
PAGE. 2-B TORRANCB HERALD, Torranco, California THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, Know What You're STEEL FILM Three bus excursions for p Voting for Nov. 8! pill attending the Torrancc El ATTORRANCE Thin. article IR the third In a Yet these acts arc forbidden un­ mentary school have been N ! series discussing propositions to der penalty of fine and imprison­ ranged by Principal Merle He THEATRE NOW ippcar on the November election ment." bach to afford direct oonta The billot. It deals with Proposition The proposed measure would with features at Exposition Pa "Steel Man's Servant" is the 1, which would define and regu­ sweep away all progress made In , Terminal Isla thrilling drama of stcelmaltlngf^ late picketing, boycotting and by labor, opponents argue, by and Pt. Flrmin. filmed In Technicolor, from ore ^f FAMILY display of banners by labor un- depriving unions of the rights The boys and girls will spc mine to the finished product. ona; and Propositions 3 and 4. which have already been ob­ the day with their teachers This notable film, with Edwin tained. , making the trips. C. HIM as the narrator And an WASHING By UNITED PRESS orchestra accompaniment direct­ Proposition 1, listed as a labor Proposition 3 Omit* vehicle ed by Robert Armbruster, will nitlatlvc, In the opinion of ex- fuel taxes to street and high­ be shown In conjunction with a >crienced observers will produce way purposes and Is known as AROUND HOLLYWOOD double-feature program opening one of the most bitter contn the anti-gas tax diversion tonight at the Torrancc theatre. vcrsles of any measure to appea amendment. Proposition 4 pro­ FILM LOTS on the ballot. poses establishment of a full The equipment, direction and YOUR technique used In making this time highway and safety com­ HOLLYWOOD ( U. P. ) Dl It is considered likely this ba picture, which will be screened at le will be fought out largel mission. charging people Is somewhat an art and in Eddie Bernouc the local theatre tonight, Friday along personal lines. Althoug These measures bear directly and Saturday, were the same as advanced by proponents as on issues of Interest to the Cal­ it has been developed to a sta of virtual perfection. In making a Hollywood feature method of outlawing labor strif ifornia motoring public. The first production, but with this differ­ in California, It has been named would restrict expendi­ Every day in the week, Be ence: nounced by organized labor as ture of the state's fuel tax to noudy is ousting someone in h Marvelous Color* "vicious proposal calculated public street and highway pur- capacity as an assistant dlrectc The actors are the men .who Reasons Why You Should deceive and mislead voters", thrt at Samuel Goldwyn's studi generally make steel. They tricky language. 4 would create a Sometimes he even discharg played the leading roles. There Advise Your Wife to Use Our The proposition would: Defin highway and traffic safety com­ people , before breakfast. He ha was no rehearsing. The Techni­ what constitutes lawful and un mission of five members on a full ousted the great and the sma color cameramen took their lawful picketing, boycotting an time, salaried basis. The Cali­ Extras who work for a pittan equipment from one end of the display of banners. Prohibi fornia highway patrol would be and stars who make more, mu< country to the other, from the seizure of private property, coer piaeed under the commission's more than - the President hav COMPOSITE-PORTRAIT . . .THIS Interesting triangle com depths of the Mines to the blast ROUGH-DRY felt his touch. cion, intimidation, obstruction o control, and the powers and du­ posite, done by Famed Artist Sedlow, presents the three leadlh furnaces and mills, They cap­ Interference with use of publi ties of the public works and mo­ Yes, Bernoudy Is a master players of "Algiers" In a stunning, portrait "Algiers" Is n6 tured the most thrilling steps in 1. Flat work all finished, wearing apparel starched highways, streets, wharves am tor vehicles department also the art of firing people, an showing at the Plaza theatre In Hawthorne. At.the:top is Sigrl stoclmaking, the changing of ore (your shirts are starched just right and finished other public places. The proposi doing it with finesse and dls '"'uric and below is Charles Boyor afid Hedy Lamerr. : to many kinds of steel, the for only 12c extra!) tion recognizes the right of em patch. He has different ap blending of the natural hues of ployees to strike and bargai highways. preaches suitable for all occa open-pit ore mines and of lak'c 2. Flat work mended, socks mended (won't THAT collectively. It provides forcivi The two propositions carry the sions, all subdivided in his or Astaire, Rogers and sky. .', be a big help) everything beautifully and damages and criminal punish sponsorship of the automobile derly mind. They photographed In natural carefully washed. 'ment. clubs of California. Following Approach 633-B Colors the flashing reds and yel­ Prohibits Mass Picketing are excerpts from arguments pre- When finlshe Together Again lows as they issue from Bessemer !. Your wife's disposition will be saved; no more Official arguments for both aared by those who favocProp. 3: his assignment as co-star Converters or Illumine open- sides have been presented to the Said Unnecessary Merle Oberon in "The Cowbo Melody, comedy, romance and rtoarth charging floors. The soap­ "hen-pecking," no more cross words, no more voters. Here are excerpts from and the Lady," Bernoudy ap dances form the quadruple basis cold receptions! "This proposed constitutional ing pits radiating yellow-whltps. ^ the proponents' side: amendment . . . will effectively preached him with deferenc of "Carefree," RKO Radio's new Rows of newly shaped Ingots ^ "The greatest security to cm (Cooper paid income tax musical hit reuniting Fred As- imparting orange-reds. Slabs 4. And for all this you still SAVE 20% by bringing in and permanently prevent diver­ ployees and employers alike, and sion of gasoline tax funds to' $350,000 in 1937.) A casua alre and Ginger Rogers, which Inking form in the slabbing mills. your bundle ... no tricks at all ... just drop to all other groups dependent on purposes other than those now 'You're fired" would not do i s now showing at the Plaza the­ The glowing ribbons of steel as it off on your way to work. that security, is continuance o Drovided by law. this case, because, after al atre in Hawthorne. ihey pass thru the rolling mills. normal employment and business "Briefly, the measure provides Cooper Is under contract an A group of Irving Berlin tunes The whole magnificent story is ^ and the elimination of disorder that all gasoline tax money and would be back shortly anyway. and lyrics; a cleverly contrived told in beautiful sequence sup- ~ and lawlessness, while negotia So Bernoudy rummaged aroun omantic: triangle of a psychia- ported by sound effects. LAUNDRY tions between employees and em xcluslvely for (1) state highway and came forth with approac rist, an actress and a lawyer; ploycrs arc being conducted. This maintenance and development, No. 633-b: "Mr. Cooper, yo ome of the funniest situations Flying Floundor Flop* is the sanest way of settling em 2)-support of the state depart­ won't be needed on the set afte he screen has presented In re- DOUBLE .BILL . . . Priscilla SOUTHWEST HARBOR, Me. TORRANCE ployment disputes." ment of motor vehicles, includ- this afternoon." That was al ent months, and four sensation- Lane'(above) Is starred in "Fou (U.P.) Mrs. Carrie Joyce has Advocates contend the act per­ ng the state highway patrol; and Gary thanked him. I dance routines are woven into Daughters," tho picture they'r heard of flying fish, but she was CARSON at PHONE mits peaceful picketing but pro­ 3) allocation to cities and coun- Bernoudy's greatest experi spectacular film entertainment all talking. about, which open nonetheless startled when a live BORDER Dry Cleaning 141 hibits mass picketing and "hot les for street and highway pur- once of late, he said, was tha o celebrate the return of Amcr- Sunday at the Torranco theatr flounder plummeted to earth cargo," a union rule under which >oscs, (4) a continued limited use of discharging Jascha Hcifetz ca's fdremost dancing stars." on. a double bill. The scooni beside an elm tree under which all union men decline to handle world's premiere violinist, aftc Astaire portrays the psychla- feature Is'-"I Am tho Law," with was sitting. It had been or the retirement of local street Edward G.-Robinson (below any commodity declared unfair. and highway bonds." the noted musician had complet rist and Ralph Bellamy the dropped by a fish-hawk. . Said "Prohibition" Law Against the measure: ed his stint of pre-rccording anc awyer In the ingenious plot. Organized labor has advanced shooting several weeks of must "The purpose of this amend- Jcllamy Is engaged to Miss Rog- I I the following arguments against nent is to prevf(t effectively for "The Restless Age.'l rs, but sends her to Astaire for j the plan: nd permanently the diversion of Great Temporal Power reatments when she can't make I 01 wS 'Buried in niore than 5,500 To the violinist, Bernoudy ex p her mind about their mar- alp notor vehicle fuel taxes and mo­ Ends Friday! words of dry, stuffy and tedhni- or vehicle registration license tendpd a "payroll-stop" and "cm age. And this move leads cal language lies another pro­ ees to purposes other than those ploymont ending" slip withou II the trouble, for Miss Rog Pat OVrlen and Margaret hibition law pro h i b i t i n g the ow provided by law. This pur- comment. Helfetz "took it big/ alls In love with Astaire, an LJndney In rights of' peaceful picketing and says Bernoudy, for he knew thi I'ho refuses to unbend fro "GARDEN OF THE [ . osc is accomplished Onder ex- MOON" freedom of speech to labor . . . sting laws and the amendment, work was over for the time. Is professional attitude she the words intimidation and coer­ herefore, is unnecessary. Though a mild-mannered per eigles him into paying attentl and Kay Francis and cion have received strange, de­ "There are approximately 2,- son, his pursuit in life, makes y faking various mental ai George Brent in Bernoudy somewhat of an ogre ceptive and indefinite meanings 00,000 motor vehicles in Cali- icnts. "SECRETS OF AN that would make it impossible ornla and the owners of these It is he who wakes players a His efforts to cure her "malac Glifornian for a person to be sure whether n. to inform them thai ACTRESS" onstltutc a substantial element ustments," her madcap advc or not he is violating the law. f the electorate. It is entirely "good" weather requires theli urcs that result, the discovery Starts Saturday! services that day. It is ho who .hat he himself Is falling in lov nnecessary to grant protection summons players back from va­ BING CROSBY and FRED o so large a group. 1th her, and tho prompt action McMURRAV In Claim No Tax Increase cations for additional scenes. f the enraged Bellamy when h To him hundreds of extras nds out what has been goii "SING YOU SINNERS" . . Regardless of the need and Do You Have An or the desirability of using have looked for employment to i, all make for hilarious con start or be stopped in his mosl icationa that top the corned CAMPUS CONFESSIONS" unds derived from the motor with Betty Grable Indian Head ehiclc fuel tax and registration casual firing method. mscs of earlier Astairc-Rogci censes fees exclusively for high- Ho is a man of great temporal ts. ray purposes, the 'freezing' of power within the studio walls. Quinn Victory Penny In Your ny tax fund for special pur- But, like so many in tho film RECOKD REGISTRATION at Polls Forecast oscs ... is unsound fiscal poll- capital, the words he fears most Registration for the fall scm are the fateful syllables, "You're With a'basis of 250,947 votes mm* ter at the California Collcg Home? For Prop. 4: fired, Mr. Bernoudy." Agriculture at Davls this yea eceivcd in the primary election, Save it and SAVE on Brand "This measure .will combine the fa record total of 1,200 stu .he John R. Quinn-for-Assessor New Fall Merchandise In responsibility for aH state high­ crease taxes. On the contrary, nts, officials said. orces arc busily engaged in add- RKDONDO'S NKW way functions building, main­ the savings which will be effect­ ng enough to this number to In­ SHOW PALACE! ed through modernization of state J* taining and policing of state '. . . It takes out of the hand sure his final election in Novcm- Beacon Drug' highways and examining and li­ highway administration and thru the people forever the contro >or. Friday Night SENSATIONAL censing of operators in a single the elimination of needless du­ the distribution of highwa The primary figures show that "AMATEURS ON administrative unit, the Cali­ plication of activities, will more nds, construction of highway; Quinn received about 60 percent PARADE" 1C SALE COMING than offset the costs of a paid fornia Highway and Traffic Safe­ nstructlon or abolishment more votes than his nearest op­ KENO SATURDAY SOON! ty Commission. commission." idges and the regulation o ponent and that the Quinn vote "I had all kinds of fun on the California*. All the fw- "This measure will not in- Against Prop. 4 ;hway traffic, and puts no was greater than the total of On the Screen sengets and the people who work on the tnu'n were to ". . . Public opinion repeatedly ly the highways but our pres Ight others who were candidates friendly. Everybody smiles. Lets of good food to eat. And has held that expenditure of gas t highly efficient highway pa besides Quinn and the runner-up. "The Amazing Dr. scenery? I looked out of the window most ill day long. tax funds should be confined en­ ol neatly In the pocket of Reports from over the county Beautiful sunsets and mountains and big cities. I saw tirely to the financing of high­ pcr-polltical hierarchy and sub ndicatc that the Quinn vote Clitterhouse" Indians and Mexicans and real cowboy] too. Gee, did I way construction but careful an­ ct to.its slightest whim." oday would be fully 100,000 have a good time!" alysis of this proposed amend­ roater than in the primary and ment shows . -. .it would divert (The fifth article In this ser hat Qulhn will surely win ' in "Professor Beware" upwards of $50,000 annually for t will consider propositions he November finals. 34-CHAIR CAR IISIIVEO Jf NURSI-STIWARDIM Thurs., Fri., Sat., October 20, 21, 22 .... the payment of high salaries 0 and 24, both of which arp for womon, children at your MrvU« alone for commissioners and ferendnms on the legislation Jf AIR-CONDITIONED Jf FORTIR SIRVICI Ginger Rogers in operating personnel. It would re­ lived by the 1937 legislature. —av«ry car In •*•*? t»r place a commission which at ach proposes u system for Jt-DillCIOUS MIAIS -4-LOUNOI CAR "CAREFREE" present serves without salary MSlng the state owned tldo- for U< • lOi - »S« lor lourlit | Also THE JONES FAMILY in with a five man commission in- j imd oil lands at HunMngton "SAFETY IN NUMBERS" ing salaries of $6,000 a year. | Beach.) NO EXTRA FARE to "Authorized; Advertisement" "Authorised Advertisement" *3950 $65OC HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA "STEEL-MAN'S SERVANT" Telephone 299 "The Friendly Family Theatre' ONI WAV KOUNDTRIf In Full Technicolor ____ EARPHONES? . . . YES! / dtluxt air-enudilitoid than- tan. Picture of United States Steel Corp. Single Tax Means: ALL OUR PICTURES .ARE "MOVIE QUIZ" PICTURES *74°° IOUNDTRIP (ph» b.rtM In fouri.f ,lttfl,t nn CLOSED OR CRIPPLED SCHOOLS. Ends Saturday Oct 22 Nan: CliUi.a uojci 5r« ti4i fin, (ion 6«« co linen ivlullrt. lulf-net. $$ KENO FRIDAY NITE 5:45 $$ REDUCED AID TO ACID AND NEEDY. ASTAIRE and ROGERS in "CAREFREE" ONUli Co on on. SP Route-return Sun., Mon., Tiies., October 23, 24, 25 ... and.CHARLES. BQYEK and "AlflCDC" on anoiaic-Kc TWICE AS MUCH PRISCILLA LANE in ECONOMIC CHAOS IN HE0Y I.AMARR In ttLUICRj "FOUR DAUGHTERS'* Donald Duck Cartoon DON'T MISS IT ALSO BUSINESS—INDUSTRY—AGRICULTURE. ______MAGIC SCRKEN FRIDAY OPEN 6 P. M. Southern Pacific's Edward G. Robinson in INADEQUATE GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES. Sunday-Tuesday Got 2S-Z8 «I AM THE LAW*' V'l AM THE LAW" Tuesday Nite Factory Frolic AMATEUR SHOW ______Come Early!!!______! "THE GLADIATOR" Wednesday Only, October 26 ... COLOR CARTOON LANNY ROSS in . For Infonnaliuu—Speaken—l,ti?rflure Starts Wednesday "LADY OBJECTS** c*U ALSO CEO. O'BRIEN in "FOUR DAUGHTERS" "RENEGADE RANGER** LOS ANGELES COUNTY COUNCIL WM. H. BRATTON. Agent AGAINST SINGLE TAX "3 LOVES HAS NANCY" SPECIAL ATTRACTION WEDNESDAY! E. Depot Torranoo, California Phone 20 $$$-GIANT KENO-$$$ 727 Row.» md*. U* AngoU., Michigan 9446. BOX OFFICE OPENS 5:45 P.M. Come Eurly W Open (i p. m._«,$