ut $10 01- f|VU viBiling Urn many hculliit With WARHKR BAXTER Company throughout' Oujebei1 rrai'lim* Wore 4uverniiic«|l oftvejulb in lu'jflM,- oiiftned m \Va.,liina-tou, WILL ROGERS In "DnbtiM 1418 Mcirceliiia Avo. i" iidi .I in condition. than ic niillion of the *>\oui au- llolib 'u be H ib kunit-a licrt. Opposite Pout Of I ice Hll 01 Tol'lUUCIi. uuully visit the ehrlueb. ,