

John F. Mueller, Richard W. Vilter

J Clin Invest. 1950;29(2):193-201. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI102246.

Research Article

Find the latest version: https://jci.me/102246/pdf PYRIDOXINE DEFICIENCY IN HUMAN BEINGS INDUCED WITH DESOXYPYRIDOXINE 1 BY JOHN F. MUELLER AND RICHARD W. VILTER (From the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio) (Received for publication July 21, 1949) In 1934 Gybrgy (1.) announced the existence of pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy with this an essential for the rat which was distinct same material. Vilter, Schiro and Spies (15) re- from B1 and B2. He called it the "anti- ported an increase in the number of circulating leu- acrodynia" factor. For a while it carried the cocytes in patients with pellagra and pernicious name "Adermin" because rats deficient in this sub- anemia who received pyridoxine and later Cantor stance developed dermatitis, but after its synthesis and Scott (16) reported similar results in patients in 1939 by Harris and Folkers (2) it was renamed with agranulocytosis. Many enthusiastic reports pyridoxine. Thereafter numerous reports ap- have been published concerning the therapeutic peared concerning deficiency states in various ani- value of pyridoxine in women with nausea of mals deprived of this essential . Depri- (17) and patients with post-irradiation vation experiments in human beings have not sickness (18). Although all of these reports were produced clear-cut clinical results and human encouraging, none have withstood the test of time. pyridoxine requirements are unknown. A more specific effect in nutritionally deficient On a pyridoxine deficient diet young rats de- persons was reported by Spies, Bean, and Ashe velop a seborrhea-like dermatitis and in addition (19) who gave pyridoxine to patients previously convulsive seizures, muscular weakness (3), de- treated with other members of the vitamin B-com- crease in lymphoid tissue (4), and decreased cir- plex but who still had symptoms of weakness, in- culating antibodies (5). Puppies on such a diet somnia, nervousness, irritability and difficulty in develop a hypochromic anemia which responds walking. These symptoms were alleviated im- specifically to pyridoxine (6). Swine also develop mediately by pyridoxine. Later Smith and Mar- anemia, but in addition have epileptiform seizures tin (20) reported on cheilosis successfully treated and abnormalities of gait accompanied by lesions with synthetic . In 1948 an experi- of the central nervous system (7). Monkeys in mental study was reported by Hawkins and addition to weight loss and weakness develop a Barsky (21) on a human volunteer placed on a lymphocytopenia and an absolute increase in neu- vitamin B6 deficient diet for 54 days. The authors trophiles (8). were unable to state unequivocally that any specific It was only natural that many investigators changes occurred. should attempt to put this vitamin to a therapeutic Not only have the clinical aspects of pyridoxine trial against human ailments which were similar deficiency in animals been described but the patho- to the manifestations of pyridoxine deficiency in logical-physiology of pyridoxine deprivation has animals. Pehl (9) used pyridoxine in seborrheic received considerable attention. There is good dermatitis of children with little effect. Later evidence that pyridoxine and the members of the Jolliffe, Rosenblum and Sawhill (10) treated acne vitamin B6 complex which occur in foods, pyri- vulgaris and Wright, Samitz and Brown (11) doxal and , function as codecarboxy- treated seborrhea, atopic eczema and other ecze- lases (22) and transaminases (23) in animal me- matoid lesions with vitamin B6. Jolliffe (12) and tabolism. In addition pyridoxine seems to be independently Rudesill and Weigand (13) used necessary for the conversion of tryptophane to pyridoxine in Parkinson's disease and Antopol and (24) and pyridoxine deficient dogs excrete Schotland (14) treated patients afflicted with large amounts of and kinurenic acid when fed tryptophane (25). Such observa- 1 This study was aided by a grant from Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, New Jersey, and the Robert Gould Re- tions link pyridoxine to the metabolism of trypto- search Foundation, Inc. phane and other amino acids. There is also some 193 194 JOHN F. MUELLER AND RICHARD W. VILTER evidence that pyridoxine has a role in fat metab- which has an average composition as follows: calories, olism (26). 3,127; protein, 41.7 gms.; fat, 27 gms.; , 0.42 mg.; niacin 4.2 mgs.; , 0.60 mg. (calculated from With the recent introduction of vitamin ana- Bowes and Church, 1946); and pyridoxine, 0.5 mg. (esti- logues, which are fully discussed in an excellent mated).3 This diet is not sufficiently restricted to induce monograph by Wooley (27), a new tool is avail- clinical signs of niacin, thiamine, or riboflavin deficiency. able to the investigator with which to study de- Patients with signs of pellagra, beriberi or riboflavin ficiency disease. Ott (28) reported on the anti- deficiency maintained on this diet for three to six weeks either show no change in subjective or objective signs or pyridoxine activity of one of these antimetabolites, improve. There were no untoward effects noted in either desoxypyridoxine, and found the inhibitory ratio group of patients. to be 2: 1 in chicks. Mushett, Stebbins and Bar- Eight patients, seven whites and one negro, were chosen ton (29) have reported a study of pathologic who had been hospitalized for various chronic illnesses. changes resulting from growth reversal by this The distribution of these illnesses was as follows: rheu- matoid arthritis, two; post-encephalitic Parkinsonism, compound and found that these changes were sim- two; disseminated sclerosis, one; fractured leg, one; tabes ilar to those found in pyridoxine deficient animals, dorsalis, one; osteo-arthritis, one. They varied in ages the chick, puppies, and monkeys. Stoerk (30) from 27 to 87. They were divided into two experimental reported that lymphosarcoma transplants failed groups. The first group received the vitamin B-complex to grow in mice on a pyridoxine deficient diet and poor diet and 60 mgs. of desoxypyridoxine intramuscu- larly each day. The second group received the same diet that these implants regressed when mice were and 100 mgs. of desoxypyridoxine which was later in- placed on a deficient diet and desoxypyridoxine creased to 125 mgs. and then 150 mgs. each day. One was added to the regimen. patient received succinyl sulfathiazole, 6 gms. each day Gellhorn and Jones (31) reported on the use by mouth. The patients were observed each day for any physical of desoxypyridoxine plus a pyridoxine deficient abnormality by the resident staff and three times a week diet in six patients with lymphosarcoma or leuke- by one of us until lesions occurred and daily thereafter. mia. Although two of their patients had toxic Erythrocyte, total and differential leucocyte, platelet, and reactions in the form of convulsions after large reticulocyte counts, hemoglobin levels and hematocrit de- doses of desoxypyridoxine,2 they did not observe terminations were performed at weekly intervals and total and differential leucocyte counts at three to four day any symptoms or signs which could be attributed intervals on the first group. Weekly total and differen- specifically to a deficiency of pyridoxine. tial leucocyte counts were done on the second group in We also were interested in desoxypyridoxine as addition to complete hematological studies which were an agent which might possibly control lymphoid performed before and after the experimental period. tumors in human beings. However, prior to such Twenty-four hour urine specimens were collected before the regimen was begun and weekly thereafter. They were trials we wished to determine what would happen analyzed quantitatively for pyridoxic acid according to a to non-cancerous patients treated with this ma- modification of the method of Huff and Perlzweig which terial. During such a pilot experiment we ob- was generously reported to us in a personal communica- served a syndrome in human beings precipitated by tion by Dr. Herbert P. Sarett (32). In addition quanti- a vitamin B-complex poor diet and desoxypyri- tative assays for thiamine (33), N'methylnicotinamide (34), and riboflavin (35) and a qualitative test for doxine, and which responds rapidly and specifically xanthurenic acid (36) were performed. to the administration of pyridoxine hydrochloride. All but one of the patients who developed symptoms These early experiments have been extended and and signs ascribable to the experimental regime were are the basis of this report. given a vitamin mixture containing thiamine 25 mgs., nia- cinamide 50 mgs., and riboflavin 10 mgs. intramuscularly were 100-200 MATERIALS AND METHODS for four to five days. Finally they given mgs. of pyridoxine intramuscularly depending on the se- When this investigation was undertaken we were not verity of the clinical conditions. One patient received aware that desoxypyridoxine had been used in human pyridoxine without prior therapy with the other B-com- beings. Tests for toxicity were performed using patients plex vitamins. In all instances the vitamin B-complex who were eating the regular hospital diet. They were poor diet and the desoxypyridoxine were continued given 1 mg. intramuscularly and the dose was gradually throughout the entire experiment. All medications were increased to 50 mgs. These trials were repeated on pa- given parenterally. tients placed on a standard vitamin B-complex poor diet 8 This is the diet used in all patients in this report 2Reported also by Hoster and Zanes in a personal where reference is made to "Vitamin B-complex poor communication. diet." PYRIDOXINE DEFICIENCY INDUCED WITH DESOXYPYRIDOXINE 195

RESULTS TABLE I Urinary excretion levels of members of the vitamin B-complex Of the four patients who received 60 mgs. of from eight patients before and two to four weeks after the administration of desoxypyridoxine desoxypyridoxine, two developed superficial scal- and a vitamin B poor diet ing, oily, reddened skin lesions of pronounced degree about the eyes, nose and and one mouth, Patient Pyridoxicacid Thiaminee nicotinamideNi methyl Riboflavin developed similar but much less extensive derma- mgs./24 mgs./24 mgs./24 mgs./24 titis. In addition fissures like those seen in per- hours hours hours hours M. B. sons with riboflavin deficiency appeared at the Before D* 6.720 0.50 angles of the mouth and lateral canthi of the eyes After D 8.000 0.70 in the first two patients. Their tongues and buc- H. P. Before D 5.939 cal mucous membranes also became sore, swollen After D 6.560 .418 2.9 2.0 and red and resembled the of niacin de- E. S. ficiency. These lesions appeared even though the Before D 5.740 riboflavin, Nlmethylnicotinamide and thiamine After D 3.320 0.182 4.1 0.87 levels in the urine were in the low normal range. H. H. Table These lesions occurred in 19-21 Before D 1.212 (See I.) After D 3.912 0.108 1.5 0.84 days after starting the deprivation experiment. in the sensation L. K. Only slight improvement burning Before D 2.576 of the tongue but no objective improvement fol- After D 2.306 0.137 1.00 0.951 lowed the administration of the B-complex mix- R. W. ture. All the lesions disappeared in 48-72 hours Before D 7.800 2.9 after the administration of 100 mgs. pyridoxine After D 2.556 0.216 1.8 daily whether the B-complex vitamins had been L. L. Before D 0.685 0.4 given previously or not. After D 1.997 0.088 1.50 In the second group of four patients who re- J. M. ceived 100 mgs. of desoxypyridoxine one patient Before D 0.824 0.80 developed severe and extensive skin lesions identi- After D 3.080 0.131 1.50 cal with those described above and an itching ery- * thematous eruption on the arms and legs. In ad- Desoxypyridoxine. dition she developed a severe systemic reaction ing progressed during the deprivation experiment consisting of nausea, vomiting, extreme weakness and then regressed without any change in the and dizziness which appeared while she was getting regimen. The third patient developed severe the mixture of B-complex vitamins and which pruritus of the face with a mild seborrheic derma- necessitated immediate treatment with pyridoxine. titis on the 20th day which responded well to pyri- The skin lesions appeared in ten days and the doxine within 48 hours. The last three patients systemic reaction in 16 days after desoxypyri- all received 125 mgs. and then 150 mgs. a day of doxine was administered but both responded desoxypyridoxine during the last week prior to dramatically within 12-24 hours after the paren- the administration of pyridoxine with no apparent teral injection of 100 mgs. of pyridoxine twice a in day. Only pigmentation at the sites of the skin increase the severity of the lesions. lesions remained after 96 hours. Of the other The hematologic status of the patients was fol- three patients all developed one type of lesion or lowed very closely. No anemia was found except the other but to a much milder degree. One pa- in one patient, L. K., who received succinyl sul- tient developed an acute glossitis on the 21st day fathiazole in addition to the routine regimen. He of the experiment which spontaneously regressed. developed macrocytic anemia which responded Another had rapid extension of preexisting sebor- to folic acid. In no instance were hypochromia rhea which, however, remitted before treatment or siderocytosis noted. The leucocyte counts with pyridoxine was begun. The post-encephalitic varied greatly, but leucopenia was not observed Parkinsonism from which this patient was suffer- in any patient. In seven patients there was a mild, 196 JOHN F. MUELLER AND RICHARD W. VILTER

TABLE II nor kynurenin was found in the urine of any pa- Total leucocyte, lymphocyte and neutrophile counts of tient as tested qualitatively using the method re- eight patients before and two to four weeks after the administration of desoxypyridoxine and ferred to previously.4 a vitamin B poor diet. In six patients None of these patients had sufficient these counts were repeated after the lymph- administration of pyridoxine adenopathy at the start of the experiment to en- able one to evaluate atrophy of these structures, Total WBC Total lympho- Total neutro- Patient per c.mm. cytes per phile count but several different observers noted an increase c.mm. per c.mm. in the size of the lymph nodes following the M. B. institution of the pyridoxine therapy. Before D* 5000 1200 3100 After D 5000 1200 2950 In view of a recent paper by Rinehart and After Pt 5500 990 3850 Greenberg (37) concerning pyridoxine deficiency H. P. in monkeys precipitated by a pyridoxine-free diet, Before D 8400 2680 4150 wherein arteriosclerotic changes in the blood ves- After D 8500 935 5525T After P 7650 1850 4650 sels of those animals on the diet were much greater than in the control group of monkeys, blood cho- E. S. Before D 10,600 3600 6455 lesterol levels were determined on three patients After D 8600 1462 6280 at the height of their deficiency state. All values After P 10,700 1400 8450 were in the normal range. H. H. Before D 7350 1690 4850 After D 8200 700 6300 PROTOCOLS L. K. M. B., a 37-year-old unmarried colored girl with a Before D 6750 1890 4185 primary diagnosis of inactive rheumatoid arthritis, was After D 5800 1045 3600 placed on the B-complex poor diet on May 12, 1949. Two later and each R. W. days day thereafter 100 mgs. of desoxy- Before D 5150 1750 3090 pyridoxine were administered intramuscularly. On May After D 5650 1075 3500 24, 1949 the patient began to complain of pruritus of the After P 6650 1795 4055 arms and legs. Examination revealed a discreet papular L. L. eruption on the extensor surfaces of both forearms and Before D 5750 1955 2930 the anterior surfaces of both lower legs. A few small After D 4650 1255 2790 reddened papillae were present on the lateral margins of After P 5750 1895 3220 the tongue. By May 27, 1949 the patient had developed J. M. lesions about the angles of the nose, the eyes and mouth Before D 6200 2045 3530 which were characterized by excoriation, redness, desqua- After D 5750 1265 3335 mation of superficial epithelium and oiliness. By the next After P 6850 1575 4815 day most of the face was involved by this seborrhea-like process (Figure 1). On May 28, 1949 she was started on * Desoxypyridoxine. a vitamin mixture given parenterally each day and con- t Pyridoxine. sisting of 25 mgs. of thiamine, 50 mgs. of niacinamide, and H. P. had 1105 on this $ eosinophiles day. 10 mgs. of riboflavin. There was no improvement in the skin or tongue lesions. On the evening of May 30, 1949 absolute lymphocytopenia. Two patients devel- the patient noted the onset of rather severe nausea, vomit- oped eosinophilia of 227% and 9% respectively at ing, dizziness, weakness and feeling of impending disaster. the height of their rash which fell following the She was awake all night and refused food the next morn- administration of pyridoxine. (See Table II.) ing. The skin lesions were even more extensive on the face and a diffuse erythema surrounded the papular lesions As stated before, the urinary levels for thiamine, on the extremities. The tongue was swollen and red- Nlmethylnicotinamide and riboflavin were in the 4 a low normal range. (See Table I.) The values Since completion of the experiment quantitative method for measuring xanthurenic acid in the urine has for pyridoxic acid were so variable from week to been adopted by us. It has been found that individuals re- week that we are unable to interpret them as yet. ceiving desoxypyridoxine and the vitamin B-complex poor One point that deserves mention is that early in diet excrete normal amounts of xanthurenic acid except the experiment the urine levels of pyridoxic acid after a test load of tryptophane when these levels go up tremendously but quickly return to normal after 48 hours. seemed to rise as though replacement of cellular However, this response to tryptophane can be prevented pyridoxine was occurring. No xanthurenic acid by the administration of pyridoxine. PYRIDOXINE DEFICIENCY INDUCED WITH DESOXYPYRIDOXINE 197

dened. Pyridoxine was given in doses of 100 mgs. intra- the lesions began to fade and by April 16, 1949 they had muscularly twice a day. The remainder of the regimen disappeared completely. The desoxypyridoxine was in- including desoxypyridoxine was not altered. In six hours creased to 80 mgs. per day and continued for another the patient noted improvement in her feeling of well-being. month with no further changes noted in the patient. By the next morning all the nausea and vomiting had dis- E. S., a 43-year-old white man with bilateral leg frac- appeared, and she felt stronger. The skin lesions were tures. was started on the vitamin B-complex poor diet on unchanged. Within 48 hours the patient had no subjective March 15, 1949 and four days later on 60 mgs. of desoxy- complaints and the skin lesions were regressing. The pyridoxine daily. On April 5, 1949 the patient first noted tongue was normal. By 96 hours, the face was entirely burning and pruritus of the face which was followed by free of all lesions except for some residual pigmentation. the appearance of lesions located about the canthi of the The extremities were clear, and the tongue was normal. eyes, the chin and the folds of the nose which were red, H. H., a 64-year-old white man with a primary diag- scaling and involved some of the hair follicles. The nosis of tabes dorsalis, was started on the vitamin B- tongue was normal. It was noted that the lesions re- complex poor diet on March 15, 1949 and four days later sembled previously described lesions of riboflavin de- on 60 mgs. of desoxypyridoxine daily. On April 5, the ficiency. The dermatitis continued to progress and on patient complained of mild weakness. The next day a April 9, 1949 the patient complained of some burning of rash was noted on the patient's face localized about the the tongue. Examination revealed a reddened tip, but no corners of the mouth and the folds of the nose. The papillary atrophy. Burning of the face was severe. lesions were red and scaling. These lesions were mild There were no other complaints and the appetite was compared to the others; the tongue and mucous mem- good. On April 16. 1949 the patient was started on the branes were normal. Without any change in the regimen vitamin mixture previously described. There seemed to

A PB FIG. 1. (A) Before the administration of desoxypyridoxine and (B) at the height of the scaling seborrhea-like dermatitis induced by the administration of desoxypyridoxine. The lesions were not affected by the administration of niacin amide, thiamine, and riboflavin but disappeared after 96 hours of therapy with pyridoxine. 198 JOHN F. MUEILLER AND RICHARD W. VILTER be some improvement in the burning sensations in the peared on the mucous membrane of the lower lip. This tongue, but the rash was unchanged. On April 21, 1949 lesion never progressed. On May 31, 1949 the seborrheic pyridoxine, 100 mgs. intramuscularly daily, was begun. lesions already present on the forehead had become ap- In 48 hours there was great improvement in the lesions preciably worse and had involved the folds of the nose of the face and within another 24 hours the skin of the and the canthi of the eyes. However, by June 3, 1949 face was essentially healed. The tongue appeared normal. the lesions had improved though the regimen had not been H. P., a 47-year-old white man with inactive rheuma- changed. The supplementary vitamins were begun and toid arthritis, was started on the vitamin B-complex poor the desoxypyridoxine was increased to 125 mgs. on June diet on March 15, 1949 and 60 mgs. of desoxypyridoxine 6, 1949. On June 10, 1949 the patient's Parkinsonism intramuscularly daily was begun on March 19, 1949. On which previously had been unaffected became much worse April 2, 1949 the patient noted cracks in the angles of his and that night while walking he inadvertently crashed mouth and by the next day a diffuse, pruritic, burning into a window and sustained lacerations to the face and rash had appeared involving the corners of the mouth, neck. However, by the next day the Parkinsonism nose and eyes. On April 5, 1949 these lesions had be- seemed to improve again without any change in the pro- come reddened, excoriated, and moist. Reddened papular gram. On June 11, 1949 the desoxypyridoxine was in- lesions had appeared on the chin. The mucous membrane creased to 150 mgs. q.d. There was no further change. of the lower lip revealed a circumscribed grayish placque The skin lesions were minimal. On June 14, 1949 pyri- which later became macerated. The tongue revealed a doxine 100 mgs. twice daily was started. The lesions few reddened papillae on the lateral margins. By April were so mild that any critical evaluation of the therapy 7, 1949 blotchy areas of dermatitis had appeared all over was impossible. There was no further change, however, the face. There was some facial edema. The lesions on in the patient's paralysis-agitans. the chin were beginning to desquamate. By April 12, L. L., a 40-year-old white woman afflicted with post- 1949 some of the redness was gone, but the skin of the encephalitic Parkinsonism, was placed on the vitamin face had begun to scale. The tongue was unchanged. B-complex poor diet on May 12, 1949 and started on The patient was started on 100 mgs. of pyridoxine; the desoxypyridoxine, 100 mgs. intramuscularly each day, two desoxypyridoxine dosage was maintained. Within 48 days later. On May 27, 1949 a few small congested hours there was great improvement in the lesions. The papillae were noted on the margins of the tongue, a small redness and excoriation about the eyes had disappeared. ulceration was present on the buccal mucosa, and the The lesion on the mucous membrane of the lip was heal- patient was complaining of pruritus of both forearms. ing. The tongue was normal. In another 48 hours the The latter two abnormalities subsequently disappeared face was normal. At the height of the rash this patient without any change in the program. However, on June had a peripheral blood eosinophilia of 22% which fell to 4, 1949 the patient complained of burning of the tongue. a normal value within 72 hours after pyridoxine was On examination the patient had an acute glossitis, char- begun. acterized by a swollen, diffusely reddened tongue with L. K., an 87-year-old white man with no specific com- patchy areas of congested papillae along the margins. plaints other than osteo-arthritis of the spine, was placed The glossitis resembled that seen in acute niacin de- on the vitamin B-complex poor diet and desoxypyridoxine ficiency. Again, however, with absolutely no change in intramuscularly daily on Jan. 31, 1949. The latter medi- the regimen, the glossitis improved leaving only a few cation was used in increasing doses, starting with 10 mgs. congested papillae behind. So on June 6, 1949 the vita- each day and finally ending with 80 mgs. each day. On min supplements were begun and the desoxypyridoxine March 1, 1949 succinyl sulfathiazole in 6 gms. daily oral increased to 125 mgs. and later to 150 mgs. on June 11, doses was given with the hope of decreasing the bacterial 1949 with no further changes. On June 14, 1949 pyri- flora of his intestine which might be providing some doxine, 100 mgs. twice daily, was begun. There were no pyridoxine. By May 5, 1949 there had been no objective objective nor subjective changes noted in the severity of or subjective changes other than a mild macrocytic anemia the Parkinsonism before or after the pyridoxine was of 3,000,000 erythrocytes per c. mm., 12 gms. of hemo- given. The few congested papillae on the tongue dis- globin per 100 cc. and a hematocrit of 36%o. The sulfa appeared 48 hours after the pyridoxine was administered. drug was discontinued and in a period of two weeks there J. M., a 35-year-old white man with disseminated was no change. However, when folic acid was given by sclerosis, was placed on the vitamin B-complex poor diet mouth, a hematological response occurred. Finally on on May 12, 1949. One hundred mgs. of desoxypyridoxine May 27, 1949 after nearly four months of the diet and the intramuscularly each day was started on May 14, 1949. desoxypyridoxine, the study was discontinued. There were no changes until May 31, 1949 when the R. W., a 27-year-old white male suffering from post- patient first complained of pruritus of the face. On June encephalitic Parkinsonism, was started on the vitamin B- 3, 1949 the first skin lesions appeared. They were red- complex poor diet on May 12, 1949 and desoxypyridoxine, dened, scaling lesions about the chin and the angles of 100 mgs. intramuscularly per day, was administered two the nose. The pruritus of the face became severe. Vita- days later. This patient had rather marked seborrhea of min supplements were begun on June 6, 1949 at which the scalp and minimal lesions of the same nature about time the desoxypyridoxine was increased to 125 mgs. the forehead prior to the institution of the experimental daily. June 11, 1949 there was slight progression of the regime. On May 27, 1949 a small yellowish placque ap- skin lesions and the burning and pruritus of the face was PYRIDOXINE DEFICIENCY INDUCED WITH DESOXYPYRIDOXINE 199 unchanged. The desoxypyridoxine was increased to 150 The subjects who developed the most severe mgs. daily. On June 13, 1949 a cheilotic lesion appeared manifestations of deficiency disease in this experi- in the left corner of the mouth. The tongue and mucous One membranes were normal. Pyridoxine, 100 mgs. twice ment were those with rheumatoid arthritis. daily, was started on June 14, 1949. Within 48 hours may assume that the reason for this was accelerated itching had stopped and in another 24 hours the face was metabolism or decreased utilization of available free of lesions. The cheilotic lesion was better but had vitamins in these persons due to the chronic illness. not disappeared. After 96 hours it too had healed. Conversely, the two elderly patients developed few clinical manifestations. These observations are DISCUSSION also in accord with our knowledge of naturally oc- The administration of a pyridoxine antagonist, curring deficiency states. desoxypyridoxine, in conjunction with a diet de- In this preliminary study we did not make an ficient in all members of the vitamin B-complex attempt to determine the inhibition index of de- has facilitated the study of pyridoxine deficiency soxypyridoxine in human subjects. However, we in human beings. The seborrhea-like skin lesions, do feel that the lesions produced are specific enough the glossitis, stomatitis and cheilosis failed to re- to use as the critical point for such an experiment. spond to niacinamide, thiamine, and riboflavin, but From these studies the ratio appears to be at did respond dramatically when pyridoxine was least 1: 1, and probably much higher. given. Since rapid improvement occurred follow- Under the conditions of this experiment abnor- ing the administration of pyridoxine in addition mal signs and symptoms have been induced in hu- to the antagonist, an antimetabolic effect rather man beings with the aid of a pyridoxine antagonist, than a simple drug reaction is demonstrated for desoxypyridoxine. We believe that this state is desoxypyridoxine. equivalent to pyridoxine deficiency. The relation- Pyridoxine neutralized the effect of desoxypyri- ship of this deficiency state to , pro- doxine whether or not there had been prior ad- tein, and fat metabolism and to other B-complex ministration of other B-complex vitamins, indi- deficiency diseases; to pathologic changes in the cating considerable specificity of action for vitamin skin and lymphoid tissues; and to the growth and B6. Similar lesions have never been observed by development of normal and abnormal cells is under us in patients maintained for weeks or months investigation. on the same deficient diet which was used in this experiment. Thus the possibility can be elimi- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS nated that the diet alone was responsible for the 1. Desoxypyridoxine, an analogue and meta- lesions. bolic antagonist of pyridoxine has been given in- It is interesting that these patients developed tramuscularly in doses of 60-150 mgs. to eight pa- seborrheic dermatitis, because the dermatitis which tients on a vitamin B-complex poor diet. occurs in pyridoxine deficient rats is said to be 2. Seborrhea-like skin lesions developed about seborrhea-like and the common seborrhea of hu- the eyes, nose and mouth after two to three weeks. mans has been said to respond to pyridoxine. Erosions appeared in and about the mouth re- However, there is no evidence as yet that human cheilosis of riboflavin deficiency. Glos- is related in any way to pyridoxine de- sembling seborrhea similar to the ficiency, either primary or conditioned. sitis and stomatitis morphologically The occurrence of evanescent symptoms and lesions of niacin deficiency were noted in about signs of pyridoxine lack in some of our experi- one half of the patients. One patient developed mental subjects and the great variation in the severe systemic symptoms; nausea, vomiting, severity of the clinical manifestation in different weakness and dizziness. subjects are typical of all nutritional deficiency 3. The skin, mucous membrane and systemic diseases. The striking similarity of the lesions manifestations were unchanged when a mixture about the eyes and lips to riboflavin deficiency and containing thiamine, riboflavin and niacinamide those of the tongue to niacin deficiency suggest was given but disappeared within 48-72 hours a chemical relationship of pyridoxine to the other after pyridoxine was administered. members of the vitamin B-complex. 4. The inhibitory ratio of antimetabolite to me- 200 JOHN F. MUELLER AND RICHARD W. VILTER tabolite in human beings was not accurately meas- of Parkinson's disease with pyridoxine hydrochlo- ured but is at least 1:1. ride (vitamin B6 hydrochloride). J. Indiana M. 5. 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