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o o r- mmm o * en' 03 O • ,«••» Taday'i weather: o r- M Chance af ihawcrt aael thuaeerstarms. High 71 83 degrees; low M-U THE WESTFIELD LEADER degrees. FA* Uading md Mott WUUy CirculaUd Weekly New paper In Vnion County Publl.h.d EIGHTY-FOURTH YEAR — No. 41 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1974 Evry Thundiy 30 Pages—15 Cents WEA-Board Contract Candidate Cites Value Of "Full-time" Mayor Parade to Highlight According to Republican day occurrences in our Talks at Impasse candidate for Mayor of community affairs, and who Memorial Day Monday Weatfield, Mrs. Vera O. is willing, of course, to serve The opening of ichool in and the board subsequently ding the progress of Fried, "municipal govern- in the time-honored Septaemben r it questionable agreed. A State-assigned negotiations. The contract ment can't be a sideline." In tradition for a dollar a year. Morgan's Rifle Plans have been lauees agraatnant batwaan mediator, John Stochai ia talks between the WEA and a press release today, Mrs. "During my many years Order of the Day And Line of March pleted for Monday's annual taacheri and 0w Board of enacted to meet with the the board are at a standstill. Fried set forth her views, in leadership roles in civic Corps Feature Memorial Day Parade and Education ia reached, ac- WEA negotiating team and affairs in Weatfield, I have Until there is an agreement qualifications and projec- 8:30 a.m. Parade assembly at Hahne's parking lot ceremoniea, it was an- cording to Mrs. Beverly board's staff relationa become schooled in plan- Of Parade between the teachers and tions for the office of Mayor. (west) nounced today by General Geddia, newly reelected committee tonight in an ning, budgeting and the the Board of Education, the Mrs. Fried said, "In these 8:45 a.m. Units proceed to World War I Monument Chairman A. Bruce Goatta, preaidant of the Weatfield attempt to resolve the execution of programs. The men of the Morgan's opening of school in Sep- times, municipal govern- (Plaza) Jr. The parade will Education Aaeoctatton. deadlock. Additionally, as a home Rifle Corps commanded by tember is questionable." ment can't be a sideline. 9:00 a.m. American Legion Service starts at assemble at l:M a.m.; The WEA declared Apr.» According to Mrs. Geddis, executive, more frequently Cyrus Smith of Morristown Nowadays, even in a Monument ceremonies begin at • that a atate of impatae "This atate of impasse does Clark Leslie is chairman pleasant suburban com- referred to as 'housewife,' I and the Col. John Lamb's o'clock at the Monument. 2nd N.Y. Regiment of 9: IS a.m. After services, parade will proceed via existed in ita contract not coincide with Mr. of the board's staff relations munity like Westfield, know firsthand how to Martin Wallberg Post No. Artillery commanded by Broad St, to Elm St., north to Orchard St. and south negotiation! with the board Leslie's statement regar- committee. problems must be dealt with budget and manage money. 3, American Legion, Clark- Joseph Rixon, also of on Mountain Ave. to Revolutionary Cemetery. when they develop. Now In this capacity, I have been Hyslip Post No. Ml Morristown, will be seen for 9:45 a.m. SAR and DAR Service on steps of more than ever, Weatfield educated in the subject of (Westfield) and Memorial the first time in this year's Revolutionary Cemetery needs a full-time, on-the- economics. .with a com- Post No. 101M (Mann- Federation Seeks 20% Hike Westfield Memorial Day 10:00 a.m. After services, parade will move east on scene Mayor familiar with plete understanding of in- talnside) of the Veterans of serve aa an augury of even Parade. The unit recreates Broad St. to Fairview Cemetery A 90 percent increase in as .100 percent. Contrast and involved In the every- Foreign Wars are co- greater accomplishments to <C«n«lmiM an F*at 4) • as authentically as possible 10:30 a.m. Parade arrives at Fairview •ay it being asked by the that with the board's latest sponsoring the observance. come under Its new the uniforms, arms and 10:50 a.m. VFW service Westfleld Federation of offer of 4.2 Including In- Numerous local civic superintendent. Contrast accoutrements of the men 11:15 a.m. Services completed Teachers Local 1643, it crements. Once more the organisations are par- the picture of what can be who fought with General The order of procession is Police Escort, Grand wu revealed today In The question of increments ticipating. obscures the true facts. the one that is... Daniel Morgan of Hun- Marshal, Mayor and Council, Police Department, Fire Spokeaman, organizational Units are reminded to They are not part of current terdon County, New Jersey Department, WHS Band, Westfield Recreation newsletter, which reports! For the past half-year, the assemble in HahnsVa bargaining since they were and Col. John Lamb of New Twlrlers, VFW - Westfield, VFW • Mountainside, Gold "We local citiiens, tax- Union has called for action. parking lot (west and) by already allocated in last York in the war for Star Flag, American Legion, American Legion payers, perpetual payers of What we got was action 8:30 a.m. The units that year's contract. The actual Independence. Accuracy Auxiliary, SAR, DAR, CAR, Morgan Rifle Corps, manufacturera,' middle- committees. The pose of assemble at the Monument hoard offer shrinks then to and authenticity is prac- Knights of Columbus, Right to Life, Talman Band, ment' and professional are: Fire Department, about 3 percent. That's just ticed by Corps members not Rescue Squad, College Women's Club, Girl Scouts, mans* incessant increaess-- a lack of progreas at Rescue Squad, Cubs and about two month's worth of only In drill, parades and Westfield Community Center, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, we teachers-have suffered mittedly seems to satisfy Brownies. a grievous loss of spendable inflation. some teachers. The P.R. haa musters, but also in the Red Cross, Westfield Historic Society, YMCA Indian generally been top drawer, replication of 18th century Guides, Bound Brook Drum and Bugle Corps, United Many unita are par- income these past few years. Consider also the board's ticipating for the first time The similar plight of other proposed changes con- but it hardly compensates Army camp life. The women Fund, Neighborhood Council, Friends of the Library, for instance the buyer of a members recreate the roles Friends of Youth, Holy Child Marching 100, Millard making this one of the cttlten taxpayers doesn't cerning job insecurity, largest parades in many letaan our own. According to lengthening of the school Ford car that within the past of the women, who, of Fillmore Marching and Chowder Society, Westfield half year, has witnessed necessity, followed their Bicentennial, YWCA Y-Teens, Junior Essex Troop years. the Government's own head year, worsening working (ComlnuM on of the Cost of Living Council, conditions and the results four price increases. husbands into the Army and "B", Antique Automobile Club of America - N.J. inflation for the current seem hardly to match the It will, to borrow the themselves served the Region, and Fire Engine. year will exceed last year's town's professed image of expression of a labor leader, "cause" by performing Grand Marshall: Raymond J. Herrgott, Post Com- 14.S per cent. Yet the educational leadership or of take a 20 percent increase to Only 10 (Continued on P«|««) mander, VFW, Mountainside Memorial Post No, 10136 board s hired negotiator, in Bicentennial growth and make us whole again. We American Legion - World War I Monument (Plata) language considerably celebration. have an idea it wUliake a lot Alex Williams. candidate far the Republican nomination as candidate for WestfleM mayorallty, discuss** Issues purled and edited for this Speaking of the of doing to fat , fc. TIN Day Care Center (Continuation PH*4) At Session publication was reported to terariair What a Association speaks of « with foraaer Mayer Robert H. Mulretky. j \ , possible auiko In the fall. have Mid that the. board ' opportunity the coining Di-ive Short 95,000 The Westfield Board of doesn't intend to "sub- contract present! to the We've let winter go by and much of the spring." Mrs. S.F. Perry, chair- Education held its second sldlie' this inflation. town fathers. Men of vision Mulreany Endorses "open-to-public-observa- They're quite content, would seiie upon it to man of the Westfleld Day tion" committee-of-the- evidently, to let the teachers retrieve Westfield's slipping Rood Scholars Care Center's fund drive, whole work session Tuesday do so. educational reputation by Williams has announced that con- night at Elm Street School. Not long ago, a wdl- forging an Instrument that tributions to date have Ten people were in the knewn U. S. Senator spoke other communities would Are Announced Alex Williams, who is wide range of complex totalled $20,000 of the cen- audience. At the board's of the "obscene profits^ of point to as a model of ex- The Trustees of the seeking the Republican municipal problems, both ter's goal of $25,000 needed April 17 public work session, some corporations as high cellence, one that would Joseph E. Rood Memorial •nomination for Mayor of short and long term, I to continue operations about 30 persons attended. Scholarship Fund an- Weatfield in the primary believe thSt Alex Williams, through 1974. election on June 4, has been by virtue of his experience The Westfield Day Care Chester Bright, principal nounced this week the of Roosevelt Junior High names of the two winners of endorsed by former Mayor and business background, is Center is a private non- Robert H.