
Green-winged Teal HUMMINGBIRDS Solitary Ruby-throated Hummingbird Greater Yellowlegs Goose Pond Sanctuary’s Willet Ring-necked RAILS THROUGH CRANES Lesser Yellowlegs LIST * Yellow Rail Wilson’s King Rail Red-necked Phalarope Updated August 2018 Harlequin Duck * Rail AND Black Scoter * Sora Bonaparte’s Long-tailed Duck * are at the heart of our work. Madison Audubon Society’s Goose Pond Common Gallinule Little Gull * Bufflehead American Coot Laughing Gull Sanctuary was established in 1968, originally to protect the waterfowl that Common Goldeneye Sandhill Crane Franklin’s Gull flocked to the resource-rich prairie pothole for which the sanctuary is named. Hooded Merganser Whooping Crane * Ring-billed Gull Since then, we have expanded our work and vision to include conservation of Common Merganser Herring Gull many species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, , and plants. Red-breasted Merganser SHOREBIRDS Black Ruddy Duck Black-necked Stilt * Laura Erickson (former MAS board member) took the lead on creating the first American Avocet Forster’s Tern bird checklist for Goose Pond Sanctuary in 1978, with assistance of MAS and BOBWHITE THROUGH TURKEY Black-bellied Plover Wisconsin Society for Ornithology members and records. They documented a American Golden-Plover LOONS Gray Partridge Semipalmated Plover Red-throated Loon * stunning 223 species. To celebrate the sanctuary’s 50th anniversary in 2018, Mark Ring-necked Pheasant Piping Plover Common Loon Martin and Susan Foote-Martin, again with MAS and WSO members and * Killdeer records, and eBird documentation found 38 new species between 1978 and * Upland Sandpiper CORMORANTS 2018, and another two species in old records from the 1950s. Whimbrel Double-crested Cormorant * restoration at Goose Pond Sanctuary, along with bird conservation done more GREBES Hudsonian broadly, have helped increase the number of birds on the checklist to 263. The Pied-billed Grebe Marbled Godwit PELICANS 2018 additions are denoted with an asterisk (*), and 1950s records marked with Horned Grebe Ruddy American White Pelican * Red-necked Grebe a double asterisk (**). Red Knot Eared Grebe Ruff * THOUGH Western Grebe American You’re invited to explore the sanctuary. How many species will you find? Sanderling PIGEONS AND DOVES Dunlin madisonaudubon.org/goose-pond Great Blue Rock Pigeon Baird’s Sandpiper Great Egret Eurasian Collared-Dove * Least Sandpiper Little Blue Heron White-rumped Sandpiper GEESE, SWANS, AND Swan Cattle Egret Buff-breasted Sandpiper Fulvous Whistling-Duck * Green Heron * Pectoral Sandpiper Greater White-fronted Goose CUCKOOS Black-crowned Night-Heron Semipalmated Sandpiper Eurasian Wigeon Yellow-billed Cuckoo * Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * Western Sandpiper Ross’s Goose * American Wigeon Black-billed Cuckoo White-faced Ibis * Short-billed Brant * Long-billed Dowitcher Cackling Goose * NIGHTJARS AND SWIFT RAPTORS Wilson’s Snipe Goose Blue-winged Teal Common Nighthawk Turkey Vulture American Mute Swan * Northern Shoveler Chimney Swift Osprey Spotted Sandpiper Trumpeter Swan * Bald Eagle Northern Harrier Eastern Phoebe KINGLETS LONGSPURS AND SNOW Lincoln’s Sparrow Sharp-shinned Great Crested Flycatcher Golden-crowned Kinglet BUNTING Cooper’s Hawk Tropical Kingbird Ruby-crowned Kinglet Lapland Longspur White-throated Sparrow Eastern Kingbird Harris’s Sparrow * Red-shouldered Hawk THRUSHES White-crowned Sparrow Broad-winged Hawk Eastern Bluebird WARBLERS Dark-eyed Junco Red-tailed Hawk Loggerhead * Veery Ovenbird Rough-legged Hawk Gray-cheeked Northern Waterthrush TANAGERS THROUGH Golden Eagle Swainson’s Thrush Golden-winged Warbler DICKCISSEL Hermit Thrush Blue-winged Warbler * Scarlet Tanager Philadelphia Wood Thrush Black-and-white Warbler Northern Cardinal Barn ** Tennessee Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak Eastern Screech-Owl Red-eyed Vireo Orange-crowned Warbler Indigo Bunting GRAY CATBIRD THROUGH Nashville Warbler Dickcissel JAYS THROUGH HORNED STARLING Mourning Warbler Great Gray Owl * Blue Jay Gray Catbird Common Yellowthroat BLACKBIRDS Long-eared Owl American Crow Brown Thrasher American Redstart Bobolink Short-eared Owl Northern Mockingbird * Cape May Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Northern Saw-whet Owl * European Starling Magnolia Warbler Eastern Meadowlark SWALLOWS Bay-breasted Warbler Western Meadowlark KINGFISHER Purple Martin Blackburnian Warbler Yellow-headed Blackbird Belted Kingfisher Tree Swallow Bohemian ** Yellow Warbler Rusty Blackbird Northern Rough-winged Swallow Chestnut-sided Warbler Brewer’s Blackbird WOODPECKERS Bank Swallow Blackpoll Warbler Red-headed Woodpecker Cliff Swallow WEAVER Palm Warbler Brown-headed Cowbird Red-bellied Woodpecker Barn Swallow House Sparrow Yellow-rumped Warbler Orchard Oriole * Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Black-throated Green Warbler Baltimore Oriole Downy Woodpecker CHICKADEES THROUGH PIPIT Wilson’s Warbler Hairy Woodpecker BROWN CREEPER American Pipit Northern Flicker Black-capped Chickadee TOWHEES AND SPARROWS Pileated Woodpecker * Tufted Titmouse * FINCHES

Red-breasted Nuthatch Grosbeak American Tree Sparrow FALCONS White-breasted Nuthatch House * Brown Creeper Purple Finch Clay-colored Sparrow madison * Common Redpoll Field Sparrow Gyrfalcon * WRENS Pine Siskin AUDUBON Peregrine Falcon House Wren American Goldfinch

Sedge Wren Evening Grosbeak Sparrow FLYCATCHERS Marsh Wren Henslow’s Sparrow * society Eastern Wood-Pewee Le Conte’s Sparrow madisonaudubon.org/goose-pond Alder Flycatcher GNATCATCHER Nelson’s Sparrow Willow Flycatcher Blue-gray Gnatcatcher * Sparrow Least Flycatcher