urban habitat Wildlife live in even the most developed areas by using back yards, street trees, bridges, grassland building ledges, utility poles, gardens and parks. From neighborhoods through downtown you can see bald , habitat great blue , peregrine , and . At least seven of thrive in Portland. You can add The rarest of habitat by protecting planting native trees, shrubs, and groundcover that provide , and nectar for city in wildlife. Use several kinds of for flowers of different shapes and colors that bloom at different times. Portland supports the streaked horned and TOWNSEND’S WARBLER the Western meadowlark, ’s state . Watch for the colorful American kestrel hovering over a for its -TAILED ROOSEVELT next meal. You may see deer where the grassland meets areas. Bird boxes and platforms, bat boxes, rock piles and brush NORTHERN NORTHERN PYGMY OWL piles in your yard or garden provide shelter, nesting habitat, and places to hide from wildlife predators for , portland STREAKED HORNED LARK , of Portland is home to over 300 and . forest habitat species of and wildlife, and Some of the city’s most untold numbers of . beautiful and interesting That’s an amazing amount of birds live in wildlife for an , and it’s Forest Park and RED-SPOTTED GARTER PACIFIC similar habitats. a testament to the city’s diversity Listen for the song of the of habitats and the commitment varied or of Portland’s citizens to protect the hammering of pileated natural resources. Your actions can woodpeckers. You may even make a difference in protecting see a , COMMON YELLOWTHROAT our wildlife and watersheds. VARIED THRUSH elk, , or black . You can protect existing trees and new ones for your yard or street. Evergreen trees and shrubs are VAGRANT NORTHERN FLYING critical for bird

survival in cold WS 1051 JUNE 2010 . Help control invasive aquatic habitat Water and nearby habitats teem with , salamanders, and migratory birds plants that in the spring, including willow flycatchers, Bullock’s orioles and Pacific chorus frogs. Look for Western compromise painted basking on logs and darting above the water. Use natural alternatives to diverse natural pesticides and fertilizers, keep on a leash in natural areas and near streams and , and habitats. always scoop poop and throw it in the trash to control harmful and pollution. LAZULI BUNTING


aquatic forest habitat habitat species species m BALD GREEN PACIFIC FORKTAIL DAMSELFLY NORTHERN RED-LEGGED FROG CHINOOK OREGON FLOATER WESTERN PAINTED l wildlife A partial list of species that can be found inside Portland’s city limits

Lesser yellowlegs Black-headed grosbeak Peamouth chub Solitary sandpiper Lazuli bunting Northern pikeminnow (Squawfish) Spotted sandpiper Red-winged blackbird Longnose dace Western sandpiper Western meadowlark Speckled dace Least sandpiper Yellow-headed blackbird Redside shiner Baird’s sandpiper Brewer’s blackbird Largescale sucker portlandof Pectoral sandpiper Brown-headed cowbird Eulachon ( ) Dunlin Bullock’s oriole Coastal cutthroat trout Long-billed dowitcher Purple finch Chum salmon Portland is home to over 300 Wilson’s snipe House finch Amphibians Wilson’s phalarope Red crossbill Steelhead species of fish and wildlife, Bonaparte’s Pine siskin Sockeye salmon Pacific chorus frog Mew gull Lesser goldfinch Mountain whitefish Northern red-legged frog Ring-billed gull American goldfinch Sand roller and untold numbers of gull Evening grosbeak Threespine Long-toed salamander gull Riffle invertebrates. That’s an Thayer’s gull Prickly sculpin Cope’s giant salamander Western gull Reticulate sculpin Glaucous gull Starry flounder amazing amount of Rough-skinned Glaucous-winged gull Caspian wildlife for an urban area. Band-tailed pigeon Your actions can make a Western screech-owl Northern pygmy owl difference in protecting Mammals Short-eared owl our wildlife and Common Douglas’ squirrel Vaux’s swift Anna’s hummingbird Pacific water shrew watershed health. Reptiles Rufous hummingbird Water shrew Belted kingfisher Trowbridge’s shrew Oregon floater Western painted turtle Red-breasted sapsucker Shrew-mole California floater Western turtle Downy woodpecker Townsend’s mole Winged floater Northern alligator Hairy woodpecker Coast mole Western fence lizard Yuma myotis Western Pileated woodpecker Little brown myotis Northwestern Olive-sided flycatcher Long-legged myotis Western wood-pewee Fringed myotis Reference books Willow flycatcher Long-eared myotis Wildlife of the : Tracking and identifying Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians Hammond’s flycatcher Silver-haired bat and Invertebrates by David Moskowitz Dusky flycatcher Big Brown bat Bugs of and Oregon by John Pacific-slope flycatcher Hoary bat Say’s phoebe Pacific western big-eared bat of the Pacific Northwest by Peter and Judy Haggard Western Brush Passionate Slugs and Hollywood Frogs; An Uncommon Field Guide to Northwest Backyards by Patricia Mountain beaver Cassin’s Townsend’s chipmunk Plants and of the Pacific Northwest by Eugene Kozloff Hutton’s vireo California Warbling vireo Field Guide to the Birds of , National Geographic Red-eyed vireo Northern The Sibley Guide to Birds of Western North America by David Allen Sibley Steller’s Camas pocket Birds Western scrub-jay American beaver Stokes Field Guide to Birds; Western Region by Donald Stokes American Deer Common Bushy-tailed woodrat National Society Field Guide to Northwest Birds Help Wildlife and Watersheds Streaked horned lark Western red-backed Reptiles of the Northwest by Alan St. John Double-crested cormorant Purple martin American bittern Gray-tailed vole Freshwater Mussels of the Pacific Northwest by E. J. Nedeau, A. K. Smith, J. Stone and S. Jepsen Your actions make a difference Violet-green swallow Townsend’s vole  Remove fences, roads, impervious surfaces and other Great Northern rough-winged swallow Long-tailed vole barriers to wildlife movement and access to water, Green heron Cliff swallow food, and nesting and hiding areas. Black-crowned night heron Barn swallow Water vole Black-capped chickadee Common  Build a small water feature or pond. Greater white-fronted Chestnut-backed chickadee goose Bushtit Common porcupine Photography  Identify and control invasive plants. Red-breasted nuthatch Coyote Wood White-breasted nuthatch Red POSTER SIDE  Protect or plant native trees, shrubs, and groundcover Brown creeper Ackroyd Photography: City of Portland aerial that provide seeds, berries and nectar for wildlife. Use Bewick’s wren Black bear several kinds of plants and include flowers of different Eurasian widgeon Common Merlin D. Tuttle, Bat Conservation, www.batcon.org: shapes and colors that bloom at different times. American widgeon wren Ermine Blue-winged teal wren Long-tailed Bureau of Environmental Services Dave Helzer: Red-spotted garter snake  Install boxes and bat boxes, nesting platforms, Golden-crowned kinglet Casey Cunningham: Western bumblebee rock piles, and water features. Northern Ruby-crowned kinglet Striped Townsend’s solitaire Western Oregon Fish and Wildlife: Red legged frog  Leave dead trees as standing snags if possible. Birds Green-winged teal Swainson’s thrush Northern river otter Hermit thrush Cougar and rest on snags and use dead branches to build . H. David Specht: Satyr anglewing butterfly Bobcat Ring-necked duck Varied thrush California sea  Create brush piles for amphibians, reptiles, birds and Sue Bednarz: Pacific forktail damselfly, Western painted turtle mammals to provide shelter, nesting habitat, and places American Stellar’s to hide from predators. Cedar waxwing Roosevelt elk Jim Cruce: American kestrel, Black-tailed deer, Northern Flying squirrel -crowned warbler Black-tailed deer  Use natural alternatives to pesticides and fertilizers. Common Nashville warbler Visual Resources for (VIREO) Hooded merganser Yellow warbler B.K. Wheeler:  Keep your indoors and don’t feed . Common merganser Yellow-rumped warbler Brian E. Small: Anna’s hummingbird, Streaked horned lark, Townsend’s warbler Black-throated gray warbler G. Lasley: Lazuli bunting  Keep your on a leash, especially when walking in Townsend’s warbler Doug Wechsler: Peregrine falcon B. Henry: Pileated woodpecker natural areas, and near streams and wetlands. White-tailed kite Hermit warbler Bald eagle MacGillivray’s warbler J. Jantunen: Western screech owl Common yellowthroat G. Bartley: Varied thrush Sharp-shinned Wilson’s warbler J. Schumacher: Common yellowthroat B. Shaw: Northern harrier Cooper’s hawk Yellow-breasted chat T. Beck: Vaux’s swift Red-shouldered hawk Western A. Morris: Green heron Red-tailed hawk Spotted towhee American kestrel Chipping sparrow Greg Gillson: Rossevelt elk, River otter, Pygmy owl Merlin Vesper sparrow Fish rail Savannah sparrow Ash Creek Images: Coyote Sora Fox sparrow Chinook salmon Song sparrow Rob Schell: Pacific giant salamander Sandhill Lincoln’s sparrow River Black-bellied plover White-throated sparrow Western brook lamprey William Leonard: Vagrant shrew Semi-palmated plover White-crowned sparrow Pacific lamprey Golden-crowned sparrow White sturgeon Brandon Cole: Chinook salmon Greater yellowlegs Dark-eyed junco Chiselmouth Allan K. Smith: Fresh water mussels

1120 SW 5th, Portland Oregon, 97204 INFORMATION SIDE Bureau of Environmental Services: Pacific chorus frog, Chinook salmon www.portlandoregon.gov/bes Bob Sallinger: Peregrine falcon Leslie Winter-Gorsline: Douglas squirrel Sue Bednarz: Western painted turtles WS 1051 Poster © City of Portland Environmental Services Allan K. Smith: Fresh water mussels June 2010 Printed on recycled paper, chlorine-free, acid free manufacturing process