', ' v 'i ' i

a ■ f • BAT0KDAT. OCRIBEB11^ IM fl Tha Wsathar iiahrhf8tfr Hufnfng lirraGi^ I of O. a WaoMa rXlIDBLUMKa tbara far a atamity 9,109 await a break la ‘SJ?- Arranfod Pariejr I Expect Parley About Town Heard A long Main Street tlon or traffto, ap ring tha' direc- ANDERSON GREENHOUSES tlon aha Juat' paaaa 8 for tM racan lloral AnaageaMBte By Espcrisaesd Florlste MdnchotUir^A City of Villag Charm ' \. that have fliled «| > .tha Breach In Well Attended 0 tha meantlma to aw thay don’t Far Flmcrali, Weddings, Anaivcnarles „ ______1 Trft* W«w 88, t o. And on Some of Manchottoi^B SIdo Streeu, Too PRICE THREE CENTS IL iL, «fll MM Ita Ngulaf mMt> hit her and bar cMldren from the DAILY DEUVBRIE8 TO HOSPITAL ea ram 18) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 14» 1949 (FOURTEEN PAGES) me ta TbiMr MU Ifooday «v*nlnf rear, then trying to raadi the oth­ Monday's M eting la YOU LXVL. NO. 12 7 «lgM •'Moek Maip. Mtmber* A local man nrto la a mambar of aalty glraa Brat priority on the use er aids of Main atraat before eome- ^ AND SUfUtOUNDlNG TOWNS Maiwtad ta fonatiif • bowttag Aloobollca Anonymoua hM a of tha airpdrta' ‘ —and ' the name thing come# from aooM other di­ SpdnsoFpd by All of ttaai ts eonpata with ItoclnriDa, Imadag aaparlaaca laoaatly. Ha "Municipal Airport’’ ia, in moat rection after a break in thaFtraf- FIswtn Tsisgraphsd Ts Any Point la the U. 8. A., 8 taCM« Bpriaia and Putnam ara In4 alwaya prldad hlmaalf on bla caaea, a mlahomar aince the public Ac. Small children ore unpredict- Local ■ Qvlc Gronpa CsBSds, and EaruM Member of the Fleiisto' Tdegraph Botcher Shop, Mexican Version French Favor nauaitad to attand Monday fine abock of hair. But auddanly paya tha bill land the commercial sble. You think they have learned Delivery Aasodation. airtlaw havo full uae of the facll Conference, Finishes l A t 'a maatlng aa two npraaen- kta hair atarted to fall out Ha triad to stick right close to you cross­ The parley "IVhen Amiricaas Women, PoKticians taUraa from tba atata Oraat CSoun- •U Unda of ramadlaa and a ara ^ ing and of a auddan th ^ have a apaak,” to be presented Mondajr New Charter; new notion to break away or aome 155 BLBRIDGB ST. TEL. SIM co win ba praaant to axplala da* different baTbara trlaiTto halp him — ^ \ evening « t the HoIBater etreet aara hta balr, but It continued to Tha death of a formerv. Bolton such thing picked up from good- fall out la Incraadnily large quan* man racalla to mind a a tory.a ^ t ness knows Whore. X repeat- school; Is featuring a hrondooat Awaiting Voting Light Prtrata Chartaa B. Snow, aon of UUea, ^ an Incident in World War I. Tliere little children ara unpredictable (Hramstlxatlon by tha Sock and Mr. and Bra. WUlUm M. Snow, Ha heard through a fdand of a ware aavaral placea in Bolton that And only one driver in one hun­ Buskin of Manchester High echool of M Kaaaay atraat, ta now with woman doctor In apiingflald who aarvad home-made Italian winea, dred wfll atop to lot a woman with under the directlqp of Mrs. Helen Cunstinitioii Given Pnb> Thooe placaa ware very popular bundles and children finish cross- P m Skinner. It la enUtled "Look CoBipaay A, BiBlutwint Combat gpedaUaed in treating women a during tha Prohibition era which Ihutaiinn, aa a draftaaBan and U ■nli^and In reatorlng hair. How*., ihg the atresL You cannot de* Beneath the Label." and Is belna ORANGE HALL BINGO On Meat Problem lie Approval' in FacG began during World War I. A l/>cal peiid on tba kindnasa of heart to­ presented as a repeat performance ataUonad at Part Ord. Oallf. Ha ever, took only women patron^ man who waa In tha aervlce want- day. . It. la "me first" bn Main O f Opposition by'^e taa boon ia tha Army tffbt The local man took .a by special request, as It la fait EVERY MONDAY Molotov ad to ba aura that ha would get street alwaya. that the subject matter , la perti­ Tnunan to A fraduata of Maadtaa* called the Springfield apadallet and ilaatg of the wine to drink when "I cait^hear aoroe aay 'Don't Gaulle; PrestigftStrong tar H M aebool M waa fonaarty told her hla atcry. She agreed to nent to the theme of the evening’s Says Unit Has la g o t home. Ratumlng from take your children ehop^ng with program, dealing with toter-cul- Penny BHigo Storting A t 7 :30 P. M* Tonight on Pro grain amployad by CSianoy BreChara ba- treat him. . . Franca ha waa at Fort Devene for you,’ Thr' fact' that eo many Parls./bet. iA.i_(/r)—^ conatl- 4-Powep* Foreign Min­ ftia baliiK draftad oa Jamiaty U Ha went to her. office a ^ ^ a turri Celstlonshlpe. For Getting Slerfw diacharga. He wired a local friend women do take their children Megmor F. High school pupils, all members of Reguldr Bingo At 8:00 P. M. No Purge List |utlon. for France’s fourth roflaih- Down Mexico Way— Soap I af tMayaar. thoroughly examined hla aealp. She to thia affect "Coming home from shopping with them ehowe there Is isters Council Meets to told him that he wouldn’t bacoiha Davana. Intereated In Bolton real The cast includes the foUowtof Admission 25c And Roasts Back on Ito, providing for a powerful legio* not much we can do to prevent it the Sock and Buskin: Jane Vlck- Begin Final W ork on IwVI and aha waa of tha opinion aatata.’’ The local friend knew ex­ sll than time. Bometlmee It can Tables; No^ Clear Cut laturo overshadowing the preOI- n a Bartford DUtrict OmracU that hla hair would gradually atop actly what the aoldlar meant and a Gospel Meetings erman, Bnice Noble. Susanna Far- 23 REGULAR GAMES * 75PEOALS Of Candidates maatlnr Vatarana of Foralga be arranged and raat aaaured we guaon, Eleanor Wlnaler,. John jlehL bore the stamp of public sp- R ecommendations; falling out She did give him aoiM party, with plenty of wine, was grab auen oppottuniUea. No worn- Indication o f H b Plans Warai wfll ba haM-tomortow aftar- tonic and acme auggeatlona aa to loMiadlately arranged. Kjellaon, Eddie Tonklel. Robert PLUS SWEEPSTAKES " iTOvol today, given to the fooe of an lovea the teak of toting poor Are Well Attended Johnaon, Robert Torrance, Rob­ (Senersl Charles de Gaulle’s oppo­ Rnssia Protests W ork aoon at 8:80, in Iba O.^R. rooma hla diet E x e c u tiY C Vice Chair- la RaekrUla. little tired lega' on a ahopping ert Hutson. Peggy Saslela. I^oo» BoDctln! I sition. Blit the pay-off came aa ba waa Driving through tha Center the tour. Tha overcrowded streets ^Unsatisfactory'; Reop­ other morning wa noted aometHinif ard johnaon and Barbara Swan- I man of NOP AC Says The people of conttoehtol about to leave the office. A mam­ and stores on huaband’a time out Joaeph F. Pearson of Bha Washington, Oct. 14.—(ff) PYsnee accepted the new constltu-^ ening of Certain De­ H m Alptaa Bodaty will maat to* bar a t Aloholica Anonymoua, an ab- wa hadn't since before the war. from work to help friend wife shop Traffic waa alowad up momentar­ street who haa been conducting Master of Oerorooalea — Aided by cabinet advisefs. I All Decisions Made by tlon yesterday by a margin of morrow gftamoon at thrm o'elock aduto taatotaler for over * 3W and to watch the children shows Clayton V. Hansen, the maater W t RBPRB8BNTTHB STRONGEST some .1 ,212,000 votes and a par- kX’ V*. ' cisions Is Indicated ho- wan ahookad whan tba doctor ily aa a huge trailer truck swung evangelistic aervicoa the past President TTaman polished 4 at M ItaUaa Amardan chib oa that many uas this source of help of ceremonies for the evening •• Its Local Organisations centsge of 53.6 In fsvoi to 46.4 op­ Bdrldga atraat. AU asambam ara —14 "I can't explain it but I have around the Center Into E ^ t Cen­ week at Goapal Hall, 41fi Center STOCK AND DIV1DBND today a personal report to the ter atraat. On tha aide of the body But If some of ua who live near a well-known Manchester bual- posed. Voting was Kgbt. with 81.8 knofwa aavaral caaea Uka y « « ; street *d1l be In chargs of the or Bnllctln! arftd to ba pmaant in big letters were two words, but the ahopping center can do our neaaman, active In the clvle Ufa aatkm the meat ahortage Washington, OcL 14.— —C. per cent af the regtetered voters whan drinking a lot of bear atoppad business at another leee busy time evangelletlc service at tha baR r g . p a y i n g staying away from th4"polls. those toro words, told the story of Sunday eveqing at MVOn o’clock, of the town, as weU as being a which haa stirred up house- B. Baldwin, executive vice chair­ With a complete stock ot meat to choose from and with no one try­ Psrie, OcL 14.— of sugar and othor itema. so hard | factory” and soon afterwardfl ally milk tha communities that apaU tha name of th ^'traet Tha was not hurt and with helpless Sunday Afternoon be of such interest aa to warrant OF Buffalo Meat ttuee major portteo. buy. Tho aoi^ otoiro M ***J|^^* sTiouRaiRvicB bava such Selda. algnpoat at tha end of the atreat exasperation for this abominable pitbUc aupporL" before the chief executive’s *itn Street Cars .1^ Bus Offloltl Intarisr Ministry re­ to got to tbs Unltod Btotos.- ttlophoto). tho four-power Foreign Min* T M oomroardal Unas are uau- apaliB tha name one way but their crossing situation that I could not The meeUng will begin prompt­ comnuttea opened it. Drivers, Rank and File turns for oontlnnotol France tsten council met to bogis deeda apall it another way. The make an intelligent remark to tji* *rhe Children of Mary Sodality ly at eight o'clock Monday eve­ FINISHED Put on Sale showed 8,002,487 votes for the final work on too algnpoat reads "LENNOX flT.*’ driver, who had jammed on hia ning at the Hollister street school, conatltutlon to 7,780,878 ogalliat on mi. of St. James's will racelva Holy Meeting and Election Uono. and the deeds read "LENOX ST.’’ brakes to atop fifteen feet past me and Is free to the pubUc. ' danmnded IL Cfiwrsao Aataioaa Tha name waa riven the street by and rushed out of the car to see Communion in a body at the 8:30 Unofficial returns from thiss Hwailai Is Captured MANCHinhlR TAXI 0 0 . YOUR OWN I ! B O 10,000 Pounds Offered V. M. Molotov. Ruostoli feroigA B. J. HoU, local real estate man, MONUMENTS W h £ tS ra was clear-cut in- much-dlacutoad aO -PA C XMAS GREETING CARDS if aha was hurt This car was mass tomorrow. Members are re­ dlcaUoa what Mr. Truman plans {• * * * cofled for tta oftemoan. Bulletin! North African deportmonto show­ rotoUttor, angrily ehargad tttwt ths who Bold It to the develimra of the not even going fast. Just one ed that that part of the em ' Fron Yowr Snapshotd quested to meet In the lower AUVB CXIFRAN and to soy In bis 15-minuta dlaciimloii I Ha Ooalrihirtlnaa Mode By Minneapolis Re^ PUtsburfh, Oct. L4.—(ff)— United States bad domlnatad tha tract And we know' E. J. la second of a dash sooner and she (Rnuwa As (|aeea Allee) hod rejected the conatltutlon, 2 ll-wook eaaifian. His opoach todh Older New — Bnpply Undtadt Uioroujgh Englishman who Juat would have been run over. . My church at icl5, Sunday afternoon, of and the mast Baldwin said tha NC-PAC tail S^ore Today Some 300 drivers for the After Bitter Fight A to attend the Novena exercises, Seventh Dsaghter ot a Seveath Boa the iaoua before him mode no contributtons for the fall 189 to 148,565—making tha unoi cstod a roopontof at cortoto 4oel* couldn't mla-spell.. an English loved and adored three year old Born With a VeU PUtebargh Motor.Coach 0>. flclal totals for the 88 doport- otoiia whoa na ffito with hla Aawr> name. He gavis It- the name which begin promptly at' 2:30 p.m. MARKERS led down to this: campaign, but may do ao this \ ELITE StUDIO girl cruahad by a massive hunk of A business meeting follo^bd by ItendiHga Onlly, Incinffiag Sonday, Minneapolis, OcL 14—(4V-A menta of Francs and North Afri­ lean, Britloh and Frooeh cot "LENOX ST." s. rolling steel! It might have been Whether to scrap most controls month. Ha reported that In four who quit work rather than ca e,14SJ)88 "yaV and 8.048,883 FOR SALE a aoclal time, will take plpde after fi A. M. to • P. M Oi By Appnlnt- outright, os many RepubUcona and I cases wbere It supplied funds dur- Minneapolis groebry-meai setall past through the power Chinese Government loaguoa to Now York to doetde f)> \ your child who is reading this. ment In the Serviro of the Fen- FOR YOUR SELECTION "no." No Reply Yet noUy on terms. Tha maU bag brought tha fol the Novena, at the school hall. goma Oemocrstle leaden have dro i|ig primary conteato this opring. store offend 10,000 poimds of IN MANCHESTER ^"Thta mother and children type The public ia invited .to attend ple fat W Tenra. union’s picket lines, voted to­ OonM Not CSmiigs Bsiafft Unite March T h ro n g Ha dooounood ths Oaclakioe oe lowing letter this week; of haxard la only. one. There are monded, or keep them imchangod. I throe of the men It aponsorod buffalo meat for sole today on a Stm missing wars reporte from the Novena exerciqeii, which will SPIBliniAL NEimJM OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAYS Or, whathar to compronlae on taro defeated day to rctara to the Jobe im trtaota, fno navtgaUon of tb« A Maariy HMt and "Editor, others, such as that of elderly peo­ 168 Chnrcb Street. Hartford, Conn. I 'first-come, flmt-served, no-Umlt" Otrsica, Mortialquo, Modagaacar, 2 Smaller Towns Unop­ On Red Debt! Danube and ths Bulgariaa-Oroffii "Heard Along Main Street’ ^ close with Benediction of the aome relaxation of oontitda involv- j H « tostlfled 8500 w m cootrlbut- mediately. The company op taad wan a ple, school children, even just plain Blessed Sacramcht PtHMM 8-8884 bools but asked for special police the South Poclflc, Indo-Chins and border. EMclendy “Baeauaa you offer a very pop­ ordinary adult, trying to cross Ina raiHnge, a t»a- od toword the aucceoaful renomi- erates 125 buses. other ovarosai territorioo, hut posed hy Communists New OUR MEMORIALS ARE BUILT WITH S rp U n to toduce W k r t ln g W «»Uon of Repreaentotlv. de Lacy details to handle the crowds of Tha trooty draft for Ftalon4 ular and well read type of com­ Main street in safety. Let's have msst-hungry housewives. they could not ehangs the overall Richt to Recapture All was adopiopted after numonua ob- plaint department and other In­ thbae traffic Ugbts now!’’ StiKTandiSilblylmporSmro (VV.^ He m kW ^t H.pOO BOLTON LAKE ^ EVERLASTING PRIDE ot meat * taS given to CSsude Qayton In on Althougl. the meet was offered By The Associated Preae ISOlllL ' Peifiinf, OcL m r - TUr..«lsl«M«|i*«Won» of ths UnltoO Stata, to- teresting subjects, I am hopeful SEASONED at prices from 75 cents to 88 per Tbs constitution will not take W e a p o n t, NunitiOllO|ciudtof dsnurrers. tot JIM tkoo,- you win publish the foUowlng A I0CJ1I residence was recently 'N v a s h in g m a c h in e Oppoeee Removtag Coatreie J® Li^erfihip of the 21*day effect until early December, when Government forcesa itrivMKitriving fjr V H w nmhi Mghwiv. g TEXACO Mr. Truman la on record oe firm-1 Bcpreoentstlve RonUn (D. M loa), pound for the choice cuts, etore will lU R«a*rv««l * ««>.«» ““ complaint in your column. It sold to a Hartford man for 316..VK) ------SERVICE — ^ HARWOOD SLARS officials expected mon than 5,000 power Strike t<^ Parliament to ochedulwl to be to door'the rsllrosd between, W illBeReoenred X M on n taaA etmaacamorn u ly oppobM to romoval of OPA o^n* I to Homer Rotoey, unsu^ might help to stir *ip aome much and behind that sale ts a rather Frompi and Efficient Sendee eager buyers at their one Leap dsy fa e ^ threS tests of Its seated. “ coptured Kslgon end tho cut ^ tink .ttoltsd needed activity and ayoid. future Interesting story. The seller of the / ' Oa All Makes! Heavy Cuts • 515 per cord Manchester Memorial Co. tootoT m took this stand S e p ^ , 'iSf store, A smaller crowd was ex­ One chamber, the National An- Washtogton, jO ct 14—vn—T b » I ah rtw sd to m voting to eoOi ms RANGE\OIL but St a news oonferoncs hut week « d 4 L W to Houaton Mc- authori^: sreot well coptured Hwoiloi neediest aeddenta. The follow­ property took back a mortgage, B. D. PEARL'S Cbit Any I.ength Harriaon Street — Manchester pected at on outlying branch. •embiy of Dsputles, will be aloctod Urtltod Stotos win rsksrva tha right llca-fiqeAro^, ing ia my complaint:. APPUANCE * FITRNITVRB bs declined to comment Whm 1. A back*to-work vote by after bitter etreet fighting for 111,500 and a Hartford depart­ OPP. EAST CEMETERY The mesL purchased by the Witt Nov. 10. Tbs oocond, the OouncO o B ------and Ruflsto »nd was histon to Where are those promised traf­ ment store took a second mortgage •41 Mala S t Pbooe 7580 Tptepboue Maachester 8778 ^ whether he lud dunged hi. ^ u i morkeL one of the city's larger 2,700 A FL street car opera­ of the RspubUc, is to be chosen by and marched unopposed to rceopturo oil woopon* o m ^ motion to moko Flaloal C a ll 4 4 ^ fic Ughta for Main street? Aa a of |5,(X>0 ao the purchaser hiw'act­ food outlets, Is from 33 buffalo tors and bus d r iv ^ who have a complicated electoral. collegO nIUona suppUed Russia under land- pJIyaree-fourtha o f ths pitmarty Only. woman with qhlldreii who haa to One Indication that he may have I 1® 1* «t*ta : Californio, through two fiiiikller towns, ually no e^btty In the proneirty. Connecticut, Delaware, - Illinois, obtained from the private buffalo absented themselves for 18 system. The charter wlU be effec­ losas boforo writing tbs wartlms damagoa to Finland to Unltod Nw L . T . Wood shop In Manchester for eaaentiala, It aeems that the inirchkser coma from a high official who is herd of Charles A. Word, presi­ frontline government dte- oocount ’ ’cloaod," govenunont offl-1 tlens propartlos. Maryland, Moaaaebuattta, Michi­ days rather than cross the tive from the day that two-thirds patches reported today. I protest add vehemently complain -chances to be a highly/Valued em­ «tanUlar with the problem. He dent of Brown and Bigelow, St. of tba council’s members are seat­ ctois said today. Repwrattona S in rw VkbaM A to whoever .la in control of aecur- ployee of the Hartford store. He FILMS FILMS hinted to a reporter that top aides gan; Minnesota, Mlooouri,' New Paul calendar manufacturing firm. independent power union’s picket Selsa RrtI airt lUfliway Bah Thaos offletola noted that ouch | Molotov, charging that th« Foirview Street York, Pennoylvonte Ithode Mend, lines; - - ed. tng these lighta for not seeing that was being levicted/from the house Developed and Printed .. betoing prepare Mr. Truman’s Not Sahjeet.Te Contta An analysis of tha referendum Other troope dHvliy: north­ reeapturo provisions have boon United Stotos hod domtostofi tlM have them immediately. For ap4ech met at the WMto House Oolonulo, and Washington. He T * ConoMer ArMtnriloa Offer westward acroos Johol proviace he Waa renting In Hartford be­ NEW 8-ROON.rlnNOLB.; Hot Warren WIU, ston official, sold 3. An unsonctloned ronk-and- left no doubt to the minds of most written into th » lend-lsaM fsttto-i conforaKrt upheld the Sovtrt «n> lugs town that ia under-policed cause the owner was going jo Any Size — 39c Roll steter heat, oU barocr, auto­ last night and that decontrol of also sold an organiser Is at work that because buffalo meat Is class­ seissd ths roil and highway hub ments concluded with seven other I Ion’s right to 8800,000,000 reparor and apparently burdened with a meat Is in tha picture. (n Ohio. flle meeUng tonight to consider of Dolon on the Jehol-Cbobar bor­ occupy It. UpSble to get a place to ARTHUR DRUG STORES matic hot water heat, copper ed os a luxury Item, It is hot sub- the Duqueane Light Otmpony’a of­ (Uoottooed oo Page Two) oounUies. And they odd that they f r w F U ^ d —a figurs a m The A ^ y and Navy Club muQnoua police department, Man- live he wsS planning to leave the pinmbing, faU Insulstloa: down­ There has been speculation, Works With Other Groups ;ject to OPA controL He sold the der ISO miles north of Kalggn. aoe no rooson why Amortoan policy r t t ^ a n l rs ^ o d , over IM tr t cheatep ahould aea to it that we 845 Main S t TeL 3808 moreover, that Mr. Truman might fer to submit the wage dispute to Tbs Oommuntota, bowevor, state givihg up his job. The Hart­ stairs lavatory, tile bath, base­ Baldwin also testified that thq meat coot two and a half Gmca arbitration, and • s on thia matter would ha changed Ststoa oppoolUoo. voiced by S ^ least thoM bare easenttals ford store didn'l want to lose him. ment laandry. deal with wage oontnla, too, .and orguiixstion works closely with more than top grade bert celling, clomped a new siege on kma-belo- for the Sovtete. I tor Arthur H. yondenberg. Tk* / Incorporated of traffic lights tb'~ get shoppers possibly scrap that {wograra. 8. A eollecUvs -bargatotog elao-, bored Tatung to northern ghanat. 'The' local residence was adver- “other progreeaive groups" He necessitating correspondingly high­ tlon tomorrow to which two A FL It la not door when negotiations safely bwk and fprth accoaa our 'iised In The Herald and someone On the other hand, among thooe Urges Others south of Kslgon, and hod the Ho­ (Ooateraed Ou Page Ugh*) Inspection By Appointment. listed the major ones os the CIO- er ntsil prices. unions and on# (JIO group chal­ Ao oattle the Russian ocooiiltt will spacious rin;e track (pardon me, I told the Hartford man about it. playing on active port In drafting PAC, the Independent ClUxens •We odnUt It’s high priced,” sold pei provincial capital of PooUng gat under way. A note to Moscow mean Main Mreet.) lenge the independent union's effectively iablsted os fighting, As a result the local purchase waa tho p^esident’a statement ore OPA Committee for the ArU. Sciences WitL “but we figure that there r l^ t to represent 1,700 of Its 8,- Remain Brave ooms weeks ago suggaattog that a "Here la tae shameful ptetm-e made. Britfsh- COLLECTION Administrator Paul Porter and Re- ore people who-flisve gone writhout flared along 80 mUes of the Pels’ and Profeaxlons, and the Southern 200 members. mikolon he sent here for the pur­ seen dally In i^clvlllaed commuh- Jarvis Realty Co. coaverslon Director John R. Steel­ meat so long they’ll wont to have ping-Hankow railroad. pose reportedly has gone unon- tty. A woman holds grocery/bun- Conference for Hnmon Welfare. The election was ordered by the (5ommuntot capture of Yuonehlh, All the Office Gagman haa to do American Club man. Representatives of four other oort of a blowout at any price.” dlea In her arma,\haa one j6r two d Dover Rond leL 4118 or 7875 National Labor Relstlon.t hosrd Streiclier Tells Prison 30 miles south of Shlhchtochuwg, BINGO now is to lean against his Stcin- MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 Porter has openly opposed national groups ore to be question­ W ilt sold the meet Is highly O ^ o l s say that to gonaralrthls amall children heatde her, makes on petlUon of tho A FL Uiitted Flashes! way grand and wait for the royal­ flavored although tasting much was acknowledged. moval of meat controls. Steelman, ed tomorrow and Wedne^sy Mine Workers* Dlatrlct 50. Also Psychol«>gist to Be Sure country does not expect to exerdos a daah In • traffic^reSk to the ties to pour In. For ho has com­ on the subject of controls general­ like beef. Heavy fighting with considerable lEvary Sat, Night At 8:30 Sharp! middle of Main stMet--where TTiey are the AFL, the Brother­ contesting the bargaining rights Its right to any country to regain (Lalb BBlIettaa at tha (F> Wlm) posed the song of the week. That IN THE NORTHWEST SECTION ly, recently said that to "let prices Hamburger nnade from the meat " To Impart Message p o M ^ c n of items Ilka guns, there no aafety son^pausing Is, all but the words and music. BINGO hood of Railroad Trainmen, the are the AFL International Brother­ (OMrtteMd Ok Page Twit) ^ National AooocUUon of Monufoc planok and tanka, but that the rs- The title? " TU We’ve Meat (OeaWaaod oa' Page Fear) (Goattaned on Page ?we) hood of Electrical Workera and 21 Gamas Including Swaepstakes Private Instruetion ^ Help the Hospital •!> Help Lora| Industry By Continuing turero, and Amerieon Action, Inc., the CIO Utility Workera union Nuernberg, (Dct. 14— Jullua. copturo douse waa Inserted os a Rejeelo Borriag Of Mlbo Again." preoauUonary measure. A. Non. of CSiicogo, first bUlsd for today Mayor Dtjgea Acoeptance Strelcher, ranting Jew-baiter Num Woohiagtao, OoL 14—(F )- ^ 7 DOOR PRIZES. / TONIGHT Piano Lessons Given To Save Paper. The Need Not Diminished! but later set bock until Tuesday. Mayor David L. Lawrence, who her One of the. Nasi regime, today The great bulb of the 81L00O- SuptaiM eourt today rejected a to- Choirpun Priost (D-Tenn.) told called the strike the city’s worst urged hla condemned ooeoctote to Moslems WiU 000,000 In lend-teose gooto furo- queot that U bar Senator BObs/ LECLERC And Frepch Taught Navy Selects newsmen no complaints have been Curbs Stand disaster since the 1836 flood and be "brave and strong” to their loet iahed tho Russians falls into the (II., Miss.) from l)to ffenato sea* EACH SATURDAY NIGHT/ To Participate 48 hours of life. The request was mode by daoset FoiNffBl Home ORANGE HALL Appointments Made received by the committee against said it waa causing the greatest Join in Rule strictly war goods category. any of tho organisations, "despite Action Near unemployment "since the dark Strelcher, once geuleiter of this The American officials who will U .P . Rumble, 421 Tealh aveano 2S Main Street y lu Ceremonial Between 6 and 8.P, M. lb Scientists all the furore" shout the CIO-PAC. days,” urged the strikers to accept Nuernberg ares, will hong, too, on sit In on the settlement discussions New York city, who told the eouri Today's session marks Its first the arbitration offer. The union la Wednesday, but he to eeemlngly — /' ' with tea Sotvets said they do not ibat* Bilbo hod deprived MtsslaoIppI PIkmm 5269 Tel. 2-1929" untourhed by impending doom. Accept New.Proponai by elGseas of the right to vote be' Forest, Tall Cadars .of Ms>m Ks«M n t r iv H in n Rs>. I Puhllc hearings, although U has demanding a 20 per cent wage In­ thtok th# United SUtes will seek BIG PRIZES! If There's Real Estate a ie n iD e r S O l u v i u a i l Ujeu aeverol closed meetings and American Federation of crease against the company's offer This morning the beady eyed payment for any war material de­ coueo ef their "color and raetol I.icba](on, ia planning to go to little man, who openly advocated Wavcll to Enter In­ origlno." The court merely noted I’rovii Rhode laland, next F. Michael Roy Labor to Decide on of five per cenL stroyed or otherwUe used up to search Advisory Com- «nt ^ A labor dispute which kept 900 extermination of Jews, told a pris­ the war against the Gcrroans_snd that Ramble’s petition was derte4 Saturdi and aasirt In a cere- 115 Olcott Drive Available Jarvis Has It Florida to check local races about on psychologist to be sure to Im­ terim Indian Cabinet and ^ v o no ressoa. monial be held at the Yacht Admission''25c’ mittee Named Today |which complaints hod been re­ Price. Wage Controls Ford Motor company employees Japanese. rt • • WANTED! . (Watch This Column For Values!) Idle 12 days ended, but the nation­ part hia message to the other ten ■■ .4 The Russians will be s4ked how- Club In t city. Many members ceived. who will die with him: New Delhi. Oct. U ~ m — An To Seek New Speed Record., C a n ^ ld l Serriccs o f a Certified Pub­ from Mahd star are planning to wide maritime tieup, Washington’s As the House group swung Into QUesgo, OcL ' 14.—(/F)—The "They must not be low but muet annomiceinvnt by Moslem League Paris, OcL14— Refcelpta, 8117.048,784.41; sx- ritorial quarrel of nearly five years public part of a letter from E v en tI erkd to the near future by the erty '«• anywhere in Man­ oocaponey, loapectloa h f oi^| Warren Weaver, director of j indies, Whatever faction the convention pendltiirea, 872.154,848415: boliaace, stondtog. F. Frumright. former chief of tbs OILSERVHT>> t Tmrmiiat aad 4-Boom Sla- takes, sod it seems certain 88,009,119,170.03. ' (OAiUBoed on'■Page Too) Worktog commttteer*' A special emergency meeting With 1,000 to f,100 Square Feet of Floor Space Each chester, Bolton, Vernon or f o o t b a l l gla oomMaod. TkW la a ooraor pointment oply. the Dtviston of Nstnrol Sciences of x o "cease Am *' order has yet Mala Htumbllng Block Oilncse Affairs divisloa, to Alfred "W e Solve the Rnrnlng the Rockefeller Foundation and a issued, but the agreement Green’s poelUon will be followed, bf Parllment was colM for this New Neerinf Cooipletion At Comer of Center and fteoetlon’’ Sooth Windsor. No^ delay. The main atumWing block at Knbiberg, treosurer ol the Amert- HOMES CNDEB OJ, BOX OFI member of the Quided Miasllea gtlpulateg that the truce between wiU be rignlflcont. Until now 1>oth afternoon to ratify the cabinet’s ran China Policy aasocisttoa.. aa MT. NEBO - TOMORROW RIGHTS WOW BBIWO present is the league’s Insistence Adam Streets. committee of the joint chiefs oflindonesUn and AlUod (orcea will the A FL and OIQ have favored action. Approval was considered unoffictol organlxattoB. , )* V. ' • ■ Howard R. Hastings , COWSTRCCnm film Federal Control on prices that It ba regurdefl aa the sole rep- staff during the wsL "I conotdered In effect os of today. Catholic Yugoslav Officiqh reoentstlvea at India’s Moslemi. certain, for the "premier said the • • • • Real Estate Specialist MIDDLE TPK.. WESf— Dr. Philip M. Morse, MIT pror WUl Withdraw A ft a Nov. 8S though relaxed control on wages. - measure was backed by the lead­ Can be leased aiagly m in combinations Jio provide CaO Saturday or Sunday | The Woshtogton administration TTie CongreoB party, which num- I'rgcs No Sacrifice of Sofsty KICK-OFF feasor of ^ysica and presently I The Joint Truce commioalon, in- bert sotnS Moslems to Its member­ ers of both major i^ tic a l parties. Oktohooui City, Oct. 14—(W—' 9-Boom■ ithiitT 4 hedqnoaa. To Inspect Any o f Thm might look St formal A F L con- The disputed territory represents J N with the Soor Bpaee yon neM for. yonr boainenn. io l Phelps Road tea*. oO bnraer. . Lot director of on Army atomic energy clwUng Indonoolan, •"-year-old former Marine aer- dsrls6n was transferred hsry. TUf~ Manchester Veterans* clerk intervened, be ran out. com­ him over to poUce. only recently 'discharged- police chief quoted her as saying Armbtice Day Settlen From Hawau Ijirsen StoFe Jealous Sailor mandeered an automobile, spad lo- Former Marine Rival from service. '/ the Uved with,Carlson unW theff Budaj Case Continued Service Center The rival for Miss Dapis' I SlmpBoh said the girt came hen quarreled recently and she moved Far-Reaching Program m Uroter Street wrard hlfc ship and wrecked U»e car. Then he s v ^ to the ship and aur- Uona was identified by StI I from Boston two months ago when to the hotel.. Plans Are Set S a lva ge Alaskan Ship 8 Years OW (Nest ta Mnak4|»l Bduetag) Shooid Clerk ) Under Bond of $15,000 Aim of ’Editor Wallace Tinr— **** 4441 Program Arrangetl for < . A r ■ ship would never be taken out Proprietor I» Now Far­ Dinetor—Nathap B. Gatob- Held on Open Qiargc Oftrdovs, Alsidia—ttM members But the leedeta of the Alaska Al­ Aftermath of Vince ■ Cfipj*tnOa^ of^ lied Industrtes, \tha oy alaaUcn ther Improving; the „ • Bute Police and aavaral aaemben Aosiatant Director — Walter Pending Ontcome tit l,CT formed by -'the group Waato New Republic Ford ’""•'’ iw isss’.SiSri; S5J“" ‘ thought dlfferenUy.. Building^fi Exterior S b o o t in g ; Takes Place of that department were also ptva- B td to n Resultant Wounds Sr., la Chairman Mshins Hou from Haaelulu to MagaEine Looked ’on | 8#creUtry— W*«h* start life anew, lost no Ume In They put a buUdaoar In L o c i Court; M « i' "• ’"T.'"■'r piT.ving to Aleskana they were liPd aet to work creaUng.an aitl- Erllng Larsen, proprietor of A s *Muft’ R eadin* by,| Bolton U now making tU UB.O, CoutissUtDS* to IS noons 1 Miami Beach, Fla.*,OrtT 14— At a reeaat inecUnK of the (Idsl lagoon by ecooptag out the Charged with Extortion Prosecutor Johnson told the AnnlsUeo Day oairnnittce, ap- made of the stuff tnat aywe* euc- Laraen'a Feed Service at S4 Depot I ^ iT o rld 1 •"4 ** *• **®P*4 u>»* DiU to 4 to 12 on fiatur- —A Jealous aaUbf^and hla glri cpRs In this rugged north country. beach sands all around Uia vaaaaL Square, said todSy that last wash ------: court that thars wert aavaral mat. Liberals pointed aaeh.yaar by the Select* They had to light a turtnilant aurf town vrtll go ovsr the top. The day. r' friend' were In JaU hera today In mes, prallmthary plana were pre­ Ky day and night affert and narked the eiithlh annlvefeanr, of Edward T. Budaj, 95. of 60 D a u ' *'* ‘" T : U.S.O. needs 19 milUon doUara for Vetarans*/ AdmlnlatraUon with a large measure of Ingenuity, and rough Alaalia waathar In tMa the Cpening of his store. L y ssa By JawM Marlow connection with the ahootlng. Po­ pared (or bbOervIna the 2Sth. tin- phaM of their operatlcm. Mafelag anaat. Harupro. waaphargsd with continuation and yU ed that the 1947. A .few of the things that Contact Repreaentativaa -r nlveraa^^ ot the ending of WorM ihry salvaged from . the open started hU buslneas from scratch Waaliington. O ct 14—

. A lx.

■/ T r ff^ * /'■


lAx^icnc^a i bK tvtm N U HISKALD. JlAJ^HESTtlJ- MUNUAI, UCliJliEB 14, 194f year la Watoabury. Uacb year ttto Six Deatlis haM la a fhifaraat part of tba aUto Deafoied People May, Guests Confer ‘Britdin Can Make It* B ut British Sarlds Brosdeast Big Coiivenlion q^onaorad liy one of tha alght Now Hear Oearli Brttte«n FroHM Von organtaatlona. In tha state. Mr %and Mish They Could Keep'll at Home By Violence Silver Wedding From/Hcrsld BttiMisg Pefo bald that this year.alraady, Scianca has now'made U poasi-{ Btasonic Rites ‘Gray Fox’ Star pla for the daafaned to Iwar faint • Is Coming Here the program book planr» i has aur- / The actual play by play ac­ Prtpan ttnd Freedom^ sounds. I t la a haarinr device^ a ‘ Is Celebrated paaaad that put out tor Um Water- small that ItSto In the hand A~ „ Q—Why wUi the UtUe town of Accidental 8trangiila- count of the seventh and Snal bury oonvaatlon. Tba aaaalona will /rtioenlx Insarance Em> Bocayuva, BrasU be to the news WOOD game of the 1M« world series Qttly Minot Ob$taclei Suie Vegetable Grow- ba under the chaVga of l.nM at anablea thousands to entoy tiun* Slaying and Auto — ^ mono, music, and friendly com.] on May 20, 19477 will be plvcn over Msloney'a Eludes the Cuaaocrao of Orange, Connecticut, ployeM to"' Occupy A—rnorn. there a joint National METAk Local Couple Sueprised. radio loudspeaker atop Thd ers Association Plans panionshlp. Accepted by the ('oun-j Crashes <^tise Toil praaidant of tha atata aaaociaUon. eil on Phvstcal Medictne af the Chairs Tuesday Night Geographic Society and Army Air « ' V By Friends and Re1a« | Herald office tomorrow after­ Exhibits at Armory Tha marrymakliM and of the Forces expadltiOn wfU oboerva tha noon. American Medical AaoDclationJ ALUMINUM HI* career of Intrlgus wna,aanr- convention will t&a pteaa the This device does not reoiilra aena/ A apodal communication o( total eellpoe' of the oun. By The Aaaociated PreM lives on Anniversary The game will Start at 2:.10 avaniag of November 21 with din­ A Bla>ing, an accidental strang- TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME! C H O l^ COLORS! ^ In s cIlnuM when P rana vau The 34th annual convantloo of rate battery pack, battary wlrej at Sportsman's Park In St. ner. duiclng and antertalnmant Jiaachostor Lodga of Masdna wUl Q—^What should tba Rad Faathcr ulatipn and four af>en raised bis arm lb a Naat aa*. the Connecticut VegeUble Oroweta caae or garment to Imlre dr weigh TELEPHONE 2-1524 FOR FREE BS^IMATEt ^ Mr. and Mra. John Doufan. of at tha annual baniMt to ba held you dowm. Ute tone Is clear and bo held at tha Masonic Temple to­ s;hobol make you do to the month from 'wqtomobile abcldrnta gave on at 2:16. ArrartgemenU wefe lute in the pboto at left, talua Aaaoelation Is to be held at the thia year at the Raiiibow Club. morrow night. Lodge will open at of October? TERMS ARRANGED WatbaraU atraat warn plaaaantly made this afternoon to hring powerful. So made tjiat \mu Var Oopnectlcub w weekend Violent when be «vaa Vtee Cbaacellar. 1 %e StoU Armory in Manchester Na- Mr. Pare atatod th at BOO ware ex­ hdjust. it yourself to suit vc 7 pjB. Tha Master Mason degree A—Kick to for the'CommulUty anrprlaad Saturday avanlnf at their the ganr.e over the speaker to pected to attend out of the mem- Chest Drive, which has a national death toll of ibama, whan upwarda of fifty of paaserSbv on Main street on h,ll u goae. but bis gray eyas wars,' vembar------21 and 22, . Joaeph.Pen^ „ hearing changes. T.ie makera wtU be conferred. Oueato for the Tha victims: general cHslrmaij of the hcrahlp of lOOO farmers through- Beltone. Dept. 437. 1460 W. I9t 1943 quote of $132,000,000. \ MANCHESTER thalr ralaUtfoB and friandr from the ftnst contest between tho »tUI »lisrp as___ ba pdaed _ la______Natra-I ganaral c«alrm«»_of out'i the state. oarenteg wiU be members' of the Charles Hop Lem, 67. Bridgeport Cardinals and Rad 8o».' ^ w i pHi.' . rt.~ W -.IU ' tien, ~ . hasI“* sUUd-Uit-l thattb,t this UU,.rtl vrtll ba- St.. Chicago g, ni.. art so pmid laundryman, who waa found .fieSd Kaw Torit, Hartford and this town the biggest sffsir of its kind aver of the'r ach’evemet't that they wilt fraternity and emplojreee of the O—What la the largest order In VENETIAN BLIND COMPANY •aaina to calabrata thalr silver wed- the OatboUe church T to hls laundry Saturday by flrenteq ,. ^he biggeat trap af aB to held In Maiicheat^r. The. drill ffoor gladly seAd frSt- descriptive book-j Phoenix Fire “ Insurance Oo*., of answering an alarm, roller said dtoif. Tha party whs arranKed by ------^ T— A—Tha Order of Jeaus. In tha " emerge unneathM la trba voa Pap- of the local armory will be com­ ^eeu-Agers Dance let and explain how vou may ge Hartford who will 811 tha chalra they believed that Lem, Killed by a Mrs. WlUUm Turkinctop, Mrs. J. pletely token up) with dlaolays €>f s full demonstration Af this and confer the degree. 406 jreara since their founding by B. Hampton, who were assisted en fSHhloa. - Thoee who wtn be present are; Igpatlua Loyola, tha JeoulU hava Mow behind the right ear, had farm machinery and Implamenta, markable hearing dcvica In yout been left In the burning laundry ' by Mrs. Edarard Walker, Mra. Rob­ Case Appealed and other Items of Interest to far­ At the Y Friday own home without risking a pennyJ Raymoifd O. Hampeon. W.W., increaaad from tha original seven ert Schiener, Mrs. Sue Hampton PJf..; Washington Lodge 70 Wind­ to an estimated 28,000, aervlng to by hla alayer who hoped to cover mers. The dispisys will be sponsor- Write Beltone today. his crime by setting the fire. and Mrs. Raymond Smachetti. •d by nationally known mamifact- sor Conn.; Carlan H. Goalee, P Jf., S3 nations. The guaaU In addition to a gtn- By Strickland Nuamberg. Germany—Frahr. von im rs and producers of farm toola Aftar two oucceaaful danebs for. 8.W,, Washington Lodge .7, Wind­ Chokra On Plecw of Meat arous supply of'delicious aatablcs Papan, the wlley "gray fox" of. and supplies. Mr. Pero stotad that 'taen agera to Manebsator at the sor, Conn.; Carlan H. Goalee, PJ4-, Q-^How Old la General of the Mrs. Josephine Moglelnicki, 63. brought with them beautiful Sow- Oarmanp, escaped the hangman'i there would be a two day speak­ YMCA, Director joeeph McClua- J.W,, Lafayette 100, Hartfoid, Armies John J. Pershing 7 who died Sunday after she (ell in Uro^-Modern ena a handsome stiver dish and a Conn.; W arren B. Stevena, P.M., A—^Tba commander of World Uis. kitchen of her Stamford )iome Local Mull to Bring His fata of tos comradas, but there are ' ing program, featuring nationally key has planned a marshmallow w a h h iNg m a g h in b sum of money. William Adamson atlU • oouple of obatoelaa between traasurer. Orient 33, East Hart- W ar I’s A. B. F. celebrated hla 83th and choken on a piece of meat. Dr. * known experts on the subjects of dance Friday sraning at tha Y. — sKRVU’i!: — who was present from Troy, N, Y„ QainiM Before the himAnd the freedom he won at the plants, plant food, spraying, and Prompt and ESIetent ^tervlea frod. conn.; Chester A. Snow, sec­ birthday on Sept, 18,1943. Ralph W. O ane, medical examiner. I made tha presentation sp ^ h and War ^Im es trial. other subjects of interest to the Tony 'O'Brlifht’s orchestrf will On All Mnkes! retary, Austin 880 Chicago, Ill.f said ahe died of strangulation. both Mr. and Mra. Dougan re­ Superior Court Benjamin W. Chandler, P.M., chap- iQ—What la UNFA07 Mrs. Harriet B. O a^ l, 67, who 1 n Ha may sUIl aocape oomplatcly play for dancing. - "" S tores sponded; warmly thanklnc thalr association members. B. D. PRARI.’S Ito, Orient 02. E ast Hartford. tumenthad. In a Ufatlme devoted APPUANCE. * FURNITURE A-—United Nations Food and waa killed Sunday by an automo- fHaads for thalr kind thoughtful- Publle Cordially Invited U m Srat two dancss, is com Conn.: A. Rudolph Stavena, mar­ Agricultural Organisation, the Mle which struck her on the road < Charlaa J. Strickland today Slad to Intrigue and parfactlng the roast and a pop com dahc4,| proved SIS Mala St. Plwaa IMS With 1 .1 ^ 'to 2,100 Square Feet of Floor Space Esgli naas in arranglnff for the party Mr. Pero'said that he wished to shal,. Manchester 73, Manchest^; body which hopes to solve world's exhibition In front of her honne In Hsrwinton. * and the acoapatMa gifts. notice of appeal iit the decision d f doubla-cross, von Papon has come have emphasised the fact that tha vary popular with tha yoii^' eat Percy R. Daniels, P.M., S.D., The | t i ^ M id Queen of England study nnr of the 3,090 exfcIMte in • "Britain Can Make I f Now NoRrinir Completion At Comer of Center Umnigh aurprlalngly unhurt. - future food problema and elimi­ In London. U ke the prodoetn they're looking at, protpredneta Aapinyed were lor the export trade only. Charles Calcasola, 88, of Thomp- % qsmte and other pastimes wore the coninilssidn which disallowed public is invited to attend the Dancing will agalit be enjoyed in Washington 70, Windsor, Ck>nn.} nate periodic famtoea. aonvllle, who died shortly after he Adams Streets. sajoyod. Raymond Smachetti play- Von Papen Is a m aster of dipio- , speaking program, and to inspect the sp^ous gym with roanhmal- his claim against the estate of hta Stanley R. Anderson. J.D., Waah- fell from a truck to Thompsonvlllc t «d his guitar and sanw songs mntlo Uwoat cutting. Even Hltlet,« the various displays to be featured. lows to be roasted Iq the flmlace Ington 81. Cromwell. Conn.; Mllla Editor's Note: The foRowIng stapinoUiar; heard on September srho never tnutod him tor a mo- j Q—W hat la "aockeye"? thorize bonus pa>’n>ents to brick­ and six-room houses Into apart­ and struck hls head on concrete 11m Boatesses ao rv ^ a nuffat He said that no charge will be made to the adult lounge. F. IMferton, P.M., S.S., Level 137, A—Variety of salmon, popular dispatch waa written by the layers for lading above a ccrlSIn ments for two and even three pavrment. , Can be. leased singly or in combinations to provide hmehoon of baked beans, salsds, n . . ^ aaant found him a useful tdol. I at any time as the convention Is The attendance has Increased Hartford, Conn.; Ralph A. Hattie, Forcig* Director of Acme Mr^ StrtekUnd Sled a claim And vonPapen. who olwaya hated Rummacie Sale for canning. From Pacific Ocean quota each .day. families and grttlng the same Paul E- Boyce, 39, Republican you with the floor space you* neeiP for yoar business. ptcklM cake, coffee and punch. Ip be supported completely by ad­ each weak with nearly 126 young- JJl.. WyUya 09. W est Hartford, It swims 300 miles up Canada’s New^letaree, Inc., who has rental for each they formerly got Mr. Dougan and tha former Mias totaling I 2.P22 for aervicaa rendar- Hitler, did his Fuehrer's bidding eters taking an active part In the just spent severn! , months In Yet with alt Its shortageo, town chairman In North Branford vertising submitted to the program Thursday, Oct. 17, 9 A. conn.; Charge, Wor. BrO. Warren Fraser River to spawn and die in England so far hasn't been trou­ for the entire house. Eviction and president of the Connecticut Front and rear entranecs to all stores provided. Ample Lavtaia Hampton wars married by ad from Dm . t, ISSP to Decern- and plotted behind his back. and,.by rental charges on tha dl^ novelty , dance programs that the B. Stevena, Orient 62, Eaat Hart Europe. rules are much more lax than In t NelU, fpmirmerJy her S, 1S4A. This claim was dia- Perhape they worked together director has Inaugurated gt the Adams Lake. After about a year bled by a bold black m aiket oitua- Union of Telephone Workers, and parking space front and.rear for any occasion. . Rav. Jnmaa Stuiu “ play opace.' South Methodist Church ford. Conn.; Lecture, B i^ Ralph nd a half the progeny swim down tlon. Food ratlcnink la fair, al- the United States and ralendaro. hls wife. S3. They were fatally In­ "vaotor of 8v h kry's> Xmtacitacopal alio wad by the Manchester 'Trust because ' they both - fanatically 'The' convention this year la bO' YMCA. A. Hattie, Wyllya 99, Weat Hart­ By Robert P. Domjkui of courts handling rent ceiling diufch -and hoov Stf Oeoi-urge's Company and judge William 8. loved power politlca. Von I’apen'a le river back into the Pacific. W ritten for NEA Ser\-lce ' tboiigh there is little to eat and jured Saturday when their automo­ Ing run by the Fruit and Vegetable Stsnlsy Group, W.S.C.S. ford, Conn.; and Herbert L. Cham­ I doubt that any Englishman to­ violations are jammed. bile and a Shore Line bus collided For complete infonnaHon rersrding choice of loca­ church, Mass. Hyda appointed a commission con­ only consistent ■ loyalty through­ Producer's ASsocistlon of Mantheo- berlain, Stepney 133^ Rocky Hill, London (NEA)—Britain » is i out hla Ufa waa to tnat love. Hr Q—Among diaeases,diseases, what Is day gets up from a meal with Hotel rates are almost double on Route 80 In North Branford tion in this building, call or sec: sisting at attorneys Raymond A. ter. which Is one of the eight or* Conn.; Boltl^uy by Wor. Bro. Car­ shoeing Its manufactured ware# what they were during the war Johnson, UarokTW. Oarrity and was false to hla party principles lan H. Goalee, Woohington '70, America's No. 1 killer? that (rill, satisfied feeling so dear during a heavy rain. ganlntlons of which the state FENDER AND A—H eart diseaoe. to Americans. Restaurant mlals itself,, and after weeks of aearch- Charlaa Ofoekstt. The commission and friends. association is the parent organtta- Wtodaor, Conn.; Soloist W. Stanley In exhibitions and show windows m o blitieians Even hla eager voice, his'kherp average about a third leas than Ing I was able to locate a one- Chirtlaa-Wright has tornpd over] hoard tha claim Baptsmber 11 at tlon. Armando Peace of Coventry BODY W O R K Btoadwell, Manchester 78, Man tlftse days. The exhibits -almost room apartment: Rant 328.20 a f eyes and hla ever-present chaster; Organist. Clarence Wood, Q—What la the “Schwerin Sys­ always bear two placards, orie those in the United States, to to Ornell University an aeto- which Uma Mr. Strickland was la president of the Ival associa­ two months In England 1 lost 14 week. Restaurant meala coat luiutical reaearoh laboratory and JARVIS REALTY CO. Decision i4praesntod by Judga Raymond R. a were a mask that he used j tion and has named Mr. Pero oa FLAGG DANCE Ionic 110 Stafford Springs, Conn.; tem ?” big, the other little. T i 80I.IMENE • A—A new syatem, named after pounds. about $2 on the average. irind tuniiel at Buffalo, N. Y„ for 6 DOVER ROAD TEL. 4112 OR 7275 9owtt«. to hide his Intrtfuas. general chairman of the conven­ You, Too, Can Have s Good J. Arnold Hoagland, S.O., Bt. '^ e big card carries the slo­ So far, the discontent with the Von Papen started his double- INC. John's 4, Hartford, Conn.; Gerald its Inventor, Horace Schwerin, for gan of fwstwar British Industry: Under the tatloplng system, an training of graduate students In Meat Problem * ‘11m oommlaaion danlad tha on- tion. 8S4 Uentei St. TeL 8101 n in e At The Y. M. C. A. English housewife selects the export program and the coniln- aeronauUca. tiro claim and Mr. Strickland Mka croeoing before World War I, The convention was held laat W. Hnptoon, W.O.. Stepney 183, testing audience reaction to radio "Britain can make it.” The little NOVELTY DANCE I t ^ y Hill, Conn.; James W. Shel- store vlth which ahe wishes to ued ehortages at home' have now through attomay Jay Rubl- while he was German military at- EVERY FRIDAY programs. ^ card roads: "For export only." trade and is certified with the caused little eerious troubtb fpr Crsa Mga One) now taken an appaat to the Su­ tacha In Washington. The German m elttoe; E.G., St. John's 4, H art- The other day p chlnawaro man­ rationing board as a cuatomdr of the labor government which has perior Court war .oMtoa disproved of hia first Admission 50c only to all! I-ford, Conn.; Raymond T. Hart, ()—What-to* the oldest American ufacturer set out a beautiful set that shop. She doee 'all her food won all* lU bi-electiorK teats, al­ gn** would ha tha "worst , poaalble*' • ' -- - - • - - — clumsy dtarU at directing U.8. B. F.M., W.FJd., Hoapltallty 128, GrMk latter college fraternity? of dishes behind a plate glass win­ though aometlriies vri|h leaa of a WASHING MACHINISS 24 HOUR SERVICE Tony ObrIghCs Orchestra WetheroSeM, Conn. ohoppinAlri that one store there­ sabotage and aant In a CapC von REPAIKRI) ■ Al.l MAKES A-^Phi Beto Kappa, organised dow with the two cards. Next' after. The ration board sees'that majority than formefiy. But the Rlntalan to sat him. right. Von m Thia Friday At 8:30 P.^M. . Othm taking part are as fol­ at William and Mary (College. Dec. morning he found the wreckage her shop and all slinllBr shops labor government may yet be Tha O O P ooctantlon th at Mr. No Reply Yet Papan failed to encode a couple It Venra' Bxpertaneel call 4 1 6 6 Marshmallow Roaat Dance! lows: Robert H. Braigg, secretary, 8. 1776. of the window and most' of the get a fair proporiiori Of the fo^ forced to compromise Its policy iufbuaian’a sddraaa "will be poutt- of meoaagea Involving von Rln- planning to eliminate Hitler. And liquidation during the war: Uter RaaannaMe RStaa! Orient 62, Eaat Hartford, Cehn.i dishes In the showcase. There was a'vailabte. She in turn geta the and delegate at least some of Its oal” coma tron Oarroll Raace, Ulen and the Britlw promptly Hitler apparently knew all about hla name was connected with most MANCHESTER TAXI CO. Frank J. Gale, Hartford 38, Hart­ Q—What is the basis for the a brick buried in the fragments. On Red Debt A. BREWER Praprletor Atteiittea Come All — Have- Pun same share as every other cus­ production to Its pec$>le who have ehalrman of tha Republican Na­ collared tha rival. Von Papen got, I t of the stories of peace feelers Next Friday—At Y.M.C.A. ford, Conn.; William^ F. Hopkins, length ot the aUndard meter? It was wrapped In a piece of pa­ tomer. All ^ood Is sold . a t celtlrig done without so long. tional eomaittao. what ha wanted. But the U.S. oeqt In the famous "blood purge" of when things began to go badly TaispiMM $-3848 To Bvary OaS St. -John’s 4, Hartford. Conn.; Al­ A—The International Commis­ per on which someone had scrawl­ prices. - "Juot throe wotks hefOye a cru­ (ContlsuoS from Pago Oso) him packing back to Germany. / 1934, von Papen's personal secre­ for Germany. ' fred A. Ludwljf, wyllya 99, Weat sion of WelghU and Measures, ed "Britain can break It.” Housing Is more difficult. Many The Danish merchant Faron- cial oongroaMonal oloct(en," Reece Elaoted to tha Reichstag aHar tory and hla trusted messenger When U.8. paratrooper# finally Hartford, Oortn.; EmU B. DeGray, which standardised the meter to Life in Etogland today stIH Is landlords arc converting (with helt, who Invented the thermom­ oald In a siatament, "Mr. Truman ever,"to pay at laaat part of the tha war, von Papan first went to were killed; von Papen lost three , caught _ up . with von Papen In a Btaipney-188, Rocky Hill, Conn. 1889, Intended It to have a length based on the austerity program very little actual conversion) five eter, was a business failure., has chosen to tie pp moat of the coat of civilian typo arttciaa which Work on hla party leader/ Hein­ teeth but not the vice-chancellor'a, llttla moimtoln hunting lodge near ThqpMai R. Wilcox, Hoapltallty 128, equal to one ten-millionth part of inaugurated during the war. nation’s radio facilitlaa with an ex­ tha Sovleta oan usa in peaoa time. rich Bruanlng; one moiling the Job, which he decided was not a , Hamm, he only said; Wathersfleld, Conn.; Louis C. the distance measured on a meri­ F()od, even broad. Is rationed. planation of his adipInlstraUon’a A decision apparently remains haglthy one. He turned his eyes 1 "I wish the war were over. I '« e r c e , Jr., WyUya 99, Weat H art­ dian of the earth from thc Equator Clothing is Uie "utility type de­ MOCHA aOYAtl Oennani awoke to flnO Bniening fo rd Conn.; EMward A. Cebellua, veloped during the war. New aoHialM atabHiaation program to bt nuute onI udwthoisdwther to charge out and von Papen In/— aa both toward Austria In tile hopes of | can't imagine what you Americana to the Pole. with particular rofartnoe to the for waapona atlU In use ty tha 8^ iiSipg that country aa a base to want with an old man of 67.” * Hollister St. School Tomorrow Evm^ Wyujrs 9lh W est Hartford, Conn.; consumer lioods are practically I C I C R iA M chancatlor and metator. p a rie s M. Burton, Wyllya 99, Weat non-existent,and Englishmen still . atabUuwd sbortaga of meat. What- Viet Army. In daaperatlon /over Hltler'% regiTn his control of'Germany, but 1 But he wasn't too old to con- Q—How much power is deliv­ •var may be the fom of hla-expla Officials docUiMd to aatlmata Um ohanged his mind When Hlnden-1 vlncc the War Crimes Tribunal Hartford. Conn; Harry Carl. are trying to make do with what amount of. tha Snal Soviet obit growing strength/ von Papen of­ Oct. IS, OXloch Wylljra 99, W est Hartford. Conn. ered by a machine working at the they had before the war started. PLAVOS-OP-TNI .MONTH nation, its substance and its ob­ fered him the yjce-chancellorahlp: berg died and decided coopera- that his only defensa had bean to AUDITORIUM rate of 550 foot-pounds per D r. tmI vious political purpose will be po- gatlon. They pointed out, however, try to curb Hitler's power (which David G. smith, Hospitality 128, Yoluntary power "rationing’’ has that Britain was billed for tWO,- Hitler wanted ^ e works and both tion waa the better part of double Wetharafleld. Conn.; Samuel W. second ? Iwen urged, htioai. lost to Gen. von Schlatcb'er. But cross. ^ he undoubtedly did try, but for A—One horsepower (H. P.) ‘If Mr, < Truman has in mind 000,000 and Franoa for $420,000,000 reasons purely his own). Still Dike, Hartford 88, Hartford, Conn. r Yet England's production of Streams of rich CoBm I cs Cream wovss whan they aettlad thalr land-lease von Papen .had the personal aup- From then on. until the bomb consumer goods Is rising month­ M urifay S c h w E i r t x soma action to aolv» the meat pro­ lot on Hitler's life (In which von suave and smiling, he lectured the Lodge will open one half hour Q—How much of UNRRA’s ap­ ihroagb diac famoiu 8aiooch, crsaaiT Sesltsm accounts'/ But part of these sums port of prcaldant von Hlnden- E' earUer than usual. All members ly. It'S, all for export, and this blem—and it la to be hoped that burg Whp tnuited hini like a son.- P('apen .'clalme.-'war Q—How wide la the Panama FOR t h e g e n e r a l PRACTICE "the American peoples would re- pay. crimes trial of their own.'^ The large delegation from their home months in England I saw many presumably also would be granted Ware in, with Hitler as chancellor, 'Turkey neutral for moat of the office in Hirtford, Conn., will also Canal Zone? other signs. OF DENTISTRY . oeive at least as much enlighten- a long-term credit. /Von Papen aa vice-chancellor. war. thus protecting Germany's "gray fox" still hss cause to be ■\ A—Five miles oft either elde of Many of the English with ment—and certainly more ent\ - nervous. . be present with them. Refresh­ Britain received more than $30,^ Von Papen started right In flank. There were rumors of hla ments will be served at the closing the axis of the Panama Canal. It whom 1 talked are beginning to talnment — from the regula iambrtc/ buy any of the good things In tELEPHONE 6653 hie ep*erh‘” Under reverse lend-leasg' Brit- Q—Who is'" Great Britain's First life kith the little money they MmPM Steip "VIctone Pra* tk«" ypoys as Guests Sergeant Alvdrcl have left at the end of the month, iedKerl5efee>si» rips sal The 0 -0 ^ 1 *^4-heautiful, witndorful Fo^cg^*gggS♦^Jto^^?iSlp»i^slty— cbalnnan aald-slao 3^~oBO,000, Prance "w ith $731,- oftmng many are wondering If working" UlrilkAL ica CBIAM COSPCISATION a DMilm sf tUOmU D^.PnilmU Cwpewtee that "the practice of-- allowing a- 000,000 and Russia $2,213,000, ' I Minuter. He Is also Minister of a t all is worth while. prasldsnt to taka advantage of his ■'‘The eighteen boys who parttci- Returning Home Countries that haveySettlOd their pated..ln the annual Rotary Club Defense. "\^ , In England's coal fields, vital Tate ia A* ImImm Villase Iwn. NUfias Halw. Ttendar'i.9>SO P.SU NBC oSelal position to Ue up the na- accounts with tha united States ' Soap Box Derby held recently In FIRST EVENT OF CONCERT SERIES to the whole economy, this dis­ tton’a radio faclUtiaa for jmlltical By Carter U. Dartdson •only 50 enra/s but worth $3O,,0Oo -■-A*:, I*' In addition to Rnglnnd and Pramo the Manche.ster will be feted by the A former member .uf the 64th \ Q—Whep was the "Iron lung* content has taken the form of addreaaep whenever he chr^es is are Australia, New' Zealand, India, , or more. TIV- added value Only Members of Civic Music Association Invited Field Artillery, Battalion of the absenteeism runing as high as •.vldous practice which should be AP Newsfeaturee skill of the polishers, the .v.~. ..In club tomorrow night-at a.banquet first used fOp a poUo victim? Turkey and Belgiiim. Similar ron- Nsthanya. Pglestlno — Jewish fro^cleavjng Bi the YMCA. ‘Veteran 28th Infantry (Tropic A—On October 12, 1023. less 25 per cent. 0 )al production Is' ■to^ad.. versatlona are/ underway with Lightning) Division of General lagging far behind need*. A artlsanship geared to American- ^ cutting nhjt grindln^^' A banquet jVili be given by the than a year after lU Invention by ’‘Howevff',-' ao long as that prac- South / frtca, ^ e Netherlands and Rotary piiib fof.lWs'boyi with sev­ Eichalberger’a Eighth Army, now Prof. PhlUp Drinker, of the Har­ forecasted deficit Of 5,OOO.OOO tons tloa continues, I concaiv# U to be Norway. / ■ , type production lines will produce Allqwancea^r Hiefta occupying tha Kobe Base area of of coal this year may throw my duty to make nvary effort to eral gifted .speakers listed. Bob vard School of Public Health, and Specictl Evangelistic Services ~ r an estimated $32,000,000 wortn of ^ough *dlamonf' g “ a ' StecleT popular W ^ C Japan, Sgt- Robert C. Xlvord, son his associate. Louis A. Shaw. 1,0()0,000 workers out'of a job. obtain e<)ual faellltle#for the pres­ of Mr. an£ Mrs. Harold Alvord, of England’s housing problem Is entation .of the Republican vlew -;l|ff| 1Vjaiar^Vrkt4»i*a c u t an d polUHed diamonds in Pat- cleaver.'H*/'cIeavaa the diam ond : or and commentator of Hartford 522 Middle turnpike, west, Man- ^estlna this year, from an Indu.stiy v/duable combina-1 will be on hand to deliver a short Q—What is the population of far worse even ' than that Inus U Msy19 point The^ore. I am requesting.! / v ^ . . / ■ ster. has left for the United^ United States, and to stimulatImulato and axpecjting that the four major I that began alght years ago with a ' tlon evr-o f smbllar-stones,smkiler stonaa. usinrusing only, "I'oot'h. Charlie , Blossfleld. business . ItatM to be discharged under the' Haifa, Palestine city of turmoil? building It was necessary radio networks give equal facili-! $1,300 debt. illanionda- ^ . •- tools ■- for diamonds. ' manager of the Hartford Chltfs of Army’s' redeployment program. A—About 120,000. Haifa Is Pal­ to l^ d e on Sutiirtluy the Ea.stcrn i.eague has also been GOSPEL HALL ttaa to the RepuhUcari party." | Palesttoa'i diamond industry, .The cleaver studies and furrows Sgt Alvord, a veteran of 16 estine's third city: Jerusalem and ^ Menhwhlle, Rapreaentatlve Jen-1 / ------second only to Belgium as the . rough, and then In ,a nerve- secured as one of the speakert). months overseas service, ^ered Tel Aviv both number about 415 CENTER STRlET — TOWN Otiicr gtiests will Include YMCA kina pf Ohio, chairman of the Re-1 The SelecUnan and Town Clerk world's cutting and pollsliing c?n- t racking tecond strikes the sln- M jy« 4 the aervlee In January,. 1948 at 150,000, OIL BURNERS pubMcan Congreaatonal Pood study pisde a total of 100' new voters at ter. has revolutionised thfyden- cleaves the stone, Dirccl.()r Joe McCIiiakey, Pete Wig- Fort Devens, Maas., and received J. F. I^earaon of Manchester Continues Nightly, Monday Through Fri­ copnihittce, called for "Immediate the Hcaslon held Saturday at thc)hC) turieH-nId art .of turnlii^ygiui’bv,. clenvei. to cutter, where Icn, Walter Carter. 'Thomas Fer- hla training at Camp Wheeler, Q—What is Operation Stork? \ InSfalled and Serviced Md permanent elimination of n Town Clerk’s office frt>m On. by looking rough diamonds-Into the cleaved stone, la halved for gtiKon and Karl Yost. Oaprgia, before leaving for over- A—Long-range weather recon­ Fumaces Cleaned day at Siihday at 7. Preaching the Gospel of the Grace of God' OPA copula and price regulatiu till 8 p. m. Of the lOO new votera,- scintillating gems. i polishing, to shaper to pollshct Is -.Movic.s . of the . Derby will be se u - in June, 1948. Before enter­ naissance In the North Pacific. AD Wnrh Goaranteed! 54 registered Republicans, 2!) Dem- There are U iteM-llghted^ ven- j average of one monto’s op<»ra- sliown the youngsters. The shots Nfver have Wilrose coato bean so lovely—«o over the llve-etock and meat Indiia- Ml I t-\f r _ P. . ing, the- aervloe he attended Man­ Some Arc Interested——Some Are Concernetl. What About You? ucrata and 17 failed to reglslier tllated faotoriiA'In the country, tlon. Cutting, grinding, and pol­ were jakeii by \ViUlsm Perrett. Tho chester High school. Q—What waa prowar monthly Helory Purent , ■ / '■ affair will start at 6:30. . feminina as they are thia season. Each one Teiephoae 8-0185 Tha ednimittae reported that at with cither party, clalndng to be employing aoBle 4.000 craftsmen ishing is done by coatlnk metal 'truly 8 Model of Perfection. '*<•« ' I ■ I-'—■■■■3 average auto production? haarlnga It recently conducted In Independent. _. who 'earn ^from $76 to .sioo a , surfacss with diamond dust sus­ / * . ^ A—312,942. July 1046 average A Prudent Man Forseeth the Evil and Hidelh Himnclf; But the Simple Paas On and Are ;g^y of the' Workmen, Sioux City, Kanaos City end Tulsa, The next aeaalun to make voters I week, pended in castor oil, a .solution ■ ■ . ■: • /-, ■ " /r .. was 220,0()0. Punished. Prov. 22 ;.3. c / . wtUieeaca were "unanimous in de- will be held Saturday. October 10 Jews ydung imda old, bear on their I that costa the Palestine Industry Bentiiig Give Shower Party daring" that another/tehiporarv at the Town Clerk's office from 9 forearmsforeafma Uiethe tattooed.... mimh-rs I about $2,000 a day. T hat cost. Q_Are rattlesnake bites poison­ SEASONED COME WITH YOUR BIBLE AND TEST THESE STIRRING MESS.AGES MGHTLVl deeon&ol period "wqdld be the a. m. UU 8 pi m. i that ware put there In NhtjI enn- I plus labor, machlnary-”"*"** Of Dead Woman ' ALL W O O L For M^iss Bursaek ous to rattlesnakes?, mort tragic and dlautrous thing centmtlon campa. ' average of $80,000 a H»nth wrlt- A—Apparently they are. for one HARWOOD tiLARS that could happen to meat produc­ ' Fourtaan of the 83 facton. s m e . ten off (n thefst by wortters—puts died at Lincoln Park Zoo In (Chi­ tion." ' / ' in Nathanya, birthplace of iiie in­ the total cost of producing a pol­ Miami, Fla,. Oct. 14—(iP)—K Sunday afternoon, October 6, cago after being Mtten In a fight H ^vy CnUi • 515^ per cord hearing wa.s scheduled for today . Miss Beatrice Bursack, daughter Pefitioa Befqte Anderson Police Court dustry to the Holy Land, .nid ished gem out of a rough St ot>c with another,. The other snake Cat Any Length _ Secretory of Agriculture Clinton othera are to Tel Aviv. Jerusalem 1 at $175 PIT carat. A(id to that or tomorrow before Justice of the UntrimmvJ Coats or Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Bursack, suffered a 8WM>llen head and neck P. Anderson has before him IVhco Heni'y t . Openbom for Or- Of 37 Packard street,' w-aa honored Judge Raymond R. BuWers pre- and other eiUea. ^ ' ttie cost of rough diamonds an I from bites, but recovered. . Telephone 31iMcIiestor v8779 * formal pettUbn from the-beef The’ production line methods of I apparent Is the reason diamonds lamlo Tarduccl, 34t Who. according IPRICED FROM with a mlocellaneoua shower. The taduatry asking that meat be de- olded a t this morning's arsiion of. Detroit art adapted, with dia­ Itsve for 400 years been thc .sym- in t hief of Poller Karl Bngal of shower, v^ich took place In the <5—How many shipyards built contrallsd. The declalon on this la Town Court. monds passing from one poii.dtei eubtiilian North Miami, admitted | \ Old English ■ haU at the. Hotel Clarence Hoar wa.s fineil J20 on bol of wealth and romance. lie heat and .attacked'Betty Jane U, S. ships during the war? . mcpectod to 'b e disclosed by Mr. I to another, each applying hi-' mvn DiBitiond cutting hSa become Dd. wUa given by her aunt, Mrs. A—35. j ___ ^ ■ S ervice Trumbn. the charge of operating a motor special type and numhet oi ,Mir- Daimon.' 23-year-old divorcee, , ri Bursack, of 24 Moore Q uality I I'alestlne's No. 1 export indu.stry \\ hoKc W)dy was found on the^hlgh CAR PAINTING On the adihinistratinn side. Sen-^ vehlcla wiUi defective hriikrs. I faces- -1 Seventy-live relatives .and Q—W hat occui»tltm la followed •totOr Pepper (D„ Pla.i. said In a Robert A. Henry of 32 DeopwixHl within a period qf eight years ■ u u.v Sept. '20. ~ ! ♦ * friends were, present After lunch­ I American lewelry sloie.-! aiiK..^ Engel said Tarduccl, who came ; by a “ grunt"? ' , ■ Get Oar Estimate speech In Columbus, Ohk».= that Re­ Drive, was fined on the charge , most of Palestine's flnislied dia^ eon ww.^ served, the bride-to-be A—A grunt la a steeplejacks publican Senator Taft of that state of Intoxication. Was. arrcsttd ii-aat year plants here lierc I'ruiii New Haven. Conn„ also i opened her many beautiful gifts. SOLIMENE H FLAGG TIME FOR A MOTOR TUNE-UP “more than any man in America" yasterdsy at his 'honie by Officer g«4.OOO.OOO wortii of Now Orchestra- v. a» wanted by'Uie U. 8. MaTahaTs ; Miss Bursack is the flancee of helper.;, ___ tn'fii'e in Atlanta, Ga.^for violation ' " . . i N a had "brought on th* preaeht high -Qrlffln On Complaint of h(» wl(e. |_-jjjg gj per oant of w'hicti went Every one a f these coats is a masterpfMe of Isaac Snyder, soh ef Mr. and Mrs. Q_.Where did the Nazls .de coat of living and the shortage He was represented this morning i United States markets of |)ai'ole and by police in Oamden,. stunning design, superb tailoring and finest VYanlf Snyder of 234 Oak street 834 Center 8L TeL 5101 9 Spark Plugs Cleaned and Gap Corrected At Y Satiirdav N. .1.. on bad check charges. He velop their rockeU? blast" by “wrecking the price by,Attorney John Folev who on-** ' ^S Oolf Ball* all wool fabrics. Only really .fine designing The wedding will take place .No­ A—Proving grouftd was ' at .control law in the laat aeaslon of said Tarduccl' waa tMlngf Tick held in vember 17 at Temple Beth Sho- Oongreoa." I . Diamonds polished In i’idestihe Martin Gross and hi# iircluh'tra Dade county jail on an open ever achieves the drama and simplicity of- of . Peenemunde, on the Baltic. It is • Replace Distributor Points ; EdW'ftrd .Sapite was fitted $25 aiu j; « . n « from huge stones i fhe hig- lom. “ believed that Smflet experimenU ' Iteplylng, Taft told rapoi tecs In givenv.n a- 30»o dayri«v KuspeiuledK..«ni„a.a jflHiflvi »cn;, carats) the sue of will play for dancing Saturday, ihargo. J,' this splendid selection. ' ' Tarduccl signed a cpnfeaalon. ; there are responsible for- the re' Admission OtoeumatT that he had voted "at tence and was placed on probatlqp so evenlng^t the Manchealcr YMt'A all timaa for the decontrol of meat golf balls, to ones so sumll ' It It'w as m ads known today by Di­ Engel said, that he picked up the ^ rent rockeU falling iB 8wed*n. • SetTiming for-six months on the charge of takes 200 of them to mukr one —tha only aoluUon to the meat breach of the peace Thc trqiible rector Joaaph McOuskey. young woman and after an argu-1 Boxy and Fitted Types Beethoven, a. Club '' , Of Electors prdblan^" : carat -one-Bfth of a. grnm. For Uie past tyro weeks Al Cen- ment with •hat begt h#r Into un- ; Q—Have there been any itiSro started, the court was told. ^ week These tlrty Jewels, imuHily .des­ • Adjust Carburetor „ Taft addtid that while ,he was ago Saturday night wheq 'a dis­ tile and his orchestrs have ap- consciousness; attained bar and Calls Rehearsal '■'"foi -.ciki* (>f yuijr fom ily $ hccillFt cjmcI ^tlng tor decontrol, Senator tined to stud rolladv's wrist uutch peared in perton at the YM'r.v 'i'll, dupiped her ou^ of hta oar. Tar-: Shorties, 3*4 and FiilL Length _ Notice Is hereby given that the Pepper and hia friends insisted on agreement between hie wife am i!i nr similar valuables, are called appearance of the Gross on liciftra ditccl denied that he ran over the Selectmen, Town CTlerk, and Board III Coventry, Conn. WILUAMS - OIL SERVICE 311 MAIN STREET PHONE 6874 Wtdtd by a doctor ahd put to bed. carats Rar atont. may have tn’O Q-t-How many 0. A. K.’s are George O. Jacobson. COMFORT .311 ,BroaA BIrori 31-llonr Servlc* IteQto T i ^ Roes was tba Srat Any member unable to attend Sunday morning, whan her hus­ dosan stonds worth a tpt


that Canada, .^y Ita control of thla I m llT e^ , U. tn no paiUcnlar hurry, ore. Betilally poaaeaaea tha power to hraf Ooncraasman May. Missouri’s' Man-Made Limestone May R o 4 * k v i l l e I ■ to tell ua whether or not we aball | And now Senator Alhen W y ^D ettiiH ) ^SrriaUJ (^ttnua to manufartnre atomic Barkley, who aeama to be a ratlier PUMt.lVHBij'llt riiB bomb*, and at what rate. So. far. .honest and aolld dort of fellow In Some Day Be Part of Nation’s Defenses Fishand Game X \ IAUD ritlNTINU UU. tNU II.WaMh) we have not been able to makr j spite of all the party chorr* hr By Richard Waalaehke t^teach German kids^ fooU MaiKiMrtcf. Oote. the bomb .without Canada.iti> .fiir. I haa to do, beamtrche* hi* ownj an ordinary home. The pUla>^ grb that in / c TUUMAII rSKUUWN By FIm 0. Orr alKrtit 3.'i feel apart. ' ClubloMeel (iWianiBtIdf for Hal B*>l*> ball and baakctbalL v}«i>»r« Managai 'we* areysllll dependent iip o n -^n -; reputation by *olni: out to Km- NRA Mpdcial CemiipeeBeiit Berlin military gevertunbqt author- roontfM (Vtniiai t. latt It hi* tahen iRtnfr* 30 yeahi Barlln. Oct. ““ ‘l iaed an Amcrtcan-Ocrouuii fdag- ada, or upon some even lea* rell- tiirky and askfna 'the voter* of ^ Ifulrpandcncp, Mo.— (N E A I — to nit awifV the 90 acrea. of lim**' dUra in the American Army of From the thouMnd-s of acomn that fall, onl.v « few ever grow th majeatic oaki.. So it to able aoiirre like the Belgian COn* • that atat* to “ send Arulrew J. .M*v ^ a Umeatone aiM ihale hill- *tnne «lready chared, but currant* MnvieB to Show Stfet!! Occupation say \ they are per- pong tournament and InvlUM, Oar- / - iniUMaliad B<«r> BvaMHit mans to attend aa fans in an ': ^ - in serving the public. Thoae who mitkc lusting friend* ihroug'h * MuBdaya ana H")nr program of atockpll- ^ plained. If May iholild happen to an undergre»uhd defenae ayatem thiik layer of Bethany limestone. of the RockvlUe Flah and Oai ad grips). Here's a letter from a OTaiiiarti dtata#L ! ai»«. r / *PO K Above this la an averagb of 3S thet aentancea In. Nuernberg tng IheNwmb, we could take care j be defeated for hi* part In the igaliiat all out aerial warfare. j Club, movie* will be ahown of other war crimes trial* count lor tlautenent in Austria whpbaama to fret of shale and Wtnteraet lime* ' entertaining Let met MBMMBM U> of Canadaxln short order,-and wa . Oaraaon acandal,' that might’ lie Both the Army and the Navy expiation of German war guilt and !)« •• confused as I aOi rUB ajMlCtATIM' rtta^ib stone, and above that 20 feet of safety tn hunting, flabing and tiOBt are wa, maybe, to try to out-do read it to you; X taa AaaaciBtad Praab H a* b"« ing nice to the people we con­ us that the Dennana and Austrians otbarwiaa eradHau la tbia aapai aad nets of the bomb.ever obteln com*' to the Democrat*, In a year when, and In Kanaaa. Durtng the war ,biaar« auMiabed■ e aeea. / they made frequent survey* of Bdnw the cave's flooring of a Game Warden Ted Wralght, FTan' V plete control of Ap^rtcan policy, they have the tougbeat kind uf The question* weie • put by a a few midmen. they bad nothing . . .w t'l' •**** nothing was done, threc-foot thick layer, of shale Is Flalicrty and several local combat veteran over coffee In a A ll rig nu Bl repuni'cal'uii 01 aaaiw But the point of Mr Swing a rd- fight to retain control of lhc^..j.j,py ,yn check them perjodllal- , two-foot ledge of. hard llmeatone agalnat iia and they are our friends giepairtwe acreta. art also eaaai•aarved, ^ i The meeting will start prompti Red <>08s canteen today a* b* 'now. T h e y auffer from malnutri- \ run >er*ire *neiit «(.N S A. kersiee iharka w’as net to pol>^ the way House. Apparentla^, In auch a *lt* ly • and then 100 more feet of shale, at 8 p. m. at the Mile. HUI «lul leafed through "Star# antbj homeg and lack of lac. to auch madneis. It w ^ , rather, nation, Benator Barkley woul^i The only war-Ume use made., atrong enough to support heavy house. The new game law pai Stripes," the Army newspaper. -i clothea, etc: of the caves waa by tha W ar Food ! mac hinery. phlet will be diatributed at thii Pueli.uicrB, Hepr*MBUt>*ea:------The campaign for the devil h(mself. Truck* can rumble In and out of theae entiwncea to 99-acrc N^WMonc ContOalon Mirrored " '(3*n It be that our leadefa to bring into American thinking Adminiatlptlon which leaaed one i The <*vi* I* cool eVen on the hoi­ meeting. juKue MalMwat* epKitiApsciti Ageaey-NeoAgeac cave car«i-d Into a hlllalde Hear Prraldent ^raman'a home Bt-.-lgrtle* The aoldiar, a vorj^ral. aaid have BO soon forgotten the atroci-1 about the bomb a IHtle realigallon st Atchison, Kans., from the Krr- t,,at mimsouH day, but at timea It Refreshmants will be served b: Toes. Cb'rafo. ite iro lf aad BoMoa. pendence, .Mo. Man standlag In entrance, center, gives tome Idea'of that the content of today’s b*P*r tics against hunoanity they have* ; ford Brothers ibhona father had is damp and foggy« 4ft auch timea the houa» committee after th( of the fact that this imwer .. the vast alta of the cav^-- pratty well mirrored hla confu­ committed—Poland, Udlce. gas MbMUKH AUIHI BUHRAh ;U P .j-carved out a hilltidt for Its lime­ you nfced fog Itghta on your ear meeting. Parent* are Invited t \ CIK< I'i .aTIo NB which, eome of ua., lblnk to rute' sion. \ * cell*, murder, rape, pUlaga, syat*; stone before the turn of the cen­ as you drive around the roadwaya bring any eon whom they "Now here." said the corporal. the world ha* actually, been; frooK matic annihilation? 4 h« Hiibio »*n«naa Owabaty. IM . tury. The W FA used the cave*' | inside, and It Is safer to carry'a to steart hunting this fell. "on the front page la a atory from „ - m the beginning, a power in which Are those Just words out of a AMUiHee ae aBanciei ra*ei>as'i»iity I naturally cool Interior for *tor-' flashlight or miner's lamp. Preoper HoHal WedneeSay ^ rtin sbobt • Qarman K'*"* story book, or did our mouths oop typ«fr»pbi«ai s.ti»r» sajMenag la a«- we- ere dependent upon another Hollywood Ing foodstuffs, "ventijation would clear out the The ladlea of the Baptlat ehui vertiaeiaaBl* la The U*i»cl*estei B»» Both the rave here, which 1* | ^Bmp and fog. The Mlaaourt and have Invited the ladles of th< 01open^ when we heardneara thammam a fex*-[ Blag Haraia. ^ country. If we are big and to'ugh lea to marry an- American she met years back ? Did our leaders for- < unrated by the BtewaK Hand Kansas limestone cavea could ac­ WSCS of the Rockville Method!: hare. 1 don’t know the people, but 1|y 0€Nt HANDSAKCT get the huge piles of human bonaa with tha bomb, it it be-ante Oan-> tfnd Material Co., apd another commodate thousands of people if i church to a Silver Taa to be Hel I know thia- -ahe's atlH an enemy Manoay, October 14 and rotting bodies of people whose ade nllowa iia to be. nearby owned by the Missouri c onverted to war-time air raid ahel* i at the Baptist church oh Wednei alien and a national of the nation crime was that of having another H ollyvui^ It'a too bad, for Portland Cement Co., are turn ters. but because they are located day, October 16 at 7:4ft p. m. Thi we fought until 17 months ago. religion, or speaking another Linni For An Epitaph ~ * ...... -i'" Bddle Alberi's sake, that he give*! Ing out tons of llmeatone dally i<, far from large population can* Methodlat ladies will meet at Un "And here on Page Four la a A Horae For de Gaulle tongue, or refusing to hell? It la aymptomatlc of Utlt I such * Chii^ hrat imnressinn t h ' " “ tion't home building pro-1 jerii. It Is probgble that they would M Baptlat church at 7:40 p. m. atory telling about, I quote, ‘the m th a thiiiv nrsi ‘"'P'’- * " ' " " - B u t It would taike only s I be converted mlq underground \ MeeMng most comprehensive Christmas " ‘Are we auppoaed to forget so worldb cynical wHlIngncaa to pur*' The votera of France have, by Under hi* veneer of brusque in-1 alteratloiVe to turn either into factories If the need ever arises, T^qre will be a meeting of th< party plan for German children soon the manyvorientation lectures euo the rule of force to the laat a relatively narrow margin, ap* difference Is an *ti\ alert, ' well-tn-1 giant underground factories or sir By leveling the floors and cov* general comfhltteee In charge ol| orga n lt^ to date in'tbe European and RIma which prepared ua for, the European theater?’ " tragic thowdown thal; evan augh ■ pnivad their new Conatltullon. »t formed niind.. and llnf purpose! raid shelters.,' • ; ertng them with concrete or other the Wflcomc Nome celebnitlo theater’ to be given by American Said the corporal: "Wall, that’s It two mile*' N'ataral Roof I such material machine tools could : this evening at 7:80 o'clock In,the personnel at Bremerhaven. It aay* a great newspaper aa the New ^ compromlae Constitution, not | b o ^ In an assault that the party ‘will make It pos­ the end of the letter. Now. you tell off Tarawa on a calm.'^bjack night Here t'nuks drive right through j be Installed. Improvement oT Superior Court room. FMrthei| ‘to r k Time* should, in dlscuanlng aa strong at aome wmiild like «t,, Anal plana-will be made for the sible for each of lft,7ftl German me, what's the score. Next time a w ou ld '* hoiiis before a bnaaly larid- the cave's entrance to the work-1 tfoth lighting and ventilating I the new Japanese Conatltutlon; not ae weak ae others Ing areas Inside. The celling of would be no serious problem, and celebration to take place on Sat-| youths to receive a personal ’kraut’ trail* me for a block wait-1 ft.' ’’ So we are playing Santa Ing for me to throw away my ctga-' single out aa a "weakness" thoae chooae to have It. It la a compro-, tousled. blue-eye.l\ actor, hard limestone la 18 feet above ■ the huge . drfvc-ln. „ - entrances urday, October 26th. aua to German kida. retter butt, do I kick him in the provlalona by which the Japanese mlat between the extaeme right.! waa champing potato chipsXjvhcn the cave’a floor and supporting thiswould make delivery ^ material Blda Asked S The Health committee of thel "And on the Sport* page what teeU: In memory of my buddies jpeopla renounce the right to which would have liked to have I called at the faahlonable ^Iff- natural roof ar* pillar* of lime-[ and w^pm ent basy. -rhe peace* who died on the weetern front, or r wilh nowera ‘ •»«rtm ent. a ir s r iX g *tone 2ft feet In dlembter. bigger 1 ful f a ^ s overhead would pro- Common Council of which Saaniell do we see? It says soldiers and make war and the right to main­ Gable la chairman will recelvel WAC 8 get time o ff If , they join do I hand him the rest of my pack a chief executive with power* upholsterod bench, he scoop^ 'han the average living room In i vide natural camouflage. ' s/i(ji.j' v'*.- tain mlUUry forces capable of 1 which could rather easily be con-; n-iouthfuls of cheese - and * - - - rial ^uUding. Former Superintend­ have-helped' Hiut off the McCar- Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, com­ inga. say* In part. "God Is the governor i mander of the Sixth Army. air forca and thua put Japan on naked the people id support It. .MIsxIng Ingsfdleni ent of School Philip M. Howe wiUl ran plan to decentralize industry "Tell abqjiT Hetcher," - coaxed of the unlvei'se,, and wheiv-oncc ' apeak .on "State. Aid to Eduea-| and take Jobs away from Connec­ The officer who waa not too a par with the reat of the world. yet, With the country’a three Margo, his' actre.xa-wlfe. This Bitter Eleetion/Battleff Shaping Up in Som e To the Editor: men shall really awake to the Uon.” A ll intereated are lavitedl ticut." proud tb admit that "wc took a d Birthday We prefer the point of view Hpanlah-Insh heanty, born In b ii p o lltl^ parties emloralng It. conviction that the social evils of Three New York Distriets W here Close Con­ And if elected tq the U. S. Sen­ HeU of k beating" in the 1942 ta- Mexico City but now a U. ,S. citl- Netghtsir. yon can n ^ make a to attend. which. General MacAithur took the Oonf^tutloi} received only the community arise from an in­ Card Party ate, he asserted at Republican treift from Burma died Saturday *en, haa lively brown eyes ahd^ good cup of coffee by mixing sugar when ifs Unit preaented Jhe new ^ m * 8.000,000 votes while some fringement of certain Invariable tests Fought' in 1944; Most Stuhborn The Pythian Sietcre will hold a I rallies In Anaonia, Shelton and tn Letterman (Sencral hospital of gold-brown hair. She and Kdide and water. If you try. vfHi "'d ' laws, no more uncertain In their cancer o f the liver, complicated by Japanese ConsUtutlort 2b -7.790,000 were cast against It. Fight in 44th District y card party this avenlng at eight I Seymour, he intends to continue A- mmmm_A marrie-0ueen Anne; tangerine and tan Jack Fletcher, a former tesch-, elementt. auifnr Yet II. and thus discover a natural There's a three-cornered race only prominent Frenthiluin urging .Y.IMIO votes and live at-largp A t a meeting of the Hartford | is *.*best for Connecticut and New { condition became critical the mid­ linen; each-...... 79.00 $66.50 Platform Rocker; tufted back;. bur-| chair; second cliRir in self-atriped grRen, 110.00 vive. He warned oi something er In the Friepda iQtrakeri grade the whole world scem.s obsessed science of society' th^il may open" racra by less (ban 10 per cent In Erie's 43ld district, represen:- rejection of the Constitution. . He school In Washington, D. C.. were District Council,. Veteran* of For­ England. X dle of last week. He died In hi* gundy tapestry...... '...... 19.50 such aufuat IhatltuUona aa tha with the idea that we can attain ' a new era in the hl.stbry of civll- of the vote. This Is the flrst of ed by Republican Edward J, El- eign War# held Sunday It waa an­ sleep, peacefully. In contrast with $39.60-Tight 8eat;' gi*een cretonne with box ' Itovenportt — Loyr Sm Is had no party organlMtlon of per- riding ' herd In separate assault ecoiunnlc order hy coolilng up pro- Ixatlon. Induction is. no less saefisci-, who ‘won two years ago "A Deniocratic majority,’’ he as­ Naw York Timas do not arom aMe a syriea of reports on how Ihe nounced that during the paat nine I sarted. "is controlled by the south hli life of violent combat In World pleated ruffle ...... 29.r>0 * $79.00 (2) Tufted back. Chippendale ball-and- $198.()p (2) ArmlesB Victorian Lote'Seata; Bonal orgaalsatton boats on about 40 other auch ductlon and distribution formnla.s I applicable to the phenomena of campaigns for those seats are by .1,IR)0 to grasp—the simple, basic truth month* eight new post* were or-1 ! wars I and II. claw feet. , Choice of two green ta|)estric*: single BMt cushions; blUe and beige,.dama8k; hi* point of view. \He merelv craft massed o ff Tarawa the night using the prime factor, labor, and | men t h ^ It is to the phenomena shiiplngiiip In tills year'* criti­ His oj)|)oncnt.x are Charles P. and by the far West. It has no in- $136.00 Chippendale *tretchcr-ba*c model:, before the second morning of the ganlzed. Patrick TeeU of Wlnd-| tersat InT^’o ^ B b g Connecticut A t the Prealdlo of San Francis­ .each ...... 39.30 that clvlllaatlon la merely Indulg­ spoke against the ('''onatitutlon', secondary. aasisting, Inchlcntsl ! of niHller cal I'ongrcssliinnl elc'tlon). McCabe. Democ r^ , a bomber pilot; report^ that plana were under blue and tan linen A..!...... 98,o0 blue fringe valance; each...... 129.00 attack. factor, capital. This Is a com- Politicnl\erominiy i.s the natiir- Job holders or In the future of Con­ co, the flag flew at half staff and ing in wishful thinking' If It as­ and he got nearly ftToop.OOO votes -cannon boombed a salute at bailf' $110.00 Chippendale Ball-and-claw: gtey- $71.65 Tufted, attached pillow back; tight $110.00 Small Armleaa Love Seat; pistachio "The Japs were bringing up nil plete by-pass of the other pnsluc- al science \if aoilely th.ii deals' , . By Henry I-eadcr necticut." seat; blue textured damask...... 59.50 sumes It can- survive one more their guns because they knew hour Intervals from revalue to re- beige tapestry ...... 79.00 damask cover 69.00 agalnat It. \ Uon factor whose place Is prime with ‘maklng.a living,' We do Albany. New- S’„ Oct. 14— -(.Pi- $108.$0 Tufted back : deep blue mohair, nail war. where we were going to hit. We even before labor, and without not need to Irl^ve the social evils Lsag W ay to Go trast. 'Thia result la very alVnlflcant, Bitter election battles are ahap- SB’tll Bt’laa win be represented. The teams will $119.60 Queen Anne roll arm; nwell front; $239.00 Lounge Love Seat; one-cuahion' ■ Tha Naw York Timea Is, of knew there'd be a lot more men which we could not create capital. (Ignorance, wani, crinie, war, dis- The Army announced that after trimmed ...... when It is viewed In-the light of r aan^lwf^ tapestry ...... 89.00 model, low square arms; blue damaak with kick- courat, only a particularly tragic ...... killed In a few -hours. Jack and That wc do overlook this prime eatie Although man haa probed into private services to be attended $119.00 Knife-edge arms; deejf bltie traucle I. who were pretty gocal friends, only by member* of the ' family. pleat valance ...... 179.00 symbol of the inability of thoae O '"*™ * ***' element Is evident In the planning fringements tb* earth more than 13,000 feet in $89.00 Chippendale liall-and-clavv; grey-beige ____ CriezeT-frtnged.Valance. Including ottoman... and In the light of the ilnd (,t were •Knv talking to each other.... over of ""*■ statesmen...... In tha...... social' We hla search for oil, this distance ia General. Stillwell’a ashes, in ac­ figured tapestry...... 79.00 $162;00 Lawson Sofa; plain wine velvetr.—.— who ahoiild prAseaa leaderahtp of only .0006 per cent of the total cordance with hit wishes, will be ...... 79.00 Constitution "2''*‘rd that nctU>n of our religious groups, the aCcompI . . . I . . $139.00 I f '''. 'American thought and opinion to got out of tbta alive, we i ^•iirrlculi'i'’ni of our atudents.-the thaf^ thf distance to the center of the earth. flown Wednesday over his home at $72.00 (2) Sheraton ’/Ulosl” Chair.s, pale $89.0(1 TufUfd back, Chipiiendale bull-und- ketball league along the same UneA rccognlsa the realities of the age In hit speech to Ihe French\j»eo Would try to c mas Fund and to “ V ” , “ J, More fuel la used to heat build­ $79y0O Tufted-back Platform Rocker: roll back; burgundy tapestry...... 29.7.T $179.0() Modernized l,Awson: plum and tur­ atandarda, but upon moving the the principle* of the executive (ll«\r (‘ago .radio parts Arm • executlvr, of familv life, .sSp the strength of The uork of this .s« hool la toXis- Mead '^ '"‘' ‘ “ ''cou n ty G .O ^ chairman. , ora^to the Leslie Pierce AUXlUaiy ings in New York, Ohio, Illlnola t arms / rose brocade ...... 49.50 tatorahl^ for Fiance. The p.iml\ ""v*' foime.l "Eddie Albert .Pio- ai\d than that re­ $59.75 (i) Small Queen Anne Fun Back quoise striped damask...... >;.... .123.00 rest of the world forward to the. the coimnunitv. bring a' nation to per.se Ihe mciital hazard ot ef^- Butler Arsl was elected iu a i ®‘ (mo-«vUl be held at .$75.00 Tilting Lounge (/hair with ottoman; > . \ ductinn* to turn' out IH-inltll- ruiii, makO ^ m il Int-riuWlonal nomic Ignorance, supplanUng „ election 1^ 194^^^ «n lu n ^ v N^^^^ quired to heat buildings In all the Wing; tuft^ .seat and back; beige tapealry. . $292.00 Modified Tuxedo; button-tufted in­ atandard the Japanese C!onatit(i- plea he outlined, and the vote br \ movie*. They make t„du«- button back; blue textured cover...... 39..50 relation* .jnprsible. . / ‘ V d b kn..w,lhdge of the factors andVPf'/ected'm and 194$, tSe " 'V , 7 L 7 e 4 t e d a county super- states west of the Mlsaisalppi river. As is; eich ...... r : ...... 29;50 side arms; diamond-patterned wine damask: tion presents, ta particularly trag­ received for them, cast him anew \ii-iai Alms now. to ealitlili.sh a $85.00 Tilting Chair with Ottoman: burgun­ Mrs ClVrlea M. Isaac in his lo- l«ws involved in creating a home „m e i,v fewer than 300 votes roi-T «nd state Heosl r ln ^ Bristol $56.00 Small QUeen Anne Fan Back; tufted ' fringe valu'nce...... ,22.5.00 ic bccriiae the opportunity and re- in the role of Fiance's polcnlial nnancial footing, but plan to pro- ml formiT"Tmrrch wan tllaruaHiriiz hhM rnlightened. An . \ *i t i i* i il: i * usoi m 1933 and. state senatoi in for the lOOF hall, Bnaioi on urn dy textured frieze...... 49..10, "man on horseback.” ' ■ | ce e.hic^lonsl Alms, for schools, .lls tr tb u Z n ^ r ,s p r e of the Henry! m e-bu t w a a ^ fea U d fpr re-el^ . . __ Rest and backt knuckle arms; burgundy tapes­ aponalbillty of auch a newipaper .$75.00 Tilting Chair with Ottoman,, rvi.st fig­ $396.00 Extra long two-part Modem Kidney ' cBuiches.^'clUbs, on subjects like tal hazard involved in nlannlng Oeoige .School in Manchester a p -' Dpwne.v, a former Lackawanna tion to ^ th office*., ...... t Aboni—gratia A Prize Winner! try ...... 14.50 la ao very great. ‘ But it, like aome ured tapestry ...... ;.. ..19.50 Sofa: tufted back. Plain chartreuse textured It la a aeriout rex'vlatUm that hmising. medicine, ■ Job selec-tibn. hoMlv anil acting'de’clalVelyL'b .He reared rfi- the Saturday Herald. I ‘'lty\ouncilman, also Is the Amer- "Thats a pretty good lecord 'rjjg marriage of Shirley $166.00 Modem Barrel; birch .legs; plum o f our atateamen, la pursuing the so many Frenchmen are apparent- ana partlclpatloh tn government, ano ailing neciaivciyvoefob'-r I'J ; 'oan h^djor party nominee. He ijar- [for a Democrat in Monroe coun- eWaon. Barrttte, daughter a man on horaehack. These are Bellefonle,. I’ a.. Oct. 14- (A')--| Rowe were the attendant*. Fol­ tapestry ..11,50 It seems, and chose to comment, damask .17.50 wood:' helf and drawer; e a c h ...... 19.75 , la Indulging hi a cheap arid perilous times when denuK-tacy 111 your coliiinns. coricornlng tile Penn.sylvjrirm electrocuted It* aec-1 lowing the ceremony/ a $23.20 Reeded-lbg model: blue figured dam- $119.00 Pillow-back model i ru.st ribbed mo- 8 In A u to i'rasli .Aiiliiinn May Bring Mrningiti* *''r hopeful clauae that haa ever been tween threat* of dictatorship from She was, 'i2-ycar-old Corrlne M ori alit,v Bata I* High trip to Florida. ' . $39.60,. Chippendale ball-and-clkw: carved $91.50 Tufted back; flat arms: plain blue ^Mitchell. 8 . D., Octr 14 1>. .voiii' writer, elaborating on the SyUe.s, .N'egto hoii.xemald,.who paid with wail miri'or; choice...... ,59.7.5. put Into formal law. The only de- both the extreme left anil tbr ex­ subject, falls Into the eftsy error of B.\ Wllliaiii .4. P ’Brlen, M. U- h 1, fortunate M)*^ majority MIbs Della A. OUllgan legs; solid mahogany knuckle arms..... ,24..)0 cover . .- .rjfk, ...... 79.00 fbot^lL seems to And In the condl- Tlijee. peraona were killed and six with her life for the butcher-knife \) rittrh for NEA jiervlce bf people are rcslf|t*l}t to the men- Mlaa Della A. OlUlgan of 6 p e r - treme right. • subscribtn.g to the mirage of ca'p- slaying of her Philadelphia em- $39.60 Queen Anne Sleepy Hollow; tufted $1*25.00 Tufted back; knife arm.*: T-cusbion. $67.50 LsiwlKty Dressing Table with separate Uem oi a •■^'Orld still armed-to the others injured, one criticall.i, ui an ttnl and labor adjusting them­ Uoiiiiuunities which experienced ingo^oc^u* w'hich causes this spec- ry street died------Sunday- * t t o e ^ k . j . seat and back; blue tapestry...... 19.7.5 Blue-textured frieze .'.98.00 broken pediment mirror and u^hplstered Queen ploy%r outbreaks of meningococci merlin- iai form of memngttla for the dis- ville City hoapital. Sh# w M Wrn m teeth" la that Japan is not one' ot automobile collision near beie la.st selves mentall.v to dividing the .siix imiuilcs after'the condemned $36.00 Sheraton model; solid mahogany ^ $108.80 Tufted back; arms: rust tapes­ Anne bench >...... j...... 49.75 Elertinn: May night. > product* -ftf labijr In an aniirable , - , J -v,. . 1. . gjti.s I infliimmatidn of brain cover- ense is highly fatal when, untreat-. Rockville, the daughter Ofthaw the armed fraternity.. innnner. This : mah’e mlatrtkr Is woman -was strapped in the elec- w'lpter and apririg ed. In reported outbreaks In the John and M argar*t'(Nor^l^O lW |j arms; self-toned green satin stripe...... 24.50 try with nail trim; as'is/. /;...... 69..50 $12.50 Queen Anne Chair t)o match' biwbov We might do well, for the. po-- Congressman Andrew May or Those muse killedmu™ were: J-. vU. . . i,md.scy...... ,w.„ factors thrft trien, chair at 12:31 " Aiireup this fall after paal„:fron*i 20' to 70 per cent of the gaif and had lived In *V>®>^***JjJ* $27.50 Queen Anne: knuckle arms; carved $110.00 Tufted back; roll arms; blue figtired above ; mahogany fini.shed guntiwood...... 9.95 fential guidance .and wisdom of Kentuckv already siKud* -convict-. MVtcIfe'irfOT^r^^^ "'lu ’vcMr*'' pr^loceiiiir andmui consequently'coijt.TMu.'i.w.. shat.- ** P y* ■ complefe freedom from the diaesae victims have died from the Infefc- her life. She leaves “ ^ e ^ CM- knees; green figured damask. /...... 21.50' velvet '...... 79,00 $58.50 Eighteenth Xeiptury Dressing Table any -future civilizations . ,upon ed^ ln the court «f^ public opinion. .frults;...... denying the obvious*Obvtonsr sins. The fpnerql will be ,^hiW $128.90 Square-arm T-cushion: Ijcige tapes­ . therp are. jn complex pn>- .. *xeciitlon•qcdM'iitlfYn ^' Mennigococcica»iLiiui^4»i.ut..L:K- ineningiti*iiiY ii(ii|(i VIS tcn^l* iv ii^B - The1 iic Arst i|i al improvenicat-inml pro* ciiicnv iii the vji-t out- tiuve* . Tuesday1 iivBuciy atw o8 :.uv8()^ m* m ^ *t tte ^ BUrke i# #s ‘ $49.76 SheiBton ftolld mahogany arin.s: pale Yvith separate mirier and upholstered bench; earth, to include such editorials of conduct gixissl.v m violstioii of ' and Mias *A n p Mitchell. .New try ...... T . 98.00 - • , 'X A Washv Seat two w aaama- A xiw-viVM develop iiim -yvtuaa& yoUng aiixeiimen wax* durwg a 4^ -ga • tje/^look-fbr itil UktVlv4lV9 p.xtlenta . with1 4* t , aiaviifiincnlngp- t ^ \ j r Funeral ti I i v i St 6 a Homea v 4a*w» and at 10 b c io c -i^ . • * blue modem damask...... i .. .39.50 three drawers ...... )..... w.. ..44.50^ and examples o f public opinion hie public trust. It could be that produce, and open their poclvi.. HPconipwled by two ma-riK'cic inchingltt* tame., with the at. Bernard’* church, ^ ria l Flu ' $79.00 Uoirami, square ^ck; ball-and-claw Mitchell Schools. Liiuhiey’s wife . , $89.60 Queen Anne knuckle, 4rm model; he managed to avoid the technicai ■ linns and, the P f‘* ^ .sert'Ice. health obtbreahs will bc,,^ development of a scrum to combat be in St. Bernard'* oaroeUry. $84.6(!l Modern Walnut plywood Vanity Dress­ Ileadersbip in an atom-proof box was critically Injured, .411 " ere- . h-v.. hbe was convicted of JUte.fatal *■ v > the . ■ - -- earved knees;-red figured damasl^.. . .24.50 Chippendale feet:\blue tapestry.... r.. . . 69..50 er; largesroiind mirror.-rose upholstered bench to be left behind us as bur own violation of any lav, - the grand riding in the LindsayV aniniiiobilrautoniohiie.1 ■! 'f *t thia-I"**- pointPOmi you,you.iinvr have itii^ ... kwi,. Wmlllneer n'-oucii.i iiii» ' V > the Infection. Birtk , $82.00 Medium size,; roll arms. Plain green found that the Mr. and Mra. Herman .OUon « -epitaph. . , Jury Invastlgatlori ot the Oarpson Five youth* riftlbKC in aiiotbei ■ n, "I'h ' n.-r*i^!iUo Mentngococric menihgitls stS ik^ Later, it was foi Ixmnge Chaira and beige t a p e s t r y ...... 69.50 .... V...... ' ...... • • i-ar involved In the an i.j.'iit-.Ilf ; ^ . suddenly, .severe headache, sick ! .sulfa drugs were ideideal- In treating- 34 Tolalnd avenue arq the parenW $82.00 Roll arm; plain green and beige figured $5i>,00 Queen. Anne Lowboy Dressing Table -...... - caae may 01 may not give an opin­ is this hazy, elusive, unnientioni'.i robbeiv as the motive. stomach, fcvo.r^^and stiff neck be-; thia. condition,, awd thousands of of a son born on Sunday at Uie J- $91.50 Tufted back; flat arms. Royal iilue fered minor-Injuries. ■ tapestry ...... ;...... - .69.50 with broken pediment wall miiTor; mahogany Canada’s Role In The Bomb ion on that. But. if hit is tegiillv'! '‘ j third production factor?” Uimlty _ “ ‘ ing tjie Arst syaiptoms. In severe | lives have been saved by this treiu- Mancheiter Memorial hoapltal;^ . “ upholstery ...... 79.00 without blame, what he ilid, thf ' bear w1th_me throUgh the follow cases, the. buclcria may get into the nient. Furthermore, the .sulfa Officer* Elected - $105.00 Pill6w-back; T-o«"Hion -’ pliini boucle plywood ...... 39.36, blotsl and Cause a ra.sh o f small drugs have proven of- value in The remaining membere 0* tt* By Sue Boraett Raymond Swing, the radio com-i inAuerice he used, the purpoiM'q.,,for! |-JnJ| R c p O f ‘ | (‘ I ■ ing; you cannot make soup with I ' o u r B o y s D i e frieze ___ ...... 11...... 89.00 T.iving Room Groups $30.00 (1) TwiivSize Colonial Bed: mahogany II . jiist-water and salt. You will aJ hemorrhages tn the/*kiii. cMdicating germs from "carriers,” Y’oung German Anaarioan Asaocia- Sure to thrill the heart oif every $172.00 Modern Pifiovv^back; .square arms. $259.00 'Pwo-piece Lawson; square arm pli'wood panels with spool edge.*... .T... .22..50 menutor, sUpped a neat ,JltUe[5irhlfh he_iiacd it. all riinU „to Jiigh - * C a\ wavs make mathematical «>rroi.< Case* Seldom Isolated 1 thus, preventing the apread of in- „ tion, once one of the largeat aoomi Uttle girl is this exquisite bridal “ 111 (travel Pit $.15.00 Mottern Coffee Table;.glass top; oak piece of rteedling, thle other night,' heaven.,; l I n t 'O I Il4 ll| 4 ''(‘ r If you have not studied *rithm.-tl fection to others. clubs of the city with room* In the outfit for her favorite doll. A com­ T-cushion; burgundy le.xtured frieze...... 98.00 model; blue chevi-on-textured damask. .. 198,00 ;...r p” - - .... .xYthough menlngococric menin- Exchange Block,, yaaterday plete wrardrobe — gown, slip and $89.00 lAwson Lounge; grey and gold tai^s- $297.00 Two-piece Lawaon; w'ine striiied legs;, as is ...... 19.75 into the thoughts of thoae w-ho| ('ongressman May hjni.sdf luix YOU can not fathom the met bun- gitis ni.iy occur in isolated ca.se.s, Penicillin is also used in this seem to think that AmerCca's mo- avoided any full te.stnnony ot* his it s of Inanimate bodies witboni l.akrluitd. N. J.-. Oct. 14 it customary-for theTlisease'to -t*ry id'.state Cndeir .omprihend a .compound Yirrless Christnuuu - ^ ’ < By Mrs. A bbs CbSoI striped velvet ___ . 79.00 tcjiLtui ed upholstery ..,. .198.00 $15.75 Fibre Sunporch Step End Table; home special dlspenostiun of prov ness which hi*-Beiiac i»Rgnni mayl Hiai, serioualy‘ ill’ for tw,. weeks, you know It* element*. Yon .sn- of gl^ayernrixcd w'lt^^ “ ' “ 'f '' 'Fhe'iniubat^ for men- daughter * ‘>*^*“ ll!rv”’'p ''^ S ^ 3Mmaii**"*T^ iFattern No. 9948 la for doUs The lovely 30 by 9-lnch erochatsd idsnee. What Mr. Swing did waa have hel|>ed to- priMi ice has T>vo-*is now congidered to be ■ nuj of uot»create h a fm ^ y without itihert •IM 18, 14, 16, 18 and 30 Inehaa. runner was ' u;adc in LoulsviUe $69.50 (2) Modern Lounge Hjair with birch $278.00 Two-piece Moc^rn with'two-part sofa parchment finish ...... x,:.... .7.85 Fbr exact yardages, consult pat­ emphasize .wbat might be the well tecled him. so fat, fii.ut the iieces-1 Bethesd* .Naval lioapjial ent of acqultqd ability. ^ Yon cau- Kentucky and won tha prise ta , arm fronts and legs: choice of blue or greeny matching chair; plastic arms; gold pritijed.. $13.60 Fibre. Sunporch Comer Sofa Table: tern. known,: but actually la the little nationwide crochet contest. Us* t: figured^homespuns; ea^h T. ••.••• • 39..50' crash upholstery 198.00 • parchment finish ##.#4...4. 8*^8 aily of making any, such fujr t e a - i o r t L i ^ ’^ennch^on's^wIthoiitNesUnK sgraveipuinwiucn v M s ^ j- i .For this'pattern, send 28 cents. as a,dining table runner, a buffs: I emphaalzed. fact, that thi* cotj^n- In their throat. VVhen such persons jthis? In ooins, your name, address, siae / - tlmony. It has not kept him. how-■ .m by the science of political |[!";'l,tXrthV’ vmtl.^^^^ Geoigc com* info direct contact w-ith sits-'\ .An runner or on a bedroom dresser. It I try la so far dependent up^in an­ .Anatimwer: Yquf . physician refcis . " n , - , - * ietiired. and the pattern number ever, from Mnp able to standi Acer, the hnapital .•'aid u i.s ,iis- economy. ‘ anil hi* brother Robert ccjitible iitdivldunls. they epn to heer ,li. ld of Vision, which is not 1 is Yasily crocheted and IS' most at­ for rc-elerttoh to bis prcsCnf seal continuing ltsftwh-c.H-,.kty remdar. How, v.an we •tt'inpt to ,d.s,,^.. •''•ft'"'' ^ - - - Hcarecrew la Wearing tofSue Burnett, The Manchester! other cotintry for the ‘ material* trlbiit'ioll itf *-'*<*f Blackwood, N. J.:-Padl Uon- ypi-,>ad the infectl'on through,the tis gcMxfas it was before the opera- Evening Herald, 11 BO Avc, Ameri-{ tractive hi either white or ecru from wbirh tve make the iKmib.. in roiicress i bulletins on hts comlitum. „ the proiluctlon and disiin nmtudlv over. 13 of Uonover'* Corners. N. aw the form of a droplet spray., tion because th* •baceiabscess destroyed thread. - u 'h .f . , I 'The laat pi these bulMin.s. Is- 'wealth unless we l» g l - Brewster, -Neb--- fAb " l-l"e ffs New York 19, N. Y; ' ' That other country- la Canada, based oil J - Robert H.eywood of Black- ^vucndanta of persons sick with a certain amount >^of tbrain ttaaue. 'The ..Fall and Winter iaaue o f . To obtain complete crocheting It'S WATKINS t2nd many other farmers, Hsinry ihitrucUons for the Prise WUmini: from which we obtain the uranii The Aeldof vision is a space w i^in easblpn is brim fuU of smart ept time u. the pt^otection ' aitd ] ’’■''"Mr.* HpH'a’c6ndiU.m‘ , Waa dlacovered after *'’The*^dmgnMirorm^^^^ Which any object , cab be teeA lor ha* been having difficulty get* Runner (Pattara No. 8808) aaaif um e re-w e use in the atomje ideas for every woman who pUsei while you look at one Axed pointl Unf work c lo t ^ . One day, draaa* I ' needle. Baay-to-mak* atylaa IB cants in Coin plug 1 ea^t poet. Lu/'of dwie” " “ . naturar*Uwa riiit g^^er.t'ovtIv Walter*" Co'novar, father <»* meningiti* if .n*d* from symptom* ed tn a,Mttared pair of ovarallA A'" bomb proceaa. Canada . ia our mand is-extending to hjm'In his | "haae U llvli»«: and clAxsiAes and -the'boy.x. reported hi* *an bad b * ^ 'a n d sign* of infection and from M__1.__' —S:______«««tam«a . . spacla] designs hy Amsrica's s*c. ,Tour Name. Addipa* anff the A 'post service bv'’ cotiriers on ' Taylor wa* passing hU Aeld when Pattern . Number to Anne Cabot friend, and Is supplying ua the candidacy. Senator Kilgore, who s^pt. 12 *hd suffered s inokp on groiipa, the.se laws to fpnimlHie mls.slng for several hour*. ’m "L d ’’ :oj» flight designers . lot*.of.;, rseback’ ak.ng .the present B«>s. hi* attention > *s attracted to bt* The Manchester Evening Herald • .//W Ora,^ said Mr. Swing, tinder ^ the took over the c-hairmafi.Mhtp of the Sept. 30. Ml* condition at one fmie'sciences treating. resp-o i iv - .l,^ , ^ ', ‘• "'O oy. ,iiiseiiiug d.va* with Biccaaorie* . » free ' in tho-'lotAcr-poitiou ot-the top Post iUultt was klic beginning •carecrow, .He looked. gntFdpoked iiintcd pattein' In b'Jo'k^ Price 23' 1150 AV*. America*, Ntw York 19, , terms of a secret war-time agree- Senate lnvc.siigaliiiB 1 comi'uiltce 'was consiaerod "mo.Mt .-rjn.-a) y i.m .iecls,^^ — , - ,v _ A-cow must eat W or mote column Ilf1* cloudy and con- of •ovei"Ovei Band-mall aelx-ice in the'again. ThepYhe -t-haiiged overall* ■■ ioufs. . J ■ ’ . ' Is.x. rebaiiL . -But the ooint 1*. of oburae. haa.. now annotjcej that l i „ cbm^: " ‘•I'* .i.tprovc-'; _rariick.&tw'*rd_.'r^wv^ ,V With.the srarefrnw. . 'iV . ■ 1 men! late laat wgck- i Theory of Human . -piogr e.Midn" 2S pounds of jntlk. 1 tains the germs. Blood, ciiUure* I,-hilled $tate*. * N ■ ■V' 1


streams of water on « summer ‘"tl cottage adjacent to tba hotel and IxM^al Lcxlges ^ ; - Fii^g Sweeps grafting ft the treatlas In Bold Courses T o llB r id g e Wt Io —IMa Kept Down on the Farm^ on a tmoming houae dlraetly TH E - Tork,” he Said. ^ __ _ O bituary 118 Members w im o —1m Today*8 Radio acroaa th* atraet to keep tb* Are Visit Chargee Poaetaatlea Rocket Navigator from apraading. Both trara aoorcb« SHOE B O X Molotov, In accualng th* United On Leadership P lan T old Attend Church does to Town as Writer Frame Hotel ad by tha Intense heat. SUtea of *xfUfkt to Happto*** Roundup: WTHT—Elmar Davla; South Methodist Pastor i ^scovemt by Owhff of where the- (Ira atartad ot uadeter^ •in all votea In tha conference. Methodist Chuirhes Co­ Kiwanis Club Membem t;00— WDRC — Houa# Party: wnc—Nawa of tb* World. mined caiiaa waa daotroyad and ‘‘FINE SHOES It was enough for the American Director Meduskey Br- i Mte. FoMria M. Mnord Naws; WKNB — Nswat. Vaughn SO—WDRC—Bob Hawk Show; Ch4>o8es “Faith” as Property at Fairfielcj th* flrat floor was gutted. __ f«i Patleiito Examined operating in Training Mra. Fannia May Millard, wif* of Hear Manager of FROM FINE SOURCES” delegate to vote and another H or lieves He Can Ohtuin Monro*; WON8 — MuMoal ; WONS~Hanry J. T ^ r ; WTHT His Sermon Topic Beach; $10,(Nt0 I o m Mrs. Brodsky, who baa operated At Honpiul, One a Six IS votes wbee aaeurlMl.” Institute Here Herbert R. MUIard of 81 North New London Structure Roundup; WTHT -r- 6lran*nd*rohlp of the New London-Groton bridge, 4:15—WKNB — Birthday Club; j Is Your Faith?” R*v W. Ralph part of the building waa blown aa long a* they lata Fraa B. and Ida < Webb i Tay tral Obmmlttaa. through a 20-roofti frame hotel tt IMay** f***»*^y the ManCheater.yMCA reported Training Initltute for the East lor, Mra. Millard was bom In th* waa the guest speaker at today's WON8 — Johnron Family: H(TIC , 8:00— WDRC — Inner Sanctum; Worjl, Jr., mlnlatar of the South ' away and Mrs. Brodsby iiarrowlv ^^tabllahed Tumor Cainlc ot th* He said one declaloilNiad jvpudl- thiB morning thel the membreship Hartford-Manchester area, begin­ Fairfield 'beach last night causing Bted*' the decision of the Foreign Buckland aectlon of tba town and meeting of tha Kiwanla club of —Italia Dallas. • WONB—Adventurea of Bulldog Methodist church, called upon hie escaped death aa aba QM from th* IfMCliMtcr MomorUtl hooplUl wm at the T haa grown from 95 to I18 ning Wednesday evening of thla damages eattmatod by Fir# Cblel building at th# height of tha Mlniaters rouncll In .order to/ea- dvriojif the pa^ week. This figure had lived in Manchester practically Manchester. Mr., Colgan told the l;S0-fWDRC —I Hollywood J’aokr Drummond; WTHT—Lum and Itetanara to have mofe faith in et the moot micotMful up to • “niie In week at 7:30 at the South Metho­ all her Ufe, with the exception ot a pot; WKNB — Uncla Dava; Abnar; w n c — Cavalcade of Thomas I. Carroll at tifl.ooo. The storm. tabllsh a simple majority ruli la far above'that of the past few dist church . f this town. The ae­ members of the club tha history people. "Jesus Christ.'* said Mr. | fibs was discovered by Mra. Csth.- date. Ttn patloat*. who had been the conference. i _ years. abort period In Oalltomia. She was WON8 — .Advanturat of the Sea Amanca. rie* wilt continue for alx conaecu- forroarty amployad by Otaney of ■* a New London bridge. He t:15—WTHT—DemocraUo talk. Worn, "placed hla fftith In ordinary I artne Brodsky, owner of the build­ Coralaban Las* Eaflstaad Auto Driviii9 nferred to th* clinic by their own "This was applied wroughout Tba new director who aaaumed tlve Wednesday evenings from Oc­ raid that the idea of toll bridge* Mbund; WTIC — Loronxo Jonaa ing. \ phj^ctnna were preaent, one of the corfference to further th^ alma the dutlea on Sunday, Sept IS has Brothera, but for aoma year* ahe 1:45—WKNB — Croaa-Vlaws of 8:S0.-WDRC—Joan Davis Show; parsons, trusted their Judgment tober 16 to November 20, Inclu­ devoted much of her time to nura- tn the United SUtea waa sUrtad Nawa; W0N8—Caaa-Book of invkMlga-lng what she termed Hammond, IfML—(PV—Mr. and them a eln-year-old child. which certain groups triad to at­ eat a goal of ttO membera for the sive. in 1864 irith a bridge over the th# Sport Nawa; WON8 — Buck and relied upon thair sanse of re- a “acratching nolae*’ on the second tain.” Molotov said. He aaaerted Ing. She was always ready to help Gregory Hood; WTHT—Daahlbl oponsibility before God. When a Mra. Cltffont Sharp. caTOtakera at Inttrucfion Mr*. P*rrl*h Kelley, the new aeaaon. With this figure almost Mrs. Charles Johnson of Baltic, Newbury ' river in MaSmehuaetta. Rogers; WTIC — Young Wldder floor of the building. Mrs. Brodsky th* Bldrk Oak flra atatlon, are -medical *ocl*l worker for the that the Soviet union never had half way reached In leaa than one who made her home In Rockville others tn case of illneaa and will Hammet's Fat Man; w n c — generation caaaaa to believe. 'Ift aald ahe was met by s sheet of be misaad by a. large, circle of Today he sUted toll bridgM Brown. Howard Barlow's Orchastra. shopping around for a new bed. From Your Horm dlnlc. wa» freaUy encouraged to repudiated any oplnlofi of agree­ month, there la every reeaon to be­ while her husband. Rev. Chariea throughout the United SUtea people they begin to put their flame aa ahe opened a door at the ment but "on Important queatlona frtanda. 8:00—WDRC — School of th# Air; 9:00 — WDRC — Radio Theatar; During houaaclaanlng tha Sharps aak th* interest taken by the phy- lieve that S80 membera will be Johnson, now In charge of churches bring In a revenue annually of WON8 — Hop Harrtgan: WTHT trust In things which in^ltably ascond floor landing Rhe was parked toalr badataad on tha rear wieUn* who attended, among tha three other members of the readied before the end of Novem­ Mrs. Millard leaves besides her $M.000.0O0 , There are two toll WONS--Gabi1*l Heater: News; lead to alavery and war.” forced to run 100 ^ards to tha In Baltic anu Veraalllea. served as husband one stater, Mrs. Carrie — Tarry; WTIC- — When a Glri WTHT—Dark Venture; w n c — of a flra truck. A few minutes R EYN O LD S -whom were Dr. D.C.Y. Mror*. Foreign MlnlaUra council aband­ ber. an Army chaplain In World War bridges in the sUte, the New Lon­ Members of Sunset Rtbekah apd home of a net|riibor to summon later the truck want out on on heed of the, town Health Bave allowsd ourselves to become, B.V Keith K. Klag 'his thopghta end at night he Mt r ware played on the building •‘the United Nationa organisation and evening and a noticeable num­ branches of the society In the dif­ win be open until the time of the new bridge for New London was . lar, RtpitbUpin; WON8 — Tom Over-WnC"Contented Program AI* Newsteaturra them diiwn. a hydrant approximately'l,« ODD JOBS Rocket rootei WUb Ua b m pointing *t Venue. Dr. sidetracked from their central pur- would ba effective only If the great ber of hew adult members are now ferent Methodlat churches, which service. ■Urted by W. Ellery Allen of W a-. Mix; WTHT — Tennessee Jed; 10:15—^O N S—Musical Roundup; Cushing, Okla. — George EIno He wrote; "A country Is no t away while water waa powers continued to act In a spirit ■Ktronnmy profraaer at the Unlver»U.v ot ( allforala, calruiatea lae WTHT—Mualc. pc^S. and gIV* too much of our Do Yon Want Your Storm- RENTAL begbuilng to take an actlva part in include education, cultlvatioit, co­ terford In 1937. In 1939 the .wnc— /Front Page Farrel, atteitilon to metoly keeping them Ladd. Oklahoma farm boy and re­ better, no worse than the sum punpc om nearby Plnr creek of unanimity.” inume of a eeveS mile per aecioiid rocUn-xhlp voyage to \cnus. 10:30—WDRC—Tonight on Broad­ throui vo other lines. In addl- windows On? mference Emls UW vaatYM^SA program the direc- operation In missionary education proposition waa passed by the 6:00—NaWa on all aUtlons. going, and not enough of our faith, cent winner of $1,000 flrat prise in total of all Its citizenry. It Is only “At that time no oppoalta views tor has planned. ’X of children and youth and local SUte Legislature which appro-, way; WONB—Dance Orchestra; when each Individual dtsoovara tion, ( to . uaed four booster BATTERIES were expressed," he said, "but the Funerals g;j5_/W DRC — Joseph Tone. WTHT—Interview about Spell­ to see them accomplish the work the Veierana of Foreign Ware Unas. Your Windows Wsshed? Drafting Pacts; There are feature* eadi day for, By P*«l Watts ^.nh how much a speed ts to be church activities. All offleera of priated $6,000,000 for the project Dara^rat; WONiS — Mr. Joaapli they origlnslly set out to do. Thera auxlUary'e essay contest, has a and does the tl^ g that he can do ROAD SERVICE war la over. Now there are at­ vsrioua groups with th* 'weekly; NEA HUtf Cerraaposdest obtained, but be feels confident the society and members are urged The bridge waa opened officially tn bound Diamond; WTIC-NBC — to contribute to clvtllsatlon that Firemen wei ». forced to play Your Floors Wsxcd? tempts to adopt new ways.” Tqitf, Democrat; Musical Round- Parade of Stars. la little danger that thsse sstab- story of work and study-filled daye BCbeduie appearing elaewhera each Los Angelea (NBA) — Against that some day i>eople will be able to take 'this course. Mra. .Fatricfc Hendrraoa February of 1948. WTHT -Quiz Program: llshed socletlsa wilt cease to exist, and ntghte, tinged with youthful the sum total will be equal to na­ Your Curtains Jdiundered? CAIX Red Raps Results He referred also to SUUn'a ra day In Th* Herald. j Mrs. i^rthur Gibson of Flower Funarala servlcea for Mra. Mr. Colgan aUted that at pres­ 10:45—Music. tional harmony and good living.” cent pronouncements saying he. the day aomebody wanU to Uke a to design nx ket ships that will IC — Musical Appetlze>^: 11:05—Naws on all aUtiona. but there la a danger that they disappointment. Oflcters YoOr Csllar or Your Attic street haa aerx’ed for six years aa Sarah J. Itendcrson, wife of Pat­ ent there are 15 1-2 million cars George lives with hla parents Ceo^e also wrote; "I must believed in the poMlWltty of friend couple of years off foe a round trip. *'“*** momen urn. rick Henderson, ware held at Hol- a year going over the bridge at Weather Forecast l l : 16l^^D R C —News; Footnotes; will maintain the form of their or­ keep myself mentally alert so Closncd? V Nlchola*BrialoL Inc. (Oeallaaeil *r«m P*gn ,\nd II Vou MUs . . . secretary of the Dictrlct or rince ganisation without Its original on a 750-acre »farm. In 1944 he ly cooperation .with the western to Venus a professor at the Unl- loran’a Funeral Home. 175 Center the raU of about 15,000 a day. He 8:80— WDRC — Rad Barber; WONS — Musical Roundup; waa preparing for military serv­ that I cannot be swayed by an 155 Cdnior Hlraal powers. Molotov' declared: Second l-icclure So first you plot the angle at the Institution of the society. Mrs WONB—Answer Man; WTHT — WTHT—Evening Devotion. powsr." • ‘ Ilehlgan aenator nought to r ^ c * yerstty of California la teaching which you should leave the earth, W. Ralph Ward, • Jr., *- of-• this *—town street, at 8‘,$0 this morning u d explained tO hla audience that each ice when his father's health failed emotional upheaval of tha mo­ WE CAN DO IT! Phoita 4047 •This la the policy to which the at nine o’clock at St. Jamea'a car was counted and that nobody Music; WTiC — Professor Andre 11:30—WDRC—Columbia Mostar- "But the final foundation of ment. *. . . Any fault we find wrtth reparatlona figure to $200.000,- ■tiidenta how tb ateer a rocket ship remembering that you and your Is secretary of Children’s work faith for foUowarS' of Christ ts and Ladd’s draft board handed Opea Evening* tnr Vnor but the conference voted Ihla Soviet union adheres.” Here Tomorrow Mrs. Edwin Brown, president of church. Rev. Frederick McLean crosses the bridge without payings Schenicer. . plares; WONS—Emil Coleman'a him disappointment No. 1. It told our country's actions we must find Naeda He assailed what he termed Into the lotarstellar spaces. target, Venus, are tearing around Orchastra; News; WTHT—Mualc neither In people, nor in the mts- n U to 0.K the sun at similar speed rates and the combined groups of the Bouth conducted the mesa and read the He aald that even government ve­ e:45— WDRC — Robert Trout him to itay' In the fields, keep the ouAelves. The United SUUa, Canada, Great BriUln'a "strange policy” The professor. Dr. Ramiiel Her­ Methodist W.S.C.S.. la registrar committal service In St. James’s hicles were counted and * bill eub- Nawa; WON8 — Easy Aces; 12:00—WONS—Saxle Dowell's or-i Blon of the church, but in God," farm going. it won the school contjiat for CALL 8791 of “playing" with Finland. He de-, Dr. Alas Burr Overstreet. In­ in different sized circles or orbits. cemetery. Arthur Keating and concluded the pastor. ‘‘Jesus wAs Gaorge and took flrat prlsu In th* nth Africa, New Zealand and rick, astronomer and first Instruc­ You must also calculate the pull for the Ihatltute mltted to the government eac^ w n c — Lowell Thomas. chaatra. Then there was another disap­ * Netherlanda voted agalnat the dared ha wanted to “warn tha rep­ structor In government *t Wes­ tor In the art of rocket naviga­ Joseph Dcllafera sang and Mra, 12:30—WONS—Michael Zarin’s or­ not scornful- of defeat or dsath, state contest. Then came t.a leyan University, who la giving a on your ahlp from thq, earth, the year. / 7:00—WDRC—Mystery of the pointment. Although he lacked (CAiniBBVOBLM) FOR DETAILH! nparatlona article and Auatralla. resentatives of Finland on this tion, calculatea It would take "a Mae Barry presided at the or­ Up to laat months said Mr. Gbl- Weak; W0N8—Fulton Lewis. chestra: WTIC—Dance Orchee- but he waa unafraid of tlUter, Hla only a handful of credits to finish, nawa from the Boston national score. This Is tha same game which coursa three lactures on "Basic. sun, the moon, and any planets gan. The bearers were: James Mc­ destiny and the futur* of the world encampment that the $1,000 prise mrtmsm aiu*i b* $ooS wh*n'-thou- PRICES REASONABLE! ,Beltgum, Brasil, Greece and Nor- few hundred years" for * one-way you happen to approach on your gon, 16,000,000 vehicles had passed Jr.; w n c —Supper Club. tra. ^ ^ George had to give up High school ■■aa* of Onetor* b*«* pr**il . lull, M .UMmi- "I ''«« ■ s^Oiat PlnbSid was unnbUi to pay preaslng official regret over having M anr/wster can Women’s Association Invites the door becauee of the way he way before Christmas. A few othsrs has set December 9 for a hearing tinuance in office becauee they j For Paper Machines sonable Prlre. Terms v Ar­ out India for special (‘ritlclsm. cit­ Says Unit Has ford street. the local Women’s RepubUcan club shook his head. cited upwards of 2,000 recetvera on CBS's application for technical ST08l(H^,000 In reparations, eape- ing lU vote for free navigation .m to cut their visit short. A.dpjitted Sunday: Joan Meles- have been found wanting.” i Venefion Blinds ranged. AMHUI.ANCB RRUVICB ^ clallr ln view oKatlpulatlona that Pavel Kedoslmov, Soviet vice to a bridge party at the Hartford ISxamination revealed Rex had already sold In the New York Area. 'standards and transfer from ex­ Bralnard made his M itlon ! the Danube nn»l convocation of u Date Hook ko. Summer stredt: Barbara Golf Club Thursday. October 17. A an Infected ear and was very Another wae that network opera­ perimental to commercial opera­ Dryers Beaters rMmmc^itles shipped for repara­ consul at New York, said the six NoPurjjjcList Starkweather 74 Apel Place: Mrs. known In a latter to Rap. Thomas; lO” to 100” BART HARTFORD—Blssen St. Danublan conference. food sale will ke held at th# same much In need of an operation. He tion also was on. tho move. 'Whllo tion. _____ H —2-Fomi1y Duplex, • rooma tlona could be marked up only-10 “ What Indian Interests arc af- Rxisalans, among them three mem­ Tonight Margaret k'ava, 97 Wells street; J. Supine, Democrat, also of Ash- { Apply At the Factory, Mill and Oakland Streets, to 15 per cent above 1038 prices. time, Manchester member* who had crossed town ■ through traffic testa with micro-wave radio relay ford, and leader in a (utile move | • Pros Eatimutex each side. City aros and water. lecUdT" Molotov asked. "All will bers of the Suprema council of the^ to make his way to the hoapital. Or At United States Employment Service. Only Portiaas Please Rmala USSR were. liot "very happy about O f Candidates I Parlcv ' Amo. leans Speak" Ho.-; plan to attend should ket In touch methods are continuing, the im­ Additions (or Tonight; NBC for a special bonus session of the | • Choica Colors Good candltlon. Close to achnoL Notice iinderatand that If It weie the voje lister auditorium. Meeting spon-! '‘oadr Virginia tra.ser. 71 Sout^ with Mrs. George B. Borst, presi­ The dog's behavior recalled two mediate consideration is the coax­ chnrehca and shopping center. Molotov remarked that . only of an independent India, If thetfio |.having...... to.. leave.".. _ ' , , 10:30 final two-hour Parade of Legislature. Bralnard la com­ portions of the dhift treaties With iKOixd by Pcllislci, Highland Park Hawthorne street: Mrs. Vemelle dent of the local club. similar Iqyldents at the hosplUl. ial cable, laid underground and Star*; MBS 10:30 Broadway Talks mander of an Independent veter­ C’onvealent Tcrma Arranged Mala Price $5,000. Terms Ar-\ 'swresentanycB of a genuine In- Five Ukraniana. also nskeJ (('onllnued tr o y Rage One) and Itlanclierter Gr.5jftn P.T.A.'a, Rowley. Amston; Mrs. Tillle One^dog was brought in ■with a now operating between Waohing- No Charge far Credit Zoning Board of Appoala Italy, Romania. Bulgaria, Hun­ cilSrt government were here, then | the Department of Justice to vcgis- Muske. 42 Maple street; Mrs. Nina Back, roundtable on too theater. ans’ unit known os the Ashford ranged. gary and Finland pleased Russia |. Meeting, Muiu'hcPtcr GqiUen Miss Grace M. Adams and heft cut '^"oti-retumed &. his own ac­ Jin(L.New_York._The conven- Veterans, the I^lap delegation would nejtcr. left by plane on Baturdny cn action. Chairman Ellender (D-La.) , Club, Center church house. Speak- ,\dams. 527 Adams street. ^ father. Laban Adams of Plainfield, cord the next time he cut It. An­ tiqtl was told that by the end of manciiestrr — ucMpar m il j In accordance with tha require- Jand Indicated that many of the more onjeetlve and -more Impar-' rotits home. Discharged Saturday; Mrs. Mar- Game Inventor Bralnard censured both'Demo­ Sfanbop • ' menu of tho unlng regulations .W ball ****■■ sa—••sew- of the Senate -Campaign Investi­ er, Mr.s. HoUrit J. Scott, were guests yesterday of Mi;, ahd other dog broke a !*$• h**! P'** toe year 3,000 miles would be com- crats and Republicans lyho "be­ ut. — Immodiolo Gcenpaeey— iUaT;" "-"...... i ------. gating committer said he will call j ■ jorie Kilpatrick and daughter. 24 Mrs. Arthur Gibson of Flower Into a cast and returned volun­ 'plet^, another 3,000 miles next \ 0-Room Ho4iaa, aU ronvanlOitees. I of the Town of Msnobeator. to* the Foreign Miniatpra Council He aaaerted that the confsreiiee! j l uesduy. Oct 15 Griswold street; Karen' Lewis, 30 Contract bridge was Invented in cause of political expediency or I Itonlng Board of Appeals Will boM where giKiaiona must be unani­ hla membera lozether some time Fust concert. Civic Music Asso­ atraet. Miss Adams, formerly a tarily for treatment every day. yeaiLjuid 12,000 miles in service political conslderatioh, refuse RANGE AND FUEL OIL Venefion Blind Walking distane* te fees line. decision to shelve the Greek-Bul- this week to discuss progress ot | : Drive D, Silver lin e street; Cus- teacher of the piano here, called on by lidSO. - 1925,—during aiiridge game on a Near schoM and cheerfees. 1-4«r [a public hearing In tba Mualdpal mous ; garian frontier question came ciation. Hollister street school. , ton Yakaltls, 9'29 Tolland Turiipike; eteamahip en routp from Los An­ openly to consider the Issue." Building, Tbursdey evening, Octo- He accuaw the United States, T f i l l a n c i pending inquiries. - ‘ I a number of friends. ^ It is the hope to have the cable Company gaseg#. Maw Prire $8,560. Terms (roro a -majority ‘‘which was an Wednesday, Oct. 1(1 I Ronald pass,_ 291 West Center; .Many In One geles to Havana, by Harold 8. Arienged. \ bar 17th at 8:00 P. M., on to* fol­ Great Britain and France of "vio­ Ellender haa been in Louisiana : Harvest .Supper, Yoi.ng I’coploX “LarBon. 39 Chestnut Wholesale Gasoline Instrument of a cerUln state play­ The eighth gradCia' gradCiat Hick's Me­ Vabderbilt, who developed the HARTFORD 5-5790 lowing applications: lating their agreements” and “le- ing a game In favor of Greece several weeks. Returning to Wash- Society ot Concoi-diu Luthei an Phyllis Warner and Center Hoaa No. 2 will meet to­ In Washington. D. C., you can treating" from four-power accord morial...... schoolIs Is Roinj, going to conduct night at the hose house for its reg­ game from plafond, a French vari­ Baby GiH Born NANCHBfeTBR— Adama Btrset Application of Charlaa W. Luca agalnat Bulgaria. Ipgton, he stopped In Jackson, i church. n, Crotnwells \Irs. Mildred Locl^, visit a half hundred foreign lands ation at auction bridge. ■3-Famlly \ Dunlex, 5 rooms for pannlsaion to ua* land on Mid- In tha adoption of "a number of “The voting on the Greek-Bu^ the UaO drive this year wljh Mrs Mias., w'hgre he .said he saw some | Friday, t)cl. 18 ular October meeting. without going outside the city • anti-democratic meaaurea” tn con- Hazardvllle: Betty Steiner, 20 kok, bath flowni lavatory op. dl* Turnplka EasL for buainaas garian frontier Is a serious poll- th"iT*pntrre%Hvacom m ittee Inveallgalors who Birtlulay. . party . ut Knuig , 1 Ferndale drive; Stephan and Chris- limits. Each foreign embassy, and ^ In Parking Lot Bantly Oil Company necUon with Trieste. goal this year for the entirei„^uinp into romnlaints agaliust Company No. 1 of the South City water, mrgo lot. Rooson- purposes. Continued bearing. tlcsl error likely to create trouble." are looking Into complainta agatiust Huthn an cl,ti£i h_^uiu^i auspices topher Williams, Wapplng. the ground on which It stands, li able down Myment, Imianre lo OonUniied hearing on th* appU- He spoke critically of guarantees Is 19 million dollars. Some qf Senator Bilbo (D-Miss.1. ,rBllbo | of the bonius stxaU” / Discharged Sunday: Mrs. Eliza- Manchester Fire Department was a part of the nation It represents. S.T1 Main Street Tel. 52«:) Of M 057 written Into B^kan trestles for he warned. "It Is a service to those tho ways the money will be sp. nl called out yesterday afternoon at Hertford, Oct. 14.—(P)—A baby modorato roonthly InstaUmonts. caUdh of John HoTdltoh (or Mr- who may long for. new aggression. won renomlnatlon over four dp-1 Anmlal m cellpg^fl banquet, beth Butler, 183 Oak street; Gor- Prton I5A60, \ Terms Arrailgad. free navigation of the Danube and are; for veterans hoopltals. service 4:50 to 326 Center street on a still girl wah^^born tn a parking lot at Oppnaile Ihe Armory miaaton to have a Bear permit in complained that the conference "It will not serve world peace." men club*. USO camp sHflws and ponbnts. Manchester Disjprti j,ioy Scout i (jon 'Fedford. 48 Acadertiy street; oonnaotion with grocery store at alarm to extinguish a fire caused Parasitic Pest . m PLATES V Interpaotlon at Market^ and bod -lefuaed to fix Bulgarian boun­ On the queaOon of Internstlonsl aid to convalescenta. This year The committee alio Is inVeatl-ichunh, 6:461 charier* Meredith. 13 Williams by an overflowing oil burner. $IANOHEm'IBlt---Adama Htreet 99 Bummar Street. Rsaldanca B daries aa of January, 1941—an ac­ guarantees. of free navigation oft there are more thwl l-'l-Z million gating cpmplalnts concerning the j street; Mrs. Elmira Pursell, 479 American breeders are hav­ klng8jey,Jn>, Oct 29 Pine street. WcHnen Voters will hold an open ,B gone. . ^ . ./ -■ ference failed to agree to fix Bul­ Discharged today; Mrs. Agnes house meeting Monday,. Oct. 21. at Policeman Charles Fulwood, TOO Attraetlv* M ^ra S^Roera be pared from $300,000,000 to garia'* frontiers at the line of Mr. and Mra. Clayton Reed left Militun W lu.Hl, Gibbi^ris Assem­ From ^ I Application of diaries A. Cor­ $200,000.000—a move that kindled Friday to spend a weak In Vermont bly C. L.‘ of C.. at V.M'.V.A. Wittman and. daughter, North Cov­ 8 p. m.. at the Superior ^Court Frank Damaio, Clarence' Otlbart! Homo with tile wUh and lova- January, 1941, Molotov thundered: Membera ^ the lAdlea' Asso- entry: Mrs. Nettle Real#, 44 Pine room In Rockville, at which time! Manchester and George Dully rushed out with tory, air •nnflitlootaig, reereetioo bin for parkniaslon to keep chick­ Molotov’*, anger. The - Michigan "Thle voting could not be‘ ap­ with relatives. Del. 29 luid .10 ens at 36 Clinton Street. Raal- senator said: Miss Clara Dodge of Barre, \ cP- elation^)Hhe First Congregation­ street. Philip M. Howe, former superin-1 TOESTEN a blanket and chair, but before room In baaement, hraso niamb- •The United 'States wlU leave proved prior to the conference. 1 Min.strcl -Show at Hollister Births Saturday: A son to Mr, tendent of schools; will speak Evening fleraUI they could reach the mother, the log, t-«a r garage\wtth amesH* danca B aone. ehould like to 'assure BulRsrta mont. has bean spending a few al ^'hilrch ■ will have their all-day stn*ct aiiibloi uim. :Tponsorshlp of JOSEPH child was born. The mother is Repaired AppUcatInn of Kannath A. Mil­ Its motives to the verdict of hls- days with her niece, Mrs. Ruth and Mrs. George Davts.'45 Ridge­ "State Aid for Education. Mr dnvewny and many niber mod­ toiy In connection vrith the win­ 'your frontlsra will remain un­ .meeting beginning at 10:80 a. m. Nutmeg Korc.st, Tall Cedars of wood street; a daughter ,to Mr. rtowe was active In aecklnp aii Classified Advertisements Mrs. EHoabeth Vidal, 31, of 35 DON’T TAKE A CHANCE ern fentnrrs. I^ t e d In a very lar fpi' parffiiselon' to uaa building changed'." Senk.and family and nrphci^s^ Lclvanon. John street. on Hartford,Road east of No, 422 ning of the war and the writing Howard Ayer* and Alfred Ayers at the home of Mrs. Dayton H. and Mrs. Stanley Pickles, West Jor the town at the 1945 sessloij of j Count lite siersse word*-to » lin*. — iftwr* wHii Farm Buroaiu desirmbifi orrtlon of rown.. Sale Flnnnta Soyiet Annexation Whipple on Wednesday. A por rhurMla.1. Oct. SI Hartford: a daughter to Mr. and the General Assembly. ImtUls. number* *nd *bbr«vl»tloTi* Mrs. Vidal was rushed to Hart­ Frtoo IldAOO. Termi Arranged. for a Welding Shop. Bualnaaa of a Just peace. We decline to and famlUea. Mutual Fir* intwronc* Company ~ raquttf fir* iti 3 Hours plead aa defendants among Alllea Vandenberg hpbke after a White luck luncheon will be aerved at Aiuciiciui Legion's Hallowe'en Mra. Henry' Hawes, 24 Durant Among the 36 graduates of the -arh cri.unt *s s word and componrid ford hospital in a police cruiser. son*.. Mrs. Ray Pwb returned parties iiM’ (iliildren in various Rockville High school who Iwve word* *s two words. MJnimum cost The baby was wrapped in absorb­ OOVBNTRT — |AkW«e Ter- . Anpllcatlon of Robert D. •'Wil­ to whom we have given every Ruseian apoltesman had flaunted from Barre, Vermont, where she noon with the business meeting to street. • price ol three lines. and OKtondod eovorag* whtaii Includot wind- ounce of cooperation in. blood and Soviet annexation of Ltthusftta. begin at 2:30 p. ro. Membera are paiT.s of town. Births yesterday: A son to Mr. entered the University of Con­ I.in* nitc* per d*y for tr»ii«'*nr ent cotton from the police emer­ iterm, iioll, oiplotloii, riot, riot attending a If you arc bothered ;wHh raee—-Inunodlato GorOnency— son for tiermlasion to erect a ga­ treasure of which a great nation went Friday to take her parents requested to bring thrir sewing and Mrs. Herman Olson, 'Rock­ necticut this fall, three are from gency hosplUI. swaddled in a New 4-Reom Cottage wllh 2 mi* rage 36x30 on raar of lot at 47 Estonia and Latx'la by presenting Mr. and Mre. aayton Reed. Suturday, N'oxl 2 ros. your dental "platea have la capable. But we shall continue damage claims for them and Brit­ eq.ilpment, such as needles, thlm- T.'anee, .Margaret’s CirclSr D. ville; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Ellington. Wallace Bickley cla.ss ei^tUc Marcb 17. IK7 ON THE blanket, and, the laaL.Uin* the po­ itrilia, eivil eommotlon, aircraft, vahlelsi, Anoka. •niahad rebmo on aaeiM Asylum Stroat. Raaldoaga A sone. .to apeak for the American con- Mr*. Gober who has apent the ! hies, thread and Inasmuch as of 1944 Ruainesa Administration Oiih Chan* Democratic Candidate for lice saw it was squalling healUii- tham made over in the Hoo modern tdtohen wltfe dln- ish Foreign Secretory Ernest aummar with har slater. Mrs. of 1., Hi'ii-sli-Aniericaii Club. j William Coe, Boulder road. It payt to kava cemplat* protMtlon. ' Application of Douglas Undaay ce^ on of Justice and fair play." ' preparations will be commenced Birth today; A son to Mr. and at Fort Trumbull; James' Patne. 1 CoB*ecum> Days • •• *| I ctal • ■ United States Senator Prom •y* ROW beautiful n a t u r u I etto, largo knotty plne^n^t for permission to um garago,at t Foreign Minister Ernest Bavin of Bevin had told the conference on Francis Hodrtns and. family has Wednesday, Sov. IS Forrestry School class of 1940. • ConfccuHv* Days ...-I • Cts-lll eta room. Witfe flreplare ond '^wn the eve of adjournment that it had ! for -the annual Clwlstmas sale, Knctully Circle Bazaar, South Mrs. George Van Syckel, 17 Haynes 1 Day ...... Ill etalis ct» Connecticut. ‘ 111 Main Street for atoraga of Great Britain upheld the Ruaslan returned to “Taxat. aprons will be the firiit Item to be street. and his brother. Earl f - AM order* for trrqgulsr •n»*rtioton* rcuuc*l W TIC 7:30 p. m. popped out of toe ahadowa af convortod M o year 'roam . fidelity” In paying her.d«bu, Van- Miss Mary Bugbee of West G <'lri I lub isth ufinuol^cbn- 9 P. M . toority of Town of Manebsatw (or prcMio'n both as to' his consistency , apron, ecH, Knuuiuel Lutheran church. .'\grce Sltuatloii Had Bren Grave school, career. ^ : r Ad* ordered' cnni-ellBd before th* night and -approached a parkad NECESSARY feome. Bnle.Frice $8,800. Term* permission to arac^ 100 temporary ' denberg aald the I300.000..000 pen­ Springfield, Maas., was a ird ,0- Mb d*y wip he -oli*rf*d-only '•nd his frankness.” He asserted I Mrs. Mabel G. Hall reports she TIeketa may be purci WTICWEAF W DRC 6:15 p. m. car, Mias Lucille McGuire surrap- FRED BAKER Arranged. 'hpuBlng units on property of the Ahat Russia bad avoided putting alty should be sent back to the Friday of Mrs- Mable W . h'M five Easter IlHes In bloom in Nov. ‘il ana 22 Oshkoshi -Wis.—(Ri Theodore theme chicken ple'iplej svippci'svlppci' to.be held ^ 1 r..r the srtual number ot times the Utiouoly removed har $1,100 dia­ Big Four Foreign ministers with and Mrs. Lucy U*h«r. .“ ■■lull animal l onventloni - .Con- me ciucaco I eppeered chsrging et the ret* WONS 6:15 p. m. 105 HollStract Telephone 2^126.1 •FREE ESTIMATES BOLTON — Largo Lot loeotod rown of Mancbeatcr located north >f*pre8sure” on Finland for two her garden. Krebcrg fell out of his boat on ip the Congregational 1 -hut no «llo*»nre- or return* mond *nga$*fli«nt ring and t&Hsd of Middle Turnplka, Bast, in toe years but that tha western Alllea recommendation that It be re Mr. and Mra. WUllatft Summer Mr. and Mre. WllTUm Robygr. nei I K ill Vegetable Growers Asso- ing rooms Thursday In a nido aoctlon of Bolton. Ho* eiation, at State .Arn«ory-her*. Lake Butte des Mortes ■while duck r«n be iiiMdf on *i* timw'Ad* «topp#d THE SOUTHERN NEW INOLAND W T H T 8:15 p. m. li into the rear mat. The robber GIVEN I rear of the Almshouse and bound- had not done Ukewlae. * duced to $200,000,000. Simpson oT Southport. Omn . were .tr.,' Mr. and Mrs. Laon RobArgr hunting and yelled for help. The her 17. Th* hf** Table I* at 8:30 p. liter th* ftfl.l d*y.- ^ took $115 from tha. young woman dorp orteolea waU. An. exrol- "The United States delegation m iP H O N i c o m p a n y a n d lARM RURUU MUfUia Etti MSURANCl CO. loot ItM et $ M M . One-Half I ed on the wait by toe Mark Hew­ ; "We draw the attention of Fin­ week-end guaata of their parents. and William Louta Rolwrge spent Wvdiir»d»y, Nov. 27 water wasn't deep but the bottom- m., the aecond at 7. Fleaoe g«t .• No ■tui forbid*"; dupmy j'lle* "ol and her fiance t~ then ordered Hove yoor denial plates ra- itt estate on tbe east by dear- land to the difference between i not only Is unable tp support Aril Dr. and-Mrs. Samuel Simpwm. .'tunday at the home of Mr. Ro .\nniial Turkey, Goose and I’lg was .soft and Ffeberg's hip-boots your tlcketa lOl'l THE B ill SYSTEM ..' RMMflMMRflafemiHiAiM* '■*. piUrafl fey nmn who ha%a made Down, Balanee In Monthly Pay- o f the reparatlona clause, "but Th* Herald .will not b« r**ocm*lbl* them out of tha automobile, apd menlo. I view Development ahd on th* true and a scheming friendship,' barge’s mother. Mm. Adeline Ho- Hall ol llosc Co. No. L SMr D, at filled quickly; He expressed tickets can he bought- at the dooi. for nft're than on* incorrtel Inaer- drov* It away.. • Ufa afufly ol It - And.aava 1 north by Sunnyaid* Development, ‘ he said. ' of the reparatlofts clauace, “but barge, Bristol, when a family r» 1 lieney'hull. thank.s to his rescue,r. Lawrence A few Uckets are still I'op, p( »ny *dT*rti»*m*nl. «rd*r*d .for ^ maeh aa 50%. feels obliged to vote against . It, -said units to be located two on „ VMeat Against .CMtIcIsna Public? Reeonls niXion was held. In oh#ervanrr"'of . 'VhiirMbiy, Nov. 28 Konrad, who came to his aid in a contacting Mrs. ■.’ii'r* tKjio on* time. ' each lot and closer to too atroot Molotov spoke, vtotently agalnat not only as a matter of conscience the latter's 84th birthday- " uh Th’ink.'jgiviiig Day _^road raee. rowboat. Back on shore Freberg. The, Ellington W omw* CJuh rti* ir.Ndvertenl omi»*ion ol tnoOr- and side lirtva thafi aoping regula- ’ kriUclsms of the Veto power ot the but-also and partictjlarlv as voung William Louis In alicnl vi'onsoreil by Army and Navy will hold their ftrM f*cl publ’ratton of edvertUlng will b*' MICliKY FINN Recognized! lank t j s u n a h d ADDl'nONAL US'TINQS WMmntae Deeds Riverside cemetery sexton, and reclined only by c*nc«ll*tion of ta* Uona allow. \The dwelllngo would five leading AUi^ nationa In 'jUia matter of relative equity and fair ance there were four generations riiih. ■ ' ■ Konrad, an undertaker, agreed the season Tuaaday be undendzed and would Unitad Nations Security council, play.” WllUom F. Johnson. Inc,, to Ered thai-gc made tor tb* **rvic* cendarfd. ^TtmfFJFUSTBe p u r a a ^ c A U M O w . J. ■ AT o im OFFICN- bo H. Tllden, at ux, property located present. Wednesday, Dec. 4 .situation for a time had been 15. at 8' p. m.. In the ***‘*^*J"{^ AM edvertitement* muW oonform 20'x24', ona atoQr hl$h unit*. ^•aylhg: The membem of the 21 club will "Chrlstniaa Chest” Fair, Wom- I grave. rial Ubrary. The speaker. ■n *t> le copy and lypofrapny with T M e m o G w fs TA nttaXA FOUCfy > “The right to veto la not involved on Bilyau Road. William A. Jameaon, .Jr,, P^llc R9AD0UAKreO9jr 'Btato of - - - Edward J. HoU to Alexander meet tomorrow evening at the en'.s Li'ague, 2nd Congregational rcxulnt on* enforced hy the- pabMah- Wtt HKAKO 'm t but a" question of whether they dC' Speed Df Raindrops - Relations Officer. OldFkrma Om- er» xnd they re»erv* th* rlxht ta BItm PCM Jarvis 1 1-9 acres of land located home of Mrs. Barbara rainier. i hurch. , * ■; - / Some Haul ' •dll, revuie or r«t*ct an,* copy oori*,„- A L L E N *^SuSSan of CMfUmM . Bite unanimity end cooperation Oak tSrove. Tliuriiday, 0#«. 6 valcscent hoapital. , ,Th* Kinaidered ohiectionahla. f a g a N cAmoBg the great countries." Raindrops, during a' drizzle, fall on' the east aide of Broad su»‘ct. tee; Mrs. Robert Bikes; Mtx. Ha^ B o^ Workz for •Pg5TM.bf.o y t - at a rate of only two' and one-half Margaret R. Dwykr to Manches­ There will be a , setback partv ' South MeUiOillsi W8CS annual ■ Part of the loot of bandits In ('lAiSINii IKi^’Rp-I'laasiHed ad* l» fleato (or used car daMra tfcduo* ; Auatralia, Cuba and the praal- ter Memorial hoapital property lo­ Wednesday evening at the ^atliin ^ p. m. on. the neighborhood of Sydney, Aus­ old Davis, Mrs. Jatnea Quinn. M l« 0* publiallcd* eatiic day *iu«( bc.ra- Prop. ■gent [nc.r for OOrtlfleato oTAppresM 1.1 MMotov Implied that Speak was ' - - .. l"l» — ■ Torringtoa Man Siilcld* Ada ■ are- "accepted o»ei tn* i *- new car /daalar*a IWenae at W7 street. day''were iMr. and Mrs.. Robert of a church. ... nhone at' tn* ciiakuk rath " Ha Appntntmenl Necessary Inclodlng Lift. h: Bader foreign Infhienoe. Thieves' Schbol ' LeMs White, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert “ iVatcfleaa CUterns" •bov* a* a Conventetic* to advert•e-n CONB ts AN? TIfltB olortgagM Arrangod. ! SpTOce StreoL DtuUMfes zona. Hla apeech cr»soaa 38 Prom HartfoK t.745t Board of Appoalu store Ideated qt 891 Main street Uttle. , ■ In the head with a shotgun. He day toMowins tft* flrat in*«rtlna ul r over the drafta submitted aarthed by police of Piagu#- for a period o f'5 years at a rental ter. Ckmd'ensed. vapor produced workers of the United State* were •SCh ad otherwise tn* CHARilfc. RA Tl*- ' Oflgiaita ANiias Frotp fyiUlmantlt l i f , _ o,^iL .ir. Mlniaters' council Czechoslovakia, just prior tS the _____ . ____ The psttrrua hand'itll' di - . by the difference'between night, engaged in agriculture at th* 1820 had been despondent because of Raom y Hartford. Conn of $125 a month for the first ihree Illness. Dr. H. B. Hanchett. medical *r>ll. p* rollected No respidraib'i'ty f "i aoeetnpliahed' this task and war. The fpeclalty of the eatab-, veers, - $100------a month------for - the ...... fourth .. ered irl Thebes,______offered * r<",>d wind dav tcmperatiiros collects on census, while less tha none-flfth rreorw . 'n t*tepboo*d ad* V'M o* «#• Floor Apovo SovIG tfe* Jeieiler Q^.D ally, SdW to SiSfe. •««x>BipllMMd It wen." qhbvejground v ere engaged in agriculture examiner, gave the suicide ver- aumad snd their accuracy caanai bw ^sfod Mhirdnyt and Saaday*. S*or<^tatZi daylight yaaF gnd’ $175 a month for the, for * runaway slave 3.000 year* slates wRhln the yoiareptaed. i _ J i; *TFa laolc femrard to tha ftaul robbery. I fifth yattr. elstera. i Uu 1040 c«Bsua i diet. ’ 1 ,• n M AN GHEETER EVLM M i H ERALD . M AN CHESTER. CONN.; M ONDAY. (XTO BER 14.T 94i PAGE ELEVEN liAN CH ESTEB EVE^^T^^G H ERALD , V iU rCHfcSTER. M O «O AT. O CTO BER 14. 194«

hs mpaA m t n yards to egbntasto u r w y a r d s drive. Plenty of Beef o n .H o o f. *Skin9, Bears Ths Btssisrs downsd Boston Legion Scores Four Touchdowns in 2nd Half to Win 28-0 H^prkin War 18-7, scoring all tbstr potato in ths LEGLERC Top Pro Loop ssesBd period. BUI Dudlsy spsar- P b r c t r I H o a i d hsadad ths offsnstvs. sstUag up Told Over Air ons touchdown and kicking a Oald 23 M ain Strppt U • i goal and- extra .M int Nick Seol- P t i o i i e 528t Hoipkey League W indy City Eleven in lard racked up Boston's Ions stx- Annual Barbar Hill - I Local SpOri Chatter I Bi’eckcen Tops Down Milford Townies M eCommghj ^W eve* Tie Gam e W ith Ram s; Mihter by recovering Johnny SW ts Season , Experience In' O SS Clements’ fum>v)e in the end sone. I------Tony AUbrio, Legion lino..I coachAHartfotd^Th*, S,xa,W utter two ootbaeko Before SmaU Oowd Steeleni Dow n Boston Paul Christman threw. four —Trials Grand Success and a member of tha Manrhoofor M ade H im ‘Better M an* touchdown passes and scored once REFRIG ERATO R «ad High faculty U paacing out cigars TK c C b I Fo rces Seveoth New York, Oct 14 —(P)— The hlmaelf to lead the Chicago Card­ New Haven Rambler* after the arrival of a eon at ^ Tho Legion No. I bowling toam W ASHING M ACHINE bowl at Murphy’s tonight and Wsshln*;ton inals to a 88-14 tiiumph ovqr the I J o h n 0 *C o nnell C lin ch e* Play ppovidencin To- Hartford HoopitaL A rid D eciding Contest Swede Salmonson TaL HiUtfonl. Oet. 14.—(aV-Or. Lions at Detroit. SERVICE Fordham FaU badi T ^ lr oppononU will be WUidror jaaiai L. McCbMugfiy, wbo My« Rsdskins were doing business at Christmas c'omplstod 20 out of First Pri*e in Open morrow. •* No. 2 To Be Played Tuesday Summary lies First Tonchdown b« !■ th» only former college nree- thslr old fsmiHsr stands today— 38 passes, hitting Bill Dswell twice A footbaU acorrihoard has boon taent who ever r*n a echool In Repaini O n A ll M akat! arocted on tho east and at tha Said atop the two divisions of the Na­ and Ward Cuff and Frank ' Ivy ^AII Age Stake W ith Tbs annual West SIda Rae Bowl­ By Jack Band Amariean Laglan (3S) MOfaaS (S) On Ruri Back o f Print which “ picking tockef* wn» Includ- Prom pt. EcononicaH Naw Yorl^ O e t . J4.—^ ^ T O e a>.^lt Nibo. . ' ing Losfue win open tto oaaaen to­ DeSimone, Is la. Ooavarse tional Football League. ones sack for toucfidowpa. Cuff Amartcaa Hockay LsofM bsgtns Wk. Louis. Oct 14—

MANCHESTER EVENING RERALU. MANGHt^TER, tX)NN„ MONDAY. OCTOBER 14,1948 PAG! TttlniBllf -lANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. ILANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY, O C l^E R 14, 194S kourff drive ahead -of oa, and you; ruONEKVIl.l.K l>mKS BY FDNTAINR VUQ( •2 it root” Hto hand aqueoMd P n v sto ______ArticIbS fsc Sals Merhlnrry and I«yl> 52 era. "OJL7" I Wsatoi A«tos» BtmlnoM ItarvtCM Ufftrtd It ROOM AJtD hoard In private "OJC." She let. her head fall' lense Nonsepse WAUCER-Tumer 19" drlU preae. ‘ A m 1 h e PON'TDRpifrANY*lM jir85a Motorcvclw It VIOLIN iNS'reUtVrioii.^ Baio”o? BELieve ■ t BUCt*nilt Motora re^n ead roR-'SALE—14 storm windows, bench model complete home. Prefer west Hde of town. S k a d e oj c a iu o r e bark against the aaat. and withla Tea Mock Tafritevy . Friend—wimt would bo a m— rewinding. All work guarsnterd eheetral and beginners, at your MIddle-sgcd msn. ,Writ4"Mox E, flftaea minutoa oh# was astoap ; "Love thy neighbor" la a rule ’ to raise revehiie and sUU ban- t TO BE ABLE TO PULU THAT-®A© !" 1936. *87, or '8S FORD coach or home In Mancheetar on Tuaedaya 38*’ X 36"^ two ligkta. Call t m . and various accessories, 895. Also Ace Clectrte Motor Repairs 331 34 H. P. motor. Telephone 3-9688. Herald. Sha did not wake until ahe felt I gladly would Bbay; the people? sedan. Top price paid. Call 8- and Wedneadaya Por a^ o ia t- Bart’a ktas on her llpe. " ^ e ’re Ian—Tax every political apaach North Mala Mreet opposite De­ ro ft s a l e — dOff picket t m t f , Advertiseaienti •» PERCY A^ARKS Ela. But avery time 1 try It 1963. 0i«nt call Arthur H. BteUa IM LOIB aowsrs. milking macWii^ M-hy St*ar MsAm’ 9RA Owvlaa, Ink there, sweetheart” »»• whispered. She always tcUa bm: "Nay.” aaad e^ this country. pot botraMo on North School CnioB streat Reekuttlb Tl. height 86". Phone 8784 betffoeu liWathNM OCT OUR offer before seUinf atieot Pkene BMS. 9 e. m. ead 8 p. m. datiy. portakto tractor sawrlgs.^ I^rd- F o r R e n t F o r S mI« "There" waii the summer home - a .III. aon parts, cement mixers. Dub­ Far Rent 64 frighUned < by the aituatloB and of friends of tha BartletU on Lake A young flying officer, ataU ice, guaranteed work. Sets obsek- Dial 4819. P m iB c to apartment furnished or unfurn- them. "We arc overwhelmed With York during a fairly croofdad hour other fellow, and you may find ha ptanos. Priced very r^M nabls lshsd.'Can 2-1394. flowers right now.” she raid, "and until Gayle arrivad a t the chapel try towns where "B. Bartlett and a man was startBa to sao sitting aa human aa you era. irard. Phone S-1B07. ed In the. horns. Car radios ' a TEL. 6666 Also small piano 40" nigh 44 PRIVATE FamUy erlshee to buy 8- Klalty. Manchester Radtp WINTER Cabhage. Gaorgt Gil­ room single or doubto. Wlh writ yoa will save them from dying on Then they were permitted to M wife” meant nothing to anybody. oppoalto him In tha oar a aaaa Help Wanted—FcBMlff 15 long, beautiful rosewood caesi AMERICAN Couple. woHring thair ■toma.*’ The offer waa ao as busy aa they Ilfced, but by then Than they cut up to Canada, reading a newapapar and paytag *nie dress of woman Is scant l o st —Man's fold Boullva wrist Krvlca 78 Birch street Phone NIGHT CALLS 6646 bert Smitb etreet Buckland. •file Piano Shop, 8 Pearl street nights need furnished room, > for oocupancy. Write Bda 8M, ahe was quite Indifferent to how watch at M t Nebo, Sunday aft­ t-0S40. Telcptaoiie 8088. HeralX graciously made that Mra. Kent visited Banff and Lake Lsujpe. At no attention whatever to A pair of anough theae daya without the WAITRESS Wanted. Day Work. Phone 6882. Open 8-9 p. m. only. kitchen privileges. Write Box Q, accepted it without any argument, many pictures they took Vancouver the reporters appeared pigeons which were seated one on ■ufgeotion from the Ralel^to N. ernoon. Name on band. Reward, JAMES MAORI. Oanera) truck Apply In person. Center Restaur­ She went through the ceremony again, but, the Bartictt-Kent mar­ Phone 7647.-0111 fiavell. ALL HAKES of washing ir KIB8TBR Pears for eaihd] Herald. ^KOPEKTY i wnara It yoo era I and when Mrs. Bartlett arrived for each shoulder. Many stations fur* C . News and Ohaervarl ohinas repaired. years' axper- lag. Rangs and fual oils, ashss ant, 009 Main street eonstdertag the wedding, ahe waa entirely pre­ and the reception la a daxe, and riage was ho icmger Wg newa. An 10 IIJM) basket OUnaek P ara, Wearing Apparct—Fora 57 190 RBPVARD for a rent to or capItaJutog she felt numb when ahe kissed ther on, when the crowd had "Her hair la always exquisitely l^ f T —Vicinity HlHstown road, Unca. Obll, a: Brswtr. 3-054B, aM rubbish removad- Phont South Main atraat Phona 8181. g eo sat 1 awritet ooataet ua pared to Hke her. But almost In­ interview iufftced, and Gayle waa thinned out aomewhat, he Could ra* dressed, and her ahoea In perfect V' 4Sn. Oravel Bll and loiaa. WANTED —Woman experienced within 10 miles of town. Call stantly Gayle left an antagonism her mother and father goodby. greatly Impressed at the ease with black and white hound, mds In housework to do cooking and Bring own haakata. NEW SHOES for sale. Men’s dress 3847. We pay top eato to t rarideaUal She tried to relax once she and preea hla curiosity no longer. Step­ ■hape. No inero In tka way of white, spayed female. Tel. 5S1B LOCAL Moving end hauling. Osn tkr oommaralri property. For between her mother and Bart’a. which Bart handled the news­ ping acroea tha atala ha accostod a Is required ot any woman." aval trucking at rsssonsbls rataa. WATERMAN'S personal errand care of downstairs. Elthar full shoes, $6 and $3.79; men’s work Mrs. BarUett swept to with her Bart were In hla car and away paper men. He waa oourteoux and WANTED by three ^ adults, rent quick action communicate with from Calvin at laat; abe even tried tha man, saying: woman.” l o st —Pair plastic glasses in Phona M17. aervlea. Local erraiHla, package time or part-time, from afternoon flonerhnld Goeds shoes, 88.75 and 81.90. Little Gent, Imald, and tha ^lauffeur following friendly, and jUiey to raturp were First Man—1 bag your pardon, delivery. Light traeklnii. Auto through dinner. Mra. Mallory. of 9 or 0 rooms or°housa. Call . Phona 7738-8839 or 9-0930, or with the luggage made the entry to feel happy. But She didn't feel kind. The stories that ..Appeared brown leather case on Main rise 10 to 13V4, 81.85; boys' slM S rite Brae-Bun Realty Oa, 8 but would you mind tailing ma To ba happy stop wondartog street Please return to 4M Mid­ number plate aervlea to Hartford. 9311. 1 to 8, 83; rubber boots, $4. 1075 8089. 8 practically into a procession. Un* noarried; abe Just felt tired and in the hewapapers ware vary JUt- REFRIGERATION SERVICE Phone 8-0763. 86th ANNIVERSARY south Mato streat Maachestor-. I fortunately, she was gracloiia nervous. tering. There were mors reporters what thoas plgoona are doing on why you are unhappy. dle Turnpike, C ast Reward. CARROLL'S Children’s shop have Main street. "Happy, dear?” ha asked softly. your shoulders? for HOUSEHOLD CELEBRATION SALE Famw and Land for Sale 7 PROMPT action on all realty rather than friendly, and Mra. In Seattle, Portland, and San Other Man looking up from hla POUND—Sum of money In Orford WOtl LOAM, send end gravel cell an opening for-a parmanent full­ NEVXattN 85 TBABJI have ws ao- WINTER coat, worn twice, new I Kent at once became very formal. "Tired, Bart—terribly, teirlbly Francisco, but Gayle was laarntog REFRIGERATORS time saleslady. Come In for In­ transactions. Binglea doubles and I Mrs. Bartlett responded by frees- tired.” to be Indifferent to them. paper)—I don’t know, They got on ^ s g e . Cell 8389 between 13 and ^U84, sembtod such a vast ooUsctlon of ho^s shoes. New Reynolds ‘'400’’ INDUBTRIALLY xoned property. buslneases for sale. Suburban at 14th street Social Situations terview. Carroll’s, comer Main attraoUvs merchandise at such pen. Tel. 2-0477. - Large lota, in center of town. 8 Itag Into the miatreM of Sycamore. "Well, then, Just rest Doot The honeymoon ended to a Kelvtoiator PHgldalre Coldsi Realty Oo., Realtora, 49 Parkins I "She slumming,’’ Gkyle thought. even talk. We’ve got a good three APPUANCES, sll makaa. aenrlced end Birch stfeeta. savlnga. Raductlona run as high A. Beechter, agent Phone 8989. street Telephone 8218. completely ^Ughtful voyage from The man writing k book on Tha SItaatloBi A guest rSfuaaa Croaslev Orunow Norge QT' ~ and repaired, washing machines, aa40% l You can share to theaa BOY’S Browii reversible coat slse San Frandaco to New York AnnnancvBiMito Montgomerv Ward ASSISTANT to bookkaeper, girl 14, four sport ShlrU, rise 14, "HeU” probably got Ms Idas from befora-dlnner cocktalL whan refrlgsrators, ranges, etc. Oil valuaa svan if yon don't havo FOR BALE—A few choice lot la WANTED—Snutll farm to Gtoa- FUNNY BUSINESS through the Panama CanaL The sleeping. In an upper berth. everyona elaa la having ons. burners Inatslled and cleaned. 313 over 20, high school graduate, cash. Aa "Albart" account gfVM pair of flannel pajamas, sixe 12, A A A -and B xones. Reasonably tonbury or Bplton within mile of air-conditioned suite made the RIDER PROM North Coventry to COMMERCIAL commercial eoursa, or some tan gabardine cap, else 6 8-4. Also Wraog Wayi Try to panuada Royal Typewriter. Hartford. 7 to Spruce atreet. Phone 8188. you the opportunity to hoy at eed, good locations. S. A. bus Jlnc, with 5 or 8 room kouaa heat and humidity easily bear* First, Doctor—You have cured tha guast to have a drink. REFRIGERATION and previous offict expertihee. Kind­ the lowest prices and dbnventen Girls’ summer clothes, rise 4. schleY, agent Phone 6969. and bam. Within 85.000, WUl ar­ able; tbe parties ware fun;-and It BIgkt Way: Fix him aomethlng 3:80 ehift Telephone 8699. BALES AND service of range ly answer In own handwriting, Telephone 2-2164. S amused her to see how daft all :your petlenL What la their to wor­ ly pay out of your Income. Ui range own mortgage. Write Box ry about? ■ non-alcohoUc to drink and gtva it MtNaoaM Sradkela lar. REAL HORTAOB hero in en­ SERVICE burners cleaned and serviced stating education and previous your account during these TWO BUIUDINO lots in fine rest 8V. Herald. * the girto ware over Bart. She to him without making any point 8 Joseph W. Senna. Phone 3-0147. buslnsaa experience if gny. Box BLACK Imitation Persian lamb dentlal section. Very close to Oen didn’t blame them; she didn't Young Doctor—I don’t . know tertainers. acrMmlng to be. SCIENTIFIC ANNIVERSARY coat reasonable, slse 40. Inquire which'of the medicines cured him. of the matter. BUed. Uat yMr a c t Any kind, for V, Herald. CELEBRATION DAYS! ter, transportation, churches and CXIUNTRY store and living quar­ blama them a bIL No normal girl REFRIGERATION CO., INC, 388 .Summit street or phone 4531. stores. AU Improvements and ters In Hartford or Manchester could help being daft qver him. hooking. Address BUlark Bureau, RANGE BURNERS serviced WOMAN shirt preeser ; wanted Our Anniversary Special Tip To Broadcasten BY EDGAR MARTIN 87 Oak S t Mancheater 8-13M Telephone 6940. trees. Ideal for 2 two-family area Write Box F, Herald. But ha was hero—berA and ahe Brief commercials, Uatenera know, BOUTS AND HER BUDDIES RtTenge Bex 7, Th* Herald. ______,Oood hours, no Satuiday work. Complete 3-Room Outfit THREE PIECE all wool lady’s houaca. Good Investment for post sUU couMr.’t believe it. He was suit, practically new, slxe 12. Are a “must” In radio; HMaVtiVBIIIR BCARt^O lobs is progreeelve. TERRY'S Household service. Don' 'Vacation with pay. New System $386 war security! May be purchased tha tenderiist of lovers, and if MEM 6CMM6 m i V X NVOHE AU, UAKBB of aeii^ng maolUnaa Lauijdry, Harrison atreet Phone 7397. r m now and than aba thought It must But wouldn’t It be a big rallaf Y tlY M iC L M B Ara you one of tbs thoueande In expertly repaired. Singer Sowing put off that odd Job around the You get a Living Room Suite com­ on easy terms. Priced reasonable. Lejcal Notieea If they would make them twice lu YXSP U P TME G O O D VlOaVC! year ebmmunlty' erlie alao are house or office. Let Tarry do it Phone WUllmantlc 2887W be­ have taken nhuy women to teach Machbia Co., 888 Main atroet Wa n t e d —Dental hyglenlet, fuU e ts with aD the trimmings; a TWO THREE-plece legging milU AT A OOCRT o r PROBATB held him such skill In love, she put tbe brief? —J. L. Osborn. euffbrliig from loaa of haarlng T Wo do anything from cellar to Bedroom Suite complete with all tween 8—8 p. m. for appoint­ at Manchester, within and for the --- Tel. 8888 or pert time. Write, staging quall- (girl's). Blue Hound check, rise 2 ment DIatiict of Mancheater, on the Itth thought down and refused to let Why dalayT Pind out bow you atUc. Phone 7690. 133H Birch flcatlons. Post Office/ Box 806. . the trimmings; and a Breakfast and camel hair with red velvet It developrin her mind. Daughter—But, Dad, don’t you . toe esn halp yourbotf aa ao many ALBEkl iAOOBS—Aahee and atreet. ' Suita complete with all the trim- day of October. A:D., 1946. Manchester. trim, slxe 3. Both good as new. Present HON. WILLIAM 8. HTOB. • There were reporters again and believe that two can Uve as cheap­ OLD VQiU.1 '' otbars have ^ calling Mr. Welt- rubblah removed tight trucking . mlifga; You get EVERYTHING 81 Drive A. Phone 8021. Judge, ly as one? Itch 3-3044 (or a (re# apaecb hear­ Tel 8937. SEtyiMP Mm^hlnes, vacuum clean MAID, Private floor, housekeeping ''"you need to start A NEW home. Housea for Sale 72 Estate of Ellen C. Anderaon. Iste of photographers when they reached Father—I certainly do. Right n vA fli ing ta st ere and email appllancae repair duties. Apply Mrs. Buckler, Men During our 38th Anniversary Sale. Manchester, In said District, deceased. New York harl)or, and there were now your mother and 1 are living ALL APPLIANCES aerviood and od. A.B.C Appliance end Sendee —you will receive, free of charge, 58 OCCUPANCY November 1. Good The executor having exhibited hla dozens of Bart’a .friends waiting Chester Memorial hospital. — Wanted—To Buy Six room single. In fine condition, admlnlatrattonl account with said es­ to greet them when they docked. as cheaply as you. , repalrad. bumtfa, rafrlgetmtora Oo., 31 Maple street . Phona a gift, regardlesa of the rise of tate to this Court for allowance, R is ranges waaliers etc. All work 3-1079. Pick up end delivery aerv- your purchase. coal steam heat, two car garage. Eventually, howevar, they were '5S* ORDERED: What the 19th dsr of alone tn a hotel suite. Ten min­ Only good man can get good wilL guasanioad. Metroitro gervtoeSendee Oo Ics. Help Wantud—Male 86 (jlRL’S Bicycle, prefirably light Fine location, 813,000. John S. October, 1948. \at 9 o’clsck, forenoon; ., DBAirS Pereonal Service Tei Manehpator 8-9888 A-L-B-E-R-T-’-S \ BIsecU, Cross street. South Cov­ at t)>e Probate pffice In the Municipal utes later the telephone rang. for adeatUle cleaning of ruga weight. Phone 2-140|4. building In said Manchaster. be and Gayle answered. Sycamore waS Husband (soarohlngl-1 can’t MECHANICALLY Inclined man " 43 ALLYN STREET entry. Phone WUllmantlc 8324. find a single pin In the house. uMwhitary, walla, wlndowa and BaiMing—Contrsetlng 14 to work in sewing machine store HARTFORD the same la assikned for a hearing on calling. 'aid^loba. Mancheater 5408. THE M^CHESTE^R SMALL Oil' burner fo(^ furnace, CAPE COD, six rooms, aU im­ the allowance ol said adminlatratlos "Oh, Mias Kent—Mrs. Bartlett,” Where do they all go to. anyway T Apply in person. Singer Sewing Open Evenings By Appointment with Controls. In good condition account with aanl estate and this WIfe-Llt's hard to tell, dear; be­ CARPENTER work of all kinds Center, 832 Main street. provements, excellent condition Court directs that notice of the time a -voice gasped. "Is Mr. Bruce FLpOR COVERING Roofs, aiding, additions and alter­ FMMIK problems solved with Phone 6467. 51 Lenox street. Phone 9-2831. » and place assigned tor said hearing be there? No! No! I'U talk to you. cause they're pointed tn one diree* A c t—laMlw fo t S a lt 4 ations. Also new construction linoleum, asphalt tile, counter given to all persons known to be In­ You tell him." , > - tlon and they’re headed In another. ' W E’RE Lo o k in g f o r i‘'ANCHErTEH'8 oldest dealers FOUR-ROOM single, Btoat Hart terested therein td appear and be ALLY OOP Gm Haa His Momenta BY V. 1. UAHlilt ppHTIAC. 1N4 abt ciietom aedan COMPANV Sleffert Phone 2-0303—3-1989. Expert workmanship frte esti in rags^diiagaslneB. pspei and Gayle bad recognised the voice All-Around Machinists mste«. Open eveninga Jones ford, near AWCraft. Built 1941. heard thereon hr publishing a copy of inatanUy. "What Is it, Mias Hol- You determine whether your eeujpa, Oiied condition through- scran.-'toetals nas 8 trucks to CJopper tubing, newly redecorat­ this order In someVnewspaper having landT I’U toll him.. What's days ahall ba bright or dreary. r— AwmoMr.''(I h D w SE oo^ ouL OPA price. Mdler Motora^ /IS NOW LOCATED AT External Grinders Fiigr —• Oak street Phone criKat yoiii home any time and. _ circulation In said DiatrM, at least tOlu WHAT04A ) >OU MM 1D IH'PanMCV . Floiikto—Nuracrlra 15 Internal Grinders 2-1041 . ed, large lot, November 1st oc­ flve days before the\day of Said hear­ T.a. wae.tr wrong?" : Most of the shadows of Ufa art OOT ON ^CF*W axeLCHAAiaS* M l Omtar etioot, eemer Adaqw ,-pay you highest prices Wm. .Os- cupancy.. Asking price, 87,800. S. ing. ' "Mr. Bartlett died an hour ago.” caused by standing In your own a tn e t Open *tll 8. / 66 COTTAGE STREET Turret Lathe Operators trtnsky, 182 Btssell street Phone WILLIAM S.VHYDE. Judge. . ___ m a i o g rj CHRYSANTHEMUM BouqueU. WB BltV and sell gooO um A. Beechler, realtor. Phone 6969. "If you’re running for ofilce, our electric'Ijalb model is (Te Be Oonttnued) aunahlna. MiNOY juot ooufiNT i Four acres of hardy plants. In Engine Lathe Operators furniture, combination rapffrs 6879 ftlR BALE—1M7 Ford. M H. P. (OFF OAK STREET) TWO-FAMILY House, 5 rooms, just the thingl” jM D m i hoMkaMI coupe. Overhauled bloom,, dslphlniums, hardy asters, Drill Press Operators gas ranges and heatersxdones CASH FOR. pianos ot musics; to- SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH chryaenthemuma, galllsrdia, ate Furniture Rtore. 86 Ojrti Phone shower and bath upstairs and m ^ . Phone Radial Drill Operators strumenta regardless of sgi down. Oarage,-lot 170 back, -109 CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER CALL 6688 Aspersitus Mary Washington. Broach Operators 3-1041 condition Highest poaslWe NOTK im IW i t u c M m ir aedan, now 89-81; 100-81.78, ons year. Trees, front, chicken coop, fruit trees, Milling Machine Operators prices The Plano Shop. 6 Pean automatic oil burner steam heat. I have sold my businc-ss Iliad, 68,000 FOR FREE ESTIMATES shrubs. Woodland Gardena, 168 ORUNOW rator, second- street Phone «.a32 atroet. Rune Woodland atreet. Telephone 8474 Automatic Lathe Operators hand, new gboj condition Phone 2-1274 0 a. m. to 12 and 4 and after this week all peo­ LAWN Mowers, hand and power, d-foot Call 2^0121 8 a. m. to p. m. to 6 p. m. sharpened, repalihd. Engtnis Tool and Die Makers w a n t e d —Two-fpot locked ple who hav/ not picked up Gauge Makers . 9 p. steamer trunks. ■ Telepljone % ^ A sartnoed. Qardsi| tractors repetr- Heating-Plumbing 17 their shoes at my shop will ndu.AMw...DO cto-M ta tMk » att,ooou9 ad. Knives shears hair clippers Tool Grinders FM^-SALEt-^Ncw hot water boll- 0292. "V IMS PORD coach. Call BOOO after have to come, to 69 Foster l f .c a . ______' mowing maohlnee and blower FOR HEATING efficiency and Aircraft-Sheet Metal Men xer, $140. Apply Manchester Lum­ W ANTEDl \ea>L»...ANDOot>jugr KtruvmoioPtgmNTm knives aherpaned. Sawa filed end fuel economy call Edward John- Pattern and Model Makers;- ber anX Fuel Clompany. Phone Knnma Without trd 59 Street. \M3Namnine»tMruuem:i0 tuumtucMAom. 18M PORD. H-ton pickup. Reoon- se t Band gaw blades welded and ■on to put yoOr heating ayetem Services of a Certified Pub­ r Wood 5145./ lic Accountant. Spare Time dttoeied asotor, new hrakof, ex; sale. Capitol Grinding Oom- In flrat-cisas condition. Phone h e a t e d room to r / rent, nicely STANLEY KRAIBWSKI -X" BY MERRILL BL0S8H ~ 6HliBt tiiw OPA price. Illlliis^ qrany. Phone 7988;------6979. Steam, hot water, warm air. Excellent opportunities spr^offered ELECTTRIC refrigerator, electric furnished, jjrlvat^entrance. Sult- Can Be Afranffed. FRECKLES AND HIM FKIENIM InBtylfl to skilled and aeml-slOHhd men In stove, used steam furnaca used, .^ble for.- one / two gentlemen, Shoem aker ) Mntsre, 498 Center atroet, comay 05 |]^ C A R I mANIC vou. WE875ATE / WOULD YOU fiff KINO INOUflM ID Off A d e f atroet Open evenlnge ui HAVE Your storn windows and this rapidly growtns-tliduatry. In­ metal utility cabinets. Mattresses Write Box LJL, HeraM 1075 MAIN STREET r Wmmm ! GolNfr Roisie's biAumiA teresting work, goM psy, pleasant ^ h o n e 4923. our WITM THE TfclxfwMEN « MtRg.flONf . ^ SREAD/, PEAT THAT R3R SKaPTiCAL FffffND.f I,-'. doors palntsd and repaired now. RooAng—Rcpi^ng 17-A all sixes. Jones Furniture Store. UPPER. flizAckeTS, I WRITE • SMITH f Call 8632. siirmundinga and modem working 36 Oak atreet. f u r n is h e d room for one or two EH? VA/HEREL M/NEMOStSi REPAIR or replace aaphaJt ehln- c o n d itio n s e m p lo y m e n t rep- gentlemcn/Call-after 8 p.-m. FU39SIE'DUONB , YOO CAN T T Affto AcigBBtortM Tlreg glea. elate, composition or tin reaentatlyda will gladly give vou GAS RANGE, very good condition. 2-2170. 0 Hazel etreet. T WARM AIR FURNACES roofs, chimneys, flashings, eavea- full ipfhrmatlon on any Job for Color,, cream and green. Reason­ NEW TIRES, recapa, uaed troughs. E. V. Coughlin. 390 whjefi you qualify. Apply Mon- able. Phone 7305. NISHT W Urea and tubes .Mipart vulcanta- CLEANED AND REPAIRED Woodland street. .7707. ys through Fridays — 8 A. M. Legal Notices Society] ^ / lag> I honn raeapplag aervlea. VAN CAMP BRCriHERS to 4:45 P M. Office Is located,on 30 GALLON hot wa|er tank (one FO R S A LE Manchaster Tire and Baoapplng tffllMNEYS rebuilt and repai Willow, Street. Just off Main Street, yeaf old). Taco hot water heaUr, AT/ACaVRT o r PRORATE held 4-ROOM CAPE COD. Fircplkce. Steam HeaL Screens Obmpany. Broad street.. Tele­ 249 North Main Street East Hartford. at Manrhester. within apd. for the Telephone 5244 RoQllrig AU work guarantodd. N. gas hot water heater;! - Phone Distrirt /Of Manchester.' oh the 14th and Storm Windows. Doors Weatherstripped. ' Can Fin* phone 8^ . Open 8 a. m. th 7 p. O. LaRme c%. Phone 3^0768. Cad 6661 after 6 p. m. (y of iSctober. A.D.. 1946 .ish Two More On Second Floor Aa Family Grows. House P. any tima P r e ^ n t WILLIAM $. IIT-DB. Esq.. PRATT & WHITNEY FLORENCE Combination gas and 'Judge. BcinE Repainted Outside and Decorated Inside. Now T OLD FLOORS SANDED (THIMNEYS and^Jlreplacea expert­ - AIRCRAFT oil range, like new, Also a Frigt- Estate 6f John O. Echmallan. late of Vacant. Located 89 Benton Street. \ Metoreydw—Bkydee 1 1 Lsytiig i^d flntahlng Manchester, tn said District, deceased;- ly cleaned ana rspAired. Twenty- Bast Harlford. Connecticut datre. Phone 2-1206. / .'On motinn of Cladya D. E<’hmallan / I J. E Jensen. two y e a r a ^ f experience. Well /ot said Mancheater, administratrix. Tel. WaHmantlc 9938. evenlnge recommefided. Manchester Chim­ t MAN FOR gas station attand- OnDEItED: That aix months from BOY’S Samscb balloon Ure bicy­ ant. Would Hke one experienced HOUSEHOLD furnishings the l4th ilsy of October, A.Do 1946. .be LAWN‘iM .pQwar mowers ehsrp- neyEhtperta. Phone 2-0942. STUART J. WASLEY cle, 68 Summit streat hut not necesaary. Gorman Motor Ing refrigerator. Phone 2- and the .-sme are limited and allowed BY FRED HAK5IAN sntd and AsbmK. All gas engines, (tdllFINU. riding end new cell- Salea, 280 Maln.streeL for the rn'dltors within which to bring 755 MAIN ST. • TEL. 6648 RED RIDER A Bullet FiHb outboard alOtord^ gardsn trac­ ____ ' In their cls(ms sgalnst,.sald estate, and Inge our apeclslty. Highest qual­ the said administratrix is directed to Afl'MK tors. pumps and slbctricai ^ ity materials used. Workmanship FOR SALE—Hot water/pot itove Ive puhlle notice to the creditors to flrtBarF pllancas rspalrad Qui^ depehd- guarantsaiL A. A. Dion, InC., Sitoatlona W(Uitt4-y "With '30 gallon tank. )Cib|/9»3718. ring In their lalms within sstd time 6 O t9 t0 abls serrica. Pick up andidcllver 299 Autum stre st TsL 4860. Female 38 allowed h>' posting a copy of this order NO A Tht Do-AU Oorapsny -Telephone FLORENCF. CV)mbln4tWh oU and on the pul>llc signpost nearest to the Wont o Job? place wlii-re' the deceased last dwelt 3-2508. KUOFING — Bpeclallring in re­ A TRUSTWORTHY, reflnad mid gas range, dual oven,-in excellent within ssld town and by publtihlng VlCTirs, pairing roots ot sU kinds, alao die-aeed lady wishes wdrk as i comlltion. 1041 moi^l. Alao gas the same In some newspaper having a MAU HELP WANTED AflHOT If Yoo Are s First Class hot water heater gnd single por­ cewLiwayiaAwiiviet.WT.i«.aaaii.aawr.wr. Z:'- R'NSff Mecbanic, We Need SH EET MJBTAL WORK, nsTv. roofs No Job too small or sitter. Telephone 2-3058. circulation In said probate district, For Increased mill operation large. Qpod work, fair nrloe Free celain sink. I^ u tre 72 Lyneu wlthlii ten days from th<; date of this OUT-” Hot Air-Yftiraaoe Repairing. street after p p; m, ___ order, and return make to this court Millrifrhto—Machine Tendero—Beater M an- T his barometer must be out of whack! It says / ’fair,** *liy folks are taking caie of the kl4> and t^ '^ fe ’t estlmatos^ CpU Rowley, Man- CURTAINS Laundered. Called for of the notice given. Dryer Men—Floor Men WOTting—it certainly is mice to be put through college CARPENTERS New i f o t / l t en1 by Un^ Sam!” ^ For Inside Finish Work w,Al.Js'UT/^nlng room aet Call AT A COIIRT OF PROBATE held > Shin IMffercnIlals—Nix HiilMays WItk Pay . ■ juA- Cavaa Trough and Conductor 7'105 a f 6 p. m. at Manchester, within and for the — , Retialrlng. Pklnting- 1 ^ 1 fine 21 District of Msnehester, on the tUh Apply At orijee. 619 Parker Street VIC FLIN T A Visitor In the Night BY MICHAEL O’lUALLEY And RALPH LAN B SHoatioim W aatoi— day of October. A.D., 1946. Bricklayers ^ Male 3$ FOR —Electric nm ga ®»* Present HON. WILLIAM S. HYDE, {1 was unm vou PROPERTY owners atUnQon tate,- >4 (^rol Drive. Telephone IBludy Biflks went to a party that evening ' ( NORMAN BENTZ Psperhangtog and palnUng, U>- Judge. COLONIAL BOARD COMPANY At Janet Lilt's. I stayed behind with A tXKW Plastere^ 977 Spruce Street Estate of Frai k H. Tryon. Ist# of aide or outsida. Large savings. 886 Manchester. In said District, deceased. had T e l . 8966 HIGH SITHOOL boy, willing to do And suddenly the feeling that someona - ■ A p ^ New block ceilings. Estimates Ey.F.cTRObUX R e frig a ra to r The administratrix c.t.a., having ex­ LYDALL & FQULDS PAPER CO. was reading over my shoulder. - furnished treA ihione Apex 7236; odd Jobs Phone-7897. 34.30. Gentleman’s Victorian hibited her administration account BOmCBLLO AND SchulU. wjth said estate to this Court for al­ .... I...... P.U.C: llcdnse to do Conn, state chair, 880. Phone 2-3702. WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLi INTERIOR Painting, wall paper­ lowance, it Is - Jorvis Riralty Co. moving, local trucking. Aehn URDKr IcD: That the 19th day of ing, ceilings rellnlahed and floors. D<^hb^l*flto—BIrdfl 4L Ijt Dover Road and waato removed. Phone October. 1946,.at 9 o'clock, forenoon, at m TT WAS ANYBODY CLSB hiOOOW BUT HOVJ utterly I Birr LISTEN, MABfnJA/J 'Mc^hone 4112 or 7276 2-1888. Phone Edward R, Price. 2-1003. THOROUGHBRED Cbcker .Span­ FOR SALE—Metal bed and spring. the Probate Off Ice In the Muntclpal THERE’P HAJ2PLY BC A YOU MAK.E5 AB6UKD,3AXei . IF Mt HAiONIT OF ■<, ' L Apply at 184H Center atreet Building In aald Manchester, he and INTERIOR and extorior decorat­ iel pup for sale;'Six months old. the same la assigned for a he'aring on s n ic k e r , BUT HK —X BOUDOiR EXPtCTihto Me [DUCKED,X'DA. HIT NiM; ARID YOU 8R0K1 ELECTRIC ano Acetylene wUd- Contact Mlsa DeFaxlo, 6171 be­ tfle .allowance of .said admljiistratlQlf BrinO ROAHB AN’ fkalt OUT OP THE eTIOOA TW LAMV^ tT.'EITNttRlM tog. No Job too large or too ing, rooting, floor sanding, gen­ FURNACES IN STOCK. Qj»Uty ID PAT POR riAtP eral repisliiug. Pre-war prices fore 6:30. account with said estate and this Court OF HVSTCRICAL dOPPAVUg/ WHOLE THE LAAJO VOU AN' DONE A PAVPOR «T,C«. - snuUl. AU work guaranteed, Muellei ptpeleea plP* ^*®*'*T. directs that notice of the time and i ' WHY t TELL M e, WHY MOUSE/ I'M PUTTIM& work guaranteed. Get .outside De' Vino ^m puy,. If Bennett place aaalgned fur' said hearing be - r t ‘ WCBCKBO.^-v*. OOODDEED Parker Welding Oo.. 166 Middle EIGHT. Weeks qld Beagle pup, TexUle He^ Wanted AM 1 ^ PUMMY r PER.TM', A taETDLXEON Turnpike. West Tri S926. quotea nOw. Webster, 6969. mrie, $1X Good bned.. Phone . avenua Wateroury. 9-9886. given tir all persons known to be In­ Bmoulo X Be terested therein to appear and be heard p e n a l iz c d ViOUftNGEIi.' REAL ESTATE PAINTING and Paperhanging, 89.33. ■ v BEAUTIFY Your home with w e - thereon by publishing a copy of thla Ybal Tea Nay Owa— ANTlvillBU rshiiislied and repair­ order In some newspaper having a clr- FOR AW SKILL. ed, Rush or eplint teats replaced interior and exterior decorators (SOLUK PUP. Fox Terrier pup­ . ttan blinda. Choice oqlora Q w - culatlpn In said District, at least flva WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE; IN DUCKl88e?' • Year Heme . reasonable pricea. CaU for free pies. ^mmerman, Lake street,. venlent terms. Cell for eetlmatee, days before the day of aald hearing, Tlemaim. 180 South Main etreet WILLIAM 8. HYp.B. Judge. Jacquard Weavers Male and Female • tnvaataMnt Property Phone %e4S. esUmatok Leach « Fogll, Man Phone 6287. - Hartford 5-8790. • Panae er Boataess Proper- Chester flt97. USED FURNITUBE bquflht and Box Loom W eavers Male and Female QniekflAndl BY t.K.SI.IE I'liKNER W HAVE YOUR sewers tSqroughly TROPICAL Ftoh. - educaUonal for WASH rUBBS INTERIOR and exterior pslnUng sold The Red Shop, to Hudson Velvet weavers Male and Female ^NMAONTWIU ;HICNI6U0C|tSTM!ni! Tea have year ossa Maas as clsaned with oui power sewer children 'and paatima for ahut-lns. stmet. Moore's used FUralture cleaner CutUng netui removes aU and paperhanging. Floors sanded Canary blrda and euppUes, dog W’arpers Female flUPWWW THtS flTkLUY ',M(tL. CLOUD HM la eglasa tansais dsrlvsd, ate. roots. Ct.t Nygren. plumber, and -reftolshad. Commercial and food. Wa deliver. Pet Shop Phone 7351.. Hollister Street m c m a raCKkNtlMLS. of .oolsMa or ba­ industrial spraying. Have your HlflHOOMt eteem Otter, pump mechanic. 19 403 Center itreeU rear, corner PRESSURE Cooker, 18-quart New 6-Room Stogie. B«t water South street Teiephone 6407. porch and town furniture spray Griswold. Phone Open eve .IHfl ll r m ;< ed and stored for the winter at complete. Also .playrt liMtl, 611 barner, aatoraatie hot WITH EXPERIENCE: B. AND D. ponstrucUen C6m- low cost A good enamel Job on a ninga. bench and roUa,jnone 8389. water heat, oemper, plnmMng. fall Inanlatloa; dowintainra lava­ Loomflxers > Male pany. concrete work, retaining car aa tow as .140. Thomas J. Mc­ ICE BOX for aale. 60 pound ca­ waUa, landscaping, grading, sep­ Kinney. Phone 2-0106. tory. tile hath, haaement laun­ Jacquard Harness Builder Male Artlclofl for 45 pacity. 26 N e w n u m atrOev war, dry. • BOMEB QWDBR 8BB tic tanks insUUed. For estimates after 8:80. ■ Firem en Male caU 2-9199 after 9. ' INTERIOB Ah4 extendr painting, InapMUon! By Appofaitnaent. OX BOX OP BJOHT8 Alao paparkanglng. Prompt wrv- HOG WIRE tor eale. Call 5722. MOW BEIMO OOMSIECOTED RADIO — BSectrIca] » Appliance ICp. Fair p r.is Workers compen- •srvlca, rspslns, picked up sod aatlon, public Uablitty insurance Apply; ' • delivered pitimpuy. 20 carried D. E Frechette. Phone Jarvis Realty Co. I h GOOD JARVIS experience John Maloney Phone ,7630, HICKOCK Signal generator, like i n s u r e 8 DOVBR ROAD TlNV&TO 3-1046.' 1 Walnut street - new. Call 8886.'. TCU 4119 OB T978 Cheney Brotheip* Em ploynienl Office 6A\I6R«E. PAINTINGI and paperh^aginx. ______a ' ■ ' — ------WH|i lO'i* ItSALTYCO. . U6 Hartford Road. Manchester, Conn. WHY MCrTHSttg aS T eCUN sa r.j^ 'y \ ' ■- PIBLA8 RefrtgersUon eerv(ce ' Good work4, Rfsaonabic rates 12 x 210 g a l l o n , 14 ga. oil tank « tth McKINNEV BROTHERS T «—atx afat.ow..# Domaetje. commercial, repoi'uVs t>n 14' room jjapered.: J13. includes som4 flttlnga-198: coeJter wagon. leaauiBAuflA I/’/' ttl|aefS99^ all makes. Dsy and night service • paper at (roc a roil Raymond ' 83, and ^one automobile, psrage. am MAIN ¥ 1 . fW * to** Head Herald Advfl. ' 88 Biren sUeet Phone 3-1428 riAke. Phbbe 8864. t jack, n o n e 3*0888. ^

r r u' V :7- ., 1.

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