ACADÉMIE ROYALE Des Sciences, Des Lettres & Des Beaux-Arts DE

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ACADÉMIE ROYALE Des Sciences, Des Lettres & Des Beaux-Arts DE ACADÉMIE ROYALE des sciences, des lettres & des beaux-arts DE BELGIQUE Cette œuvre littéraire est soumise à la législation belge en matière de droit d'auteur. Elle a été publiée et numérisée par l'Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Utilisation L’Académie royale de Belgique met gratuitement à la disposition du public les copies numérisées d’œuvres littéraires appartenant au domaine public : aucune rémunération ne peut être réclamée par des tiers ni pour leur consultation ni au prétexte du droit d’auteur. Pour les œuvres ne faisant pas encore partie du domaine public, l’Académie royale de Belgique aura pris soin de conclure un accord avec les ayants droit afin de permettre leur numérisation et mise à disposition. Les documents numérisés peuvent être utilisés à des fins de recherche, d’enseignement ou à usage privé. 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Cette action pourra être accompagnée de l'avertissement « Vous accédez à un document du site web de l'Académie royale de Belgique ». Reproduction Sous format électronique Pour toutes les utilisations autorisées mentionnées dans ce règlement, le téléchargement, la copie et le stockage des données numériques sont permis ; à l'exception du dépôt dans une autre base de données, qui est interdit. Sous format papier Pour toutes les utilisations autorisées mentionnées dans le présent texte, les fac-similés exacts, les impressions et les photocopies, ainsi que le copié/collé sont permis. Références Quel que soit le support de reproduction, la suppression des références à l'Académie royale de Belgique dans les copies numériques est interdite. ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE BELGIQUE MÉMOIRES DE LA CLASSE DES LETTRES Collection in-8°-2e série, T. LXVI - Fascicule 4 - 1985 Revolution in Brussels 1787-1793 by Janet L. POLASKY University of New Hampshire BRUXELLES - PALAIS DES ACADÉMIES ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE BELGIQUE MÉMOIRES DE LA CLASSE DES LETTRES Collection in-8°-2c série, T. LXVI - Fascicule 4 - 1985 Revolution in Brussels 1787-1793 by Janet L. POLASKY University of New Hampshire Impression décidée le 29 mars 1982 BRUXELLES - PALAIS DES ACADÉMIES Imprimerie J. Duculot, s.a., Gemblou) N° 1911 - Dépôt légal D. 1985.0092.4 Acknowledgements Many people have helped in the writing of this book. Finan• cial assistance from the Belgian Education Foundation, Stan• ford University, and the Mabelle McLeod Lewis Memorial Fund supported my original dissertation work from 1975 through 1978. Summer grants from the Haynes Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities as well as fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the Graves Foundation have allowed me to return to Belgium in the summers to complete additional research and to take a year's leave from teaching to complete my manuscript. The staffs at the Bibliothèque Royale, the Archives Générales du Royaume, and the Archief in Bornem have aided me through• out my research. Specialists in Belgian history first generously welcomed me to their circle in 1975 ; they have continued to support and guide my study. Professor Jean Stengers, who helped me to focus my original research in the Brabant Revolution, has been a constant and invaluable source of advice and assistance. Professor Stengers together with Professors Jan Craeybeckx and Val Lorwin have shared their curiosity and love for their subject with me, as well as their seemingly inexhaustible store of knowledge. The list of scholars in eighteenth century studies who have discussed their work with me is long ; I am especially indebted to Dr. Jan Roegiers and Drs. Luc Dhondt. Dr. Jean Jacques Heirwegh gratiously and knowledgeably corrected the page proofs, and prepared the maps. Finally, among the list of specialists in Belgian history, I owe thanks to the Schepers family who invited me into their home as an exchange student many years ago and who along with my friends at 7 Arend- straat have cheerfully welcomed me back almost every summer since that first visit to Belgium. The assistance provided by my professors at Carleton Col• lege and Stanford University has been invaluable. I am grate• ful to Professor Carl Weiner for first encouraging me to 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS become a historian by his example and for teaching me to think critically. Professors Nan Keohane and Carolyn Lougee carefully read drafts of the dissertation, providing valuable suggestions for revisions. And to my advisor. Gordon Wright, 1 owe a greater debt than I can begin to express. Never too busy to help, he has kindly, patiently, and knowledgeably assisted me at every stage of my work. Finally, I am grateful for the support of my family and friends. Fellow students at Stanford and colleagues at Macales- ter College, the University of Redlands, and the University of New Hampshire have been a source of constant support and cheerful encouragement. Without the assistance of my mother and Bill Lyons, the writing of this book would never have been possible. They have edited, suggested, proof-read, typed, sup• ported, tolerated, and encouraged. This book is dedicated to them and to my father, to whom 1 owe my inspiration. Table of contents INTRODUCTION 9 Chapter I BRUSSELS IN THE AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS The City of Brussels 15 Provincial Administration at the End of the Ancien Regime 16 Belgian Industrialization : A Survey 19 The Three Orders in Brussels 26 Chapter II THE RESISTANCE, 1780­1788 Joseph II 35 The First Belgian Reforms 39 The Judicial and Administrative Reforms 45 The Popularization of the Resistance 51 The Church Takes up the Battle 63 The Third Estate Alone 69 Chapter III REVOLUTION. 1789 A Funeral Ceremony : The Demise of Legal Protest 84 Pro Aris et Focis and the Breda Committee 88 Spies. Priests, and Pitchforks 106 L'Armée de la Lune 120 Chapter IV THE REPUBLIC 1790 Etats Belgiques Unis 130 The Opposition : A Bourgeois Coalition 139 Van der Mersch and the Militär)' Conspiracy : Civil War. 153 Van der Ν oofs Rule : Exile of the Democrats 168 Defeat of the Chosen 176 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter V TRANSITION, 1791-1792 The Austrians, the Democrats, and the Estates : Three Programs 183 Three-party Stalemate 194 Exile 200 The First French Invasion 207 Chapter VI OCCUPATION, 1792-1793 French Liberation 214 The Second Belgian Revolution 218 Resistance and Revolutionary Control 224 The French : Dumouriez and the Convention 233 1793 : Traditionalists, Democrats, and Jacobins 239 Annexation and Defeat 252 Chapter VII MONKS, COMMERCE AND ATLANTIC REVOLUTION " The Age of Democratic Revolution " 263 Traditionalists, Democrats and Jacobins 265 Conclusion · 273 SOURCES 277 APPENDIX 300 INDEX 305 List of tables 1. Professional backgrounds of the members: Original resistance, Breda Committee, and Pro Aris et Focis .. 106 2. Professional backgrounds of democrats, 1789 and 1790 166 3. Professional backgrounds of traditionalists, 1789 and 1790 166 4. Professional backgrounds of democrats and traditiona• lists, 1790 167 5. Professional backgrounds of democrats, 1789, 1790, and 1793 248 6. Professional backgrounds of traditionalists, 1789, 1790, and 1793 249 7. Professioal backgrounds in 1793 : traditionalists, demo• crats, and jacobins 250 List of maps 1. « Plan routier de Bruxelles avec ses divisions dressé et gravé par J. F. de la Rue, 1782 » 34-35 2. Austrian Netherlands in 1789, by Jean Jacques Heir- wegh (1985) 34-35 List of abbreviations AAB Archief, Abdij Bornem, Bornem. AVB Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles, Brussels. AGR Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels. AMAE Archives du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Paris. ADN Archives départementales du Nord, Lille. ANF Archives nationales de France, Paris. BGL Bibliotheek voor Godgeleerdheid, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Louvain. BRB Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels. HHS Haus- Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Vienna. PRO Public Record Office. London. ULB Bibliothèque, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels. Introduction Twice between 1787 and 1793 the Belgians revolted to gain their independence from the Austrians. In 1789. determined bands of pitchfork-wielding peasants and scantily armed arti• sans defeated the professional Austrian armies.
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