Confucianism: Tradition—Daotong (Tao-T’Ung)
CONFUCIANISM: TRADITION—DAOTONG (TAO-T’UNG) MMMM. “Reason and Principle in Chinese Philosophy.” In Royce, Josiah. Problem of Christianity. Chicago, Ill.: University A Companion to World Philosophies, ed. Eliot Deutsch of Chicago Press, 1969. and Ron Bontekoe. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997, pp. Shils, Edward. Tradition. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago 201–213. Press, 1981. de Bary, William Theodore. Neo-Confucian Orthodoxy and the Wei, Cheng-t’ung,. “Chu Hsi on the Standard [Jing] and the Learning of the Mind-and-Heart.New York: Columbia Expedient [Quan].” In Chu Hsi and Neo-Conficianism, ed. University Press, 1981. Wing-tsit Chan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, Lau, D. C., trans. Mencius.New York: Penguin, 1970. Li, Disheng. Xunzi jishi. Taipei: Xuesheng, 1979. 1986. Liu, Shu-hsien. “The Problem of Orthodoxy in Chu Hsu’s Phi- Yu¨,Ying-shih. “Morality and Knowledge in Chu Hsi’s Philo- losophy.” In Chu Hsi and Neo-Conficianism, ed. Wing- sophical System.” In Chu Hsi and Neo-Confucianism, ed. tsit Chan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986. Wing-tsit Chan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, Pelikan, Jaraslov. The Vindication of Tradition.New Haven, 1986. Conn.: Yale University Press, 1984. Zhu Xi. Sishu jizhu.Hong Kong: Tai-p’ing, 1980. Confucianism: Twentieth Century Chung-ying CHENG After having flourished as a ruling ideology for 2000 by a collapse of a faith and a series of unbelievable years of Chinese history, Confucianism suffered a fate- events; a search for identity; and engagement in a pro- ful breakdown in the early twentieth century. Linger- found critique. What is important to note is that a series ing in a state of self-assertion and self-transformation, of challenges may not cohere with each other and thus it confronted a series of powerful, unprecedented chal- may have multiple impacts and conflicting effects.
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