North-Italy IWW: Infrastructures and Management of Ferrarese Waterway

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North-Italy IWW: Infrastructures and Management of Ferrarese Waterway SEE MARINER – SOUTH EAST EUROPE MARINE AND RIVER INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR MONITORING THE TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS North-Italy IWW: infrastructures and management of Ferrarese waterway Davide Nardini – Public Works Deputy – Province of Ferrara Davide Bellotti – Tourism Deputy – Province of Ferrara June, 6, 2013 - Munich Transport and Logistic Fair The Ten-T Core Network 2014-2020 Inland waterways and core ports maps North-Italy inland waterways The Ferrarese waterway project The project: -is promoted by the COPPARO Emilia-Romagna Region, -is financed by Italian Ministry and -is coordinated by the Province of MIGLIARINO Ferrara. Total cost: 145 ml € Total lenght: 70 km 1ST SITE: works in the city of FERRARA, between Pontelagoscuro lock and Prinella bridge 2ND SITE stretch Final di Rero – Tresigallo - Migliarino 3RD SITE: between Valle Lepri lock and the entrace to the sea of Porto Garibaldi SITE new bridge of Ostellato town SITE ARNI in Ostellato town PROVINCE SITE – Bridges and footbridges of COPPARESE area Landscape requalification between BAURA and SAN GIOVANNI Touristic developement between COMACCHIO and LIDO ESTENSI Europe 2020 strategy -20% CO2 emissions +20% renewable energy +20% energy efficiency Benefits - traffic Hp Highway Ferrarese IWW A14 A22 + (truck) Mincio/Fissero (barge) RA-MN (km) 190 205 TEU 18 18 Tons/TEU 20 20 Total 360 360 Benefits – traffic 2 Externalities Highway Ferrarese IWW + A14 A22 (truck) Mincio/Fissero (barge) Air pollution costs 626 434 Accidents costs 1.266 Climate changes 194 48 costs Noise pollution costs 134 Other costs 231 72 TOTAL 2.450 554 Operating costs Highway Ferrarese IWW + Variation -77% A14 A22 (truck) Mincio/Fissero (barge) Direct and indirect 5.091 812 costs Variation -84% The steering comittee Province of Ferrara Emilia- Romagna Region Ravenna Port Autorithy AIPO Po River Interregio nal Agency The management asset COSTS REVENUES INVESTMENTS L’idrovia ferrarese: oltre l’infrastruttura L’idrovia non rappresenta solo un’INFRASTRUTTURA ma è anche UNA NUOVA OPPORTUNITA’ DI SVILUPPO; UN’ OCCASIONE IMPRENDITORIALE; UN PERCORSO CHE: - UNISCE LUOGHI; - RAFFORZA LE IDENTITA’ DEI TERRITORI; - CONTRIBUISCE ALLA VALORIZZAZIONE CULTURALE, TURISTICA ED AMBIENTALE. Employment benefits INDUSTRIAL FIELD NAUTICAL FIELD FIELD of TOURISM 1. INDUSTRIAL FIELD The implementing project of the ferrarese waterway, producing a new model of economic and of development, represents an opportunity for: - the start-up of activities and services to support the infrastructure (shipbuilding, logistics ..); - the development of activities and services to support commercial transportation (logistics and intermodality); - the reuse of abandoned manufacturing sites without further consumption of the territory; - the enlargement of services to existing companies; - the expansion of import-export rod river. Industrial field: some areas at disposal FOTO Comacchio – sugar factory brownfield Comacchio – Cercom area Migliarino – brownfield Decotrain area 2. NAUTICAL FIELD Natural consequence of the implementation of the Ferrara waterway project is the development of activities and services connected with water and then opportunities for: - the start-up of activities and services involved in the support of boating activities (shipbuilding, accessories and nautical equipment, new infrastructure, ports, harbors, yacht clubs ...) - the development of nautical tourism (accommodation services, sports and recreation ..) - the economic and commercial development of the area through the creation of a network of integrate trades and skills related to the sea and to the project of the waterway of Ferrara (district of the sea). NAUTICAL FIELD – The twin docks of PORTO GARIBALDI Mq.13.000 Mq 9.500 fishing 3 1 Futuro Porto Turisticoterminal 2 Mq.11.000 welcome and 2 Mq.20.000 support to Mq.12.400 the Port activities Mq.29.000 Porto Marina 3. FIELD OF TOURISM The project of the Ferrara waterway, due to the restoration of all areas and territories along the Po of Volano river, represents a great opportunity for tourism development: - Strength the slow tourism along the waterway (cycling, house boats, horse trails, fishing ..); - Give value to local products, accommodation facilities and recreational activities related to them; - Enable partnerships between institutions and privat partners for the promotion of responsible tourism and create a sustainable vision of the future; - Reorganize the accessibility of spaces in the areas of intervention; - Enhance the natural and cultural heritage of these areas. FIELD OF TOURISM – Some attractions Porto Garibaldi – cruises dock Tresigallo Ferrara, island Town of the Renaissance and its Po Villa Mensa Delta – in Copparo UNESCO World Heritage Ideas competitions Competition "Videocontest. The waterways " open to all young people aged 18 to 35 years, requires the submission of a video of a maximum of 60 "that expresses a new and creative vision on the relationship between waterways and land. The jury - composed of representatives from the Province, Terminal Production (production company) and Prospera (no profit) - will select the best 2 held. The two winners will be awarded of € 1.000,00 and one of the two will be offered the opportunity to attend a stage at Terminal Production. Idea contest "The Waterway Ferrarese becomes enterprise" developed in collaboration with the University of Ferrara and Prospera (no profit), and the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara, is open to all students undergraduate studying Economics or Law, and requires the submission of a project concerning the development of a business, where the Waterway Ferrarese represents a productive input relevant to the realization. The first 3 winners will be offered the possibility of translate the projects in business plans with the help of experts in the field, as well as the opportunity to present their project to the business world of Ferrara during a meeting. The overall winner will receive a fee of € 3,000.00. The communication campaign The waterway of Ferrara as part of the North- Italy waterways is one of the priorities for the European Commission: will allow us to reduce road traffic and bring down CO2 levels, is a big opportunity to increase the emloyment level in manufacturing and tourism sectors in our area; rapresents a more European approach, more green, more sustainable and is needed to be shared first of all in our territory but also at the regional level, as by at inter-regional, national and Community to create an effectiveness governance on the managing of inland waterways. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
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