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Let Your Birding Adventure Take Flight at Tallgrass Prairie National

Let Your Birding Adventure Take Flight at Tallgrass Prairie National

Let your birding adventure take flight at PELICANS PLOVERS Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. This GOATSUCKERS ____ ____ American Golden-Plover ____ Common Nighthawk list covers all of Chase County, Kansas, ____ Brown Pelican ____ Semipalmated Plover ____ Common Poor-will including the preserve, so enjoy and ____ Killdeer ____ Chuck-will’s-widow CORMORANTS ____ Whip-poor-will prepare to be amazed at the of the ____ Double-crested Cormorant SANDPIPERS tallgrass prairie and all of what the tallgrass ____ Spotted Sandpiper SWIFTS prairie has to offer! ____ Greater Yellowlegs ____ Chimney Swift ____ American Bittern ____ Willet ____ Great Blue ____ Lesser Yellowlegs HUMMINGBIRDS ____ ____ Upland Sandpiper ____ Ruby-throated Hummingbird GEESE, SWANS, & ____ ____ Long-billed Curlew ____ Greater White-fronted Goose ____ Little Blue Heron ____ Semipalmated Sandpiper KINGFISHERS ____ ____ Cattle Egret ____ Western Sandpiper ____ Belted Kingfisher ____ Cackling Goose ____ Green Heron ____ Least Sandpiper ____ ____ Black-crowned Night-Heron ____ White-rumped Sandpiper WOODPECKERS ____ Swan ____ Baird’s Sandpiper ____ Red-headed Woodpecker ____ Wood ____ Pectoral Sandpiper ____ Red-bellied Woodpecker ____ ____ Roseate ____ Dunlin ____ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ____ American Wigeon ____ Stilt Sandpiper ____ Downy Woodpecker ____ VULTURES ____ Short-billed Dowitcher ____ Hairy Woodpecker ____ Blue-winged Teal ____ ____ Long-billed Dowitcher ____ Northern Flicker ____ Cinnamon Teal ____ Wilson’s Snipe ____ Pileated Woodpecker ____ Northern Shoveler HAWKS, EAGLES, & KITES ____ American ____ ____ Osprey ____ Wilson’s Phalarope FLYCATCHERS ____ Green-winged Teal ____ Mississippi Kite ____ Olive-sided Flycatcher ____ ____ GULLS & TERNS ____ Eastern Wood-Pewee ____ ____ Northern Harrier ____ Franklin’s Gull ____ Willow Flycatcher ____ Ring-necked Duck ____ Sharp-shinned Hawk ____ Bonaparte’s Gull ____ Least Flycatcher ____ Greater Scaup ____ Cooper’s Hawk ____ Ring-billed Gull ____ Eastern Phoebe ____ ____ Northern Goshawk ____ Herring Gull ____ Say’s Phoebe ____ Bufflehead ____ Red-shouldered Hawk ____ Black Tern ____ Great Crested Flycatcher ____ Common Goldeneye ____ Broad-winged Hawk ____ Forster’s Tern ____ Western Kingbird ____ Hooded Merganser ____ Swainson’s Hawk ____ Eastern Kingbird ____ Common Merganser ____ Red-tailed Hawk PIGEONS & DOVES ____ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ____ Red-breasted Merganser ____ Ferruginous Hawk ____ Rock Pigeon ____ Ruddy Duck ____ Rough-legged Hawk ____ Eurasian Collared-Dove SHRIKES ____ Golden Eagle ____ ____ Loggerhead Shrike GROUSE, PHEASANT, & TURKEY ____ Ring-necked Pheasant FALCONS CUCKOOS VIREOS ____ Greater Prairie-Chicken ____ American Kestrel ____ Yellow-billed Cuckoo ____ White-eyed Vireo ____ ____ Merlin ____ Black-billed Cuckoo ____ Bell’s Vireo ____ Peregrine Falcon ____ Blue-headed Vireo QUAIL ____ Prairie Falcon BARN ____ Warbling Vireo ____ ____ Barn ____ Philadelphia Vireo RAILS, GALLINULES, & COOTS ____ Red-eyed Vireo LOONS ____ Virginia Rail TYPICAL OWLS ____ Red-throated Loon ____ Sora ____ Eastern Screech-Owl JAYS, CROWS, & MAGPIES ____ Common Loon ____ Purple Gallinule ____ Great Horned Owl ____ Blue Jay ____ American Coot ____ Snowy Owl ____ Black-billed Magpie GREBES ____ Burrowing Owl ____ American Crow ____ Pied-billed Grebe CRANES ____ Barred Owl ____ Horned Grebe ____ Sandhill Crane ____ Long-eared Owl LARKS ____ Eared Grebe ____ Whooping Crane ____ Short-eared Owl ____ Horned Lark SWALLOWS WAXWINGS SPARROWS, continued ____ Purple Martin ____ Cedar Waxwing ____ Lapland Longspur National Park Service ____ Tree Swallow ____ Smith’s Longspur U.S. Department of the Interior ____ Northern Rough-winged Swallow WARBLERS ____ Chestnut-collared Longspur Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve ____ Bank Swallow ____ Tennessee Warbler Strong City, Kansas ____ Cliff Swallow ____ Orange-crowned Warbler GROSBEAKS & BUNTINGS ____ Barn Swallow ____ Nashville Warbler ____ Northern Cardinal ____ Northern Parula ____ Rose-breasted Grosbeak Birds Of The Preserve & CHICKADEES & TITMICE ____ Yellow Warbler ____ Black-headed Grosbeak ____ Black-capped Chickadee ____ Chestnut-sided Warbler ____ Blue Grosbeak ____ Tufted Titmouse ____ Black-throated Blue Warbler ____ Indigo Bunting Chase County, Kansas ____ Yellow-rumped Warbler ____ Painted Bunting NUTHATCHES ____ Black-throated Green Warbler ____ Dickcissel ____ Red-breasted Nuthatch ____ Blackburnian Warbler ____ White-breasted Nuthatch ____ Palm Warbler BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES ____ Bay-breasted Warbler ____ Bobolink CREEPERS ____ Blackpoll Warbler ____ Red-winged Blackbird ____ Brown Creeper ____ Black-and-White Warbler ____ Eastern Meadowlark ____ American Redstart ____ Western Meadowlark WRENS ____ Prothonotary Warbler ____ Yellow-headed Blackbird ____ Carolina Wren ____ Ovenbird ____ Rusty Blackbird ____ Bewick’s Wren ____ Northern Waterthrush ____ Brewer’s Blackbird ____ House Wren ____ Louisiana Waterthrush ____ Common Grackle ____ Winter Wren ____ Mourning Warbler ____ Great-tailed Grackle ____ Common Yellowthroat ____ Brown-headed Cowbird KINGLETS ____ Wilson’s Warbler ____ Orchard Oriole BIO 554 / 754 ____ Golden-crowned Kinglet ____ Yellow-breasted Chat ____ Baltimore Oriole Eastern Kentucky University ____ Ruby-crowned Kinglet TANAGERS FINCHES GNATCATCHERS ____ Summer Tanager ____ Purple Finch ____ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ____ Scarlet Tanager ____ House Finch ____ Western Tanager ____ Pine Siskin THRUSHES ____ American Goldfinch ____ Eastern Bluebird SPARROWS ____ Evening Grosbeak ____ Mountain Bluebird ____ Spotted Towhee ____ Townsend’s Solitaire ____ American Tree Sparrow OLD WORLD SPARROWS BIO 554 / 754 ____ Gray-cheeked Thrush ____ Chipping Sparrow ____ House Sparrow Eastern Kentucky University ____ Swainson’s Thrush ____ Clay-colored Sparrow ____ Hermit Thrush ____ Field Sparrow Birding tips: Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve is a public/ ____ Wood Thrush ____ Vesper Sparrow 1. Find a field guide or birding checklist and take ____ American Robin ____ Lark Sparrow private partnership between the National Park some time to study. Start out by identifying a ____ Lark Bunting Service (the primary land manager) and The representative from each family group. MOCKINGBIRDS & THRASHERS ____ Savannah Sparrow Nature Conservancy (the primary land owner). 2. Consider a bird’s habitat, range, and seasonal ____ Gray Catbird ____ Grasshopper Sparrow variation to help narrow down the possible number ____ Northern Mockingbird ____ Henslow’s Sparrow ____ Brown Thrasher ____ Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow of birds to identify in a particular area. ____ Sparrow 3. Improve the chances for identification by noting STARLINGS ____ Song Sparrow a bird’s “field marks,” such as shape, size, colors, ____ European Starling ____ Lincoln’s Sparrow markings, sounds, behaviors, and flight patterns. ____ Swamp Sparrow 4. Birding can be enjoyed with one’s eyes alone, but a PIPITS ____ White-throated Sparrow small pair of medium-power binoculars can greatly ____ American Pipit ____ Harris’s Sparrow Printed on enhance the experience. Please recycle ____ Sprague’s Pipit ____ White-crowned Sparrow recycled paper 5. Show respect for nature and others by causing as ____ Dark-eyed Junco little disturbance as possible while birding.