 Nashville Warbler  *† KINGLETS  Northern Parula*†  Golden-crowned Kinglet EMBERIZIDS  Yellow Warbler*†  Eastern Towhee*† Birding  Ruby-crowned Kinglet  Chestnut-sided Warbler  American Tree Sparrow CHICKADEES, ,  Magnolia Warbler  Chipping Sparrow*† & ALLIES  Cape May Warbler  Field Sparrow*†  Carolina Chickadee*†  Black-throated Blue Warbler Checklist  Vesper Sparrow  Tufted Titmouse*†  Yellow-rumped Warbler  Sparrow  Red-breasted  Black-throated Green Warbler USDA Forest Service  Savannah Sparrow  White-breasted Nuthatch*†   Grasshopper Sparrow  Brown Creeper  Yellow-throated Warbler*† Land Between the Lakes  Henslow’s Sparrow  Pine Warbler*†  Le Conte’s Sparrow National Recreation Area  Warbler*†  Carolina *†  Sparrow Western Kentucky and Tennessee  Palm Warbler  Bewick’s Wren  Song Sparrow  Bay-breasted Warbler Experience this “green” corridor surrounded by  House Wren*†  Lincoln’s Sparrow  Winter Wren  two flowing rivers.  Swamp Sparrow  Cerulean Warbler*†  Sedge Wren  White-throated Sparrow Listen and look for nearly 250 of  Black-and-white Warbler*†  Marsh Wren  White-crowned Sparrow travel along the Mississippi Flyway.  American Redstart*†  Dark-eyed Junco THRUSHES  Prothonotary Warbler*† Record your sightings on this list as you  Eastern Bluebird*†  Lapland Longspur surround yourself with nature.  Worm-eating Warbler*†  Veery  Swainson’s Warbler BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES  Gray-cheeked *†  Bobolink Recommended Birding Spots  Swainson’s Thrush  Northern  Red-winged Blackbird*†  Kentucky Dam and Barkley Dam  Hermit Thrush  *†  Eastern Meadowlark*†  Hematite Lake and Trail  Wood Thrush*†  *†  Rusty Blackbird  American Robin*†  Warbler  Common Grackle*†  Honker Lake, Bay, and Trail

CARDINALS, SALTATORS,   Brown-headed Cowbird*†  Woodlands Nature Station & ALLIES  Common *†  Orchard Oriole*†  North/South Trail from Sugar Bay to  Northern Cardinal*†  Hooded Warbler*†  *† Rhodes Bay  Rose-breasted Grosbeak  Wilson’s Warbler FINCHES  Long Creek Refuge - Forest Service Road  Blue Grosbeak*†  Warbler  Purple Finch 151 off of Hwy 68/80  Indigo Bunting*†  Yellow-breasted Chat*†  Dickcissel  House Finch*†  Energy Lake TANAGERS  Pine Siskin  & Bison Prairie WAGTAILS &  Summer Tanager*†  American Goldfinch*†  South Oak Demonstration Area  American *†  Evening Grosbeak  Homeplace 1850s Working Farm WAXWINGS MOCKINGBIRDS & THRASHERS SPARROWS  Fort Henry Trail System  Cedar Waxwing  Gray Catbird*†  *†  Northern Mockingbird*†  South Welcome Station and Bear Creek STARLINGS  European Starling*† Birders can record sightings online at www..org/content/ebird/. For more information: WOOD-WARBLERS Birders needed: Help teach visitors about native birds of prey, volunteer at our 800.525.7077 or 270.924.2000  Blue-winged Warbler*† annual Hummingbird Festival, or take part in the Christmas Bird Count. If www.landbetweenthelakes.us  Golden-winged Warbler interested, contact Woodlands Nature Station at 270.924.2299.  Tennessee Warbler Thank you to Brainard Palmer-Ball, the Kentucky State Nature Preserves  Orange-crowned Warbler Commission, the Kentucky Ornithological Society, and the Tennessee Ornithological Society for their assistance in compiling our Bird Checklist.

Updated February 2017 USDA is an equal opportunity employer, lender and provider.  Wilson’s Snipe & ALLIES Birding Checklist  American *†  Red-headed *†  Wilson’s Phalarope  Red-bellied Woodpecker*† Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area  Yellow-bellied Sapsucker GULLS, TERNS, & SKIMMERS  Downy Woodpecker*† Likely Present During Nesting Season — indicated by an asterisk (*)  Laughing Gull  Hairy Woodpecker*†  Franklin’s Gull Confirmed Nesting Species — indicated by a cross (†) TURKEY  Northern Flicker*†  Bonaparte’s Gull LOONS  *†  Pileated Woodpecker*†  Blue-winged Teal  Ring-billed Gull  Red-throated Loon  Northern Shoveler  Herring Gull TYRANT FLYCATCHERS  Pacific Loon NEW WORLD QUAIL   Thayer’s Gull  Olive-sided Flycatcher  Common Loon  *†  Green-winged Teal  Eastern Wood-Pewee*†  Lesser Black-backed Gull RAILS, GALLINULES, & COOTS GREBES   Glaucous Gull  Yellow-bellied Flycatcher  Sora  Pied-billed Grebe   Great Black-backed Gull  Acadian Flycatcher*†  American Coot  Horned Grebe  Ring-necked  Sabine’s Gull  Alder Flycatcher  Sandhill Crane  Red-necked Grebe  Greater Scaup Black-legged Kittiwake  Flycatcher   Eared Grebe  PLOVERS  Least Tern  Least Flycatcher  Western Grebe  Surf Scoter  Black-bellied Plover  Caspian Tern  Eastern Phoebe*†  White-winged Scoter  American Golden-Plover  Black Tern  Great Crested Flycatcher*† PELICANS  Black Scoter  Semipalmated Plover   Eastern Kingbird*†  American White Pelican  Long-tailed Duck Forster’s Tern  Piping Plover  SHRIKES CORMORANTS  Bufflehead  Killdeer*† PIGEONS & DOVES  Loggerhead Shrike  Double-crested Cormorant *†  Common Goldeneye Rock Pigeon*†  Hooded Merganser* STILTS & AVOCETS  VIREOS BITTERNS, HERONS, & ALLIES  Common Merganser  Black-necked Stilt  *†  White-eyed Vireo*†  American Bittern  American Avocet  Red-breasted Merganser CUCKOOS  Yellow-throated Vireo*†  Least Bittern  Ruddy Duck , PHALAROPES, &  Yellow-billed Cuckoo*†  Blue-headed Vireo  Great Blue Heron*† ALLIES  Black-billed Cuckoo*†  Warbling Vireo*†  Great Egret*† NEW WORLD VULTURES  Spotted  Philadelphia Vireo Snowy Egret*†  Black Vulture*   Solitary Sandpiper  Red-eyed Vireo*†  Turkey Vulture*  Little Blue Heron*†  Greater Yellowlegs  Barn  Cattle Egret*† JAYS AND CROWS , KITES, EAGLES, & ALLIES  Willet  Eastern Screech-Owl*†  *†  Green Heron*†  Osprey*†  Lesser Yellowlegs  Great *†  American Crow*†  Black-crowned Night-Heron*†  Mississippi Kite  Ruddy Turnstone  Barred Owl*†  Fish Crow*  Yellow-crowned Night-Heron*†  Bald Eagle*†  Red Knot GOATSUCKERS , GEESE, & SWANS  Northern Harrier  Sanderling  Common Nighthawk  Greater White-fronted Goose  Sharp-shinned *†  Semipalmated Sandpiper  Chuck-will’s-widow*  Horned Lark   Cooper’s Hawk*†  Western Sandpiper  Whip-poor-will*† SWALLOWS  Cackling Goose  Red-shouldered Hawk*†  Least Sandpiper  Purple Martin*†  *†  Broad-winged Hawk*†  White-rumped Sandpiper SWIFTS  *  *†  Mute Swan  Red-tailed Hawk*†  Baird’s Sandpiper  Pectoral Sandpiper  Northern Rough-winged  Swan  Rough-legged Hawk HUMMINGBIRDS Swallow*† Dunlin  Trumpeter Swan  Golden Eagle   Ruby-throated Hummingbird*†  Bank Swallow

*†  Stilt Sandpiper  Cliff Swallow*†  Buff-breasted Sandpiper KINGFISHERS   American *†  Barn Swallow*†  Short-billed Dowitcher  Belted Kingfisher*†  American Wigeon   Long-billed Dowitcher GNATCATCHERS   Peregrine  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher*†  *†