
120°30'0"W 120°20'0"W 120°10'0"W 120°0'0"W 119°50'0"W

25 Tlb(?) Qc Tlb(?) 12.1 ± 0.6 Ma Holocene sediments WA Unit descriptions Tovu (?) Qal Alluvium

Tmr Mount Lake Qf Willow Fan deposits alluvium (Holocene) Unconsolidated sedi- Tertiary low-K, tholeiitic (late Miocene- Tertiary rhyolitic tuffs and tuffaceous sediments (early Tertiary Lost Woods Formation (Oligocene) Andesitic Annie Qls Qal Tlb Trt Tlw Ranch Bidwell Qc ID mentary deposits associated with modern fluvial systems. Pliocene) Low-potassium, high-alumina olivine tholeiites, middle Miocene) A poorly exposed unit, up to 250 m and basaltic , sedimentary rocks (sandstone, shale Qls OR Qal Qc Colluvium generally holocrystalline and diktytaxitic, with a very thick, consisting of - and -bearing tuffa- and conglomerate) and interbedded flows, 300-1000 m Tmvu Quaternary fan deposits (Holocene) Unconsolidated Tmvu Qf Qls restricted range of compositions and ranging in age from ceous sandstone and siltstone and densely welded tuffs. thick. The entire unit is conspicuously red-weathering. Tmvu Qe Eolian deposits ( dunes) coarse gravel deposits in alluvial fans. Qc Ql ~3-8 Ma. Includes the Vya Group, Devil's Garden, and The presence of biotite marks them as distinctly different Lahars comprise beds ~ 2-3 m thick, with a sandy to Qc Quaternary colluvium (Holocene) Unconsolidated soil Alturas Plateau basalts of Carmichael et al. (2006). Indi- from locally-derived pyroclastic flows. Included in Tvc pebbly matrix and poorly sorted subangular to angular LarkspurHills Qhs NV Hot spring deposits and sediments deposited at the base of slopes by sheet- vidual flows are 1-10 m thick and interbedded with Tts, mapped by Duffield and Weldin (1976), but 17-19 Ma clasts averaging ~ 10 cm but reaching 40 cm. Sugar Hill Fort Bidwell Qls CA Qc Tmr 7.334.91 ± 0.060.10 Ma wash. though occasionally multiple flows pond to 25-30 m. ages suggest a significant hiatus in deposition after the and flows are less than 4 m thick and include Ql Ql/Qp Tmr Lake and playa deposits Quaternary eolian deposits (Holocene) Eolian sand underlying Oligocene layers. porphyritic plagioclase basalt and hornblende andesite. Qf Tmvu Qe dunes, mostly stabilized as indicated by vegetation Tts Tertiary tuffs and tuffaceous sediments (late Miocene- Sedimentary successions have conglomerate lenses, Qoa Qls Qls Qal Landslides growth. Pliocene) Generally silicic volcaniclastic sediments Tertiary Bald Mountain basalt (Oligocene) Thin (10-20 Carter Tovb sandstones and shales, and contain abundant fossil wood. Lauer Quaternary hot spring deposits (Holocene) Siliceous consisting of conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone m) but continuous basalt flow capping Bald Mountain and Lake City Boyd Hot Reservoir Qal Qhs Davis Creek Springs Qpl interbedded with ash and silicic ash-flow tuff up Reservoir Pleistocene sediments and calcareous sinter, where sufficiently abundant to be dated at 24.47 ± 0.34 Ma (this study). Tdc Tertiary Deep Creek Formation (Oligocene) Poorly- Qoa mapped separately. to 100 m thick. North of Leonards Hot Springs, Tts exposed, slope-forming unit consisting mostly of fine- Qpd Location of map area Qoa Older alluvium consists of graded 10-30 cm thick beds of pebble Tovp Tertiary Payne Peak andesite (Oligocene) Dark-gray- grained tuffs, up to 400 m thick. Includes highly altered Tlb Ql Ql/Qp Quaternary lakes and playa lake deposits (Holocene) conglomerate (most basalt pebbles) interlayered with weathering, phenocryst-poor flows with a fine- and silicified with a green matrix. Tlb Qpl Qof Older fan deposits Perennial lakes (Ql) and evaporite and deposits in Qof 7.337.69 ± 0.060.07 Ma coarse-grained, 2-3 cm thick sandstone beds of similar grained groundmass of plagioclase and pyroxene. Flows Leonards Fortynine ephemeral lakes. composition. In places, the conglomerate and sandstone Tertiary Steamboat Formation - Cougar Cliffs Surprise Cedarville cap Payne Peak and surrounding high points. Tscc Station Payne Peak Mountain Qols Hot Springs Tlb Older landslide deposits interfinger with ash-rich, greenish gray siltstone and Member (Oligocene) Massive, cliff-forming andesitic Qc 14 15 Qls Quaternary landslides and slumps (Holocene) Undiffer- entiated landslides, including debris flows and slump rhyolite tuff and ash-flow tuff. The siltstone is poorly Tovh Tertiary Hays (Oligocene) Volcanic edifice in lahars and debris flows, 250-350 m thick, with mostly Qpl Qpb Pleistocene beach gravels of Lake Surprise blocks. bedded, normally graded and includes reworked tuff and the Hays Canyon Range composed of subangular clasts up to 1 m in size. Poorly sorted, and Qal Tlb lithic fragments. Rhyolite tuff beds are unwelded and flows, agglutinate , and scoriaceous tuffs. Two dates generally matrix supported. Matrix consists mostly of Qal Qpd Big Hat Qls Pleistocene deltas of Lake Surprise Quaternary alluvium - older (Pleistocene?) Older fluvial contain abundant glass shards, , and phenocrysts of from flows within the volcanic sequence suggest rapid mud, minor ash, and abundant mm-sized hornblende and Dorris Hansen 9.2 ± 0.3 Ma 7.33 ± 0.06 Ma Qoa Island Mountain accumulation of flows: a flow near the more eroded core plagioclase crystals. Clasts are predominantly andesite 7.338.03 ± 0.060.08 Ma deposits, possibly Pleistocene, currently being dissected plagioclase and . The entire sequence is interbedded Reservoir Shields Creek Warren Peak Qpl Ql Pleistocene lake sediments of Lake Surprise by modern streams. with Tlb throughout the map area; on the west side of the was dated at 23.91 ± 0.13 Ma, and a flow on the top flank with purple-grey, aphanitic groundmass, 1-2 mm plagio- Warner Range, it may include the Alturas Tuff of Carmi- was dated at 24.55 ± 0.16 Ma (Carmichael et al, 2006). clase and larger hornblende phenocrysts. The unit forms Tlb Quaternary fan deposits - older (Pleistocene?) Older fan Qc Qpl Late Miocene-Pliocene volcanic rocks Qof chael et al (2006) and Collins (1999). prominent cliffs south of Simpsons Canyon, but the unit Ql 12 deposits, possibly Pleistocene, currently being dissected Tertiary Cedar Pass volcanic complex (Oligocene) Tovc becomes thinner and less resistant to the north. Locally, Hays Tlb by modern streams. Little Qls Qf Low-K olivine tholeiitic basalts Tertiary rhyolite flows and domes (mid-late Miocene) Pyroclastic deposits and lesser lava flows exposed in the thinly-bedded conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones are

41°50'0"N Eagleville Canyon Tmr Juniper Eagle Peak Rhyolite domes and flows, often including vicinity of Cedar Pass, up to 1200 m thick. Mostly mas- interlayered with the lahars Soup Creek Tts Qols Quaternary landslides - older (Pleistocene?) Strati- Reservoir CA NV Tuffs and tuffaceous sediments graphically and geomorphically older landslides and carapaces, that range in age from 7-15 Ma. are sive and unsorted to crudely stratified gravity flows and avalanches, though occasionally bedding is well- Tertiary Steamboat Formation - Badger’s Nose Qal Ql debris flows, possibly Pleistocene. generally light gray and phenocryst-poor. In the northern Tsbn Tmr Member (Late Eocene - Oligocene) Primarily fine- Tmr Mid-Late Miocene rhyolites portion of the Warner Range, these directly overlie the 27 developed. Lava blocks range in size from a few cm to >2 Jess Snake Quaternary beach deposits (Pleistocene) Beach berm m, and range in texture from dark, phenocryst-poor lavas grained volcaniclastic sediments, including a lacustrine EmersonPeak Lake Qpb Ma Lake City basalts (Tovl). Valley Qc 7.9 ± 0.2 Ma 15 Qls Mid-Miocene volcanic rocks deposits from Pleistocene Lake Surprise, mostly fine to lighter gray-green lavas with abundant phenocrysts of shale with abundant leaf fossils of late Eocene-early USGS 7.5” Topographic Quadrangle Index Qls gravel. Silicified near Leonards Hot Springs. plagioclase and hornblende. In places, porphyritic lava Oligocene age (Myers, 2006). Tmbu Tmbu Tertiary basalt and andesite flows (Mid-Miocene) A Basalt and andesite flows, upper stack of ~100 basaltic to andesitic lava flows that reaches flows with phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende, and 15 Quaternary delta deposits (Pleistocene) Gilbert-type fan Tertiary Steamboat Formation - undifferentiated (Late Qpd Tmbl 1000 m thick. Individual flows are 2–5 m thick, occasion- lesser pyroxene are interbedded with the pyroclastic Tsu Tmt Tuff and reworked tuff delta deposits from Pleistocene Lake Surprise. Remnants Eocene - Oligocene) Undifferentiated sedimentary unit Tlb(?) ally up to 20 m, with scoriacious tops and massive interi- deposits. of deltas on the floor of Surprise Valley are flat-topped that includes both members of the Steamboat formation. 10.2 ± 0.3 Ma ors. The interiors of some units exhibit coarse, gabbro-like Tmb Basalt and andesite flows, lower with steep foreset beds of coarse gravel and horizontal textures in hand specimen and thin section, suggesting that Tovi Tertiary hypabyssal intrusions (Oligocene) Phenocryst- Tlb(?) topsets. Tertiary McCulley Ranch Formation (Late Eocene) they are sills. Flows often have prominent columnar rich hypabyssal intrusive rocks within the Cedar Pass Tmrv Qc Qal Tmvu Tlb Mid-Miocene volcanic rocks, undifferentiated Fractured and deeply weathered andesitic debris flows Tovu jointing, but are locally glassy and flow-banded. volcanic complex. Phenocrysts consist almost entirely of Quaternary pluvial lake deposits (Pleistocene) Lake interbedded with andesite flows, minimum thickness of Qpl Phenocrysts are variably abundant and include plagio- hornblende and plagioclase crystals, 2-5 mm in size. sediments deposited in Pleistocene Lake Surprise. Primar- ~650 m. Near the top of the unit, Axelrod (1966) reports a Tlb(?) A' Early Miocene volcanic rocks clase, pyroxene, and olivine. Duffield and McKee (1986) Rarely, hornblende crystals reach 2-3 cm. ily fine-grained sediments, often tuffaceous, but also K-Ar age of 40.8 ± 3.0 Ma (corrected) on plagioclase from 25 Trt divided these flows into two units (“Tvm” and “Tvb”) Qf 12 Rhyolitic and andesitic ash flow tuffs includes minor gravels and waterlain tuffs. an andesite flow, suggesting an Eocene age for the entire Qal separated by a layer of tuff, but they are indistinguishable Tertiary undivided volcanic rocks (Oligocene) Consists Tovu sequence. Qe in outcrop and have a small age range from 14-16 Ma, so primarily of several densely welded ash-flow tuffs and less Qf 30 Qp Oligocene volcanic rocks here they are considered upper (Tmbu) and lower (Tmbl) common (mostly andesitic) lava flows of Oligocene age. 65 Includes the "Fortynine Tuff" of Carmichael et al. (2006) 15 28 25 10 Tovb divisions of one unit. 25 Bald Mountain basalt and most of Tvc of Duffield and Weldin (1976). 22 22 22 10 Tlb Tmr Tertiary tuff and tuffaceous sediments (Mid-Miocene) 34 Qe Qc Qls Tovp Tmt 20 55 Payne Peak andesite Graded, cross-bedded coarse sandstones 90-200 m thick, Tertiary Lake City basalts (Oligocene) A series of 25 20 Tovl 20 Tmr 10 B' lava flows, tuffs, and tuff that ranges in thickness ± 0.94 Ma with abundant plagioclase crystal fragments and dark lava 25.70 Qls Tovh 7.3 ± 0.3 Ma Qpl Hays Volcano chips, and massive, inversely graded deposits of angular from a few tens of meters near Cedar Pass to over two Tts 5 10 25 30 3 mafic lava blocks in a sandy matrix. Below the summit of kilometers below Buck Mountain. Individual flows are a Tovc B 15 25 Qe Cedar Pass volcanic complex Warren Peak, this unit includes a layer of tuff with a few meters thick, vesicular with massive interiors, dark 26 Qal Tlb fine-grained gray ashy matrix supporting a mixture of <1 when fresh but often reddish-weathering. Flows vary from Ql 8.08 ± 0.09 Ma Tovi 17 Qpl Intrusive rocks of Cedar Pass complex Qoa 18 cm white lapilli and angular black fragments of aphanitic to moderately porphyritic with phenocrysts of Tlb Qpl (?) Qf 12 what appears to be glassy lava. Mapped as Tvt by Duffield plagioclase, olivine, and pyroxene; the olivine is most 27 75 Qc Tovu Oligocene volcanic rocks, undifferentiated Tlb Tovl Qls and Weldin (1976). often altered and the plagioclase is usually partly altered to 10 15 white mica. Some flows contain abundant (>50%) large 26 Tovl 70 Qc Lake City basalts Tertiary volcanic rocks, undivided (mid-late Miocene) 15 Tmvu (>1cm) plagioclase phenocrysts. Tuffs are poorly exposed, 10 Qal 18 Undifferentiated Miocene volcanic rocks, primarily mid- particularly on the east side of the Warner Range, but Qal 25 Qal 5.95 ± 0.08 Ma Qc Qal Oligocene sedimentary rocks Miocene, and including Tmr, Tmt, Tmbu, and Tmbl. vent-proximal tuff breccias reach their thickest extent on 10 25 Qls Qc Tlb 19 the west side of the range. 41°40'0"N Tovi 15 Tlw 18 Tlb Tts Tts 4.33 ± 0.08 Ma Lost Woods Formation Qal Qls 15 3 Qc Tts Qal Qf Tdc 12 24 Qc 30 Deep Creek Formation Qe 12 Tmr Qls Tovu Tlb Qpl Tts Qls D Qpl 80 Tscc C B A' 2 72 Steamboat Formation, Cougar Cliffs member 10 A north Tlb 13 7 7 5 11 Qc south Tovb 15 Tsbn 4 4 13 Qf Qe Qpb Steamboat Formation, Badger’s Nose member 25 8 Qhs Qc Tmvu 10 Tts Tts Tts Qal Qof 17 Tlb 15.15 ± 0.55 Ma Tsu 26.35 ± 0.06 Ma 15 Tmr 7 10 3 3 Tlb Qc Qls 8 7 Oligocene sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated Tovu ± 0.08 Ma Tlb 10 Tlb Qal 23 26.82 Qe Tlb Qal 16 ± 0.13 Ma 24.47 ± 0.34 Ma Qc 26.26 Ql 25 27.83 ± 0.21 Ma 10 10 8 2 10 Qe 4.36 ± 0.13 Ma Tlb 2 Qof 10 15 Eocene rocks 10 26 Qpl Tovl Tlb 26.64 ± 0.08 Ma 13 Tovu Tovu 22 25 10 Tlb Qc 23 25 8 Qls Qc Tmrv Qpl (?) Tlb 12 Tlb 1 1 Tts 10 McCulley Ranch Formation Qal 19 Qpl Tlb 10 Tlw Tdc 20 Qe Tlw 28 14 22 Tovu 25 20 Qe Qoa 0 Tscc ? 0 26.74 ± 0.05 Ma 16 4.28 ± 0.16 Ma 5 Qc Elevation (km) 16 24 26 Tsbn Tovi 20 18 Qoa Tovc 24 Qp Qols 27.17 ± 0.33 Ma Qpl -1 Tmrv -1 Qal 22 18 ± 3 Ma Qal 20 40.8 Qe 5 Tovu 5 Tmvu Qc Tscc Qe Strike and dip of bedding 15 23 15 -2 -2 32 Qpl (?) Qc 22 Qal Tts 22 19 Tsbn 3.84 ± 0.06 Ma 19 54 Tovl 22 52 Qe Strike and dip of fault plane -3 -3 Tovi 13 70 Qof Qe Tovi 10 18 Tdc Tmrv No vertical exaggeration Qf 28 26 Qols C' -4 -4 25 Qc 5 Strike and dip of dike Qf 80 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 18 12 Distance (km) Tovu 14 Qc 23 Vertical bedding 17 C Qls 55 Qal 10 15 25 24 61 Tscc Qls Tmvu 7 Tscc Qpl B B' Tdc Tscc Horizontal bedding Tovi Tlw 14 4 4 Tlw Tovu 14 Tlb Qal 10 Tlw Tts Tovp Tdc Volcanic vent 3 3 14 Qls Tovi Tdc 20 Tlb Tts 27.07 ± 0.22 Ma Qc 20 60 Drill hole 2 2 26.6 ± 1.1 Ma Tdc 19 17 Qof 22 28.8 ± 1.1 Ma Qe Hot springs 1 1 Tovc 11 14 57 24 Qls Tlb 20 0 0

± 0.08 Ma Elevation (km) 41°30'0"N 26.86 Tmvu Contact 15 15 Tsbn -1 -1 20 75 Qal 8 Normal fault, 20 -2 -2 Qc Tscc 30 16 ball on downthrown block Qls Qp • Qal 21 Tts 17.3 ± 0.6 Ma Qpd -3 -3 Trt 20 15 Normal fault, concealed, No vertical exaggeration Tmbl 25 Tts Scale 1:100000 10 64 • ball on downthrown block -4 -4 15 Qal Qls 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 78 28 10 26.53 ± 0.06 Ma Distance (km) Tlb Tmbl 20 20 Quaternary fault scarp 25.76 ± 0.06 Ma Qal Tts ± 1 Ma 19.22 ± 0.27 Ma 26.3 Tscc 13 Tsbn Qc 20 Maximum lake level, Pleistocene Lake Surprise Tdc Tts (Zimbelman et al., 2008) C C' Tmt 25 31.1 ± 1.3 Ma 3.98 ± 0.06 Ma Qpd 12 10 Tlw Tscc Qf 14.1 ± 0.4 Ma Geochronological age, symbol indicates source: 4 4 20 Tmbl Qpd 3 3 20 Colgan et al., in prep 20 10 14.1 ± 0.4 Ma Qpd 17 D' 2 2 Tdc Carmichael et al., 2006 Tcp Tovu Tlw 25 Qal 70 (km) 1 Tscc 1 25 Duffield and McKee, 1986 Tsbn 33.9 ± 2.7 Ma Tmrv Keats, 1985 0 0

14.57 ± 0.08 Ma 20 Elevation 25 Qpd 2.94 ± 0.10 Ma -1 -1 D Tmvu Axelrod, 1966

Qc -2 -2 Tsu Geochemistry sample location 23.91 ± 0.13 Ma Tts 15 25 -3 -3 Tmbu 25 Tmt 25 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 18 15 Basaltic dike Andesitic dike 30 Distance (km) Tlb Qoa Tdc Qe Tovu Qp Tmvu 24.55 ± 0.16 Ma Tmt Tovh A' Tlw 15.44 ± 0.17 Ma D D' Tlb 75 Qp

41°20'0"N 4 4 Qal Qf Qc Cross-section lines 60 80 20 Qls 2.76 ± 0.2 Ma 14.1 ± 0.4 Ma 70 Qpd A 3 3 25 Tmbl Tmbu 25.4 ± 1 Ma 10 Qpd 2 2 (km) 15 Tovu 1 1 15 15 Tmt Qc 15.7 ± 0.5 Ma 8 km Qls Includes mapping from the South Warner Wilderness done by Duffield 5 14.5 ± 0.4 Ma 15.8 ± 0.5 Ma Qpd Qal et al, 1976, compiled from the original field sheets of Wendell Duffield, Elevation 0 0 15.53 ± 0.11 Ma Tmt Tmr 25 and modified by checking with orthophotoquads, geochronology, and Tmr 15 Qp -1 -1 Qc 25 additional field mapping. Quaternary faults scarps are from Hedel, 80 Qal 1984, and Bryant, 1990. Locations of geothermal drill holes were Qls 35 -2 -2 Tmr Tmbu 14.1 ± 0.4 Ma compiled from drilling records. See Appendix A for complete unit Tmvu Tmvu 20 4.61 ± 0.15 Ma Qls 30 Qpd descriptions, geochronology, and geochemical data. Qal 25 Tmr -3 -3 Qc Tmvu Tmvu Tmvu 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 15.5 ± 0.5 Ma Qc Qoa Distance (km) 2.9Tts ± 2.5 Ma 15.9 ± 0.5 Ma Qal Qc A Qoa Qc Tmvu 14.09 ± 0.13 Ma Qal Tmvu Qc Qal Qal Qal Qc Qal 12.13 ± 0.05 Ma 13.52 ± 0.06 Ma 0 2 4 6 8 10 Tmvu Qc Geologic map of the Warner Range and surrounding region 15.7 ± 0.4 Ma kilometers Ql Scale 1:100,000 Tmvu 16.0 ± 0.5 Ma Tmvu 15.36 ± 0.08 Ma north Anne E. Egger 2010