springer.com Yuelin Jin Tao, Nature and Man Series: China Academic Library Features work by a prominent philosopher and the first logician in China Presents Yuelin Jin’s original and influential works on philosophy, logic, and politics Helps readers deal with the fundamental philosophical issues of the day This book presents the research achievements of Jin Yuelin, the first logician and a prominent philosopher in China, who founded a new philosophical system combining elements from Western and Chinese philosophical traditions, especially the concept of Tao. It consists of three sections: the first section interprets Jin’s studies on Chinese philosophy, Russell’s ideology and other general discussions in the field; section 2 includes Jin’s studies on logic, which made him the founding father of modern logic in China; and section 3 presents Jin’s ideas on politics, including his studies on Thomas Hill Green. 1st ed. 2020, VII, 315 p. 9 illus., 1 illus. in color. Printed book Hardcover 129,99 € | £109.99 | $159.99 [1]139,09 € (D) | 142,99 € (A) | CHF 153,50 Softcover 89,99 € | £79.99 | $109.99 [1]96,29 € (D) | 98,99 € (A) | CHF 106,50 eBook 74,89 € | £63.99 | $84.99 [2]74,89 € (D) | 74,89 € (A) | CHF 85,00 Available from your library or springer.com/shop MyCopy [3] Printed eBook for just € | $ 24.99 springer.com/mycopy Order online at springer.com / or for the Americas call (toll free) 1-800-SPRINGER / or email us at:
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