
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.44.235.387 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from

Arch. Dis. Childh., 1969, 44, 387.

Treatment of with Pyridoxine A Preliminary Study

N. A. J. CARSON and I. J. CARRE From the Nuffield Department of Child Health, the Queen's University of Belfast, and the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children Homocystinuria is the result of an inborn error in 50 %0 of all ages. Skeletal changes vary from pes the metabolism of the essential sulphur-containing cavus and genu valgum in young children to typical , methionine (Carson and Neill, 1962; Marfan-like features in pre-adolescents. Gerritsen, Vaughn, and Waisman, 1962). There In general, there are three possible therapeutic is now good evidence (Mudd et al., 1964) to show that approaches to homocystinuria-restriction of the basic defect in this disorder is an inactivity of substrate (low methionine diet), replacement of hepatic cystathionine synthetase, which prevents the missing products (cystine), and supplementation formation of cystathionine from and with coenzymes (pyridoxine) (Fig. 1). A further causes disruption of the normal metabolic pathway approach to treatment has been advocated by (seeFig. 1). This results in an accumulationofhomo- Carey, Fennelly, and FitzGerald (1966, 1968) cysteine in the blood, and as this is a 'non-threshold' and Perry et al. (1968) who have attempted to amino acid, it is rapidly excreted in the urine in its lower plasma homocysteine levels by encouraging oxidized form, homocystine. Homocysteine may remethylation to methionine by the use of folic copyright. be remethylated to methionine with the aid ofmethyl acid and choline, respectively. The present survey group donors such as N5-methyltetrahydrofolic relates to a trial of pyridoxine therapy in homo- acid (M5FH4) or betaine; the accumulation of cystinuric patients. homocysteine favours remethylation, and results in raised serum methionine levels. As cysteine Method of Study cannot be formed, it now becomes an essential Eleven patients with homocystinuria, aged 9 months

amino acid, and the patient depends on the dietary to 29 years from seven families, have been treated with http://adc.bmj.com/ intake for his cysteine requirements. There also pyridoxine ( B6) supplements. This vitamin appears in the blood and urine the mixed disulphide was given orally three times a day in tablet form. of homocysteine and cysteine. Homocysteine and Initial dosage varied from 300-450 mg. daily, with the cysteine are converted to their oxidized forms, both exception of a 9-month-old infant who was given a dose of 150 mg. daily. Patients were permitted an enzymatically and non-enzymatically, and unless unrestricted diet without cystine supplements. specific precautions are taken at the time of vene- The biochemical response to therapy was monitored puncture to protect the S-H groups, these amino by blood amino acid studies, using a Standard Technicon on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected acids are quickly converted to the S-S form. Amino Acid Analyser, with particular reference to levels In this work these compounds have been estimated of methionine, homocystine, the mixed disulphide of in their oxidized form and will hereafter be referred homocystine/cystine, and cystine. As treatment was to as homocystine, cystine, and their mixed di- carried out mainly on an out-patient basis, estimations sulphide. of overnight fasting concentrations were not practicable; Such patients present a distinctive clinical picture. blood samples were taken routinely approximately 3 The majority have fair hair, a malar flush, poor hours after breakfast. peripheral circulation with Owing to the capacity of homocystine to bind on to well-marked livido plasma proteins, blood samples were centrifuged and the reticularis. Ectopia lentis is present except in the plasma deproteinized as soon after venepuncture as very young, and mental retardation is common. possible with dry sulphosalicylic acid (40 mg./l ml. Cardiovascular disturbances are present in older plasma). The dipotassium salt of ethylenediaminetetra- children; thrombotic episodes occur in about 40 to acetic acid (EDTA) was used as an anticoagulant, and deproteinized samples were stored at -20 °C. until Received November 6, 1968. analysed. 387 Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.44.235.387 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from 388 Carson and Carre LDEMETHYLATED PRODUJCTS METHININE ofpyridoxine was increased from 450 mg. to 600 mg. daily. In any one family all affected children manner, the existence METHYL DONORS )t I HOMOCYSTINE responded in like suggesting M5FH4 CHOLINE of the same basic defect in each sib. FHOMOCYSTEINE| The Table shows the recorded plasma levels of COENZYME: PYRIDOXINE SERINE homocystine, cystine, and methionine, before and APOENZYME: CYSTATHIONINE I-SITE------HOFM BLOCKINUI SYNTHETASE HO FOC LTCN IA after 1 week of treatment with pyridoxine. In those r|CYSTAT`H-IONINE patients who responded to pyridoxine, a marked lowering of the plasma homocystine level was noted, COENZYME: PYRIDOXINE EOBUTRAT APOENZYME: CYSTATHIONASEJ *-°C-KETOBUTYRATE with a coincidental rise in cystine. The long-term ICYSTEINE |=CYSTINE biochemical results recorded in 2 patients who responded to pyridoxine are shown in Fig. 2.

S04-- As will be seen from this illustration, increasing the daily amount of pyridoxine in 2 of these patients summary katabolic pathway FIG. 1.-Schematic of main resulted in a further fall in the concentration of of methionine. plasma homocystine. The fluctuations noted in the plasma homocystine levels, independent of changes Results in therapy, can perhaps be accounted for by Biochemical. Of 11 patients with homo- variations in the patient's diet and lack of standard- cystinuria, 6 responded biochemically to pyridoxine ization in terms of time of administration of therapy therapy by showing complete disappearance or and time of blood sampling. The abrupt cessation great reduction of homocystine in the plasma, a of treatment in one pyridoxine-responsive patient, lowering of methionine and of the mixed disulphide whose treatment lapsed on three separate occasions homocystine/cystine, and an increase of cystine as a result of failure to renew his pyridoxine in the plasma. The mixed disulphide was prescriptions, resulted in a rapid rise in plasma readily separated on the analytical system used, homocystine concentration, with a corresponding

taking the position of the non-biological amino decrease when treatmnent started again. copyright. acid, norleucine. However, because the pure Recently the dose ofpyridoxine has been gradually compound was not available, quantitation was reduced in an attempt to define the lowest effective not possible. Nevertheless, it was possible to daily requirement. It has been possible to reduce adduce the fact that though the peak correspond- the maintenance dose of pyridoxine in 5 of the ing to this dipeptide became reduced in intensity patients to 150 to 250 mg. daily and still retain as a result oftherapy, it never completely disappeared biochemical control. This phase of the study is from the plasma chromatogram. At the time of still proceeding. http://adc.bmj.com/ writing, these 6 patients have been under treatment At no time was a sustained rise in plasma cystine from 21 to 63 weeks. The 5 who failed to respond noted in those who failed to respond to therapy. were all treated for at least 6 weeks, and the dose An occasional early but temporary decrease in

kBLE Change in Serum Levels of Homocystine, Cystine, and Methionine After 1 Week on Oral Pyridoxine (,u Moles %) on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected

CaseCaeN.(mth.)No. Age Fail (mg.Pyridoxinedaily)- fHomocystine Cystine Methionine Before After Before After Before After 1 9 I 150 1.9 0-6 1-3 2-0 3 0 3-5 2 5 I 300 3-1 0 0-8 2-9 5-7 3 9 3 10 I 300 10-5 2-9 0 2-6 4-3 4-3 4 18 II 300 20-1 3-1 0-85 3-7 5-4 4-9 5 22 III 450 8*3 1*5 Trace 4*7 6*6 5*3 6 81 IV 300 7-3 2-0 2-0 4-6 5 0 3-5 7 20 V 450 19-6 9 9 0 0 4-8 5-3 8 15 VI 400 7-3 8-6 0*4 0 15-5 22 1 9* 29 VI 450 16*5 22*9 Trace Trace 9*6 8*4 10* 7 VII 300 6*9 4-1 0 Trace 4*4 3*3 11* 10 VII 300 13-4 12-6 0 0 6-2 4 1

*2 weeks after therapy. Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.44.235.387 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from

Treatment of Homocystinuria with Pyridoxine 389 Pyridoxine (mg./day) (A) Pyridoxine (mg./day) 300 250 2 450 450 300

.' 4I -V I2IIl I I II I 61ciIII,, I I I I I - - u 12 E 10 vs 6 ;U-6) o>' 4 0 o 2 E 4~ 0 i i2 Xo 0 *. I __

6 <1


E u 2 2 4 6 8 1012 141 1882022242628 _ _ _ M I I I I I I I Weeks 0 ., I I I I I I I I F l -E FIG. 3.-Case 10. Response of plasma homocystine, Pyridoxine (mg./day) (B) cystine, and methionine to oral pyridoxine.

0 300 450 300 250 iE oxine, varied from 3 9 ng./ml. to 7*5 ng./ml., c - - 0 with a mean level of 5 7 ng./ml. (normal range 4 6- 15 ng./ml., with the majority of levels falling 4, 2111111 I II I copyright. 0 between 4-6 and 9 ng./ml., using a modification of 81 the described et .- technique by Waters al. (1961)). 4, 6] In 3 patients pretreatment levels of folic acid were significantly reduced after therapy with pyridoxine. $ 4- 0 One patient (Case 6), who responded to pyrid- E 0 21 oxine, complained of 'pins and needles' after 24 weeks of therapy. His serum folic acid level at

that time was found to be 1 6 ng./ml., the level at http://adc.bmj.com/ the start of treatment being 6 8 ng./ml. Hb and @ 4- indices were within the normal range; bone-marrow 62- aspiration showed a normoblastic reaction, with ` 2. normal white cell and platelet series. He was u I_ Il_ __ _ _ I .I .I . nevertheless treated with folic acid and his . . . .. I . symptoms I I .% . I I I 4 8 I2 I6 20 24 28 32 3 40 4 48 5256&0 b4 disappeared within a few weeks. Serum folic acid Weeks levels fell from 4-8 to 2-8 ng./ml. in Case 11: FIG. 2.-(A) Case 3. Response of plasma homocystine, this patient had no symptoms and his peripheral on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected cystine, and methionine to oral pyridoxine. (B) Case 6. blood picture showed no abnormality; a bone- Response of plasma homocystine, cystine, and methionine to marrow aspiration was not done. oral pyridoxine. In the third patient (Case 7) serum folic acid levels fell from 6 9 ng./ml. to 4-2 ng./ml. while on plasma homocystine was present, associated with the treatment with pyridoxine. This patient was appearance of very small quantities of cystine, but given a trial of pyridoxine when in hospital for these changes were not maintained. Fig. 3 enucleation of an eye. She received heparin illustrates the plasma homocystine, cystine, and after operation in an attempt to avoid post-operative methionine concentration in a patient who failed thrombosis to which these patients are subject. to respond to pyridoxine. Unfortunately, as a result of this therapy, haemor- rhage occurred into the eye socket, followed Haematological. Serum folic acid levels in 9 by infection. A transfusion was given, but the patients, estimated before treatment with pyrid- patient became anaemic within a few weeks of the Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.44.235.387 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from 390 Carson and Carre transfusion without any evidence offurther bleeding. have also reported unresponsiveness to pyridoxine A bone-marrow puncture showed a megaloblastic therapy in a total of 6 further patients. However, erythropoiesis. The significance of these haemato- Cusworth and Dent (1969) found that of 12 patients logy findings in terms of pyridoxine therapy are with homocystinuria, 7 responded with complete however questionable, as this patient was receiving disappearance of homocystine from the serum and treatment with phenytoin and reduction in serum methionine to normal levels, phenobarbitone, a form of therapy known to pre- 2 had an intermediate response with lowering of dispose to a megaloblastic reaction (Reynolds serum homocystine and methionine levels, and et al., 1966). 3 had no response to treatment. Studies of platelet stickiness, using the method The results recorded in the 11 patients studied as described by McDonald et al. (1964), were in this series show two clearly defined types of performed on 9 patients. The results indicated response, which would explain the apparent dis- that platelet stickiness of a minor degree was present crepancy in results reported by the above investi- in 6 of the 9 patients before treatment with pyrid- gators. These observations point to the fact that oxine. All the tests were performed by the same there exist two basic defects in the enzyme cysta- person under the same physical conditions. Platelet thionine synthetase causing the biochemical and stickiness studies were undertaken on 8 patients at clinical features of homocystinuria. In those who each visit while under treatment. No correlation are pyridoxine resistant, the basic defect seems to with improvement in biochemical status was found, be a deficiency of apoenzyme, as has been demon- and no consistent trend was noted. strated by Mudd et al. (1964) in a liver biopsy from a homocystinuric patient. In those patients who Clinical. Owing to the short period of observa- respond to large doses of pyridoxine, the disorder tion and follow-up, it has not been possible to appears to constitute yet another example of a determine any alteration in the intelligence of the pyridoxine dependency syndrome. Several such patients studied. However, the petit mal fits disorders are now known, i.e. pyridoxine-dependent which were occurring daily in one patient (Case 10) convulsions (Hunt et al., 1954); xanthurenic ceased after 2 weeks of therapy with pyridoxine; aciduria (Tada et al., 1967); cystathioninuria copyright. this patient was biochemically unresponsive to (Frimpter, Haymovitz, and Horwith, 1963); and therapy. The parents of two other children who pyridoxine-responsive anaemia (Horrigan and were both biochemically responsive to pyridoxine Harris, 1964). For example, when patients with reported that their general behaviour had greatly cystathioninuria are given excess pyridoxine, the improved while on treatment. excretion of cystathionine in the urine is greatly reduced but returns as soon as pyridoxine therapy Discussion is withheld. Frimpter (1965) has demonstrated by http://adc.bmj.com/ Coenzyme supplementation in homocystinuria in vitro studies in 2 such patients using liver was first suggested by Spaeth and Barber (1965). homogenates that the greatly reduced activity of The same authors later (Barber and Spaeth, 1967) the apoenzyme cystathionase could be largely reported the biochemically successful treatment of restored by the addition of excess pyridoxine to the 3 patients in 2 families, with pyridoxine and an un- system. restricted diet. Homocystine was eliminated from Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (PLP) is the most import- the plasma and urine, methionine levels reverted to ant intracellular active form of . It normal, and cystine appeared in the plasma, the acts as an essential coenzyme for many apoenzymes on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected results being consistent over a 6-month period concerned in the biosynthesis, interconversion, and of therapy. This was followed a few months degradation of amino acids. There are differences later by a communication from Hooft, Carton, in the mode of binding of apoenzyme to coenzyme, and Samyn (1967) who successfully treated one and the nature of these differences at the molecular homocystinuric child with pyridoxine, but with level is still not clearly defined. It appears, how- only partial success in another patient similarly ever, that every side chain of the PLP molecule treated. Failure of pyridoxine therapy in two plays a role in the binding process, and their further patients was also reported by Turner relative importance varies from one apoenzyme (1967). Chase, Goodman, and O'Brien (1967) to another. Specific SH groups have been impli- found no decrease in serum methionine in patients cated in a few apoenzymes, and blocking of this treated with intramuscular pyridoxine for 1 week, group in some cases completely prevents binding but levels of homocystine were not given. Perry to coenzyme and in others simply reduces binding et al. (1968) and Hagberg and Hambraeus (1968) capacity (Snell, 1958). Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.44.235.387 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from

Treatment of Homocystinuria with Pyridoxine 391 In pyridoxine dependency syndromes the extra- as a methyl donor. Though very low serum folic cellular vitamin pool is adequate, and the inactivity acid levels were not recorded before treatment in of the holoenzyme system at fault is a specific the 11 patients studied here, none the less values one. This may be the result of an abnormality in were in the low normal range. What appears, the structure of the apoenzyme, perhaps because of however, to be of considerable practical importance a substitution of one amino acid for another at is the fact that serum folic acid levels were found a specific site in the polypeptide chain. The to decline significantly in 3 patients while under effect of pyridoxine therapy may be to achieve treatment with pyridoxine. Clearly, further studies some degree of binding by simple mass action, are required to elucidate the relation between thus restoring biochemical equilibrium. low serum folic acid values and high doses of Proof of pyridoxine dependency in homo- pyridoxine in homocystinuric patients. cystinuria must await detailed studies in both The fact that homocystinuria appears to be a those patients responsive and those unresponsive slowly progressive disease makes attempts at to pyridoxine. For example, the cystathionine treatment worth while at any age. Low methionine synthetase activity of liver homogenates assayed diets with cystine supplements have been successful in the presence of excess pyridoxal-5-phosphate, in correcting the abnormal biochemistry but are before and after therapy with large doses of very unpalatable. Recently, a low methionine pyridoxine, should show a marked increase in balanced amino acid mixture* has become available cystathionine synthetase activity in the pyridoxine- and will be extremely uceful in conjunction with dependent patient, and little or no change in those foods low in methionine, particularly for newborn whose plasma homocystine and cystine levels infants. Such a diet seems unnecessary if the remain unaltered with pyridoxine therapy. patient is responsive to pyridoxine therapy, and all Recently, Uhlendorf and Mudd (1968) have homocystinuric patients irrespective of their age reported the ability of fibroblasts from normal skin should be given the oppcrtunity of a trial with this punch biopsies to produce cystathionine synthetase, vitamin. while the fibroblasts of homocystinuric patients Summary and Conclusion copyright. produce very little or none. Clearly the use of skin biopsies would be a more practical approach Eleven patients with homocystinuria were given for this study. a trial oftreatment with high doses oforalpyridoxine. Other than the biochemical improvement noted in Biochemically 6 patients responded, as shown by 6 of the 11 patients, the only clinical benefit recorded the return of their plasma amino acid pattern to was improved behaviour in 2. Cessation of petit mal normal or near normal. 5 showed no response. fits occurred in 1 other patient who was, however, The same type of biochemical response was re- biochemically unresponsive to pyridoxine. In- corded in all affected members of a family. http://adc.bmj.com/ creased platelet stickiness in patients with homo- It is suggested that in homocystinuria two differ- cystinuria has been reported by McDonald et al. ent genetically determined basic defects exist in (1964). No consistent changes were recorded in the cystathionine synthetase system, producing this parameter during the course of therapy with the same biochemical and clinical picture. In those pyridoxine. Studies of platelet adhesiveness are, patients who are biochemically unresponsive to however, notoriously subjective, and rigorous pyridoxine, the defect appears to be a deficiency of standardization of technique is essential if the the apoenzyme, cystathionine synthetase. On the on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected results are to have any significance. Many appar- other hand, in patients who respond biochemically ently unrelated factors are found to influence to pyridoxine, the disorder seems to represent a platelet stickiness, and it is not possible to attribute further example of a pyridoxine dependency to this aspect of the study any real degree of syndrome. significance. It is too early to say if treatment with pyridoxine Carey et al. (1966, 1968) have reported low will prevent the sequelae of this disorder, and fasting levels of serum folic acid (2-6-4-6 ng./ml.) only by prolonged follow-up of the younger in homocystinuric patients. Folic acid absorption patients will this become known. The possibility and clearance tests were performed and over- of a folic acid deficiency arising while on treatment utilization of was found. These workers is stressed. concluded that this was due to attempts on the The work was supported by a grant from the Medical part of the homocystinuric patient to remethylate London. homocysteine to methionine for which the folic Research Council, acid derivative N5-methyltetra-hydrofolic acid acts * Scientific Hospital Supplies Limited (Liverpool). Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.44.235.387 on 1 June 1969. Downloaded from

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