
North American & Game


 Bear: Black Bear, , , : bezoar goat, ibex, , Rocky Mountain goat  , Wood Bison  , including Shiras Moose  Caribou: Barren Ground Caribou, Dolphin Caribou, Union Caribou,  Woodland Caribou   Mountain Lion  Sheep: Barbary Sheep, Bighorn  : Axis Deer, Black-tailed Deer, Sheep, , , Columbian Black-tailed Deer, Dall’s Sheep, Desert Bighorn , White-tailed Deer Sheep, Lanai Sheep, Nelson Bighorn Sheep, Rocky  : Rocky Mountain Elk, Tule Elk Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Stone Sheep, Thinhorn Mountain Sheep 


 Armadillo  , including marmot, groundhog, ,  Badger woodchuck

 Beaver  Marten, including and marten   Mink  North American Civet /Ring- tailed Cat, Spotted  Mole

 Mouse

 Ferret, feral ferret  Muskrat

 Nutria

: fox, , , swift  Opossum fox  : feral swine, javelina, ,  wild hogs, wild

 Skunk, including Striped Skunk  Porcupine and Spotted Skunk

 Prairie : Black-tailed Prairie  : Abert’s Squirrel, Black , Gunnison’s Prairie Dogs, Squirrel, Columbian Ground White-tailed Prairie Dogs Squirrel, Gray Squirrel, Flying Squirrel, , Ground  & : , Black- Squirrel, Pine Squirrel, , tailed Jackrabbit, , Richardson’s Ground Squirrel, Tree Belgian Hare, , Squirrel, Ground Squirrel , Swamp Rabbit, Varying Hare, White-tailed  Vole Jackrabbit

, including least weasel,  long-tailed weasel

 Rat, including Kangaroo Rat and  , including gray wolf Wood Rat

 Shrew


 Chachalaca  , including Chukar and Gray Partridge (aka Hungarian  )

 Crow  : , Himalayan Snowcock, Kalij  Dove & Pigeon: Band-tailed Pigeon, Pheasant, Ring-necked Pheasant, Barred Dove, Eurasian Collared White-winged Pheasant Dove, , Ringed Turtledove, Rockdove, Pigeon,  Ptarmigan: , White- Spotted Dove, White-winged Dove tailed Ptarmigan, Ptarmigan

: , Erckel’s  Quail: Bobwhite, California Quail, Francolin, Gray Francolin Gambel’s Quail, Japanese Quail, Mountain Quail, ,  : Blue Grouse, Chestnut- Scaled Quail bellied Sand Grouse, Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse, ,  English or House Sparrow Forest Grouse, Franklin’s Grouse, , Lesser  Starling Prairie Chicken, , Greater Sage Grouse, Mountain  : Eastern Turkey, Merriam’s Sharp-tailed Grouse, Sharp-tailed Turkey, Rio Grande Turkey, Grouse, Grouse Osceola Turkey, Gould’s Turkey


 Cormorant  Gallinule: American Purple, Moorhen, American Coot  Sandhill Crane  Goose: (including the  : , Black Duck, Mottled many ), Brant, White- Duck, , , fronted Goose, (both , Northern white and blue phases), Ross’ Shoveler, Blue-winged Teal, Goose (both white and blue phases) Cinnamon Teal, Green-winged Teal, , Fulvous Whistling-  Rail: Clapper Rail, King Rail, Sora Duck, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Rail, Virginia Rail , , Ring- necked Duck, ,  Snipe, Wilson’s Snipe (aka , , ) Barrow’s Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Harlequin Duck, Common Eider,  Swan King Eider, Oldsquaw/Long-tailed Duck, Black Scoter, White-winged  Scoter, Surf Scoter, , Red-breasted Merganser, Common Merganser, Ruddy Duck