
Barnstable County List Par Value: 163 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Barnstable County: □ Brant □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ American Bourne □ will Brewster □ Mute Swan □ Chimney Swift □ Spotted Sandpiper Chatham □ Wood □ Ruby-throated □ Lesser Yellowlegs Dennis □ Hummingbird □ Willet

Eastham (Fold) □ Virginia Rail □ Greater Yellowlegs Falmouth □ □ American Harwich □ American Black □ Razorbill Oystercatcher Mashpee Duck □ Bonaparte’s Gull Orleans □ Green-winged Teal □ Black-bellied Plover □ Laughing Gull Provincetown □ □ Killdeer □ Ring-billed Gull Sandwich □ Common Eider □ Semipalmated □ Herring Gull Truro □ Surf Scoter Plover □ Lesser Black- Wellfleet □ Red-breasted □ Upland Sandpiper backed Gull Yarmouth Merganser □ Ruddy Turnstone □ Great Black-backed □ Ruddy Duck □ Red Knot Gull □ □ Sanderling □ Least Tern □ □ Dunlin □ Roseate Tern □ Rock Pigeon □ Least Sandpiper □ Common Tern □ □ White-rumped □ Red-throated Loon □ Yellow-billed Sandpiper □ Common Loon Cuckoo □ Semipalmated □ Northern Gannet □ Black-billed Cuckoo Sandpiper □ Great Blue Heron □ Chuck-will’s-widow □ Short-billed □ Great Egret Dowitcher □ Snowy Egret □ Green Heron □ Fish Crow □ Field Sparrow □ Palm Warbler □ Black-crowned □ Common Raven □ Seaside Sparrow □ Pine Warbler Night-Heron □ Horned □ Saltmarsh Sparrow □ Yellow-rumped □ Glossy Ibis □ Bank Swallow □ Savannah Sparrow Warbler □ Black Vulture □ Tree Swallow □ □ Prairie Warbler □ Turkey Vulture □ Northern Rough- □ Swamp Sparrow □ Black-throated □ Osprey winged Swallow □ Eastern Towhee Green Warbler □ Northern Harrier □ Purple Martin □ Bobolink □ Canada Warbler *Species with an □ Sharp-shinned □ Barn Swallow □ Eastern □ Wilson’s Warbler asterisk are "free ". Hawk □ Black-capped Meadowlark □ Scarlet Tanager Each team can count □ Cooper’s Hawk Chickadee □ Orchard Oriole □ Northern Cardinal ALL the "free birds" in team species sightings □ □ Tufted Titmouse Baltimore Oriole □ Rose-breasted □ without observing or Grosbeak □ Broad-winged Hawk □ Red-breasted □ Red-winged hearing them during □ Red-tailed Hawk Nuthatch Blackbird □ Indigo Bunting Bird-a-thon. □ Eastern Screech- □ White-breasted □ Brown-headed * Nuthatch Cowbird □ Great Horned Owl* □ Brown Creeper □ Common Grackle □ Northern Saw-whet □ House Wren □ Ovenbird Owl* □ Marsh Wren □ Blue-winged □ Belted Kingfisher □ Carolina Wren Warbler Write-ins

□ Red-bellied □ Blue-gray □ Black-and-white (Fold) Woodpecker Gnatcatcher Warbler □ Downy Woodpecker □ Eastern Bluebird □ Tennessee Warbler □ Hairy Woodpecker □ Veery □ Nashville Warbler □ Northern Flicker □ Hermit Thrush □ Common □ □ Wood Thrush Yellowthroat □ Merlin □ American Robin □ American Redstart □ Peregrine Falcon □ Gray Catbird □ Cape May Warbler □ Great Crested □ Brown Thrasher □ Northern Parula Flycatcher □ Northern □ Magnolia Warbler □ Eastern Mockingbird □ Bay-breasted □ Eastern Wood- □ European Starling Warbler Pewee □ Cedar Waxwing □ Blackburnian □ Willow Flycatcher □ House Sparrow Warbler □ Eastern Phoebe □ House Finch □ Yellow Warbler □ Blue-headed Vireo □ American Goldfinch □ Chestnut-sided □ Red-eyed Vireo □ Grasshopper Warbler □ Sparrow □ Blackpoll Warbler □ □ Chipping Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue Warbler Berkshire County Bird List Par Value: 141 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Berkshire County: Adams Savoy □ Canada Goose □ Wilson’s Snipe □ Broad-winged Hawk Alford Sheffield □ Mute Swan □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Red-tailed Hawk Becket Stockbridge □ □ Solitary Sandpiper □ Eastern Screech- Cheshire Tyringham □ Mallard □ Greater Yellowlegs Owl* Clarksburg (Fold) □ American Black □ Ring-billed Gull □ Great Horned Owl* Dalton West Stockbridge Duck □ Herring Gull □ Barred Owl* Egremont Williamstown □ Green-winged Teal □ Great Black-backed □ Northern Saw-whet Windsor □ Hooded Merganser Gull Owl* Great Barrington Common Merganser Common Loon □ Belted Kingfisher Hancock □ □ Red-bellied Hinsdale □ Wild Turkey □ Double-crested □ Woodpecker Lanesborough □ Rock Pigeon Cormorant Lee □ Mourning Dove □ Great Blue Heron □ Yellow-bellied Lenox □ Yellow-billed □ Green Heron Sapsucker Monterey Cuckoo □ Black Vulture □ Downy Woodpecker Mt. Washington □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Turkey Vulture □ Hairy Woodpecker New Ashford □ Chimney Swift □ Northern Harrier □ Northern Flicker New Marlborough □ Ruby-throated □ Sharp-shinned □ Pileated North Adams Hummingbird Hawk Woodpecker Otis □ Virginia Rail □ Cooper’s Hawk □ American Kestrel Peru □ Common Gallinule □ Bald Eagle □ Peregrine Falcon Pittsfield □ Killdeer □ Red-shouldered □ Great Crested Richmond □ American Hawk Flycatcher Sandisfield Woodcock □ Eastern Kingbird □ Eastern Wood- □ Veery □ Tennessee Warbler Write-ins Pewee □ Swainson’s Thrush □ Nashville Warbler □ Alder Flycatcher □ Hermit Thrush □ Common □ Least Flycatcher □ Wood Thrush Yellowthroat □ Eastern Phoebe □ American Robin □ American Redstart □ Yellow-throated □ Gray Catbird □ Cape May Warbler Vireo □ Brown Thrasher □ Northern Parula □ Blue-headed Vireo □ Northern □ Magnolia Warbler □ Warbling Vireo Mockingbird □ Bay-breasted □ Red-eyed Vireo □ European Starling Warbler □ Blue Jay □ Cedar Waxwing □ Blackburnian □ American Crow □ House Sparrow Warbler □ Fish Crow □ House Finch □ Yellow Warbler □ Common Raven □ Purple Finch □ Chestnut-sided □ Horned Lark □ American Goldfinch Warbler □ Bank Swallow □ Chipping Sparrow □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Tree Swallow □ Field Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue □ Northern Rough- □ Dark-eyed Junco Warbler winged Swallow □ White-throated □ Palm Warbler □ Barn Swallow Sparrow □ Pine Warbler Yellow-rumped □ Cliff Swallow □ Savannah Sparrow □ (Fold) □ Black-capped □ Song Sparrow Warbler Chickadee □ Swamp Sparrow □ Prairie Warbler □ Tufted Titmouse □ Eastern Towhee □ Black-throated Green Warbler □ Red-breasted □ Bobolink Canada Warbler Nuthatch □ Baltimore Oriole □ Wilson’s Warbler □ White-breasted □ Red-winged □ Nuthatch Blackbird □ Scarlet Tanager □ Brown Creeper □ Brown-headed □ Northern Cardinal □ House Wren Cowbird □ Rose-breasted □ Winter Wren □ Common Grackle Grosbeak □ Marsh Wren □ Ovenbird □ Indigo Bunting □ Carolina Wren □ Louisiana □ Blue-gray Waterthrush *Species with an Gnatcatcher □ Northern asterisk are "free birds". □ Golden-crowned Waterthrush Each team can count ALL the "free birds" in Kinglet □ Blue-winged team species sightings □ Ruby-crowned Warbler without observing or Kinglet □ Black-and-white hearing them during □ Eastern Bluebird Warbler Bird-a-thon. Bristol County Bird List Par Value: 169 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Bristol County: □ Brant □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ Spotted Sandpiper Acushnet □ Canada Goose will □ Solitary Sandpiper Attleboro □ Mute Swan □ Chimney Swift □ Lesser Yellowlegs Berkley □ Wood Duck □ Ruby-throated □ Willet Dartmouth □ Gadwall Hummingbird □ Greater Yellowlegs

Dighton (Fold) □ Clapper Rail Easton □ Mallard □ Laughing Gull □ Virginia Rail Fairhaven □ American Black □ Ring-billed Gull Fall River Duck □ American □ Herring Gull Freetown □ Green-winged Teal Oystercatcher □ Great Black-backed Mansfield □ Common Eider □ Black-bellied Plover Gull New Bedford □ Surf Scoter □ Killdeer □ Least Tern North Attleborough □ White-winged □ Semipalmated □ Roseate Tern Norton Scoter Plover □ Common Tern Raynham □ Black Scoter □ Ruddy Turnstone □ Red-throated Loon Rehoboth □ Hooded Merganser □ Sanderling □ Common Loon Seekonk □ Red-breasted □ Dunlin □ Northern Gannet Somerset Merganser □ Purple Sandpiper □ Great Cormorant Swansea □ Wild Turkey □ Least Sandpiper □ Double-crested Taunton □ Rock Pigeon □ Semipalmated Cormorant Westport □ Mourning Dove Sandpiper □ Great Blue Heron □ Yellow-billed □ Short-billed □ Great Egret Cuckoo Dowitcher □ Snowy Egret □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ American □ Green Heron Woodcock □ Glossy Ibis □ Black Vulture □ Red-eyed Vireo □ American Goldfinch □ Bay-breasted Write-ins □ Turkey Vulture □ Blue Jay □ Chipping Sparrow Warbler □ Osprey □ American Crow □ Field Sparrow □ Blackburnian □ Northern Harrier □ Fish Crow □ White-throated Warbler □ Sharp-shinned □ Common Raven Sparrow □ Yellow Warbler Hawk □ Horned Lark □ Seaside Sparrow □ Chestnut-sided □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Bank Swallow □ Saltmarsh Sparrow Warbler □ Bald Eagle □ Tree Swallow □ Savannah Sparrow □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Red-shouldered □ Northern Rough- □ Song Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue Hawk winged Swallow □ Swamp Sparrow Warbler □ Broad-winged Hawk □ Purple Martin □ Eastern Towhee □ Palm Warbler □ Red-tailed Hawk □ Barn Swallow □ Bobolink □ Pine Warbler □ Eastern Screech- □ Black-capped □ Eastern □ Yellow-rumped Owl* Chickadee Meadowlark Warbler □ Great Horned Owl* □ Tufted Titmouse □ Orchard Oriole □ Prairie Warbler □ Barred Owl* □ Red-breasted □ Baltimore Oriole □ Black-throated □ Northern Saw-whet Nuthatch □ Red-winged Green Warbler Owl* □ White-breasted Blackbird □ Canada Warbler □ Belted Kingfisher Nuthatch □ Brown-headed □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Red-bellied □ Brown Creeper Cowbird □ Scarlet Tanager Northern Cardinal Woodpecker □ House Wren □ Common Grackle (Fold) □ □ Downy Woodpecker □ Marsh Wren □ Ovenbird □ Rose-breasted □ Hairy Woodpecker □ Carolina Wren □ Worm-eating Grosbeak □ Northern Flicker □ Blue-gray Warbler □ Indigo Bunting □ American Kestrel Gnatcatcher □ Northern □ Merlin □ Eastern Bluebird Waterthrush *Species with an Blue-winged □ Peregrine Falcon □ Veery □ asterisk are "free birds". □ Great Crested □ Hermit Thrush Warbler Each team can count Flycatcher □ Wood Thrush □ Black-and-white ALL the "free birds" in □ Eastern Kingbird □ American Robin Warbler team species sightings □ Eastern Wood- □ Gray Catbird □ Tennessee Warbler without observing or Pewee □ Nashville Warbler hearing them during □ Brown Thrasher Bird-a-thon. □ Acadian Flycatcher □ Northern □ Common □ Willow Flycatcher Mockingbird Yellowthroat □ Eastern Phoebe □ European Starling □ Hooded Warbler □ White-eyed Vireo □ Cedar Waxwing □ American Redstart □ Yellow-throated □ House Sparrow □ Cape May Warbler Vireo □ House Finch □ Northern Parula □ Warbling Vireo □ Purple Finch □ Magnolia Warbler Dukes County Bird List Par Value: 139 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Dukes County: □ Brant □ Ruby-throated □ Ring-billed Gull Aquinnah □ Canada Goose Hummingbird □ Herring Gull Chilmark □ Mute Swan □ Virginia Rail □ Great Black-backed Edgartown □ Wood Duck □ American Gull Gosnold □ Gadwall Oystercatcher □ Least Tern

Oak Bluffs (Fold) □ Black-bellied Plover □ Roseate Tern Tisbury □ Mallard □ Killdeer West Tisbury □ American Black □ Common Tern Duck □ Semipalmated □ Black Skimmer □ Green-winged Teal Plover □ Red-throated Loon □ Common Eider □ Ruddy Turnstone □ Common Loon □ Surf Scoter □ Sanderling □ Northern Gannet □ White-winged □ Dunlin □ Great Cormorant Scoter □ Least Sandpiper □ Double-crested □ Red-breasted □ Semipalmated Cormorant Merganser Sandpiper □ Great Blue Heron □ Wild Turkey □ Short-billed □ Great Egret □ Rock Pigeon Dowitcher □ Snowy Egret □ Mourning Dove □ American □ Green Heron □ Yellow-billed Woodcock □ Black-crowned Cuckoo □ Spotted Sandpiper Night-Heron □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Lesser Yellowlegs □ Turkey Vulture □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ Willet □ Osprey will □ Greater Yellowlegs □ Northern Harrier □ Chimney Swift □ Laughing Gull □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Bald Eagle □ Blue-gray □ American Redstart Write-ins □ Red-tailed Hawk Gnatcatcher □ Cape May Warbler □ Barn Owl* □ Eastern Bluebird □ Northern Parula □ Eastern Screech- □ Hermit Thrush □ Magnolia Warbler Owl* □ Wood Thrush □ Bay-breasted □ Great Horned Owl* □ American Robin Warbler □ Belted Kingfisher □ Gray Catbird □ Blackburnian □ Red-bellied □ Brown Thrasher Warbler Woodpecker □ Northern □ Yellow Warbler □ Downy Woodpecker Mockingbird □ Chestnut-sided □ Hairy Woodpecker □ European Starling Warbler □ Northern Flicker □ Cedar Waxwing □ Blackpoll Warbler □ American Kestrel □ House Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue □ Great Crested □ House Finch Warbler Flycatcher □ American Goldfinch □ Palm Warbler □ Eastern Kingbird □ Grasshopper □ Pine Warbler □ Eastern Wood- Sparrow □ Yellow-rumped Pewee □ Chipping Sparrow Warbler □ Eastern Phoebe □ Field Sparrow □ Prairie Warbler □ Red-eyed Vireo □ White-throated □ Black-throated Green Warbler □ Blue Jay Sparrow (Fold) □ American Crow □ Saltmarsh Sparrow □ Canada Warbler □ Horned Lark □ Savannah Sparrow □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Bank Swallow □ Song Sparrow □ Scarlet Tanager □ Tree Swallow □ Swamp Sparrow □ Northern Cardinal □ Northern Rough- □ Eastern Towhee □ Indigo Bunting winged Swallow □ Orchard Oriole □ Barn Swallow □ Baltimore Oriole *Species with an □ Black-capped □ Red-winged asterisk are "free birds". Chickadee Blackbird Each team can count □ Tufted Titmouse □ Common Grackle ALL the "free birds" in □ Red-breasted □ Ovenbird team species sightings Nuthatch without observing or □ Black-and-white hearing them during □ White-breasted Warbler Bird-a-thon. Nuthatch □ Tennessee Warbler □ Brown Creeper □ Nashville Warbler □ House Wren □ Common □ Carolina Wren Yellowthroat Essex County Bird List Par Value: 185 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Essex County: □ Brant □ Rock Pigeon □ White-rumped Amesbury Peabody □ Canada Goose □ Mourning Dove Sandpiper Andover Rockport □ Mute Swan □ Yellow-billed □ Semipalmated Beverly Rowley □ Wood Duck Cuckoo Sandpiper Boxford Salem □ Northern Shoveler □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Short-billed

Danvers Salisbury (Fold) □ Eastern Whip-poor- Dowitcher Essex Saugus □ Gadwall will □ American Georgetown Swampscott □ American Wigeon Woodcock Gloucester Topsfield □ Mallard □ Chimney Swift □ Spotted Sandpiper Groveland Wenham □ American Black □ Ruby-throated Hamilton West Newbury Duck Hummingbird □ Solitary Sandpiper Haverhill □ Green-winged Teal □ Virginia Rail □ Lesser Yellowlegs Ipswich □ Greater Scaup □ Sora □ Willet Lawrence □ Lesser Scaup □ Common Gallinule □ Greater Yellowlegs Lynn □ Common Eider □ Black-bellied Plover □ Black Guillemot Lynnfield □ Harlequin Duck □ Killdeer □ Bonaparte’s Gull Manchester-by-the-sea □ Surf Scoter □ Semipalmated □ Laughing Gull Marblehead □ Hooded Merganser Plover □ Ring-billed Gull Merrimac □ Red-breasted □ Piping Plover □ Herring Gull Methuen Merganser □ Ruddy Turnstone □ Great Black-backed Middleton Ruddy Duck □ Sanderling Gull Nahant □ □ Dunlin □ Least Tern Newbury □ Wild Turkey Purple Sandpiper □ Common Tern Newburyport □ Ring-necked □ Red-throated Loon North Andover Pheasant □ Least Sandpiper □ □ Red-necked Grebe □ Common Loon Brown-headed □ Northern Gannet □ American Kestrel □ Carolina Wren □ □ Scarlet Tanager *Species with an □ Great Cormorant □ Merlin □ Blue-gray Cowbird □ Northern Cardinal asterisk are "free birds". □ Double-crested □ Peregrine Falcon Gnatcatcher □ Common Grackle □ Rose-breasted Each team can count Cormorant □ Great Crested □ Ruby-crowned □ Ovenbird Grosbeak ALL the "free birds" in □ American Bittern Flycatcher Kinglet □ Louisiana □ Indigo Bunting team species sightings without observing or □ Least Bittern □ Eastern Kingbird □ Eastern Bluebird Waterthrush hearing them during Veery □ Northern □ Great Blue Heron □ Eastern Wood- □ Bird-a-thon. □ Great Egret Pewee □ Swainson’s Thrush Waterthrush □ Snowy Egret □ Willow Flycatcher □ Hermit Thrush □ Blue-winged □ Little Blue Heron □ Least Flycatcher □ Wood Thrush Warbler □ Green Heron □ Eastern Phoebe □ American Robin □ Black-and-white Warbler □ Black-crowned □ Yellow-throated □ Gray Catbird Write-ins Night-Heron Vireo □ Brown Thrasher □ Tennessee Warbler □ Glossy Ibis □ Blue-headed Vireo □ Northern □ Nashville Warbler □ Turkey Vulture □ Warbling Vireo Mockingbird □ Common □ Osprey □ Red-eyed Vireo □ European Starling Yellowthroat □ Northern Harrier □ Blue Jay □ Cedar Waxwing □ American Redstart □ Sharp-shinned □ American Crow □ House Sparrow □ Cape May Warbler Hawk □ Fish Crow □ House Finch □ Northern Parula □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Common Raven □ Purple Finch □ Magnolia Warbler □ Bay-breasted □ Bald Eagle □ Horned Lark □ American Goldfinch (Fold) □ Red-shouldered □ Bank Swallow □ Chipping Sparrow Warbler Hawk □ Tree Swallow □ Field Sparrow □ Blackburnian Warbler □ Broad-winged Hawk □ Northern Rough- □ White-throated □ Red-tailed Hawk winged Swallow Sparrow □ Yellow Warbler □ Eastern Screech- □ Purple Martin □ Seaside Sparrow □ Chestnut-sided Warbler Owl* □ Barn Swallow □ Saltmarsh Sparrow □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Great Horned Owl* □ Cliff Swallow □ Savannah Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue □ Barred Owl* □ Black-capped □ Song Sparrow Warbler □ Northern Saw-whet Chickadee □ Swamp Sparrow □ Palm Warbler Owl* □ Tufted Titmouse □ Eastern Towhee □ Pine Warbler □ Belted Kingfisher □ Red-breasted □ Bobolink □ Yellow-rumped □ Red-bellied Nuthatch □ Eastern Warbler Woodpecker □ White-breasted Meadowlark □ Prairie Warbler □ Downy Woodpecker Nuthatch □ Orchard Oriole □ Black-throated □ Hairy Woodpecker □ Brown Creeper □ Baltimore Oriole Green Warbler □ Northern Flicker □ House Wren □ Red-winged □ Canada Warbler □ Pileated □ Winter Wren Blackbird □ Wilson’s Warbler Woodpecker □ Marsh Wren Franklin County Bird List Par Value: 136 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Franklin County: Ashfield Wendell □ Canada Goose □ Wilson’s Snipe □ Barred Owl* Bernardston Whately □ Mute Swan □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Northern Saw-whet Buckland □ Wood Duck □ Solitary Sandpiper Owl* Charlemont □ Mallard □ Greater Yellowlegs □ Belted Kingfisher Colrain (Fold) □ American Black □ Ring-billed Gull □ Red-bellied Conway Duck □ Herring Gull Woodpecker Deerfield □ Hooded Merganser □ Great Black-backed □ Yellow-bellied Erving □ Common Merganser Gull Sapsucker Gill Wild Turkey Common Loon □ Downy Woodpecker Greenfield □ □ □ Hairy Woodpecker Hawley □ Rock Pigeon □ Double-crested Northern Flicker Heath □ Mourning Dove Cormorant □ Leverett □ Yellow-billed □ Great Blue Heron □ Pileated Leyden Cuckoo □ Green Heron Woodpecker Monroe □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Turkey Vulture □ American Kestrel Montague □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Great Crested New Salem will □ Bald Eagle Flycatcher Northfield □ Chimney Swift □ Red-shouldered □ Eastern Kingbird Orange □ Ruby-throated Hawk □ Eastern Wood- Rowe Hummingbird □ Broad-winged Hawk Pewee Shelburne □ Virginia Rail □ Red-tailed Hawk □ Alder Flycatcher Shutesbury □ Killdeer □ Eastern Screech- □ Least Flycatcher Sunderland □ American Owl* □ Eastern Phoebe Warwick Woodcock □ Great Horned Owl* □ Yellow-throated □ Brown Thrasher □ Common Write-ins Vireo □ Northern Yellowthroat □ Blue-headed Vireo Mockingbird □ American Redstart □ Warbling Vireo □ European Starling □ Cape May Warbler □ Red-eyed Vireo □ Cedar Waxwing □ Northern Parula □ Blue Jay □ House Sparrow □ Magnolia Warbler □ American Crow □ House Finch □ Bay-breasted □ Common Raven □ Purple Finch Warbler □ Horned Lark □ American Goldfinch □ Blackburnian □ Bank Swallow □ Grasshopper Warbler □ Tree Swallow Sparrow □ Yellow Warbler □ Northern Rough- □ Chipping Sparrow □ Chestnut-sided winged Swallow □ Field Sparrow Warbler □ Barn Swallow □ Dark-eyed Junco □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Cliff Swallow □ White-throated □ Black-throated Blue □ Black-capped Sparrow Warbler Chickadee □ Savannah Sparrow □ Palm Warbler □ Tufted Titmouse □ Song Sparrow □ Pine Warbler □ Red-breasted □ Swamp Sparrow □ Yellow-rumped Nuthatch □ Eastern Towhee Warbler □ Prairie Warbler □ White-breasted □ Bobolink (Fold) Nuthatch □ Orchard Oriole □ Black-throated □ Brown Creeper □ Baltimore Oriole Green Warbler □ House Wren □ Red-winged □ Canada Warbler □ Winter Wren Blackbird □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Carolina Wren □ Brown-headed □ Scarlet Tanager □ Blue-gray Cowbird □ Northern Cardinal Gnatcatcher □ Common Grackle □ Rose-breasted □ Golden-crowned □ Ovenbird Grosbeak Kinglet □ Louisiana □ Indigo Bunting □ Ruby-crowned Waterthrush Kinglet □ Northern *Species with an □ Eastern Bluebird Waterthrush asterisk are "free birds". □ Veery □ Blue-winged Each team can count □ Swainson’s Thrush Warbler ALL the "free birds" in □ Hermit Thrush □ Black-and-white team species sightings □ Wood Thrush Warbler without observing or hearing them during American Robin □ Tennessee Warbler □ Bird-a-thon. □ Gray Catbird □ Nashville Warbler Hampden County Bird List Par Value: 134 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Hampden County: Agawam □ Canada Goose □ Solitary Sandpiper □ Red-bellied Blandford □ Mute Swan □ Greater Yellowlegs Woodpecker Brimfield □ Wood Duck □ Ring-billed Gull □ Yellow-bellied Chester □ Mallard □ Herring Gull Sapsucker Chicopee (Fold) □ American Black □ Double-crested □ Downy Woodpecker East Longmeadow Duck Cormorant □ Hairy Woodpecker Granville □ Common Merganser □ Great Blue Heron □ Northern Flicker Hampden □ Wild Turkey □ Green Heron □ Pileated Holland Rock Pigeon Black Vulture Woodpecker Holyoke □ □ □ American Kestrel Longmeadow □ Mourning Dove □ Turkey Vulture Peregrine Falcon Ludlow □ Yellow-billed □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Monson Cuckoo □ Red-shouldered □ Great Crested Montgomery □ Black-billed Cuckoo Hawk Flycatcher Palmer □ Chimney Swift □ Broad-winged Hawk □ Eastern Kingbird Russell □ Ruby-throated □ Red-tailed Hawk □ Eastern Wood- Southwick Hummingbird □ Eastern Screech- Pewee Springfield □ Virginia Rail Owl* □ Willow Flycatcher Tolland □ Killdeer □ Great Horned Owl* □ Least Flycatcher Wales □ Upland Sandpiper □ Barred Owl* □ Eastern Phoebe West Springfield □ American □ Northern Saw-whet □ Yellow-throated Westfield Woodcock Owl* Vireo Wilbraham □ Wilson’s Snipe □ Belted Kingfisher □ Blue-headed Vireo □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Warbling Vireo □ Red-eyed Vireo □ Cedar Waxwing □ Northern Parula Write-ins □ Blue Jay □ House Sparrow □ Magnolia Warbler □ American Crow □ House Finch □ Bay-breasted □ Fish Crow □ Purple Finch Warbler □ Common Raven □ American Goldfinch □ Blackburnian □ Horned Lark □ Grasshopper Warbler □ Bank Swallow Sparrow □ Yellow Warbler □ Tree Swallow □ Chipping Sparrow □ Chestnut-sided □ Northern Rough- □ Field Sparrow Warbler winged Swallow □ Dark-eyed Junco □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Barn Swallow □ White-throated □ Black-throated Blue □ Black-capped Sparrow Warbler Chickadee □ Savannah Sparrow □ Palm Warbler □ Tufted Titmouse □ Song Sparrow □ Pine Warbler □ Red-breasted □ Swamp Sparrow □ Yellow-rumped Nuthatch □ Eastern Towhee Warbler □ White-breasted □ Bobolink □ Prairie Warbler Nuthatch □ Orchard Oriole □ Black-throated □ Brown Creeper □ Baltimore Oriole Green Warbler □ House Wren □ Red-winged □ Canada Warbler □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Winter Wren Blackbird (Fold) □ Carolina Wren □ Brown-headed □ Scarlet Tanager □ Blue-gray Cowbird □ Northern Cardinal Gnatcatcher □ Common Grackle □ Rose-breasted □ Golden-crowned □ Ovenbird Grosbeak Kinglet □ Louisiana □ Indigo Bunting □ Ruby-crowned Waterthrush Kinglet □ Northern *Species with an □ Eastern Bluebird Waterthrush asterisk are "free birds". □ Veery □ Blue-winged Each team can count □ Swainson’s Thrush Warbler ALL the "free birds" in team species sightings □ Hermit Thrush □ Black-and-white without observing or □ Wood Thrush Warbler hearing them during □ American Robin □ Tennessee Warbler Bird-a-thon. □ Gray Catbird □ Nashville Warbler □ Brown Thrasher □ Common □ Northern Yellowthroat Mockingbird □ American Redstart □ European Starling □ Cape May Warbler Hampshire County Bird List Par Value: 143 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Hampshire County: Amherst □ Canada Goose □ Wilson’s Snipe □ Great Horned Owl* Belchertown □ Mute Swan □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Barred Owl* Chesterfield □ Wood Duck □ Solitary Sandpiper □ Northern Saw-whet Cummington □ Mallard □ Greater Yellowlegs Owl* Easthampton (Fold) □ American Black □ Ring-billed Gull □ Belted Kingfisher Goshen Duck □ Herring Gull □ Red-bellied Granby □ Hooded Merganser □ Great Black-backed Woodpecker Hadley □ Common Merganser Gull □ Yellow-bellied Hatfield Wild Turkey Double-crested Sapsucker Huntington □ □ Cormorant □ Downy Woodpecker Middlefield □ Rock Pigeon Hairy Woodpecker Northampton □ Mourning Dove □ Great Blue Heron □ Pelham □ Yellow-billed □ Green Heron □ Northern Flicker Plainfield Cuckoo □ Black Vulture □ Pileated South Hadley □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Turkey Vulture Woodpecker Southampton □ Chimney Swift □ Sharp-shinned □ American Kestrel Ware □ Ruby-throated Hawk □ Peregrine Falcon Westhampton Hummingbird □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Great Crested Williamsburg □ Virginia Rail □ Red-shouldered Flycatcher Worthington □ Killdeer Hawk □ Eastern Kingbird □ Upland Sandpiper □ Broad-winged Hawk □ Eastern Wood- □ Least Sandpiper □ Red-tailed Hawk Pewee □ American □ Eastern Screech- □ Acadian Flycatcher Woodcock Owl* □ Alder Flycatcher □ Willow Flycatcher □ Swainson’s Thrush □ Black-and-white Write-ins □ Least Flycatcher □ Hermit Thrush Warbler □ Eastern Phoebe □ Wood Thrush □ Tennessee Warbler □ Yellow-throated □ American Robin □ Nashville Warbler Vireo □ Gray Catbird □ Common □ Blue-headed Vireo □ Brown Thrasher Yellowthroat □ Warbling Vireo □ Northern □ American Redstart □ Red-eyed Vireo Mockingbird □ Cape May Warbler □ Blue Jay □ European Starling □ Cerulean Warbler* □ American Crow □ Cedar Waxwing □ Northern Parula □ Fish Crow □ House Sparrow □ Magnolia Warbler □ Common Raven □ House Finch □ Bay-breasted □ Horned Lark □ Purple Finch Warbler □ Bank Swallow □ American Goldfinch □ Blackburnian □ Tree Swallow □ Chipping Sparrow Warbler □ Northern Rough- □ Field Sparrow □ Yellow Warbler winged Swallow □ Dark-eyed Junco □ Chestnut-sided □ Barn Swallow □ White-throated Warbler □ Cliff Swallow Sparrow □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Black-capped □ Savannah Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue Warbler Chickadee □ Song Sparrow (Fold) □ Tufted Titmouse □ Swamp Sparrow □ Palm Warbler □ Red-breasted □ Eastern Towhee □ Pine Warbler Nuthatch □ Bobolink □ Yellow-rumped Warbler □ White-breasted □ Orchard Oriole Prairie Warbler Nuthatch □ Baltimore Oriole □ Black-throated □ Brown Creeper □ Red-winged □ □ House Wren Blackbird Green Warbler Canada Warbler □ Winter Wren □ Brown-headed □ □ Marsh Wren Cowbird □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Carolina Wren □ Common Grackle □ Scarlet Tanager □ Blue-gray □ Ovenbird □ Northern Cardinal Gnatcatcher □ Worm-eating □ Rose-breasted □ Golden-crowned Warbler Grosbeak Kinglet □ Louisiana □ Indigo Bunting □ Ruby-crowned Waterthrush Kinglet □ Northern *Species with an asterisk are "free birds". Each team □ Eastern Bluebird Waterthrush can count ALL the "free birds" in team species sightings □ Veery □ Blue-winged without observing or hearing them during Bird-a-thon. Warbler Middlesex County Bird List Par Value: 146 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Middlesex County: Acton Littleton Wayland □ Canada Goose □ Semipalmated □ Glossy Ibis Arlington Lowell Westford □ Mute Swan Plover □ Turkey Vulture Ashby Malden Weston □ Wood Duck □ Upland Sandpiper □ Osprey Ashland Marlborough Wilmington □ Gadwall □ Least Sandpiper □ Sharp-shinned Ayer Maynard Winchester (Fold) □ Mallard □ Semipalmated Hawk Bedford Medford Woburn □ American Black Sandpiper □ Cooper’s Hawk Belmont Melrose Duck □ American □ Bald Eagle Billerica Natick □ Greater Scaup Woodcock □ Red-shouldered Boxborough Newton Wild Turkey □ Spotted Sandpiper Hawk Burlington North Reading □ □ Solitary Sandpiper Broad-winged Hawk Cambridge Pepperell □ Rock Pigeon □ Lesser Yellowlegs Carlisle Reading □ Mourning Dove □ □ Red-tailed Hawk Chelmsford Sherborn □ Yellow-billed □ Greater Yellowlegs □ Eastern Screech- Concord Shirley Cuckoo □ Ring-billed Gull Owl* Dracut Somerville □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Herring Gull □ Great Horned Owl* Dunstable Stoneham □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ Great Black-backed □ Barred Owl* Everett Stow will Gull □ Northern Saw-whet Framingham Sudbury □ Chimney Swift □ Double-crested Owl* Groton Tewksbury □ Ruby-throated Cormorant □ Belted Kingfisher Holliston Townsend Hummingbird □ Great Blue Heron □ Red-bellied Hopkinton Tyngsborough □ Virginia Rail □ Great Egret Woodpecker Hudson Wakefield □ Sora □ Green Heron □ Yellow-bellied Lexington Waltham □ Killdeer □ Black-crowned Sapsucker Lincoln Watertown Night-Heron □ Downy Woodpecker □ Brown Creeper □ Brown-headed □ Scarlet Tanager *Species with an asterisk are "free birds". □ Hairy Woodpecker □ House Wren Cowbird □ Northern Cardinal Each team can count ALL the "free birds" in Common Grackle □ Northern Flicker □ Winter Wren □ □ Rose-breasted team species sightings without observing or □ Pileated □ Marsh Wren □ Ovenbird Grosbeak hearing them during Bird-a-thon. Woodpecker □ Carolina Wren □ Worm-eating □ Indigo Bunting □ American Kestrel □ Blue-gray Warbler □ Merlin Gnatcatcher □ Northern □ Peregrine Falcon □ Ruby-crowned Waterthrush □ Great Crested Kinglet □ Blue-winged Flycatcher □ Eastern Bluebird Warbler Write-ins □ Eastern Kingbird □ Veery □ Black-and-white □ Eastern Wood- □ Swainson’s Thrush Warbler Pewee □ Hermit Thrush □ Tennessee Warbler □ Alder Flycatcher □ Wood Thrush □ Nashville Warbler □ Willow Flycatcher □ American Robin □ Common □ Least Flycatcher □ Gray Catbird Yellowthroat □ Eastern Phoebe □ Brown Thrasher □ American Redstart □ Yellow-throated □ Northern □ Cape May Warbler Vireo Mockingbird □ Northern Parula □ Blue-headed Vireo □ European Starling □ Magnolia Warbler Bay-breasted □ Warbling Vireo □ Cedar Waxwing □ (Fold) □ Red-eyed Vireo □ House Sparrow Warbler □ Blue Jay □ House Finch □ Blackburnian Warbler □ American Crow □ Purple Finch Yellow Warbler □ Fish Crow □ American Goldfinch □ Chestnut-sided □ Common Raven □ Chipping Sparrow □ Warbler □ Horned Lark □ Field Sparrow □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Bank Swallow □ White-throated Black-throated Blue □ Tree Swallow Sparrow □ Warbler □ Northern Rough- □ Savannah Sparrow □ Palm Warbler winged Swallow □ Song Sparrow □ Pine Warbler □ Barn Swallow □ Swamp Sparrow □ Yellow-rumped □ Black-capped □ Eastern Towhee Warbler Chickadee □ Bobolink □ Prairie Warbler □ Tufted Titmouse □ Orchard Oriole □ Black-throated □ Red-breasted Baltimore Oriole □ Green Warbler Nuthatch □ Red-winged □ Canada Warbler □ White-breasted Blackbird Nuthatch □ Wilson’s Warbler Nantucket County Bird List Par Value: 131 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Nantucket County: □ Brant □ Mourning Dove □ American Nantucket □ Canada Goose □ Yellow-billed Woodcock □ Mute Swan Cuckoo □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Wood Duck □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Lesser Yellowlegs □ Northern Shoveler □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ Willet (Fold) □ Gadwall will □ Greater Yellowlegs □ Mallard □ Chimney Swift □ Bonaparte’s Gull □ American Black □ Ruby-throated □ Laughing Gull Duck Hummingbird □ Ring-billed Gull □ Green-winged Teal □ Virginia Rail □ Herring Gull □ Greater Scaup □ American □ Lesser Black- □ Lesser Scaup Oystercatcher backed Gull □ Common Eider □ Black-bellied Plover □ Great Black-backed □ Surf Scoter □ Killdeer Gull □ White-winged □ Semipalmated □ Least Tern Scoter Plover □ Roseate Tern □ Black Scoter □ Ruddy Turnstone □ Common Tern □ Long-tailed Duck □ Sanderling □ Red-throated Loon □ Red-breasted □ Dunlin □ Common Loon Merganser □ Least Sandpiper □ Northern Gannet □ Wild Turkey □ Semipalmated □ Great Blue Heron □ Ring-necked Sandpiper □ Great Egret Pheasant □ Short-billed □ Snowy Egret □ Rock Pigeon Dowitcher □ Green Heron □ Black-crowned □ American Robin Warbler Write-ins Night-Heron □ Gray Catbird □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Turkey Vulture □ Brown Thrasher □ Black-throated Blue □ Osprey □ Northern Warbler □ Northern Harrier Mockingbird □ Palm Warbler □ Red-tailed Hawk □ European Starling □ Pine Warbler □ Barn Owl* □ Cedar Waxwing □ Yellow-rumped □ Eastern Screech- □ House Sparrow Warbler Owl* □ House Finch □ Prairie Warbler □ Northern Saw-whet □ American Goldfinch □ Black-throated Owl* □ Chipping Sparrow Green Warbler □ Belted Kingfisher □ Saltmarsh Sparrow □ Canada Warbler □ Red-bellied □ Savannah Sparrow □ Wilson’s Warbler Woodpecker □ Song Sparrow □ Northern Cardinal □ Downy Woodpecker □ Swamp Sparrow □ Northern Flicker □ Eastern Towhee *Species with an □ Merlin □ Baltimore Oriole asterisk are "free birds". □ Peregrine Falcon □ Red-winged Each team can count □ Great Crested Blackbird ALL the "free birds" in Flycatcher □ Brown-headed team species sightings Eastern Kingbird without observing or □ Cowbird (Fold) hearing them during □ Eastern Wood- □ Common Grackle Bird-a-thon. Pewee □ Ovenbird □ Willow Flycatcher □ Black-and-white □ Eastern Phoebe Warbler □ Red-eyed Vireo □ Tennessee Warbler □ Blue Jay □ Nashville Warbler □ American Crow □ Common □ Horned Lark Yellowthroat □ Bank Swallow □ American Redstart □ Tree Swallow □ Cape May Warbler □ Northern Rough- □ Northern Parula winged Swallow □ Magnolia Warbler □ Barn Swallow □ Bay-breasted □ Black-capped Warbler Chickadee □ Blackburnian □ Carolina Wren Warbler □ Hermit Thrush □ Yellow Warbler □ Wood Thrush □ Chestnut-sided Norfolk County Bird List Par Value: 159 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Norfolk County: Avon Wellesley □ Brant □ Ruby-throated □ Laughing Gull Bellingham Westwood □ Canada Goose Hummingbird □ Ring-billed Gull Braintree Weymouth □ Mute Swan □ Virginia Rail □ Herring Gull Brookline Wrentham □ Wood Duck □ American □ Great Black-backed Canton (Fold) □ Mallard Oystercatcher Gull Cohasset □ American Black □ Black-bellied Plover □ Least Tern Dedham Duck □ Killdeer □ Common Tern Dover □ Green-winged Teal □ Semipalmated □ Common Loon Foxborough Greater Scaup Plover □ Great Blue Heron Franklin □ □ Upland Sandpiper Holbrook □ Common Eider □ Great Egret □ Ruddy Turnstone Medfield □ Surf Scoter □ Snowy Egret Medway □ White-winged □ Sanderling □ Black-crowned Millis Scoter □ Dunlin Night-Heron Milton □ Red-breasted □ Purple Sandpiper □ Glossy Ibis Needham Merganser □ Least Sandpiper □ Turkey Vulture Norfolk □ Wild Turkey □ Semipalmated □ Osprey Norwood □ Red-necked Grebe Sandpiper □ Sharp-shinned Plainville □ Rock Pigeon □ American Hawk Quincy □ Mourning Dove Woodcock □ Cooper’s Hawk Randolph □ Yellow-billed □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Red-shouldered Sharon Cuckoo □ Solitary Sandpiper Hawk Stoughton □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Willet □ Broad-winged Hawk Walpole □ Chimney Swift □ Greater Yellowlegs □ Red-tailed Hawk □ Eastern Screech- □ Black-capped □ Swamp Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue Owl* Chickadee □ Eastern Towhee Warbler □ Great Horned Owl* □ Tufted Titmouse □ Bobolink □ Palm Warbler □ Barred Owl* □ Red-breasted □ Eastern □ Pine Warbler □ Northern Saw-whet Nuthatch Meadowlark □ Yellow-rumped Owl* □ White-breasted □ Orchard Oriole Warbler □ Belted Kingfisher Nuthatch □ Baltimore Oriole □ Prairie Warbler □ Red-bellied □ Brown Creeper □ Red-winged □ Black-throated Woodpecker □ House Wren Blackbird Green Warbler □ Downy Woodpecker □ Winter Wren □ Brown-headed □ Canada Warbler □ Hairy Woodpecker □ Marsh Wren Cowbird □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Northern Flicker □ Carolina Wren □ Common Grackle □ Scarlet Tanager □ Pileated □ Blue-gray □ Ovenbird □ Northern Cardinal Woodpecker Gnatcatcher □ Worm-eating □ Rose-breasted □ American Kestrel □ Ruby-crowned Warbler Grosbeak □ Merlin Kinglet □ Louisiana □ Indigo Bunting □ Peregrine Falcon □ Eastern Bluebird Waterthrush *Species with an □ Great Crested □ Veery □ Northern asterisk are "free birds". Flycatcher □ Swainson’s Thrush Waterthrush Each team can count □ Eastern Kingbird □ Hermit Thrush □ Blue-winged Write-ins ALL the "free birds" in Eastern Wood- Wood Thrush Warbler team species sightings □ □ (Fold) Pewee □ American Robin □ Black-and-white without observing or hearing them during □ Willow Flycatcher Gray Catbird Warbler □ Bird-a-thon. □ Least Flycatcher □ Brown Thrasher □ Tennessee Warbler □ Eastern Phoebe □ Northern □ Nashville Warbler □ Blue-headed Vireo Mockingbird □ Common □ Warbling Vireo □ European Starling Yellowthroat □ Red-eyed Vireo □ Cedar Waxwing □ American Redstart □ Blue Jay □ House Sparrow □ Cape May Warbler □ American Crow □ House Finch □ Northern Parula □ Fish Crow □ Purple Finch □ Magnolia Warbler □ Common Raven □ American Goldfinch □ Bay-breasted □ Horned Lark □ Chipping Sparrow Warbler □ Bank Swallow □ Field Sparrow □ Blackburnian Warbler □ Tree Swallow □ White-throated Yellow Warbler □ Northern Rough- Sparrow □ winged Swallow □ Saltmarsh Sparrow □ Chestnut-sided Warbler □ Purple Martin □ Savannah Sparrow Blackpoll Warbler □ Barn Swallow □ Song Sparrow □ Plymouth County Bird List Par Value: 183 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Plymouth County: □ Brant □ Red-necked Grebe □ Virginia Rail Abington Wareham □ Canada Goose □ Northern Gannet □ Sora Bridgewater West Bridgewater □ Mute Swan □ Double-crested □ Sandhill Crane Brockton Whitman □ Wood Duck Cormorant □ Black-bellied Plover Carver □ Gadwall □ Great Cormorant □ Semipalmated

Duxbury (Fold) American Bittern Plover East Bridgewater □ American Black □ Halifax Duck □ Great Blue Heron □ Piping Plover Hanover □ Mallard □ Great Egret □ Killdeer Hanson □ Green-winged Teal □ Snowy Egret □ American Hingham □ Lesser Scaup □ Green Heron Oystercatcher Hull □ Common Eider □ Black-crowned □ Spotted Sandpiper Kingston □ Harlequin Duck Night-Heron □ Solitary Sandpiper Lakeville □ Surf Scoter □ Glossy Ibis □ Greater Yellowlegs Marion □ White-winged □ Turkey Vulture □ Willet Marshfield Scoter □ Osprey □ Lesser Yellowlegs Mattapoisett □ Black Scoter □ Bald Eagle □ Upland Sandpiper Middleborough □ Hooded Merganser □ Northern Harrier □ Ruddy Turnstone Norwell □ Red-breasted □ Sharp-shinned □ Sanderling Pembroke Merganser Hawk Semipalmated Plymouth □ Ring-necked Cooper’s Hawk Sandpiper Plympton □ □ Pheasant Rochester □ Red-shouldered □ Least Sandpiper Rockland □ Wild Turkey Hawk □ White-rumped Scituate □ Red-throated Loon □ Broad-winged Hawk Sandpiper □ Common Loon □ Red-tailed Hawk □ Purple Sandpiper □ Dunlin □ American Kestrel □ Blue-gray □ Chestnut-sided □ Orchard Oriole □ Short-billed □ Merlin Gnatcatcher Warbler □ Baltimore Oriole Dowitcher □ Peregrine Falcon □ Ruby-crowned □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Purple Finch □ American □ Eastern Wood- Kinglet □ Black-throated Blue □ House Finch Woodcock Pewee □ Eastern Bluebird Warbler □ American Goldfinch □ Laughing Gull □ Willow Flycatcher □ Veery □ Palm Warbler □ House Sparrow □ Ring-billed Gull □ Least Flycatcher □ Hermit Thrush □ Pine Warbler □ Herring Gull □ Eastern Phoebe □ Wood Thrush □ Yellow-rumped *Species with an □ Lesser Black- □ Great Crested □ American Robin Warbler asterisk are "free birds". backed Gull Flycatcher □ Gray Catbird □ Prairie Warbler Each team can count □ Great Black-backed □ Eastern Kingbird □ Northern □ Black-throated ALL the "free birds" in team species sightings Gull □ Yellow-throated Mockingbird Green Warbler without observing or Least Tern Canada Warbler □ Vireo □ Brown Thrasher □ hearing them during □ Roseate Tern □ Blue-headed Vireo □ European Starling □ Hooded Warbler Bird-a-thon. □ Common Tern □ Warbling Vireo □ Cedar Waxwing □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Rock Pigeon □ Red-eyed Vireo □ Ovenbird □ Eastern Towhee Write-ins □ Mourning Dove □ Blue Jay □ Worm-eating □ Chipping Sparrow □ Yellow-billed □ American Crow Warbler □ Field Sparrow Cuckoo □ Fish Crow □ Louisiana □ Savannah Sparrow □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Common Raven Waterthrush □ Grasshopper Northern □ Eastern Screech- □ Horned Lark □ (Fold) Sparrow Owl* □ Purple Martin Waterthrush □ Saltmarsh Sparrow □ Great Horned Owl* □ Tree Swallow □ Blue-winged □ Song Sparrow □ Barred Owl* □ Northern Rough- Warbler □ Swamp Sparrow □ Northern Saw-whet winged Swallow □ Black-and-white □ White-throated Owl* □ Bank Swallow Warbler Sparrow □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ Barn Swallow □ Tennessee Warbler □ Scarlet Tanager will □ Black-capped □ Nashville Warbler □ Northern Cardinal □ Chimney Swift Chickadee □ Common □ Rose-breasted □ Ruby-throated □ Tufted Titmouse Yellowthroat Grosbeak Hummingbird □ Red-breasted □ American Redstart □ Indigo Bunting □ Belted Kingfisher Nuthatch □ Cape May Warbler □ Bobolink □ Red-bellied □ White-breasted □ Northern Parula □ Red-winged Woodpecker Nuthatch □ Magnolia Warbler Blackbird □ Downy Woodpecker □ Brown Creeper □ Bay-breasted □ Eastern □ Hairy Woodpecker □ Carolina Wren Warbler Meadowlark □ Northern Flicker □ House Wren □ Blackburnian □ Common Grackle □ Pileated □ Winter Wren Warbler □ Brown-headed Woodpecker □ Marsh Wren □ Yellow Warbler Cowbird Suffolk County Bird List Par Value: 125 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Suffolk County: □ Brant □ Killdeer □ Great Egret Boston □ Canada Goose □ Semipalmated □ Snowy Egret Chelsea □ Mute Swan Plover □ Little Blue Heron Revere □ Wood Duck □ Upland Sandpiper □ Black-crowned Winthrop □ Mallard □ Ruddy Turnstone Night-Heron (Fold) □ American Black □ Sanderling □ Glossy Ibis Duck □ Dunlin □ Turkey Vulture □ Greater Scaup □ Purple Sandpiper □ Osprey □ Common Eider □ American □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Surf Scoter Woodcock □ Red-tailed Hawk □ White-winged □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Eastern Screech- Scoter □ Willet Owl* □ Wild Turkey □ Greater Yellowlegs □ Great Horned Owl* □ Rock Pigeon □ Ring-billed Gull □ Belted Kingfisher □ Mourning Dove □ Herring Gull □ Red-bellied □ Yellow-billed □ Great Black-backed Woodpecker Cuckoo Gull □ Downy Woodpecker □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Least Tern □ Hairy Woodpecker □ Chimney Swift □ Common Tern □ Northern Flicker □ Ruby-throated □ Common Loon □ American Kestrel Hummingbird □ Manx Shearwater □ Peregrine Falcon □ American □ Double-crested □ Great Crested Oystercatcher Cormorant Flycatcher □ Black-bellied Plover □ Great Blue Heron □ Eastern Kingbird □ Eastern Wood- □ Swamp Sparrow □ Canada Warbler Write-ins Pewee □ Eastern Towhee □ Wilson’s Warbler □ Eastern Phoebe □ Orchard Oriole □ Scarlet Tanager □ Warbling Vireo □ Baltimore Oriole □ Northern Cardinal □ Red-eyed Vireo □ Red-winged □ Rose-breasted □ Blue Jay Blackbird Grosbeak □ American Crow □ Brown-headed □ Fish Crow Cowbird *Species with an □ Common Grackle □ Common Raven asterisk are "free birds". □ Horned Lark □ Ovenbird Each team can count □ Bank Swallow □ Northern ALL the "free birds" in □ Tree Swallow Waterthrush team species sightings □ Northern Rough- □ Black-and-white without observing or hearing them during winged Swallow Warbler Bird-a-thon. □ Barn Swallow □ Tennessee Warbler □ Black-capped □ Nashville Warbler Chickadee □ Common □ Tufted Titmouse Yellowthroat □ White-breasted □ American Redstart Nuthatch □ Cape May Warbler Northern Parula □ House Wren □ (Fold) □ Carolina Wren □ Magnolia Warbler □ Wood Thrush □ Bay-breasted □ American Robin Warbler □ Gray Catbird □ Blackburnian □ Brown Thrasher Warbler □ Northern □ Yellow Warbler Mockingbird □ Chestnut-sided □ European Starling Warbler □ Cedar Waxwing □ Blackpoll Warbler □ House Sparrow □ Black-throated Blue □ House Finch Warbler □ American Goldfinch □ Palm Warbler □ Chipping Sparrow □ Pine Warbler □ White-throated □ Yellow-rumped Sparrow Warbler □ Saltmarsh Sparrow □ Prairie Warbler □ Savannah Sparrow □ Black-throated Green Warbler □ Song Sparrow Worcester County Bird List Par Value: 147 Taxonomic Order

Birder name(s) Towns and Cities in Worcester County: Ashburnham Leominster Sutton □ Canada Goose □ Least Sandpiper □ Bald Eagle Athol Lunenburg Templeton □ Mute Swan □ American □ Red-shouldered Auburn Mendon Upton □ Wood Duck Woodcock Hawk Barre Milford Uxbridge □ Mallard □ Wilson’s Snipe □ Broad-winged Hawk Berlin Millbury Warren (Fold) □ American Black □ Spotted Sandpiper □ Red-tailed Hawk Blackstone Millville Webster Duck □ Solitary Sandpiper □ Eastern Screech- Bolton New Braintree West Boylston □ Green-winged Teal □ Lesser Yellowlegs Owl* Boylston North Brookfield West Brookfield □ Ring-necked Duck □ Greater Yellowlegs □ Great Horned Owl* Brookfield Northborough Westborough Hooded Merganser Ring-billed Gull □ Barred Owl* Charlton Northbridge Westminster □ □ Northern Saw-whet Clinton Oakham Winchendon □ Common Merganser □ Herring Gull □ Owl* Douglas Oxford Worcester □ Wild Turkey □ Great Black-backed Dudley Paxton □ Rock Pigeon Gull □ Belted Kingfisher East Brookfield Petersham □ Mourning Dove □ Common Loon □ Red-bellied Fitchburg Phillipston □ Yellow-billed □ Double-crested Woodpecker Gardner Princeton Cuckoo Cormorant □ Yellow-bellied Grafton Royalston □ Black-billed Cuckoo □ Great Blue Heron Sapsucker Hardwick Rutland □ Eastern Whip-poor- □ Green Heron □ Downy Woodpecker Harvard Shrewsbury will □ Black Vulture □ Hairy Woodpecker Holden Southborough □ Chimney Swift □ Turkey Vulture □ Northern Flicker Hopedale Southbridge □ Ruby-throated □ Osprey □ Pileated Hubbardston Spencer Hummingbird □ Sharp-shinned Woodpecker Lancaster Sterling □ Virginia Rail Hawk □ American Kestrel Leicester Sturbridge □ Killdeer □ Cooper’s Hawk □ Peregrine Falcon Great Crested Golden-crowned Louisiana Indigo Bunting □ □ □ □ *Species with an asterisk are "free birds". Flycatcher Kinglet Waterthrush Each team can count ALL the "free birds" in □ Eastern Kingbird □ Ruby-crowned □ Northern team species sightings without observing or □ Eastern Wood- Kinglet Waterthrush hearing them during Bird-a-thon. Pewee □ Eastern Bluebird □ Blue-winged □ Acadian Flycatcher □ Veery Warbler Write-ins □ Alder Flycatcher □ Swainson’s Thrush □ Black-and-white □ Willow Flycatcher □ Hermit Thrush Warbler □ Least Flycatcher □ Wood Thrush □ Tennessee Warbler □ Eastern Phoebe □ American Robin □ Nashville Warbler □ Yellow-throated □ Gray Catbird □ Common Vireo □ Brown Thrasher Yellowthroat □ Blue-headed Vireo □ Northern □ American Redstart □ Warbling Vireo Mockingbird □ Cape May Warbler □ Red-eyed Vireo □ European Starling □ Cerulean Warbler* □ Blue Jay □ Cedar Waxwing □ Northern Parula □ American Crow □ House Sparrow □ Magnolia Warbler □ Fish Crow □ House Finch □ Bay-breasted □ Common Raven □ Purple Finch Warbler □ Horned Lark □ American Goldfinch □ Blackburnian Warbler □ Bank Swallow □ Grasshopper (Fold) □ Tree Swallow Sparrow □ Yellow Warbler □ Northern Rough- □ Chipping Sparrow □ Chestnut-sided winged Swallow □ Field Sparrow Warbler □ Barn Swallow □ Dark-eyed Junco □ Blackpoll Warbler □ Cliff Swallow □ White-throated □ Black-throated Blue Warbler □ Black-capped Sparrow Chickadee □ Savannah Sparrow □ Palm Warbler □ Tufted Titmouse □ Song Sparrow □ Pine Warbler □ Red-breasted □ Swamp Sparrow □ Yellow-rumped Warbler Nuthatch □ Eastern Towhee Prairie Warbler □ White-breasted □ Bobolink □ Black-throated Nuthatch □ Baltimore Oriole □ Green Warbler □ Brown Creeper □ Red-winged □ House Wren Blackbird □ Canada Warbler Wilson’s Warbler □ Winter Wren □ Brown-headed □ □ Carolina Wren Cowbird □ Scarlet Tanager □ Blue-gray □ Common Grackle □ Northern Cardinal Gnatcatcher □ Ovenbird □ Rose-breasted Grosbeak