A Long Way Home: Representations of the Western Balkans in Political And

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A Long Way Home: Representations of the Western Balkans in Political And Dolga pot domov tanja petroviæ tanja isbn 961-6455-55-8 12,00 eur 12,00 9 789616 455558 DOLGA POT DOMOV Reprezentacije zahodnega Balkana v politiènem in medijskem diskurzu Political and Media Discourses Media and Political Representations of the Western Balkans in in Balkans Western the of Representations A LONG WAY HOME WAY LONG A 9 789616 455558 789616 9 12,00 eur isbn 961-6455-55-8 isbn tanja petroviæ A Long Way Home A Long Way oovitek.inddvitek.indd 1 226.10.20096.10.2009 112:46:272:46:27 doslej izšlo v zbirki mediawatch marjeta doupona horvat, roman kuhar jef verschueren, igor þ. þagar Medijske podobe homoseksualnosti Retorika begunske politike v Sloveniji Media the in Violence sandra b. hrvatin, lenart j. kuèiæ, petrovec dragan breda luthar brankica petkoviæ Politika teletabloidov Medijsko lastništvo Up Her Making valerija vendramin, jerca legan, urša skumavc urša legan, jerca vendramin, valerija darren purcell jernej rovšek drglin, zalka vidmar, h. ksenija hrþenjak, majda Slovenska drþava na internetu Zasebno in javno v medijih Freedom of Non-accountability of Freedom tonèi a. kuzmaniæ mitja velikonja bervar gojko Bitja s pol strešice Evroza Serving the State or the Public the or State the Serving karmen erjavec, sandra b. hrvatin, brankica petkoviæ, sandra b. hrvatin, hrvatin b. sandra barbara kelbl lenart j. kuèiæ, iztok juranèiè, s 1990 the in Slovenia in Policy Media Mi o Romih marko prpiè, roman kuhar Perceptions and Preferences Media sandra b. hrvatin, marko milosavljeviæ marko hrvatin, b. sandra Mediji za drþavljane hrvatin b. sandra nahtigal, neva matevþ krivic, simona zatler prpiè, marko petkoviæ, brankica Svoboda tiska in pravice posameznika brankica petkoviæ, sandra b. hrvatin Left Imaginary the of Victory The Titostalgia In temu pravite medijski trg? kuèiæ j. lenart hrvatin, b. sandra sreèo dragoš, mitja velikonja, mitja dragoš, sreèo breda luthar, tonèi a. kuzmaniæ, velikonja mitja sreèo dragoš, mitja velikonja, mitja velikonja kuzmaniæ, a. tonèi luthar, breda sandra b. hrvatin, lenart j. kuèiæ Titostalgija Market? Media A This Call You Freedom of the Press and Personal Rights Personal and Press the of Freedom Mit o zmagi levice hrvatin b. sandra petkoviæ, brankica brankica petkoviæ, marko prpiè, zatler simona krivic, matevþ sandra b. hrvatin, marko milosavljeviæ neva nahtigal, sandra b. hrvatin Citizens for Media We About the Roma the About We Medijska politika v Sloveniji v devetdesetih Spremljanje in vrednotenje medijev kuhar roman prpiè, marko barbara kelbl barbara lenart j. kuèiæ, iztok juranèiè, juranèiè, iztok kuèiæ, j. lenart karmen erjavec, sandra b. hrvatin, b. sandra erjavec, karmen sandra b. hrvatin hrvatin, b. sandra petkoviæ, brankica Drþavni ali javni servis Hate-Speech in Slovenia in Hate-Speech Eurosis tonèi a. kuzmaniæ a. tonèi gojko bervar velikonja mitja Svoboda neodgovornosti The Slovenian State on the Internet the on State Slovenian The The Private and the Public in the Media the in Public the and Private The darren purcell darren majda hrþenjak, ksenija h. vidmar, zalka drglin, rovšek jernej valerija vendramin, jerca legan, urša skumavc The Politics of Tele-tabloids of Politics The Njena (re)kreacija Ownership Media breda luthar breda brankica petkoviæ brankica dragan petrovec kuèiæ, j. lenart hrvatin, b. sandra Mediji in nasilje Slovenia in Policies Refugee of Rhetoric The Media Representations of Homosexuality of Representations Media jef verschueren, igor þ. þagar þ. igor verschueren, jef marjeta doupona horvat, doupona marjeta roman kuhar roman other titles in the mediawatch series mediawatch the in titles other oovitek.inddvitek.indd 2 226.10.20096.10.2009 112:46:292:46:29 doslej izšlo v zbirki mediawatch marjeta doupona horvat, roman kuhar jef verschueren, igor þ. þagar Medijske podobe homoseksualnosti Retorika begunske politike v Sloveniji Media the in Violence sandra b. hrvatin, lenart j. kuèiæ, petrovec dragan breda luthar brankica petkoviæ Politika teletabloidov Medijsko lastništvo Up Her Making valerija vendramin, jerca legan, urša skumavc urša legan, jerca vendramin, valerija darren purcell jernej rovšek drglin, zalka vidmar, h. ksenija hrþenjak, majda Slovenska drþava na internetu Zasebno in javno v medijih Freedom of Non-accountability of Freedom tonèi a. kuzmaniæ mitja velikonja bervar gojko Bitja s pol strešice Evroza Serving the State or the Public the or State the Serving karmen erjavec, sandra b. hrvatin, brankica petkoviæ, sandra b. hrvatin, hrvatin b. sandra barbara kelbl lenart j. kuèiæ, iztok juranèiè, s 1990 the in Slovenia in Policy Media Mi o Romih marko prpiè, roman kuhar Perceptions and Preferences Media sandra b. hrvatin, marko milosavljeviæ marko hrvatin, b. sandra Mediji za drþavljane hrvatin b. sandra nahtigal, neva matevþ krivic, simona zatler prpiè, marko petkoviæ, brankica Svoboda tiska in pravice posameznika brankica petkoviæ, sandra b. hrvatin Left Imaginary the of Victory The Titostalgia In temu pravite medijski trg? kuèiæ j. lenart hrvatin, b. sandra sreèo dragoš, mitja velikonja, mitja dragoš, sreèo breda luthar, tonèi a. kuzmaniæ, velikonja mitja sreèo dragoš, mitja velikonja, mitja velikonja kuzmaniæ, a. tonèi luthar, breda sandra b. hrvatin, lenart j. kuèiæ Titostalgija Market? Media A This Call You Freedom of the Press and Personal Rights Personal and Press the of Freedom Mit o zmagi levice hrvatin b. sandra petkoviæ, brankica brankica petkoviæ, marko prpiè, zatler simona krivic, matevþ sandra b. hrvatin, marko milosavljeviæ neva nahtigal, sandra b. hrvatin Citizens for Media We About the Roma the About We Medijska politika v Sloveniji v devetdesetih Spremljanje in vrednotenje medijev kuhar roman prpiè, marko barbara kelbl barbara lenart j. kuèiæ, iztok juranèiè, juranèiè, iztok kuèiæ, j. lenart karmen erjavec, sandra b. hrvatin, b. sandra erjavec, karmen sandra b. hrvatin hrvatin, b. sandra petkoviæ, brankica Drþavni ali javni servis Hate-Speech in Slovenia in Hate-Speech Eurosis tonèi a. kuzmaniæ a. tonèi gojko bervar velikonja mitja Svoboda neodgovornosti The Slovenian State on the Internet the on State Slovenian The The Private and the Public in the Media the in Public the and Private The darren purcell darren majda hrþenjak, ksenija h. vidmar, zalka drglin, rovšek jernej valerija vendramin, jerca legan, urša skumavc The Politics of Tele-tabloids of Politics The Njena (re)kreacija Ownership Media breda luthar breda brankica petkoviæ brankica dragan petrovec kuèiæ, j. lenart hrvatin, b. sandra Mediji in nasilje Slovenia in Policies Refugee of Rhetoric The Media Representations of Homosexuality of Representations Media jef verschueren, igor þ. þagar þ. igor verschueren, jef marjeta doupona horvat, doupona marjeta roman kuhar roman other titles in the mediawatch series mediawatch the in titles other oovitek.inddvitek.indd 2 226.10.20096.10.2009 112:46:292:46:29 . aang.inddng.indd 1 227.10.20097.10.2009 88:31:23:31:23 peace institute metelkova 6 si-1000 ljubljana e: info@mirovni-institut.si <http://www.mirovni-institut.si> published by: peace institute edition: mediawatch <http://mediawatch.mirovni-institut.si> editor: brankica petkoviæ a long way home: Representations of the Western Balkans in Political and Media Discourses author: tanja petroviæ translation: olga vukoviæ design: robert þvokelj for dak typography: goudy & goudy sans, itc print: tiskarna hren print-run: 500 copies, first edition © 2009 mirovni inštitut The publishing of this book was made possible by the Open Society Institute and the Slovenian Book Agency. aang.inddng.indd 2 227.10.20097.10.2009 88:31:23:31:23 A LONG WAY HOME: Representations of the Western Balkans in Political and Media Discourses tanja petroviæ, Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana e: tanja.petrovic@zrc-sazu.si . aang.inddng.indd 3 227.10.20097.10.2009 88:31:23:31:23 CONTENTS acknowledgements 7 i. introduction 9 ii. europe in search of itself 15 european identity? 15 discourse on the western balkans between balkanism and orientalism 21 iii. europe invents the western balkans 28 what’s in a name? 28 iv. on the way to europe: accession metaphors and political imagination of the western balkans 34 europe is a building 35 europe is a family 39 accession to the eu is a journey 42 at the walls of europe 44 europe is the future 49 v. “nesting colonialisms”: austria, slovenia and discourse on the western balkans 53 “nesting colonialisms” and the role of historical legacies 56 “nesting colonialisms” beyond discursive practices 66 vi. the western balkans in the neighbor- hood: former brothers, future family mem- bers, neighbors and the rest 70 from neighbors to candidates and back 71 the key to the european door in the hands of a neighbor 73 vii. the western balkans are in the south 76 bibliography 81 . aang.inddng.indd 5 227.10.20097.10.2009 88:31:23:31:23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people have been involved in the creation of this book. I wish to acknowledge here the generous support of those who made it possible. I am indebted to Anita Todor- oviæ for the incentive and assistance I needed to begin the research that eventually led to this book, and to Mitja Ve- likonja, Peter Vodopivec, Oto Luthar, Martin Pogaèar and Ana Hofman for their inspirational conversations, invalu- able comments and suggestions which have greatly helped me improve the manuscript. Some chapters of this book were written during my stay at L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris and the University of Osaka. I am grateful to Nathalie Clayer and Ryoji Momose for the excellent working conditions I enjoyed there. Thank you Đorðe, Ivan and Olga, for your support, understanding and patience. I know that you were denied many things while I worked on this book. I wrote it for all those who embrace the idea of Europe without borders, and I dedicate it to my friends in Belgrade, Skopje, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Priština and Tirana who are forced to queue in front of foreign embassies enduring the consequences of Europe’s real frontiers. Ljubljana, July 2009 .
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