. ?■' . f\-A ■■"

> • MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 ,1U7 FAUE rOURTfcEI* iianrbfstrr £ttenlno l|rralb AvtiRgt Daily CfrcRlatioa The WdAtber Fm the Meeth e# Bewtotoher. 1947 Feveehet #t 0,. R. WeellMr Bareex riMrtagsa bM alarmed smns ■iSa and aaeb buya 10 pounda, and ta- tloaad, think that the talk about Fair, Bexthwnd xriM toulghti -K ary C. Kaenw Teat paate thla performaape a second vqluntary rationing and food win meet Thuraday ^ ntootlac this cvaning at 7:30 at A lice C ofron WedMBdey hiewriug tliulIxiMi the Zion Lutberan diureh. Food Hoarding day, suepiciona may be correct About Town thla week Inatead of peeler ezeegt eleag eeuth ceeet. evening, a t 47 Maple atreet sXorekeepera aay, that the auger Ward Cheney Camp, No. 13. Is Suspected le boarded. JAMES AND MARIE R e a d in g * O a i f y M n . a€ MeCwtM, of W OfCIcera of the Married Couplea Ualted Spanish War Veterans, The numbers o f persons Indulg­ CLARK MancheMter^A City o f Village Charm Ml, WM called to Fall INSURE 189 Cburch SL Hartford club of the^ South Methodlat will meet this evening at_ eight ing la this practice aeems to .'be o'clock at the SUte Armory. 29 Griffin Rond TeL 7822 WHO Tnlnphood 8-2024 • B w . n — Saturday, *>• t» tba church will be in charge of the Talk of Volunlnry Ra« ainall, but Umae who are begin­ Adverttataf mm Fege 49) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7,1947 (TWELVE PAGEBI PRICE POUR CBNTB pot luck aupper Wedneaday eve­ Election of ofricera will take place. ning to gat, Me aeemingly out to REAL ESTATE McKi n n e y b r o t h e r s VOL.LXm.NO.8 ning at 6:30, which will open the ' tioniiig Has Alarmed get plenty. Real Briato aod tasswaace The Men’s club of the North Year Listings Solicited 685 MAIN ST. TEL. 6651 aeaabn, and all membera are urged Grocers who have been ques- to attend. A colored motion pic­ MethodUt church will meet this Some Housekeepers • fssiKX2:rsx3 evening at 7:45 at the church. HoUdays on Tharadgys ture, ‘Tobacco Valley,” wUl be B U L L D O Z E R SeRatd’d Eating Place St. Louis-Dallas Train Derailed and Faul’a ehurch la that dty. ahown. The program will include the elec­ Food hoarding In certain food- Starts Neatkos Days Excluded From\Plan tion of (Ofrieers. A eoclal time atuff Itema haa started again. A Russia Bid fttday. araaliis October 3, about with refreahmente will follow. three day check by a casual F O R H I R E Washington. Oct. 7.— ( 6 ^ 95 denrfnf popQa from tha June A new Olrl Scout troop will be , ■*r Weahlngtoo, Oct, T.—(9)— IT jM « Dance Studio entertained organlaed tonight at 6:30 In the aerver Indlcateg that the acquw - The Senate's eating place ob­ Americana won't be asked to An Important mretlng o f Mian- FALL CLEARANCE SALE Excavating -> Grading forego turkey on Thanksgiv­ the reterane at the Vetcran’e Hoe- baeement of St. Jamee’e church, tonomoh Haymakcra. Hayloft Uve-minded shoppers are agmlil served Tieatless Tuesday” to­ and all girle Interested are In­ beginning to load up on sugM, ing, Christmas and New Yc m 's aital. Rocky HID. and were en- 58 1-2. will take place this eve­ R cf. Sal, Land Clearing — Etc. day and plana to elimlnata ttudaatlcaily recehred. vited to attend this meeUng. flour and canned gooda, although eggs and p ^ try on Thuraday. although these holidays fall on ning at eight o'clock in Tinker egglesa and poultryless Thurs­ To L o h d ^ hail. All members hre urged to be not In the large quantities that G rass Seed—1 1b. .T9 .50 Erik Rumstedt. managing some reports would havs it. Frank Dam ato days under the fo^ conserva­ A reheareal of the CMt for Mancheater Olri Scout Council present. ■upervlaor for the cafeteria In It is difficult to'tell exactly, for tion program. - , •TIrateo of PenMuice to ^ members will meet tomorrow eve­ Shady Grass Seed . / 5 .45 the Senate omoe building, of­ aented la the near future by the ning at 7:45 at the home o f the instance, during thla canning sea­ a n d S o n s ^ fered a menu including: President Truman’s Food son, whether the person making Spworth League o f the South secretary, Mra. Charles Hamilton, Rogers Is Head Fertilizer—100 Ib bag 4.25 3.00 24 Homestead Street Fried eggplant, Spanish committee yesterday modified Sethodlst church, will be held to­ of 218 School street several repeat purchases of 10 mackerel. macMonl and toma­ the program to exclude the On German pounds of sugar is qsing It or sav­ Pbone 7091 or 2-9455 three holidays. It Mked, how­ morrow night at aeven o'd od t M Blair t^w n M ower—IB '' blade 25.50 toes, and eggs a la king. the church. The director, Bernard Mrs. Arch E. Gardner, o f Ra- Of State Council ing It But when first a man, 16.00 "The eggs a la king la mi­ ever, that the nation give up dne, Wisconsin, la visiting her then hla wife, then a son, all en­ thoiw foods on the Mondays Chnpagna, Invttce aingwre. ^ t h Bam boo Lawn Rake nus toast to save bread," Rum- male and female, to idtcnd Tuee- father, Joseph Ferguson, of Foo­ ter a store within half an hour .98 .50 stodt explained. before the holidays. May ProVide Gracia] daya rehearaal aa there la atlll an ter street During her slay here Alfred Rogers, son of Mr. and Line-Up Against Marshall Plan A dfusta^ Lawn Rake Opportunity to taka part in the she is stopping with her aunt, Mrs. John Rogers of 1163 Middle 1.39 .98 Test of Wori^ Cooper­ Mrs. Margaret Keyes of Washing­ r - chorua aectlona o f the operetta. Turnpike, was elected state presi­ ation; British'Foreign ton street \ M etal LawO Rake 1.89 1.00 WANTED Bdward Qulah of 68 Franklin dent of the Connecticut Pilgrim New Dominion Nation Notes Office Asserts ^ Mani­ ■troet and Andrew MacGowan of World Wide Communion Sunday Fellowship Council at the organi­ G arden Fence—white .98 .59 JM Parker atreet are in New was observed/at the Emanuel Lu­ zation's state assembly In Hart­ \ festo Represents Gkw theran church yesterday morning LABORERS Todc today attending the acventh ford Saturday. h o u s e w a r e s — b a s e ^ n t Backs Arabs Day Without game o f the World Seriea. with more than 300 members in The Pilgrim Fellowship Council Deterioration ' of T | i- attendance. Pastor Carl Olson is the high school age organiza­ Apply ternational Situation) waa aasisted at the altar by Pas­ tion of the Congregational church On Palestine Eating Meat tor Karl Richter of the Concordia In Connecticut, and young Rogerz Jarvis G arage Comintern Revived Lutheran church. 'The following attended representing Bolton'Con­ 487 Center Street new members were received: Mrs. gregational church. T h « Wide Gmipliance With K o y R e o l w C o . Richard A. Carlson, 104 Haynes He was elected Governor of the I \ CORK 7 A. M. Come Ready To Pakistan Demands Re­ London, Oct. 7.— (/P)—-The 899 MAIN STRiEET street Mrs. Niels A. W. Johnson. American Legion's Boy State at MiUKHISTSll CONS' Truman Request hy British Foreiirn Office an­ Jr., 46 Walnut street, Mr. knd New London earlier thla year. Work! jection of Partition PHONE 416S Mts. Eric R. Anderson. 746 Park-, Proposals; Urges End Restaurants and Ho­ nounced today Russia had HBAL BSTATE-INSVBANOB er atreet Misa Alma I. Johnson. airreed to a Big Four Foreign -227 West Center street and O. To Jewish Immigration tels Seen Next Week Ministers council Nov. 25 for Theodore Johnson, 176 East Cen­ a second attempt to write a ter atreet W e Hove Lenox Lake Success, Oct. 7—W>)—^The By The Associated Press German pegee treaty, which Newly Decorated new Mqelem dominion of Pakistan The nation obsen'ed Its first may provide a crucial 'test of lU IICMEat EB a teem Magle, O il Burners Repkee Your Old Bed iHUows Now! Joined the Arab countries today "Meatless Tuesdsy” today but world cooperation. naartiy ludeoented Imrida am* Inside and Out The locomottve of this pasaenget train, operatod Jelntty by the Hnce between Dallas aad St. wide compUance with President Maalfesto Seea Deterisnittsa HS heat with oU botuer. RUDY JOHNSON in demanding rejection of propoeala iMris, overturned on a curve Spriagdeld, Mo., killing one and severely Injuriag another. tor Bear A spokesman for the Fotsiga M 169 M. l i t . Leeatcd Electrical Ooa tractor LENOX HOT AIR to partition Palestine and in urg' No pessengers were hurt. (AP wliephoto). Truman's conservation request by IM . Priced to asIL 16 R oom H ouse Office at to* same time declared Master Eleetrician FURNACES Extra Special 7 . Ing an Immediate end to Jewish restaurants and hotels w m not ex­ toe manifeato iaeued by Commu­ M A N O m m ia b -S -ro oM atogle, I;arge lot, modem con­ Immigration Into the Holy Lahd pected before next Tuesday. ivealeurfs. let apprasl- Work doM at oace—an walRagl nists o f nine European natlowK Ready To Install! veniences, bus line, no Sir Mohammed Zaffrulah Khan, n X IM , M M km Uae. TELEPHONE 8888 or 7655 \ 100% Crushed White Robot Plane Many hotel and restaurant of­ calling on their aupportera to ra* «7J66. BEAR 761 MAIN STREET Agents, immediate occu* Pakistan delegate, told the 67-na­ Town Gpes Republicmi ficials explained that their menus ■IM "United SUtea and Britlah tion Palestine committee of the M ANOHEanm —4-raetn etagle. pAncy, two car garage. In­ were made up and their meat Imperialiem," represented "a claar United Nations Assembly that par orders placed with wholesalers too Mop shows toe nine BuiApean natkMM from wtoeh Oomimialst parttai deterioraUon of the Internationa Ml toedeni eeavmrieacee. 9 Von Com p Bros. quire 419 No. Main Street. Flying Home seat delegates to form a new iBteraaUoaal ptoagad to Sgbt toe Mar­ t f t Ll ' ■ ' M . . » Goose Feather Bed Pillows tltien would be a "monstrosity" fM ahead for full compliance to­ situation." rusM to iM iwext, lot appr^- Pbone 5244 MaAcbester. comparable to creation of a sepa­ But Margin Narrowed shall plaa aad "U. S. Imperlalisni." The Oeniinialet leaden met ta The apokeeman oald the creation ■mtoly 95 X 186. Sale price, day .with the president's meat­ Polaad and agreed to set op na "toformatloa haMan" la Belgrade to rate Negro state In the United less Tuesday request which w m of what toe OommunlsU called an 97.m Here is an exceptional value in bed pilloWs. SUtea. Skymaster Drones y^est- spearhead the fight. of toe oouatriee, FranoAaad Italy, He with- Information bureau In the Yugo­ VMANON — IMMEDIATE OC- T not made until iMt Sunday night. In toe Marshall plan sone.,—(NBA telephoto). Male H^lp All white crushed goose feathers with floral art PiMstan Itself had obtained in­ ward on' Return Leg The IVhlte House went on the slav capital of Belgrade w m ‘ ‘toe CPFANCT greeae eiagle, aU dependence less than two months Complete^ GOP Ticket ^ ^ official resuecitatlon of the Com- iiMiMliuriii, 1 ew ganga, H ticking in rose And blue each $ 3 - 2 9 ago through a partition project MeatleH Tuesday’’ menu with Of Historical Flight cheese souffle for the president's Intern.” toe (3ommunlat agenejr aatm ml toad, am has Oaa. Bala which split old British India uito Etect^ as Deiiiocratic News Tidbits devoted in the pM t to world rovo-' Wanted two dominions, one with a Moslem luncheon and broiled salmon steak Lyneham, , Eng., Oct. 7—(J')— Driv^ Cuts Usual Ma- Cuile^/Fron UFi Wires for dinner. Falsehood Charge lutlon. ADOraONAL LUrflNQBt ^ majority and the other with a great The manifesto, w m eharply etU-. Apply In Person Guided oiily by the. "mechanical ' Odier Real Values in Bed Pillows .preponderance o f Hindus. joprity; 4624 Votes Cast': Both Good ood Bad Neua icel of Prime Minister AtUee and ALLEN REALTY CO. Speeds Up Date FIxlag ^ brain” which piloted it to safe In the nation's big markets, De|M AchesoB named by Tni- foreign Secretary ErnMt Bavin. C oloniol Board The British government haa landing in Englai'd two weeks ago, With nearly 10,000 Mancheater j there w m both good and bad news Brings on U{h*oar The Foreign Office comment came All Goose Feather spewed up consultations to fix a ^to be chairman o f the U. ,8. for the consumer today. a Skymaster planO o f the U. S. voters falling to perform the duty on of the permanent Ameri- only after 24 hours of study. num oM Biiii IPIK 5D © FJ^ Bed Pillows ...... laaaav.a.aaaaaae date for withdrawal from Pales­ Wheat and corn futures prices C o m p a n y of an elector by voting. Republi­ Ckmadian Defense Board, Beales Bureau Comlmtara m U aaaaf $3.98 tine, Informed British qtiarters said Army Air Force droned Ita way on the Chicago Board of Trade tate department taking new pre­ The Italian Communist leader, Psrkcr Street today. wcXtwnrd across the Atlantic (o- cans by a lead of an 450 votes yes­ advanced rather sharply, taking Pennsylvania Represent­ day on the .-eturn leg of a his­ cautions against spies In Its midst Luigi Longo denied in Rome to st ______/ ______60% Down, 60% Feather ,100% Down These quamra said this question terday held, control o f the town lA in stride the big overnight ad­ Big Exchanges was now being considered urgent­ tory-making flight . . .Cserhoslovakla to try 237 ative Accuses Agricul­ the Inforaiiatlon bureau oonatitut- Bed P ilow s...... Bed Pillows 812.60 Value the municipal election. Only 4A24 Slovaks on charges of plotting vance in requirements for mar­ 4d a Comintern— an abbrovlAtioB |7 .9 5 ly by British officials In London 'The robot plane, which t ^ k off gins, or down payments, on all from the Royal Air Forae field votM were cast. / against the government ture Department of fo r Communlat Internattoqa) and British administrative and While the turnout waa the^hlgh- transactions. Hike Margins here at 6:05 a. m. g.m .y (1:06 a. Polloe Investlgatlag week-end whloli the Ruaetane asserted w m military leaders In Palestine. During sMly , trading wheat Lies in Description m. e. s. t), v/ac expeqfed to ar­ eat town election total in/^veral theft of some $606 from Univer­ disbanded in May o f 1948. when The actual date of withdrawal yeara the general lack/hf'inter­ climbed $ to 6 cents a bushel, may be announced hefora^ the end rive at Stepbeovliie,/ Newfound-' sity of Maine flat houses. Qfroin aanlii iwnj Sup In est here was not m atc^l In othet with too December contrBct.xall- GhieagOv Kansas City, HALrSSELF SERVE Plastic o f the preeent aesal«n-adc or they'll lose next time.” of Retail Grocers gays meatless partment now IS trying to break // alsoVwould get s bread price called "gamblers In grain." 2 Tall Cans, Asseinbly'B 57-nation Palestine a perfect takeoff for the homeward On the first Board of Directors 'IHicsdsy And oggicss and poultry- tioost. the grain market". M ilk 27e flight after Gillespio had thrown lesa Thursdays “ will do inore harm As the president's "WMte leas” However mills serving the New food program moved out o f the (« sued on Page Eight! the switch which placed the robot (Continued on Pago Bight) to food conMrvatlon than any­ York metropolitan area announc­ (Contintied on Page Eight) BLANKETS pilot in contiul. thing else.” . . .Vatican news­ planning stage and Iqto operation Floral Saline Puffs ed reductions o f 10 to 40 cents a there were tooee devpiopments: Unaided by her crew, the plane paper reports \Yagoalav prieot has hundred pounds ip wheat flour Cans took the air smoothly after' travel­ been sentenced\ to a year in prison Pledgee No, Meat oa .Toeeday (Late BolleUne o f th* (47 W im ) Toniato Soup Houseware'— Basement prices and 40 to 55 cento In rye 1. The N^onal Restaurant as­ \ AttleVOusts ing about halfway down the long Weather Mild at forced labor, charged with flour foUow'ng sharply lower CMh Textile Union runway and automatically re' hoMdlng food imd forbidding the sociation pledged Us members to Fluffy Cotton Filled $6.50 wheat and rye. markets Saturday .50 traded her landing grar^when 60 Slovene longuag) serve no ^ est on Tuesdays and ho Vote to "FIglit From Within" feet off the ground. ' :' and again yesterday. poultry^or eggs on IHursdays. Fuel Minister Still in East Ethel Onderko,\ RridgeporL. bride Live' hog prices varied today at T o Obey Law Hartford, Oct. 7.—(4>)—Mar* Gillespie said that he had no left waiting at the church ^ tu r- 2. ItopreMntativea o f the distU- than 2.000 union empleyM o f 1 Lb. Can Wool Filled . . . $8-98 orders specifying the plane's itin­ different markets. At Chicago, hog ting Jhdustry gathered for a meet- Peanut Brittle •iKjW .IULdcoi» Soft, warm Cannon blankets at a real low price. 6% day afternoon, attempts suicide trade was slow and prices were Pratt and Whltaey dt\1Mon. NRm M^iMNtsnii Com m * Chairman of erary following hl9 arrival In Ste­ Midsummer Tempera­ with pin....Norwalk voters yes­ Ini^hsre tomorrow to discuss toe Dement Pond compnay thli mem- wool 95% fine cotton. Rose, blue, green and cedar Warm puffs of good quality satino on both sides. r Par- phen vllle, but it was possible it alMut 50 cents lower In early Executii^ Council to terday, in' special referendu^ac- trade, with the top price At $29.25 pyCkidfnt’s request for a 60-day ing nt the State theater voted to Rose and blue only ty Removed Cabi might continue ' on to ita home tures Over Parts of companying their city cfltotion, Respect Clauses on shutdown. "fight the company from wltMa" (1^ Eggs) Can 1 . 1 0 base at Wilmington, Ohio. a hundred pounda. ’This followed a \ Egg Powder \ voted 8,836 t o 691 against - the Chicago price advanep yesterday 8. The Agriculture department, to get what they demand. In this et "Shakeup day The robot plane has been In Midwest on Way Out state sales tax.; . .Norwalk's new Filing o f Affidavi|i(^ seeking to head off a "meat fam unusual twist to bargaM ng, tlm Socialist mayor’s Brst act is to (Contlaaed on Phge Two) Ine" a year from now, talked of union. Ixical 851. UE-CIO, did not 72”x90” Kenwood 1 Virgin Wool London, Oct 7—(4^—The Lon (Centinued on Page Two) Hy The Associated Press fire Corporation Counsel Paul Boston, Oct. 7—(4*)—The Execu­ asking farmers to plan- for maxi entertain a strike vote, instead Ifc i Lb. Can don Star reported ^ate today that October's mic’fiummer - tempera- Connery, long-time Norwalk boss tive council of the Textile Work­ mum hog production and gamble presented n resolution which nail­ M ilkPowder 65c Prime Minister Attlee had re­ • turcs over parto of the midwest and flgiue in Democratic state ers Union of America has voted that big crops next season will re­ ed for the rejection of a compaoy ^Tamous*’ Blankets moved Eihanusl Shlnwell, the ! were on the way out today, the politics... .Four get Jail -sontences Hope to Avert to respect requlremehtsy of \ the lieve the feed grain shortage. connlcr-prqpoisal and the ordm to chairman of the Labor party from China Suffers Weather bureau said, in forecast­ and fines for booking horse race Taft-Martley act relating to the 4. The United Nations Food and fight within'. his cabinet ih a large scale gov­ ing a Cool wave on its way from beta in New Haven. fllinZ of nonOimmiinist afflday)ta Agriculture organization predict­ / . • • * For ernmental sbakeup. western Canada. 'Dake of Windsor sees King ‘Meat Famine —toe first major CIO union to ed that more people will die of "Backing Out” on Offer Hit Pork and Beans 2 Shlnwell will beicome w m minis­ Heavy BJows Washington, Oct. 7.—(4*)-^Danr.. Mild tomperatucas, however, George. .Moscow magasine asserts take such action. hunger'next, year than were killed 15% Oz. Can ter. a Jc4> n^ch does not carry lei M. Lyons, chairman o f the cMitlnued ovet the southern and the U. S. and the. Vatican have "Our compliance with this Aec- In any year' of the war, and that $ cabinet rank and puts him under .Fetlcral' Parole board, acensed an 16.95 eastern sections of the country. entered into an alUanM against tlon of the act," said Emil Rievc, present shortages will continue be­ Tohay the immediate supervialon o f the Nation's Fwmers to Be Illinois public safety officer today Commodity Prices Go Temperatures dropped from the R u ssia ,... Ck>ngresawoman Edith president of toe union, "is forced yond the 1948 harvests. ,Famou.s not only in name, but in Warmth, bci^ity and defense minister. The StM aald. Rogers demands that the Social \ Steps Up l*urchases / of "backing out” on an offer te Up ' While Inflated north Pacific coast across the Asked ^ /to Produce upon us and is In no way to be serve as parole supervtaor tor a Lbs. durability, nine beautiful colors. Rose, deep blqe. light Attlee saw Kii^ George VI this northern Rockies and in portions Security board resume Its pre-war construed m an acceptance of our 5. The Agricultiirc departOMBt Grapes morning, apparently to go through sehedule of making payments ,on More P/gs Next Year former Chicago gangster. Ha call­ blue, aqua, yellow; green, peach, pink and white Currency XD w indies of the Dakotan and upper Missis­ adherence to toe un-American disclosed it stepped up wheat pur­ ed It a "deeples&le thing.** Lyene with the fonnallty of receiving sippi valley. ^ the first of each month. .The Jane chases for, export^ to 2.3.963,674 Mciaitooh principles which underlie It." iMhed out at Harry A. Ash. su- the sovereign's assent to changes 'Hio mercury climbed to a hot 92 Russell Alfa "The Outlaw" could Was(Ungt^n, Oct. 7 —(J')— The The TWUA, fourth liirgest fflO bushels last week'*compared with in the cabiavt. Nanking, Oct 7—(fi')—China's only be made in a "pagan eodii- perinlendeat of the llUaols Divi­ already uncertain economic struc-. in Des Moineo, la., Omaha, Neb., Agriculture department la work­ union claiming a membership of 9,089,880 bushels the week before. sion of Crime Preventloa, at hear­ 16Qt.Bskt. 1 ,1 9 72”x84” 100% Wool Mariposa" ' "The transfer o f Mr. Shlnwell is Phillipsburgh, Kas., and Tulsa, try," a Philippine priest charges ing on ways to keep toe present 450,000 w orkers took the . action The big groin markets, which Apples ture suffered riw blows today In . • I I I I *" ings by a House ExpendlturM' likely to be regarded os a triumph Okla., Monday m the warm weath grain emergency from creating, a yesterday. National officers of have contended all along that Hudson Bay-Type for the moderate elements in the the wake of news of government suhconunlttoe which Is Investigat­ reverses In Manchuria. cr of iMt week end continued. In Treasury Balance "meat famine" late next year and toe CIO recently declined to sign grain exports and not speculation ing the paroling of tour members cabinet," said The StM, a Liberal Williston. N. .D., however,, yeeter- in 1949. too non-CommunIst affidavits. caused high prices, fixed-their new nswapsper. Comihodity .prices dlimbed an of the Into Al Capone’s gang. 3 Lbs. average' of 10 per cent -while the day's high was 47, The cooler WMhlngton, Oct. 7.—UTt—The The plan m tentatively drawn In a letter to Robeirt N. Den­ margins at 33 1-3 per cent. • • • Shlnwell had left wing auppoit nation’s inflated . currency con­ weather ^WM expected to spread position of the Treasury Oct. 3: calls upon farmers to produce ham, general counsel of the Na- The increMcd .down payment Royal Wins Patent Suit over the northern'sections of the Receipts, 6123.562.665.21; ex­ large numbers of oigs next year on' -/■V« __ / N In Labor ranks and from Arthur tinued to dwindle in value relative Hartford, Oct. 7—(4V- The Hmmer, Communist general secre­ to the United States dollar. north central states today and penditures, $196,639,088.57; bal­ toe gamble that bounteous crops (Continued on Page Two) (Continued on Page Two) will relisve. the feed grain short­ Royal Typewriter Company, Uc.. Onions 10 Ib. Bag tary o f the Mineworkers union, The Shanghai black market over the entire re^on tomorrow. ance, $4,669,819,025.07. of Hartford today Won two patent 65c 72x90 Kenwood'100% Virgin W^ool who called in a recent speech for quoted 82^000 Chinese dollars to $1, age. snito against the Remington Rand Attlee to leavelShinwell In the po­ The department Is concerned $ 1 3 - ^ 8 a spectaeulM Increase of 23,()00 over the possibility tost toe gov­ 1^ , and L. C. Smith * Corona sition of fuel minister. He has since the gpytrr.ment began suffer­ 'Typewriters, lae.. Involving n been a storih center of the cabinet ernment’s food conservation pro­ Roses on Statue of Virgin ' ing milltaiy setbseks in the C^- Psychiatrist Hits Practice gram, coupled with diminishing typwrlter antomnUc margU regu­ HEALTH MARKET **Arondac” Blankets partlculMly roeurring^. crises In nesc northeast three days ago.The lator device. la a roemoraadm Britain's nationalised coal mines supplies and high prices of grain, Sff White with striped multi-c61or, borders in black, red, market opened this morning at may lead fanners to make a sharp of decleimi’ filed with th* dark ef yellow and green, scarlet with black border. Blankets . Secrecy‘was maintained around 73,000 Chinese doUara to $1. Remain Fresh Five Months the UaUed SUtea District court. the long rumored changes in port- O f Teaching Santa Exists reduction next yeat in the produc­ r ^ s p b c ia l ' t u e s d a y The government continued, how­ tion meat animals, particularly Judge J. Joseph Smith Inslraotef that will wear for years and are exceptionally warm. foUos and no official confirnia- ever, to retain" the official "open hogs. Stockport, Eng., Oct. 7— (47 —«traditibhal crowning ceremony, i enb^t ^ p oeed forme tlon o f The Star’s reportf could be marklet" rate unchanged at 48,400 ^ Topeka,, Km ., O ct 8— (4)— A -/'and that tho!r parents arh Uars~ ProductloB Drop Expected ‘ end that the garlands normally be-1 • decree S u ng the type Modess obtained Immediately. Chinese dollars to $1, buying, and The pariah priest of St Mary s, ^ ...... amount ot relief to be granted Lb. $ 1 2 - 5 0 Bate’s “Tomorrow” Pattern paychiaL(ist,^ suggMUng that p a r-! so they don’t think. It’s^too ^ un- A t best, olBc'Ula M y, meat pro­ „ ...... gan to wUt and shed within two Tenderized Ham TIm Oonaervative Evening Nev^ 50,200 to $1, calling. ' duction next * year will bo down 5 Roman Catholic church Mid today ; later by tWm court. ICONOMV BOX O f 50. said Shinwell's dlsmiaul from the Beds Capture Two Towns ents streM honesty, today con-1 pleasant. - demned the practlcs of teaching | E«t CUM Know Saata Myt|i to io per cent. In 1949 suppllea his parishioners were' awed and . - ' Flock to See SUtue Kenwoods are known for their warmth and long wear­ cabinet w m “a neM certainty." LiStest military developments In BiMt Wrecka Night auh ^ ' children there is a Sahta CSaua ^ | 'Let the child know Santa Is just could bp reduced eo sharply that, enraptured by a crown of 22 yel- This year, aeven-year-old Paul- The Star’s political correspondent Manehqria' titcluded the Commu­ lven S' continued high coneumer SprUgfleld, Maee.. Oct. 7—(F M 1 Sandwich Meaf Spociol, ing qualities. Blue, rose, green,.rose beige, gold and You can get Just m much fun a pleasant myth, C2iisholm advls- low roses which he'reported still ine Byrne crowned the statue with ■ '-- '/ $1.19 ' also suggested that BMnweira nist capture of.Sbwangmiaotze, a §enmnd, toirp w6uld be .acute An explodliqf hot water tank .that peach * . deputy in the fuel ministry, youth­ trunkline town 15 miles southwest out o f Santr. by telling the truth.., ed, and then go ahead and play fresh five months after they wer* i roses. The priest said the blooms shot like a projectile from" th* shortages. placed on a eUtuto of the Virgin' which .were bought from a local ful Hugh Galtskell, might be of Szepipgkai, and TMhihehiso, a ■aid Dr. Brook Odabolm. the game of Santa CSaus "and you Beef production is declining be^ baacmeat thrangh tw* Soots tod^ Enjoy the “peace of mind” that Comes with having a Mqry. * t florist.; had not been touched or Minced Ham 49c moved—either to ShinweD'a posl- rail Junction 12 miles eM t o f Ting- M girt HamHcap Thiokiag ' and the children will get Just M cause the nation is eleughtering wrecked Eddie’s ' Oafo. a alght plentiful supply of-Abfi, safe Modess always on hand. tinn or some higher Job. kow. Besides, tolling your child toe-| much fun out of R." , catMe faster thkn they can be pro­ The.„ stotute, four . feet six I watered alnc*,toen. Ho said hun- club, with loso cettmaM hy Ow*- Green Staipps Given With Cash Sales! St, Nlcliolas legend and other | „ Dr. Chisholm, executive secra- inehes higK and of carved orange-1 deeds of devout CAthollcs were .V' $ 9 ^ .-: ^''' / The StM described Galtskell M The 6htent t o which Red -forces duced LAmb production Is off «r Edward J. Dowd at bstwHii ''one of tito successes among Jun­ have crippled r^l communications mjrtos are truths might handleap. tary of the Iterim commission of sharply ftoni wartime levela. Un­ wood. Is ths personal prope]rty o f | flocking to the church to see the $76,000 and $100,000... Ws»9 ef Full Twin Bed Size , ior mlnlatera. between Shanhalkuan and Chang­ his thinking aUlltisA toe World Health orgenlzfitloh, der theae conditions a sljarp In­ toe pastor, toe Rev, James Tur­ status the hiriMlBg were bmihlsi oM Cream Cheese u. 59c "Aa a whole the reconstruction chun was Indicated by a report Dr. CZiisholm explUnad it thla K>oke iMt high;, At a dinner held crease in hog production next year ner, D.D. , “It is not for me to My it Is • front Mewn ent. Mate ghips «t»* T h . J W . H A U CORF.: The JWHAU CORK Beautiful colorfuj^ plaid pattern in red, yellow and wfn mean a movement to the' that the onl^seetion of the entire wsyt in oonnebtlon with the snntiai would be needed/ to maintain a He Mid that every yearon the miracle, but It's above and dewa' Ia aeathy eterea ward hr*k> beyond nature." Father Turner For DalMy Snadui Or Sani^ichto mahchsstsii C o m m * \ . , , M A N C N B i T m C o m m - green. Other Bates spreads 6.96 and 8.96 _ , ‘‘If toe children think about it. meeting o f the Mennipger feunda- first Sunday In May, It w m en. No ene w m in ths hoSilag ea Fags Mx) (CoaUauad oa Page Twa) 1 they knew there te no Santa Claug tiOq, a peychlatrie institution. (C'oatlaaed on PagelTwe) '' bpoi^ht to toe sanYituary fot the said. - • 'i at the time. I '

V ' ■ V

t '' • I t y.y -i y;." ■' . ; vt. PA6E TRREF PACK TWft MANCWISTKR e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 194? MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. U( lUBt.K V. HM7

. .\oian ot the itAte adjutant fenar* Hotel Tall. .Meetings will be <;allevl on Tliursday after the business is dedicated to the furtheiance of this al'a office. . . Andover Womas’s Letter Another Typicsl Sifn at 9 o. m sharp Wednesday, morn­ finished. A laige delegation from PUBUC Board Hearing Claaea C^onreni DaaiMla ! Nation Notes Still Another World Society ideal. Name" Dr. Pond ing. Memorial services will be I the local* council plans to attend Wins Store for Charch At the EMt Cemetery Stolen Coats \ Extended Fureensl These new officers of the organ­ STENOGRAPHER Moat of the caaea heard todky Town Meeting Finale' ization were announced by Dodd: held at 2 p. m. and will be open to the sesakm. concam domicile. According to the , the public. The banquet will he Bonus Appeals Becauae an Andover woman Day Without Boston, Oct. 7—( A V ^ a extend­ Lucius P. Robinson. Jr., Hsrtr A l H illyer Boreas law, a vetwan to be eliflbla muat i wrote to ope of thoae give­ A casual conversation. ^ t h Changed Store Seen‘Lawless held at 8 p. m., followed by pub­ Yellowstone National Park bos M e n ^ h e a tar's underground Stored Here ed forecaet for New England for , ford, .Aice president; Arthur Hos­ a cliff 2.000 feet high made op 869 Main St. Manehesttr bava baen domiciled In OonnactI* away radio programa and aald tage. Yale university, secretary: lic raising of the chiefs. Kntertaln- « r . ____..» ___cut for at least the year preced- agents, James H. jSheekey the period Oct. 8 t6 11, incluelve: ment and dantldg will follow. ' entirely of petrlflcIuiH- NoiAtich, Pmf. Andre ^henker. much longer than the minimum' that thia town aspects that quarters; Are to Be Concern Residence al church will have its cooking Interior be asked to oaaums. W ednesd^ will be followed by rtiiversUy of Connecticut.^Walter Al Hartfonl College time. j stove. whlrh boosted the average price arrest the tra ylle r and delight leral Controversial Aa a mattar of record, aecldenta tain Peace Needed /■ of Itogs to a peak of 120.01. U t ^ as Evidence I warmer Thursday and cooler again K. Battorson. Hartford. DearMVes- . , net T—zm—Seven. Tha flrat veteran to appear ba- The woman, not Identlfled the Imagina^n. have been far leas frequant on tba ley Sturges, Yale Law school.^ra. Rartford. Oct 7-«V 8a w waa M w ardi Ill the Cest St. Louis market, Tha Tag Room, according to Propositions; Hartford about Friday. Dr.'Samuel E Pond, of 53 Alex­ because llatenera could not That s ig ^ at the entrance curves than farther west on .the Some normal* for the period: Hartford. Oct. 7. Describ­ Ra>Tuond Landis. Stamford and taa* World War n veterana whoae 71.^ Elmwood avenue.: however, hogs were active and to East ^m etery that says Periclea Ambulol). proprietor. Is atralght-away. CoaU valued at $993, recoverwl ander atreet. Mancheater. project quite catch the name on the steady to 2.^ cents higher. Rd. Item Seen Attackec Boatbn, New Haven, Pi-ovldence ing International society aa law­ Howard Huntington. Westport, d(- bontia appUcationa were denied by a„ ex.Marine who spent more | “On* Vl^y—Do Not Enter" following the example of other Beaerve F a id ly local and State police in round- engineer Tor Pratt and Whitney air this morning, noted In her Butter prices continued to drop. I and Nantucket, 58, Concord, Bur- less and anarchic.” Thomas J. ’ lectors. ' j State Treaauier Joseph A. Ador- than three yrnn In the South P a -' letter that the church waa 100 win shortly be paired with an- merchants on Main ttrest and irill Much dlacuaalon la anticipated tag up the group accused of steal- In the New York wholesale mar­ start alterations to the front and A capacity auaience is expected ■■ Umgton and Portland 62, Greenville Dodd of Lebanon, president of zthe \Alrcraft, ket, Grade AA felt 2 cents a pound interior of the restaurant early to croivd High school hall tonight United World Federalists of Con­ I ford for 14 montha prior to induc­ aer\-ed Its anniversary. She approaches th* ceme- aerva funt O A by man to brlruf^ peace to the prepared to open negotiations to­ I Naval RcsearC. -Laboratory in t X ' --- Attomey General Nicbolaa P. Ra- Date Book completely rebuilt with double to highways, *hr setting up of a money that will be allotted to it. the case has h»cD disposed of here. { L o m b a r C l O 8 t S a i l f l world, it musVbe strengthened if day 'on the union's demands for cents. Ijitcr theV rallied and the doors taking the place of the single ! Washington, L . 'C/ fo aad includat Col. Milton Rich- To Meet I.diter main lactoi In checking the early reserve fUnd, a i l the expenditure The action contemplated. It Is re­ which may resuR. InV binding over, 1 ' it Is to succeed. No league hgs changoa in 44 working rules for Educated at $ ^ n gftcld College B n d w e l . a r r man, national commander, Jewish door that at present aerves as the of $10,000 for BAnltary faolliliee ported, Is merely to grant permis­ the coats wlH have -to be held | * • « . • *. ever maintained peace for long. their more than 30.000 members. decline waa heavy buying of fu­ Tonight entrance. The interior will receive and Clark tmiv^lty. he has at Mt. Nebo. sion for the srttlng up of such h further at evidence In the possible And Beatrice Kay The recent events at Flushing A carrier spokesman said the War Veterana and Col. Joseph P. Under the old town charter, the' tures by cash grain Imuses to re- Town Meeting at High School as complete a moocrnlxing as the taught previously at the Ujilver- Big Exchaiigen fund. Later, it,has been aald, the Meadow would seem' to indicate pi-opoaed changes by the brother- Selectmen elected at the annual ’plenlsh stocks a f t ^ the sale of hall at 8. exterior. Th* old booths will be re­ Included in appropriations la a trial at &iperici (kmrt. sity of Pennsylvania n d Washing­ more than 7,000,^ bushels of Wedneodny. OcL 8 $3(1,000 Item fer the straightening Board of Directors may decide on Chief Oordor. said this morning Beatrice Kay, celebrated sing­ that' one will fail too^' b(x>ds, lA-piesenting engineers, fire­ ton UnU'erslty. \ . toMvn meeting would have taken moved and rVplaced by new. Mo­ men, conductors, trainmen and c s s r Im s f office thia afternoon and organ- Hike MarginB wheat to the commodity credit Edwin Strawbrtdge— Players of a section ot Hertford road west the amount te go into tbe fund that ap affort will be made to have ing comedienne and famous "Gay Dodd, who scrA’od - as cxccijtivc dern lighting eijuipmcnt will be switchmen, would cost the railr^ds ixed. Under the hew charter, how­ corporation. preoent “ An Arabian Night" at another feature of the new tea of the Prospect street intersection. itself. There b ^ been some pre­ moat of the conu released to the Nineties" girl of stage, screen and z triad counsel at the Nurcniberg ever, the nine dlrectora elected Meanwhile, housewives found Hollister street school and High This question, it Is indicated, will vious Indication that Selectmen p re ^ r owner tnd h# la anxious radio, will headline the trlple-sUr \ war criminal trials, said that the an estimated $1,000,000,000 an­ (Continued from Page One) room and Uie whole Interior will nually In operatihsr coats. Local Delegatt^ yeeterday have until the flrat little changes th the high piicea of school, under aponaorshlp of PTA. be painted. Th* only equipment be diss|)proved by many taxpay­ Intended that the town meeting to make the r.turn. There is no "in Person" stage show playing time to strengthen the United Na- food at the/' grocery stores, al- Hinraiiny. OeL • ers. The Board «zf Selectmen, due tonight act not only on the estab­ proper place for the, storage of ; lions was "now. When It Is prov- The proposed changes Involve Monday In November to meet and waa placed In force with the open­ that will remain will be the Friday. Saturday and Sunday at .Ihough buttVr prices In most sec­ WDRC Radio Jamboree at High to meet at 7 p. m. prior to the lishment of this feature, but also ' Ing itself incapable of fulfilling its various phases of rallrosd opera­ To Attend Parlcv IT’S COM IM ^! organlxe. The man elected chair­ counter that extends to the right • ing of trading this morning. Pre- tions hay^ dropped about five on the amount that would be ' most important function, the tions Including length of trains, man at this meeting will be vloiis tranaactiona are not affect­ school hall. Anderson-Shea Auxil­ of the entrance but this will be public seasioT), in order to take CBTCOUIS known aa Uve Mayor. cents a pound In the last week. iary. V.F.W, lengthened. Difficulty in replacing any laat minutt* action, may decide granted to It. i K ilim 's, srr- : maintenance of peace." size and number of crews, work sa- Tims and again ws havs onlargsd ths world's lorgoPt ed. , Any other business proper to .slgnments and appointment ot ^ The fifty-third Great Counci Dlrectora elected yeaterday aaid Further drops In butter were Bishop Henry J. O'Brien to ad- it, la. tha reason for not making to recommend against the measure. No Law to Maintain Order aeMlon of the Degree of Pocahon brswsry. Ths prossnt sxponsion progrom is tlio Directors of the Chicago and reported In the New York and come before tbe meeting may be I supervisory personnel. I thia morning that thev had no Minneapolis exchange’s said they mtniater Sacrament of Ogipflrma- a change. Previously, the board voted to In­ ______j Ing vocalists Mark Carter and Dodd said there was no lafl: to toB of Connecticut wilt be held at MUSTeroLE Chicago whole sale markets yes­ tion at St. James's church at 7:30 clude the Item tii the approprisr- discuslmd. Idrgost ovor. But ws can't ship you thsss additional Idea whether they would meet be­ bowed to the government demand Th* kitchen of the resUurant _ s n • I - Pstty DSle. Victor Lombardo maintain order between the na­ Named Rei^nrch .Aaaoelat* I Hotel Toft, New Haven. Wednes­ fore the flrat Monday In Novem­ terday with the top in New 'York p. tn. will be modernized and in addition tloni without comment, although "against our better judgment" be 74 cents a pounu and in Chicago Locfll K e s i u e n t l feature* the smooth Lombarto tions of the world and he called day and TTiuraday. Oct. 8 and 9. trainloadfl of Budwoisor without oxponding our jproo* ber or not, but It waa not conatd- cause they believe the etep will State Conference of Women’s to thia Mr. Ambulos said, thsrs the budget, a<< completed, was ! family style of music that has for the establishment of peace Headquarterii also are at the M A K I S U M YwUll ered likely that they would. The to 71. Salt Lake City report- League of United Synagogues of will to* a pastry shop Installed In voted with the approval and rec A ln o iit T i r i H n New Haven Oct. 7— The not notwork of roilroad traokago. Supplying your drive out of the market the rlak laws through amendments to the appointment ot Dr. Henry E. Sige- moet Important matter to take zed l>est graoe wholesale butler was America at Temple Beth Sholom. the rear of the toulldlng. In the ommendatlon of th* Selectman, Rax>Lr F rom Ahmad won the applause of appreciative capital “which has heretofoi O S C K r r O l l l / x u r u e t t l throughout the entire ' charter of the United Notions. rist aa rescaich nrsoclate in medi-' domond for Budwoioor has roquirod ua to build pri* place at the organisation meeting 79 cents, a drop of 3 cents. Prldny, Oct. 17 future it is expectsd that all of Women who were unatile to be been b vital atablllih'*( influence. ML Nebo Project nation. Other headline attractions "Thia,” he said, ‘‘l.s the greatest cal history wu.- announced last will be naming the Town Manager In .Minneapolis flour dipped lU Military Whist of Manchester the rssUursnt pastry needs will present at the "Open Ho'jse” ' .X' ______■/ vato railroad yordo biggor thon tho torminal fooilitioo President Truman declared In to Sfi centa per 100-pound sack The $10,000 measure for sanitary on this outstanding program will issue of this day. II we do not night by the Yule Medical school. who in the futun will have di­ Green P.T.A. be accommodated in this shop. provisions at M t Nebo, brought period of thw County YWCA this Mr*. Agnea P McBride of 105 A hla SundXy address launching the wholesale, with family patents St. John atreet. who left early In be Al Bernle, one of the nation's ; amend the charter and-give the Dr. Slgcrigt. '.vh-> recently retired of moay major oitioo. rect charge of town affairs. food campaign that the margins Sunday, Oct. 18 It is intended that the restaur­ up on the spui ot the moment at afternoon in the Salvation Army 87.95. Annual Fall outing at Campbell ant will carry on business as usual May for an extended visit at her foremost humorists, and the Col­ i United Nations power to enact, in- 88 professor of medical history at would have to go up becauae ‘‘the Prices of most meat animal Sclectmen'a in<>er*ng, has been gen­ citadel, are urged to attend dur­ stons, internationally famous sa­ terpret and enforce world law, we .Tohn Hopkins university, is now In h t Council, K. of C„ at the Hayloft, during the period of alteration. erally approved as a project al­ ing tha period from 7:30 to 9:80 old home In Paisley. Scotland, re­ Although wo oro producing ond shipping moro coat of living muat not 1^ a foot markets advanced. Two carloads Coventry. turned yvsterr’a.v. bringing with tirists. Showing on screen will be will have failed in our highest duty Switzerland, wbere he plans to ball to be kicked about by gam­ of steers sold at $30.35 at Clilca- though many fe< 1 the coat la high. this evening, when Miss Ann "High T id e" with Lee Tracy and to mankind: we will have accepted write an elg'il-\cilnme history of B u ^oisp r than OYor boforo, it is scores bocanoo Friday, Oct. *4 However, this lo.i, is In a doubtful her one of her a Eters. Mrs. Jeanie PePMinal Notices blers in grain." go, equaling last weeks peak. Best Erickson and other Olrl Reserves Kerr of Elderslee. Renfrewshire, Annabelle Shaw. ' the inevitability of atomic war and medicine sine.* the beginning of ImmeiHats mq(ro pooplo oro domanding it thtui OYor boforo. Substitutes Cheese SoaSle Charter Night celebration of category, for ’.either plans nor aa- will have a part in the program. hogs at the i.'hicago market Boy Scouts. High school hall a^ 8 Hoapitul Notes Scotland. There are late stage shows Sat­ j the probable destnictlon of our civilization. Yale said hla appoint­ The White House went on the brought $28 to $30 a hundred tlmntes have l>etn drawn for It Registration for the different urday and Sunday starting at 10 civilization.'' ment gives him full professorial Thoy domahd it bocouoo ovory drop of Bndwoiflor Card of Thnnka o'clock. and the votest will be uaked to Mrs. Kerr visited her sister and no-meat-for-Tuesday standard by pounds and advances up to 50 hand craft courses will also taka brother-in-law h.-re about 21 years Dodd described the United World rank with an indefinite leave of Open meeting, Manchester A. A. allot $10,000 for something that p. m. < j Isstsihtios containo tho p o lity that ovor tho yooro boo mods It W « satsml our heartfelt thinks to substituting cheese souffle for the centa were reported at St. Paul, Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Jen­ place tonight ugo and spent two months In Man ' Federalists as an organization absence. OwhllTne-up president's luncheon today and at Hollister street school at 8. Out nie Henderson, 425 Middle Turn­ is not a concre'e proposition. all those who aesletrd In anV way In On)hha and Peoria. However, the of town speakers. Chester. She slr-udy notices T f i l l i t V tho most popultt bM r in history. our recent beraavement, the death ot broiled salmon steak for dinner. $22.75 top for lambs was near the pike, east; Mrs. Ellen Jackson, 62 When a slniilar money request Mystic Review, Woman's Bene­ changes, but the warm weather' A O S i p O l l C I I 1111 Ollbert V, Wright. We would eepeclal- Thursday, Ort. SO The Idea la to conserve on meat lowest level since last May. Winter street; WHbrod LaFlanimc, for unplanned veterans' housing fit Association.'will have an Im­ of yesterday and today amaze. ask more infor­ lows hall. AH guaitle are requested LISS Mrs. John Erirkann, H«pe to Avert Banquet of combined Mothers Mm. McBride reporU a most en-1 O I L BURNER that pooplo no longor osk for boor... thoy ook for Inga (D,, Ark.), told newamcn last Rose Tober, 38 Cone street; Mrs. mation before they approve the to be present for the rehearsal In jo j^ le stay in... Scotland,______and___ that j Hartford, Oct. 7 Homecoming Cllfluid E. Wright. night after a ffve-weck tour of Circles In St. James’s hall. Mt. Nebo spe/.o'ng. Irma Robinson, . 115 Main street; preparation for the District Rally one of her othei sisters who wa- Day for Trinity College alumni, ', / Budwoisor. fh on y o u Europe that In hla opinion "the ‘Meat Famine' Friday, Nov. 14 Mrs. Paula O'Brien, Rockvile; The Hartford road proposal, in­ Turkey supper-Christmas sale. Saturday evening at the Sheit scriouslly 111, has recovered her originBlly scheduled for October A Ferro burner givis proved need for food has been over-cm- \, ______Jack Matthews, 42 Edison road. volving 830,000 in costs, has al­ Chateau, Wllllmar.tic. Reviews in NOTICE oxpocf fopgy Second Congregational church. health.'.Tills------trip------to Scotia had^ been 1 25. has been postponed un^il No- cconoaicsl besting, with phaalsed and over-pubjlahed." Admitted today: Charles Fan- ready drawn the fire of Willard B that place will be hostesses, and planned. by. .Mrs. . McBride mid her ^vgg announccd to­ AMBBUIBB-BUiCB BPOIS He said "there are some bad (C'ontlnhed from Page Une) Wednesday. Nov. 10 tom, 69 E3ro street; Francis L it­ Rogers, who asserts that there is f u*l savings m4ny owners Christmas sale. North Method­ are in charge ot arrangements. lato husband, Alexander T. Mc­ day by President G. Keith Fun- spots, particularly In Germany" tle. Rockville; Richard Dewart, no danger at the point in question Supper will be eorved at 8:S0. Bride, a former teacher at Howell aton. The new date will, coincide report rang* vp te 504$. but "I had expected to find suffer high level of meat production for ist W.S.C.S. 437 1-2 North Main street; Robert if drivers exercise ordinary care Tbtt'i wortliwUle. ite'i it? 1949. Wednesday, Dec, 8 Cheneywneney Tech., *cvii., who »•—died —In ------1944. with the Trlnltv-Wesleyan foot- WE ARE DOING BUSINESS AT Ing and It jiu t wa.sn't there." Seglsscr. Beacon Falls. Conn.; Mrs. In operation of their cars. He She decided to travel alone and [ball rame which will be a major Rcprenentatlvo Hill (R., colo.i, But farmera normally curtail Christmas Tree Bazaar, Center Georgina Vince, 227 McKcc street; feels that the spending of ao much hog produoMon Vhop feed grains church. by airplane and Is most enthusi- event in the all day program of WILLIAMS who like Gathinga made the trip Nelson SmiUi, 55 Middle Turnpike, money for the accommodation of tsUc over tha speed and comfort, events scheduled for returning aa a member of a apodal House are scarce end prices are high, as east a few reckless drivers is a penalty OIL SERVICE • ese* ssee » e »s* n*a la the case now. Ttjey do not ex­ St this methpd. I graduates. S I K V I t I Committee on European Food Discharged yesterday: Linda Lee TONIGHT Oli Borner Sales IT LIVX8 WITH GOOD TA8TS ..CVtlTWNtll When Minutes Problems, said ho believes moat pand production agAln until after China Suffers Bailey, 134 Benton street; Mrs. 1063 M ain St. and Senice It IIST ro t YOUR CAR grains becorne plentlf^il again and JIM and GEORGB Present L«nm Marie, Pennsylvania; Mrs. 841 hroad St Tet t-l2SI AI4T171 of western Europe can "get by" prices, go down. In euch cases BlOARBUtt Of MAKI Jiillan Sheldon and son, 63 Center Count! until the first of the year. After there Is at least one yekr between "W e Solve The that, he said, there will be urgent Heavy Blows street: Mrs. Beverly Richardson JIM FARRAND Opposite the Army & Nary Club / Burning QueMlon” need of aid. the time of curtailed Iifoductton Have few deetoi ta<». and expanded: productionv-a year and son, 22 Bliss street; Miss Mary And His '/______I_____ - pbewie bit prverriplltin of short m*at supplies. ' (4/nntlnued lr«m Page One) Wall, 133 Main street; Mrs. Shir­ BOLAND ley Stone. North Coventry; Mrs. “ MEMORY LANE” TRIO la WeMan’a ever aw art- In reversing their normal prac­ WED.-THURS.-FRI..SAT. vale |ir»fvaal«nal alia, fat Change in Hours tice, farmera would be taking no line on which traffic is operating Margaret Reardon, 299 Main street. (Tba ordMstni thafa S abew Immedlata delivery te undue chances by producing fair­ is between Mi*‘«flei. and Chlnhsien, Discharged today: John Leonard, la Itself!) MOTORS yew borne. ly large |»lg crops next spi^g, 18 miles soiCh'Vest. East Hartford; Thomas Mehl. 11 WATCH THIS PAPER FOR By Local Banks offlclals said. No trains are now moving on Foxcroft drive; Peter Hanson, 30 ■ mm T o u r Hometown If next year's grain crops tunV- the Mukden-V t.ngkow line. Laurel street; Gloria and Richard Nash Dcsicr” Bassett, 573 Parker street; Mrs. Conveolent. prompt friendly, expert—oil WELDQN'S T h e Manchester Trust company ed out to be large, farmera al­ Nationalist Rlliiatlon WonKn* Delicious Food / FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ready would haye the llvestoclc fo Evelyn Dixon and daughter. Rock­ these adJecUves describe the service yoa get M l MAIN STHKHrr and the Savings Bank will both Ik Airborne reinturcementa were ville; Edmund Schubert, 71 Haynes Served the Way set OMtor 8L TeL 4079 open this oomliw Thursday after­ feed and hence to provide large at Metcalfe’s, glass specialists right here In supplies of pork during the fall reported ready to he flown to Muk­ street. ^ Yon Like It! noon from 4 tad p. m,. It wa.s an­ den as the Nationalist situation Blrihs yesterday: A son to Mr. Manchester. Whether It's a full length mirror, nounced today. The change In and winter of 1948-49. If. on the dthOr hand, feed grain in Mancluiria worsened. “Two and Mrs. Andrew Hunt. 11 Church “ Everybody’s Gettine^^ a gloss d m rative piece, or safety glass for hours Is made for the accommo­ strong divisions were reported at street; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. dation of distomers of the hanks, crops shoui 1 turn out lo bo short yoor cor, yoa're sure IPs the best glass if It’s again, farmers could market their sea, bound for Hi.lutao from Chan- Edwin Aberlo, Rockville. In The Act" / since both Institutions will be tung provlncu. Births today: A daughter to Mr. from Metealfs’s. closed air day Saturday, and also hogs at light weights. Of course, At Reymander^l total pork supplies would be much Government press dispatches re­ and Mrs. Wilson Dobson, 258 Henry OPEN SAnTRDAYS ITNTH. NOON High Quality Range and Fuel all day Monday, the 13th. Colum­ smallei. ported the presence of 20,000 Red street; a daughter to Mr. nnd Mrs: bus Day, falling on Sunday, will DEPENDABILITY The liepartinonfs tentative troops In the areas Immediately Edwin Barber, Wnpping. ^ LEGAL BEVERAGES be celebrated officially on Mon­ plans call for a 1918 spring pig south, west and north of Chang­ Birth Friday: A son to Mr. nnd ______J o i m s o n / day. crop goal of between !?0,000,000 chun, but dosertbed the National­ Mrs. James Benton. 6 Tyler Circle. and .'2,000 000 head, rather than ist held capital aa a/'clty of steel.’ Mdcalfe Glass Co., Inc. the approximately 45,000,000 head One dispatch reporteef the with­ R E Y ^ N D E R 'S which could normally be expected drawal, under pressure, of the Na­ ' RE^AURANT. INC. tionalist garrison from a trunk­ 11TA Center St. WE DO ALL KINDS under present condlttons. This 87 oa« St rnoae asst B r o t h e r You enter a new worid yoni's spring crop totaled 53.200.- line station only five miles south­ / OF ADTOMORII.E 000. west of Changchun. It said the Oppesits Polics Station retreat occurred Oct. 4, which MANCHESTER Electrica L Contractors REFAIR WORK ON might Indicate the place again Is Wednesday and Tbnrsday 3IT III vouR ORiiwtwjar wt wowit GASOLINE - WHOLESALE and RETAIL Robot Plane In government hands, since yes­ Phono Manchottor 5856 ALL MAKES OF terday .the Nationalist troopa aald E L O E b V S of driving experience. No iuch OIL they had cleared Communist sol­ iMimm '.’Ml CARS Flying Home diers ffom a 13-mlle radius around DRIVE iN THEATRE MORIARTY BROTHERS the city. (Continued from Page One) Center of Fighting In "Time OPEN 24 HOURS GORMAN The present center of fighting, Uvea” Pli performance ever before. No Os tba Laval Al Center and Broad England since Sept. 22, when It pres.s reports indicate, is round the Telephone 5l.‘iS MOTOR s a l e s rail towns of Tlehllng, 40 miles landed at Brize Norton. Oxford­ MARJORIE M A IN -LOUIS!AUlMTTON 285 IVlain 81. Tel. 7220 shire. by automatic control-after northea.st of Mukden, and Kal- ON THE SAME SHOW a pioneering 2,400 mile pilotless yiian, 15 miles further northwest. PLUS: "Daliger Street” flight from' Stephenvilie. Since Red concentrations in that area The most endraring old ras­ car like it at any price. ENDS TODAY then the craft has mode demon­ were accepted by Chinese news­ cal they ever put in Jail . . stration flights for the R. A. F papers an an .indication of an im­ “ The Long Night” eventually! and benause of the valuable In­ pending Ctommunlst attack on ALSO I "Little Miss Broadway” “ Alias Mr. Twilight” STARTS THURSDAY struments aboard has been kept Mukden Itself. with Michael Duane under close guard at all times. Generalissimo Cflilang Kal-Shck, Bing brosby " I f , I Had My Way” The plane was brought to Lyne- who is expected to go to Mukden TODAY: “ Slave Girl” Pluirt "Dressed Tn KID” ham—about 80 miles west of-Lon­ to confer with Gen. Chen Cheng, PLUS: "Vigilantes Return” don- from Brize Norton last night remained In Peiping where he because of the longer runways concluded a ..military conference here. The crew was briefed in with his leading north China gen­ R. A. F. flight headquarters, erals. scanned weather reports and then Wed. Thru Sat. ate a breakfast of cereal, baked' beans, tomatoes, bacon and tea be­ Reports Nationalists “ CRY W O L f » fore taking off. Errol Flynn, Barbara Stanwyck In addition to the original crew Capture Weihaitvei RIGHT N O W — . of seven which made the trip to Shanghai, pet. '7—(A5—Govern- ■----- ALSO ----- mejit capture' of Weihalwet, the b i l l y England, the Skymaster Is Carry­ “ Wnke Up and Dream” ing the following on ihe return last major port on the Shangtung THOSE IN THE KNOW ARE INSTALLING pcuiiiaula held by (Communists, (In Color) flight John Payne June Haver Jame''s L, Anast, civilian chief was reported today ' by the Cen- JO Y YRIQ^' of the Auto Flight branch of the tmi News agency. i; ' 1 U. S. Army's AH Weather Flying The victory at the port near TODAY - They're Retdly Terrific} SILENT GLOW division at Columbus, Ohio, of (Chefoo was achieved by National­ "Ronuuice Of Rosy Ridge” which Gillespie Is the chief: G. V ists Naval units under Vice Adm. “ Undereoyer Maisle” Johnson and Charles Sidney Kewi Yung-Chung, the agency Franklin, civilian experts, and paid. Last Show Tonight—-8:15 Wing Commander F. R. Jeffs, R. Q DINE and NO BURNERS A. F. observer. ‘ 4 for only ^ d * in Hartford and sold and serviced at home bv Textile Union ^ DANCE MONEY Moriarl.v Brothers - the only Official Silent Glow dealer TONIGHT OR ANY in the Manchester Afca. Engagements To Ohev Law DOWN NIGHT A T ((Vmllnued frnni Page Une) • Klein-Kluck Mr. and Mrs Mich.oel Kliick, of tional Labor Relations board, the CAVEY'S CREAM STRAWBERRY TARTS 168 West Center i.treet, h-aVe an­ Executive council Said "the harm­ T ^ 3 YEARS nounced the f-ngagement of their ful effects of the act Will be felt Moriarty Brothers dauxhter, Mias Katherine Kluck, by our members whether \ve file LUNCHEON 85c THf tfiSSiRT^OF-THi-MONTH POR OCJOBiR ‘On the Level at Center and Broad'* to Hehry John Klein, son of Mr. or do not file. ■oi’d Mrs. Ai.dit w Klein, of 5 '' • . . . ‘ ■ ■'! TO PA Y X’"Hovvevcr.’’ the letter added, - ALSO LOBSTERS, STEAKS AND Here for your eojoymeot once more! .Individual servings of creamj- OPEN 24 HOURS DIAL 5135 Ertgerton place No date has been “onr failure to gain status before set for the w«k?(ling. the National Labor Relations, ITALIAN FCmDS ■mootb Seoltett Vanilla Ice Cream topped vvith crusb^jitrawberries board by not complying with the and decorated with whipped cream! Delicious to look at... delicious ICE CREAM M ilson-Hebcnstreit affidavit requirement would be Kitchen Open Until 11 :.70 P. M. to eat They'll be tbe hit of any meal—or any party. Ready'to. serve. Mrs. William Prentice .of 241 up open invitation to unafflllated I t k ter Us I >ebt>« »• * *s U* Oeer . * . Woodland street announces the en­ labor organizations and company DEUCaoUS DINNERS LEGAL BEVERA0E8 Bey Strmwkrrry Tmrh by tbe box—mite ' enjoy indiyidmml tmrtt mi yomr GENERAL ICC CREAM CORPORATION gagement ot her daughter.' Miss imtons to begin a campaign ■ of ALWAYS COOL! ' Semitest Demlers. . - Eleanoi M. Hebcnstrelt, to Edward raiding that-'\X-onld disrupt the or- SOLIMENE AND FLAGG 634 Center Street D. Wilson, son of Mrs. Anna E. derl.v process of collective bar- HUDSB OF (tUiVUTV 'Wilson of 295 North-Main street g(iihing we have fought so hard NiW STAR ★ MIW SHOW; Stelttsl ViUagt Sure, sUrrinBjACK CARSOS-gHtsI, GREGORY P E C K - rbMrutmy. 9:J0 P.M., SBC and the Ute David Wilsom to biUld." lAVEY'S • A ,r ■V' •i'-A

■ n MANCHESTER E\TINTNG HERALD. hUa NCHESTER. CONN^ ,TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7. 194? PAG E n V M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. c6 n N.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7,194? p A6 b P6tm ------• - - — ----- Natives awaiting execution were all ground communications with \ forced to watch the killings while Typhoon Damages northern Luzon still were out. ehowing imrrovtments or new Death Sentence awaiting their turn. A spreading flood, rising .in the additions end thr.» business orgen- W IW O — 1 Superb guality Boltou Rival Chairmen The prosecution charged that American Post wake o f 12.7-mlle-sn-hour winds Isatlone In town will be required «v n c —isasr Today *8 Radio For Jap Admiral and rain, waa reported Inflicting •ad Socialists, Democrats Oorts Mehr D'ltolla to file an Invertory o f goods this News T id bits the murders were a coid-blpoded 'a attempt to destroy the entire na­ severe damage on crops In north TeL .HamdMstor g g ig year for the. f)rf.l time. Culled From (/P)'13f|rea Looking For A Good Homo? Eastern Standard ItaM Present Views BaUvia, Java, Oct 7.—(67—A tive Intellectual class In west Bor­ Manila. Oct. 7— (67— A Phillp- and central Luzon's most fertile pinsa Alrllne.s pilot returning from plains. More Tea per Bag Dutch military court at Pontla- neo. Get Important Gains Rogers State P. F. President Six>rooni tingla In chdee neighborhood, modem Baguio said today that Camp •The typhoon Itself, with slightly At a meeting h. Immanuel Con­ six year old Forrest .“Nubbiha" Mitchell and Bailey kitchen and bath, antoniatie oil heat, storm sash, aereena. 1:00— 9:16— nak, Borneo, today sentenced Jap­ John Hay, American post there, diminished vetbclty, swept o\it Bolton Votes gregational church. Hartford, A l­ Hoffman, o f Denver, who celebratv, WDR43— Hint Hunt; News. W O N S- Real Stor^from Real anese Vice Admiral Daigo Tada- PlaiM to Spend 84.000,600,606 was without lights and water aa fred Rogers w et elected to serve as awnings, flagstone terrace with canopy, ameaite drive, Into the China sea, heading to­ ed an early (Jhrtatmaa three yeare Interpret Resultt of W K N B — Newa; 640 Request Llfe. shlge to death for authorizing the the result of the severe typhoon Elected Nor­ president of the State Pilgrim Fel- ward Hong Kong, V. S. Naval ago when It mras feared that he large bcautifnlly landscaped lot. . 15 day occupancy. Matinee. massacre o f 1,500 native men, Philadelphia. ' Oct 7.—1^— which struck northern Luaon Sun­ E lection s at G lance Sunday Sale fowehip. This .ast summer Al waa weathermen ssliL must die. Is back In hospital for >wn Elections WONS—WON8 Juke Box. W DRC— Studio One. women and children In west Bor­ American industry is planning to day night and Monday. All of walk Mayor; Demo­ a delegate to fh" summer .Youth new bladder operation. . . .Ex­ Terms. Price, $13,500. For appointment, phone owner, WONS—Zxn* Gray Show. W nC —Backstage Wife. neo In 1644. spend 84,(K)0,000,000 for new Baguio's 20,000 population was By The Associated Press Conference at Deerlng, N . H„ and pect Chinese Communist party to W THT—Auiun.n Serenade, W itty Verslflrr INea crats Increase Hold Hartford, Oct. 7—()P)—Here la occupant, Manchester 4428. 6:111— Wltneosea tesVifled at Tada- plants and equipment during tha similarly affected and many were Elections At Glance Drys Lose Fight on Sab> previous to tnia newly elected of­ refuse to Join the re-established W n O - S t e lla Dallaa. w n c — Fibber McGee and Mol- ah ig^ trial that at his orders vlc- last quartef of this year—$100,- fice ha was elected prcsldont of the what the rival state chairmen had eeeking transportation to Manila. Hollywood, Oct. 7 - (/tl- Samuel From 19 to 36 Towns The Connecticut municipal elec Comintern. .Mrs. Bessie Bln- to say abouKtha Conne.Lieut elec­ tliha were beheaded in groups of OOO.odO more than the actual ex­ bAlh Liquor by 8 Votes Tolland Coun-y Pilgrim Fellowship cox,' 38, found dead near Milton. ***•— .. . There were ik> reports o f caaU' Hoffenatrin, 57, w itty verstfler and tiona at a glande: tion reeulta: WDRC—MuMc off the Record. 16:60— 100 by Japaneae soldiers, who penditures in the second quarter, Number of towns vntlne 187. nnd Is also president o f the local Pa., In woods where she and her WONS—American Forum of the Bometlmea required three or four reports the Securities and Ex­ allies, aside from four Filipino acreenwrlter, died jrsterday of a ^ The Associated Press --Other Results Bolton Congreyetlonal Youth Harold E. Mitchell, Republican: WONS—Two-Ton Baker. heart attack. Remained Republican 98. husband had been living for past WTHT—Bandstand; Newa and Air. sword ateokes to sever a head. change commission. flshermen still missing at sea, but TEA-BAGS SectelUU and DenoocraU cele- Switched from Democratic t6 Group. The Belton Congregational three weeks without shelter, death “ An analytla o^Nriie vote Jn the W T H T —Coheerto for Doubles. "ua i electlona. In vlgw of the de Weather. bratad important galna today m R^_„bHcan 2. Bolton “drya" lost their causa Youth Fellowabap will have Its next WTIC—Bob Hope Show. • irwuH ot municipal electlona in. fm ai.Republican 100. ^/|■tn^cUve rather than w n c — Lorenxo Jones. yesterday at tha polls by tight meeting Sunday Oct. 12, at 7:00 16:80— l i t Osnnectlcut cltlea and towna. R^^gined Democratic 16. o'clock at the 'Center meeting ■ in^Memph^r 'rinn ’' campaign condu^ by the 6:46— votes. In a: total of 409 votes cast, Inde WONS—Mary Griffin Show, W D RC—CBS la There. tlm SodallaU acorlng an switched from Republican to house. A ll young people are invited fr Alias'"'™! V PRES-TO-LOGS WONS—Let’s Talk about Auto­ ___ 1. P'ndent end sincere apjnapproval ut w n c —Young Wldder Brown. wMnlnr vtctofjr In i Democraticrmocraiic 20. / - a vary heavy vote, 169 voted for to attend. trusty_ and is stot to death him­ Republican administration mobiles. city o f Norwalk and Democrata In- Total Democratic ,S6. > the aale o f jiquor on Sundays, 161 self. . . .President of C?hlle or­ The Magic Fuel! 6 :00- “While tne Isaue^i here were en­ WDRC—House Party. W T H T — Labor. UJS.A. rraailnf Oia number of communl- Switched from^t>vmnrratlc to ders moblllzstloB of army re- u 6 in a cast their votea againat the Issue. tirely local it waa extremely gratl\ WKNB—News; Sports Review. w n c —Red Skelton. tlail In tbelr control from 19 to 86. Soclalint 1. serves "to avert a Communist For Furnaces — Ranges — Heaters — Fireplaces The four Constitutional amend- fylng to note the heavy balloting. ^ WONS—Hop Harrigan. 10:46— tlie electlona viewed by Demo- Total Socialist t. BoIton^s Vote party revolutionary plan.''- Gean, Convenient and Economical W O NS—Jduelca. Rounfliip. manta ware all cairlad. Tha town 'This evidenca of publl* Intercet in , W T H T —Tenniessee. ertta capeclally aa a tast of. how (Note—The m e for Cm select­ McGIII university In Canada W T H T — Junior (Chamber of government U.e healthy ond heart­ w n c —When a Girl Marries. tlM alactorata felt about tha naw man. mayor or control of council also voted to adopt the public acta glvea Secretary of Stgte Marahall CARTON 65c Commerce. governing soning. ening algn In theac critical tiniaa.'’ \ M lw and uae tax. producad tha In rouncll-r..anBgrr gorernment la Watched Here honorary degree. . /Drastic new 6:15— 11:60— Jehn M. Calley, Democrat: W O NS— Superman. fln t feneraJ balloting In the atate the bgsis for crediting a town to Town officei polled the follow­ labor control 'ord^ becomes law News on all Ktations. ing votea: "I am very happy with the re­ WTHT—Terry and the Pirates, ■iliea that levy waa voted last the Republican. Democratic or So­ in Britain. . . -Hollywood Him 1 1 :1 0 — by tha Republlean-controi- cialist column). Aaacaaora, E. T. McKinney (R l mit of today's town elections, it le W. G. Glenney Co. w n c —Portia Facea Life. Many Inquiries Made as flgurea, thinking' o f their flgurea, clearly indlcatea that the people of WTHT—Mltqh Betters, Sports; lag Ufialatura. 278; Raymcnd Jewell (D) 114: E. line up behind/ prwldent’s food .336 No. Afain Street Telephone 4148 6:60— Da'nce Tinie. Herrick (R) 254; Henry Maaaey Connecticut have loat confldence In WDRC—Columbia School of the grtatal Swttehoa to O a n o en U tasted further next month when To Effects on Sunday conservation Program... . Louiae it:1 6 — (D ) 185. / . the Republican leadership not only Air. •rlstol. ont o f thrae citlaa alact- such majoi citlot as Hartford, Overell eayi she la returning on a state level, but also In many WDRC—Frontlcni of Science. Board df Tax Review: A. An- Liquor Sales A WONS—Captain Midnight. lag mayora. waa among tha 20 Naw Haven, Bridgeport and Wa- George Oc^um's engagement ring instancaa on a local level. W O NS— Club Midnight. aaldl (R l 262; M. Lee (D ) 125; 8. WTHT—Jack Armstrong, ooounuAltlar which awltchad from terbuty hold electlona, would pro­ Id Bank being consid­ “ The vote, today la an endorse­ WTJC— News 01 the World. Gambolattl (R ) 202; H. Dwyer w n c —Just Plain Bill. a Republloan to a DemocraUc vide four. Instead of two. year Considerable Interest was shown ered aa possible agency to handle ment of the Democratic party's 1 1 :1 ^ fegUne in yaaterday'a balloting, terms for the governor and other (D ) 128. in Manchester last evening on the Marshall plan money for Europe. policy of waging an Intelllgant 6:46— WTORC— Dance Orchestra. •ad the Democrata retained their major state offleers. lat Selectman: T. W. Wilson outcome of the Sunday sale of . . internal Revenue bureau re­ campaign againat tha blundering W DRC— Lum and Abner. W T H T —Oer.is fo r Thought; Tha othsta would lengthen the (both tickets) 379. ports that breweries used almost WONS—Tom Mix. Dance Orrhestra. ooatrol In Torrlngton, tha third liquor vote In Bolton. The flgbt Ineptitude o f the present fteLUbl*- terms o f trobatc Judges by the Selectman; M. Peace (R) 266; three times aa . much wheat in can administratiop on Capitol hill. w n c —Front Psge Farrell. w n c — PoUeh Orchestra. d ty. same amotmt; empower the gover­ againat Sunday sales was led by Kerwalk. a dty of 45,000 which K. Carpenter (D ) 123. July and August this year aa in “We ahall continue our efforts I Evening 11:46— nor to app«ilnt minor court judgas a forra[cr' Manchester resident who the same montha of 1946. WONS—Newa: Club Midnight noently waa atlrred by an Invet- Town C3erk: D. Toomey (both on behalf of the citlxens of our; with confirmation by the Leglala- now makes her home In Bolton. Senate-House Labor Relations tlgatVon wbiidi davaioped ehargea tickets) 892. < state in the Interest of sound and ■ News on all stations. 12:00— turc, and authorise tha Leglsla- Town Treasurer; K. Hutchlnaon The vote wae close resulting in committee holding closed door ses­ Wn<3—Ne%vs; Design for List­ od inafficlcncy In the municipal efficient government. L et ua hope, •s*®— „ . tUre to set up machinery for re­ (R ) 234; D. Skinner (D ) 157. Sunday eales prevailing by a vqte sion to study how employers and WTHT—Mitch/Betters, SporU; ening. . Wtifare department. elected storing the voting rights forfeited for the interest of the state, that Agent Town Deposit Frmd: A. o f 169 to 161. workers are getting along under the result of today’s election will W illiam J. Moylan. 12:16— SedaUdt Irving C. rreete aa lU by ^tsons convlctcntrfil commit­ f c a 44-year-oM rretea, who Tax Collector; A. Managgla Sunday purchases In Roltnn. Local Sportscast. tee to the detriment of the tax-, WTIC — Bob Steele, Strictly polled more than 668 votea (both tickeU) 387. Many people last night called payers. | Gets Life Term I In the history of world progress, there has always been an important role for a faster means o f getting ta hia four pravtoua attei&pts to <3onetabIes: C. Plrle (R ) 277: E. The Herald for Information 'con­ Town Votes 3100 S trictly Sports: U. S. W eath­ Changes Light “I waht to thank all the neople wla tha mayoralty, received en Oomalluson (D) 117; M. Anaaldl I er Bureau. cerning the local election and took throughout the atate whose efforts | from here to there. From the ox cart to the automobile, from the stagecoach to the locomotive, from uaeffelal total of 8.561 to 4,745 (R> 281. occasion to Inquire after the wet For Constables 6:80— Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 7.—(67—Sev- I W. Hoar (Dl 109; R. WUllam in behalf of Democratic candidates WDRC—Talk by Governor Mc- (or Fortner Stoyor Roberta B. and dry vote In Bolton. made today‘s auci-ess possible. They cnteen-ycar-old George Thomas 1 the primitive canoe to the steamship, the story has been the same —> greater progress through increased Proposed Amendments (R) 273; H. Hklnner (D) 131; R. Conaughy-Mayor Allen. OUver (R ), and 8.746 for City are to be congratulated." Lee of Oconto, Wls., today faced Prealdent Robert E. How- To State Constitution Morra (R ) 276. Bolton at a tmvn meeting last ' WKNB—Melodies for Evening. life Imprisonment for the mutUa-1 speed. Today, the modern airplane provides the fastest means o f transportation the world has ever known. Registrar of Voters; M. Manag- Former Local Girl night made an appropriation of WONS—Answer Man. tion slaying of Charles Mulhol- V Only two towns, Chastar and Largely Ignored gta (R).376; A. Lee (D) 115, |10 6 to !"• spent under the direc­ w n c —Concert Hour. land, 8, o f Lincoln last July 14. Because o f its speed, aviatioh has a cwo*fDld responsibility in our national afilairs. Commercial lUilborough, ware captured from Board o f Education: G. Noren tion of the grand Juror of the Jus­ W T IC —'Emile Cote Glee (Jlub. A District court Jury o f seven I aviation promotes peaceful trade and commetce. Military aviation *~* if tmaintairntd at adequate streupb, tbe Democrata by the Republl- N ew Haven, Oct. 7— Four (R ) 274, V. Knceslcki (D) 116; A. To Marry in N. Y. tice Court of Bolton for Investiga­ SMALLER OVERHEAD FOR VS— 6:45— women and five men last night projiosed amendments to the state Erickson (R) 261, G. Rose (D) tion to be made by Bolton consta­ WDRC—Lowell Thomas. conricted Lee of first degree mur­ bles. , WONS—Rainbow Rendezvous. der and fixed the penalty at life | protects our trade routes and provides powerful insurance against'war. M itic a l obacrvere could not re- constitution, though largely Ig­ 180. LARGER DIVIDENDS FOR YOU any prevloi.a atrlctly munici­ Fire Commissioner; M. Peace New York, Ort. 7—Mias Miriam There are many minor Infringe­ W n''-»Three Star Extra. imprisonment. nored by the voters, were given a Our job at United Aircraft is to contribute to the continued progress o f Iwth commercial and pal ale^ona In which the Demo­ >(R) 369, P Massolini (D) 136; L. Selwltz, 21, formerly of Manches­ ments of the law which the state We pay larger dividends on your savings because It The Jury deliberated four hours I start ujlward toward final approv­ 7:00—“ . crats had mads greater numerical Bolton (R ) 275; H. Munro (D ) ter, and now living at 24 Day police do not have time to Inves­ WDRC—Mystery of the Week. and 42 minutes before returning al yestemy in the first general costs less to operate*our association than other types of military aviation in the United States. Just how important is our work to you and your family and your 116. tigate and which could well be W O NS— Fu’.te.T Lewis, Jr. the verdict, one of six options I •nine. voting on the questions.' street, Clifton N. J„ and Harry savings institutions. Public spirited citizens give their Salaa Tax Nul Mentioned Town .Meeting handled by a Bolton constable If w n c — Supper Club. given it by District Judge Harry I neighbors in Connecticut? Approximately 35,000 voters, Luka, 26, of 117 T5th street. North time without salary. Other expenses are kept to a mini* Ankeny. Under 'Nebraska law the OamocreUc Btote Chairman The adjourned town meeting he receives pay for hla work. 7:16— I representing less than 10 per cent Bergen, N. J., aerured a marriage Jury flxei the penalty in a first [ John M. Ballay. one of the moat attended by about 150 people was In the past there has been no mum. The profits go to you, the ahare-holders. 56 years W DRC--Jack Smith Show. Let’s look briefly at the commercial picture. Last year, nearly one million air passengers landed on of those eligible to ballot, took the license at Uje City Clerk’s Office degree murder trial. ootapoken tom o f the aalea tax. called to order In the Community wav of reimbursing the constable o f safety assure you. Do as thousands o f other Manches* WONS—Tel.'> Teat, troubla to raebrd themselves elth.- here today. Castougiuy, Nioninty md U. S. soil from Europe, Latin America, Canada and the Far East. In May, 1947, the scheduled airlines dSnM mention It in the victory Hall at 8 o'clock by Moderator for this type of,work and when ter folks have done— start a Savings Plan at the Man* w n c —News of the World. atMament ha taauad laat night, but er for or against the proposals. Mlae Selwltx was born In Man­ this was brought to the attention Cbt»$y, tne. Four-Vesr Term, Least Popular Ralph 'Broil. The meeting was chester, the daughter of Israel and -msuRANei- cheater Building and Loan NOW, 1:80— alone provided more than half as much passenger mileage as was carried by all the nation's PuUmiui cars. ha aaM the cltctlon reeulta in- of the voters last night the appro­ WDRC—CJiib Fifteen, Bob Cros- The vote In 129 Of the 137 muni- taken up a t Iteitl 6 in the call and Rebecca Sand! -r Selwltz. Mr. Luka, Onc Lewis St., Hartford 7-5283 Eisler and Wife dleatod the poiple had “lost con- a motion authorising the aelect- priation was agreed upon. fldanrt in the Republican leader- cipalltlea which held elections who was bom In New York, la the \ h y . And just last month, they handled 2>570,7<(2 ton-miles o f domestic air mail and 2,10S,2S4 tt^f^hiilcs o f abowed that' least i^pular of the men to borrow funds In an amount sen of Joseph uno Sarah H. Luka. WONS—Arthur Hale. Free on Bonds! amendments waa one providing not to exceed $6,000 for the use of The couple said they Intend to be W T H T — Greer. Hornet, express. To you, this means that for only a nickel you can "hire" a whole combination o f airpl: ■ * K voters, he declared, had cn- the town In the ensuing year waa w n c —Hollywood Theater. docaed “ the DcmocraUo'party's four instead of two >%ar terms for married soon In New York. to rush your mail tp any part of the country; for leu than six cents a mile you can travel to ^m< the governor and other major el­ carried with no opposition. CM ^^ie/Le/Ste^ 7:45— \ Los Angeles, Oct. 7.—(67—Com-I policy of waging an Intelligent WDRC-^dvrard R. Murrow. ective state officials. That pro- A budget of $46,418.28 was vot­ poser Hanna Eisler and hla w ife I eatneaton axainKt the blundeiing W O NS— Ihatde of Sporta/ any part o f the wo^M and be back home in a,few days; and for a surprisingly small charge you can T S f^ r e s e n f TtepSb^ poBsrwon onr'by a lO.QOO-vote ed with very little element. The COLDER WEATHER DUE! BUILDING W LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC were at liberty on bond today a ft­ appropriation for ^ e town court g;D»— \ er surrendering to Immigration lican adminlatration on Capitol margin, while the others \ came ship and receive goo^s faster than by any other method. ! > \ through the Initial test with ma­ was raised from $4)w to $600 upon — — — OMAN HID AfiOa IB9I WDRC—Big Toivn. service ofriciala on warrants call- | hill.” WONS—My»t«lou.s Traveler. jorities ranging from 14,00fli to an amendment by Juatlce John ing for deportation proceedings, • Harold B. MitcheU, the Repub- WTHT—Yo"th Asks the Gov­ Your own individual stake in military aviation is even more clear. Still fresh and grim in our mem* 17,000. Swanson to enable the court to re­ Bail of $1,000 for Eisler, 54, and 1 Uean atate churman, looked at It ernment. Under the other proposed imburse the conStablea for expens­ $500 for his pert wife, Louise, was ories is the most terrible war in all history. Our great military leaders, as well as those o f our recent dUfarantly. \ w n c —MlUon Berle Show. deposited for their release pend-j Ha had aa^d all along that the amendments, probate Judges also es Incurred. Coiuitables have been Banishes1 would serve four Instead of two serving foe three years with no 8:16— Ing a hearing. The date will be sen eneinies, have testified that Air Power was the greatest single factor in winning the war. Recognizing iSBOse In the various towna were WTHT-Christian Science Mon­ later, said W. A. Carmichael, dis- | “ entirely local,’' and last night he year terms; the governor would recompense for services. Upon the motion of Mrs. Thomas Bentley, itor Views the News. , / trict Immigration service h e ^ this, every American citizen ought to ask himsdf, today, whether this nation is maintaining its Air atatod: be empowered to appoint munici­ 8 ; » 0 _ / pal Judges subject to legislative the library appropriation waa. In­ Bathtub “An analysis of the vote In the W DRC— Mr. and Mrs. Nortjh; Predicts Republican Victory Power at the strength necessary to preserve our national security. town riectlona. view of the de­ confirmation, a task now per­ creased |1SS, neceseitated by a N o w h T h e Tim e To change in State law governing re- News. structive rather than conatruetlve formed by the Legislature alone; / Imbureeroent for new books pur­ WONS—Ofilcini Detective. Los. Angeles, Oct 7 — (67 — I tops o f campaign conducted by the and the Legislature would be em- »Ring! WTHT—America's Town Meet­ chased and circulation tncrcase. Speaker Joseph W. Martin (R-| Annocrats. cleurly indlcatea In­ pow’ered to set up machinery for ing'of the Air. Much to the embarrassment of Plant/ To Gain A Mass) o f the House o f Represen* dependent and fcincera approval of restoring voting rights to persons w n c — A Date with Judy. the town Clerk, the meeting was tatives Is sure that the "Republi­ H^pubUcan adimnistratlon.” convicted of crime. *blue coal' it the clean, ■Jilo re for steady, 9:00— f IN 1946, WHICH HATIOH FMODUCiO 2 m iMiRGiHcr, how soon couio Oaaey Wins in Bristol Generally Ignore Pro|M>Mila in complete and spontaneous uni­ cvenly-iued, top-qual­ healthful temperature cans will win In 1948 by a surpris­ AW WDRC—We, the People. ingly heavy majority.” But—at a I State Rep. James P. Casey, one Indicative of the electorate ty In Its opinion that at the re­ ity Pennsylvania hard in every room. Phone Yearns Growth! WONS^-Oatrie’ Heatter, News. quested figure of $3()0, the office coal that hat heat units us today for ‘blue coal.' press conference here yesterday— ' THi HkiATiST HUMBilt OF MIUTAMY / THE 0. S. BEACH BEAK FBOOUCTIOH o f tha Democrata In the forefront generally Ignored the proposals W T IC — Am es 'n' Andy. o ( the antl*aal|ea tax ranks In the waa the vote in Nonvalk, largest was much underpaid. Technical he shelly little light on who ths Re­ liWlalature,e, Witeas elected Mayor of the munlclpalltlea to ballot yes­ difficulties arose hi how an in­ publican. presidential candidate AIBCBAFT? OF MIIITABY AIBCBAFT? / at Priatol ^ 7.007 votea to 4,102 terday. More than 17,000 balloU crease of salary could be effected will be. 'hlartin declared he Is not / (or Mayor Daniel Davla <([R), who were cast for city officers there, at this meeting and an amend­ Scalloped Frock backing any candidate for the / would have been Bristbl'e first but leas than 2,000 voted on the ment calling for an appropriation The W. G. Glenney Co. E L 'f f e presidential nomination, nor la he | Tin Uilittd Staffs Y (our-term may.,r had he been re- constitutional iasues. of $200 for office rent was passed himself a candidate. 1 ytor? Y Mactad, In addition to the original request NORTH MAIN STREET T E: L.l . 4148 The four amendmenta. passed / Mayor William A. Kllmartin (D) on to the electorate for a flM l de­ of $300. Russia? 2 yours? of Torrihgtor. polled 5,419 votes aa cision by the recent Legislature,, Interest ran very high In the lUNt IN -IHE SHADOW' tVtSY SUNDAY AFTERNOON irs in Pairs he won a second term againat have yet to be voted on - by ap­ question of revaluation of taxable eH Grout Britaiu ? Jamea H. Groh(tn| (R>, who re­ proximately one half of the state's property in town dnd there w a s ' 3 yuors? ceived 5^095 vous. OOO.bOO eligible electors. , lengthy diecuasion of the matter, I t waa in the amall, rural com- Most of the state's biggest cit­ some of It rather hegted. A mo­ Three yean ago, at the peak o f the 79af effort, Am erioin Industfjr N o t enough j ^ p l e riealize that America’s wartime production o f nuniUas that the Democrats made ies. Including Hartford, Bridge­ tion to have a revaluation made moat of their gains. Oxford elected port. New Haven, Waterbury nnd wait finally carried aa was the p to d u ^ 96,000 military aircraft. Dy 15M6, tl^ Amerkaa output airplanea reaped its tremendous peal■k only after s^eral years of a Democratic first selectman for Meriden, are slated to aet on the next motion appropriating $5000 had been cut to only ),330 military airplaocf. In oontraat. Great feverish expansion. The some thing_ would be true today. ‘ . I f an the f l n t time in history, and proposal at city elections In No­ to have the job done by an outside B riu in built 8,300 military planes lam year, and .Ruwia report­ emergency were to arise tomorrow, it would take three ^eurt, Ridgefield for the first time In 60 vember and December.' party. The meeting adjourned at yean. In New Milford the Demo­ edly produced 40,000 — nearly 30 times as many as were built even under the most favorable condifioos, to reach the maxuiiiim 10:30. noasible production of military aircraft. The big question is— crats are In-power for the first Notes in the United Sutes! now big a peacetime air force should this natiod maintain to tlm d In 19 years, in Thomaston Mrs. Mark Carpenter. Hebron j (or the first time in 15 years. In Shower Ig Held road. HubsUtuted la.st week at Cen- I ;uarantee its security against aggression until a dominant sir Putnam for t>e first time In 13 | ter school and will continue this ?orce could be built? years, 11 yearn In Stafford and 10 For Briile-lo-Be years ip ToUuui week in the absence - of Mrs. Zyipha Carlson, regular fifth and Norwalk by electing Freese who, 2 HOW MUCH WILL HEIICOFTEB DEIIVEBY used a desk In a corner of a bar­ Miss Virginia A. Katzung was 'sixth grade teacher. ber shop for his campaign head- honored with a miscellaneous! Mr. and Mrs. Frdd Warren of I ' SFEEO UF AIB MAIL SEBYICE? miaitara,. bacomea the second shower Saturday evening at the Quarryvllle. spent the week-end HOW MUCH HAS OOMESTIC AIBLIHE Comwctlcut eitx’ ever to have a home o( Mrs.' Everett T. Strange 1 with Mr. and Mrs Albert N. Skin- ! Bodaliat admlniiitration. of 670 North Main street. The ner. Jr., of Spofford: N., H. Mr. I - In Brld«port,..>vhere tha Social- guests were for the rnost part and Mrs, Skinner sold their home \ TBAVEl MULTIFIIED SIfICE 1940? lata h a va io^ in power 14 years, on Route 44 early In the summer . EVERGREENS 0 .1 hour? friends of her mother, Mrs. Albert, nJUm -M ayor Jaapisr M cL«vy, an uncle of Katzung of “Al-Vlr-Es," Coven­ and moved to New Hampshire about two months ago. Their new 0 Is It Twkf os Big? Fraiaa'a v ^ e , wUl be seeking hla try. CH EVROLET All Our Stock Fully Guaranteed 0 '7 hours? alghth term In an elecUon in No­ The bride-to-be unwrapped her place la close to Spofford Lake,'a ; vember. beautiful gifts while seated under familiar resort. | 0 llifif Timts? Ooualdered Serious Rt^-al an umbrella decorated sIHth ruf-. An opportunity for parents to | 0 19 hours? Fraeaa'a victory probably came flea of azure blue and pink paper meet their youngsters' teachers as i Lsnon ct a 8urpri>« to tha aUte at and cellophane raindropa. A dec­ well aa members of the Board of LANDSCAPING SPECIALISTS l - i 0 24 hours?, 0 Rvt Timts? f lU M than to his home icity where orated shower .cake waa a feature Education and other administra­ 5 6 1 0 Bad been considered a aerloua of the refreshments. Mrs. Reuben tive oSIcera Tsill be afforded them FREE ADVICE GIVEN 0 Twfhrt Times? to the Democrats «nd Re- T. McCann of Pitkin street at the PTA reception to be held The answer depends on bow far away you live from the post ublicans fo r more than a year poured. Wednesday. October 8th, at the Free expert advice will be given on what, where and how of the part he took In a office and what kind of ser.’ice you're getting now. Everybody ‘ Mias Katzung and (tomeUo Bua- Community Hall at 8 p. m. to plant. Just bring a sketch o f your grounds showing Last year, the air travel recorded by the domestic airlines o f the MOtlnulng controversy Im - Mrs. Lora Andrade has an­ knows that air mail is already the fastest way o f sending a letter. cagUo of North (Coventry w ill be exiating trees, plants and buildings. U nitM States alone was w ell over 6 billion passenger miles — Um Board of Education and married on November 22 in St. nounced the P T A will sponsor s But in California, where Sikors^ helicopters will soon be pick* Bo«rd of Batimate and Taxa- James's church. Well-Child Conference on October ' 8236 more.than 5 times as much as in 1940. In the sante period, tlw «var teachats' aalariet. 14th from 9:80 to 11 a. m. in the 34-41 ing up and delivering mail in 30 communities near Los Angles, tpn-miles o f air mail flofwn multiplied more than 3 tunea, w hile I made local headlines with hla LOCATION \\i basement of Bolton Center Con­ B / Sne BuriMttt os much as 24 hours more wiU he saved in delivery time, ^ h e r the poundage of air express jumped to 12 times that of 151^ that some large firms In gregational church. Dr. North­ All Selling Done from Our I., ware enjoyed Winter Fashion epetams 52 pages the pattern number to Anne Cabot: October 28. 1 p.m. to 7, p.m., and of smart practical clothes, fashion P M H 8 WHITNIY EHGIMES • HAMIITON STANDARD nOPEllERS • CHANCE VOUCH! AIRHANES • SIKORSKY HEUCOPTERS Saturda>'; Nose cJ)4>, I.' 1 p.ip, to 7 , 311 MAIN StREl/r P H O N E <>S71 NURSERIES I The Manebester Evening Herald, news, special features. Gift pat­ p.m. It was aljp. gimoTmced that 1150 Avenue of the Amerleaa, New tern printed in the book. 25 cents. visits will be made' to properties' Vorir 1» N T. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7,1947 PA G E SEVEN '^SwCnesiCR e v e n i n g r e r a l o , i u e s d a i , O C T O B E R 7 ,1 9 4 ? > A G E &TX o f the town treaaurer to $800, and No. 60. OES to be held this eve­ role after serving ^ years. Tho of Stamforc. sentenced to servo brought public objections from the I ning at Masonic hall, a class of Pardon board's action, if confirmed 20 to SO yeara for assault with in­ American democracy Uian has our J leftwing. of Mbs aariatant town dark to Life Termer St. Agues Guild KoekvUle |$3080. It xraa voted to table ttoe candidateo will be Initiated. by the Parole board, would reduce tent to murder. ^atiri|patpr miUtary perspnnel In Korea Seek A c^ n Publiahed reports also had saldl (Atnneclicul For over thirty years Sunshine Dairy has taken raporta until the books of the Plro INetrict his minimum term by almost a ! Denied the application for par- Whereas, in Korea, we have A ttica waintcdi to shift Anaurln Ba* I year. I don of Pietro Fasaolerl, 53, o f New Drive Near End van, leftwtng mintater of haalth. | pride in aervinx Manchester and vicinity . . . To* town had been audited. The Grove Hiere will be a meeting of the Gets Pardon Regular Bingol Sopitiiti) l|prai& made the mistake of backinf the | lull cemetery committee waa re- Vernon Fire Diatrtct, recently The boar.1 alao; York, who faces deportation to Qitrelitioii Be van,. In a statement held b y : day; with pride, “ Sunshine” supplies HOMOGEN* Italy aa a rcauR of convictions ruHLisuco HI rua moat reactioBAry leaders we could Ypte Is Small iqtpolnted as foUowa; Frederick created by the act of the General Granted a pardon lo Guiaeppe PBINTINO CO. INC Yankee , All indications, thus far, point some to be unpiecedented M Bri­ IZED or GOLDEN GUERNSEY milk . . . BOTH foi manslaughter and arson. He Lombardo. SO, of Stamford, who. ,flnd. we have, in Greece, exertetl tish politics, aald aaveral i^ s ago w ’ Bradley, George Arnold, Jr., Aaaembly, this evening at 8 p. in., u BtaMH ttr*** Ry A H. O. n _ ^ . %s i _ 1.. . ltd B succesaful finish for the St. “ best milk” thst can’ t be B E A T ! Board Action on New served two montha In Jail at hka i.erved sentences for both OoBii. that he "hopes to be spared." to and Lsbbeua F. Biaoell. at the Vernon Center Orange Hall TOMORROW NIGHT our Influence toward the modera* | I^equest ivlauc by iJiair* Agnes' Oulld membership drive. In Rockville Bridgeport in 1937/for adultery. crimes. THUMAt rCMUUHUN carry on the minlatry'a/work. The budget for the to act upon tha annual budget as ! tlon of the dictatorahip mitfi nf Crniiit A«k>! previous years this annual • Haven Man Makes The pardon aai-M the man from Dcmcd the pardon application AT 8 O'CLOCK OM-* M io jp t j Farn^r Insurance Agent, Ltefls*’ Both Shirw ell and /Sevan com­ waa read by Chairman Kenneth presented by the fire commlMiun------1 1. iR L man OI oroup ; drive is to raise funds for St. depbrlation to Italy. of Royal E. Strang. 36, of Rye, N. we found there. lator Datdd L. Btillmsn, Repu^'^ mand larga followings in the La­ Smith who explained the various cr.t Parole Possible ins Tax Hearins i Home, Steele road. West G. O. P. Carries Towm lim a d ob Iteiluced to 12 years the mini­ Y.. who aen-ed a six montha term puMiaHM B««rr a^noc *■**?' • Whereas, in Korea, wb have can niembe^ o f the H oum ^^ from ® . ___ _ ® 1 Hartford, where orphaned chll- bor party, largely among the left- ttama. I t was voted that ih a budg­ HmiHaTa aM BnurM •* tb« Junes Blackford, power engm- mum term of Alexander Marke- In 1934 for aisault with Intent to helped create and then supported j dren are cared for and where ar­ wing. Of Vernon; Only 35 et be accepted as mibmltad by the HarUord. Oct. 7r-<^—Philip commit rape. V.F.W . POST ROOMS fM l o4pM II MaccMattt. C^a.. aa the tow’n o f 'North fltoniitgtdn, has Hartford, Oct. 7— A re­ vloA 88. of Naugatuck, sentenced rangements are made for foster The "strong men" of the cabinet finance committee chairman total­ ccr fo r the Connecticut Light and Rouach. 48, o f New Haven,* serving SSw T oa a a Matt Ma«tai. ______a rtchtlst police force which has |issued a “ LiiKglslA^Ke Report to June 18, 1940 to serve 15 to 18 Mancheater Green quest for some concrete action by home placements. Contributions —Foreign Beerstary Emcat Ba­ P. C Go to the Polls ing $497,31TJ18. TWa la dlvldad aa Pourcr Company w ill bo the speak­ a life term for the Axe murder of been fuU ty of, exeesaea o f perse- (jonslltuents'' vb^h speaks with rbtit years for rape. BUMtCMIPTtUN B A T lt _ j Govcriior McConaUghy on tha this year w ill be used specifically vin, Ulnlstoi of Economic Affaire foUowa: General govemmanL $25,- er at the meeting of the Rnexville a Cheshire lefcrmatory guard In oaa taai W Hatl ...... R v * Reduced to 15 veers the mini­ 23 GAMES! DOOR PRIZE! cutlon and UrrorUm we have, m ' twansy^wn East flavor, of to r's building fund. A small dona­ Sir Stafford Crlpps, Deputy Pre­ ItockvUla,^ Oct. 7— (Spaclal)— 890.25; Public Safety, $850.00; Lions Club to be held tbie e 'enin(: 1923, has bean granted a condi­ OOf A Sts aHMtnt ay aaO ...... f Constitutional Municipal Govern­ I l i a 1 5 3 7 Sit the Rockville Hotel. mum term >- the hall, 960 Main street, Hart­ has been primarily responsible for '?* '** today by Harry O. Cohen, chair­ publicans carried the Town of Ver­ tion, ILOOO.OO; MiacellaneouA $1.- acted on Rot'.'ich'a case to make I him tell the story of the one ford. Saturday afternoon, October. evening at the Pierce Studio In Electric Motor MBHHBM u» _ the fact that the Communists man of the league. 18. This traditional Social affair is non electing all of their candl- 342,80; Payments to other Civil the Journal Building. Tho club him eligible tc request a release THS AtWuaATBD VHEHH economy of 1047 session effected | group presented the poG* ' given by tlhe Ouiid to lta membera Dlvlalone. $11,810.00; Interest will consider applications for new on parole when tha Board of Pa­ the mountains have been able to - he merger of the state's agri- .lAned by 5,000 voters lo the' ^ me uuiid lo Ita members dateA TTiere were 1808 votes cast, T»a Aaabeiatao Ixba. la aseluawaly PaymenU, $7,950.00; Redemption members at this meeting. James role meets Nav. 5. Repair taliUaa lo taa uat ot rb^blteation ol gain new adherents. ''' in appreciation for their loyal with 805 women voting and 1003 cultural departments at an In- governor Thursday asking that he supporL o f Debt, $168,000.00; Improve­ Sullivan of Vernon Center le pres­ When the murder was com­ all aa«a diapat^tiaa eiaaitaa le. it o' creased cost to the state of some ‘ • •' • - 73rd YEAR, FOUNDED OCT. 8, 1874 men. The detailed vote follows set otaanriaa orad'tad 'a »ta papai So, in Greece, we have obtained call a public hearing at which ment of School BuiIdlngA $8,400. mitted, Rousch waa 19 years old A few drops of Vteks Vaotfo-nol in 820,000 a. year. i In Bt. Jamea'a pariah, Mrs. with those starred being elected: ident o f the club. GEORGE GASKILL ASHTON sad also taa looal aawa pueiisna^ n«ra the existence of/i.hat type of hearing he s.iatl preside to create Timothy K. Bye and Mrs. Edward shfl an Inmate of the reformatory. Re-Winding each nosm work faatftpht where Representative Stillman dea-1 Assessor, -Perry A. Lathrop, r, In regard to the final Item on inry to Beport All r*fbu ol raput'ical'oo ol ap^'ai a record of public opinion relative J. Moriarty are co-chairmen. The Aaeigned to.cut wood with the froable le/ Vo*tro*tiol opens up dtaeatelMa naraia. »»» alao raaat%^ ■government udrtch has the best cribed /die first pu^c hearing on; 1043; -W nilam F. SchmalA r. the budget aa to whether or not Tho Jury which was ordered to / A.B., BaCff Mus., M.M. to the merits of the 3 per cent Elaat Ride committee includes guari, Albert Hoag, he killed Hoag cold • oongaated' chance ofjt^sining the confldence the «gricultural merger bill. 1040; John A. S.;hllphack. d, 74^; the voters should approve a raeo- report originally today for poaei- Service ull MtviM aliaat of N B A Bar* Ida sales and use tax; that any and all Miss Una Bengs, Mrs. Samuel Albert R. Tennstedt, d, 754; Boara lution that the town vote In favor ble Jury duty at the Tolland (boun­ with an axe. and fled to N ew T E L . 8811 OR breathing passkgai/^ of the/Greek people ' themselves, ^.'"U became all too appar- plans submitted to provide addi­ Kemp, Mrs. PhlUp Newcomb, Mrs. of Tax Review, -Gerald A. Rlaley, of partidpating with the ss! rna government is offering an tional revenue shall be discussed Maurice O'Connor, MrA Michael r, 10.37; -Frank Ciechowekl, r, towns of Tolland county In form­ dered to appear Instead on Wed­ and for four jeare roamed the aaving could be made tlirougli Mooii'cy, Mrs. James Gorman, world. He wav arrested In Jack- t C Electric Motor dlatresA Follow dl* jnima ttaiiMva dpaeiai Aianey•-S'"***" -wnMesty which is sincere, so far at said public hearing. " 1047; -Franklin C. Harlow, r, ing a Health Center, there was nesday at 10 a. m. Several crimi­ TorA Chicafo. Ueteail aad Baston. ^ the cenaoUdatlnn, ao rtilled. Miss Lucy BarrerA and Mrs. Bonvllle, FIa , In 1938 on a bad reetldnalnpackage.' of . as Ita own leaders are concamed, Calls for ileclaion on Matter 1040; ClinLon E. Kellner, d, 754; considerable discussion. Mio- EC. nal cases were scheduled for trial Repair Nevertheless platia for the re­ In calling for a decision on the Frances Taylor. Edward G. Hear. d. 744; Am iel J. Fenton Burke explained the pro­ check charge, and waa returned MBMHISMa AUnit BU IBAII^OB Aff.itand which. If it la honored out in today with Judge William J. Shea 2$ Foster Street South Methodist Church CUKO/IATIOKA organization went on. What \ iatter, Mr. Coheii etated he was The West. Side committee In­ Gesaay, d, 748; First Selectman, ject end the fact that there waa presiding. to Connecticut. the field, may draw enough ad-1 was started an an ei-onomy baaing his request on his "convic­ cludes Mrs. John MayoU, Mrs. •Em eet A. Schlnaitr, r, 1042; W il­ no flnancUl responsiblUty until Pleading guilty to second degree rii' Uaraid rnatlns UiAipauy. t ^ . Manchester, Conn. herenta away from the guerrillas ; move waa developing Into tion that our government.^, state Patrick Peak. Mrs. Daniel Quirk, liam Nowach, d 747; Second se­ the other towns had all approved murder, Rouach was sentenced to aaaumaa ae SnaaetAl esaponeibllily tot aoniething within the realm of lectman. -Vincent F. Jordan, r, Plaa Low-Coat togal Senloe life Imprisonment on Sept. 29,1928 i ■ typotrasaieal arroep^appeinas is sd- in the ihountsInS to hresk the and community function In the | ^re. Edward Hooper. Mrs. George the project. At the conduelon of j . poUtIral maneuvering, and the 1036; -John Romp, d, 750 (third at Waterbury. Under the law, he renlesaseau anAdtbai raad’ns mstut spirit an.l traditions of the New i tiie dlfcuaalon It was voted to ap­ PhlladelphiA Oct. 7.—(i>)— Low- la The Msa^liMai Bvamag HtrslA back of their movement. We arc ' atir about what waa going to John O Connor,^Mrs. Milton W ag- aelectman). Town Oerk, -Kerwln would be permitted to seek a pa­ For Thai Practical Treatment of England town meetlnga which | prove the resolution. coat 1 e ^ service at the fate of $5 quietly contributing to the stablll-1 be done to save the state big ly, S A. Elliott, r and d, 1795; Town Vote On Oonetitutlonal Amend* a half hour for consultation w-ould INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ^^Tiieada:,y, October 7 money petered dow-n to small treaaurer. -Kerw:n A. Elliott, r ty of this new government^ so that | n.X. Thomas Shea. Mrs. E_ ^ u n d ment be provided for persons of the YOUR WINDOWS change and pretense. ,, . — ------n. kflas and d, 1705; Agent Town Deposit a rebirth o f popular confidence is ' .Mi s. Frances G. Cohen, secre-! P?*"**" Shalnln, middle income brackets under Custom Matid PIANO: Technique, Repertoire, and Sight Reading. larjdrle Taylor and Mrs. Austin Fund, -Kerwln A. Elliott, r and d, There were but few votera who PUBLIC s The Election'Result "Late in the session, a bill came , tary of the league, made the for- plan proposed by a apecial com­ reported. Sohilllnger. 1793; Tax Collector. -Francis S. atced on the conetitutional amend­ • Aluminum • Steel - Wood Modem and Clasalc Music In. providing for the abolishment j presentation of the petition to ments at yesterday’s election, mittee of the Philadelphia Bar aa- Manchester and Connecticut to­ Our ald/administrator, Mr. Gris­ In St. Bridget's parish Mrs. Rupprecht, r. 1053; John J. STENOGRAPHER of the departments which w'ere Governor McConaughy. Also prea-^ O’Loughlin. d, 735; Conatablea, theae being as follows: Concerning Bociation. The committee. In an­ day have the unusual experience wold, la pointedly staying away functioning at the time and sub­ Margaret Brannick la 'rssiated by nouncing the plan yesterday, said enl were the following: Mrs. .Rid Mrs. George H. WiUiams and Mrs. •Oerald R. Rlaley, r. 1043: William the term of Judges of Probate, F* M. BRODERICK VENETIAN BLINDS O R G AN : Church and Concert (secular and sacred). of being forced to analyze local from the would-be Influence of stituting two new ones in their nay Rubin and Mrs. Refnard A . Kent, r. 1040; -Fred A. Lennon, 183 yee; 87 no; providing for elec­ the proposal will be presented to BoMnow BMg- Mg Mala Bt Onr D aloy Qua Illy. Expert Oraftaraaa- places. Horace Kimball. the Bar association's October town and city elections in tho those wealthy few Greeks who Schulman, repreaenUng the Con- r, 1042; -Lorenzo A. Genovesl, r, tion of atate officers for a four RoomM Telt-I$4f ship and RMteoeabla Prices goataotea Mr. Carl Sharpe, Dairy and greaa Club of Connarttcut; Or. 1050; d, Howard Luffman, d, 752; year terra, 106 yee, 68 no; con­ meeting. compicta aatlsfactloB. VOICE: Coaching and Repertoire (aecular and aacred). terms o f state issues. Theoretical­ have hitherto run the country for Food commissioner, was given a Allen F. Jackson of the National -WlUlam C. Hiller, Jr., d, 783; -Jo- cerning Forfeited rights, 115 yee, their own ^benefit, converting tho Attlee Ousts HARMONY AND THEORY ly, state issues have no place in Job on the Public Utilities Com­ Association foe the Advancement aeph S. Klatka, d. 753; Registrar 42 no; concerning the appoint­ P h o n e fo r the election of local ‘officials. In poverty and misery and strife oC mission at a salary of nine thou- of Colored people; John Miller, of Voters, -George C, ScheetA r, ment o f Judges o f minor courtA aand .dollars a year. The commla- Fuel Minister 1030; -M a'ulce L. Spurting, d, 763; Prompt Service- actu^ty, aa the results through­ the people Into their own gain. president, o f the Central Labor 128 yeA 46 no. Ago of puplla—12 veaia or older. Btetnontaiy knowlodga « f alonera of Agriculture and Domra- union; Victor Chllon, member of Boanl of Education, -John R. ^ot- School Of InetnMttoB YOUR FUTURE IS IN r a d i o musio eeaentlal. Adult Beglnnen A Specialty out Connecticut showed yester­ In an encouraging measure, tic Animats were for the time at tlir, r, 1039; -Sarah Hammond Free Estimates the Royal Industrial union; Louis (Continued from Page One) American democracy Is bringing least, let out. In their placea were The American Legion Auxiliary. BECOME A RADIO SERVICEMAN day, many Connecticut voters C. Bale, New Haven business man BrooksA r, 1022; -M artin V. B. 1242 Main Street Hartford appointed Mr. Chrlstianaon, who Metcalf, r, 1052; -Maurice L. 4 th DUtrict, will hold a school of FOR APPOINTMENT CALL THE STUDIO: ^ 4 were taking these local elections a constructive, healthy, decent and Mrs. Albertina Golnik, Dennis rlg h tV rather than to the left,t* Our bolaaced ooarae of laboratory projects aad daaaroom thoory waa named to head the Farma and Spurting, d, 753; -'liiom ae Rady, Instruction and get-together for as their opimrtunity for a protest message to Greece. Greek people P. Mahoney and A l A. Saaportaa, The Atar'a political correepondeht with deraoBBtratioae meant better traliied turn, i Marketa department, and- the Jr., d, 759; Board o f Finance, orilcers, committee chairmen and HARTFORD VENETIAN BLIND 8:00 * 9:00 A .M . 12 Noon • 1:00 P. M. who follow the txturse o f our rep­ .members o f the league. / wrote. "Other change! will result FALL TERM STARTS OOIo RER 18. 1847 against not only the state sales Speaker o f the Houae, known aa a •Fred Hallcher, r,.104a; -Robert any other members 6’ho wlah to In/ a considerable reehuffle in ENROLL NOW! Monday throogh Friday. • A- M. • » P. M. tax, but againat the general con­ resentatives can gather In some very good organization - Republi­ J. Plgion, d. 742; -George J. Cole­ attend this evening at 7:80 o’clock MANUFACTURING CO. cea. Several ministers will bet man (unexpired term), r, 1052. at the G. A . R. hall; with unlta In Regtstrattoo OMea Open duct of the Republican state ad- Idea o f what demtocracy should can, who got the appointment aa Aldermen Favor dropped." "^wn Meeting the western part of the district Also 'EvealBg Coarae lo Radio Repairing! mlniatratlon, of which the whip­ arid does mean, when It is served commlsaloner of Food and Druga. The report said War Minister Siteciql Session The town meeting which lasted talking part. A t the conclusion of Veteraaa Accepted Under O. L BUL Jglthfiilly and intelligently, when ' ‘Hama people went ao far Bellenger would be among those lash enactment o f tho salos tax New Haven, Oct. 7—iff;— ^ w 55 minutea had a larger attend­ the buetneis eesalom the members as to believe that the princi­ dropped. Iff Iffji lai'llifflii'W.ii .I.'I.'I -was a part. It la true to Ita own principles. Haven's Republican contmlad ance than uaual due to ' several of the local unit will present an Write fob Deaeripttva CIrcalar. pal reason for the whole reor­ " It had been believed by some entertainment program and re- Aa B consequence, local Repub- There sre obstactes In the way ganization was to find a good Board of- Aldermen wag oir rec­ that Mr. Shinweli would leave the •pedal Items to come up before BECOME A RADIO SERVICEMAN tbevotero. Three raises In salaries freahments will be served. lloana throughout Connecticut, of this American policy which poalUon.for Speaker Holbrook ord today In favor of a /special government, but even Mr. Attlee, 18$ Tmmball Btredt d-ld$$ Hartford were granted without oppoaitiom Hope Chapter may prove too powerful. Thr who already. In addition to session .of the Legislature to re­ who la determined to be ruthless, mpotNyf whom had little or noUi- consider the sales and /tise tax could not summarily dismiss the that of the tax collector to S1800; A t the meeting of Hope Chapter Greek police and the' Greek ariuy serving his town o f Madison Toinorrow Watkins Funeral Service will Ing to df> with the aSlea tax or no n leglslntpr ^for seven ron- enacted by the Repu^can con­ chairman of the Labor party,'* the be 73 years old. Seventy-three years o f ex­ out In the tlel(| are largely con­ Star said. " I t is known that Mr. with the faeord of the state ad­ sccdtlve terms,'had the Job of trolled Legislature ajt Ita session perience have taught us a funeral service ministration, "^und themselves on trolled by elements who do not County Coromiaaloner In New last spring Shinweli protested and indicated YOUR BEST BUY IS A... can constantly be improved. Every new want to grant any amnesty to the Haven county." The board last nlfeht unanimous- the opposition which dismissal the receiving enff.pf a vote of pro­ ly adopted a resolution proposed might Incui among the party's "This," Representative Stillman idea and innovation that comes along is test yesterday. guerrillas, but .Who want us to IrVIng J. Horowitz. I foUo.wcra in the country." . , Intim ipta hia story to phlloso- by Alderman analyzed to detennine if it can make our supply guns Mid troops for the epubilcan member 1 W**' ministry, along \vith It was a unlfonn tr^nd, to the phlsc, "seems an appropriate time ; ^ of the Stale House of Representa- | minlatnes of Navy and Air Service even better.’ Con.siderabIe rebuild­ /if/ V extent that anywhere thq^ Demo- shooting of them all. The Commu­ to raise the question aa to w’heth-' *■* live., sugg^ng that the rate ing, redecorating and additions for your .crats inspired themselves td a Ut- nists, ifiay, if they see our moder­ er one can serve the atnle a.s ji defense mihister, the wartime lowered ayld the exemptions en­ added comfort and convenience, for in- ate policy beginning to be a suc- lawmaker to besb advantage wrhen First Lord of the Admiralty A. V. Ua extra abtlvHy, they reaped pro­ larged .stance, have recently been completed. Pic­ ■cesa, do their best to provoke iq' at the same lime he has in mind Alexander, in a government reor­ I portionately large returns at the how best he can aerve r hlroielf; New /haven’s aldermen had ture is a corner of our new Ladies’ Lounge temstlonsl war. And although it ganization last winter. p6Ua. and also U> coimldcr the Vjgic o( Vwice /previously refused to adopt Newapapera of different pollUcal . . . one of the dozens o f niceties at 142 Here in Manchester the trend has. been healthily dwindling in putting untrained men info high- similar resolutions proposed by complexions had said that At­ HER! IS A 4-UNIT iMiSEl FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVE NOW OPERATED RY 2 MEN (1 ENGINEER AND 1 FIREMAN) minority Democratic members, East Center Street. waa also In evidencey-'producing importance since President Tru­ salary poaltlona, when the men tlee wanted to replace Fuel Minis­ and women who actually do the n comment on that, Horowitz ter Emanuel Shinweli, who waa the largest total ^^'Vote and the man's ffrst announcement, hia /■ akllled work, because o f knowl­ Id today that hia resolution rep- blatned by pollUcal opponenta for \ ckweat party vote of many, many original theory that wa can. de­ edge acquired In training and ex­ i-eaented "the aituatlon as it ac­ last w inter a fuel crieia. Tha report years. feat communism with force of perience. aerve for much lesa." tually exists and not the figment -- The math warning yesterday, in arms la still a part of our policy, "Besides voting against of the Imagination of the chair­ cx man of the Democratic State Cen­ Manqheater and In Connecticut, and may unwisely be brought to organization of the departmei x " \ . tral committee, John M. Bailey." to the Republican state ad' increased emphasis at any mo­ says pur author, getting bS' hia story, " I apoke aga in a ^ lt in WM. DICKSON ment. tnintatratlon. meetings, at hearings an^before To Extend .\mnealy Ofter 142 EAST CENTER ST. A t the same time there was, In I ITie measure of our success m the House. It appeared t faim ers undcratood, y^nt depart- news conferenw today / that his has been worth more than a thou­ Rear t18 East Center St. nothing should ever bh taken for ' ments to turn to wW n in need ot government profi>ged tiycxtend by 2 BRAKEMEN AND 1 CONDUCTOR COMPLETE THE CREW OF THIS TRAIN (STEsimiBiNs in I granted in politics, and that h sand planea would be, and the o(- aastatancr. and thaysurh a change <>ne month the a.nnestw offer it re­ Phone 2-0920 or S:t29 long uninterrupted tenure of of-j ^«r of amnesty W’orth more than would create untiled for confu­ cently held out to G r^ k guerrillaa Furniture Spraj Painting battling goveniiiicnt jfruops in the Member Associated Funeral Directors Service, Serving Nation-Wide flee carries certain dangers whlch^ 100,000 ‘troops, and that every day sion and expensy of reorganlza- tlon, not to m otion the hyp'LCil- north. can only be met by ,a continual in which the Greeks themselves ay o f throwlnjf up a smoke screen maintenance of party vitality and are given an opportunity- to in­ of economy for pollUcal expeilien- activity. There is danger In con­ crease Uieir respect for their new cies. But ^ le party machine was sidering that political - vtctortes government and for us is worth functioning beanllfully that day. Even tha/Oemoerats seemed aatla- are always going to be automaUc. mors than our naval demonstra­ Is Your Old Oil Burner fled—piwably for the i'ca.son that Trends develop swiftly, and ths tions in the Mediterranean. And so few/Democrats are really inter­ Democrats, who have complained wa Qurselvea, o f course, may be- ested/in agriculture, except at Robbing Precious Fuel? that ttey were not given minority ooffie Impatient with such moder­ mea)''^tlme. doubt the reorganization \ repraaenUUon In Manchester by ate and temperate policies and go 1 work out quite well In time, •BUT THE UNION LEADERS WANT 15 EXTRA **SlTTnS** ON THIS TRAIN . . . 2 ENGINEERS, 2 PIREMENr some artificial provision of the back to the rashness and bluster t the old was working well, 7 6 BRAKEMEN AND 2 CONDUCTORS . . . T O ^ ALONG FOR THE RIDE AT FULL PAYI new town charter, found them- with whkh Mr, Truman first an­ too." aelvea within 158 votes o f such nounced hia "Doctrine. Tbua, In the eyes of one leg­ /\ niinority representation last night But In spite 'of sucli' dangers, { islator, thO^ genesis, character, on the voting machines, where one can see the light of a decent; and braefU of the one "econ­ om y" measure the 1047 aes- minority representation; can al­ hope in our policy In Greece. May i alon did adopt. U i ff ways be won if any one really it attain new brightness and con-. ^ wants It and deserves it. aistency until it demonstrates to ! It wss close enough, in Man­ the whole world that, in apite' of! X your iiiterastio k^ chester, on relatively little effort our American groping with re-1 DELCO-HEAJ Conversion Burner by the Democrats, to give them sponsibillty, American democracy I B a c k P a in s besrt for the future, snd the Re­ does mean something vital,'’ line, ,\ Many aa'obroleie or laeficicot OF COURSE publican pqrty must adjust Itself decent, and constructive. I l(elle\ed by profier supiNirl. burner u “robbing” oil from home- that fact in future campaigns. Viiur physiriaa can tell -vixi owoers. You'll conserve vital fuel alMiut nur expert appllaure and save money, too, by replacing lilting service. . Whether II is Back Pallia — Kuplure — such a unit with a modern Dclco- On, Hoptfnl R.I. b Crewe I Editorial Exchange Obesity -• Plosis — we have llie Hcat Convettion Burner. Designed The other day, discussing the |iru|H>r support. with "C M quality" features through­ reasons why the United- Rutea The 50th Chicken out, it’s the oil buroar you want for (Wall Street Journal) cannot accept the Russian cbal- servicA satisfaction and lasting value! ‘ Oliver J. Qlngold of the Wall ieoge that both of ua get out ot It’s the best DRY CLEANING ever Street Journal staff visiting Brit* For abew feather-bedding, thb mock Where Win The Mbsej Coat Tfom? creaoa.^ No other coarse b epan; Korea,., we were forced to paint a aln wrttea that a flock of chick­ mjjwM' FOR TMt VIRT FINISIt work proposal takas the caka. But it •picture of American performance ens w ill moat Pften nuniber. ex­ W here arill all t)w money come firom RaOroads Do Not Bun For Only tbf ni.,d»*rr» In Korea which has been almost actly 49. Any one with 6Ci or more is only ona of 44 “ rulaa** demanda filad u>iit)rnuli- roit(.|<', Irjill to hena must riport to Uie govern -! to pay tbaoe Incraaaia? They total aav­ EmNoyes Ahme completely bankrupt. Through our by the leaders o f the operating unions. ( I* ',1. ...I,.:tt .O .., tll.s til ment. With lesa than that he can i She*9 RIGHT’—-and SANITONE Oeaning is yours when­ eral timea aa much aa the raOroads inexperience, our errors, our lack use the eggs with some discretion I f all theae denianda were' granted, RaOroads are operated for tha benefit 11 •. • f 1 tiff. I .: ' ., 11 b • V ♦ • made in 1946 or will make in 1947. o f drlVe and enthusiaam for our and sin'ce they are scarce, advan­ they would cost the railroads an added of m>t one, but several groupe—ship* TOU Vf NIVIR illN SUCH BAKINO! f OU KIN G COUIDN r Bt C lU N t R ! THE KITCHfN i NfViR BUN COOUR! fj I 'l : •. tt : . :. , ,1 ,11 ..-c M . .lU’l •, tageous deala are poaaibir. A CINERAl MOTORS VALUE Al Veer sEIVICI lo Clllot ever you want it. Just call RAINBOW Geaners and own task, our failure tb give the BILUON bOIXASS A YBAk- In July, t)ia‘'railroad8 filed an appli­ pera, passengerf, employes, stock- Awlryfnfific thorrT«.,*.»ol ond Non I burrinrs < 1 V 1* n o nof«* <*vFnly for now porcnluin rtifuj*?*. nru pfOf- (ifound Mill's <;f pons, tin* flom** *.t rli’tjr- t iirit .1 vv...‘- hofi or democracy, a e have conducted i faUons accomplish exaeUy--the-op^" Dclco-Hesit dealer about te- □ surve)’ in my home. niethod that makes clothes look better, longer. tween wage and material costa, and that cannot be done unless the rail­ a Gas oven is air-c ifculoted tiLully cJirt proof ' ' tailors ■ itsolf to uvnry |cjb’ yoo ’ >• V t'f ouraclvea ao fru iU eaaly^ at n o w , poaltc of what they set out to do. •On top o f these “ rules’* changes, the placing it with a Delco-Heat Send me descriptive liicta- •a have to admit "that ""Korea Britain *• trying to raise more turc on Dcico-Haat. railroad revenues. Since then it haa roads can operate efficiently and eco­ Boiler or Oinditionair— for leaders of the operating unioiu have □ been neceaaary, because o f further in- nomically, and unleoa they' are aUowed steam, hot water or warm filed an additional demand for a wage creaaes in wages and., material costa, to earn sufficient revenue to provide we removed, ®ur troops. nmst organize and control. So the air heating s>‘stcms. increase of over 30 per cent- If granted, I t i f pleasant to record that we i chicken raisers arc controlled. to supplement that petition and to the kind of transportation service thia .\k r o n ,s a i :r o -u -i a c this would be an added coet to the raO- a » Struggling toward a much the government thought SIIIM'ORT n a HEATING SURVEY | STItIT.AND M'MSri it should not, bother people with aak fior an additional freight rata in- country MUST HAVs! If/ better tjrpe o f performance m roada o f |400«(X)0,000 a year. GAS RANGE! a few hena and ao one with Jess We are piiiad ot our fltiing Clip coupon and mail to your , Oraece. Our progress there la than 50 escapes control, lirimecll- CITV ZONS department and aervluA Thl* Bcarest D clco-H cat dealer. 5468,000.006 T o Non-Operating alow and painful; there la no ately many flocks are reduced to aarvloe la oneqaalled la this guarantee that it is going to find 49 by people who, left to them­ oommnnlty. Private FIttInt Employes ^ selves, would raise and keep more S— Your local OILCO-HIAT Doolor ultimate clear aucceas: but we are Rmims — l>ady^;-find-Men AI-, chickens'-and ao increase the food tendanta— Vi>arah|.*ed Fitting. In addition to thia, an Arbitration r;8|3dBg to head In a decent and supply. Board baa Juat grantad a wage in- a il ROADS M aachester Division ^?eanatructive direction. I f wc may resort to the par­ Pick Up and Delivery ^: Phone 2-0030 Obvloualy,. the civilian person- lance—a champion Leghopi hen la creaae o f 15H cents an hour to the mil­ unlikaly to lay aa many eggs as a Bantly Oil Company- - ^ Hfirtforil 6 m €•• lion employes represented by the 17 ael In Greece, headed by former bureaucrat exercising economic QUINN’S Distributors for Delco Burners BOO.M 214 • 148 LIBESTV fiTSEET • NEW YOSK. N E « VflRK controls. In Manchester. Rockville ami Surrouniiing Towns non-operating unions. Thia will ■ cost Ortswoldff o f NebraakA Harrison Street Manchester YVe ara putHwhuii tlutand other ailvvrtiMawnU to talk with you a .^ tte r and broader concept the railroads $408,000,000 a year. -at $fst kaad/about wattara whicb ara iiajioftant to avaryb^y There were 159,000 niotoi buses PHARMACY l.'U MAIN STREET .MANCHESTER Ra role as the representative of In the United states in 1946.

f- '■( \ ; , s,..- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CUNN.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1947 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7,1941 PAundagton, waa confirmed laai Dapper Danny Kaye held the ular fellow. His ad-Itbblng during Republican delegates, attended the New Eng­ trian peace treaties made no pro­ platform preaented a garden scene Summit, N. J., Mra. Mildred Tay' New York After Shea j pitcher, serias, 10, Floyd aavons, •vening Itf the Official Board of Ellis Coinpuny Attaches Foster H. WilliamSi who resigned >1 Fiery Mike Saverick, veteran spotlight at the huge flag-decked the "look at the birdie ehota” W ith the dates of the Barber Batted .SOO; Berra's Yankaas. Board of INrertors land regional meeting of the club, gress. Peace haa been restored with whitta lattltc, at the base of lor, of Cjhelsea, Maas., one grand­ the post to become financial sec­ would have attracted a capacity the South MeOiodtat church aa .2.411 And Bevens Falter' PoUah American baseball and bas­ Yankee Stadium despite the ap­ HIH Gun Club’s fourteenth annual 18. —Longest time far ntfid ton­ •Alden E. Bailey ---- Property Owned by the Saturday and Sunday at the New to all nations except thoae and which bite-blesaimlng fall flow- son. Cary Green, of Needham. retary OcL 15 when ‘ William T. ketball player, has been signed to pearance of the American League house on Broadway. flald trial being run this coming Pinch Homer a Record (lli«ctor of the Methodlat Touth •Sherwood O. Bowers ...... 2.419 Ocean House, Swampscott, Mass. Japan. , i« era were arran’ er, as If growing. Mass., and several nieces. Shea, present holder of the office, ing game, 3;19, sixth gam*, Tdtifc* >hliowahip program for thia year. coach the PA cage team during champion New York Yankees and Lao and Laralna could have a week-end rapidly approaching ees and Dodger* •Cecil W. England ----,....2, ,3 3 « Siispeets in ^Rohliery Delegates and membera were The newapapers of western Eu­ Tal^ arbor vitae hushea from the . Funeral aervicea wilt be held at will Conclude his duties in view imek Hand ■ , ...1 the coming aeaaon. the Brooklyn Dodgers, kings of jpb. modeling at any firat clau more details are forthcoming from New York, OcL 7—(P)—Exclu­ 19-M oet tote by pinch hlttere, ntaa Lnehbough will officially •Raymond E. Hagedom .....2.444 present from clubs in all the New rope, aside from those of the ex­ B u ^ Nursery, boughs of brilliant the T. P. Holloran Funeral Home. of his marriage later this month , OcL,^ 7 — — The hagln her duUea at the church thla .....2,454 S Saverick haa been drilling his tho National League, In the an- agency, this la baaed solely on the committee on the. event. sive of the attendance and financial both etube, eertre, eeven. •Carl E. Hultine .. The Kills Cloak Company, England states but Maine, and a treme left, gravely interpreted in Autumn leave t artificial grass, 17^ O n ter street, Thursday morn­ and removal to Hartford to live. New York Yankcss won their | Entries are being received dally coming Sunday though aha haa .....2,428 squad for the past several weeks ni>al baaehall World Series. . their showing at the ball park. Club Records Tied •John H. Lappen . through its attorney, George C. new club ia in process .of organi­ bold manner lines and acrimonious and in the backgr. und a semblance ing at 11 o’clock. Rev. Charles A donation of $100 to the organ nth world series just aa thay fig- 1 at the Blast Side Rec. Veteran by the secretary and present indl- marks, a tota> n* 28 records were i baen with tha young people In ...... 2,4.35 On a crisp October afternoon. Durochtr ia no Clark Oablt or 1. —Most triples to gome, tbree, •Richard Martin ...... Lessner, today started suit In sation in Portland at present. editorials the Communist decisioh of blue aky completed the picture G. Johnson, will officiate and bur­ fund of St. Bridget'a church waa urtd to do—on a solid pitching | players with the team Include Robert Taylor, yet The Llppy One cattona are that this fall's event set and 17 were tied In the 1947 their program the paat two weeka. •Joseph H. Russell ...... 2,427 Kayb managed to grab the play Ysnkees. amount of $6,000 against the four Misa France# Parker ,o f the to form Use coordinated "Inforiha- and furnished an ideal setting for ial will be in Pine Hill cemetery, voted at the meeting. Permission adga ovtr tha shoddy Brooklyn i high scoring Ed Koae, Fred Serv­ Is quite a sight when not rubarb- will surpass all records for num­ World Series won by the New York K graduate ot the Unlveralty of •Harold A. Turkington ...... 2,424 men and one woman w?io are now tlon bureau'' as the beglnnWg of the models in their new-season Westfield, Mass. The Holloran away from the Dixie Walkers and 2. —Most duoblss, toning, three, tiartford SoropUmlat club preaid' was given the House committee Dodger staff and the extrS/^base: er and Tex Klejna. Several prom­ Ing W*lth an umpire In a beecball ber and class of competition. Word Yartkece over the Brooklyn Dodg- Dodgera. Wiaconaln In 1946, MIbb Luah- Town Clerk under arrest charged with theft intensified Ideological warfAre. habllimenta. 1 hey entered from the Funeral Home will be open after for the purchase of sound equip­ power in the*r bats. the Joe DlMagglos. The clown ___ 2,490 ed at the different club and board ising newcomers are also Hated pr^th game, the Brooks made it ...... 2,460 Phuia call for the PA'a to again the screen and cn the radio, waa Overshadow Clasalo will be on hand with their strings were set and six ware tied while 4. —Moat triples, both clubs, InterdanominatioHal activitiea at •George H. Waddell...... The writ is rClumable to the Hart­ gram was in charge o f Mra. Del- gence of the atniggla Into the head of the M il at the same level. Tonight local Fourth degree close all th> way on speed and eompete In the State Polish of dogs and should furnish plenty the Unleemlty of Waahlngton. Registrar of Voters ford County Superior Court in the the guaat at tr.a gama of Pack's The t»re-aarlea rew* breaks far 19 club records were broken and series, six, Yankaas and Dodgers. loris Foster of Hartford. Miss LU' open. Mra. Skinnei Narrator members will attend the first husUK But in the final innlnga of L ea ^ e. A year ago tha Poles fin­ of competition. Local dog own­ 11 equalled by th» two teams. Seattle. In the summer of 1943 •Donald Hemingway ...... 2,456 November term and is to recover Bad Boy of Baseball, the “ late" overshiutowad the annual bataeball 5. —Most runs scored by lostag die L,eClalre, of Hartford Venture •The mask U off— it la aa well.’’ Mrs.' Helen Page Skinner, well meeting of Bishop McMahon Gen­ yeaterday’a (I'J Yankee clincher, ished second during the regular ers have been pointing their train­ Probably the moat outstanding ,aho waa a member of a Methodist Selectmen what the company claims is the Leo Durocher u> Brooklyn, no'v of classic, the worla aerlea. We refer club, aeries, 29, Oedgsrs. club (young btulneas girls* group) said London's Daily Herald, organ know dramatic teacher, was nar­ Study Groups eral assembly since that held in there was Fireman Joe Page com­ ■eason but won the playoffs from to Joe McCarthy’s algnlng a two ing actlvlUeB towarda thia event waa the eight and two-thirds con­ ' Youth Caravan which served ♦Guy E. Anderson ...... 2.461 value of the goods stolen. Hollywood. Along with Uppy Leo 8.—Least number of saerUldsa, .2,478 led the chorus singing at the dif­ of the Labor party. rator. and Mis Dorothy Dowd Manchester last June. No meet­ ing front th* bullpen to outshine the Hartford St. Cyril’s In a thrill­ year contract to manage the Bos­ for aeveral weeka and their secutive htUess Innings pitchad by series, three, Yor.kees and Dodg­ churches In Northern Missouri, •Roger S. Taggart ...... A written confession signed by ings of the assembly have been to sec that there wasn't any trou- Constables ferent meetings and alao aang The Sociql Democrat newspaper Prentice play *d softly on the piano the dodger's best While New York ing battle. ton Red Sox at s reported $40,000 chargbs should be ready to ac­ Floyd Bevens cl the Yankees In ers, and in tha summer of 1944 waa Anthony J. Wylot states that gar­ held in the summer months. The I.J— M. - ___ bla was Mrs. L, net Laraine Day .2,475 aoloa. The Hartford girl# alao pre­ o f ‘ Copenhagen, ’‘Social Demo- during the revue. Mrs. Skinner In At St. Mary’s I strengthened its lead. per season. . _ quaint themselves and uphold the fourth game, Oct. 3 at Ebbeta 7. —Least number of hltA gome, with tha Ualis Fellowship in Usie, •James Duffy ...... ments to the valiK of $2900 were session will be held at the Hart­ of Hollywood and polnto east (In­ •Otto H. Herrmann ...... ,2,405 sented an amusing skit, and mem­ kraten.’’ Commented that the "Com opening the program, which she Well pitched gamez by Frank Then too. Owner Sam Bnadon the tradition of Manchester owned Field, The prevlt.)tf high mark was ons, Dodgera. New York. She is at present pre­ taken by him. This amount, the bers of the Boston' and Malden intern Arent underground but now termed the "Seven Ages of Wom­ ford K. of C. home. cluding Brooklyn). dogs. •Raymond K. Roblnaon .,. .2,441 company claims. Is incorrect, and Shea, Allle Reynolds and Bill displayad hla falUi in Eddie D>*r aeven and two third Innings pitched 8. —Most bates on balls, gome, paring for Work among college clubs contributed piano aoloa, it hata tome out of the darkness." en,” referred to the lengthening Watch Boston Barnam and Baily'a clrcua Several raatnraa •Sedrlck J. Straughan ... .2,465 in fact the' amount of the theft is Information on Faith Bevers—whose 8 2-3 Innings of no­ by algnlng the latter to a contract by Red Ruffing of the Yankees In 10, Dodgers nnd Yankaas. atiidenU by doing graduate study Board of Eduratlon girls' choir and solo numbers, all "Moscow throw# o ff its mask,’’ of akirta and riie excitement caused hit pitching before losing was the navtr hwaatad a better one-man to manage the St. Loula Cardinals Several popular features of past j tha opening gaive of the 1942 9. —Most pit) hers uaed to gome, at Hartford Seminary Foundation. much more. of which were well received. Mlaa by the change in the feminine mind. And Practice to Be act than the performance given by programs are being continued In •George W Cheney ...... 2,439 The writ was served this morn­ said the ■ "France Libre" which best job of the aeries—showed the Braves in ’48 again next/eaacii. \ World Scries egainst the 8L Louis ■lx. Yankees. Misa Uishbough will be at •Frederick 1. Rogera ...... ^,470 Margaret Noble of the Springfield /favors Gen. Charles de (Saulle. Mrs. 8kinn*!r 'end a number of New Dominion Yankees' strength. Thoae three John FaikowakI Kays for tha benefit of working Dizzy Dean's feat of\ pitching tills fall’s running. Once again Cardinals. 10. —M oit plavars used, both ing in Hartford hy a Hartford der Given in Four Sessions pressmen, photogniphers, errand the maralial of the event will South church each Sunday parti­ Detnorrats club was a capable mlBtreaa of The ConaervaUve London Daily newspaper headlines, here and comiilete games and the relief four complete Innings, allowing no Individual Records Set: 'clubs, gome, 38, Yankaas ohd puty hherrifl. One of the places make judicious use of a public ad-, cipating in the Youth FeUowahlp ' Board of Director* attached waa a package store ceremonies, with many good jok«a Telegraph said Ruagla’a acceptance abroad, giving women’s reaction work of Page overahadowed the Johnny Falkowaki was api>oint- teys and spaotatora. Kaya'a show, runs, then retiring after 1—Most thre- base hits, aeries, Dodgers. • New Cry o£ National dress ayatem to keep the specta­ program hoLi mornings and eve* Fred Batlgnanl ...... ^.,,.1,076 owned by Benjamin Schwarts. An at her command. / of the Nov. 25 data for the foreign to the change.' which Paris in­ Four group meetinga will be Backs Araks valiant efforfa of Hugh Casey, the ad recreation director by the Rec­ was atone w orth 'th e price o f ad- and then pulllns a muacle to hla three. Billy lotinaon, Yankees. Financial. Attendonee Beeesda Bel nlngs. In the morning she will Philip Bayer .1...... / ... .. 1,972 automcblle agency owned by an­ The usual interesting , reports mlnlsteni meeUng waa received itiated over a year ago. This, Mrs. held In St. Mary's Elpiecopal D«v^er relief hero. reation committee laat week. ndsalon to those who ware willing leg, not h ir heart as waa repbrted tors and handlers Informed of the 2. —Most hit'- by » phich-hltter, l-~LArgest utendanes gome, League After South* pirogrees of the events. This Item 'share the leadership with Miss James C. Bayllss ...... 2,073 other of the defcn^-year contract at a in the background. In the boxing world, one of the ies. six, Hugh Catcy, ledgers. 5. —Largest players share (Brat Treasurer rected toward further research ter buildings. Anyone interested, arid even full course meals will be church. / Asks Outlawing Of Reds So now we can stop fretting tor ot the pariah. He has an­ The main interests still centered ceived credit for the win that salary reportwl to be "In excess o f The dip, sported by Kaye, look­ better fighter*. Jerry Florello de­ 6. —Winning most games in ra-four games) V4PS,674.8S. .2,009 work in this comparatively new especially in handling junior ac- available for all attending. Park­ Charles 8. Macy ...... The rightist Paris newspaper, about those ankle-length , skirts nounced the following topics for on the expected declarations by prompted Larry MacPhall to daah $2.50,000; ed as if it had gone through the cided to end It all with the aid of Hof, aarlee, two, Hugh Casey, Regtstrar of Voters Fal«choo finally lost despite hia per- chances on tlieri) for sate. These hom tal front Injurlea he racalved Gross bltteriy dcnthinced this publicity secured, praised The the Communist party, the party of thing about tnis season’s clothes der the leadership of the Diocesan gates saw a.4 B. Hagedom, sLrtcment put into the record by N aonai 0.87 earned run average, prizes are all ofXhlgli quality na­ I w night when hla cor crashed Herald's management for grant- War at the orders of the Soviets." la their ladyM.e look, and manners Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Frederick G. wido open ideological struggle in an error in the opener. pennant. Y)enkeer, Carl B. HuMaa, John H. Lappen, Assistant Agflciiltiirc Secretary ill naturally loilow suit. the crown of aeries hero probably tionally advertis^ brands and totn a guard rati at CandlcLtc About Town 1 tng the space it does. Norwegian newspapers from the Budlong. Mr. Williams has eX' the United Nations between Rus­ Yankee infield play surpassed In announcing Southworth had Italian Amerks Launch \ 2.—Highest tsttlng average, Richard Martin, Joseph H. Riis- Charles F. BriiirSn, describing the At the ^n d («y leorning biisines.n conservatives to the official mouth­ The first little model to trod the belongs on the head of Johnny signed a new contract last night, will prove popular awards for the Stadium during the 24th lap ol pressed the hope that the church sia and the westerii powers. Brooklyn's and Joe DIMaggio was s8yen-game series, .500, Johnny' aell and Harold A. Turkington "typical farm Limily.” piece of the Ijibor government boards was diminutive Lee John­ Lindell who missed the finale with Lou . Perlnl, president of the holders of tha winntog. numbera. the 100-lap feature race. Business men’s gym classes will ' session Which Of about ten building be filled for tomorrow’s Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minis­ the standout afield, despite hia Alter Order o f Cventa Llhdeir ^Ytainkrrv. A The high man for this group, "They live in an old house, either I and la;ned more than two hours, stressed that the Communist move son, who bore^in his arms a large a fractured rib. Braves, said he and the Boston - A spokesman at the hoaullal start tonight for the soaaon at the meeting, and that many members ter Andrei Y, Vishinsky brought .231 average. Two of his six hits Grid Season Wednesday In arranging thlta fall's pro- 3)r-H itting ■Mttol/linavcry gfrite. CgAJL^idtiiM, not-only waa el­ in serious dlArcpulr or perhaps un- had widened the cleft between the baby doll, representing the infant Unded Facet Hitter# pilot had agreed to tear up their said that Oll of Cblldtt'ii Hba v/ere Community Y at 6 o’clock. Direct­ 1 tclegrtamn-we*e received from the the fight lnt6 the open late yes­ were homers. Tommy Henr'th. Yankees. / ected yesterday but he also be­ ropalrnble., Thev arc without run­ west and the east. or first age of women. The doll in of the parish will continue the Undell led the hitters with .500 old three-year agrecmenL which 'gram the committee \haa altered or Joe McClU'kty is looking for­ natl^al pre.s.dei t 'Mrs. Hazel terday wito a bitter attack on tha The rlch**it series in history, the' order o f the events so aa to 4. - ^ a a t n.n.b. r of changes by came the father of a aon, bom at ning waj:^r. to.ophones, central H.-wkett of Mt.chantville, N. J.. The ’ Communists have taken long christening dress made an­ discussion of the topics by Inviting on nine hits in 18 trips. He scored had a year to run. In favor of the ward to a large turnout. others, into their own homes to capitalisUe ayatem. Hla attack drawing a net gate of $2,021,- U n a t In H n r t f n r d ' ^^e opening game, the Tal- place more emphaala pn the run­ Mamorlal hoepltal early yrasterday heating'or a hathtub. If they have d/letters fr.in various others considerable pains to deny that other appearance with the model three runs and batted in seven five-year document. Perlnl is said Play ItOSt to tianiortl , snhouett** Fife and Drum ' ' " i 'Vltootaiosaa:;! that UtVaccident afternoon. Hultlne waa giving out the new organization formed in who represented the mother, Mrs. exchange information and opinion waa linked immediately with tha 348.91 from 389,763 paying cus­ ning of the Amateur \AU Age Linne Lo