
Name of Observer Big Bear Lake Start Date/Time Wild Checklist - End Date/Time

Ducks, Geese & Swans Vultures Gulls, & Skimmers ⸏⸏Red-breasted Sapsucker ⸏⸏Red-breasted Nuthatch ⸏⸏Chipping Sparrow ⸏⸏American Wigeon ⸏⸏ Vulture ⸏⸏ Gull ⸏⸏White-headed Woodpecker ⸏⸏White-breasted Nuthatch ⸏⸏Dark-eyed Junco ⸏⸏Blue-winged Teal Hawks, Eagles & Falcons ⸏⸏Caspian ⸏⸏Williamson’s Sapsucker ⸏⸏Brown Creeper ⸏⸏ Sparrow ⸏⸏Bufflehead ⸏⸏Bald Eagle ⸏⸏Forster’s Tern ⸏⸏Lewis’s Woodpecker Wrens, Kinglets & ⸏⸏Golden-crowned Sparrow Gnatcatchers ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Cooper’s Hawk ⸏⸏Ring-billed Gull Flycatchers ⸏⸏Green-tailed Towhee ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Golden Eagle ⸏⸏Black Tern ⸏⸏Ash-throated Flycatcher ⸏⸏Bewick’s Wren ⸏⸏Lark Sparrow ⸏⸏Cinnamon Teal ⸏⸏Northern Harrier ⸏⸏Bonaparte’s Gull ⸏⸏Cassin’s Kingbird ⸏⸏House Wren ⸏⸏Lincoln’s Sparrow ⸏⸏Common Merganser ⸏⸏Red-shouldered Hawk ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Dusky Flycatcher ⸏⸏Rock Wren ⸏⸏Sagebrush Sparrow ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Red-tailed Hawk ⸏⸏Franklin’s Gull ⸏⸏Gray Flycatcher ⸏⸏Cactus Wren ⸏⸏Savannah Sparrow ⸏⸏Green-winged Teal ⸏⸏Sharp-shinned Hawk ⸏⸏Herring Gull ⸏⸏Olive-sided Flycatcher ⸏⸏Canyon Wren ⸏⸏Song Sparrow ⸏⸏Hooded Merganser ⸏⸏White-tailed Kite ⸏⸏Lesser Black-backed Gull ⸏⸏Pacific-slope Flycatcher ⸏⸏American Dipper ⸏⸏Spotted Towhee ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Northern Goshawk ⸏⸏Long-tailed Jaeger ⸏⸏Say’s Phoebe ⸏⸏Golden-crowned Kinglet ⸏⸏White-crowned Sparrow ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Ferruginous Hawk Pigeons & Doves ⸏⸏Western Kingbird ⸏⸏Ruby-crowned Kinglet ⸏⸏White-throated Sparrow ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Rough-legged Hawk ⸏⸏Band-tailed Pigeon ⸏⸏Western Wood-Pewee ⸏⸏Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ⸏⸏Black-chinned Sparrow ⸏⸏Northern Shoveler ⸏⸏Swainson’s Hawk ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Hammond’s Flycatcher Thrushes, Mockingbirds & ⸏⸏Black-throated Sparrow Thrashers ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Black Kite ⸏⸏Rock Pigeon ⸏⸏Black Phoebe ⸏⸏California Towhee ⸏⸏American Robin ⸏⸏Ring-necked ⸏⸏Osprey ⸏⸏Eurasian Collared-Dove ⸏⸏Vermilion Flycatcher ⸏⸏Vesper Sparrow ⸏⸏Hermit Thrush ⸏⸏Ruddy Duck ⸏⸏American Kestrel ⸏⸏Willow Flycatcher ⸏⸏House Sparrow ⸏⸏Mountain ⸏⸏Barrow’s Goldeneye ⸏⸏Merlin ⸏⸏Great Horned Shrikes & Vireos Cardinals & Tanagers ⸏⸏Townsend’s Solitaire ⸏⸏Common Goldeneye ⸏⸏Prairie Falcon ⸏⸏Western Screech-Owl ⸏⸏Loggerhead Shrike ⸏⸏Black-headed Grosbeak ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Greater Scaup ⸏⸏Peregrine Falcon ⸏⸏Northern Pygmy-Owl ⸏⸏Cassin’s Vireo ⸏⸏Western Tanager ⸏⸏Swainson’s Thrush ⸏⸏Greater White-fronted Rails & Coots ⸏⸏Northern Saw-whet Owl ⸏⸏Hutton’s Vireo ⸏⸏Lazuli Bunting Goose ⸏⸏Wrentit ⸏⸏American Coot ⸏⸏Flammulated Owl ⸏⸏Plumbeous Vireo ⸏⸏Hepatic Tanager ⸏⸏Red-breasted Merganser ⸏⸏Northern Mockingbird ⸏⸏Sora ⸏⸏Long-eared Owl ⸏⸏Warbling Vireo Blackbirds, Orioles & ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏Sage Thrasher Meadowlarks ⸏⸏Virginia ⸏⸏Spotted Owl ⸏⸏Gray Vireo ⸏⸏California Thrasher ⸏⸏Brewer’s Blackbird Lapwings & Plovers Nightjars Jays & Crows ⸏⸏Mountain Quail Starlings, Pipits & ⸏⸏Brown-headed Cowbird ⸏⸏Killdeer ⸏⸏Common Nighthawk ⸏⸏American Crow Waxwings ⸏⸏California Quail ⸏⸏Bullock’s Oriole ⸏⸏Snowy Plover ⸏⸏Common Poorwill ⸏⸏California Scrub-Jay ⸏⸏European Starling & ⸏⸏Red-winged Blackbird ⸏⸏Semipalmated Plover ⸏⸏Lesser Nighthawk ⸏⸏Clark’s Nutcracker ⸏⸏American Pipit ⸏⸏Pacific ⸏⸏Western Meadowlark ⸏⸏Mountain Plover ⸏⸏Mexican Whip-poor-will ⸏⸏Common Raven ⸏⸏Cedar Waxwing ⸏⸏Yellow-billed Loon ⸏⸏Scott’s Oriole Stilts & Avocets Swifts ⸏⸏Pinyon Jay ⸏⸏Phainopepla ⸏⸏Eared ⸏⸏Great-tailed Grackle ⸏⸏American Avocet ⸏⸏Vaux’s Swift ⸏⸏Steller’s Jay Warblers ⸏⸏Pied-billed Grebe ⸏⸏Hooded Oriole ⸏⸏Black-necked Stilt ⸏⸏White-throated Swift Larks & Swallows ⸏⸏Western Grebe ⸏⸏Black-throated Gray ⸏⸏Yellow-headed Blackbird Sandpipers ⸏⸏Black Swift ⸏⸏Horned Lark Warbler ⸏⸏Clark’s Grebe Finches ⸏⸏Greater Yellowlegs ⸏⸏Bank Swallow ⸏⸏MacGillivray’s Warbler ⸏⸏ ⸏⸏American Goldfinch ⸏⸏Least Sandpiper ⸏⸏Allen’s ⸏⸏Barn Swallow ⸏⸏Orange-crowned Warbler Pelicans & Cormorants ⸏⸏Cassin’s Finch ⸏⸏Long-billed Dowitcher ⸏⸏Anna’s Hummingbird ⸏⸏Cliff Swallow ⸏⸏Wilson’s Warbler ⸏⸏American White Pelican ⸏⸏House Finch ⸏⸏Marbled Godwit ⸏⸏Black-chinned ⸏⸏Northern Rough-winged ⸏⸏Yellow Warbler ⸏⸏Brown Pelican Swallow ⸏⸏Lesser Goldfinch ⸏⸏Spotted Sandpiper Hummingbird ⸏⸏Yellow-rumped Warbler ⸏⸏Double-crested Cormorant ⸏⸏Tree Swallow ⸏⸏Pine Siskin ⸏⸏Western Sandpiper ⸏⸏Calliope Hummingbird ⸏⸏Common Yellowthroat Herons & Egrets ⸏⸏Violet-green Swallow ⸏⸏Purple Finch ⸏⸏Wilson’s Phalarope ⸏⸏Costa’s Hummingbird ⸏⸏Hermit Warbler ⸏⸏Purple Martin ⸏⸏Red Crossbill ⸏⸏Black-crowned Night- ⸏⸏Baird’s Sandpiper ⸏⸏Rufous Hummingbird ⸏⸏Nashville Warbler Heron Chickadees, Titmice & ⸏⸏Evening Grosbeak ⸏⸏Lesser Yellowlegs Kingfishers & Woodpeckers ⸏⸏Townsend’s Warbler ⸏⸏Great Blue Heron Bushtits ⸏⸏Lawrence’s Goldfinch ⸏⸏Pectoral Sandpiper ⸏⸏Belted Kingfisher ⸏⸏Virginia’s Warbler ⸏⸏Great Egret ⸏⸏Mountain Chickadee _____ Total ⸏⸏Red-necked Phalarope ⸏⸏Acorn Woodpecker ⸏⸏Painted Redstart ⸏⸏American Bittern ⸏⸏Oak Titmouse ⸏⸏Semipalmated Sandpiper ⸏⸏Downy Woodpecker ⸏⸏Yellow-breasted Chat Endangered, Threatened, or Sensitive ⸏⸏Green Heron ⸏⸏Bushtit ⸏⸏Solitary Sandpiper ⸏⸏Hairy Woodpecker Towhees & Sparrows Uncommon or Rare ⸏⸏Snowy Egret Nuthatches & Creepers This checklist was sourced from both sighting data and local ⸏⸏Willet ⸏⸏Northern Flicker ⸏⸏Bell’s Sparrow expert observation. are listed in traditional order/family ⸏⸏White-faced Ibis ⸏⸏Pygmy Nuthatch sequence established by the American Ornithologists’ Union. ⸏⸏Common Snipe ⸏⸏Nuttall’s Woodpecker ⸏⸏Brewer’s Sparrow ©2018 Chirp Nature Centers - chirpforbirds.com Big Bear Lake, California


Wild Bird Checklist

The Six Joys of Birding 1.) Beauty – an aesthetic pleasure of the birds, their flight and songs, and the nature that surrounds them 2.) Simplicity – can be performed almost anywhere, spontaneously, with little or no gear 3.) Discovery – the satisfaction of puzzle-solving identifications and observing new behaviors, plus the thrill of first seeing something that had previously captured your imagination but eluded you 4.) Collection – the act of accumulating sightings and keeping checklist satisfies Nature Centers Nature a collector’s impulse, without the need This free checklist brought to you by for storage

5.) Hunting – the innate thrill of a hunt, 40850 Village (888) 412-4477 . in Big Bear Lake or call Dr . A free pocket guide to the birds of: without the harm Big Bear Lake, Big Bear City, Fawnskin, Sugarloaf, Baldwin Lake, Erwin Lake, Lake

6.) Connection – connect to nature, and and gifts at supplies, resources, Get the latest wild bird checklists, Williams, & the surrounding National Forest, Visit us at socially to others in groups, or alone, Suggestions? Corrections? [email protected] . chirpforbirds.com in San Bernardino County, California, USA as you prefer